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Rumsfeld Resigns
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:18 pm    Post subject: Rumsfeld Resigns Reply with quote

Christmas comes early this year

US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is standing down, President George W Bush has announced after bruising losses for Republicans in mid-term elections.
Mr Bush said that "after a series of thoughtful conversations" he and Mr Rumsfeld has decided "the time is right for new leadership at the Pentagon".

He said he had nominated former CIA Director Robert Gates to serve as Mr Rumsfeld's replacement.

The Democrats gained control of the House of Representatives.


"We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” Martin Luther King
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That is fantastic news IMO.

Doe the proposed replacement, Robert Gates, have the same ambitions as Donald Rumseld though?
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:47 pm    Post subject: Re: Rumsfeld Resigns Reply with quote

andyb wrote:
Christmas comes early this year

US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is standing down

IMHO - This is merely a manouever to avoid Rumsfeld having to appear before a congressional investigation into the wars in Afganistan and Iraq. Lets make sure he doesn't get away with it!

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This - IMHO is why he had to go.
and yes, it is from that dangerous Lyndon Larouche site.

Revolt of Generals on Eve of Elections
by Jeffrey Steinberg

On Oct 26, several hundred active duty, reserve, and National Guard soldiers issued an Appeal for Redress to the U.S. Congress, calling for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. The short petition-statement, initiated by active duty servicemen based in the Norfolk, Virginia area, and sponsored by Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace, and Military Families Speak Out, read: "As a patriotic American proud to serve the nation in uniform, I respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress to support the prompt withdrawal of all American military forces and bases from Iraq. Staying in Iraq will not work and is not worth the price. It is time for U.S. troops to come home."
The statement is circulating for additional signatures, through the website www.appealforredress.org, and will be formally presented to members of Congress on Martin Luther King Day in January 2007.
The unprecedented initiative by active-duty soldiers and sailors, taken under the Military Whistleblower Protection Act, occurs in the midst of a renewed assault on the Bush-Cheney Administration's bankrupt Iraq war policy, by a growing number of retired flag officers, who have demanded the firing of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and, more recently have called on voters to oust the Republican majorities in the U.S. House and the Senate on Nov. 7.
Stopping the Next Disastrous War
On Oct. 16, The Nation published a cover-story, "Revolt of the General—Military Officers Speak Out Against A Failed War," by Richard J. Whalen, a prominent Republican Party strategist. Whalen began his piece: "A revolt is brewing among our retired Army and Marine generals. This rebellion—quiet and nonconfrontational, but remarkable nonetheless—comes not because their beloved forces are bearing the brunt of ground combat in Iraq, but because the retirees see the U.S. adventure in Mesopotamia as another Vietnam-like, strategically failed war, and they blame the errant, arrogant civilian leadership at the Pentagon."
The fact that a leading left-of-center journal like The Nation would highlight the work of a leading conservative writer and strategist with decades of service to the Republican Party, underscores the growing bipartisan movement to sink the disastrous Bush-Cheney Administration and prevent the launching of new preventive wars, including a strike against Iran that could likely include the use of nuclear weapons, and would lead to a perpetual "clash of civilizations" war stretching from Southwest Asia around the globe.
Indeed, in the concluding section of his lengthy The Nation piece, Whalen observed that "The retired generals' revolt may be inspired by their apprehension over a wider Mideast conflict spreading to potentially nuclear Iran." Citing retired Air Force Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, Whalen wrote, "She speculates that the generals are trying to get rid of Rumsfeld now to head off a conflict with Iran. The Bush Administration," he continued, "has contingency plans to bomb Iran's UN-disapproved nuclear sites. Some under-employed Navy and Air Force officers are lobbying to strike Iran, but the overstretched ground combat forces overwhelmingly oppose it as the worst of all possible wars."
Other retired military officers have echoed the same view that the revolt is driven more by concern that an unchecked Bush-Cheney White House will soon strike Iran and, perhaps North Korea. In a recent New Yorker magazine piece, Seymour Hersh reported that a number of retired officers with whom he spoke viewed the recent Lebanon invasion by Israel as "a prelude to a potential American preemptive attack to destroy Iran's nuclear installations." Retired Naval officer and former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage told Hersh that, "If the most dominant military force in the region—the Israeli Defense Forces—can't pacify a country like Lebanon, with a population of four million, you should think carefully about taking that template to Iran, with strategic depth and a population of seventy million.... The only thing that the bombing has achieved so far is to unite the [Lebanese] population against the Israelis."
Despite the lessons of Lebanon, Hersh and his military sources are all convinced that an American preventive air strike against Iran is all-but-certain, under the present White House policy trajectory, before Bush-Cheney leave office in January 2009.
Vote Against the War Party
Clearly reflecting this perception, a number of senior retired military officers—with recent combat experience in Iraq—have come out calling on American voters to put the Democratic Party back in power in the Congress on Nov. 7. Maj. Gen. John Batiste (USA-ret.) and Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton (USA-ret.) have given interviews to Salon, an online magazine, calling for a Democratic victory. "The best thing that can happen right now is for one or both of our houses to go Democratic so we can have some oversight," General Batiste told Salon's Mark Benjamin.
General Eaton echoed the sentiments, telling Salon, "The way out that I see is to hand the House and the Senate to the Democrats and get this thing turned around," referring to the deepening Iraq quagmire. Citing other military officers, active-duty and retired, who share the same view, Eaton explained, "Most of us see two more years of the same if the Republicans stay in power." A lifelong Republican, like Batiste, Eaton added, "You could not have tortured me enough to vote for Mr. Kerry or Mr. Gore, but I'm not at all thrilled with who I did vote for." An unnamed active-duty senior officer who was also recently in Iraq, added, "I will tell you, in the circles I talk to, the only way to enable or enact change is to change the leadership."
A senior U.S. intelligence source echoed the military revolt in a recent discussion with EIR, describing the situation in Iraq as "100 times worse than the picture presented in the U.S. media and by Administration officials."
Col. W. Patrick Lang (USA-ret.), the former Defense Intelligence Officer for the Near East and South Asia, who runs the widely read website Sic Semper Tyrannis 2006, recently warned that rumors circulating around Washington about a Bush-Cheney "course correction" on Iraq, Iran, and North Korea are "hooey." Colonel Lang wrote that Congress has a few options to curb the war party at the White House. They can un-authorize the war powers granted to the President in October 2002, and they can cut off the funds for a continuing Iraq misadventure.
All of these issues are on the table for voters on Nov. 7, and the institution of the U.S. armed forces has weighed in about as forcefully as ever to force a change in direction.[/b]

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paul wright

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nomore wrote:
That is fantastic news IMO.

Doe the proposed replacement, Robert Gates, have the same ambitions as Donald Rumseld though?

Highly dubious character mixed up in Iran Contra


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nothing will change until America decides to stop being Israel's bitch. Rumsfeld was/is just one - they are everywhere.
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

blackcat wrote:
Nothing will change until America decides to stop being Israel's bitch. Rumsfeld was/is just one - they are everywhere.

Wrong relationship. A bit like Blair as US poodle. Makes one the master of the other whereas they're all nazifying puppets on an equal footing, controlled by an agenda delivered by those they fear more than the people

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rumsfeld, Gates, doesn't make the slightest difference. Its all sleight of hand.
War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself.
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chipmunk stew
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Please see my poll in the Critics' Corner:

"They, the jews, also have this thing about linage don't they?
We know a person from recent history who had a thing for linage and gene pools don't we?"
--Patrick Brown
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 4:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

blackcat wrote:
Nothing will change until America decides to stop being Israel's bitch. Rumsfeld was/is just one - they are everywhere.

Wrong way round Black Cat - Israel is the US's Middle East colony.

Only naive BBC/C4/Guardian readers are whooping over Rumsfeld's departure and here's why. His replacement, Bob Gates, is not only a former CIA Director he is also one of the spooks who recommended the Mossad plan for the break up of the ME into its ethnic/religious components including - guess where - IRAQ.

And (surprise, surprise) he just happens to be a member of the Baker/Hamilton team that will soon be reporting its 'considered options' for Iraq. This report has been effectively trailed by liberal fcukwit journalists who have been 'recommending' that the US 'co-operate' with Syria & Iran (who, aided and abetted by CIA covert operatives have fomented the civil war in Iraq - playing directly into the hands of the US) - code for break up of Iraq.

Irony of ironies the Baker/Hamilton proposals will ultimately be put before a DEMOCRAT controlled Congress for approval. No doubt the dupes will give it in return for a guaranteed full military withdrawal (which the spoooks will only be too happy to agree to). They'll be pissing themselves in Langley, Virginia.

CIA/Skull & Bones/Mossad/MI6 1 - 0 PNAC, Pentagon, Congress, rest of the world generally
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wrong way round Black Cat - Israel is the US's Middle East colony.

We will agree to differ. I doubt any country would want a colony that is so expensive to maintain.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

blackcat wrote:
Wrong way round Black Cat - Israel is the US's Middle East colony.

We will agree to differ. I doubt any country would want a colony that is so expensive to maintain.

Sorry, Blackcat, but by making this remark you display your ignorance of ME geo-politics. Israel is the US's bridgehead in the region. Israel's army and its intelligence services are mere proxies for the US's own. The total cost of this arrangement is less than 00.05% of US GNP - an attractive price for (and an extremely convenient way of) controlling the region.

This was the major reason for US support for the creation of the State of Israel - stop reading all this anti Zionist bs that makes out a docked Jewish tail wags the American Doberman.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:07 pm    Post subject: If blackat has the Reply with quote

jewish control of the world theory to uphold, then his theory does fit the crime, but not the reality.

Israel is a US airbase nothing more nothing less.

Its references to jewishness are there to justify its existence vis a vis the Arabs and the western university educated intelligentsia.

But it has no more reason to exist or a raison d'etre as does an aircraft carrier in the Middle East sent by the USA.

As such it is viewed by the majority of the people within close geographic proximity...
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:40 pm    Post subject: Re: If blackat has the Reply with quote

conspirator wrote:
jewish control of the world theory to uphold, then his theory does fit the crime, but not the reality.

Israel is a US airbase nothing more nothing less.

Its references to jewishness are there to justify its existence vis a vis the Arabs and the western university educated intelligentsia.

But it has no more reason to exist or a raison d'etre as does an aircraft carrier in the Middle East sent by the USA.

As such it is viewed by the majority of the people within close geographic proximity...

Much of this so called 'Anti Zionism' is the product of COINTELPRO (Lyndon LaRouche's was almost certainly a COINTELPRO operative in the 60's until the programmes' winding up in the early '70's) and its derivatives.

The Zionist/NWO conspiracy is a cover for the REAL conspiracy, namely that the US is ruled by a self styled Anglo-American aristocracy many of whose families trace their blood lines back to the earliest English colonisers and beyond (The Bushes claim they are direct descendents of Henry III).

They go to schools like Phillips Academy, Andover and attend Yale. At the former (if they have the right breeding) they are intiated into AUV (Auctoritas, Unitas, Veritas) and into Skull & Bones at the latter. They are (nominally) of the Episcopalian persuasion and tend to English or Ancient Scottish Rite Freemasonry.

This small group of probably fewer than 100 families (Anthony Sutton, the authority on S&B, puts it at fewer than 20) has its hands, directly or indirectly on every single lever of power and influence in the US. And nowhere is its control more apparent than in the CIA (formerly through 'Special Group' and latterly through the '303' and '40' committees).

One final irony - this dynastic elite has a long, ignoble tradition of anti semitism and to this day several East Coast blue blooded families actively prevent their offspring marrying Jews.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:35 pm    Post subject: Re: If blackat has the Reply with quote

Pincher wrote:
conspirator wrote:
jewish control of the world theory to uphold, then his theory does fit the crime, but not the reality.

Israel is a US airbase nothing more nothing less.

Its references to jewishness are there to justify its existence vis a vis the Arabs and the western university educated intelligentsia.

But it has no more reason to exist or a raison d'etre as does an aircraft carrier in the Middle East sent by the USA.

As such it is viewed by the majority of the people within close geographic proximity...

Much of this so called 'Anti Zionism' is the product of COINTELPRO (Lyndon LaRouche's was almost certainly a COINTELPRO operative in the 60's until the programmes' winding up in the early '70's) and its derivatives.

The Zionist/NWO conspiracy is a cover for the REAL conspiracy, namely that the US is ruled by a self styled Anglo-American aristocracy many of whose families trace their blood lines back to the earliest English colonisers and beyond (The Bushes claim they are direct descendents of Henry III).

They go to schools like Phillips Academy, Andover and attend Yale. At the former (if they have the right breeding) they are intiated into AUV (Auctoritas, Unitas, Veritas) and into Skull & Bones at the latter. They are (nominally) of the Episcopalian persuasion and tend to English or Ancient Scottish Rite Freemasonry.

This small group of probably fewer than 100 families (Anthony Sutton, the authority on S&B, puts it at fewer than 20) has its hands, directly or indirectly on every single lever of power and influence in the US. And nowhere is its control more apparent than in the CIA (formerly through 'Special Group' and latterly through the '303' and '40' committees).

One final irony - this dynastic elite has a long, ignoble tradition of anti semitism and to this day several East Coast blue blooded families actively prevent their offspring marrying Jews.

Bearing in mind Khruschev's response to the Turkish missiles back in the 60's (Cuba) it seems Putin is being very, if not overly quiescent regarding all the US bases colonising the Caspian basin.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:55 am    Post subject: Re: If blackat has the Reply with quote

Pincher wrote:

Much of this so called 'Anti Zionism' is the product of COINTELPRO (Lyndon LaRouche's was almost certainly a COINTELPRO operative in the 60's until the programmes' winding up in the early '70's) and its derivatives.

The Zionist/NWO conspiracy is a cover for the REAL conspiracy, namely that the US is ruled by a self styled Anglo-American aristocracy many of whose families trace their blood lines back to the earliest English colonisers and beyond (The Bushes claim they are direct descendents of Henry III).

They go to schools like Phillips Academy, Andover and attend Yale. At the former (if they have the right breeding) they are intiated into AUV (Auctoritas, Unitas, Veritas) and into Skull & Bones at the latter. They are (nominally) of the Episcopalian persuasion and tend to English or Ancient Scottish Rite Freemasonry.

This small group of probably fewer than 100 families (Anthony Sutton, the authority on S&B, puts it at fewer than 20) has its hands, directly or indirectly on every single lever of power and influence in the US. And nowhere is its control more apparent than in the CIA (formerly through 'Special Group' and latterly through the '303' and '40' committees).

One final irony - this dynastic elite has a long, ignoble tradition of anti semitism and to this day several East Coast blue blooded families actively prevent their offspring marrying Jews.

Youre obviously implying I presume that the Yanks have their equivalent of the Oxbridge set?

Is Larouche a proponent of the theory that behind every crime is a Zionist hand? So what youre implying is that the Yanks have created or fund groups to run the 'anti-zionist' line in order to prop it up?

With respect to Cheks comment, the Yanks have been forced to withdraw some airbases from the Caspian basin I think, can't remember the country but they were booted out recently.

But there is a stalemate developing. If the Yanks push for Kosovo independence this may trigget the same type of independence movements in Russian areas in the ex-USSR like Ossetia. The Ukraine as well has reverted back to the 'loser' of the Orange 'revolution'. Hardly mentioned in the press but significant nevertheless.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:42 pm    Post subject: Re: If blackat has the Reply with quote

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Last edited by Pincher on Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:26 pm    Post subject: Re: If blackat has the Reply with quote

conspirator wrote:
Pincher wrote:

Much of this so called 'Anti Zionism' is the product of COINTELPRO (Lyndon LaRouche's was almost certainly a COINTELPRO operative in the 60's until the programmes' winding up in the early '70's) and its derivatives.

The Zionist/NWO conspiracy is a cover for the REAL conspiracy, namely that the US is ruled by a self styled Anglo-American aristocracy many of whose families trace their blood lines back to the earliest English colonisers and beyond (The Bushes claim they are direct descendents of Henry III).

They go to schools like Phillips Academy, Andover and attend Yale. At the former (if they have the right breeding) they are intiated into AUV (Auctoritas, Unitas, Veritas) and into Skull & Bones at the latter. They are (nominally) of the Episcopalian persuasion and tend to English or Ancient Scottish Rite Freemasonry.

This small group of probably fewer than 100 families (Anthony Sutton, the authority on S&B, puts it at fewer than 20) has its hands, directly or indirectly on every single lever of power and influence in the US. And nowhere is its control more apparent than in the CIA (formerly through 'Special Group' and latterly through the '303' and '40' committees).

One final irony - this dynastic elite has a long, ignoble tradition of anti semitism and to this day several East Coast blue blooded families actively prevent their offspring marrying Jews.

Youre obviously implying I presume that the Yanks have their equivalent of the Oxbridge set?

Is Larouche a proponent of the theory that behind every crime is a Zionist hand? So what youre implying is that the Yanks have created or fund groups to run the 'anti-zionist' line in order to prop it up?

With respect to Cheks comment, the Yanks have been forced to withdraw some airbases from the Caspian basin I think, can't remember the country but they were booted out recently.

But there is a stalemate developing. If the Yanks push for Kosovo independence this may trigget the same type of independence movements in Russian areas in the ex-USSR like Ossetia. The Ukraine as well has reverted back to the 'loser' of the Orange 'revolution'. Hardly mentioned in the press but significant nevertheless.

The Yankee 'aristocracy' is an elite within an elite. Most Americans are completely unaware of its existence - even educated ones (which explains why G W Bush has got away with reinventing himself as an evangelical Texan hick).

The basic requirement for membership of this exclusive club is direct descent through the male line from 17th century English emigre families no more than a single generation removed from titled aristocracy or owners of land granted by the crown (in all 1,600 such families are listed in Burke's Peerage).

LaRouches public anti semitic remarks are always veiled. Traditional republican anglophobic utterances are the most common disguise. For example, he often makes references to 'Venetian financiers who settled in Britain during the 17th century.' He is referring here to Cromwell's decision to allow Jews to return to Britain after an absence of 450 years.

LaRouche also subscribes to the Federal Reserve Banking 'conspiracy' which ultimately is just a thinly disguised attack on the Rothschilds. If it wasn't for his frequent pronouncements on Zionism it would be easy to mistake his invective against the British Empire as good ol' republican rhetoric. But to LaRouche 'British Empire' and 'Zionism' are synonyms.

It is ironic to note that Lyndon LaRouche and one of his former(?) leading acolytes, Webster G. Tarpley (shame that such an obviously gifted historian should allow himself to be so traduced), are themselves products of the ol' Yankee elite (LaRouche's pedigree is matrilineal).

After paying his dues to his COINTELPRO handlers by effectively wrecking the 60's counter culture (curiously he accused operatives in the same programme of smearing him in the mid '70's - several years after COINTELPRO had been formally wound up) LaRouche successfully blurred the boundaries of left/right ideology (principally through his so-called 'anti-Zionism' which is hard to distinguish from virulent anti-semitism).

Whether he has a paymaster now is less clear but there are those in the Democratic Party who feel that he is an entryist of the most predictable and worst kind. Members of his youth movement can usually be relied upon to cause havoc at high profile, mainstream Democrat events.

LaRouche is either a double agent of the CIA's dominant faction (in which case Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame beware!) OR his activities give credence to the view that there is a sub dominant faction within the agency.

Wheels within wheels...
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:56 pm    Post subject: Re: If blackat has the Reply with quote

Pincher wrote:

The Yankee 'aristocracy' is an elite within an elite. Most Americans are completely unaware of its existence - even educated ones (which explains why G W Bush has got away with reinventing himself as an evangelical Texan hick).

The basic requirement for membership of this exclusive club is direct descent through the male line from 17th century English emigre families no more than a single generation removed from titled aristocracy or owners of land granted by the crown (in all 1,600 such families are listed in Burke's Peerage).

LaRouches public anti semitic remarks are always veiled. Traditional republican anglophobic utterances are the most common disguise. For example, he often makes references to 'Venetian financiers who settled in Britain during the 17th century.' He is referring here to Cromwell's decision to allow Jews to return to Britain after an absence of 450 years.

LaRouche also subscribes to the Federal Reserve Banking 'conspiracy' which ultimately is just a thinly disguised attack on the Rothschilds. If it wasn't for his frequent pronouncements on Zionism it would be easy to mistake his invective against the British Empire as good ol' republican rhetoric. But to LaRouche 'British Empire' and 'Zionism' are synonyms.

It is ironic to note that Lyndon LaRouche and one of his former(?) leading acolytes, Webster G. Tarpley (shame that such an obviously gifted historian should allow himself to be so traduced), are themselves products of the ol' Yankee elite (LaRouche's pedigree is matrilineal).

After paying his dues to his COINTELPRO handlers by effectively wrecking the 60's counter culture (curiously he accused operatives in the same programme of smearing him in the mid '70's - several years after COINTELPRO had been formally wound up) LaRouche successfully blurred the boundaries of left/right ideology (principally through his so-called 'anti-Zionism' which is hard to distinguish from virulent anti-semitism).

Whether he has a paymaster now is less clear but there are those in the Democratic Party who feel that he is an entryist of the most predictable and worst kind. Members of his youth movement can usually be relied upon to cause havoc at high profile, mainstream Democrat events.

LaRouche is either a double agent of the CIA's dominant faction (in which case Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame beware!) OR his activities give credence to the view that there is a sub dominant faction within the agency.

Wheels within wheels...

Although a lot of what he has written goes against mainstream CIA thought. Eg the economic treatise articles regarding the de-industrialisation of the USA and the fact that it is essentially bankrupt, but hasn't announced it yet.

I can get the points regarding the 1,600 families but with the growth of industrialisation wasn't there a break with the landed aristocracy? Do the Bill gates and the Waltons and the Rockefellers descend from these 1,600 families?

Didn't the Venetian financiers finance UK industrialisation?
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:52 am    Post subject: Re: If blackat has the Reply with quote

conspirator wrote:
Pincher wrote:

The Yankee 'aristocracy' is an elite within an elite. Most Americans are completely unaware of its existence - even educated ones (which explains why G W Bush has got away with reinventing himself as an evangelical Texan hick).

The basic requirement for membership of this exclusive club is direct descent through the male line from 17th century English emigre families no more than a single generation removed from titled aristocracy or owners of land granted by the crown (in all 1,600 such families are listed in Burke's Peerage).

LaRouches public anti semitic remarks are always veiled. Traditional republican anglophobic utterances are the most common disguise. For example, he often makes references to 'Venetian financiers who settled in Britain during the 17th century.' He is referring here to Cromwell's decision to allow Jews to return to Britain after an absence of 450 years.

LaRouche also subscribes to the Federal Reserve Banking 'conspiracy' which ultimately is just a thinly disguised attack on the Rothschilds. If it wasn't for his frequent pronouncements on Zionism it would be easy to mistake his invective against the British Empire as good ol' republican rhetoric. But to LaRouche 'British Empire' and 'Zionism' are synonyms.

It is ironic to note that Lyndon LaRouche and one of his former(?) leading acolytes, Webster G. Tarpley (shame that such an obviously gifted historian should allow himself to be so traduced), are themselves products of the ol' Yankee elite (LaRouche's pedigree is matrilineal).

After paying his dues to his COINTELPRO handlers by effectively wrecking the 60's counter culture (curiously he accused operatives in the same programme of smearing him in the mid '70's - several years after COINTELPRO had been formally wound up) LaRouche successfully blurred the boundaries of left/right ideology (principally through his so-called 'anti-Zionism' which is hard to distinguish from virulent anti-semitism).

Whether he has a paymaster now is less clear but there are those in the Democratic Party who feel that he is an entryist of the most predictable and worst kind. Members of his youth movement can usually be relied upon to cause havoc at high profile, mainstream Democrat events.

LaRouche is either a double agent of the CIA's dominant faction (in which case Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame beware!) OR his activities give credence to the view that there is a sub dominant faction within the agency.

Wheels within wheels...

Although a lot of what he has written goes against mainstream CIA thought. Eg the economic treatise articles regarding the de-industrialisation of the USA and the fact that it is essentially bankrupt, but hasn't announced it yet.

I can get the points regarding the 1,600 families but with the growth of industrialisation wasn't there a break with the landed aristocracy? Do the Bill gates and the Waltons and the Rockefellers descend from these 1,600 families?

Didn't the Venetian financiers finance UK industrialisation?

1) 'Mainstream' CIA 'thinking' is for media saps. And its very difficult to 'know' what the agency's inner circle are thinking - they don't do White House lawn press conferences.

2) The notions that far left and far right groups have in common are fatalism, a sense of epoch, a catastrophic vision. This always entails economic collapse. The current size of the US's budget defecit is something of an open goal for such groups. Of course their analyses omits the inconvenient truth that as a proportion of its GDP, America's debt is pretty much in line with most EU economies.

3) For the record some of LaRocuhe's economic policies are eerily similar to Hjalmar Schaact's (Hitlers sometime finance minister). His 'Eurasian Land Bridge' project is probably inspired by the Nazi's autobahn construction programme.

4) Yes, many of the 'great' families went into financial obscurity or simply died out. Even Cabot (the most Brahmin of Boston Brahmin families - the anti revolutionary Massachussets 'Tories' who made their fortunes out of opium smuggling in the early 19th century) seems now only to exist as a middle monicker on some mid level State Department functionary lapel badge.

Like in the UK in the 18th & 19th centuries 'New' money (ie real money) married 'Old' money (ie no money - but at least in the UK you got a title out of it which is why so many American heiresses came over here in the mid 19th century) thereby reviving the 'bloodline' (funny how blood and money go together).

Rockefeller was/is east coast aristocracy (many Rockefellers were 'Bonesmen'). Gates dropped out of Harvard - and getting in there (let alone dropping out) is hard without a pedigree. To the best of my knowledge the Waltons are market stall aristocrats directly desended from Pearly Kings & Queens!

5) The received wisdon is that the Industrial Revolution happened despite the City not because of it. And the revolution in UK banking (including the foundation of the Bank of England) happened because of DUTCH banking know how imported during the reign of William and Mary.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:58 am    Post subject: Re: If blackat has the Reply with quote

Pincher wrote:

1) 'Mainstream' CIA 'thinking' is for media saps. And its very difficult to 'know' what the agency's inner circle are thinking - they don't do White House lawn press conferences.

2) The notions that far left and far right groups have in common are fatalism, a sense of epoch, a catastrophic vision. This always entails economic collapse. The current size of the US's budget defecit is something of an open goal for such groups. Of course their analyses omits the inconvenient truth that as a proportion of its GDP, America's debt is pretty much in line with most EU economies.

3) For the record some of LaRocuhe's economic policies are eerily similar to Hjalmar Schaact's (Hitlers sometime finance minister). His 'Eurasian Land Bridge' project is probably inspired by the Nazi's autobahn construction programme.

4) Yes, many of the 'great' families went into financial obscurity or simply died out. Even Cabot (the most Brahmin of Boston Brahmin families - the anti revolutionary Massachussets 'Tories' who made their fortunes out of opium smuggling in the early 19th century) seems now only to exist as a middle monicker on some mid level State Department functionary lapel badge.

Like in the UK in the 18th & 19th centuries 'New' money (ie real money) married 'Old' money (ie no money - but at least in the UK you got a title out of it which is why so many American heiresses came over here in the mid 19th century) thereby reviving the 'bloodline' (funny how blood and money go together).

Rockefeller was/is east coast aristocracy (many Rockefellers were 'Bonesmen'). Gates dropped out of Harvard - and getting in there (let alone dropping out) is hard without a pedigree. To the best of my knowledge the Waltons are market stall aristocrats directly desended from Pearly Kings & Queens!

5) The received wisdon is that the Industrial Revolution happened despite the City not because of it. And the revolution in UK banking (including the foundation of the Bank of England) happened because of DUTCH banking know how imported during the reign of William and Mary.

1) Point taken
2) Judged from the period of 1900-1949 and the economic crises of that period alongside the two WW it is no wonder fatalism existed among far left and far right?

The issue of course if you see rain and thunder when it is cloudy outside in other words if you say the same, rain or shine. Believing in economic collapse isn't a crime in and of itself, its when behind every street corner one sees economic collapse.

3) As far as I know the nazis got involved in economic nationalism to break the impact of the Versailles peace treaty and their autobahn building programmes were created to allow German tanks easy access in the future invasion of Europe.

4) From the moment the landed aristocracy merged or dissapeared with the industrial aristocracy in the 19th century we basically had nation-state production or companies based in one nation state. That is no longer the case as corporations now operate in as many countries as they can and they offer share ownership to nearly anyone with the capital to purchase it. As such 'family ties' exist but only for administrative personnel or state functionaries eg the Bush clan. But they dont control or even direct government policy, they just rubber stamp decisions taken behind closed doors, like the CIA which you mentioned earlier.

5) Point 5 taken.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:53 pm    Post subject: Rumsfelds bioweapon legacy : aspartame Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

http://www.thehill.com/thehill/export/TheHill/News/Frontpage/110906/ru msfeld2.html


Donald Rumsfeld's abrupt resignation from the Pentagon the day after Republicans lost both chambers of Congress has infuriated some GOP officials on and off Capitol Hill.


"The White House said keeping the majority was a priority, but they failed to do the one thing that could have made a difference," one House GOP leadership aide said Thursday. "For them to toss Rumsfeld one day after the election was a slap in the face to everyone who worked hard to protect the majority."

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes wonderful news, a scapegoat has left the building, only 100 more to go.

Anyone who thinks this is going to change anything, please wake up and smell the ashes. The real controllers are not on television.

Besides he was replaced with ex-CIA which is even worst in my opinion.

Since when?
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:01 pm    Post subject: Re: If blackat has the Reply with quote

conspirator wrote:
Pincher wrote:

1) 'Mainstream' CIA 'thinking' is for media saps. And its very difficult to 'know' what the agency's inner circle are thinking - they don't do White House lawn press conferences.

2) The notions that far left and far right groups have in common are fatalism, a sense of epoch, a catastrophic vision. This always entails economic collapse. The current size of the US's budget defecit is something of an open goal for such groups. Of course their analyses omits the inconvenient truth that as a proportion of its GDP, America's debt is pretty much in line with most EU economies.

3) For the record some of LaRocuhe's economic policies are eerily similar to Hjalmar Schaact's (Hitlers sometime finance minister). His 'Eurasian Land Bridge' project is probably inspired by the Nazi's autobahn construction programme.

4) Yes, many of the 'great' families went into financial obscurity or simply died out. Even Cabot (the most Brahmin of Boston Brahmin families - the anti revolutionary Massachussets 'Tories' who made their fortunes out of opium smuggling in the early 19th century) seems now only to exist as a middle monicker on some mid level State Department functionary lapel badge.

Like in the UK in the 18th & 19th centuries 'New' money (ie real money) married 'Old' money (ie no money - but at least in the UK you got a title out of it which is why so many American heiresses came over here in the mid 19th century) thereby reviving the 'bloodline' (funny how blood and money go together).

Rockefeller was/is east coast aristocracy (many Rockefellers were 'Bonesmen'). Gates dropped out of Harvard - and getting in there (let alone dropping out) is hard without a pedigree. To the best of my knowledge the Waltons are market stall aristocrats directly desended from Pearly Kings & Queens!

5) The received wisdon is that the Industrial Revolution happened despite the City not because of it. And the revolution in UK banking (including the foundation of the Bank of England) happened because of DUTCH banking know how imported during the reign of William and Mary.

1) Point taken
2) Judged from the period of 1900-1949 and the economic crises of that period alongside the two WW it is no wonder fatalism existed among far left and far right?

The issue of course if you see rain and thunder when it is cloudy outside in other words if you say the same, rain or shine. Believing in economic collapse isn't a crime in and of itself, its when behind every street corner one sees economic collapse.

3) As far as I know the nazis got involved in economic nationalism to break the impact of the Versailles peace treaty and their autobahn building programmes were created to allow German tanks easy access in the future invasion of Europe.

4) From the moment the landed aristocracy merged or dissapeared with the industrial aristocracy in the 19th century we basically had nation-state production or companies based in one nation state. That is no longer the case as corporations now operate in as many countries as they can and they offer share ownership to nearly anyone with the capital to purchase it. As such 'family ties' exist but only for administrative personnel or state functionaries eg the Bush clan. But they dont control or even direct government policy, they just rubber stamp decisions taken behind closed doors, like the CIA which you mentioned earlier.5) Point 5 taken.

This is a very crude Marxian analysis. You'll find precious few of the east coast Yankee establishment making the Forbes Rich List but the vast machinery of state is under their direct control. By the same token, Bill Gates has been 'officially' the world's richest individual on and off (trading places with Warren Buffet III) for several years now but he has a powder-puff political punch.

I really like the way you describe the Bush clan as 'functionaries.' Hasn't it occurred to you that George Bush Senior is the individual who is really running the White House show?

The key to understanding where political power reisdes in settled liberal bourgeois democracies is DYNASTICISM.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Olmert + Bush, I know who looked junior to me........


Neoconservatism is better described in general as a complex interlocking professional and family network centered around Jewish publicists and organizers flexibly deployed to recruit the sympathies of both Jews and non-Jews in harnessing the wealth and power of the United States in the service of Israel. As such, neoconservatism should be considered a semicovert branch of the massive and highly effective pro-Israel lobby, which includes organizations like the America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)—the most powerful lobbying group in Washington—and the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA). Indeed, as discussed below, prominent neoconservatives have been associated with such overtly pro-Israel organizations as the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), and ZOA. (Acronyms of the main neoconservative and pro-Israel activist organizations used in this paper are provided in Table 2.)

Table 2: Acronyms of Neoconservative and Pro-Israel
Activist Organizations Used in this Paper
AEI: American Enterprise Institute—A neoconservative think tank; produces and disseminates books and articles on foreign and domestic policy; www.aei.org.
AIPAC: American Israel Public Affairs Committee—The main pro-Israel lobbying organization in the U.S., specializing in influencing the U.S. Congress; www.aipac.org.
CSP: Center for Security Policy—Neoconservative think tank specializing in defense policy; formerly headed by Douglas Feith, CSP is now headed by Frank Gaffney; the CSP is strongly pro-Israel and favors a strong U.S. military; www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org.
JINSA: Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs—Pro-Israel think tank specializing in promoting military cooperation between the U.S. and Israel; www.jinsa.org.
MEF: Middle East Forum—Headed by Daniel Pipes, the MEF is a pro-Israel advocacy organization overlapping with the WINEP but generally more strident; www.meforum.org.
PNAC: Project for the New American Century—Headed by Bill Kristol, the PNAC issues letters and statements signed mainly by prominent neocons and designed to influence public policy; www.newamericancentury.org.
SD/USA: Social Democrats/USA—“Left-neoconservative” political organization advocating pro-labor social policy and pro-Israel, anticommunist foreign policy; www.socialdemocrats.org.
WINEP: Washington Institute for Near East Policy—Pro-Israel think tank specializing in producing and disseminating pro-Israel media material; www.washingtoninstitute.org.
ZOA: Zionist Organization of America—Pro-Israel lobbying organization associated with the more fanatical end of the pro-Israel spectrum in America; www.zoa.org.
Compared with their deep and emotionally intense commitment to Israel, neoconservative attitudes on domestic policy seem more or less an afterthought, and they will not be the main focus here. In general, neoconservatives advocate maintaining the social welfare, immigration, and civil rights policies typical of liberalism (and the wider Jewish community) up to about 1970. Some of these policies represent clear examples of Jewish ethnic strategizing—in particular, the role of the entire Jewish political spectrum and the entire organized Jewish community as the moving force behind the immigration law of 1965, which opened the floodgates to nonwhite immigration. (Jewish organizations still favor liberal immigration policies. In 2004, virtually all American Jewish public affairs agencies belong to the National Immigration Forum, the premier open borders immigration-lobbying group.5) Since the neocons have developed a decisive influence in the mainstream conservative movement, their support for nonrestrictive immigration policies has perhaps more significance for the future of the United States than their support for Israel............

William Rodriguez..........thousands didn't turn up for work..........

BNP don't do conspiracy theories anymore.................I wonder why.?
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 5:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


You've allowed ideological zeal to cloud your reason. You buy into too many political stereotypes. You misunderstand (perhaps willfully) the relationships between special interest groups and lobbyists on the one hand and government and the wider state apparatus on the other.

Let's get one thing clear from the off - the dominant political force in the world today is not a shadowy inter-connected Jewish elite domiciled in Europe it is a faction within the Yankee aristocracy that rules a contiguous land and global economic empire.

If this shadowy Zionist elite was so powerful why has the State of Israel diminished territorially since 1967 and its effective zone of political control shrunk since 1973? Instead of rolling back the Lebanese border to the Litani river, pressing on from The Golan into Syria and swallowing up the rest of Jordan in accordance with Zionist teachings this sinsiter group has handed back Sinai to the Egyptians and allowed Arabs/Palestinians to be exploited by their own elites in Gaza and the West Bank.

And all this when Israel's Arab neighbours were getting weaker...

As for neo-cons and PNAC - surely the behaviour of the White House administration in recent weeks has told you all you need to know about how much influence these intellectual misfits really have.

They've even fcuked up their own party so they can proceed with the break-up of Iraq.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pincher is determined to tell everyone what they dont know and how he and only he knows it all. He is also determined to slander Larouche no matter how untenable his slander is.

EG - " For the record some of LaRocuhe's economic policies are eerily similar to Hjalmar Schaact's (Hitlers sometime finance minister). His 'Eurasian Land Bridge' project is probably inspired by the Nazi's autobahn construction programme."

Well for the record - Larouche is the complete antithesis to Schacht who was the money changers frontman. Larouche's Eurasian land bridge, as with all his suggested infrastucture programmes, would be financed by government credit, not that of the parasitic central banks.

Pincher would have us believe that some "faction within the Yankee aristocracy" and not the same old bankers are the power brokers of today: as if the latters power has just ebbed away.

Give me control of a nations money and I care not who makes the laws" Mayer Amschel Bauer, who founded the Rothschild family

Who has control of the nations money supply today?

A couple of pages of links to Larouche and Schacht -

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 9:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

brian wrote:
Pincher is determined to tell everyone what they dont know and how he and only he knows it all. He is also determined to slander Larouche no matter how untenable his slander is.

EG - " For the record some of LaRocuhe's economic policies are eerily similar to Hjalmar Schaact's (Hitlers sometime finance minister). His 'Eurasian Land Bridge' project is probably inspired by the Nazi's autobahn construction programme."

Well for the record - Larouche is the complete antithesis to Schacht who was the money changers frontman. Larouche's Eurasian land bridge, as with all his suggested infrastucture programmes, would be financed by government credit, not that of the parasitic central banks.

Pincher would have us believe that some "faction within the Yankee aristocracy" and not the same old bankers are the power brokers of today: as if the latters power has just ebbed away.

Give me control of a nations money and I care not who makes the laws" Mayer Amschel Bauer, who founded the Rothschild family

Who has control of the nations money supply today?

A couple of pages of links to Larouche and Schacht -


I think this sentence is the most ridiculous that I have yet seen on this board. Schaact, the Nazi's stooge who presided over the state theft of Jewish property was really their 'frontman' all along eh Brian?

Go on my son! I'm just waiting for you to trump that with: 'Adolf Hitler - The Real Architect of Zionism.'
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Waffle is waffle is waffle.

"..Schaact, the Nazi's stooge who presided over the state theft of Jewish property.."

His aquittal at Nuremberg will have been good fortune then eh.

"In 1930, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) was created using the “Young Plan,” after Morgan banker, Owen D. Young. Its supposed purpose was to funnel German money to the Allies in reparation for WWI. In reality, the BIS funneled money into Germany to rebuilt its might. Inspired by Hitler’s Economics Minister and Reichsbank president, Hjalmar Schacht, who had lived in Brooklyn, the BIS was owned by the world’s largest central banks, including Morgan’s First National Bank of New York, the Federal Reserve of New York, the Reichsbank and the central Banks of England, Italy and France."


Or Larouche -

"..N.Y.-born Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, a life-long asset of the J.P. Morgan interests, with direct control over Schacht exerted by the Bank of England's Montagu Norman. This was the same Norman who was the controller of the financial house of Averell Harriman, during all of the relevant years leading up to and beyond the Hitler coup d'état."


".. in December 1938 Hitler approved the Schacht plan...The proposition discussed by Schacht with Lord Bearsted, Lord Winterton, and Mr. Rublee in London ...a basic plan forseeing the emigration of about 400,000 Jews in the space of 3 years."

..Reitlinger attributes the failure of the Schacht plan to the reaction aroused in Hitler by Schacht's refusal to increase the circulation of paper money, following which, on 20 January 1939, Schacht was dismissed from the presidency of the Reichsbank. However, in an interview given Rolf Vogel in January 1970, Schacht declared that the plan was checkmated by the opposition of Chaim Weizmann."

As for Hitler and Zionism -

Embracing the S.S.

Consequently, the Zionists brought Baron Von Mildenstein of the S.S. Security Service to Palestine for a six-month visit in support of Zionism. This visit led to a twelve-part report by Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, in Der Angriff (The Assault) in 1934 praising Zionism. Goebbels ordered a medallion struck with the Swastika on one side, and on the other, the Zionist Star of David. --


Pincher, plying the ridiculous is your forte.
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