Keith Mothersson Angel - now passed away
Joined: 01 Aug 2005 Posts: 303 Location: Perth
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:33 am Post subject: ALL FAITHS AGAINST 911 FALSE WITNESS |
I am preparing a follow-up mailing to a large number of e-mails I sent out to Faith organisations telling people about David Ray Griffin's visit and recommending his book, etc (AbdulWahid Hamid and Angela McBride, European contact person for [url][/url]also signed the letter).
[A copy is appended at the end, which some people may like to look at as it has some lines which can perhaps help us reach out (e.g. the notion of a new Anti-Semite-ic bloodlibel and invoking the commandment against False Witness)]
In the proposed follow-up mailing I/we will be inviting religious folk to study 911 truth, including send for DRG's book, dvds, etc from our campaign, and inviting them to consider whether they can rouse their co-religionists and/or give Muslim religious and community leaders some serious support if (when) the latter finally raise 911 in Interfaith circles, at present too often confined within Home office type agendas. Let me expand on what's at stake here, as I see it.
The much talked about dangerous 'alienation' between 'vulnerable' muslim youth and their 'responsible' elders is largely to do with the former, who know fine well that 911 was a frame up, seeing nearly all of their 'representatives' (who mostly also know about 911) pretending to go along with the 911 lie and self-hating bloodlibel. 911 truth could be a hugely unifying and healing factor. However IMO this will only happen if the more 'established Muslims' who participate in Interfaith circles feel they can grasp this nettle (e.g. speak out publicly, or press for local DVD showings and truth nights for non-Muslim Interfaithists to catch up) because they will at long last get some understanding and 'cover' and solidarity from members of other faiths. So this needs to become a (nonviolent) 'Interfaith Jihad for 911 truth'. ('Jihad' means struggle or campaign) And that is why Griffin's book is so important, and the [url][/url]website.
I will also be inviting people to see through the notion that 'international terrorism' has ANY necessary connection with Islam, and point people through to Nafeez'es brilliant analysis
which demolishes this central assumption behind the War on (of) Terror.
Now for best results from ths follow up mailing we need recipients to be able to get in touch with each other and for this to happen we need Reference People (or even just initial contact switchboarders) who are members of the same faith or denomination or have good lines to influential players in those bodies or Interfaith circles.
I have some notion of people I am hoping to dragoon into serving - who would hopefully field enquiries, help put faith members in touch with each other - but if you are into any faith tradition and organisation(s) having to do with religion then please do get in touch if you would like to help in this outreach networking etc. And even more if you would like to apply for the role of our overall Faiths co-ordinator - whch might involve an occasional e-mail to contacts, and even at some stage calling a national gathering ? and/or helping faiths/Interfaith circles to convene their own gatherings.
Please could anyone interested get in touch with me by replying or PM or e-mail or phone 07815 653389 or local rate 0845 456 4779 .
Thank you.
PS There isn't any such organisation as All Faiths Against 911 False Witness - I just tossed that in to inspire us, as it could exist in a year if 911 truth activists poll our efforts. Remember that faith groups played a key role in ending the Vietnam war, having both staying power and wide outreach.
This is the first letter I sent around:
5th Anniversary of September 11th –
False witness dishonours the dead
An Open Invitation to Members of the Abrahamic Faiths to attend a presentation by distinguished Interfaith philosopher, Prof David Ray Griffin, raising disturbing questions about the official story of 9/11.
Dear Friends,
Shalom Aleichem! Slaama! Salaam Alaykum! Peace be with you!
Please may we invite you to join us at a major public meeting at the Conway Hall in Red Lion Sq, Central London on the evening of Saturday 9th Sept to reflect on what is true and what is or may be false concerning the terrible human tragedy that was 9/11, and thereby to help replace the ‘the Clash of Civilisations’ framework in which it is too often seen with one of Interfaith Co-operation in the struggle for a truthful, peaceful world.
For 9/11 has mushroomed into the centre of a nationalistic and self-righteous civic cult, the founding ‘myth’ of a ‘War on Terror’. This pivotal initiatory event into a new ‘post-911 world’ requires, so we are assured, heightened security alerts, draconian legislation and repeated invasions and threats against oil-rich and/or Muslim lands.
Yet, strangely, for all its importance, 9/11 does not apparently require critical analysis of the facts alleged to have taken place! The 9/11 Commission was packed with ‘insiders’ and ignored every kind of evidence which didn’t fit with the official story (firefighter and office-worker accounts of explosions, physics of building collapse and mobile phone performance from airplanes, lack of CCTV and flight recorder evidence, foreknowledge clearly reflected in supposedly untraceable stock-market put options, etc)
Despite the West’s modernist self image as being capable of responding to reason and evidence, those who question the official story of 911 are often ridiculed as ‘conspiracy theorists’ and dismissed out of hand - as if creating phoney events to throw blame on minorities and provide an excuse for war and dictatorship is something that no government in human history has ever perpetrated!
In late nineteenth century and early twentieth century Germany many strains of ancient anti-semitism were revived and modernised. But the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ were police forgeries. Today ancient crusading stereotypes are being whipped up and each one of us needs to consider carefully whether some, perhaps many, of the big Terror attacks, are not likewise forged events (often coupled with forged videos).
All of us have a deep yearning to rest secure in the certainty of being cared for and protected. Such feelings are natural, but they become unhealthy when we look to inappropriate ‘father figures’ to meet these needs and when we cling to states of denial about real abuses. The continuing blackout in the mainstream media of articles and films which question the official account purveyed by those who also brought us the Iraq War (‘nuf said) suggests our society is drifting into a state of dysfunctional denial which dishonours the memory of the dead of 9/11 (and ensuing disasters), endangers us all and distracts from the real problems of finding just and sustainable ways to live together on the basis of true spiritual values, not cosy tales of juicy ‘evil-doers’.
Few people are as well qualified as Interfaith philosopher and theologian Prof David Ray Griffin, to calmly guide us to a new understanding of 9/11, not just the historical and scientific details, but sociological issues concerning conspiracy and social theory and the philosophical issues surrounding alternative hypotheses, probability and proof. These qualifications he amply demonstrated in his best-selling books, The New Pearl Harbour and The 9/11 Commission Report – Omissions and Distortions. In his latest book, Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action, Prof Griffin combines these earlier qualities with pastoral sensitivity and a moving but unstrident call to prophetic wrestling with this issue worthy of a Bishop George Bell, a Dietrich Bonhoeffer or a Desmond Tutu. (It is published by Westminster John Knox Press, July 2006, ISBN 0664231179).
All these and other books and dvds will be on sale at the event (doors open 6.45, starts at 7.30) which promises to attract significant media attention. Tickets cost £7.50 (£5 concs) or £10 (£7.50) if booked after Aug 15th, and can be booked using our ticket hotline 0845 108 1736, or online at (from which posters will also be downloadable). For those faith practitioners who would like to sit together (and many may prefer to sit in among the rest of the audience) we are reserving up to 70 seats – so please let us know when you book.
It promises to be a tremendous occasion! Meanwhile, if you would like to help publicise this event, please do pass on a copy of this invitation to whoever you think can benefit or pass the word (e.g. faith-based newspapers). You may also care to prepare by studying David’s fine essays on the website of Scholars for truth, which he co-founded: .
We began this letter by invoking Peace. May we draw to a close by quoting the Russian Orthodox Christian and anti-Soviet resister, Alexander Solzhenitsyn:
‘Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence.’
IF 9/11 is a lie, or even if it may be a lie, it matters! Surely such a momentous question deserves the personal attention of us all. And if in fact 9/11 was Operation False Witness, then all of us who oppose racism, war and authoritarianism must work together to expose this mythic Blood-libel at the heart of the ‘War on Terror’, before evermore human rights abuses and further rounds of violence are unleashed, e.g. against Syria and Iran.
Yours Sincerely,
Angela McBride – European representative of Muslims, Jews, Christians Alliance for 911 Truth;
AbdulWahid Hamid – author of Islam – the Natural Way
Keith Mothersson – Interfaith Outreach, 9/11 Truth Movement – Britain and Ireland
2b Darnhall Cres, Perth, PH2 0HH, 0845 456 4779, or keith[dot]mothersson[at]phonecoop[dot]coop _________________ For the defence of our one worldwide civilian Motherland, against whatever ruling or informal fraternities.
May all beings be happy |