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Rice meets Scouse

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 3:16 pm    Post subject: Rice meets Scouse Reply with quote

The upcoming visit to Liverpool by Condoleeza Rice has had local Stop The War activists protesting around the city. Good luck to them. Cool

I decided, however, to write to the Leader of the Liverpool City Council - Warren Bradley about Ms. Rice, 9/11, and so on. As an afterthought I copied it in to every one of the 59 other Lib Dem councillors.

Here is what I wrote - firstly the letter to Mr. Bradley:


Dear Mr. Bradley,

I am a member of the Liberal Democrat Party, and have been since shortly after its inception. I actually used to be more active in Liverpool Liberal politics (in a very minor way) and for example assisted David Alton and Richard Kemp in their various campaigns in the early and mid 90s. However, since being married and living on the Wirral for over 10 years, I have generally lost touch with people on your own side of the river.

I have been a great admirer, however, of how the application of basic common sense and business friendly policies by the Lib Dems, has helped turn Liverpool around from the basket case economy it once was, to a thriving city with a future, today.

I wish to draw your attention to other matters though, and please don't think me a crank for doing so. I am an architect by training and profession with a very good understanding of structural mechanics in buildings. I work within the building industry in the North West and wish to convey views to you which are quite common within my own and the engineering fraternity.

Under normal circumstances the visit of an important overseas dignitary (especially from America) would be welcomed by all and sundry - even if they did represent a centre-right administration. However, in the case of Ms. Rice, this is anything but the case. The outcry which is developing over her association with a warmongering government (which our own has shamelessly allied itself to) is bad enough, but you should be aware that her involvement with some very questionable matters of state goes much further.

There is now considerable evidence that she was a party to knowledge that the Bush administration not only knew that 9/11 was imminent and refused to prevent it (because its outcome suited their realpolitik) but they actually accommodated and perhaps even assisted it. This is more than idle speculation and demands serious investigation. There are any number of websites you might visit - some of which are being promoted by 9/11 victim's families who are unhappy with the way they have been treated. I can well understand that you might well wish to dismiss this as a cranky email - but ultimately history will determine whether I and hundreds of thousands of others are telling the truth - and then what will you think of this lady - with her own shady oil background - and her administration with its transparent ambitions at domination of the Middle Eastern and Eurasian oilfields?

I seriously hope you will at least treat this matter with the seriousness it demands. The accusation of crazy conspiracy theorists is thrown about very liberally these days - but there is no smoke without fire. My own knowledge of the impossibility of the World Trade Center building collapses within less than 10 seconds each, into perfectly tidy heaps of rubble on their own footprints, which has never before happened in any building collapse - nor has fire ever brought down any high rise building (with or without aircraft impacts) - is enough for me to reason that only controlled explosives could have done that. It is also highly interesting that the company in charge of security at the WTC complex was run by two men - George Bush's younger brother Marvin and his cousin Wirt Walker - a contract which coincidentally ended the morning of 11th September 2001.

This woman knows all about this. She of course will deny it. She has made statements that nobody could have envisaged aircraft flying into buildings before 9/11 and yet there is tons of evidence to suggest otherwise. Various government buildings in Washington DC had actually been undertaking drills in case of exactly just those situations occurring on the day of 9/11 itself and in the weeks and months beforehand. This is verifiable fact. In fact just about every western intelligence agency (MI6 included) had warned the Americans 9/11 was going to happen with planes used as guided missiles, months before it happened.

So do we really want to welcome a woman who may well be knowledgeable of (and therefore an accessory-after-the-fact) to the greatest false-flag terrorist/murder scam in recent history? The unbelievable story that a rag-bag bunch of terrorists none of whom had any serious flying knowledge, managed to defeat the multi-trillion U.S. defence and intelligence agencies?

Please think again about this and please give me the benefit of the doubt as a fellow liberal and a professional person in my own right, that I might just be telling you the truth - a truth which is not widely known - but is becoming more widely known every single day. Please visit these following websites:

www.911truth.org (probably the best general US site)

www.nineeleven.co.uk (a good UK site)

www.judicialwatch.org (US legal site)

www.911research.wtc7.net (a technical US site explaining the falsity of the WTC collapse stories)

www.wtceo.org (a US environmental site)

Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Local Architect

Last edited by Spectre on Tue Mar 28, 2006 3:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Minor Poster
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 3:19 pm    Post subject: Rice meets Scouse 2 Reply with quote

Now here is the addendum to the other councillors:


Dear Liberal Democrat Councillors of Liverpool City Council

Below is a message I have sent to Councillor Bradley. I feel that all Lib Dem members should be aware of its contents, and in due course I may well alert the other party's councillors too. The subject matter will typically make many of you balk at the outrageousness of the suggestion; however, if I am in the right political party and am any judge of the sentiment that makes us liberals and democrats - you should at least consider it with the spirit that it is offered - i.e. an invitation to explore. A point to use rationale and reason. An opportunity to discover a hidden truth for yourselves.

One of two of you may remember me - since I was quite active in assisting locally in the early 90s and have helped out a little over here since I relocated to the Wirral in 1995.

I am not a crank and am one of thousands of people in the North West, hundreds of thousands in the UK, and probably millions by now worldwide - who have never happily accepted the official version of the 9/11 story. I might add that Michael Meacher MP is also a sceptic - sadly the only member in Westminster to put his head above the parapet. This fateful day which led to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is currently in the web-news again - although this time breaking through for the first time into mainstream media in the States largely dure to the bravery (some might say foolhardiness given his successful career) of actor Charlie Sheen. This apparent cover-up by the Bush administration of their own complicity in the events of that dreadful day which resulted in the murder of 3000 people in New York (remember nearly a hundred were British citizens) is now on a course to be blown wide open. All Mr. Sheen is asking is - "what really happened?"

Why contact your good selves? Well, the forthcoming visit by Dr. Rice is really something that is stimulating much opposition to her arrival and presence upon Merseyside.

Imagine for just a minute that what I am alleging is true. She would therefore be complicit to an horrendous inside job, and here we are welcoming a representative of a country which has possibly sponsored state terrorism ... upon its own people (and our own). Think very carefully upon this. She is a very intelligent, persuasive and educated woman - but that is no protection to being susceptible to acts of corruption or wickedness. The worst members of Hitler's Nazi cabal in WW2 were not the iditoic thug foot-soldiers - but the intellectuals who flocked to their cause. They should have known better and so should she. She has made several statements which are palpably untrue and she should be treated with considerable suspicion.

It is the easiest thing in the world to laugh this off as a prank or a joke - the wild imaginings of conspiracy theorists! But consider this - history is replete with examples of this kind of thing and the American's have a long history of false flag operations. Consider also that the Bush government has never offered a single concrete piece of proof as to their assertions - they just expect us to believe them! The 9/11 Truth movement around the world is NOT composed of cranks (although there are bound to be a few as in any movement) and the vast majority are concerned, educated citizens who believe they are being lied to by big corporate elites. The 9/11 sceptics include politicians, academics, engineers, 9/11 victims families, military people and a whole host of citizens from almost every country and every walk of life. Just like you and me.

I didn't believe a word of it when I first started investigating this matter - but you don't have to look very far to see that there is plenty of grounds for suspicion. This forthcoming visit from a member of the administration that is covering up the truth should alarm and concern us.

I am greatly saddened that the City of Liverpool is preparing to welcome such a person.

Here is my letter to Mr. Bradley and I thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely and patriotically,

Architect / Liberal Democrat / Concerned Citizen & Parent / Truth Seeker

Last edited by Spectre on Tue Mar 28, 2006 3:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 3:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good stuff!

I hope Condi feels somewhat, boiled or possibly fried when she leaves Scouseland.


Ask the Tough Questions, Folks!
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Top class and top quality 911 campaign creativity Spectre, but what else would you expect from an Architect!

Well done, IMO your contribution is a credit to your profession comrade!

Peace & truth


Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 4:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Although none wished to be named on site - and I respect their right - I did receive a number of replies from various Lib Dem councillors. The general view was that she was foisted upon them by Jack Straw and is not welcomed by the great majority of the council at all - although a few will undoubtedly go through the motions of some sort of civic welcome. Sad

I was pleased by that response and also by the fact a few seemed to agree with the 9/11 sceptical view that we all hold. Smile

There is hope in local government circles! Cool
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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 4:29 pm    Post subject: Yvonne Ridley on Condi, Straw and Muslims Reply with quote

Moeen has sent us this article by Yvonne Ridley

The Last Straw

By Yvonne Ridley
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

I found it almost impossible to forgive those craven little individuals who held Jack Straw aloft after he was swept back into power at the last General Election on a tidal wave of Muslim blood.

There's something so unmanly and cowardly about a man who grovels, and the Uriah Heap characters who bow and scrape in front of Straw make me want to retch.

In fact I find it almost inconceivable they come from the same gene pool as the great, the magnificent Khalid bin Al-Walid. Now there's a man for you. And, were he alive today, he would be the first to tell those knaves and fools in La-La land 'for that is what Blackburn has become' that we Muslims are slaves to no one bar Allah Almighty.

As one of the world's greatest fighters, he would also advise that you never ever kneel before those who are attacking you. Well I'm beginning to wonder if they wear shinpads on their knees in Blackburn because not content with rewarding the war criminal Jack Straw by voting for him, the fools are now rolling out the welcome mat for another war criminal, Condoleezza Rice. In fact I wonder if the carpet will be crimson red to match the rivers of innocent blood now flowing through Iraq, Afghanistan, and Uzbekistan.

I tell you I have never felt so deeply ashamed of my Muslim family as I feel today. It is just as well I was inspired to Islam through the Qur'aan. I thought everyone feared no one but Allah (swt).

And as a revert to Islam, I can tell you that the actions of those hypocrites in Blackburn could even drive would-be brothers and sisters away from this Ummah.

As I write the American Secret Service are swarming over Blackburn and I have no doubt that the sniffer dogs will soon be sent in to the mosque where the US Secretary of State has been invited. Of course it will all be done under cover of darkness ... only the mosque committee will know ... astaghfirul'Allah!

In some homes there are young children who are being rehearsed and groomed to bow and scrape in front of Rice as they present her with posies of flowers! These parents should be reported for child abuse. What sort of lesson are you teaching your young?

Don't you know the Establishment despises you and will never like you no matter how much you suck up to them? Yes, it's true, Jack has his fair share of House Muslims, but they will never be treated as an equal by him.

Why can't these foolish Muslims face reality? They will never become part of the Establishment. As Muslims we will never be really liked by the Establishment. All we can hope for is that they will respect us. But will someone tell those lick-spittling toadies in Blackburn that you have to earn respect and you don't get it by grovelling and tow towing to the boss class.

I remember learning all about the Crusades 'from a Christian perspective' at school and was quite curious about the famous Muslim leader Salahud-Deen. British history treated him as a hero and even today he stands out as a giant among men

Let me tell you why. He had courage, wisdom and knowledge. And he would be the first to spit at those fools in Blackburn and order them to stand up and start respecting themselves.

At least there's hope for our brothers and sisters on Merseyside who also have to endure a visit from the war-mongering duo. "The most unwelcome visit to Liverpool since Oswald Mosley came here in the1930s", is how the mass circulation Liverpool Echo newspaper describes Rice's visit to the city on Friday, organised for her by UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw.

Oswald Mosley was the leader of the British fascist party, the BUF. Condoleezza Rice, George Bush's Secretary of State, is one of the architects of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and directly implicated in the horrific levels of death and destruction inflicted on those countries. Anti-war activists in Liverpool and in Blackburn are outraged by her visit and have organised demonstrations to give her the sort of welcome she will never forget.

Convoys of angry Muslims and anti-war protestors have already booked their  transport from London, Manchester, Bradford, Leeds and Sheffield. Rice was due to be entertained on Friday by the Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra but following protests famous poet Roger McGough, has withdrawn and orchestra members are considering a boycott.

The utterly shameless Jack Straw plans to take Rice to a mosque in Blackburn on Saturday, no doubt for a nauseating photo opportunity aimed at countering the widespread revulsion and outrage expressed throughout the Islamic world over the war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, which Rice has been so instrumental in perpetrating.

Rice and Straw must be left in no doubt that this cynical media stunt is an affront to the vast majority of British people who have consistently opposed the war in Iraq. And it is a particular affront to the Muslim community, following Tony Blair's latest speech on foreign policy, in which he sought to justify the "war on terror" by claiming that the enemies of "civilisation" were to be found in Islam.

A special website called CondiWatch has been set up for the Liverpool and Blackburn protests.



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Dr Hemp
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 11:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Spectre wrote:

There is hope in local government circles! Cool

We are fortunate enough to have a Lib Dem councillor in Totnes on South Hams District Council who has expressed support for the 911 truth movement in Totnes. If MPs will not support the truth, then it's good to get councillors on a local level, which can also have an influence in the selection of candidates for Parliament in General Elections.

The truth is most political parties have very few helpers, and normally accepts any help that is offered, so in theory it wouldn't be that difficult to infiltrate local political parties, though I understand why you wouldn't want to join one, as I admit I wouldn't. If MPs will not listen, then it’s still possible to get some media coverage, if we can get lower levels of elected representation to speak out. Admittedly, particularly with Labour, many local activists are very tribal (and thick), and will often support any policies without question. Still, at least some councillors are speaking out!

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. - Aldous Huxley
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