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Who's gonna get blamed for 911?

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9/11 Truth critic
9/11 Truth critic

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:17 pm    Post subject: Who's gonna get blamed for 911? Reply with quote

It sure as hell won't be the perps - Hitler took the rap for WW2 the perps
kept their hands clean - same's gonna happen with 911

The question is who's gonna take the rap?

Nazis didn’t lose the war

Gerard Holmgren
August 3, 2006

This is an email I wrote to someone recently, who was trying to get their head around why I was calling Griffin and Jones dangerous, even if they were plagiarizing and not telling the whole truth. Some of what is below is old news for most of you – the stuff about limited hangouts and plagiarizing Johnny come lately heroes. But what I want you to pay attention to is the role of shock treatment – psychological torture – in shutting down people’s thinking processes. Do we want to deliberately exacerbate that, just for some short term gain on this specific issue ?

Take Nazism and WW2.

The Nazis didn’t lose the war, they won it. After the burned out host of Germany was no use any more, they abandoned it and set up shop in the US.

The cover of Germany (equated with the Nazis) having suffered a devastating defeat was brilliant. It allowed people to think that the evil doers had been defeated and punished, and at the same time actually put the people who were really behind it all into being the position of the good guys who had defeated the bad guys (since the bad guys basically ran both sides.)

The corpse of the Hitler regime was kicked all the way down the street, Hitler was made out to be a peculiar aberrant maniac who had driven the whole thing himself along with a bunch of equally loony mates, who were thankfully now all dead or imprisoned and things could get back to normal.

A few of the more obvious perps who were no use any more were hung out in a show trial, while everyone who had organized the whole thing behind the scenes became the liberation rulers of the new world. The perps who were still useful were given new jobs, mostly working for the CIA and NASA and the weapons program. I guess the Soviets probably got a share of them too, but I don’t know so much about that.

The psych of the entire period of history from 1945 to 1990 was basically modeled on our glorious victory over Nazism and our recovery from the horrific crimes of the Nazis , how close they came to world domination and their eventual miraculous defeat, snatched by the good guys when all seemed lost.

It was used as the motivation to set up Israel, and ensure an ever present trigger for the next conflagration - just as the simmering leftovers from WW1 were used to set up WW2.

The horrors of Nazism - completely engineered by the same people who supposedly defeated it - were used as the founding trauma event for the new world.

Everything was measured against the background of gratitude that at least we stopped that madness and avenged it.

We were given an event which was almost surreal in its horror level. Anything which defeated it and avenged it had to be good.

In order to cover up what was really behind it, we had a limited hangout of now expendable villains.

Now see S11 as the same kind of event - almost surreal, movie like. (Because in fact it was part real and part movie).

So now we need pretend justice for it. Cartoon villains like Silverstein and Bush who were really just the puppets to do the dirty work are on the front line to take the fall. When the acceptance of an inside job becomes mainstream, then the outrage levels will be so out of control that no one will care about wanting to know the deeper story. They'll just want justice and revenge for the bad guys.

As with WW2 and Nazism, the real designers keep their hands clean, paint themselves as the justice givers, and use the subsequent shock and outrage as the tool for moving on to the next scam, and building the next nightmare.

The main official story was never designed to last all that long. There's too many holes in it. Jut long enough to commit unspeakable atrocities in the phony "retaliation" which itself will then raise the horror and outrage level when the "truth" comes out.

The "truth" can be anything which says "we were lied to." Just like "justice" was anything which saw a Nazi get busted.

Mind you, one of the worst war criminals of all , Werner Von Braun, was spared "justice" and given an exalted position as head of NASA along with a lot of his fellow scum. People sort of "forgot" to notice that. Like the Simon Wiesenthal foundation which made a big song and dance of hunting down and prosecuting every last petty officer who shot 3 people at a camp - probably because he would have been shot himself if he didn't - but had a strange case of amnesia/forgiveness when it came to some of the worst Nazi scum, who just happened to be extremely useful to the US weapons and Space program - which was really just a continuation of the Nazi program, relocated to the USA.

If the shock and outrage of the event is big enough, this kind of scam is routine. As long as there is a cartoon villain to put up front and stone to death, then people don’t notice.

Bush and Silverstein are ideal candidates for the distraction stoning ritual.

Meanwhile, what will get passed over in all of this is that the very same media which is almost to the point of starting to holler "we want the truth about Sept 11" is the same gang which actually organized the whole damn psy-op. The cartoon of that non existent plane flying into the tower.

As long as there are planes of any kind in the story, the media gets off free. Remote controlled planes are just as easy to incorporate into a limited hangout.

Military planes with pods and all that nonsense. As long as people think that the media simply showed what was there, and failed to interpret it correctly.

There weren't any planes. The media showed us cartoons and passed it off as a real event. The same media will now become the heroes in presenting the shocking "truth" of the event. Demolition. And any kind of plane, whether a passenger jet hijacked by Arab maniacs or a remote controlled jet with a pod, organized by the evil villain Bush will do for "truth".

This is also why the issue of plagiarism is critical. If things actually worked as they are supposed to, then even TENC's series of articles in late 2001/early 2002 should have led to treason proceedings within months.

Why didn’t they ? Because *everyone* covered up and pretended not to know.

As I mentioned in the scholars article, the subsequent complicity of the media, the so called political opposition and the scientific community is now as big an issue as the attacks themselves.

How can such information be fully available in the public domain for 4 years and nobody notice ? So along comes a group of "respected scholars" to tell us that they have just discovered it all - just now.

"Their own physics research... They have examined the Bin Laden confession video and found...they charge that the air force was stood down..."

Ah - all new. Nobody knew. How could anybody have known ? Only scholars and experts can work out these complex matters, and even those magnificent intellects needed years to unearth the shocking truth.

And so everyone who helped cover it up for the last four years does the outrage act and the "we didn’t know" chant - just like in relation to the Nazi atrocities.

"We didn’t know ! Nobody told us ! How could we have known ? Why didn’t somebody say thing ? Why didn’t somebody do something ? How could this have happened ? We didn’t know ! We didn’t know ! "

You know the routine.

And so the limited hangout gets under way in exactly the configuration they want. The escape tunnel is created for everyone who looked the other way or even helped the whole thing. "We never knew ! " And just as with WW2 and Nazism, the main perps themselves become the heroes of defeating the evil.

As for the new world they want to create in its wake, the prototype is being trialed on the fringes of society through the "truth movement" which is a mass mind control experiment.

The trauma of the lies is so shocking that the word "truth" has become a mind control trigger.

Trauma and torture is a key element in mind control. Once the subject is broken, then they will usually cling to their torturer as their protector.

This is in fact how the whole psychology of the war on terror has worked. People terrified of the Arab boogie man clung to Bush like a protective father. Once Bush becomes the boogie man, then people will cling sobbing to *anyone* who utters the magic words "we were lied to" - as a savior.

"Truth" is about to become a religion. And truth will be anything which says "we were lied to".

One of the most sickening examples of this recently is the attempt to paint Scott Ritter as a "truther". Ritter as a UN weapons inspector, helped to set up the Iraq war by demonizing Iraq and pushing the WMD nonsense for years. As in the normal routine, once the war started, the same media which orchestrated the hysteria which was used as justification also orchestrated the phony campaign against it. In the blinking of an eye, people like Ritter suddenly became heroes for saying that WMD was a lie - when for years he had been one of the main architects of building the whole lie.

So Ritter - even though he's never said anything about Sept 11 is suddenly a "truther" because he's said the magic words. "Bush lied to us". And all the trauma controlled truthlings cling sobbing to him as a truth hero.

The WMD scam was an interesting sideline to it. They *deliberately* exposed themselves as lying over WMD in order to create the very kind of trauma conditioning that I've been talking about as a precursor to a lunatic "truth" cult.

They could have come up with any number of more credible excuses for invading Iraq. Or if they were going to stick to WMD, it would have been child's play to fabricate evidence for WMD enough to fool the average CNN watcher. When they can pull off a scam like S11, it would be easy to at least give it a decent shake. They didn’t even try.

They put it right in our faces that they were lying. And then orchestrated a truth campaign headed by the same people who built the lie. Our Aussie equivalent of Scott Ritter, is Richard Butler, another UN weapons inspector WMD scaremongerer, who along with Ritter, spent a decade building the WMD lie, and then somehow became the leader of the anti Iraq war demos here, thunderously declaring that the US and Aust Govts were lying through their teeth about WMD.

The trauma is so intense that it is creating double think as a briefly alluded to before in the crazy cult surrounding Griffin and S. Jones.

Truth can be any number of totally contradictory things at the same time. Just as long as you say "we were lied to", then whatever you say is truth.

Again - have you read "1984" ? If you haven't I need to explain a bit about double think and "newspeak" and the "ministry of truth", so you'll have a better idea of where this is leading to from now.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bush Administration.
Since when?
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John White
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Any consensus about truth is being expertly destroyed by extremely well crafted PSY-OP, The quest for justice for 9/11 is hanging by a thread

Here, Holmgreen steals the clothes of reasonableness to sell a fable of unreason (No Planes), and tops it off by creating a fantasy that we are about to see Bush impeached as a 9/11 patsie: there are no such signs: its a false call to a second front when the first is still to be taken. Bush is just fine protected by his newly "elected" Dem friends, like Bonesman Kerry and Pelogi. Then he smears the character of his target enemies, Jones and Griffen, and anyone who listens to them as a "cultist" by inference. Thats the entire front end of the British Truth Campaign then, in case anyone misses it: Becuase those guys actually want to challenge power, and not excuse it.

We are well into fruit loop land designed to destroy the solidarity brought about for the 5th anniversary, and TWSU3 laps it up and propagandises like a mouth peice, seemingly unaware of the piss being taken by an article daring to claim the moral ground over "double think".

If 9/11 truth is ever going to come out, its going to have to do it despite characters like Holmgreen, Wood, and now, Fetzer, not becuase of them. Grim times.

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9/11 Truth critic
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Repeat after me I before E except after C
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"So Ritter - even though he's never said anything about Sept 11 is suddenly a "truther" because he's said the magic words. "Bush lied to us"."

Ritter said 911 was an inside job quite a while ago on the AJ show...

Holmgren is 'good' at writing these patronising, comparative, reality-twisting pieces to push his version of the truth and belittle all those who dont agree. The bullying style has no effect on me and in lieu of evidence i dont see myself joining the NBB cult anytime soon.

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John White
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Repeat after me I before E except after C

If thats the limit of your ability to critique this article effectively, I see no reason to give a damn about where I put I's and E's: the effort would be entirely wasted

Then he smears the character of his target enemies, Jones and Griffen, and anyone who listens to them as a "cultist" by inference. Thats the entire front end of the British Truth Campaign then, in case anyone misses it: Becuase those guys actually want to challenge power, and not excuse it.

For heavens sake man THINK!

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9/11 Truth critic
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

John White wrote:
Repeat after me I before E except after C

If thats the limit of your ability to critique this article effectively, I see no reason to give a damn about where I put I's and E's: the effort would be entirely wasted

Then he smears the character of his target enemies, Jones and Griffen, and anyone who listens to them as a "cultist" by inference. Thats the entire front end of the British Truth Campaign then, in case anyone misses it: Becuase those guys actually want to challenge power, and not excuse it.

For heavens sake man THINK!

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John White
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


The evidence is just as compelling for Wood, if not more so: but who's smearing the UK truth campaign? Oh that's Holmgreen: fact and clearly demonstrated

Keep thinking!

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nada brahma
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:56 pm    Post subject: PLANES WERE ILLUSIONS Reply with quote

I don't get this one. Doesn't the Naudet Bros film clearly show a plane flying into WTC?

Any info appreciated.
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John White
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:12 pm    Post subject: Re: PLANES WERE ILLUSIONS Reply with quote

nada brahma wrote:
I don't get this one. Doesn't the Naudet Bros film clearly show a plane flying into WTC?

Any info appreciated.

There's a theory that all images of the planes are fakes inserted into TV pictures and that the crashes where actually bombs going off. Don't ask me to defend the idea to you becuase I'd barely know where to start: it essentially hinges on considering low res low pixel images to prove the planes "disappeared", and the power of suggestion to see an image in a particular way, and all the proponents of it ignore some basic pointed common sense questions...and seem to favour "Beam Weapons" as well.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:13 pm    Post subject: Ulefdo Iiust Reply with quote



Do you base this conclusion on his past involvement at Los Alamos? His involvement with cold fusion? Possible secret weapon development? Republican leanings?
His focus on thermate?
Or is it his apparent recent attempts to get control of st911 from fetzer?

Or is it more to do with his rejection of NBB/NPT?

Please elaborate and supply some proof theres a good chap.

(bear in mind that none of the above are proof hes a double agent)

I know its a rats nest but who are really the rats? hmmm

@nada brahma: A very small amount of people think no planes hit the wtc (at all) and have done since early on...there are various permutations of this.
Search this site or google for 'No Plane Theory', 'TV fakery', 'holograms' etc.
Prepare yourself for a ride down the disinformation highway.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:24 pm    Post subject: Re: PLANES WERE ILLUSIONS Reply with quote

John White wrote:
nada brahma wrote:
I don't get this one. Doesn't the Naudet Bros film clearly show a plane flying into WTC?

Any info appreciated.

There's a theory that all images of the planes are fakes inserted into TV pictures and that the crashes where actually bombs going off. Don't ask me to defend the idea to you becuase I'd barely know where to start: it essentially hinges on considering low res low pixel images to prove the planes "disappeared", and the power of suggestion to see an image in a particular way, and all the proponents of it ignore some basic pointed common sense questions...and seem to favour "Beam Weapons" as well.

I am now uncovering evidence, that as well as the PSY op of BEAM WEAPONS and NO PLANES, the perps also used even more highly classified military technology that allows for TIME DILATION.

I will add this new evidence to my "not on 9/11" theory. As you know, I think what we saw on that day actually happened on another day. However, I'm now realising that actually it's more likely that in fact a TIME BUBBLE was created around the WTC's and the Pentagon and Shanksville which actually played out the events which had been staged some time in the FUTURE but on 9/11.

This new theory explains how cameras and eyewitnesses who were close to the crash sites saw very different things from those further away. It proves that the Pentagon tape which shows 9/12 is real. This essential information will come to you through my knowledge spout in the imminent future.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 7:14 pm    Post subject: Re: PLANES WERE ILLUSIONS Reply with quote

Fallious wrote:
John White wrote:
nada brahma wrote:
I don't get this one. Doesn't the Naudet Bros film clearly show a plane flying into WTC?

Any info appreciated.

There's a theory that all images of the planes are fakes inserted into TV pictures and that the crashes where actually bombs going off. Don't ask me to defend the idea to you becuase I'd barely know where to start: it essentially hinges on considering low res low pixel images to prove the planes "disappeared", and the power of suggestion to see an image in a particular way, and all the proponents of it ignore some basic pointed common sense questions...and seem to favour "Beam Weapons" as well.

I am now uncovering evidence, that as well as the PSY op of BEAM WEAPONS and NO PLANES, the perps also used even more highly classified military technology that allows for TIME DILATION.

I will add this new evidence to my "not on 9/11" theory. As you know, I think what we saw on that day actually happened on another day. However, I'm now realising that actually it's more likely that in fact a TIME BUBBLE was created around the WTC's and the Pentagon and Shanksville which actually played out the events which had been staged some time in the FUTURE but on 9/11.

This new theory explains how cameras and eyewitnesses who were close to the crash sites saw very different things from those further away. It proves that the Pentagon tape which shows 9/12 is real. This essential information will come to you through my knowledge spout in the imminent future.

At last! Someone with a handle on what hasn't happened (yet).
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 7:18 pm    Post subject: Back to the future Reply with quote

Fallious wrote:

I am now uncovering evidence, that as well as the PSY op of BEAM WEAPONS and NO PLANES, the perps also used even more highly classified military technology that allows for TIME DILATION.

I will add this new evidence to my "not on 9/11" theory. As you know, I think what we saw on that day actually happened on another day. However, I'm now realising that actually it's more likely that in fact a TIME BUBBLE was created around the WTC's and the Pentagon and Shanksville which actually played out the events which had been staged some time in the FUTURE but on 9/11.

This new theory explains how cameras and eyewitnesses who were close to the crash sites saw very different things from those further away. It proves that the Pentagon tape which shows 9/12 is real. This essential information will come to you through my knowledge spout in the imminent future.

Very interesting.
This marries with/expands my in depth analysis that the WTC is actually still standing encased within a holographic bubble. I call it the advanced elite course for the truly awakened, or 'NPT+1'.
In order to stage the events in the future this TIME BUBBLE would have to have holographic powers in order to fool all us sheeple into thinking it had collapsed/exploded when in fact it isnt due to fall down until 9/11/07 (although it will then teleport back to 9/11/01) hence we are in a timeflux atm.
Sure, i know this may be impossible to prove in a court of law but i thought this was the 'truth' movement? All we need to do is mount an offensive and break into the towers with a 'decloaker'. Hopefully there will be some survivors... we dont have much time...
Alternatively we just go there on 9/11/07 and get teleported back to 9/11/01 to formulate a new approach.
We must get this new information into the MSM ASAP.
If you dont agree you are a shill.
Whos in?

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 7:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

John White wrote:
Repeat after me I before E except after C

If thats the limit of your ability to critique this article effectively, I see no reason to give a damn about where I put I's and E's: the effort would be entirely wasted

Then he smears the character of his target enemies, Jones and Griffen, and anyone who listens to them as a "cultist" by inference. Thats the entire front end of the British Truth Campaign then, in case anyone misses it: Becuase those guys actually want to challenge power, and not excuse it.

For heavens sake man THINK!


Based on an 'article' which is a stunning mish-mash of half-truths aimed at the great unread and goldfish memoried, why am I not surprised you go for it 110%?
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9/11 Truth critic
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 7:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

John White wrote:

The evidence is just as compelling for Wood, if not more so: but who's smearing the UK truth campaign? Oh that's Holmgreen: fact and clearly demonstrated

Keep thinking!

Evidence for Jones - please post evidence for Wood

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John White
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 7:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

John White wrote:

The evidence is just as compelling for Wood, if not more so: but who's smearing the UK truth campaign? Oh that's Holmgreen: fact and clearly demonstrated

Keep thinking!

Evidence for Jones - please post evidence for Wood



Like I said: just as compelling

Stil, there's the little "no bathtub actually required" Beam weapon theory to throw into the mix: and also no challenge to this from you:

"who's smearing the UK truth campaign? Oh that's Holmgreen: fact and clearly demonstrated"

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9/11 Truth critic
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

John White wrote:
John White wrote:

The evidence is just as compelling for Wood, if not more so: but who's smearing the UK truth campaign? Oh that's Holmgreen: fact and clearly demonstrated

Keep thinking!

Evidence for Jones - please post evidence for Wood



Like I said: just as compelling

Stil, there's the little "no bathtub actually required" Beam weapon theory to throw into the mix: and also no challenge to this from you:

"who's smearing the UK truth campaign? Oh that's Holmgreen: fact and clearly demonstrated"
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John White
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Thats it from you then is it? It seems like your real username is "The Truth Will Render You Inarticulate"

At least I get a response greater than one word out of Anti-Sophist

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 4:32 am    Post subject: Who's gonna get blamed for 911? Reply with quote

Who's gonna get blamed for 911?

Without a free media... probably no one.

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