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Zionism and Mossad involvement in 9-11

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:33 pm    Post subject: Zionism and Mossad involvement in 9-11 Reply with quote

Hi there Im a new member of the forum, and I'm very interested in sharing details, observations and research on the agenda of the perpetrators of 9-11 and who is really responsible. I have done some searches on the forum and seen many articles and topics relating to the Zionist role and that of the Israeli Mossad/CIA/Mi5 in the 9-11US events, Madrid bombings and the UK 7-7 bombings. Has this already been discussed in much detail? I'll give below a synopsis of my own views and research on those responsible for 9-11 and most other large scale terrorist atrocities. My apologies if this is a long post.

There is much evidence to warrant an in-depth investigation of the role played by agents of Israel in the 9/11 attacks. Yet the ubiquitous, tiresome, and completely baseless threat of being labelled “anti-Semitic” for criticising the actions of the Israeli government effectively prevents all but the most courageous from following the leads.

First of all, we notice that two of the three 9/11 airports were serviced by one Israeli owned company, ICTS. ICTS, under its subsidiary Huntleigh International (which ICTS acquired in 1999) sells security, ticketing, check-in and passenger screening services to Boston’s Logan airport and New Jersey’s Newark airport from which Flights 175, 11 and 93 departed on the morning of 9/11. ICTS was not, however, involved in Washington’s Dulles airport from which Flight 77 departed.

The interesting thing about ICTS is that it is a Netherlands-based aviation and transportation security firm that is headed by “former [Israeli] military commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and security agencies.” Imagine that! A company owned by Israeli intelligence agents was handling security and passenger screening at the airports where the alleged hijackers just strolled on to the planes! But it gets better. The owner and President of ICTS is an Israeli named Menahem Atzmon. Atzmon, just happens to be a good friend of current Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert. In fact, Atzmon is such a good friend of Olmert that he was involved in a financial scandal involving forged receipts for donations
to the 1988 Likud campaign with Olmert back in 1997 when Atzmon was co-treasurer of the Likud party, and you can’t get much friendlier than that! As you can see, we are dealing here with a very murky web, where our ability to accept events as mere “coincidences” is stretched to the limit.

It is important to note that during the months prior to the WTC attack, many people in America and Europe were withdrawing their support for Israel and there was a growing feeling of dis-ease among the peoples of many countries that Israel was simply going too far in its persecution of the Palestinians. Everyone was getting tired of the constant harassment, the constant attacks against anyone who said a single word against Israel’s political ambitions; who - if they did not support every single thing said and done by Israel - were flamed as “anti-Semitic”.

In short, despite the Holocaust Guilt Industry, Israel was losing its grip on the collective guilt of the world; sympathies were turning against them, and toward the beleaguered Palestinians.

During the Clinton years, significant efforts had been made to bring the plight of the Palestinian people and the need for a just solution to the Middle East conflict to the attention of the international community. While Israel had successfully scuppered the Camp David peace talks by making demands that they knew the Palestinian people, and therefore Arafat, could not accept, Israel was finding itself increasingly isolated and increasingly pressured to make the concessions that
peace required.

Once 9/11 happened, all bets were off.

On September 10th, 2001, the Washington Times ran an article entitled, “U.S. troops would enforce peace under Army study”, which detailed the findings of an elite U.S. Army study centre plan devised for enforcing a major Israeli-Palestinian peace accord that would require about 20,000 well-armed troops stationed throughout Israel and a newly created Palestinian state. The most interesting aspect of the report was the mention of a 68-page paper by the Army School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) drafted to analyse the daunting task facing any international peacekeeping force if Israel and the Palestinians ever reached a peace agreement backed by the United Nations.

In the report, we are told that:

…the School for Advanced Military Studies is both a training ground and a think tank for some of the Army’s brightest officers. Officials say the Army chief of staff, and sometimes the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ask SAMS to develop contingency plans for future military operations. During the 1991 Persian Gulf war, SAMS personnel helped plan the coalition ground attack that avoided a strike up the middle of Iraqi positions and instead executed a ‘left hook’ that routed the enemy in 100 hours. The exercise was undertaken by 60 officers dubbed ‘Jedi Knights,’ as all second-year SAMS students are nicknamed. The SAMS paper attempts to predict events in the first year of a peace-enforcement operation, and sees possible dangers for U.S. troops from both sides. It calls Israel’s armed forces a ‘500-pound gorilla in Israel. Well armed and trained. Operates in both Gaza [and the West Bank]. Known to disregard international
law to accomplish mission. Very unlikely to fire on American forces. Fratricide a concern especially in air space management.’ Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: ‘Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.’

Hmmm... I suppose that the Bush Gang didn’t read that particular item of intell. They were too busy reading the “cooked intell” that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction or was going to have them or was thinking about planning to have them, or … well, you get the idea.

Alone, the quote from the Army School wouldn’t mean much, but when added to the other evidence of Israeli spy rings, Israeli companies providing security at the airports, it does seem to support the idea that Mossad may indeed have been deeply involved in the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and, perhaps, even the Pentagon, and that the Bush Cabal was not only complicit in ordering the U.S. military and intelligence services to “stand down”, but that they were directly involved in the plot.

According to ABC news, alleged chief hijacker Mohammed Atta was financed by “unnamed sources in Pakistan”. according to Agence France Presse and the Times of India, an official Indian intelligence report informs us that the 9/11 attacks were funded by money wired to Mohammed Atta from Pakistan, by Ahmad Umar Sheikh, under orders from Pakistani intelligence chief General Mahmoud Ahmad. The report said:

“The evidence we have supplied to the U.S. is of a much wider range and depth than just one piece of paper linking a rogue general to some misplaced act of terrorism.”

Guess where General Mahmoud Ahmad was on the morning of September 11? Why in the U.S. of course!

Guess what he was doing? Why, the good general just happened to be having breakfast with Florida’s senator, Bob Graham – the then esteemed chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Also present at the breakfast was Pakistan’s ambassador to the U.S. Maleeha Lodhi and Representative Porter Goss (Goss is a 10-year veteran of the CIA’s clandestine operations wing and was appointed by Bush Jr as CIA director until his resignation under the shadow of a scandal). There were other members of the Senate and House Intelligence committees present also.

Don’t you find it the least bit curious that so many darned bizarre things get done in Florida or in connection to Florida? After all, it was in Florida that Bush stole the 2000 election. Florida seems to be a “safe zone” for all kinds of nefarious activities because Bush’s brother, Jeb, is governor there. It also looks like the Bush Reich have the Florida Senator in their pocket, and even if he votes against any of the legislation desired by the Bush Gang, you can bet it is all for show: good cop, bad cop, S.O.P.

The day after the 9/11 attacks, then former Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, when asked what he thought about the event, stated that it was “very good for Israel”. Indeed it was.

The spin that was immediately put on the events of September 11 created much needed sympathy and vindication for the “war on Arab terrorism” that Israel claims it has been silently fighting for many years. Again we must ask, who had the motive and the capability to carry out the 9/11 attacks, and who stood to benefit the most?

Just hours after the attacks, intelligence analyst George Friedman162 proclaimed Israel as the primary beneficiary. “The big winner today, intended or not, is the state of Israel”, wrote Friedman, who said on his Internet website at stratfor.com adding:

“There is no question that the Israeli leadership is feeling relief.” Again we come back to the question that all serious criminal investigators begin with - “Who benefits?”

The fact is, there exists much evidence, conveniently overlooked by certain 9/11 investigators, to strongly suggest that agents of Israel were deeply involved in the events surrounding the 9/11 attacks. For example: There is the fact of the existence of the Israeli spy ring, as exposed, surprisingly, by Fox News’ Carl Cameron. In the four part series aired on Fox News in December 2001, Cameron reports many interesting facts such as:

Two Israeli companies Amdocs and Comverse InfoSys, (now called Verint), manage just about every aspect of the US telephone system.

Amdocs is responsible for billing and records for almost all phone calls in the US. Cameron states:

Amdocs has contracts with the 25 biggest phone companies in America, and more worldwide. The White House and other secure government phone lines are protected, but it is virtually impossible to make a call on normal phones without generating an Amdocs record of it.

In recent years, the FBI and other government agencies have investigated Amdocs more than once. The firm has repeatedly and adamantly denied any security breaches or wrongdoing. But sources tell Fox News that in 1999, the super secret National Security Agency, headquartered in northern Maryland, issued what’s called a Top Secret sensitive compartmentalized information report, TS/SCI, warning that records of calls in the United States were getting into foreign hands, in Israel, in particular.

Investigators don’t believe calls are being listened to, but the data about who is calling whom and when is plenty valuable in itself. An internal Amdocs memo to senior company executives suggests just how Amdocs generated call records could be used. ‘Widespread data mining techniques and algorithms...combining both the properties of the customer (e.g., credit rating) and properties of the specific ‘behaviour’.’ Specific behaviour, such as who the customers are calling.

Note the comment that, “the White House and other secure government phone lines are protected”. Well, it just so happens that Comverse InfoSys provides the wiretapping equipment and software for U.S. law enforcement agencies. Cameron tells us:

Every time you make a call, it passes through the nation’s elaborate network of switchers and routers run by the phone companies. Custom computers and software, made by companies like Comverse, are tied into that network to intercept, record and store the wiretapped calls, and at the same time transmit them to investigators.

The manufacturers have continuing access to the computers so they can service them and keep them free of glitches. This process was authorized by the 1994 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, or CALEA. Senior government officials have now told Fox News that while CALEA made wiretapping easier, it has led to a system that is seriously vulnerable to compromise, and may have undermined the whole wiretapping system.

Indeed, Fox News has learned that Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller were both warned Oct. 18 in a hand-delivered letter from 15 local, state and federal law enforcement officials, who complained that ‘law enforcement’s current electronic surveillance capabilities are less effective today than they were at the time CALEA was enacted.’

Comverse insists the equipment it installs is secure. But the complaint about this system is that the wiretap computer programs made by Comverse have, in effect, a back door through which wiretaps themselves can be intercepted by unauthorized parties. Adding to the suspicions is the fact that in Israel, Comverse works closely with the Israeli government, and under special programs, gets reimbursed for up to 50 percent of its research and development costs by the Israeli Ministry of Industry and Trade. But investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying through Comverse is considered career suicide.

To this last comment we have to ask: just what level of power do Israeli interests wield in the halls of power in the U.S. that any investigation into Israeli spying activities on U.S. soil against U.S. intelligence agencies can be so completely quashed? Would this constitute a level of power and control that would allow those interests to carry off a terrorist attack like 9/11 and have it blamed on “Arab terrorists”? Remember the U.S. School for Advanced Military Studies assessment
of the Israeli Mossad:

“Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.”

Cameron goes on to tell us that a group of 140 Israeli spies were arrested prior to September 11, 2000 in the US as part of a widespread investigation into a suspected espionage ring run by Israel inside the U.S.

U.S. Government documents refer to the spy ring as an “organised intelligence gathering operation” designed to “penetrate government facilities”. Most of those arrested had served in the Israeli armed forces – but military service is compulsory in Israel and a number also had an intelligence background. Many were posing as art students.

These spies were spread out across the U.S., usually living close to suspected Arab terrorist cells. One group was living just a few blocks away from alleged chief “hijacker” Mohammed Atta in Hollywood, Florida. Cameron reports that, according to intelligence sources within the U.S., a number of the terrorist cells that they had been watching changed their activities and routines immediately after having covert taps put on their communications by U.S. intelligence agents.

Now think about this. You have a group of at least 140 Mossad agents and/or their accomplices running around the US with apparent impunity prior to 9/11 conducting a “spying” operation that is designed to “penetrate government facilities”.

You have two Israeli companies that control the entire U.S. telephone and telephone wiretapping technology that are suspected of passing sensitive information to Israel. You have U.S. intelligence agencies realising that, on a number of occasions, terrorist suspects that they had sought to wiretap and survey immediately changed their telecommunications processes and began acting much differently as soon as the, supposedly secret, U.S. initiated wiretaps went into place. Then recall who has access to the wiretapping system information: Comverse, an Israeli company. But it doesn’t end there.

On the morning of September 11th and just as the WTC towers were crumbling, five Israelis were caught doing the “happy dance” as they videotaped the Twin Towers fall and over two thousand American civilians die. The now infamous “Dancing Israelis” were spotted by a woman who called the police who contacted the FBI. The five were apprehended in a moving company van, which contained $4700 in cash, box cutters and recently taken photographs, one image showing a hand flicking a lighter in front of the destroyed buildings as if mocking the event. Investigators said that:

“There were maps of the city in the car with certain places highlighted... It looked like they’re hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen.”

The driver of the van later told the arresting officers:

“We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.”

Did this most interesting comment give the world a tantalising glimpse into the real reason for and, at the same time, reveal the co-conspirators - or even perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks??

The five were detained for two months during which time at least two were identified as active Mossad agents. They were subjected to polygraph tests which one of them resisted for ten weeks before failing.

Now ask yourself: What questions might have been asked of this person during the test? We will probably never know, but we can speculate that he was probably asked direct questions about his involvement in the WTC attacks, and he, as a Mossad agent working for the state of Israel, was found to be lying.

After being released and deported to Israel, the five appeared on an Israeli television show where they made the following telling remark:

“The fact of the matter is we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event.”

This remark begs the question: How can you document an event if you do not know beforehand that it is going to happen?

Another interesting detail was the fact that an Israeli instant messaging company, Odigo, received a warning about the WTC attacks two hours before the first plane hit the WTC; this warning originated in Israel.

As reported by ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky, the Mossad has a history of creating and supporting radical Islamic groups for its own purposes, and as Seymour Hersh, veteran investigative journalist writing in The New Yorker on Oct. 8, pointed out:

“If it were not for the strong support of the Jewish community for this war with Iraq, we would not be doing this. The leaders of the Jewish community are influential enough that they could change the direction of where this is going, and I think they should.”

By “Jewish community”, Moran was certainly not talking about the average Jewish American or the average Jew in Israel, but rather the leaders of the Jewish political and industrial communities, the Israeli lobby groups in the U.S. such as AIPAC, the ADL and the self-proclaimed ‘Zionist’ leaders. In short, we are talking about people who claim to be acting in the interests of ordinary Jews but who, in reality, are manipulating the Jewish people and their history to achieve their own self-serving goals. Of course, we should not forget that many of the so-called Washington neocons and high-level Pentagon staff, all of whom are instrumental in forming American foreign policy, hold dual American and Israeli citizenship.

That the Israel lobby in America essentially dictates American foreign policy was highlighted in March 2006 by John Mearsheimer, Professor of Political Science at Chicago University, and Stephen Walt, Professor of International Affairs at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, in a paper entitled simply: The Israel Lobby http://www.lrb.co.uk/v28/n06/mear01_.html .

The paper created a significant political storm immediately after its release, and the cries of anti-Semitism from the Israel lobby served only to back up one of the theses of Walt and Mearsheimer’s paper: that any public claims that Israel wields an inordinate amount of power in Washington are effectively silenced by the exercising of the very same power of the Israel lobby. To the dismay of many people who hoped that the paper would open up debate on the highly secretive relationship between Washington and Tel Aviv, most mainstream news outlets played up the Israel lobby’s screams of anti-Semitism and ignored the actual details of Walt and Mearsheimer’s hard-hitting research that exposed the co-opting of American foreign policy by the state of Israel.

All of these facts are indisputable and constitute just the tip of the iceberg of what is clearly deep involvement by the agents of the state of Israel in not only the 9/11 attacks but the formulation of American foreign policy, and any domestic policies that impinge on foreign policy.

And so, there it was: after those nasty Islamic fundies attacked America, Israel had the biggest bully on the global block on their side. With the repeating rants of how evil Muslims are, how fanatical they are, how cruel and unusual they are, the rest of the world had better fall in line with Israel’s thinking and help them find the “final solution” for Palestine and those other ‘Arabs’.

Shades of Nazi Germany going after the Jews?

Thus we see that the main beneficiary of 9/11 was Israel. It was clearly not any Arab nations of the Middle East, which, already marginalised and demonized by Western states, could ill-afford to provide the U.S. and Israel with renewed carte blanche to label them as “terrorist supporters” and summarily invade and occupy their lands.

Logic would also suggest that any real Islamic terror groups also had nothing to gain by carrying out any major attack on America. Such groups claim that their main goal is to protect Muslim people from the kind of oppression that they have been subjected to for many years by Western nations, in particular Israel. Yet we are asked to believe that these ‘defenders of Islam’ were unaware that attacking the U.S. would obviously provide justification for a massive increase in this very same oppression?

Have Iraqi Muslims benefited from 9/11? What about the 86 million in Iran? Who are these ‘terrorists’ that claim to be acting in their name?

None of it makes any sense, and when something makes no sense, we must endeavour to make sense of it and this can only be done by asking questions such as Qui Bono?

We can also make a good case for the claim that the 9/11 attacks did not benefit the U.S. either. Bush’s approval ratings in 2006, mainly because of the “war on terror”, are at an all time low, the lowest of any American President – ever – and the 9/11 attacks appear to have initiated the rapid process of the political and economic destruction of the United States.

Again I state, the only entity to fully benefit from the 9/11 attacks, with no ‘down side’, is the state of Israel, or at least the people who control the state of Israel and appear to have a very specific plan for its future.

Any comments/further information or criticisms are greatly appreciated.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You have omitted the "missing" (ie stolen) 2.3 thousand billion dollars from the Pentagon over the three years prior to 9/11 when an Israeli passport holding man (Dov Zakheim) was in control of the Pentagon accounts. This "loss" was admitted to by Rumsfeld on the evening of....... 10th September 2001. How unfortunate that the events of the following morning have buried this scandal. And if only the "plane" which struck the Pentagon had not destroyed the accounting records and so many of the bookkeepers/accountants who just happened to work in that part of the Pentagon, maybe we could find out where it went. Still they have backups - in building 7 of the WTC I believe.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hadn't heard of this before blackcat, thanks for the info. How convenient the alleged "plane" took out the area where such information is kept.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Welcome Appollynon

You might be interested in this link as well...

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Welcome and thanks for your long post. Some of the information about ownership of airports was new to me.

Yes, Israel was surely close to the centre of the action on 9/11 but I cannot see how this crime can be ultimately in the interests of Israel, although extremist Zionists would almost certainly disagree.

There is something much bigger going on here.....the push for a 'New World Order' that you mention. Many, including myself, suspect that a global conflict is being deliberately fomented in order that the financial Powers-That-Be can step forward with their one-world 'solution' when the people of this planet are on their knees after the distress and chaos such a conflict is bound to bring.

This 'New World Order' will, with a blizzard PR promoting moralistic humanism and multicultural 'equality', concentrate power in a few hands like nothing that has been before it.

Israel is likely to be one of the greatest victims in this process. No country can generate such hatred without paying a big price. The USA, also, looks like it is being deliberately destroyed by its own government as we speak. Certainly it is no longer 'the Land of the Free'.

Exactly what is going on is very hard to tell but exposing the truth of 9/11 should help create the circumstances in which it might be possible to gain more insight into some of the visceral issues that need exposed for all to see.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Kbo284, I know what you mean about the NWO. From general observation the NWO [New World Order] term was generally used by United States citizens to describe a fear of being under the control of the United Nations. However it seems that the converse has occurred.

In this guise, New World Order describes a shadowy organization of elites who will control the destiny of the common man. It is in essence, an end to class struggle as a minority group controls the majority.

The origins of the term are cloudy. HG Wells wrote a book "The New World Order" in 1940 theorizing what would occur after the second world war. Strangely enough the machinations were already occurring. For example: the wheels of finance in motion between the Axis and Allied sides via the Swiss Bank of International Settlements!

The term has also been used by certain Christian groups to stir up an underlying fear of "one world religion" which seems to be a "sign" of the NWO.

I think that the New World Order is merely the Old World Order in new clothes. The minority has ruled the majority, whether as monarchy, oligarchy or democracy " for all of history and this will continue until people oc consience wake up and take their world back from the vicous psychopaths who rule it. The below quote from Woodrow Wilson from 1912 probably speaks of something of the sort:


'Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U. S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it

I think the various actual or hypothetic agencies whose names are often mentioned in discussions of secret government and conspiracies are most likely not direct members of such a consortium and may well be red herrings.

The term Matrix refers to the movie hit of the same name from 1999. I use the word use as a collective term for present day Earth reality. It contains the following features:

1-People do not understand they are in prison. They are made subjective, complacent, materialistic and pusillanimous.

2-People are used as a natural resource for a higher power outside of the matrix

3-There is a small possibility of waking up, involving group work and a profound realization that all one's life thus far has consisted of lies and illusion almost exclusively (programmed into us by the PTB). Even what good impulses may have existed have been twisted out of shape by false beliefs absorbed from the environment. For more on programming see the Greenbaum speech here http://www.illuminati-news.com/greenbaum-speech.htm

4-The people of the Matrix actually for the most part like their captivity and will even defend it.

5-Because the Matrix Is not explicit, because it is a fundamental element of reality, people do not see it nor do they in their state of sleep look for anything outside it.

Going past the allegory, we see the actual matrix as consisting of multiple levels. The first is direct political control and explicit power structures. The second level is cultural values and religions. Beyond these are likely human agencies such as secret societies combining influences in big money, military-industrial circles, churches and social institutions. These power brokers are however not part of the visible government. Such structures may themselves have multiple levels.

I think the deepest and most metaphysical level of this is not perceptible to us. The legend of the Fall from Eden is an allegoric rendition of the installing of this deepest level of control.

As for the Illuminati, originally, this is the name of a secret society started by Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria in 1776. This secret society was later discovered and dismantled, accused of subversive activity. Ever since, allegations of this society or its direct successor having gone underground to form the secret core of the world's clandestine power structure have persisted.

Weishaupt was one of the earlier proponents of synarchy. He saw the right to rule as the prerogative of his society by virtue of its would be superior members, their superior moral character, their superior knowledge and understanding of what is good for humanity. The lluminati were to form a secret network penetrating all areas of life, from government to church to economy and military. The illuminati network itself was strictly hierarchical and compartmentalized, so that each member only knew his closest fellow conspirators.

Weishaupt was a former Jesuit, also a student of Gnosticism and various esoterica.

This type of structure most probably runs the world but it is improbable that this were Weishaupt's creation or idea. They are likely manipulating events and governments as part of the New world Order you have mentioned.

Leiff - Im afraid I have had some bad experience with Alex "Jar Head" Jones and his sites, I have myself seen him doctor news reports from the BBC and other sources posted on his website to fit his own agenda. I also have seen enough discussions on other boards and done enough research to have a pretty strong opinion that he is a "schill", or COINTELPRO agent. By COINTELPRO I mean "Counter Intelligence Programme," an FBI operation targeting US domestic dissent in the 1970's.

The methods of cointelpro include placing agent provocateurs into targeted organizations, false allegations of wrongdoing, planting false evidence, setting up fake organizations for fomenting discord within a movement and many other modes of harassment and disruption.

I think much of the New Age movement as 'cosmic cointelpro,' aimed at propagating plausible lies for misleading those who are no longer content with the answers of standard religion. The 'space brothers are here to save us' is an example of such a meme.

Essentially, cointelpro is any covert or underhanded activity aimed at destroying movements or ideas the power structure finds threatening while maintaining deniability. The extreme factionalization of the UFO research community is an example of the results of cointelpro.

How to spot a COINTELPRO agent?

One way to neutralize a potential activist is to get them to be in a group that does all the wrong things. Why?

1) The message doesn't get out.

2) A lot of time is wasted

3) The activist is frustrated and discouraged

4) Nothing good is accomplished.

FBI and Police Informers and Infiltrators will infest any group and they have phoney activist organizations established.

Their purpose is to prevent any real movement for justice or eco-peace from developing in this country.

Agents come in small, medium or large. They can be of any ethnic background. They can be male or female.

The actual size of the group or movement being infiltrated is irrelevant. It is the potential the movement has for becoming large which brings on the spies and saboteurs.

This booklet lists tactics agents use to slow things down, foul things up, destroy the movement and keep tabs on activists.

It is the agent's job to keep the activist from quitting such a group, thus keeping him/her under control.

In some situations, to get control, the agent will tell the activist:

"You're dividing the movement."

[Here, I have added the psychological reasons as to WHY this maneuver works to control people]

This invites guilty feelings. Many people can be controlled by guilt. The agents begin relationships with activists behind a well-developed mask of "dedication to the cause." Because of their often declared dedication, (and actions designed to prove this), when they criticize the activist, he or she - being truly dedicated to the movement - becomes convinced that somehow, any issues are THEIR fault. This is because a truly dedicated person tends to believe that everyone has a conscience and that nobody would dissimulate and lie like that "on purpose." It's amazing how far agents can go in manipulating an activist because the activist will constantly make excuses for the agent who regularly declares their dedication to the cause. Even if they do, occasionally, suspect the agent, they will pull the wool over their own eyes by rationalizing: "they did that unconsciously... they didn't really mean it... I can help them by being forgiving and accepting " and so on and so forth.

The agent will tell the activist:

"You're a leader!"

This is designed to enhance the activist's self-esteem. His or her narcissistic admiration of his/her own activist/altruistic intentions increase as he or she identifies with and consciously admires the altruistic declarations of the agent which are deliberately set up to mirror those of the activist.

This is "malignant pseudoidentification." It is the process by which the agent consciously imitates or simulates a certain behavior to foster the activist's identification with him/her, thus increasing the activist's vulnerability to exploitation. The agent will simulate the more subtle self-concepts of the activist.

Activists and those who have altruistic self-concepts are most vulnerable to malignant pseudoidentification especially during work with the agent when the interaction includes matter relating to their competency, autonomy, or knowledge.

The goal of the agent is to increase the activist's general empathy for the agent through pseudo-identification with the activist's self-concepts.

The most common example of this is the agent who will compliment the activist for his competency or knowledge or value to the movement. On a more subtle level, the agent will simulate affects and mannerisms of the activist which promotes identification via mirroring and feelings of "twinship". It is not unheard of for activists, enamored by the perceived helpfulness and competence of a good agent, to find themselves considering ethical violations and perhaps, even illegal behavior, in the service of their agent/handler.

The activist's "felt quality of perfection" [self-concept] is enhanced, and a strong empathic bond is developed with the agent through his/her imitation and simulation of the victim's own narcissistic investments. [self-concepts] That is, if the activist knows, deep inside, their own dedication to the cause, they will project that onto the agent who is "mirroring" them.

The activist will be deluded into thinking that the agent shares this feeling of identification and bonding. In an activist/social movement setting, the adversarial roles that activists naturally play vis a vis the establishment/government, fosters ongoing processes of intrapsychic splitting so that "twinship alliances" between activist and agent may render whole sectors or reality testing unavailable to the activist. They literally "lose touch with reality."

Activists who deny their own narcissistic investments [do not have a good idea of their own self-concepts and that they ARE concepts] and consciously perceive themselves (accurately, as it were) to be "helpers" endowed with a special amount of altruism are exceedingly vulnerable to the affective (emotional) simulation of the accomplished agent.

Empathy is fostered in the activist through the expression of quite visible affects. The presentation of tearfulness, sadness, longing, fear, remorse, and guilt, may induce in the helper-oriented activist a strong sense of compassion, while unconsciously enhancing the activist's narcissistic investment in self as the embodiment of goodness.

The agent's expression of such simulated affects may be quite compelling to the observer and difficult to distinguish from deep emotion.

It can usually be identified by two events, however:

First, the activist who has analyzed his/her own narcissistic roots and is aware of his/her own potential for being "emotionally hooked," will be able to remain cool and unaffected by such emotional outpourings by the agent.

As a result of this unaffected, cool, attitude, the Second event will occur: The agent will recompensate much too quickly following such an affective expression leaving the activist with the impression that "the play has ended, the curtain has fallen," and the imposture, for the moment, has finished. The agent will then move quickly to another activist/victim.

The fact is, the movement doesn't need leaders, it needs MOVERS. "Follow the leader" is a waste of time.

A good agent will want to meet as often as possible. He or she will talk a lot and say little. One can expect an onslaught of long, unresolved discussions.

Some agents take on a pushy, arrogant, or defensive manner:

1) To disrupt the agenda

2) To side-track the discussion

3) To interrupt repeatedly

4) To feign ignorance

5) To make an unfounded accusation against a person.

Calling someone a racist, for example. This tactic is used to discredit a person in the eyes of all other group members.


Some saboteurs pretend to be activists. She or he will ....

1) Write encyclopedic flyers (in the present day, websites)

2) Print flyers in English only.

3) Have demonstrations in places where no one cares.

4) Solicit funding from rich people instead of grass roots support

5) Display banners with too many words that are confusing.

6) Confuse issues.

7) Make the wrong demands.

Cool Compromise the goal.

9) Have endless discussions that waste everyone's time. The agent may accompany the endless discussions with drinking, pot smoking or other amusement to slow down the activist's work.


1) Want to establish "leaders" to set them up for a fall in order to stop the movement.

2) Suggest doing foolish, illegal things to get the activists in trouble.

3) Encourage militancy.

4) Want to taunt the authorities.

5) Attempt to make the activist compromise their values.

6) Attempt to instigate violence. Activisim ought to always be non-violent.

7) Attempt to provoke revolt among people who are ill-prepared to deal with the reaction of the authorities to such violence.


1) Want everyone to sign up and sing in and sign everything.

2) Ask a lot of questions (gathering data).

3) Want to know what events the activist is planning to attend.

4) Attempt to make the activist defend him or herself to identify his or her beliefs, goals, and level of commitment.


Legitimate activists do not subject people to hours of persuasive dialog. Their actions, beliefs, and goals speak for themselves.

Groups that DO recruit are missionaries, military, and fake political parties or movements set up by agents.


ALWAYS assume that you are under surveillance.

At this point, if you are NOT under surveillance, you are not a very good activist!

Scare Tactics

They use them.

Such tactics include slander, defamation, threats, getting close to disaffected or minimally committed fellow activists to persuade them (via psychological tactics described above) to turn against the movement and give false testimony against their former compatriots. They will plant illegal substances on the activist and set up an arrest; they will plant false information and set up "exposure," they will send incriminating letters [emails] in the name of the activist; and more; they will do whatever society will allow.

This booklet in no way covers all the ways agents use to sabotage the lives of sincere an dedicated activists.

If an agent is "exposed," he or she will be transferred or replaced.

COINTELPRO is still in operation today under a different code name. It is no longer placed on paper where it can be discovered through the freedom of information act.

The FBI counterintelligence program's stated purpose: To expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, and otherwise neutralize individuals who the FBI categorize as opposed to the National Interests. "National Security" means the FBI's security from the people ever finding out the vicious things it does in violation of people's civil liberties.

A slight breach in orthodoxy is sufficient to terrify authoritarian ideologues who see in it the collapse of the system of thought control that has been so effective in depoliticizing American Society.

"Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici" - By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe - www.signs-of-the-times.org
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hadn't heard of this before blackcat

You are not alone. I keep finding educated Americans who know nothing of this massive theft as they are kept in the dark by their own mass media. It amounts to $8,000 for every man, woman and child in the USA yet nothing is being done to investigate it. Utterly unbelievable!

Rabbi Steals $2.3 trillion

Why they didn't use a 757 to hit the pentagon
http://s15.invisionfree.com/Loose_Change_Forum/index.php?showtopic=557 1

http://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?messageid=271251&mpa ge=1&showdate=7/31/06

Referencing the 2.3 trillion dollars that was discovered to be missing from the Pentagon's coffers, Christison emphasized the fact that with an unlimited budget, the scope of operations that could be undertaken by the military-industrial complex are almost without recourse. "There is so much money now sloshing around throughout not only the CIA but the intelligence components of the Defense Department - which are actually bigger than the CIA - that these guys can do almost anything they want these days." Christison said that one of the subsidiary motives behind 9/11 was to take attention away from an impending exposure of the missing trillions and criminal proceedings against high officials.

That's just for starters - one of the major reasons for the inside job has to be this theft!!!!! Yet it has such a low profile among truthseekers I find it baffling.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 5:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is the source for the story...


If muckrakerreport.com is cointelpro too - let me know!
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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 11:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Welcome, Appollynon, great posts. Yes the Israel connection is under represented and of course mere mention of the name will have some people reaching for the "Anti-Semite" button, not least of which the guilty parties.

Another factor which is underplayed is the gold bullion in the WTC sub basements. If your going to create a pretext for a "war on the worlds oilfields & poppyfields" you may as well make some money and eliminate some evidence of other, previous, crimes while your at it eh?

Make love, not money.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 11:59 pm    Post subject: Re: Zionism and Mossad involvement in 9-11 Reply with quote

Appollynon wrote:
According to ABC news, alleged chief hijacker Mohammed Atta was financed by “unnamed sources in Pakistan”. according to Agence France Presse and the Times of India, an official Indian intelligence report informs us that the 9/11 attacks were funded by money wired to Mohammed Atta from Pakistan, by Ahmad Umar Sheikh, under orders from Pakistani intelligence chief General Mahmoud Ahmad.

A point you may not be aware of is during the Afghan-Soviet war the CIA and Saudi Arabia are known to have channelled funds to Osama Bin Laden and friends. Who at the time were(are?) CIA assets, via Pakistan and the ISI to enable them to claim no involvement. Most of the 19 alleged hijackers were Saudi's, the first planes to leave the US after 911 were full of Saudis...

Appollynon wrote:
Again I state, the only entity to fully benefit from the 9/11 attacks, with no ‘down side’, is the state of Israel, or at least the people who control the state of Israel and appear to have a very specific plan for its future.

The same people control the Bush administration, western media (including movies and records), the world banking system and have heavy commercial involvement in the military industrial complex. Large profits for all.

Personally I think it was MOSSAD who rigged the buildings with explosives, using the Israeli removal company as a front. I don't see even the worst of the CIA or US SpecOPs killers living with murdering 3000 'gentiles' in cold blood.

One, yes, 1 Jew died on 911 and he was in one of the planes (allegedly).

Make love, not money.
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Patrick Brown
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

blackcat wrote:
You have omitted the "missing" (ie stolen) 2.3 thousand billion dollars from the Pentagon over the three years prior to 9/11 when an Israeli passport holding man (Dov Zakheim) was in control of the Pentagon accounts. This "loss" was admitted to by Rumsfeld on the evening of....... 10th September 2001. How unfortunate that the events of the following morning have buried this scandal. And if only the "plane" which struck the Pentagon had not destroyed the accounting records and so many of the bookkeepers/accountants who just happened to work in that part of the Pentagon, maybe we could find out where it went. Still they have backups - in building 7 of the WTC I believe.

I'm aware of the 2.3 trillion but I wasn't aware that the records were in the Pentagon impact zone and copies in WTC 7. Can you give any more info to back this up i.e. links, official statements etc.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm aware of the 2.3 trillion but I wasn't aware that the records were in the Pentagon impact zone and copies in WTC 7. Can you give any more info to back this up i.e. links, official statements etc.

While I go (again!) to root out that info here is something to keep your interest.


The new "golden boy" of the Democrat Party, the Israeli-American congressman Rahm Emanuel, is the son of a terrorist.

Rep. Rahm Emanuel, the Democrat congressman for the 5th District of Illinois in Chicago is the son of an Israeli terrorist. Rahm's father, Benjamin, was a member of the Irgun, the Zionist terrorist organization that coined a new word as they blew up hotels, train stations, and other buildings in Palestine in the 1930s and 40s

Here is a half hour radio interview about the same topic

http://www.iamthewitness.com/mp3/DarylBradfordSmith-Bollyn-16Nov2006.m p3

(right-click link then "save-as" to download)
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cynthia McKinney


The pentagon have failed to balance their books for the last 9 years


http://www.nineeleven.co.uk/board/viewtopic.php?p=4996&highlight=gao#4 996
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John White
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Appollynon, welcome to the forum, and your insightful posts are most appreciated. I'd like to contribute in response to this section:

Appollynon wrote:
Hi Kbo284, I know what you mean about the NWO. From general observation the NWO [New World Order] term was generally used by United States citizens to describe a fear of being under the control of the United Nations. However it seems that the converse has occurred.

In this guise, New World Order describes a shadowy organization of elites who will control the destiny of the common man. It is in essence, an end to class struggle as a minority group controls the majority.

The origins of the term are cloudy. HG Wells wrote a book "The New World Order" in 1940 theorizing what would occur after the second world war. Strangely enough the machinations were already occurring. For example: the wheels of finance in motion between the Axis and Allied sides via the Swiss Bank of International Settlements!

The term has also been used by certain Christian groups to stir up an underlying fear of "one world religion" which seems to be a "sign" of the NWO.

At Ilusions, we've uncovered the precise term "New World Order" going back to at least 1860:

http://p4.forumforfree.com/the-bahai-brith-pawns-or-prophets-vt2661-la idbackchat.html?start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=

Follow the link to check out the info on that

Blackcat wrote:
While I go (again!) to root out that info here is something to keep your interest.


The new "golden boy" of the Democrat Party, the Israeli-American congressman Rahm Emanuel, is the son of a terrorist.

Rep. Rahm Emanuel, the Democrat congressman for the 5th District of Illinois in Chicago is the son of an Israeli terrorist. Rahm's father, Benjamin, was a member of the Irgun, the Zionist terrorist organization that coined a new word as they blew up hotels, train stations, and other buildings in Palestine in the 1930s and 40s

Here is a half hour radio interview about the same topic

http://www.iamthewitness.com/mp3/DarylBradfordSmith-Bollyn-16Nov2006.m p3

(right-click link then "save-as" to download)

I'd also like to comment that, whilst this particular information may be correct, I feel compelled to give my view that great caution should be used around Daryl Bradford Smith, he's something of a twisty snake, as conspiracy central members know very well. Why would an anti-zionist try to get con central closed down for hosting extremely credible anti-zionist material? Neither DBS or any ardent DBS supporters have ever succesfully explained that one to me: and Alex Jones is a shill according to DBS of course

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Patrick Brown

Here is some info relating to the Pentagon. I need time to do research on WTC7 as I have lost all my records and need to find the sites again.


"One Army office in the Pentagon lost 34 of its 65 employees in the attack. Most of those killed in the office, called Resource Services Washington, were civilian accountants, bookkeepers and budget analysts. They were at their desks when American Airlines Flight 77 struck. "

http://www.infowars.com/articles/sept11/following_zakheim_and_pentagon _trillions_israel_911.htm

"Apart from the question of whether it was F 77 that struck the Pentagon, it is more than ironic that accountants, bookkeepers and budgets analysts, the very people who could pick up the financial frauds were struck. Especially since the hit was directed supposedly at the Office of Naval Intelligence. "

http://www.arlingtonva.us/departments/Fire/edu/about/docs/after_report .pdf

"The impact area included both the Navy operations centre and the office comples of the National Guard and Army Reserve. It was also the end of the fiscal year and important budget information was in the damaged area."


Click above link for full list of Pentagon workers killed on 9/11 together with their rank and job description. Navy personnel killed because they would become aware of the war games being used as cover and Army personnel mainly bookkeepers/budget analysts.

"Capt. Gerald Francis Deconto, 44, Sandwich, Massachusetts director of current operations and plans, was organizing the Navy's response to the WTC attack when he was killed. U.S. Navy "

"Pentagon Personnel who died in/at Pentagon...

These guys, ONI and auditors, were selected to be in that wedge as targets. This aerial photo says to me bombs were pre-placed to insure there were to be no survivors, all files destroyed as well. As near as I can see only two groups, Office of Naval Intelligence, Budget/auditors, and a half-dozen in personel. I can easily see that the entire chain of command ONI was killed."


"From The Pittsburg Post Gazette, December 20, 2001: "One Army office in the Pentagon lost 34 of its 65 employees in the attack. Most of those killed in the office, called Resource Services Washington, were civilian accountants, bookkeepers and budget analysts. They were at their desks when American Airlines Flight 77 struck."

The Arlington County After-Action Report noted that the "impact area included both the Navy operations center and the office complex of the National Guard and Army Reserve. It was also the end of the fiscal year and important budget information was in the damaged area." And Insight Magazine editorialized that "the Department of the Army, headed by former Enron executive Thomas White, had an excuse [for not making a full accounting]. In a shocking appeal to sentiment it says it didn't publish a "stand-alone" financial statement for 2001 because of "the loss of financial-management personnel sustained during the Sept. 11 terrorist attack."
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Patrick Brown
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanx Ian, John and Blackcat for all the links. I'll of course need a while to digest all this and I will be using my discriminatory facilities.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I love the idea that Alex Jones is a shill. If he were he'd be just about the least effective shill in the history of shillery. I know I was woken up by Alex Jones, and I think that's true of thousands (perhaps hundreds of thousands?) of other people. Not to mention his message is always "Research it for yourself"
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 4:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fallious wrote:
I love the idea that Alex Jones is a shill. If he were he'd be just about the least effective shill in the history of shillery. I know I was woken up by Alex Jones, and I think that's true of thousands (perhaps hundreds of thousands?) of other people. Not to mention his message is always "Research it for yourself"

For once there is something we can agree on
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 4:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fallious wrote:
I love the idea that Alex Jones is a shill. If he were he'd be just about the least effective shill in the history of shillery. I know I was woken up by Alex Jones, and I think that's true of thousands (perhaps hundreds of thousands?) of other people. Not to mention his message is always "Research it for yourself"

For once there is something we can agree on

Well thats something Cool but do you know Jones' position on no planes?
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:47 am    Post subject: Zionism is part of the USA Reply with quote

Being an appendage of the USA it comes as no strange surprise that they are involved in every dodgy event the USA carries out.

They were also involved in Iran-COntra they have also been involved in bombings, arming and training of pro-US soldiers in Latin America.

The hit they got from Hizbollah has sent them into a tailspin for which they do not know what to do.

They hedged their bets on a swift defeat and instead will end up with a Hezbollah government, a Hamas government in Palestine, and a victorious insurgency in Iraq.

The message I get from the bigger picture, is start packing...
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

blackcat wrote:

Rabbi Steals $2.3 trillion

No he's explained everything

Dov Zakheim's (US Under Secretary of Defense) testimony on the $2.3 trillion disappearance to the House Budget Committee (July 11, 2002) begins as follows:

“First of all, I should say that very often, although the numbers seem large, it's not because we really don't know what happened with the transactions. The problem has tended to be that we just didn't record them properly...”

It seems they are just a bit nonsense at keeping the paperwork in order. Wink
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Patrick Brown
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What I want to know is where did the money go? I figure you could do quite a lot with such a large amount of cash. Secret instillations aside it would seem that people that worship the almighty dollar (In god we trust) always have a price. I bet you could buy a lot of souls for 2.3 trillion dollars!

I figure with all the finger pointing that's going on it's best to accept that all parties did it. The thing is everyone thought they knew what was going on and what the deal was. In reality because they were all trying to be clever they ballsed it up. No we see them all playing the blame-game and it just highlights the finger-pointing peeps as the perpetrators.

It's all just one big mind-job with nobody in control. Shocked

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