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Pikey Banned
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1491 Location: North Lancashire
Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:54 pm Post subject: 26-9-06 Labour conference joint fringe meeting STW/CND |
Quote: | Labour conference joint fringe meeting STW/CND
Stop the War and CND have organised a joint fringe meeting at the Labour Conference:
SPEAKERS INCLUDE: Tony Benn, Walter Wolfgang (Labour Party NEC), Michael Meacher MP, Craig Murray, Roudabeh Shafie (Action Iran), Lindsey German (STWC), Kate Hudson (CND)
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_________________ Pikey
Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society |
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Pikey Banned
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1491 Location: North Lancashire
Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:59 pm Post subject: |
Last night Pikey, Penny, Mick and myself went to the Central Methodist Hall in Manchester where a joint CND/STW/Labour Party meeting took place - the theme being Troops out of Iraq - No war with Iran.
We put out the following leaflet:
The Venezuelan President and his government have come to realise that 9/11 is nothing but a tapestry of lies, inconsistencies and impossibilities. Displaying extraordinary courage, President Hugo Chavez has publicly called for a new, international and independent inquiry to explore what actually did happen on the 11 September 2001. Speaking to a rally of supporters two weeks ago, Chavez said, concerning the Twin Towers, "the hypothesis is not absurd that those towers could have been dynamited. A building never collapses like that, unless it's with an implosion......the hypothesis that is gaining strength is that it was the same U.S. imperial power that planned and carried out this terrible terrorist attack or act against its own people and against citizens of all over the world.....Why? To justify the aggressions that immediately were unleashed on Afghanistan and on Iraq."
All over the world people are rapidly waking up to the fact that 9/11 was a 'false-flag' terrorist operation undertaken by the Neo-conservatives in America to gain public acceptance and active support for their Project for a New American Century (PNAC), a strategy they hope will ensure America's predominance for decades to come. The evidence for this is now overwhelming, with well over three hundred smoking guns directly implicating members of the current American administration. The so called al Qaeda network is controlled by rogue elements within the CIA, MI6 and Mossad - the intelligence services are out of control. And what do Prime Minister Blair and Chancellor Brown know about it all? They were the only ones who actively sought the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. And what about Dr David Kelly? He was almost certainly murdered according to expert medical witnesses. The doubts about 9/11 and the War on Terror must be publicly addressed in the House of Commons in the shortest possible time if we are to get our troops back safely and to avoid a war with Iran.
British troops are taking increasing casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan. Innocent civilians, many of them children, are being killed and maimed every day. The Neo-conservative plan to attack Iran is well advanced . Our own civil liberties are under attack. And the British Muslim community lives in fear for something that the Muslims just didn't do. The time for political manoeuvring and fence-sitting is over. The time for getting the truth out is now! It will take courage if you are a Labour Party activist but the nettle has to be grasped, whatever the political fallout! What has happened to Old Labour values?
Please do your own research. Have a look at Scholars for 9/11 Truth at Go to which is used by the British 9/11 Truth Campaign. Have a look who has already spoken out doubting the official conspiracy theory . Whatever you do, please do something to help get the TRUTH out. Time is most certainly not on our side.
9/11 Truth Campaign (Britain and Ireland) email: |
About two hundred people attended, almost all of whom took our leaflets. It was amusing to see the reactions of die-hard lefty supporters (Socialist Workers, Respect etc) when they were confronted with their hero Chavez backing the 9/11 Truth movement - you could visibly see the confusion. After Saturday's demo and last night it will be interesting to see if we detect any waking up/pennies dropping with these people. Fingers crossed.
Among the speakers were Tony Benn, Jeremy Corbyn and Michael Meacher. Tony got our leaflet but left before the end so we were not able to talk with him. However, Pikey and I managed to talk with Michael. Both of us got good vibes from Michael. Jeremy was also supportive and he underlined in his speech the importance of PNAC and how the noecons are out of control. .
All in all, a very useful evening. Stop the War must now be wondering how much longer they can go on ignoring/stonewalling us. Quite a few people in the audience were ready to come 'on board' and do their own research.
Justin _________________ Pikey
Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society |
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Pikey Banned
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1491 Location: North Lancashire
Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:07 pm Post subject: |
My 2ps worth:-
Our biggest contribution was ensuring all entrants to the building were provided with copies of Justins excellent flyer with backup from Penny on the other side of the door in the foyer set up with the dvds etc.
Roudabeth Shafie started off with an excellent speech challenging the misinformation concerning Iran provided by the Bush/Blair regime. The other speakers then followed in sequence:- Tony Benn, Lindsay German, Kate Hudson, Walter Wolfgang, Michael Meacher and rounding it off Jeremy Corbin who amazingly referenced PNAC twice as the evil blueprint of the Neocons! Tony Benn left quietly after Walter Wolfgang and Michael Meacher arrived! Benn is a Trojan Horse IMHO!
Unfortunately Walter Wolfgang, Michael Meacher and Jeremy Corbin arrived late. Justin asked the first question, of course on the subject of 911, after the first speaker had finished but unfortunately none of the three of them were present. The question was ignored/stonewalled. I raised my hand at the end to raise the 911 issue but was not given the opportunity by the Chair Lindsay German, however maybe this was because we had revealed ourselves on the door and she did not want another 911 question to get through in the presence of the 3 labour MPs who had arrived later!
It was great to finally meet Michael Meacher and thank him for his forward in DRG's book! My first impressions are that this guy is 100% on board the 911 truth ship and an MP with a conscience, unlike my local MP, but he will not raise his head above the parapet until the critical mass at grassroots level has been reached! Its up to the movement to get an active 911 truth group in every UK constituency then we can really test the democratic system . Its a pity we do not have active 911 group in his Oldham constituency.
The message from the labour MP speakers was consistent, if there is going to be a change in British foreign policy it will not be possible to make it from inside parliament, it will have to come from outside!
It will be interesting to see if our website steps up another gear after the weekend and last night.
There is alot more hard work ahead of us and we must maintain focus, as AJ says on "keep asking the tough questions" on 911 _________________ Pikey
Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society |
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Pikey Banned
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 1491 Location: North Lancashire
Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:11 pm Post subject: |
Penny's report:-
Quote: | I set up a little 'stall' on a shelf inside the entrance, as 'Stop the War' chappie wouldn't let me put anything out on a table near to their displays upstairs. He mumbled something about 'conspiracy theorists' and turned his back!! (His loss!)
A few DVD's did indeed go out to interested people, together with deception £20 notes to those who hadn't already received one or two on the Saturday before. Nearly everyone succumbed to my cheerful cry, (when they survived the deluge of publicity handed them by Pikey, Justin and Mick outside) - "Would you like a 'Phoney Tony ..... Funny Money .......16 websites?"
Nearly everyone took a £20 and smiled and laughed outright. Even Tony Benn took one and then Michael Meacher accepted a veritable collection of publicity pieces, so we definitely made an impact. No doubt about it.
A Muslim lady came in sat on the steps and announced that she was so glad that she had met us, as she had been in tears nearly all day!! She is an artist for peace and creates banners, murals and wonderful paintings with peace prayers in Arabic painted on top of several cleverly created colourful washes. She ended up helping me hand out the 'Phoney Tonys,' and had visibly cheered up in no time. In fact, it was she who asked whether anyone had realised that the USA were pushing ahead towards global domination. (Great stuff!)
But - her question wasn't answered, which was a pity. After we had all spoken to Michael Meacher, Tony Benn (and that other MP whose name I can't re-call,) on the stage afterwards, we wended our way through the quiet streets of Manchester and managed to convince most people who we encountered that they had to take a Hugo Chavez article for their 'bed time reading.'
We are so cheeky when we are in a group!!
My vote is for Michael Meacher as he asks the tough questions - even though he didn't mention 9/11. It is all a matter of time now and if Justin has his way, Tim Farron - plus any other MP's who are the slightest bit 'iffy' about agreeing with our illustrious group and our celebrity supporters, will be corralled soon and verbally persuaded to 'come on board' in its totality - even if they are tied down and made to watch Loose Change 2 or a suitable alternative. |
_________________ Pikey
Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society |
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