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Bush and Cheney being indicted on perjury?

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 2:27 am    Post subject: Bush and Cheney being indicted on perjury? Reply with quote

Greetings folks!

Anyone heard about Bush and Cheney being indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice charges. This is a hoax right? I mean this * is too good to be true. Tell me it's true someone please!

Info on Truthseeker site.

Bush, Blair, legalised terrorists!
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Moz,

I've had umpteen emails over this Bush/Cheney indictment, and unfortunately, yes it is a hoax.
I don't know who started the rumour, but it's had people calling the US District Attorney, who have confirmed they haven't issued any indictments against Bush or Cheney.

Hope this helps

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 2:29 pm    Post subject: Hoax Reply with quote

Disappointing, but good that we're not being taken in by it.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:05 am    Post subject: BUSH/ CHENEY INDICTED Reply with quote

http://citizenspook.blogspot.com/2005/08/treasongate-white-house-indic ted-us.html

Check out Jeff Rense



US Atty's Office Statement On
Bush/Cheney 'Indictments'

Bush/Cheney Indicted By Runaway Grand Jury?

Bush & Co Facing Prosecution? - Overthrow - Part 77

Bush And Cheney Indicted? US Attorney 'No Comment'

Also the wesite above at top of page and below.

http://citizenspook.blogspot.com/2005/08/treasongate-white-house-indic ted-us.html
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 5:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hopefully this should shed some light on it......

http://www.globalnewsmatrix.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid =2087
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:28 pm    Post subject: the wisdom of not knowing Reply with quote

IMHO it is far better to claim you don't know than to jump to conclusions, later to discover you were wrong. As John Pilger reportedly said to Patrick (Dr Jazz) : "Never believe something because you want to believe it."

I don't know who was behind the London bombings, though I do know there are a lot of fishy facts about them. Nor do I know what really happened on September 11th 2001, but I do know that Washington's version does not stand up to deep scrutiny. I also know that we need an independent enquiry into both these incidents. I don't know how we are to achieve that, but I suspect through an ever-widening public campaign of information and political pressure. Therefore that is the approach I'm backing.

Some people have criticised me for not saying it's the fault of the capitalist system, others for not saying it's all been engineered by "the Matrix" or the Zionists or "the control group" or the CIA or the neocons or the Project for the New American Century, or the Bilderberg group, or the oil companies, or the arms manufacturers, or the Devil, or the forces of evil, or the Freemasons, or the Illuminati (who as everyone knows can sometimes be seen to morph into reptilian forms, because they are decended from a race of genetically engineered half-humans crossed with an extraterrestrial race of lizards). Some people say I am insufficiently spiritually advanced because I avoid the leap of faith which might lead me to make such claims. Maybe I am, but I know what I think.

I'm trying to keep together in this country a movement of enormous potential to change public consciousness which embraces many shades of opinion. I am not about to back one particular theory about what the truth is, nor will I approach people on the basis of claims about the way the world is which are likely to be considered outlandish by large numbers of people.

I will push things which unite us: the need for verifiable information and the need for an independent inquiry.

United, we shall stand....

Take care y'all

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Journalist Stands By His Story That Bush And Others Indicted

'The wide-range of indictments for perjury and obstruction of justice against Bush and other top administration officials, was first reported last week by Flocco, who claimed sources close to the grand jury investigation in Chicago told him indictments had been handed down but not released to the public due to the highly sensitive nature of the charges.

Flocco reported last week that Fitzgerald's grand jury voted out "true bills" or federal criminal indictments against President Bush, Vice-President Cheney, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, former Attorney General John Ashcroft, former CIA Director George Tenet, Presidential Senior Advisor Karl Rove, Presidential Chief of Staff Andrew Card, Vice-Presidential Chief of Staff I. "Scooter" Libby, imprisoned New York Times reporter Judith Miller and Vice-Presidential Senior Advisor Mary Matalin.'


Journalist Stands By His Story That Bush And Others Indicted But Retracts Story About Potential Firing Of Chicago Special Prosecutor
Investigave reporter released story about the firing of U.S. Federal Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald by mistake over on line mix up with web master.
August 8, 2005

By Greg Szymanski

The journalist who first broke the story about President Bush and others being indicted by the Chicago grand jury stands by his original account, but says a story he released Sunday about the potential firing of Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald was a mistake.

“We apologize for the inaccuracy, however, we stand by our on the record source Tom Heneghen and our story reporting that the ‘true bill’ indictments have been voted out by the Chicago grand jury against a host of Bush administration officials and that Vice President Cheney, President Bush and Secretary of State Condaleeza Rice are aware that boxes of cash left the Phillipines right after 9/11,” said investigative journalist Tom Flocco, one of the first to break the indictment story.

Flocco apologized to readers Monday for his in a statement released on his web site, which had been down for several days for technical reasons. Flocco added the story was inadvertently put on line due to a controversy with his web master over file transfers and other matters.

“The rough working draft about the fired prosecutor should never have ben placed online and was in a batch of files transferred by the new webmaster and was posted by mistake,” said Flocco.

The wide-range of indictments for perjury and obstruction of justice against Bush and other top administration officials, was first reported last week by Flocco, who claimed sources close to the grand jury investigation in Chicago told him indictments had been handed down but not released to the public due to the highly sensitive nature of the charges.

Flocco reported last week that Fitzgerald's grand jury voted out "true bills" or federal criminal indictments against President Bush, Vice-President Cheney, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, former Attorney General John Ashcroft, former CIA Director George Tenet, Presidential Senior Advisor Karl Rove, Presidential Chief of Staff Andrew Card, Vice-Presidential Chief of Staff I. "Scooter" Libby, imprisoned New York Times reporter Judith Miller and Vice-Presidential Senior Advisor Mary Matalin.

The U.S. Attorney's office in Chicago, through its media spokesman, Randall Sanborn, refused comment on any aspect of the grand jury proceedings, but high-level and credible legal observers claim suppression of grand jury indictments is not unusual, especially when dealing with matters concerning the national interest such as the Nixon indictments during Watergate and now Bush.

Although Flocco is taking considerable heat for running the story, long time Chicago truth-teller and advocate for cleaning up the judicial system, Sherman Skolnick, agreed with Flocco's reporting.

"I have received credible reports from my high-level government sources in Canada, the United States and Europe that the grand juries have concluded their probe and have voted True Bills, Federal Criminal indictments, against George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, "Scooter" Libby, Condoleeza Rice, and Theodore B. Olson and several media people not previously mentioned in the monopoly press as implicated," said Slolnick in a telephone conversation Saturday from his Chicago home.

Skolnick, who has been fighting judicial indiscretion and criminality for over 40 years since the early 1960's, is one of the few men in America who has developed credible sources to back-up what he reports, especially concerning judicial stories taking place right in his own Chicago backyard.

"I expected to be a called a liar on this one for sometime after my story appeared, but the truth will come out," he said regarding a recent article he published verifying indictments have been handed down.

And Skolnick is no “average Joe or talking head,” since he is probably responsible for putting more crooked lawyers and judges behind bars than any other single American and is still pursuing judicial corruption with vengeance, as founder of his public interest group called Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts.

Recently on his website www.skolnicksreport.com and www.cloakanddagger.de he posted an article titled "Bush and Co. Face Prosecution," where he gave a detailed look at the recent grand jury proceedings going on in Chicago and indictments handed down against Bush.

"One or more of the grand juries have concluded their probe and have voted True Bills, Federal Criminal indictments, against George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, "Scooter" Libby, Condoleeza Rice, and Theodore B. Olson; and several media people not previously mentioned in the monopoly press as implicated," wrote Skolnick.

"Shown also as unindicted co-conspirators are two Judges on the U.S. Supreme Court, William Rehnquist and Antonin Scalia, who are among the "Gang of Five" also in Bush versus Gore. Because of the horrendous consequences involved, the indictments are suppressed and there may be an extended delay until they appear on the Chicago Federal Court open records.

"The substance of the details in this story have been confirmed to us as being true and correct by high government officials, with spotless records, of the U.S., Canada, and Europe. To distract from the impending release of the indictments and the naming of the unindicted co-conspirators, the Bush White House has caused deadly rumors to circulate.

"Such as, that the FBI is tracking in the District of Columbia and elsewhere that certain supposed "terrorists" have suitcase dirty nukes ready to set off in D.C. Such as, that Bush will declare Martial Law and suspend Habeas Corpus, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Such as the U.S. will be wracked with financial and domestic anarchy as Bush seeks asylum in Brazil, or Australia, or elsewhere overseas."

For more informative articles go to www.arcticbeacon.com.

Greg Szymanski

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Aug. 10 - 12:00 AM EDT


A report on this story from yesterday...click

WOW won't this be a great read if they get the * locked up and start to interrogate them instead of innocent people.
Linda :>)
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:05 pm    Post subject: FEDERAL GRAND JURY DIGGING DEEP INTO BUSH CRIMES Reply with quote




By Greg Szymanski

A federal whistleblower close to the Chicago federal grand jury probe into perjury and obstruction charges against President Bush and others said indictments of top officials were handed down this week. A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Northern District of Illinois, however, refused to confirm or deny the source’s account.

“We are not talking about any aspect of this case, and our office is not commenting on anything regarding the investigation at this time,” said Randall Sanborn from the office of U.S. federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, the attorney conducting the grand jury probe into whether Bush and others in his administration violated federal law in a number of sensitive areas, including leaking the name of a CIA operative to the media.

In December 2003, Fitzgerald was named special counsel to investigate the alleged disclosure of Valerie Plame’s name to several mainstream columnists, but the present grand jury probe has expanded to include widereaching allegations of criminal activity as new information has surfaced.

Although the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Chicago is staying silent, it is well known that Fitzgerald is digging deep into an assortment of serious improprieties among many Bush administration figures, based, in part, on subpoenaed testimony provided by former Secretary of State Colin Powell.

According to whistleblower Tom Heneghen, who recently reported on truthradio.com, Powell testified before the citizen grand jury that Bush had taken the United States to war based on lies, which is a capital crime involving treason under the U.S. Code. “Regarding the Powell testimony, there is no comment,” said Sanborn.

However, sources close to the federal grade jury probe also allegedly told Heneghen a host of administration figures under Bush were indicted, including Vice President Richard Cheney, Chief of Staff Andrew Card, Cheney Chief of Staff I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, former Attorney General John Ashcroft, imprisoned New York Times reporter Judith Miller and former Cheney advisor Mary Matalin. Heneghen, unavailable for comment, also allegedly told sources White House advisor Karl Rove was indicted for perjury in a major document shredding operation cover-up.

In recent weeks, there has been much controversy over Fitzgerald’s wide-reaching probe, which is extending far beyond the Bush administration to include what some have called “a wholesale cleansing” of a crimeladen White House and Congress.

Fitzgerald’s investigation is said to be also centered on members of the 9-11 Commission, members on both sides of the aisle in the House and Senate and also select high-powered members of the media.

Needless to say, administration officials are “fighting mad” with Fitzgerald. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts is trying to derail Fitzgerald’s probe by calling him to testify before the Senate regarding his true motives behind the investigation.

Political observers are now wondering whether administration-friendly Republican legislators, some under investigation themselves, are conspiring like President Nixon did in Watergate with Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox in an attempt to shield the Bush administration from prosecution.

In late July, reports about the recent bomb scare in the subway under the congressional offices at the Dirksen Building—coincidently near where Fitzgerald was holding his grand jury hearings—raised questions as to whether government operatives were sending the zealous prosecutor a “warning message” that he was entering dangerous waters with his investigation.

The bomb scare was reported to local police late Monday afternoon, July 18, causing the subway to be evacuated for approximately 45 minutes while bomb sniffing dogs and SWAT team members searched for what was reported to be “a suspicious package” left on one of the subway cars.

Fitzgerald began serving as the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Illinois in September 2001. He was initially appointed on an interim basis by former Attorney General Ashcroft before being nominated by Bush.

The Senate confirmed his nomination by unanimous consent in October 2001. In December 2003, he was named special counsel to investigate the Plame case. Based on the testimony of ABC sources in late July, it appears that at least two close associates of Rove testified before the grand jury. One was Susan Ralston, a longtime associate of Rove and considered to be his right hand.

The other was “Izzy” Hernandez, regarded as Rove’s left hand and now a top official in the Commerce Department.

(Issue #33, August 15, 2005)

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 9:53 pm    Post subject: Perjury, Obstruction of Justice and Financing the 9/11 Attac Reply with quote


Perjury, Obstruction of Justice and Financing the 9/11 Attacks: Have Leading Figures in the Bush Administration Really Been Indicted?

Steve Watson/Infowars | August 15 2005

On Friday 12th August 2005 Alex Jones interviewed investigative journalist Tom Flocco, who has written for World Net Daily and many other major publications, was in attendance at many of the 9/11 whitewash Commission meetings and has broken many big stories in recent years.

Click here to listen to the entire Tom Flocco interview

Flocco claims he has received information from intelligence sources and sources on the fringe of intelligence that suggests indictments have been handed down to members of the Bush Administration.

He has had it on good authority that US federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's grand jury has convened in Chicago to indict Bush officials for perjury and obstruction of justice . According to Flocco individuals have been at work for over a year and a half on this matter.

Patrick Fitzgerald is certainly no stranger to investigation of and indictment of government officials. Fitzgerald is the special prosecutor investigating the leak of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame's name to columnist Robert Novak, and his office is also prosecuting former Illinois governor George Ryan and loyal associates of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley on influence-peddling and corruption charges.

Flocco named Tom Heneghen, a stock broker in California who has sources within intelligence that have revealed many thousands of individuals are sick of the government agenda since 9/11, in addition to their selling out of intelligence officials left right and centre, and are gathering evidence of criminality and taking it to grand juries. The Valerie Plame case is just one such example of this kind of activity, yet according to Heneghan there is much more going on that our media is simply not reporting.

Sources close to the jury probe have allegedly told Heneghen a host of administration figures under Bush have been indicted, including Vice President Dick Cheney, Chief of Staff Andrew Card, Cheney Chief of Staff I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, former Attorney General John Ashcroft, imprisoned New York Times reporter Judith Miller and former Cheney advisor Mary Matalin. Heneghen also allegedly told sources White House advisor Karl Rove was indicted for perjury in a major document shredding operation cover-up.

If such information regarding these indictments is correct, the fact that the it has not made the media that the President and the Vice president have been subpoenaed to appear before a federal jury indicates there is a major cover up in operation.

Subway incident

Flocco has also reported on the incident on July 18th when allegedly French and US intelligence agents intercepted British intelligence agents who were attempting to bomb the subway underneath the Dirksen Federal Building where Fitzgerald was presiding over grand jury hearings. Tom Heneghen has said he had talked to sources ten minutes prior to this event.

The bomb scare was reported to local police late Monday afternoon, July 18, causing the subway to be evacuated for approximately 45 minutes while bomb sniffing dogs and swat team members searched for what was reported to be “a suspicious package” left on one of the subway cars.

Serious questions can also be raised as to whether intelligence forces linked to President Bush and Tony Blair had participated in a failed attempt to de-rail the Fitzgerald probe by literally blowing it up at a time when evidence has revealed MI6 involvement in the 7/7 London Bombings.

9/11 connections

Flocco has also recently complied evidence to suggest that American politicians and heads of federal agencies were heavily involved in drug money laundering and the financing of the 9/11 attacks. In his article Financial terrorism towers over 9.11: Evidence points to attack on America by White House crime families, Flocco reveals how FBI translator turned whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, revealing the content of the FBI intercepts she heard, indicates that recognizable, very high-profile American citizens are linked to the 911 attacks.

Edmonds said "There is direct evidence involving no more than ten American names that I recognized," further revealing that "some are heads of government agencies or politicians, but I don’t want to go any further than that,". Edmonds evidence was thrown out of court even though she has been backed by several prominent FBI figures and politicians. The Bush Administration has her under gag order and is moving to have her arrested.

The former FBI translator has implicated everything "from drugs to money laundering to arms sales. And yes, there are certain convergences with all these activities and international terrorism," adding "they don’t deal with 1 or 5 million dollars, but with hundreds of millions."

Flocco has reported how Edmonds implied that legislators and even lobbyists were benefiting from laundered narcotics proceeds in an earlier interview with the Baltimore Chronicle, "...this money travels. And you start trying to go to the root of it and it’s getting into somebody’s political campaign, and somebody’s lobbying. And people don’t want to be traced back to this money."

"Once this issue gets to be investigated, you will be seeing certain [American] people that we know from this country standing trial; and they will be prosecuted criminally." Edmonds went on to suggest.

Flocco indicates that such wink and nod activity is infuriating good people within the intelligence agencies who have seen similar if not identical briefs as the major players within the government. It is clear that some senators and congressmen are turning a blind eye to open corruption within the highest echelons of government and Patriot intelligence operatives are not going along with it.

Cloak and Dagger

The trouble with reporting on this kind of cloak and dagger activity is that you have to use conjecture. Yet we certainly will not hold off reporting the story as we see it, especially when our mainstream media in the UK and the US is currently devoting front page headlines to UNCONFIRMED RUMOURS of terror attacks (see here and here). There are certainly criminal investigations going on as we have seen with the Plame incident. Is this latest story a desperate whim of hope for justice in an unjust world? Like a dying soldier that sees a mirage on the battlefield?

Tom Flocco is adamant that this story is accurate. His sources are very close to the Grand Jury, and in many cases are actually giving evidence to the grand jury in Chicago.

Furthermore, as journalist Greg Szymanski has revealed, the prosecutor's office response was "no comment." If this was all totally made up wouldn't they want to distance themselves from it and not leave it open?

We will continue to report any updated information regarding this case.
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