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David Icke: Was He Right? on Google Video!
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 4:08 pm    Post subject: Re: ok Reply with quote

adam1 wrote:
Yeah well thanks for those comments.
Lizards always seem to be the reason why Icke doesn't become our Messiah - any parallels with Shayler and NPT?
Or maybe, they're just speaking their truth, and maybe, just maybe, ruling lizards are outside our paradigm, and we're the sheeple clinging to the terrestrial modalities that provide some semblance of "normality" for our withered minds.
As Einstein said, if a theory does not at first glance appear crazy, then it probably won't be proved correct.

Can anybody please elaborate on the lizards side of things, I keep hearing about it but there is never any details or evidence to go on?

Does anybody on this site believe in the lizards bit?

see if you can pick up ' the biggest secret' on the cheap, ebay perhaps. He goes into heavy detail on the bloodlines and all things reptillian. Whether he is right or wrong , he obviously never has the time to justify his reasoning in 10 min snatches on Richard and Judy and the like.
And I don't care what anyone says, i enjoyed his last book 'infinite love'
Very Happy

'To disagree with three-fourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity.' Oscar Wilde
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 4:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I actually bought the icke 9/11 book. 15 pages in and I'm struggling to keep going.

The lizards arose in Sumer and travelled thoughout the worlds empires and governments, despite the fact most of those empires were practiscing well documented genocide on each other they managed to survive?

We can tell secret organisations rule us because their symbols are everywhere - well how secret is that?

The illuminati speak in reverse talk, so when george bush says "THEIRS is the evil of terror" he means "OURS is the meaning of terror". Well which words do you reverse? If you follow it to its logical conclusion, the original statement means "Ours is the good of security"

Religion is all part of the illuminati plot, this is why all religion stated in the middle east. Cept it didnt. The Chinese and the indians were well away with religion and they were doing it thousands of years ealier and a whole continent away from Sumer!

I'm going to have a hard time believing any of his conclusions if even his opening statements are so blatantly erroneous...£16 I spent on that bloody book too!
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 4:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Personally, I find Credo Muttwa's information interesting and credible.
Lots of research material here

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 4:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

kc wrote:
I actually bought the icke 9/11 book. 15 pages in and I'm struggling to keep going.

I'm going to have a hard time believing any of his conclusions if even his opening statements are so blatantly erroneous...£16 I spent on that bloody book too!

Silly, most are available for a single pound coin at every car boot sale throughout the warmer months of the year. Or if you cannot wait, now from branches of Oxfam for slightly more.

I completely challenge the official version of events - I AM NOT A 9/11 TRUTH CRITIC - I AM NOT A 9/11 TRUTH CRITIC - I AM NOT A 9/11 TRUTH CRITIC - I AM NOT A 9/11 TRUTH CRITIC -I AM NOT A 9/11 TRUTH CRITIC - I AM NOT A 9/11 TRUTH CRITIC - I AM NOT A 9/11 TRUTH CRITIC
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 8:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stefan wrote:
marky 54 wrote:
you only have to look at 9/11 to know there are inhuman forces acting upon us, or even history. how do you feel inside? do you want wars, killings ect? i bet you dont. thats how everyone in the world feels apart from those that control use and have all the power. its like the prime goal is to destroy humans, does that seem like the thinking of a human? we have been untaught our togetherness and harmony and ability to think for ourselves in order to accept wars and destruction and to never question it that can only lead to our destruction.

thats why we are not free and why we are asleep, and its certainly not the work of a human, regardless of if that is mentality or physical form.


I see the mental action for war everywhere I go and in all people, even on this forum.

When a debate turns into a shouting match, when people respond to an insult with an insult- this is all the same mental action as war.

When people end an argument with their fists- this is a war crime.

It's the same mental muscles being flexed with a different application.

Wars happen because countries act like people- believing volume or physical advantage will make them the winner.

I see wars, sanctions, torture, terrorism as evidence that human nature remains human nature- however high the stakes grow.

you obviously didnt read my post, or see past what has been done to us over time. firstly you get anger mixed up with war, if im angery that dosnt mean i want to fight or kill. so debates in the forum cannot be classed as war.

and for the rest of what you say all i have to ask is:

a. who decides war is the best step?

b. who tells us/lies to us that war is a good idea?

c. who controls how we think?/well the vast majority of us

you was born into the system you would'nt know any differant, you would think its normal and thats what they want you to think. believe me or not it is not normal.

if it was normal why are so many people wishing for peace and just want to get along? why do we accept each other and enjoy each others company, why do we get lonely, why do we greive, why do we love, why do we care for others we have never met once in our lives. its simply human instinct, we have been manipulated over time to end up where we are now but our instinct hasnt gone away. yes frustration and anger can lead to fights ect between a few people, but what do other people do when they see this? they stop it or protect the person who is worse of because our instinct is to help and care for each other. and its why most of us are here on this forum now.

who ever controls the whole system dosnt have any of the above instincts.
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 8:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

need to add this to, when someone hurts another why do they feel bad about it? when someone has helped somebody why do they feel good?
its prove our instinct is not war.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 7:22 am    Post subject: marky Reply with quote

Marky, You may be onto something. Who knows!
Stefan makes a good point about "war" being in our own personal actions, our anger, jealousy and so forth.
There is plenty of evidence that some people have really no compassion at all, and take morbid delight in seeing destruction and suffering, particularly when they are profiting from it. It's unbelievable but true.
But yes, the large-scale nation against nation conflicts are probably beyond this and manipulated in a wider sense by the PTB, whoever they are.
Notwithstanding, I am doubtful that anyone really controls things 100%, and I think the present time is really the crunch period, as we move away from blind allegiances to the nation-state, and profit from the relative freedom and speed of information given to us by the Net. Can they carry on controlling? 2012 anyone?

"What will I tell my grandchildren? That I knew, but did nothing about it?"
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 7:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I saw the Icke prog and was more than a little pleased with the mainstream coverage given to an imprefect human being with an offbeat neck the like of which you wouldn't really credit, if you were of a closed mind.

Reptiles ?

We all have the remnants of a reptile brain don't we ?

What I got out if that time snip of Icke's ideas was that it was all to do with frequency.

A Bhuddist friend has it more succinctly:

Imagine you could hear with your eyes or see with your ears. Now see what a dog hears and hear what a bat sees.

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 7:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Perfect expression of the central thesis, Mark, from you and your friend.
Rather better than David's usual radio tuning analogy

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Seems like a lot of people see the whole reptillian aspect as illogical, a metaphor, or kinda like an NPT type (turd in the punch bowl) discrediting mechanism for truthers.
Personally I see alot of sense and logic behind the reptillian research, (far more than NPT)with most all cultures sharing dragon mythology, and many depicting the serpent as a michevious bringer of knowledge to humans, satan for example. Before reading Icke i had already convinced myself that an E.T. genisis was the most likely explanation for humanity and other life forms, seeing standard creationism as the fairy tale version, and evolutionism as a perversion of science (ie its counterintuitive from the facts we know, and is just a necesity of an atheists (no et's too)point of veiw). Looking at Icke's reptillian ideas in the confines of our age does not do them justice, theyhave to be seen accros the ages for them to make real sense. Just think about it - God a Nordic from the pleadies, The Devil a reptillian from sirius, them battling over they're joint project (humans) souls? Having fought it out a while ago, the nordics winning and writting theyre victors history in the bible, but the reptilians have manipulated they're way back into power, through these royal nephalim bloodlines? No more fantastical than an undefined God doing it all, or it happening by accident when a rock spontaniously spouted life- then off we trot. Actually lots more evidence behind the ET ellements- check it out with an open mind.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am reading a book by Dr Rick Strassman called "DMT: The Spirit Molecule". It is about his research into the effect of the naturally occuring substance of DMT, an extremely potent psychedelic that the body naturally creates and the brain actively seeks on a large scale. In about half of all the experiences his testee subjects reported, they reported "alien" being present and a lot of them reported "Reptilian" creatures that are interested in our emotions - exactly what David Icke has said all along.

Why am I saying this in the Icke thread? Because DMT, I believe, is present in most psychedelic drugs and is a major part, if not the whole reason, of "tripping" on dope. DMT is also the scientific link to the religious and spiritual stories of "spiritual awakening", you have a spiritual awakening like Icke claims he did and like Terence McKenna and Bill Hicks did with drugs - they come to the EXACT same conclusion - reality is illusion and infinite love is all that exists.

The point I am making is that David Icke's more recent research and work on the non physical nature of reality is the exact, perfect explanation for the Reptilian research he has done. If he and others are correct and existence is merely a creation of consciousness, which works into the illusion through the pineal gland/brain like an astronaut in a spacesuit, then the DMT "trips" which can occur completely naturally and without drugs, could very well explain the Reptilians Icke talks of.

Credo Mutwa is a major part of his Reptilians work, I can't state as a fact but I will assume he is no stranger to psychedelic drugs and meditation. The friend of Diana is a spiritualist, I again assume meditation and maybe some psychedelics have crossed her path before and even those normal, straight people who claim to have seen may well have had an active dose of naturally occuring DMT in the body at the time and saw the "reptilian" nature that may well be all of us.

Dr Strassman of the book I mentioned previously stated that DMT - The "Spirit Molecule" may well be the way for our human self to experience the multitude of alternative dimensions that exist, and this may well explain the "Inter-Dimension Reptilians" that Icke has spoken about for years.

It needn't be a spaceship from Mars with Lizard People that sucked George W's spirit and took him over, it may well be what David Icke has stated all along and DMT, a naturally occuring substance in nature is the way these people have seen them and is our way of reaching them and whatever else is out there.

DMT is also a strong candidate for the entire alien abduction and near death experience cultures aswell, as the book states. Just because it may occur to us via DMT does not mean that they aren't "paranormal" and other dimensional in nature.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

commanderson wrote:
...... Just think about it - God a Nordic from the pleadies, The Devil a reptillian from sirius....

I know it's only dull old science, but Sirius is a long way off.

Are you suggesting that Einstein was, basically, wrong with his relativity theories? Absolute maximum speed being that of light, and all that stuff?

Sirius is 8 or so light years away. Light itself takes 8 years to make the journey. What would the Devil use for transport, given that she's only a lizard (deep down) ?

So remember - next time you can't find a parking spot, go to plan B: blow up your car
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ignatz wrote:
commanderson wrote:
...... Just think about it - God a Nordic from the pleadies, The Devil a reptillian from sirius....

I know it's only dull old science, but Sirius is a long way off.

Are you suggesting that Einstein was, basically, wrong with his relativity theories? Absolute maximum speed being that of light, and all that stuff?

Sirius is 8 or so light years away. Light itself takes 8 years to make the journey. What would the Devil use for transport, given that she's only a lizard (deep down) ?

the speed of light is not relevant - they just bend space with the mechanism within flying saucers
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John White
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So if a person has a spiritual awakening without the use of drugs, would Dr Rick Strassman attribute that to the body producing internal DMT Wickywoowoo?

Great post btw Cool

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

John White wrote:
So if a person has a spiritual awakening without the use of drugs, would Dr Rick Strassman attribute that to the body producing internal DMT Wickywoowoo?

Great post btw Cool

Well, I can't state for a fact what he would say but by the impression his book gave me, he states that the altered breathing exercises, the way people control heart rate and all the other things Buddhist monks can do for example, can alter the way the body works and that can help the body produce the DMT.

A person's environment and the time of day (amount of light) can also influence how much DMT the body produces and how the brain would absorb it.

He obviously isn't stating 100% that DMT is the be all and end all and he himself has "trained" with Buddhist monks so he isn't closing out that Godly intervention could be what happens either, but DMT does mirror those alien abductions, spiritual awakening and even Icke's reptilian research almost to the letter so it does seem a strong contender.

The other research that strengthens the "reality is an illusion" theory can also tie in directly to the DMT being our our inner space ship, so to speak so it can all tie together and help make the "hallucination" into, as Terence McKenna stated, a "True Hallucination".

Fact is Fiction, Imagination is Reality, It's all an Illusion, thus it is real. Prototypical Yin/Yang stuff at it's simplest basis.
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ignatz wrote:
commanderson wrote:
...... Just think about it - God a Nordic from the pleadies, The Devil a reptillian from sirius....

I know it's only dull old science, but Sirius is a long way off.

Are you suggesting that Einstein was, basically, wrong with his relativity theories? Absolute maximum speed being that of light, and all that stuff?

Sirius is 8 or so light years away. Light itself takes 8 years to make the journey. What would the Devil use for transport, given that she's only a lizard (deep down) ?

well if sir isaac newton was wrong, why not einstein?

if the laws of gravity dosnt apply on 9/11 which was newtons theory and what einstein used as a law to do calculations, why not?

i see newtons law refered to all the time and brushed of like nothing where critics are concerned.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:38 am    Post subject: DMT Reply with quote

Nice to see Wickywoowoo(www) banging the drum for psychedelics.
In answer to John's question, I would imagine that all spiritual all vibrational changes would have a chemical corollary in the brain and body.
Personally, one of my major ambitions in life is to be able to take these substances, DMT, psilocybin, in a peaceful place so that I can suitably explore the effects on my own inner workings, without having to be mindful of "threats" around me in 3-dimensional space. Ideally, this would be some sort of retreat venue with qualified "sitters" around to ensure help is on hand and so forth. If someone wants to help on such a project let me know.
It's pretty difficult to take a full-on psychedelic in today's "normal" environment, notwithstanding their illegality which can be a source of paranoia and enforce the "them and us" dichotomy.
Some posters on this thread are also talking about the genesis of world religions as supporting the lizardy hypothesis. I would like to propose the same for psychedelics, mushrooms in particular.
Also, remember Jim Morrison and the Lizard King? LSD will often provoke lizardy imagery.
DMT, for those unaware of it, is the naturally occuring psychoactive ingredient in the shamanic brew of the Amazon. It can also be synthesised. These things are natural, have a long history of use, 1000s of years, and given favourable "set and setting", are capable of producing profound healing and inter-dimensional experience.

"What will I tell my grandchildren? That I knew, but did nothing about it?"
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

marky 54 wrote:
Ignatz wrote:
commanderson wrote:
...... Just think about it - God a Nordic from the pleadies, The Devil a reptillian from sirius....

I know it's only dull old science, but Sirius is a long way off.

Are you suggesting that Einstein was, basically, wrong with his relativity theories? Absolute maximum speed being that of light, and all that stuff?

Sirius is 8 or so light years away. Light itself takes 8 years to make the journey. What would the Devil use for transport, given that she's only a lizard (deep down) ?

well if sir isaac newton was wrong, why not einstein?

if the laws of gravity dosnt apply on 9/11 which was newtons theory and what einstein used as a law to do calculations, why not?

i see newtons law refered to all the time and brushed of like nothing where critics are concerned.

Newton wasn't "wrong". His theories describe a certain set of circumstances - the "everyday" section of the mechanics spectrum, as it were. And his laws were absolutely bound to describe what happened on 9/11. Relativity and quantum theory not required here, just earthly mechanics.

So remember - next time you can't find a parking spot, go to plan B: blow up your car
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ignatz wrote:

Sirius is 8 or so light years away. Light itself takes 8 years to make the journey. What would the Devil use for transport, given that she's only a lizard (deep down) ?

the speed of light is not relevant - they just bend space with the mechanism within flying saucers

Ah. "Just" bend space. Got it.

So remember - next time you can't find a parking spot, go to plan B: blow up your car
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Relentless Limpet Shill
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ignatz wrote:
Ignatz wrote:

Sirius is 8 or so light years away. Light itself takes 8 years to make the journey. What would the Devil use for transport, given that she's only a lizard (deep down) ?

the speed of light is not relevant - they just bend space with the mechanism within flying saucers

Ah. "Just" bend space. Got it.

This seems to be the theory put out by a certain Bob Lazar, widely considered to be a liar and fraudster, but who TTWSU3 regards as knowing what he is talking about.

".......some partial collapse [of WTC7] would not have been suspicious......." - chek
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bushwacker wrote:
Ignatz wrote:
Ignatz wrote:

Sirius is 8 or so light years away. Light itself takes 8 years to make the journey. What would the Devil use for transport, given that she's only a lizard (deep down) ?

the speed of light is not relevant - they just bend space with the mechanism within flying saucers

Ah. "Just" bend space. Got it.

This seems to be the theory put out by a certain Bob Lazar, widely considered to be a liar and fraudster, but who TTWSU3 regards as knowing what he is talking about.

Well, personally I'm all fired up about this space-bending lark.

It'll cut my journey to work no end. Naxos in 20 secs. Brilliant.

So remember - next time you can't find a parking spot, go to plan B: blow up your car
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So if a person has a spiritual awakening without the use of drugs, would Dr Rick Strassman attribute that to the body producing internal DMT Wickywoowoo?

I believe the human body does produce quantities of internal DMT naturally. Rick Strassman reckons the pineal gland produces it; he's into the idea of it being released during birth and death. Check his book out, John; you'd like it. It's not every day someone gets to inject people with DMT just to see what happens.

Nice to see Wickywoowoo(www) banging the drum for psychedelics.
In answer to John's question, I would imagine that all spiritual all vibrational changes would have a chemical corollary in the brain and body.
Personally, one of my major ambitions in life is to be able to take these substances, DMT, psilocybin, in a peaceful place so that I can suitably explore the effects on my own inner workings, without having to be mindful of "threats" around me in 3-dimensional space. Ideally, this would be some sort of retreat venue with qualified "sitters" around to ensure help is on hand and so forth. If someone wants to help on such a project let me know.
It's pretty difficult to take a full-on psychedelic in today's "normal" environment, notwithstanding their illegality which can be a source of paranoia and enforce the "them and us" dichotomy.
Some posters on this thread are also talking about the genesis of world religions as supporting the lizardy hypothesis. I would like to propose the same for psychedelics, mushrooms in particular.
Also, remember Jim Morrison and the Lizard King? LSD will often provoke lizardy imagery.
DMT, for those unaware of it, is the naturally occuring psychoactive ingredient in the shamanic brew of the Amazon. It can also be synthesised. These things are natural, have a long history of use, 1000s of years, and given favourable "set and setting", are capable of producing profound healing and inter-dimensional experience.

That's really interesting stuff. There certainly appears to be a line of similarity between psychedelic drugs, transcendent states, 'alien abductions', 'faerie' lore, and other general weirdness.
If you see this stuff as chemicals producing weird chemical states, that doesn't IMHO make them any less fascinating. After all, what we perceive at any given time is the direct product of chemicals in our brain and political ideologies, the 'value' of money, the beauty of art and many more central aspects of the human world are direct products of human consciousness - they have no independent reality outside of human thought (unless hitherto hidden aliens happen to e.g. like the same music as us and hear it in exactly the same way. Maybe they're scanning the airwaves in a vain attempt to find out whatever happened to Blazin' Squad. In which case, they experience music differently to me.). Animals don't bother with this stuff - they do hear'n'now survival based on immediate concerns and the environment's ability to satisfy them (though you can argue animals employ a kind of intentionality but that's a big argument). Nevertheless, what we do in the world is shaped by ideas that have often come to appear very solidly 'real'.

It is rather strange that the ability to shake reality up now and again has become verboten and is, by definition, 'drug abuse'. One reality for all - or else! (though the potentially powerful psychedelic salvia divinorum and some other bits and pieces are legal and commercially available in the UK).

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John White
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I believe the human body does produce quantities of internal DMT naturally. Rick Strassman reckons the pineal gland produces it; he's into the idea of it being released during birth and death. Check his book out, John; you'd like it. It's not every day someone gets to inject people with DMT just to see what happens.

Yes, I do too. Having come within a hairs breadth of death as a kid, i can certainly attest to a major shift in consciousness. I wonder if DMT is there to ease the distress of the dying organism facing final and total oblivion, as mainstream "apolgists" like Susan Blackman would have us believe, or to ease our consciousness into and out of its vehicle when its time to take ownership or surrender the lease. Strassman must have a fair few volunteers

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

you obviously didnt read my post, or see past what has been done to us over time. firstly you get anger mixed up with war, if im angery that dosnt mean i want to fight or kill. so debates in the forum cannot be classed as war.

I read your post, I just disagreed with it- is that so hard to believe. I didn't say a debate could be classed as war- I just pointed out that everytime I see a debate collapse into an argument, and argument collapse into a shouting match and a shouting match collapse into a fist fight, I see exactly the same mental muscles being flexed and behavioural patterns being followed as when counties descend into war. The psycology of the playground bully who considers everyones dinner money belongs to him because he is the biggest and strongest is also perfectly reflected in empires and their attidtudes.

and for the rest of what you say all i have to ask is:

a. who decides war is the best step?

The leaders of a country and the cabal around them.

b. who tells us/lies to us that war is a good idea?

These leaders and their media machines, run by the corporations whoes interests the leaders are protecting. The reason so many buy into it so easily is the situation is played out in the same abstracts which reflect basic human interrelations countries are presented as people with personality "they want to that to us" etc. Terms like "collaterol damage" are invented to deal with realities which could snap us out of this illusion.

c. who controls how we think?/well the vast majority of us

Lots of different parties. Mostly, today, the corporate media.

you was born into the system you would'nt know any differant, you would think its normal and thats what they want you to think. believe me or not it is not normal.

It's not right. It is perfectly normal though. We are not blessed little angels led against our will by vicious lizzards. We are all the lizard, all of us.

if it was normal why are so many people wishing for peace and just want to get along? why do we accept each other and enjoy each others company, why do we get lonely, why do we greive, why do we love, why do we care for others we have never met once in our lives. its simply human instinct, we have been manipulated over time to end up where we are now but our instinct hasnt gone away. yes frustration and anger can lead to fights ect between a few people, but what do other people do when they see this? they stop it or protect the person who is worse of because our instinct is to help and care for each other. and its why most of us are here on this forum now.
who ever controls the whole system dosnt have any of the above instincts.

Because it's easy to be idealistic when all you have to weight up is your choice of words, and not any factors from reality?

People employ abstactions. The greater responsibility and power people have, the greater those abstractions grow. By the time people reach leadership what is "good" has been pared down as what will bring the economy most good- because that is the bottom line of a countries welfare.

So lets imagine you get into power tommorrow and can do what you want with britain- what are you going to replace the money our nations international immorality brings us with? When we start with fair trade, how do we stop it destroying out economy? When we truly stop arms dealing to corrupt regimes, what's replacing that money? When we pull out of Americas plan for control of the worlds oil and natural gas, how are we going to ensure we get our share of it when it all starts running out?

The answers I usually get to these questions are along the lines of changing the system completley, which is actually quite impossible for any one nation to do and would just lead to economic melt down.

The truth is that in order for Britain to be moral, a leader needs to have the balls to say that in order to start being a "good" nation, we need to accept a considerable drop in our standard of living. And since elections are run on how much a party claims they can make life better without increasing taxes, anyone doing that- however brave- would not gain election, especially as, since we have established, the corporate media, whoes masters fortunes rely entirley on this imorality continuing control our views and the same corporations fund polititians election bids in the first place.


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

adam1 wrote:
Nice to see Wickywoowoo(www) banging the drum for psychedelics.
In answer to John's question, I would imagine that all spiritual all vibrational changes would have a chemical corollary in the brain and body.
Personally, one of my major ambitions in life is to be able to take these substances, DMT, psilocybin, in a peaceful place so that I can suitably explore the effects on my own inner workings, without having to be mindful of "threats" around me in 3-dimensional space. Ideally, this would be some sort of retreat venue with qualified "sitters" around to ensure help is on hand and so forth. If someone wants to help on such a project let me know.
It's pretty difficult to take a full-on psychedelic in today's "normal" environment, notwithstanding their illegality which can be a source of paranoia and enforce the "them and us" dichotomy.
Some posters on this thread are also talking about the genesis of world religions as supporting the lizardy hypothesis. I would like to propose the same for psychedelics, mushrooms in particular.
Also, remember Jim Morrison and the Lizard King? LSD will often provoke lizardy imagery.
DMT, for those unaware of it, is the naturally occuring psychoactive ingredient in the shamanic brew of the Amazon. It can also be synthesised. These things are natural, have a long history of use, 1000s of years, and given favourable "set and setting", are capable of producing profound healing and inter-dimensional experience.

Tool's music videos contain a fair few "lizardy" styled images and I somehow doubt they are strangers to psychedelics, hell, they are friends with Alex Grey, that guy has a drip in his arms to come up with his art work, lol. There is a workshop thing that takes people over to the Amazon and lets them take Ayahuasca with the native shamens. I'll find the link for you.

wobbler wrote:
So if a person has a spiritual awakening without the use of drugs, would Dr Rick Strassman attribute that to the body producing internal DMT Wickywoowoo?

I believe the human body does produce quantities of internal DMT naturally. Rick Strassman reckons the pineal gland produces it; he's into the idea of it being released during birth and death. Check his book out, John; you'd like it. It's not every day someone gets to inject people with DMT just to see what happens.

I really recommend the book. The bit at the end where all his scientific colleagues and Buddhist mentors basically turn their back on him is a really important part as it makes him follow his gut instinct and intuition, which is that the pineal gland and DMT have uses beyond physical.

wobbler wrote:
That's really interesting stuff. There certainly appears to be a line of similarity between psychedelic drugs, transcendent states, 'alien abductions', 'faerie' lore, and other general weirdness.
If you see this stuff as chemicals producing weird chemical states, that doesn't IMHO make them any less fascinating. After all, what we perceive at any given time is the direct product of chemicals in our brain and political ideologies, the 'value' of money, the beauty of art and many more central aspects of the human world are direct products of human consciousness - they have no independent reality outside of human thought (unless hitherto hidden aliens happen to e.g. like the same music as us and hear it in exactly the same way. Maybe they're scanning the airwaves in a vain attempt to find out whatever happened to Blazin' Squad. In which case, they experience music differently to me.). Animals don't bother with this stuff - they do hear'n'now survival based on immediate concerns and the environment's ability to satisfy them (though you can argue animals employ a kind of intentionality but that's a big argument). Nevertheless, what we do in the world is shaped by ideas that have often come to appear very solidly 'real'.

It is rather strange that the ability to shake reality up now and again has become verboten and is, by definition, 'drug abuse'. One reality for all - or else! (though the potentially powerful psychedelic salvia divinorum and some other bits and pieces are legal and commercially available in the UK).

I truely don't think that it is purely a trip caused by chemicals. People on such a large scale just would not experience the SAME trips as everyone else. Also, the "mind reading" abilities would not be possible with just chemical imbalance.

I've read about those drugs being legal in the UK, they are advertised under all sorts of different names to avoid any sort of link to actual drugs though, aren't they?

Just a curious story I saw on Icke's site that tied in directly with this discussion (the link I found separately). Rick Strassman links the pineal gland directly to the DMT and all of history has linked the pineal gland to the head chakra and spirituality in general, so this stood out clearly:

http://fluoridealert.org/health/pineal/ - Fluoride, what all Governments worldwide are trying to force into our water supply, has a damaging effect on the Pineal Gland.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I truely don't think that it is purely a trip caused by chemicals. People on such a large scale just would not experience the SAME trips as everyone else. Also, the "mind reading" abilities would not be possible with just chemical imbalance.

I've read about those drugs being legal in the UK, they are advertised under all sorts of different names to avoid any sort of link to actual drugs though, aren't they?

Just a curious story I saw on Icke's site that tied in directly with this discussion (the link I found separately). Rick Strassman links the pineal gland directly to the DMT and all of history has linked the pineal gland to the head chakra and spirituality in general, so this stood out clearly:

I don't know if this stuff is just chemicals, Jungian archetype shenanigans or contact with other dimensional entities (or all three at different times); my argument is that it doesn't matter if you think it is just chemicals - it carries tremendous potential power and meaning whatever the cause. And is pretty under-researched.

Oh, if you enjoyed that book, if you ever get chance, this is worth a read -

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ibogaine-Story-Paul-Rienzo/dp/1570270295/sr=11 -1/qid=1167778882/ref=sr_11_1/203-0534033-4673513

- Ibogaine is another funny drug that seems to bring on all kinds of weirdness, though in a different way to DMT (more like waking dreams). It can be dangerous (read fatal), too.

I'm not sure about stuff being sold under different names. Salvia Divinorum tends to be sold by name as it's not at all illegal (probably because it can be unpleasant, is expensive, is potentially risky without a sitter, and it's not terrifically popular) - well unless its been banned fairly recently - and is often found in 'head shops'.
A good info resource on it can be found here -


The component plants to create Ayahuasca (orally effective DMT - less intense effect) used to be legally available but I don't know if that's still true. Apparently it takes about 36 hours to prepare and I'm reliably informed the resulting brew is the most foul tasting liquid you'll ever ingest in your life - a friend of mine took it while in Peru. She said it was very odd. After she'd stopped being sick.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:16 pm    Post subject: good Reply with quote

What great fun.
Salvia Div (sally) does not receive very many rave reviews unlike DMT (Ayahuasca) and various shrooms (still legal in Holland).
Ayahuasca is the brew, which is cleansing to the point of making you puke, but DMT (Divine Moments of Truth), the psychoactive ingredient, can be smoked or injected provided an MAO inhibitor is taken concomitantly. This provides a mindblowing trip of five to ten minutes, which leaves people utterly astonished and very often with a wholly new world view.
Will the plants save the planet? As we stand on the margins of our society with our political stance, we occupy the same territory as the shamans of old, looking beyond societies superficial role-playing into the deeper realities beyond. Drastic measures call for drastic solutions, as if the NWO doesn't get us, then the environment might well sign our death warrants anytime now.
The bioshphere has successfull regulated atmospheric conditions on planet earth for billions of years, providing the basis for human life. We've screwed it up, so who is the smarter species?
Google "Terence Mckenna" with "plants, plan, planet", he has got some great lectures including a great one called "eros and the eschaton" which I heartily recommend. If you want to hear a brainy funny guy give an erudite and entertaining discourse with a fully deconditioned mind, then this will give you weeks of enjoyment. Ok, I'm so enthusiaistic I've got the link for you: http://mckenna.transgress.org/Eros&Eschaton.mp3

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

John White wrote:
I believe the human body does produce quantities of internal DMT naturally. Rick Strassman reckons the pineal gland produces it; he's into the idea of it being released during birth and death. Check his book out, John; you'd like it. It's not every day someone gets to inject people with DMT just to see what happens.

Yes, I do too. Having come within a hairs breadth of death as a kid, i can certainly attest to a major shift in consciousness. I wonder if DMT is there to ease the distress of the dying organism facing final and total oblivion, as mainstream "apolgists" like Susan Blackman would have us believe, or to ease our consciousness into and out of its vehicle when its time to take ownership or surrender the lease. Strassman must have a fair few volunteers

Susan Blackman is her on those 5th Dimension documentary's who dismissed all near death stuff as chemical reactions in the brain?

She may well be technically right, they may be chemical reactions in the brain, but like other chemical reactions, the question is what do they create? I think it may be more than just pure hallucinations.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, thats the one, with a nice "all spirituality is mental delusion" line to go along with it

She gets wheeled out so often, its like she's been cloned

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This threads gone a bit off topic eh? But since we've gone this way-

It always annoys me when people act like describing something in scientific language explains it.

So all experiences that can't be understood are "chemical reactions in the brain" and if you are wondering on what level thoughts exist someone confidantly says "it's just electricity going around your brain".

Nietzsche referred to the value of this knowledge when he talked about someone discovering the camel when asked what it was saying proudly "it's a mamal!" when a mamal is a word we invented in the first place; it doesn't represent any new knowledge at all, we simply squeeze things we don't understand into the terms that we already do and then feel like our job is done; that we fool our selves into thinking we understand something simply by creating words to describe it.

When someone says to me "that's just a chemical reaction in the brain" I always reply "Yeah, but so are you".

And it's true- if we break it down there is nothing we can experience which is not based in chemicals and electrical currents in our brains.

Is this "knowledge"?


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