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Metting my MP, any ideas?

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:11 pm    Post subject: Metting my MP, any ideas? Reply with quote

I'm meeting with my MP on Friday evening. Just his monthly advice surgery for his constituents, and I'm going along to put forward the issue of 9-11.

My MP is Frank Dobson (Holburn). I'm writing up my speech/questions/requests now. I think I know enough to put forward the case but I was wondering if anyone else has any ideas. There is so much to say, I am trying to think where to start / which elements to mention. Also, the goal is to get a proper inquiry so how do you think it is best to press for that?

Basicall, I want some results from this, I don't want him to be able to avoid the issue any more.

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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Good for you. Keep your hopes high, but expectations a little lower. I e-mailed Frank Dobson over 1 year ago regarding the 9/11 Truth issue and the terrorism laws. I believe Justin may have e-mailed a few MPs too.

Ideally, I would try and borrow a laptop PC and take it along and show him a clip about WTC 7, or the collapse of the WTC 1 & 2. These are irrefutable pieces of evidence.

At the very least, you could print take along a copy of the ST911 Press release and just read it out for him at the surgery and ask for his comments - by actually reading it out, rather than only giving him it, you have then ensured he has heard the thrust of the information. Use the questions/facts I put near the start of that letter to the BBC. See

http://www.uk911info.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=903&postdays=0&postorde r=asc&start=0

If you just go along with the view of offering him information, rather than expecting him to actually do anything about it, he might a teeny bit more open.

However, depending on how the meeting goes, you could ask him:

1) Whether he thinks is valid (and if not, why not?)
2) If he agrees the information is valid, whether he thinks it is important.
3) If he thinks it is important, what does he think might or should be done about it?

This is not an easy thing to do by any stretch and not a thing I enjoy doing either.

Good luck and let us know how it goes (you may even get bounced if he gets wind of what you want to talk about).

All the best


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Andrew,

Cheers for the stickers by the way,

Good to know that you've emailed him. Did you get a reply or did your letter not require one? I wrote to him over a month ago now and have no reply, not that I was expecting him to reply.

I hadn't thought about getting a laptop, and since reading your post have persuaded my long suffering flatmate to lend me hers. I totally agree that the footage of building 7 makes everyone think twice. I'm taking him some printed material and a copy of loose change 2.

I will definately read something out.....and show him the clip, I'm also going to print out and cut up small flyers containing a few choice web addresses to give to the other people there.

What do you mean by 'bounced' if he get's wind of what I want to talk about? I think he may know because of my letter and contacy with his office.
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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


WHen I said "bounced" I just meant he may "cry off" or decide he is too busy to see you or something like that.

I never received a response from him. The only MPs who have responded were my own MP (Liz Blackman) and I had a very brief response from Claire Short


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:32 pm    Post subject: MPs who know Reply with quote

There seem to be a number of MPs who know the issue and have been shown the evidence, but still refuse to do anything or say anything helpful publicly. Justin's MP Tim Farron is one. Six of us spent 75 minutes talking to Jeremy Corbyn about it. George Galloway has been shown the evidence, but I've heard him state publicly "Osama did it". Even Michael Meacher, whose Guardian article in 2003 first aroused my suspicions about 9/11, is extremely cautious and maintains a LIHOP position. Tony Benn (not now an MP) told me he didn't doubt that we have not been told the truth about 9/11 but he thought that trying to make the public aware of it was poor tactics and a distraction from the main objective of ending the war in Iraq. I was told that one MSP got enthusiastically interested after hearing David Shayler talk in Scotland.

But we have to keep on raising the topic. Personally, I think MPs are too concerned about not upsetting their voters and the media and about not getting ridiculed as "conspiracy theorists" to be the first to put their heads above the parapet. If we want to get high profile people involved, I suggest trying showbiz personalities, sportspeople and possibly well known clerics first. And if you must concentrate your efforts on politicians, how about peers, who are not so tightly whipped by their parties and don't seek the public's votes?

After them there's MEPs, TDs in Ireland, Welsh Assembly members and MSPs. Even local councillors can get reported in local papers.

And since we're dealing here with fascism, is there a latter day Winston Churchill somewhere hiding in the wilderness?

You have to open many oysters before you find a pearl.

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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 1:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Please dont invoke Churchill, Crowley cognisant, two fingered double entry symboliser
That's the last thing we need
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Reporting back....

Andrew, he didn't try shy off but he would have if I had given him the chance.

Xmas, I'm afraid to say, Dobson is another one for the 'won't do a thing' pile.

After a month of waiting for his surgery to come around, and then a two hour wait in reception tonight, the man wouldn't even give me my ten minutes of communication that everyone else got.

After opening with "So what do you want?" - he stared blankly into the corner of the room. I opened with, "I have serious concerns regarding the events of 9-11 and the subsequent inquiry” - after a quick glance at me and then the door(!) he just replied, "so you think someone else flew them into the towers then do you?!?".

The man had clearly heard at least some side of the argument but within about 30 seconds of him guffawing I realized the man new absolutely nothing about the incident. He looked confused by the idea that there were lots of people with this concern, similarly when I said there is no proof that the '19' hijackers were on board the planes. As I attempted to start reading the short summary of my points he cut me off and tried to get me to leave. Within a minute or two of me walking in the door, he was on his feet, trying to get me to leave. When he said "there is no way you'll get anywhere with this with me" - I asked him what other recourse I have, what could he recommend as to how to pursue my complaint and concern, after my MP refused to even consider my most basic point. His reply was this - "You could write to the prime minister, write to the US embassy, do what you want!" - I also asked his permission to quote him on this, which he replied happily, "Of course" – Is this the new model of 'citizenship' that is now being taught in schools across the country?

This took me a couple of seconds to get over. He said something like "there are a few loony conspiracies about Mossad knowing about it..." which I replied, "I don't want to talk about conspiracy theories, I am talking about facts - there are many thousands of people who believe the official story to be inadequate and who also demand a new inquiry" - he said none of his constituents had written to him stating such a concern. "I told him that I had written to him on two occasions in the last two months, and that at least one other person, a non-constituent had written to him. When his secretary said that she opens all the mail, I replied that I even spoke to a lady in his office, at which point they both looked uncomfortable and he continued to hurry me out.

He opened the door, and as I began to pack up my unused notes, evidence, books and DVD, he said "There are people waiting with real concerns" - I could have laughed if I wasn't so shocked!

As he hurried me out I offered him both my copy of the 9-11 commission report and Loose Change 2 (The only documentary I have on DVD), I said, something like, won't you even look at the evidence, he flatly refused to to take it, the whole time, trying to get me to leave.

I said to Xmas, that he was one for the 'won't do a thing' pile, but from the text book reaction, along with his confused questions, I think the guy simply hasn't done his reading. He wasn't even up to the standard of some provocative conspiracy forum members. So rather than having seen the evidence and not caring, he won't even look at it. My notes would have brought this issue home for this guy, but he wouldn't even let me read them out. I was in that room for about 3 minutes, and most of that time he spent either making noises or thinking of what to say. I was prepared for hitting a bit of a wall, but this was like talking to a FOX news viewer about Fallujah, his responses were ready before I even said anything.

Also, there were 4 other people left waiting after me (about 30 before me), yes they were waiting, but so was I, for two hours, I had got there early and got my 'first come first serve' ticket. He could have easily spared the time to hear me out, but he has obviously made up his mind, and the time and focus requirements of working as an MP, added to the ego factor, means Mr Dobson won't be easily convinced.

I spent so much time framing a short speech, outlining my complaint, putting it in context both now and at the time of the attacks, framing my request and asking 2 simple questions. I managed to get this down to 5 minutes, and when I heard we get 10 minutes each, I was looking forward to being able to add much more info to our conversation. The most disappointing thing is that he wouldn't even allow me to state my point beyond “I have concerns with...” - It's not been a waste of time, none of this is, we have to try every avenue. In years from now I hope we'll all be able to kick back and have a bloody good laugh about all this stuff. Because of this brick wall attitude, huge parts of the population are heading for a day of massive embarrassment We've already accepted the fact that we were taken for mugs, some of us, for years. I can't wait for the day when that pompous news night music stops and Paxman opens the show with...”We were all wrong....” -- hahaha, can't wait to see that smug look of his just disintegrate, or should I say, 'suffer a total progressive structural collapse'.

For me, the most surprising thing was not his attitude to the idea of an alternative theory, but rather his lack of alternative methods of participation other than 'write to Tony' and “do what I like”! - I know my options, but the point is, I'm sure he wouldn't have given that response if there were press anywhere near us, instead of a closed room, with just us and his secretary.

My last word on the meeting is to relay some of his words of wisdom....just to keep the moral up. Mr Dobson told me that “Another investigation will never take place” - I hope you all take this the same way I do, as a source of energy to prove him wrong. We all know we can't just ignore everything we know, and go and live the quiet obedient little life. I'm just more determined to get the job done now, the sooner we do it, the sooner we can have that laugh.


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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 9:06 am    Post subject: Very educational! Reply with quote


Thanks for that comprehensive review! It's a great resource for others to work from.

Congratulations for nailing your colours to the mast and forcing him to at least consider the issue - even if he only did consider it for about 0.2 nanoseconds.

I think, perhaps, Frank D is just another one of the sheep and, perhaps at least for this issue, we might view ourselves as sheperds (I don't mean that to sound arrogant)!)

Anway, good man!


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 10:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've been trying to get a meeting with my MP (Cheryl Gillan) for months. (well nearly a year now). Trouble is the longer she puts it off, the more evidence I gain. Laughing

She, and I quote...
does not subscribe to any of the conspiracy theories

Really. Which ones? Laughing
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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 10:47 am    Post subject: witnesses, camcorders Reply with quote

Maybe people who want to talk to their MPs should take a witness with them, preferably a witness with a camcorder. They behave differently in front of cameras.

When the truth comes out, they'll all claim they were one of the first to have suspicions about it.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 11:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Freddie,

Thanks for the report and well done comrade, it takes belief and guts to take the action that you did!

Your not the first, nor hopefully not the last! If its only consolation there is not one person to date who has made a breakthrough with the politicians and media and its not because we are not trying hard enough..........we and the US movement are hitting a brick wall.

I am yet to see a campaign strategy for the 911 Truth campaign GB & Ireland, but I believe that to make a breakthrough the campaign has to be successful in getting backing and support from the grassroots public.......... creation of the critical mass! then MPs like Dobson who a re faced with a queue of well informed people outside his office on the issue of 911 might start taking the issue seriously.

We need to form our constituency truth groups and get campaigning on the streets, show the DVDs, have screenings. Ian Crane's presentations are marvellously creative and thought provoking. IMO that is our way forward. We have to be creative in how we get the truth out at grassroots level.

IMO Freddie in taking the action you have chosen to take, you are the boy in the following story:-

Vision without action is merely a dream.
Action without vision just passes time.
Vision with action can change the world.


Once upon a time, there was a wise man who used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had the habit of walking along the beach before he began his work. One day he was walking along the shore; as he looked down the beach, he saw a human figure moving like a dancer.

He smiled to himself to think of someone who would dance to the day, so he began to walk faster to catch up. As he got closer, he saw that it was a young man and the young man wasn't dancing, but instead, he was reaching down to the shore, picking up something and very gently throwing it into the ocean.

The young man paused, looked up and replied, "Throwing Starfish into the ocean."

"I guess I should have asked; why are you throwing Starfish into the ocean?"

"The sun is up and the tide is going out and if I don't throw them in they'll die."

"But young man, don't you realize that there are miles and miles of beach and Starfish all along it, you can't possibly make a difference!"

The young man listened politely, then bent down, picked up another Starfish and threw it into the sea, past the breaking waves." It made a difference for that one."

His response surprised the man, he was upset, he didn't know how to reply, so instead he turned away and walked back to the cottage to begin his writings.

All day long as he wrote, the image of that young man haunted him; he tried to ignore it, but the vision persisted. Finally, late in the afternoon, he realized that he the scientist, he the poet, had missed the essential nature of the young man's actions. Because he realized that what the young man was doing was choosing not to be an observer in the universe and watch it pass by, but was choosing to be an actor in the universe and make a difference. He was embarrassed.

That night he went to bed, troubled. When morning came, he awoke knowing that he had to do something; so he got up, put on his clothes, went to the beach and found the young man; and with him spent the rest of the morning throwing Starfish into the ocean.

You see, what the young man's actions represent is something that is special in each and every one of us. We have all been gifted with the ability to make a difference. And if we can, like the young man, become aware of that gift, we gain through the strength of our vision the power to shape the future.

And that is your challenge, and that is my challenge. We must find our Starfish, and if we throw our stars wisely and well, I have no question that the 21st century is going to be a wonderful place.

Vision without action is merely a dream.
Action without vision just passes time.
Vision with action can change the world

Peace & truth


Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 5:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pikey, you're right, I think this is a brick wall,, but we've all seen those torn down before, an will so again. And I like that story, nice metaphor.

I also agree that the DVDs are a great way to ease people in. If Dobson had watched even the most shakey documentaries, he would have learned some things. In terms of grass roots, I am still preparing to reach out to the fire service and muslim groups. This is now my main focus.

Also, we need to get some people on the streets. I've got some personal/job stuff to get done, but as soon as that's out the way, I'm heading down to parliment square with DVDs and flyers.

I'll be getting in contact with one of you who is burning the DVDs soon. If they're about 30p each then I could just about afford to buy 100 or so to start with.

If any of you are up for joining me, drop me an email or message and we'll work it out.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 6:36 pm    Post subject: Well Done Freddie! Reply with quote

Hi Freddie

I've just read your account of your "meeting" with M.P Frank Dobson - it is almost comical the way he behaved! I wonder if these people are just completely unable to cope with all the implications if they consider even for a moment that we might be right! They behave as if one were telling them that one had "evidence" that Elvis is still alive and working at the local Fish & Chip Shop - would they please just look at this film, etc - instead of something so devastating and important - if true such lies and manipulation being carried out by the world's leading Nation which has used it all to dupe the public, carry out more wars, and God know what else they might try next - we are not a small set of nutters who have nothing better to do with their time then wait for hours as you did yesterday, just in the hope of getting our very important and vital message across!

When and where the message is able to "get through" though is a continuing triumph for us - just read this on Alex Jones' "Prison Planet" website:

b]We need to realize that although we're behind in the game here, we have the momentum and we're pulling back the frontiers of deception. Whereas the media and the government continually have to layer and blanket their lies for them to have any effect, all we have to do is wake someone up once and then they become a new white blood cell to fight the disease. [/b]

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 9:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello Jane,

You're right, if I was watching it then I would have been in stiches, instead I was pretty stunned by his reaction.

You're right that they did a pretty good job of manipulatiing people, but from what I keep seeing from the public and other people in positions of authority, I think the biggest factor is ego.

People made up their minds, cut and shut. They then spoke about the events / the 'terrorists' / the backlash. Once they've staked their name on the issue, ego steps in as a big barrier to changing their mind.

Just imagine you're Dobson, worked in the Labour party since the old days, worked as the health secretary, and then somebody tries to tell you that essentially his lieadership is complicit in such a terrible crime. It takes a special kind of person to be willing to give an equal ear to all sides of the arguement. These people exist, they just don't seem to find their ways in positions of power.

And you're spot on about the Elvis thing... The word 'conspiracy' means secret arrangement, but today as soon as the word is used, people instantly think of UFOs, Elvis, giant lizards are secretly in control, that type of thing....it's rediculous, and just brain washing.

Alex Jones and his cancer metaphors! That one is particularly good though, I remember when he said that.
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 12:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

good work Freddie.You've finally proved the elected politicians aint worth nonsense. Not a single one of them. Galloway had to be thrown out
Livingstone had to be thrown out and then came crawling back
Even the non-sitting NI republicans are complicit in the game, looking on while the troubles were manipulated by the forces of HM
Trying to contact and convince these people is a complete waste of time
With the possible exception of Meacher, every one of them knows the arguments and is in public denial. Every MP is a lying scumbag
The only way to confront these people is contritionally
It's the dumbed-down body of the population we need to unsettle and draw away from their susceptibility to propaganda
And undermine that appalling bunch of simpering quailing 600 odd agenda-driven sychophants aborted by the mother of parliaments
Not a single one of them is worth a light
It's time for us to get a grip, to use their mason-driven terminology
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 12:46 am    Post subject: worthless politicians Reply with quote

Hey dh,

don't hold back ................ tell us what you really think!

I'm still drying my eyes from laughing so hard.

Al K Myst
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I'm sure many of them entered with an open heart, and that heartland was occupied
Brazen heartless * for the most part
And you know I hate to go on about this, but they've now published a bunch of law similar to the Nazi's Enabling Acts,as they become acted upon
Parliament is a really serious bunch of traitors
Will you give them the time of day?
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