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Easter nuke detonation in Texas?

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Angel - now passed away
Angel - now passed away

Joined: 25 Jul 2005
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Location: South London

PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:14 am    Post subject: Easter nuke detonation in Texas? Reply with quote

Sent to us by Kevin Boyle, this links with the broadcast info by US army Captain May sent to the London group by Morgan in Ireland.

Maybe if this gets enough advance publicity such a wicked deed can be forestalled. I have no idea if it's true.


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Angel - now passed away
Angel - now passed away

Joined: 25 Jul 2005
Posts: 1959
Location: South London

PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 12:01 pm    Post subject: text re nuking Texas Reply with quote

One supporter has told me he can't access the site, so I'm pasting the text below.


by Ken Welch in Houston
Posted March 25, 2006

During the summer of 2005 it was decided go ahead with plans for America’s second 9/11.

The decision was not made in a torch-lit cave in Afghanistan, nor in a nondescript safe-house in Iraq. Implementing the plan would involve the highest officials of the United States government. The centerpiece of the plan is a portable nuclear weapon manufactured in the former Soviet Union. A tame “terrorist”, destined no doubt to be an eventual patsy, arranged for the bomb’s transport by sea, and the ship carrying it entered Galveston Bay on January 25, 2006. At this time the device remains hidden on board the ship that brought it, a freighter docked in or near the port of Texas City, about thirty minutes south of Houston, and only ten miles from the island city of Galveston.

Radiation monitoring teams from the Department of Homeland Security were on the beach at Galveston to make sure there was no radiation leakage from the ship that might register on monitors and give away the secret. After the vessel concluded it’s normal business and was tied up at its final position, a team of experts inspected the device, determined that it was fully functional, and installed the triggering mechanism. They pronounced it ready to go, and released it to the White House on February 16th.

The nuke has remained there up to the time of this posting, and will be detonated at some time during the Easter holiday, April 14-16, to maximize the illusion that the world is involved in religious conflict. This will be a spectacular media event involving the mass evacuation of three million people, already tested in the bizarre Rita stampede last November. Network cameras will be locked on Texas City, from a distance of course, to ensure the best possible pictures of the flash and rising mushroom cloud. Many Americans will die, and the once again the world will be changed forever.

This is ultimate reality, life in the raw, far removed from the fairytales taught in schools and portrayed in mass media. It simply doesn’t get more real than this. Within this report you will hear the voices of U.S. officials in reversed speech, a medium that reveals hidden thoughts, giving you the actual details about their little mushroom surprise for America and the world.

You will hear with your own ears WHAT it is, WHERE it is, HOW it got here, WHO is responsible, and WHEN they intend to set it off.

Perhaps, if you share this report with enough people, the plan will be changed. The nuke can be quietly recovered and they will take it somewhere else. However, events over the past decade clearly demonstrate that those who are calling the shots firmly believe that their control and corruption of the government and military is so complete that the American people are totally powerless. It simply doesn’t matter how many people are aware of what is really happening. There is nothing they can do about it.

I. January: Rumors Of A Nuke

On January 25th, 2006, the same day that we now know the nuke actually arrived, journalist Greg Szymanski posted on his ArcticBeacon.com a story titled, “All Signposts Lead To Imminent Nuclear Attack In America”. The story was mirrored the following day on Rense.com, where my eye was naturally attracted to the subtitle, which read: “Intel Army Capt. Eric May Issues 'Red Alert' For Next 9 Days For Texas City-Houston Area”.

That’s where I live. Now, truth be told, Houston is a city that has virtually no detectable character and I doubt that the world would miss it. On the other hand there are a lot of people in Houston, some of whom I rather like.

Szymanski wrote:

The January air is again filled with rumblings about an imminent nuclear attack on American soil, as ominous signs are popping up all over the place indicating the "dropping of the real potato" is right around the corner. Sources inside the military and close to the action this week warned areas of "nuclear concern" within the next 10 to 90 days include Texas City, Tex., the Houston metro area, Charleston, S.C., Los Angeles, Ca., and Kansas City, Ka.

Szymanski’s source, a Captain May, claims to have deciphered the secret code of special dates that determines when the bad guys stage their big stunts, and also to have friends in Army intelligence circles who were leaking information about a nuke. Websites related to May are basically incomprehensible. However, the references to “military sources” naming various cities had all the earmarks of a long series of internet Psyops designed to prepare the public for a nuclear event.

If you don’t understand this, pause for a moment and think. Why would people leak this? If they are really looking for a nuke, then they will be out there looking. What would be the point of blabbing about it? Sure, leaks happen, and often for very courageous reasons. But with no way to narrow down the location there is really nothing to leak. On the other hand, if you are trying to build a psychological framework to support a future event, or to distract people from some other program or event, then leak away - it’s just one more tool in the propagandist’s toolbox.

Szymanski posted a follow up article a day later, this one also driven by information from Capt. May who claimed sources inside the Houston Police Department had confirmed that in recent weeks they had been taking part in nuclear disaster drills. I have no idea if this is true. The Arctic Beacon, however, listed this as one more piece of evidence that the city was being targeted by the Bush administration for a nuclear attack. A third article on January 28th and a fourth on February 3rd completed the coverage, noting at the end that there was in fact a training exercise for homeland security WMD teams in Galveston that week, with monitoring equipment set up on the beach. It was reported in a local newspaper.

On February 4th, the blog “Christian Partners For Peace” jumped in with an article titled, “Whose Nuke is Coming to the US?” This piece referenced “intelligence sources” who now were hinting that the mystery nuke had been smuggled through the newly discovered Mexican drug tunnel. The article pointed out how unlikely this theory was, and echoed my own conclusion: there really was a nuke and the anonymous “sources” were simply laying the psychological foundation. This is a very common tactic which serves two purposes.

First, when people are prepared for a big event over time, then when it actually happens their first thoughts are, “I just knew this was going to happen!” It’s like being told for several years before 9/11 that terrorists would sooner or later come to America.

This ensures that people are much more likely to accept the official story of what happened, because key parts of it are already lodged in the back of their mind. They whole story seems much more reasonable than it would if it were sprung on them all at once. Second, the voices that are sounding the “warning” gain in credibility afterward, and their value as a propaganda tool is enhanced. People will pay much more attention next time.

One thing in the back of MY mind as I read each story in turn: Houston has already experienced a bizarre, pointless, and distinctly surreal evacuation of nearly three million people in connection with hurricane Rita, only a few months before. If the mystery nuke turns into a media circus so the whole world gets to watch like they did on 9/11, then all the kinks and problems that will arise as the population panics have already been mapped out from an exceptionally convenient test. What a coincidence.

II. Second week of February: The Hunt Begins

Although I was immediately suspicious of the nuke stories, it took four days of an increasing feeling of “wrongness” before I realized that I was going to have to do something. To find out quickly if there were grounds for my suspicions, I went to the website of the “World Economic Forum”, an organization that meets annually in Davos, Switzerland. While others have their favorite “illuminati” organizations, my money says these folks, and the multinational corporations they represent, are the guys that are deeply involved in making things happen. They have a great public image, but reversed speech has shown they know way too much about the really nasty stuff to be mere observers. They brief each other in private, and then babble about it unconsciously when the microphones are on.

On the 26th of January, U.S. Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice addressed the annual W.E.F. meeting via a video hook-up, presumably from Washington. The program was still available for viewing so I recorded the audio and went to work. I hit pay dirt almost immediately. Condi blabbed about the nuke.

Click on the sound button below to hear the results, with a brief narrative that describes the process and format being used.







26 JAN 2006

World Economic Forum, Davos Switz., via video

Guiding Principles and Values for US Policies


Well, as you heard for yourself, it is TRUE. Condi tells us there really is a NUKE and it’s hidden on a freighter. Beyond that, however, I still don’t know much. There is a “terrorist” involved, but in today’s world of half real, half fabricated “disney-news” that means nothing. Few terrorists are who they claim to be.

Not too many years ago an expert on international terrorism pointed that all cross-border terrorism is state sponsored. It is extremely expensive, and terrorists need government help with paperwork, transportation, and to keep them from running afoul of law enforcement. Even the 9/11 hijackers, at least those that actually existed, had government agencies running interference for them on multiple occasions - just to keep them from being arrested and deported as a matter of routine. Simply stated, there are no international terrorists running around loose, doing their own thing. Never was, never will be. As to who is paying a particular “terrorist” - well that’s for them to know and the rest of us to guess at.

Obviously, lives are at stake here, but the information so far is not enough. I will need to gather a lot more speech reversals, and get them from multiple sources if possible, before I can really say that I have any grasp at all of what is happening. I’ve learned enough over time to know that I wouldn’t buy a used car from a government employee, whether it’s Condi Rice or the principle at the local high school. I also know that the people who run things have been playing a gigantic game of “wag the terrorist” for years. If there’s a nuke, my feeling is the odds are at least ten to one it’s ours. If it is, it would certainly be an answer to a lot of fervent prayers from around the Beltway.

III. Is A U.S. Sponsored Nuclear Incident Reasonable?

I know there are still people that believe that a bunch of barely civilized nut cases in Afghanistan orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, and that those buildings fell down all by themselves. Of course, if you get all your news from television and radio, then that’s the only information you have. The rest of us know there is a much bigger, and vastly uglier story there, which will all come out eventually. If you just can’t deal with the idea that evil people will naturally work very hard to occupy any position of power that we create for them, then I suggest that you go back to your television set and stay tuned. Micky mouse will tell you everything you need to know.

As for current events, consider the following.

1) A number of media outlets are beginning to say the Bush administration is in big trouble. There is open talk of impeachment. Iraq is a disaster, if viewed according to its stated purpose, a success if the purpose was to raise the price of oil and gas. In response to the nagging question, whether the Iraqi people will find their way to democracy, a lot of folks are realizing that they didn’t care before, and they really don’t care now. It’s none of our business. People have the governments they deserve. This is just as true in Iraq as it is here. When they no longer deserve it, things change. Sometimes overnight.

2) People are waking up rapidly now to the fact that the German model of imperial government is the opposite of what America is all about. We didn’t ask for it, we don’t want it, and it is obviously being imposed by a small group of officials who seem to get their orders from somewhere else. The Motherland? The Fatherland? The Homeland? Give us a break! Have you ever met an American that uses any of these terms? Reminds me of an anti-war flyer I was handed one day at college. It referred to GI’s in Vietnam as “yellow running dogs”. Somehow you knew right off that the piece wasn’t written on campus.

3) The myth of terrorism is becoming increasingly thin. The official story of 9/11 is falling apart, and the traditional gathering up and hiding of the evidence, ala Waco, Oklahoma City, etc., has an obvious and all to familiar odor. It is also beginning to dawn that “terrorist” events, even as bad as the one in New York, are necessarily isolated and localized. The world goes on. And of course we can’t seem to find any more serious terrorists, anyway.

4) For reasons that are known only to themselves, the Bush crowd have clearly set their sights on a “pre-emptive” strike on Iran, despite the fact that we don’t have the manpower to wage war on Iran using conventional means . On its face this makes no sense and the reasons given, that ten years from now Iran might be able to produce a nuke of its own, is obviously no emergency. The real puzzle is why the White House effort to concoct a cause for war seems so half hearted. On the other hand, a number of sources have indicated that, in another odd coincidence, U.S. war plans have been amended so that a nuclear strike on Iran is pre-authorized and pre-programmed -- if a nuclear device should explode in the United States. For some reason it doesn’t matter whose device it might be. This is so kooky that I have serious doubts about the story. Nonetheless...

If there is one thing Washington desperately needs, it is another 9/11. Naturally, it has to be bigger, louder, and kill a lot more people than the first one. Otherwise, let’s face it, we’ve been there and done that. The only kind of attack that meets all their needs would appear to be nuclear. At the very least it would let the administration say they’d finally found a “weapon of mass destruction”.

One interesting side note: The Bush administration’s story was that 9/11 caught them totally by surprise. In wonderful irony they were then badly burned for being asleep at the switch. They don’t want to be accused of incompetence once again. To prevent this, they’ll need a trail of clues indicating that they were hot on the trail of a loose nuke, searching high and low, 24/7. This takes us back to the leaked stories. Everyone who reads them is prepared in advance to hear that Big Brother was definitely on the job. Too bad they were just one step behind. Got it?

IV. Third Week of February: Getting Help

Speech reversals are really the only tool available for finding truth in the world as it is today. They are the reason the new millenium will be different from the old, despite the fact that a gigantic array of forces are fighting an intense battle to return the planet to universal feudalism. Luckily, there are now many people well versed in their use, and several I can draw on for quick help, as soon as I let them know what I’ve found.

Speech reversals are a fascinating medium. They come from the right brain hemisphere which science previously assumed lacked the power of speech. In fact the ability is there, but because of the left-right cross-wiring of the human nervous system the speech is backwards. It is also buried within normal speech which makes it virtually undetectable without audio tools. To learn more about speech reversals, check out ReverseSpeech.com.

My approach to RS as an intelligence gathering tool is based on my observation that most people are actually thinking about more than one thing at once, particularly when giving a prepared presentation that is already boring. Many other thoughts will flicker through the mind and show up in speech reversals. By itself, a single speech reversal is problematic. You don’t know for sure what triggered the thought or, in most cases, what it is referring to. However, if you already know that a certain situation exists, if there are multiple references that fit together, and particularly if a second source shows up with reversals on the same subject, then you’ve found something that has a concrete existence and a life of its own.

RS was used extensively to track the shamelessly deceptive activities of the Clinton administration, but by the time Bush Jr. took office there was a definite chill in the air that suggested RS investigators had best keep a low profile. Because of this, while there are some terrific RS practitioners out there, many prefer to remain below the radar, and only exchange audio files and the really eye-opening material among themselves.

I’m one of those who use speech reversals for other purposes, and over time I’ve gotten pretty good at it. I also know three other RS “experts” who have collaborated in the past when the need for action outweighed the need for personal safety (a different story). Fishing for speech reversals is incredibly time consuming. The only way I would be able to get the whole story on the mystery nuke would be to enlist the others in the search.

Strider, a true master at RS who several years ago told the U.S. Army he didn’t want to see any more assassinations on film – and made it stick – signed on immediately. RichardK, my next choice, was reluctant at first. After he heard the Condi Rice reversals, though, he said a nuke was more important than anything else on his plate. A third member of the team readily agreed but asked not to be named. We quickly reminded each other to avoid key words in any telephone or e-mail conversations, and then tried to decide how to split up the work. There was a huge amount of audio available that was both current and pertinent.

No one wanted to do Bush himself. Junior is a tough subject for RS due to the physical effects of his years of drug and alcohol abuse. The effect on his speech centers is obvious (just slow down his normal speech and see how many words and syllables are left out) and reversals are usually short, fragmentary, and often juvenile. I end up with the recent “state of the union” speech because no one else will take it even though it has to be done. It will be a huge task, with little hope of reward.

Strider would tackle the Senate Intelligence hearings with the new director of national intelligence, Skull and Bones member John Negroponte. Based on an earlier look at Negroponte, Strider said he should be easy and most likely a goldmine of information. He appeared on the Hill to discuss “threats” for 2006, and then reused much of the same speech at Georgetown university.

RichardK, would take Donald Rumsfeld, who would surely know about a loose nuke, and is almost always worth an RS effort even if you are not looking for anything in particular. He’s fun because he views himself as a thespian and loves a good phrase. He may or may not be helpful because, in the past, he has seemed to be able to compartmentalize his thinking. Alternatively, things we would expect to carry a strong emotional charge may be to him only commonplace.

Our third person would back up anyone who got bogged down, and also take the President’s Saturday radio addresses and some older press conferences.

We have three main priorities. They are to determine: 1) where is the nuke now, 2) who is controlling it, and 3) when will it be used.

Strider came through first, with breathtaking material from Negroponte’s appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee.







JOHN D. NEGROPONTE, "Dir. National Intelligence"

2 FEB 2006

Senate Intel Committee Hearings

Global Threats for 2006

Cue: Extremists

Cue: Al Quaida

Cue: Terrorism a global problem

Cue: (Known CIA ghost) Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

Cue: Undetermined reference

Cue: Helping Al Quaida with attacks

Cue: True Nature of world events

Well, hell. It’s Houston.

That answered our first question right off. Unfortunately, it didn’t make me feel any better to be working near the next Ground Zero. However, I have already measured the distance to the closest place a real ship could be (the actual Port of Houston) and my family and myself are simply not close enough to be harmed by the actual detonation. Nonetheless, for the next few days I will periodically find myself listening for the blast, which could come at any moment. I make sure the cars are filled up, and obtain an iodine supplement known to be helpful in situations involving radioactive fallout.

The Negroponte reversals also provide a much better picture of what we are dealing with. First, the date of his presentation, February 2nd, follows the Rice appearance by only a few days and the statement that “the nuke’s here” identifies the arrival of the ship as the physical event that has taken place. So Condi’s phone call about the nuke was no doubt her notification of the ships arrival. This places the actual date of arrival January 26, or quite possibly the day before - the date the Zymanski article about mysteriously leaked nuke warnings appeared.

We also must accept the obvious. The White House knows which ship it is, where it is, and even the fact that the nuke is hidden on the upper level of the ship “right near (a) lifeboat.” Is this the intelligence coup of the century? It would appear that with this much information and a simple phone call, a couple of sherrif’s deputies could go out and pick the damn thing up. Is that happening? No. Weeks go by and it doesn’t happen.

Strider tells me that the phrase “there’s no accidents” is Negroponte’s personal mantra, repeated many times whenever he is recorded. It is reminiscent of FDR’s statement that nothing happens on the national or world stage by accident. That there is always extensive advance planning by those in power. The reversal, “We’re registered evil” is fascinating to. Not just ordinary evil. Registered. Like badge of excellence.

I take the statement that the bomb “will blow up” literally. This is not going to be a dog-and-pony show where they “discover” the nuke and then cart it off.

Two aspects are still clouded. First, who’s bomb is it? Is it really a foreign operation that the White House will simply allow to happen, or is it a completely in-house operation?

I also have serious doubts about Houston itself as the target, whether “terrorists” chose it or the administration picked the target. While there is nothing particularly special about Houston, the port itself is an economic powerhouse. A nuke in the port would inflect incredible damage that would effect the whole nation. It would make no sense to allow that to happen. I’m particularly aware people who have not lived in an area normally think in a sort of geographic shorthand based on large cities. In other words, for an East Coast resident, “Houston” could typically describe a large area one or even two hundred miles in diameter. This is a big target but the water route narrows it down considerably. South from the actual port and ship channel is Galveston Bay. First up is La Porte. Essentially at the lower end of the Houston ship channel, there are multiplce facilities along this stretch for handling container ships. La Porte itself has no significant docking facility that I know of, but I've only been there once. Very nice place.

Below La Porte is the NASA / Clear Lake area, and towns like Kemah and Seabrook on the bay itself (underneath the "League City" name the map below). As far as I can tell there are no facilities there that could dock an ocean going freighter. Further south is Texas City with an actual port facility, and it is the only small town named in the so-called leaked intelligence. Then, of course, there is Galveston - visible across eight or ten miles of water from the jetty at Texas City. Here’s the layout. You can click on the map and then explore it in a new window.

V. Living in the Matrix

One subject from the Negroponte reversals must be addressed here, and then put aside for another day. This has to do with the references to Al Quaida, and their champion in Iraq, al-Zarkawi who, according to the latest news, is now expanding operations throughout the Middle East and, if you are particularly gullible, even into Israel.

In 1999, the motion picture “The Matrix” stunned audiences with spectacular effects and a plot that seemed to spark a haunting resonance in the general public. Is it possible that reality as we know it could be a complete fabrication? Total illusion? This is naturally a great topic for philosophy classes, and an important theme in metaphysics. Yet American audiences particularly seemed to feel an unconscious response, a nagging feeling that something in this concept needed a closer look. People spoke of a “spooky” feeling that took days or even weeks to go away.

Of course, those who had been watching the Clinton administration with a critical eye, particularly such incidents as the Oklahoma City disaster, got this message right between the eyes. Without going into detail, because it really needs to be covered separately, the essential key is that Americans have been totally submerged in the Matrix for quite some time. There is no Al Quaida. There is no Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. They are pure fiction. Bin Laden himself, a real person and a valuable CIA asset in the Afghan/Soviet war, stated quite frankly that he had nothing to do with 9/11. This was about six hours before he did a Jimmy Hoffa and abruptly disappeared, only to be replaced by video tapes portraying various men who looked like Bin Laden - until you look or listen closely.

The point here is that this is not the place to lay out all the aspects of the world’s biggest hoax. But it will be much easier to grasp what we found in the nuke investigation, if you will allow the concept of a gigantic con some temporary credibility. The information we found must fit together in a way that makes sense, or we are missing something. The Al Quaida hoax is the missing piece that provides a three dimensional structure for everything else. It’s just hard to swallow because it’s so big - not because it’s impossible.

VI. Last Ten Days of February - Filling In The Gaps

The stunning Negroponte reversals injected our team with an air of panic. The bomb has been here for almost a month. It could be detonated at any moment. We devote more and more hours to digging for useful reversals. Strider says he will go after Dick Cheney, whose remarks to the Wyoming legislature are available on CSPAN.

I’ve had no luck at all with the State of the Union. Bush is focused too much on the drama of the moment, and most reversals are fragmentary and lack reference. There is one little gem but it relates to a different story. I need to go on to something else.

RichardK reports similar results with the Rumsfeld material from February 2nd, although he is bragging about a fabulous reversal that is not related to the nuke. After listening to it we all agree that we must find a way to include it, just because it’s so good. However RichardK also reports that I really screwed up with my work on Rice. I quit too soon, he says, because a brief look at the original audio indicates that there is much that I missed by focusing all my attention on word “nuke”. I agree to go back and put more time on it.

The bright spot is that our other member, who had volunteered to review older material, says that he has found the actual smoking gun. It makes it clear who’s nuke it really is. He found it in a December Bush press conference related to the Iraq “elections”. This would place it some number of weeks before the bomb ship left port on its way to Houston.










19 DEC 2005

Press Conference following Iraq "Elections"

Addressing the nation..


Strategy for victory in IRAQ


multiple overlapping reversals:

This is an exceptional piece of RS work, because the reversals are all in one place and those that add detail are literally overlapping one another. Think of the unconscious being directed to a key thought (our nuke), and then bursting out with three or four “word-pictures” all at same time. It takes exceptional skill and patience to bring these out.

Obviously, the nuke has been OURS from the beginning and Junior is focusing on it’s value. The supporting reversals deal exclusively with various forms of video. Clearly, Bush sees a nuclear attack on America as an exciting media event.

Strider is back in only two days with reversals from Cheney, who he says is a remarkably good RS subject. Cheney adds more details to the plot, but leaves us frustrated because we still can’t figure out when the bomb is scheduled to go off, or why it hasn’t been used already.







17 FEB 2006

Address to Wyoming Legislature

Cue: future generations..

Cue: years, decades (time)

Cue: advantages..


This is terrific detail. We never get this kind of detail from Bush, whose mind seems to only retain highlights, and has often made us wonder if he knows anything at all. Some day when RS becomes an adjunct to clinical psychology, we may find out what that is all about.

Releasing the bomb (on Feb 16) clearly means that it has now been inspected by experts and pronounced ready for use. To our irritation, Cheney does not specify when the bomb will be used, even though his subconscious is happy to tell everyone in the Wyoming legislature that the date has been scheduled!

The personal aspects are interesting as well. There appears to be neither concern nor remorse, either for the people who will be killed or the acknowledged end of liberty that the event will apparently bring about. If the bomb is going to “win the war”, it is not clear exactly which war that might be.

We have an interesting code phrase to add to our collection, K.I.D. ULTRA, which seems related to the bomb, or the operation that brought it here. We also have confirmation of my feeling that the ship is not located in Houston itself.

Following RichardK’s suggestion I have looked at Rice’s introductory remarks at the World Economic Forum, and now discover that I may have had the missing info on timing all along - although the long time span that the reversals indicate is hard to fathom.

Rice’s reversals indicate that she fully appreciates the horror of what is planned, even though she is going along with it. Nonetheless, she is frightened and the fear is related to April. Digging in, and burning the midnight oil I decide to find every possible reversal I can. I even check the moderator, W.E.F. founder Klaus Scwab, who introduces Dr. Rice and then directs questions from a panel of journalists. Schwab is multilingual. In his introduction there are reversals but they are in German. I can’t understand them.

However, after listening attentively to Rice's presentation, Schwab’s thoughts have switched to English. I don’t know why I decided to check him a second time, after getting German in his opening statement, but it paid off. Schwab knows about the nuke as well, and he knows the target date. He and Rice both agree and we finally have a lock. Here is what I found:








26 JAN 2006

World Economic Forum, Davos Switz., via video

Introductory remarks







DR. KLAUS SCHWAB (also KARL), founder W.E.F.

26 JAN 2006

World Economic Forum, Davos Switz., via video

Moderator for Dr. Rice's appearance


Schwab's thought, "you'll see their war now", in connection with the Texas nuke, is significant. It cannot mean Iraq since we've beeing seeing that war for a long time. This has to be a new war. The people of Iran have no idea how close they are to a surprise nuclear strike from a propaganda crazed USA.

VII. February 25th - D Minus Fifty And Counting...

The reversed speech nuke team received the news of the target date with a collective sigh of relief. Speech reversals are not difficult to find. Normally though, we use the process to look at a person’s response to specific questions. Important unconscious information is either there or it isn’t. Fishing for reversals, covering large amounts of audio from beginning to end, is an entirely different matter. A person doing a really detailed search can easily spend two hours, for instance, combing through a mere ten minutes of speech and then cataloging what has been found. We have hundreds of hours invested in the project, a considerable amount of lost income as well, and we are not done yet. Nonetheless, the news that we have time to do a thorough job, even though it will require more hours, is a blessing.

Collectively, we are appalled that D-Day has been set for Easter. Although millions of dollars have spent to demonize Islam and convince Americans they are in a religious war, it is still mind-boggling that these people would choose Christianity’s most sacred date to further the big lie.

Ironically, it is their determination to pervert Faith that will thwart their plan. If they had simply run the ship into port and set the damn thing off it would be done. There would have been no way for us to uncover enough details with RS to understand what happened, and probably not much opportunity in the ensuing chaos to bring it to anyone’s attention.

Current assignments for the team include another chance at Rumsfeld which may not produce much, Ben Bernanke the new Fed Chairman who no doubt is fully informed, and the appearance of General Peter Pace at the National Press Club, someone that none of us has ever worked with. There are also several more shots at Junior available, and surely he must, by now, be dealing with the concept of nuking Americans in some fashion beyond the idea that it will produce great video and we all get to "see *". I also want to check out arch-globalist Bill Clinton, who addressed the W.E.F. near the end of their late January meeting. He’s a favorite RS blabbermouth, and he’s such a slimy character to begin with that his hidden thoughts are always rather fascinating in a horrible sort of way. Does he know about the nuke? I’d bet a month’s pay, if I had any at this point, that he knows the whole story.




As far as politics go, the American mantra as far back as we can remember has always been, “Let George do it.” Well, as you have seen, and heard with your own ears, George IS doing it.

Based on what we can see of future plans this is most likely your last chance to do something for the country you have counted on for so many things, and of course, to help yourself and your family while you are at it.

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Just say you are concerned or amazed or fascinated by the article. Keep it low-key. Remind your friends to pass the message on to others.


If you feel that you received valuable information from this work, we ask that give something in return. Ken’s publisher (Wishes Granted) has agreed to accept donations via PayPal and forward them to the reversed speech team after paying the bandwidth fees. Over six hundred man-hours went into this project, much of it representing lost income to the participants. You can donate whatever amount you feel is appropriate by clicking on the link below, which will open a new window.

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3) When you donate you will be returned to a page that briefly describes some of the other things we are seeing for the near future. We ask that you keep this information private, and simply make whatever preparations you feel are advisable for you and your family.

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If you have some favorite news sites (not the big corporate ones) that you visit regularly, use their contact form to suggest they cover this story. A little dose of reality is just what the doctor ordered - for all of us.

If you are a Webmaster, we are asking for pre-positioned mirroring, ready to go if this site goes away. Please obtain a full mirror file, which includes the article itself, the sound files and swf players, by sending a note to “mirror” at ken-welch.com. In a week or so, if we are still up, we will post clickable links to the volunteer mirror sites, if you include the URL in your message.

And from all of you, please, your prayers would be greatly appreciated.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Funny, Phil from Letsroll pinpointed Houston a while back, (although not when), from a completely different document pulled from the fbi website, and then yoinked.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 8:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry - but this is a little ridiculous..playing clips of speeches backwards and modifying them to barely sound like ambiguous phrases? How can anyone rely on this as evidence?
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

especially as they end up by asking for money....
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 6:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

only asking for donations. I can't see there holding back info until you pay them?

Reverse speach, still something I'm looking into, not something I'm discounting. Has been succesfully used in other ares.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:16 pm    Post subject: Very, Very Strange Reply with quote

I have just received an Email from an old oilfield buddy, flagging up the following blog:


The relevant posts are obvious ......... as for the other posts on the blog, I'll leave it to you to decide!

The synchronicity is very, very strange!

Ian R. Crane
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As with all these predictions, time will tell
They're useful, but then the mf's go and do something else, and it all seems so obvious and evidence-ridden in hindsight
They're good at the game, and we're somewhat lagging
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 1:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hm, lets see if this Blog isn't a fabrication...was this a drunk official? Or just a paranoid internet regurgitator? Well, the dude she gives a lap dance to says in response to who is responsible:

“Who’s they,” I enquired naively

“The American Government ………. George Bush ……. Dick Cheney …….. the whole * sick cabal. That’s who,”

Notice the use of the word cabal - not to mention the fact that she specifically remembers the word.

Well if its just a paranoid dude - where would he read this stuff? Check it out - http://arcticbeacon.com/25-Jan-2006.html

This, I believe is the source for the Houston nuclear scare - it was back in January. I don't know why its surfaced again though for easter break.

The phrase "Bush Cabal" is used again and again in this article. From someone who reads alot on this topic on the internet, Bush cabal isn't really a common term. It seems to be popular though at the Arctic Beacon, which this dude, if hes real, was probably reading.

I think it just might have been a 9/11 truther that went too far and started to panic.

Just a discovery, though I wouldn't put it past our government here in America to set off a nuke to finally start WWIII. Anyone have any other opinions or links?
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

this is surely complete *!
this is a disinfo site and is harming the real investigation into 9/11 and government terror acts
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 12:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Welcome Timmy

I haven't even looked at this so this is not an informed opinion, but you may well be right. We all need to use our discernment when considering material.

The site has so far evolved on the basis of a few principles: no endorsement, no material likely to provoke violence or hate and no personal abuse. Oh and no plugging commercial products. That's about it.

Within these principles, material is not removed. It is left to be debated or ignored as posters see fit. (There is one exception to this when a thread was recently removed. This is currently under discussion, but that issue is not for here and it wasn't removed because of anyone's judgement that it was accurate or not).

So welcome but don't expect anyone to come along and clean up a thread just because it is 'complete *' or not

Welcome again
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 9:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i see what you're saying.

i did use some discernment when viewing the site and made my conclusion fairly quickly.
Stuff like that annoys me as it can harm the credibility of real investigations.

but i take your point. yes
no offence meant

thanks for the welcome
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 9:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Imagine something like this happened though. No doubt the finger of blame would immediately be placed on Iran or some other innocent country. It would be the excuse Bush is looking for Sad
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