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Jon Ronson on CNN.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What happened to the passengers of flight 77?

I think that in Operation Northwoods, the plan was to remove the passengers (who were military men), swap the jets, and have fake funerals. Read the document.

Then look at this:


And tell me that there is not something suspicious about the passengers on flight 77.....

Read this too: http://killtown.911review.org/flight77/theories.html#1
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Last edited by AntiZionistAntiNeocon on Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:41 am; edited 2 times in total
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mason-free party
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ian neal wrote:
mason-free party wrote:
has Ronson got it yet or still living a zionist lie?


Are you being deliberately provocative?

Presumably you know the history of this thread and Jon's understandable response to being accused of being a shill, blah, blah?

Why does it have to be living a zionist lie?

suspecta wrote:
I'm Jewish and totally understand Jon Ronson's attitude to anti-Zionist remarks....... Actually I think all the intelligence services are linked in on this ........... there's a big difference between extreme Zionism and secular Jewishness, with numerous permutations in between..... Quite honestly I think it all comes down to power and the corruption that comes with it............ So I think we have to hand it to Jon for coming on here and discussing with us, and for agreeing to do more research...

Agreed suspecta.

Maybe i am being provocative Ian but until these idiots wake up in television who without doubt have an Israel bias and continue to dodge the 911 truth then i shall keep having a dig until they show responsibility in reporting the unbiased facts.
We all know also the blasted masons are also hand in glove with Israel,one of the main aims of freemasonry is to rebuild Solomons temple and cause a bloody massive war in the process...Solomon temple freaks the lot of them...lets not beat about the bush because until people realise the zionist/masonic connection nothing will change
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 2:17 pm    Post subject: ISID Reply with quote

ISID are the middlemen through whom the CIA have been creating and using terrorists since the late 70s.
FBI traced bank transfers to Mohammed Atta back to ISID operatives.
ISID cheif was in washington for several days including meeting Mr George Tenet.
The ISID have connections right to the top of al qaeda, Daniel Pearl (US journalist) was murdered by the ISID in 2002 when he flew to Pakistan to investiate ISI/Al Qaeda links.
I have investigated all of this in mainstream papers going back years.
It appears to me that the CIA used the ISID to manufacture some handy patsies to use as the 9.11 suspects.
Possibly other intelligence agencies were also involved but the ISID are the only ones with real credible proven links.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:27 pm    Post subject: Re: ISID Reply with quote

Snowygrouch wrote:
ISID are the middlemen through whom the CIA have been creating and using terrorists since the late 70s.

Thanks Snowygrouch.

This is the Pakistani Secret service isn't it? I had always thought they were just called the ISI? (dumb of me not making the connection)

Anyway, as well as the Attah/Tenet connections, are these not the same people who supplied the 'evidence' against some of the August 'liquid bombers' in High Wycombe to our own righteous security services?

.......another bunch of patsies, no doubt, and another bunch of lying nonsense.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 5:41 pm    Post subject: ISI Reply with quote

Well, you always have to look at who benefits. Qui Bono?

Definately, it doesn't seem like Pakistan benefitted. As recently revealed, they were threatened to be "bombed back into the stone age" if they didn't cooperate with the US after 9/11. So how could 9/11 be of any benefit to them?

I think that this talk of one of the hijackers being connected to the ISI is doubtful, and it could even be deliberate disinformation to divert attention away from the real culprits. What would the ISI have to gain by attacking America? The Taliban in Afghanistan was a more friendly state, now the current government there are not so friendly to them, but they are friendly to America.

So how would Pakistan benefit at all?

On the other hand, 9/11 really did, just looking superficially, benefit the Israeli government.

Also, remember the dancing Israelis, taking pictures:
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/fiveisraelis.html [/url]

Now 9/11 has been used as a justification to fight the enemies of the Israeli government, such as Iraq, and now the knives are out for Iran too.

Also remember, the Israeli company who broke their lease agreement in the WTC and moved out a little while before the attacks.

Also remember the messeges warning Israelis of the attacks in Odigo instant messaging software, and Odigo is an Israeli company, AFAIK.

Since the attacks, look how much villification there has been of Muslims, and Pakistan. And look how much sympathy there has been generated for the Israeli government.

So again, Qui Bono, who benefits?

Follwoing the evidence, at the very least, you would have to say that certain persons within the Israeli government or the Israeli security services were aware of the attacks and did not prevent them. At worst, you could suggest that they were complicit in the attacks.

PS: CURRENT DISCUSSION ON THIS TOPIC IS HERE: http://911blogger.com/node/3099

Jon Ronson, I really think you should go to that link and readthe responses to the people who made accusatons of anti-semitism. Sometimes you have to stand up for the truth, whether it is for you or against you. To cry anti-semitism seems an easy way to end the discussion. We have to look at the truth and the facts, no matter how uncomfortable.
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Last edited by AntiZionistAntiNeocon on Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:41 am; edited 4 times in total
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mason-free party
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

so antizionistantineocon....are you saying basically that the Israe'lies' were involved in 911
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anti-Mason, the truth is that I don't know even a fraction of the reality of what happened and who did it. There are so many pieces to this puzzle.

Only God knows the complete reality. What I can say is that the people who did this, whoever they are, will be bought to justice. If not in this life, then definately in the next.

EDIT -- NOTE, I AM NOT ACCUSING ANYONE MENTIONED IN MY PREVIOUS POST OF BEING COMPLICIT IN THE ATTACKS. The reality is that I don't know who was involved. So I don't want to accuse anyone falsely.

Also, about the post below this one --- I don't think why the CIA would want to use the ISI to hire some patsies. They are perfectly capable of hiring patsies themselves, are they not? Also remember that it has been suggested that some of the 'hijackers' lived on US air bases. (Do a google search). Also how many of the alledged 'hijackers' were Pakistani, or even had visited Pakistan? So how could the ISI be involved, and why would they be involved? I don't buy it.

If the CIA really did use the ISI to hire patsies, then maybe one possible reason why they would want to get the ISI involved in this scheme is to 'set them up' later to take the fall if things get found out. I.e. you can blame it on the Pakistanis.

God sees, and God knows.
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Last edited by AntiZionistAntiNeocon on Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:41 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 9:00 am    Post subject: ISID Reply with quote

This has nothing to do with Pakistan benifiting.
That was not my point.

Pakistani intelligence has VERY little to do with the wellbeing of Pakistan!!

The ISID are effecitively an arm of the CIA whom the CIA USE as agents to access Al quaeda.

The ISID were not likely to be acting independently here. They get alot of their finding and support from the US and have done for decades.

The ISID were simply the METHOD for the CIA to access and manipulate terror groups to do their bidding.

If you want to know the whole background to this I suggest you read:

"The war on truth" Ahmed
"Against all enemies" R.A.Clarke

I have put together a 130 odd page booklet on the ISID and will make it available for upload in the next week or so.

The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist

President Eisenhower 1961
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:43 am    Post subject: very interesting thread to read through. Reply with quote

Just thought I'd add the following thoughts.

Its such a shame when the debate stalls because posters skirt offense by confidently suggesting that Zionists or another single group with an obvious agenda staged 911 77 etc.

There was much more to be gained by keeping Ronson posting than not.

I think it is perhaps more useful to focus on the not so obvious radicals
whose agendas have more in common than at first seem possible.

My own research led me to try this theory.
I apologise if it covers ground already visited.

There probably are covert groups of people that desire some form of new
world order, or one world government. Or perhaps they seek a covert global control, perhaps they achieve this through covert control of opposing political parties through a network of secret societies ....whatever...to pull that off you need a lot of control to get a single cabals operation stable.

My own thought with all these groups is that they have one overriding common factor, it was an appreciation that in the not too distant future its a given fact the mighty Islam would prevail.
The reason is Oil. The CIAs website gives facts for Oil production and Oil Consumption for various countries, it is a gift in black and white for the economics of invasion. The White House website has pre911, thats pre911 speeches by Cheney that implicitly state an agenda for involvement in the middleeast to secure oil supplies.

As is also obvious,most Islamic countries have a very different political/social structure, one which appears to be little permiated by western societies like freemasons etc , as such the wests abilty to build influential links and have influence is restricted. As a result they've previously indulged in perilous relationships/friendships with the Bin Ladens and Hussains of the middle east. These people they tried to control and who went off the path because they there was no control.

THOUGH there's a lot to suggest 911 and 77 may be false flag operations , suggesting at this stage it was one group who pulled it eg Zionists or a Masonic derivative, doesn't get us closer to the truth. We need guys like Ronson (shill or not) engaged. Just keep them talking till you can knock holes in their argument in a public forum like national news or keep 'em talking till you get 'em on side.

I would pull Ronson, his fall back question is this...
"what happened to the passengers on the plane that went into the Pentagon?"
Its not important.... because we just don't know....all that remains to be researched and we're trying. Don't give him conjecture about false funerals,that makes us look like Hollywood heroes...never answer a question we don't yet have provable facts to answer it with.
What we certainly do know from official photographs and 5 frames of film is that
.....we definitely don't know that it was a plane that hit the Pentagon...
we were told it was a plane.... but on the evidence we have we really can't be sure it was because there is precious little to back the official case that it was a plane....meanwhile we'll look for the passengers but our strongest point is "JON...WHERE IS THE PLANE?... we are looking for the passengers but you show us the plane".

I think arguing the case at this stage for a global controlling elite is preemptive so lets not alienate anyone including Ronson with that just yet.

I think approaching an inside job theory for 911 as if it was a hideously chaotic number of smaller linked groups is better.
Each one had their own scam, all working to their own agenda but having one thing in common.
The one common thread any of the controllers of the scam had was a rational tangible fear of a religion/ideaology/way of life they disliked and didn't understand. One that would end up by DEFAULT (not design) the controlling force of our economy and the global economy.
As a result this would dictate Governmental policy decisions globally and ultimately dictate our lives.

An example of small agendas combining could be thus;-
Agenda 1
WTC1 and 2 have limited life,
Due to asbestos, height, inconvenience to surrounding area and public outcry they are exceptionally difficult and expensive to demolish.
The Owners can only collect a return on the investment by an insurance claim.
Agenda 2
Cheney knows the US has its Gastank meter in the red. As with Gulf of Tonkin (Vietnam War) President requires tangible incident to mobilise nation , but we are "absent (a) Pearl Harbor" (page 63 PNAC Rebuilding Americas Defenses etc)

The towers coming down conveniently met the needs of those two agendas (and as an aside it also landed a nice right hook for the one agenda both parties lost no sleep defaming ..... Islam)

Looking at the situation growing like this, might get us closer to the truth and the conclusion...thats even if the conclusion turns out to be some Zionist/ Masonic/ Illumanati Cabal that was close to the eye of the hurricane.
To make an analogy, Ants make an ant hill but no single ant could tell you that was the plan or that it is controlled. Once you've seen a six foot Ant hill you certainly know ants work to a common purpose.

BUt Lets face it I wouldn't want to live under strict Islamic society rules, its just that morally I'd see my wife wear a burka before I'd order my own planes into fly into my own countrymen to make sure I didn't yeild to Islamic control. (No offense intended to Moslems reading this, its a lifestyle choice in UK and its just not my lifestyle) .

The power guys that planned this (if they did) already saw an economic war coming on a huge scale. The responsibility was in their hands with their prejudices and egos and they were military men who knew of collateral damage and made such decisions. If they did this I believe it was morally wrong...and we need to know.

To get to the truth we need a debate of facts not conjecture, of tolerance not prejudice.

We need guys like Ronson we need Zionists and Masons, we need Arabs and we need fundamentalists all in the discussion cause very few of us know the real facts even those that worked on this scam don't know them all.We must keep everyone talking till the point where there are so many facts people perjur themselves or they come and join the side that says we will ask the questions and we will search for the answers.

In the words of George W. Bush

I'm staring at my goat till you come back Jon!!
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prole art threat
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:08 am    Post subject: Re: very interesting thread to read through. Reply with quote

RespectfullyMyPointIs wrote:
Just thought I'd add the following thoughts.

Its such a shame when the debate stalls because posters skirt offense by confidently suggesting that Zionists or another single group with an obvious agenda staged 911 77 etc.

There was much more to be gained by keeping Ronson posting than not.

I think it is perhaps more useful to focus on the not so obvious radicals
whose agendas have more in common than at first seem possible.

My own research led me to try this theory.
I apologise if it covers ground already visited.

There probably are covert groups of people that desire some form of new
world order, or one world government. Or perhaps they seek a covert global control, perhaps they achieve this through covert control of opposing political parties through a network of secret societies ....whatever...to pull that off you need a lot of control to get a single cabals operation stable.

My own thought with all these groups is that they have one overriding common factor, it was an appreciation that in the not too distant future its a given fact the mighty Islam would prevail.
The reason is Oil. The CIAs website gives facts for Oil production and Oil Consumption for various countries, it is a gift in black and white for the economics of invasion. The White House website has pre911, thats pre911 speeches by Cheney that implicitly state an agenda for involvement in the middleeast to secure oil supplies.

As is also obvious,most Islamic countries have a very different political/social structure, one which appears to be little permiated by western societies like freemasons etc , as such the wests abilty to build influential links and have influence is restricted. As a result they've previously indulged in perilous relationships/friendships with the Bin Ladens and Hussains of the middle east. These people they tried to control and who went off the path because they there was no control.

THOUGH there's a lot to suggest 911 and 77 may be false flag operations , suggesting at this stage it was one group who pulled it eg Zionists or a Masonic derivative, doesn't get us closer to the truth. We need guys like Ronson (shill or not) engaged. Just keep them talking till you can knock holes in their argument in a public forum like national news or keep 'em talking till you get 'em on side.

I would pull Ronson, his fall back question is this...
"what happened to the passengers on the plane that went into the Pentagon?"
Its not important.... because we just don't know....all that remains to be researched and we're trying. Don't give him conjecture about false funerals,that makes us look like Hollywood heroes...never answer a question we don't yet have provable facts to answer it with.
What we certainly do know from official photographs and 5 frames of film is that
.....we definitely don't know that it was a plane that hit the Pentagon...
we were told it was a plane.... but on the evidence we have we really can't be sure it was because there is precious little to back the official case that it was a plane....meanwhile we'll look for the passengers but our strongest point is "JON...WHERE IS THE PLANE?... we are looking for the passengers but you show us the plane".

I think arguing the case at this stage for a global controlling elite is preemptive so lets not alienate anyone including Ronson with that just yet.

I think approaching an inside job theory for 911 as if it was a hideously chaotic number of smaller linked groups is better.
Each one had their own scam, all working to their own agenda but having one thing in common.
The one common thread any of the controllers of the scam had was a rational tangible fear of a religion/ideaology/way of life they disliked and didn't understand. One that would end up by DEFAULT (not design) the controlling force of our economy and the global economy.
As a result this would dictate Governmental policy decisions globally and ultimately dictate our lives.

An example of small agendas combining could be thus;-
Agenda 1
WTC1 and 2 have limited life,
Due to asbestos, height, inconvenience to surrounding area and public outcry they are exceptionally difficult and expensive to demolish.
The Owners can only collect a return on the investment by an insurance claim.
Agenda 2
Cheney knows the US has its Gastank meter in the red. As with Gulf of Tonkin (Vietnam War) President requires tangible incident to mobilise nation , but we are "absent (a) Pearl Harbor" (page 63 PNAC Rebuilding Americas Defenses etc)

The towers coming down conveniently met the needs of those two agendas (and as an aside it also landed a nice right hook for the one agenda both parties lost no sleep defaming ..... Islam)

Looking at the situation growing like this, might get us closer to the truth and the conclusion...thats even if the conclusion turns out to be some Zionist/ Masonic/ Illumanati Cabal that was close to the eye of the hurricane.
To make an analogy, Ants make an ant hill but no single ant could tell you that was the plan or that it is controlled. Once you've seen a six foot Ant hill you certainly know ants work to a common purpose.

BUt Lets face it I wouldn't want to live under strict Islamic society rules, its just that morally I'd see my wife wear a burka before I'd order my own planes into fly into my own countrymen to make sure I didn't yeild to Islamic control. (No offense intended to Moslems reading this, its a lifestyle choice in UK and its just not my lifestyle) .

The power guys that planned this (if they did) already saw an economic war coming on a huge scale. The responsibility was in their hands with their prejudices and egos and they were military men who knew of collateral damage and made such decisions. If they did this I believe it was morally wrong...and we need to know.

Ronson refuses to talk on ANY forum about 9/11

He tells me his bible is Screw Loose Change!

To get to the truth we need a debate of facts not conjecture, of tolerance not prejudice.

We need guys like Ronson we need Zionists and Masons, we need Arabs and we need fundamentalists all in the discussion cause very few of us know the real facts even those that worked on this scam don't know them all.We must keep everyone talking till the point where there are so many facts people perjur themselves or they come and join the side that says we will ask the questions and we will search for the answers.

In the words of George W. Bush

I'm staring at my goat till you come back Jon!!
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prole art threat
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:09 am    Post subject: Re: very interesting thread to read through. Reply with quote

RespectfullyMyPointIs wrote:
Just thought I'd add the following thoughts.

Its such a shame when the debate stalls because posters skirt offense by confidently suggesting that Zionists or another single group with an obvious agenda staged 911 77 etc.

There was much more to be gained by keeping Ronson posting than not.

I think it is perhaps more useful to focus on the not so obvious radicals
whose agendas have more in common than at first seem possible.

My own research led me to try this theory.
I apologise if it covers ground already visited.

There probably are covert groups of people that desire some form of new
world order, or one world government. Or perhaps they seek a covert global control, perhaps they achieve this through covert control of opposing political parties through a network of secret societies ....whatever...to pull that off you need a lot of control to get a single cabals operation stable.

My own thought with all these groups is that they have one overriding common factor, it was an appreciation that in the not too distant future its a given fact the mighty Islam would prevail.
The reason is Oil. The CIAs website gives facts for Oil production and Oil Consumption for various countries, it is a gift in black and white for the economics of invasion. The White House website has pre911, thats pre911 speeches by Cheney that implicitly state an agenda for involvement in the middleeast to secure oil supplies.

As is also obvious,most Islamic countries have a very different political/social structure, one which appears to be little permiated by western societies like freemasons etc , as such the wests abilty to build influential links and have influence is restricted. As a result they've previously indulged in perilous relationships/friendships with the Bin Ladens and Hussains of the middle east. These people they tried to control and who went off the path because they there was no control.

THOUGH there's a lot to suggest 911 and 77 may be false flag operations , suggesting at this stage it was one group who pulled it eg Zionists or a Masonic derivative, doesn't get us closer to the truth. We need guys like Ronson (shill or not) engaged. Just keep them talking till you can knock holes in their argument in a public forum like national news or keep 'em talking till you get 'em on side.

I would pull Ronson, his fall back question is this...
"what happened to the passengers on the plane that went into the Pentagon?"
Its not important.... because we just don't know....all that remains to be researched and we're trying. Don't give him conjecture about false funerals,that makes us look like Hollywood heroes...never answer a question we don't yet have provable facts to answer it with.
What we certainly do know from official photographs and 5 frames of film is that
.....we definitely don't know that it was a plane that hit the Pentagon...
we were told it was a plane.... but on the evidence we have we really can't be sure it was because there is precious little to back the official case that it was a plane....meanwhile we'll look for the passengers but our strongest point is "JON...WHERE IS THE PLANE?... we are looking for the passengers but you show us the plane".

I think arguing the case at this stage for a global controlling elite is preemptive so lets not alienate anyone including Ronson with that just yet.

I think approaching an inside job theory for 911 as if it was a hideously chaotic number of smaller linked groups is better.
Each one had their own scam, all working to their own agenda but having one thing in common.
The one common thread any of the controllers of the scam had was a rational tangible fear of a religion/ideaology/way of life they disliked and didn't understand. One that would end up by DEFAULT (not design) the controlling force of our economy and the global economy.
As a result this would dictate Governmental policy decisions globally and ultimately dictate our lives.

An example of small agendas combining could be thus;-
Agenda 1
WTC1 and 2 have limited life,
Due to asbestos, height, inconvenience to surrounding area and public outcry they are exceptionally difficult and expensive to demolish.
The Owners can only collect a return on the investment by an insurance claim.
Agenda 2
Cheney knows the US has its Gastank meter in the red. As with Gulf of Tonkin (Vietnam War) President requires tangible incident to mobilise nation , but we are "absent (a) Pearl Harbor" (page 63 PNAC Rebuilding Americas Defenses etc)

The towers coming down conveniently met the needs of those two agendas (and as an aside it also landed a nice right hook for the one agenda both parties lost no sleep defaming ..... Islam)

Looking at the situation growing like this, might get us closer to the truth and the conclusion...thats even if the conclusion turns out to be some Zionist/ Masonic/ Illumanati Cabal that was close to the eye of the hurricane.
To make an analogy, Ants make an ant hill but no single ant could tell you that was the plan or that it is controlled. Once you've seen a six foot Ant hill you certainly know ants work to a common purpose.

BUt Lets face it I wouldn't want to live under strict Islamic society rules, its just that morally I'd see my wife wear a burka before I'd order my own planes into fly into my own countrymen to make sure I didn't yeild to Islamic control. (No offense intended to Moslems reading this, its a lifestyle choice in UK and its just not my lifestyle) .

The power guys that planned this (if they did) already saw an economic war coming on a huge scale. The responsibility was in their hands with their prejudices and egos and they were military men who knew of collateral damage and made such decisions. If they did this I believe it was morally wrong...and we need to know.

To get to the truth we need a debate of facts not conjecture, of tolerance not prejudice.

We need guys like Ronson we need Zionists and Masons, we need Arabs and we need fundamentalists all in the discussion cause very few of us know the real facts even those that worked on this scam don't know them all.We must keep everyone talking till the point where there are so many facts people perjur themselves or they come and join the side that says we will ask the questions and we will search for the answers.

In the words of George W. Bush

I'm staring at my goat till you come back Jon!!

You'll be staring for ever!
Ronson refuses to talk on ANY forum about 9/11

He tells me his bible is 'Screw Loose Change'!
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cracking first post though

Welcome "RespectfullyMyPointIs" Cool

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ian neal
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 8:43 am    Post subject: Re: ISID Reply with quote

Snowygrouch wrote:
The ISID are effecitively an arm of the CIA whom the CIA USE as agents to access Al quaeda.

I have put together a 130 odd page booklet on the ISID and will make it available for upload in the next week or so.


I look forward to it Callum

This is one area I would strongly advise us to focus on

As further evidence of the incestuous love triangle that is al qaeda, ISI, CIA watch the 'Jersey Girls' video Press for Truth and last nights newsnight


Watch latest programme. If someone can down load this

Or if anyone has any joy getting hold of the original report


It might not be an official position but someone has leaked this for a purpose and it is very close to the MOD
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:49 pm    Post subject: ISID report Reply with quote

Here it is again.

ISID connections to 911.doc

 Filename:  ISID connections to 911.doc
 Filesize:  1.29 MB
 Downloaded:  1778 Time(s)

ISID connections to 911.doc

 Filename:  ISID connections to 911.doc
 Filesize:  1.29 MB
 Downloaded:  987 Time(s)

The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist

President Eisenhower 1961
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 5:38 pm    Post subject: Re: very interesting thread to read through. Reply with quote

RespectfullyMyPointIs wrote:
We need guys like Ronson we need Zionists and Masons, we need Arabs and we need fundamentalists all in the discussion cause very few of us know the real facts even those that worked on this scam don't know them all.We must keep everyone talking till the point where there are so many facts people perjur themselves or they come and join the side that says we will ask the questions and we will search for the answers.

In the words of George W. Bush

I'm staring at my goat till you come back Jon!!

Fine. As long as you don't imagine that he is ever going to come over to 'our' side.

It just ain't going to happen.

Everyone I know who has seriously examined the evidence believes that WTC's 1, 2 and 7 were controlled demolitions and therefore 9/11 was an inside job.

Jon Ronson has definitely been presented with all the significant evidence. He is an intelligent man but he has not come over to our side. The evidence is, in my view, incontrovertible. It is surely therefore reasonable to conclude that he is more interested in the implications of 9/11 for his own people than he is for the rest of us. I am tired of giving special consideration to the 'Jewish' position on this. 9/11 was either an inside job or it was not. This is the overwhelmingly important issue for us and it should be the same for Jews. It is a matter of right and wrong...of good and evil....it is that simple.

JR specialises in exposing people with serious and extreme views as daft and rather feeble-minded by co-opting them into his shaggy dog stories in friendly and bumbling manner. He will not do an expose on our group because that would mean advertising our assertions and his financial backers would only allow him to do this in a way that will discredit us. Bearing this in mind, perhaps it is to his credit that he has walked away from the whole 9/11 issue.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Did Jon Ronson ever contact Andrew Johnson as he said he would?

I just read a book of his - Them -.

kbo234 summed it up rather well -

"JR specialises in exposing people with serious and extreme views as daft and rather feeble-minded by co-opting them into his shaggy dog stories in friendly and bumbling manner."
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 9:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I couldn't agree more Brian.
He comes across as a "Nice Guy", but is he the type of person the public as a whole will be able to take seriously on serious, serious issues?
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Roger the Horse
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So looks like John Ronson is not posting anymore. A pity. Although I disagreed with his conclusions I thoroughly enjoyed 'Them' and my mother said 'Goats' was good. Even though he may not be posting I'm sure he'll have the odd sneaky glance at this site when he's bored etc so I've got a question I'd like to put to him.

Jon, if you did a six part made for TV investigation into the events of 911, presented the evidence from both sides of the debate over those 6 weeks, and came to the conclusion that actually 911 must have been an inside job do you believe the BBC/ Channel 4 etc would actually show it?

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:20 am    Post subject: Where's the plane Jon??....answering that Reply with quote

http://www.abovetopsecret.com/pages/911_pentagon_757_plane_evidence.ht ml

this is a fantastic post, you would have to be very thorough to knock it down.

I thought the evidence pointed to the fact there wasn't a plane but this guy
has a very strong argument to the contrary...and he's really put thehours in....what do you think??
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:04 am    Post subject: Re: Where's the plane Jon??....answering that Reply with quote

RespectfullyMyPointIs wrote:
http://www.abovetopsecret.com/pages/911_pentagon_757_plane_evidence.ht ml

this is a fantastic post, you would have to be very thorough to knock it down.

I thought the evidence pointed to the fact there wasn't a plane but this guy
has a very strong argument to the contrary...and he's really put thehours in....what do you think??

This is a good piece. You should start it in a new topic though.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 2:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jon Ronson is not as the name suggests Jewish. He is in fact a self confessed Atheist.
So it is in fact his rabid zionism which is the problem but it is also the reason why the BBC and the Guardian employs him.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 3:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stelios, bumping this after 11 months is an odd thing to chose to do
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