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The 9/11 Truth Revolution

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9/11 Truth Organiser
9/11 Truth Organiser

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:53 pm    Post subject: The 9/11 Truth Revolution Reply with quote

From: Kevin Barrett <khidria@merr.com>
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 12:00:07 -0600
To: MUJCA.2@bog.mail.uwo.pri
Subject: The 9/11 Truth Revolution

The 9/11 Truth Revolution

by Kevin Barrett, Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth:

³It feels like you and I have started the revolution and God bless
America.² Charlie Sheen

As 9/11 truth spreads, we are facing a revolution.

A revolution happens when the many at the bottom get together and
overthrow the few at the top. At least that¹s the theory. In practice,
it isn¹t quite that simple. The American Revolution was led by wealthy,
well-educated deists, many of them slaveholders. The French Revolution
involved the hungry masses, but the instigators were businesspeople,
not street people. The Russian Revolution was led by a self-proclaimed
vanguard. The anti-imperial revolutions that ended European
colonization 50 years ago were led by the colonies¹ Euro-educated

Today, thanks to the rapidly-spreading brushfire of 9/11 truth, we are
on the cusp of a new kind of revolution‹a real one this time, a
revolution from below. As conservative columnist Paul Craig Roberts
writes, ³the real story is what the people are saying about 9/11.² What
Roberts means is that the powerful few and the institutions they
control‹the government, the corporations, the armed forces, the major
political parties, the foundation-funded pseudo-left, the universities,
the mass media, Hollywood‹have imposed near-total silence on the issue
of what really happened on September 11th, 2001. Worse, most of them
have cranked out endless tape-loops of mind-numbing propaganda aimed at
reinforcing the official Big Lie. And yet the people are speaking out
loud and clear: 9/11 was an inside job‹an act of high treason and mass
murder by our own leaders.

In the latest CNN poll, over 80% of respondents agreed with Charlie
Sheen that the official story of 9/11 is a cover-up. Earlier polls
showed that half the citizens of New York, the city that was so
brutally attacked, and Atlanta, the biggest city in the nation¹s most
conservative region, believe their leaders guilty of high treason and
conspiracy to mass-murder.

Despite the best efforts of the treasonous billionaires who control all
of our major institutions, the popular groundswell for 9/11 truth is
unstoppable. The people have refused to be cowed into silence by inane
fear-mongering and cowardly name-calling. All across the nation people
are rising up and talking truth. ³Have you seen Loose Change yet?²
³That Charlie Sheen is amazing‹how could CNN let him say that?² ³You¹ve
got to read The New Pearl Harbor‹here¹s a copy, pass it on.² People are
burning hundreds of DVDs and passing them to their friends, who are
burning hundreds more. If the video-makers were getting full royalties
on every copy, they¹d be richer than self-confessed WTC demolisher and
billionaire insurance-fraudster Larry Silverstein.

The source of this revolution is the courage and intelligence of the
people. The neoconservatives, who underestimate the intelligence of
other people almost as much as they overestimate their own, apparently
thought that their monopoly media could coerce the poor dumb masses
into lapping up outrageous lies indefinitely. What they didn¹t realize
was that new communications technologies, in the hands of smart, brave
people, can spread the truth with absolutely no help from traditional
top-down, one-to-many media systems.

The truth is that people in power are no smarter than the rest of us.
They are just greedier. As the French saying goes, ³plus haut qu¹il
mont, plus que se voit son cul² ­ the higher up he climbs, the more you
can see his ass.

This is a moral revolution by ordinary decent folks against the
greed-heads who will stop at nothing‹not even the mass murder of their
own countrymen in the service of a genocidal Big Lie‹to gain even more
wealth and power.

It is a revolution from below at every level, even in government
itself. Dozens of honest agents and bureaucrats, stymied by their
treasonous superiors, have spoken out. Colleen Rowley and the other
Minneapolis FBI agents have made it abundantly clear that Dave Frasca,
the mole and former head of the FBI¹s Radical Fundamentalism Unit,
intentionally blocked their most intensive efforts to call attention to
the ³hijacking plot² before it happened. Yet the traitor and
mass-murderer Frasca, who stymied not only the Minneapolis agents, but
also the Phoenix FBI agents and others, was promoted after 9/11! The
many thousands of honest agents in the FBI, disgusted with their
superiors¹ complicity in high treason and mass murder, are a key part
of our revolution from below, and will surely be dealing with the likes
of Frasca one way or another.

It is a revolution from below in journalism as well as government.
First it was the complete outsiders, the devil-may-care small-time
bloggers, the folks at the very bottom of the journalistic food chain.
(Note that some of these ultra-outsider bloggers, such as From the
Wilderness and Global Research, have been outperforming the ³real
journalists² on key issues for years.) The outsider bloggers¹ incessant
agitation put 9/11 truth on the radar screen of the more respectable
bloggers and the occasional honest academic. When the highly respected
David Griffin¹s The New Pearl Harbor came out, compiling and validating
the bloggers¹ research, low-level people at C-Span began urging their
company to report ³the other side of the 9/11 story.² The result was
the nationwide broadcast of Griffin¹s landmark University of Wisconsin
talk 9/11 and American Empire last year. Now it appears that the actual
working journalists at CNN have followed their C-Span colleagues away
from their billionaire bosses¹ fantasy land and back toward
reality-based journalism, by giving Charlie Sheen a national platform
for truth-speaking.

It is a revolution from below in religious communities too. More than a
few independent-minded Jews have made major contributions to the 9/11
truth movement, while increasing numbers of evangelical Christians are
waking up to 9/11 truth, as the many e-mails we get from them at
MUJCA-NET attest. While the self-appointed leaders and Sunday morning
money-leeches spew their hatemongering rhetoric at the
alleged-WTC-destroying Muslim hordes, whispers are spreading among
their flocks: ³Wait a minute‹look at WTC-7 collapsing, and Silverstein
confessing. How the hell did Osama do that?² And in the American Muslim
community, the silent majority has always known it was an inside
job‹but the academics, self-appointed leaders and spokespeople, perfect
examples of the Qur¹an-derided munafiqeen (hypocrites) who say whatever
makes their lives easier, have managed to obscure that fact with their
ongoing nicey-nice drivel that implicitly or explicitly accepts the
9/11 Big Lie. After the 9/11 truth revolution, I hope every one of
these ³leaders² will resign from their cushy positions and look for
real work. Indeed, they might be better advised to crawl into a hole
somewhere, for the silent contempt in which they are now held by most
of their co-religionists will surely grow less silent.

The 9/11truth revolution from below will overthrow a good part of the
American power structure. Billionaires will have their fortunes
confiscated and spend the rest of their lives in prison. Most, perhaps
all of the current administration will be tried and, presumably, either
hanged or given some kind of truth-for-mercy deal. Its supporters
throughout the judicial and legislative branches will be forced to
resign. The CIA and other covert-op apparatuses will be broken into a
million pieces and scattered to the four winds, finishing the job that
JFK was unable to start. The media monopoly that enabled the 9/11
cover-up will be shattered into hundreds of fragments as the mother of
all trust-busting eras commences. The uniformed military, and
especially the Pentagon, will be purged of neocon moles, as the
venerable institution of the firing squad is revived. Every last member
of Skull and Bones, starting with the whole Bush crime family, will be
hunted down, jailed, and forced to recite his entire sexual history to
his cellmates while lying on the floor of the prison shower. And after
the troops have pulled out, Rumsfeld, Perle and Feith will be
air-dropped into Fallujah as a demonstration of how an undermanned
invasion-of-three can be welcomed by adoring crowds strewing flowers at
their feet.

Ultimately, though, the 9/11 truth revolution is not about
vengeance‹it¹s about hope. The story of the triumph of the 9/11 truth
movement, against such apparently insurmountable odds, is a story of
ordinary people¹s heroism, a veritable Frank Capra movie for the
information age.

And though this revolution is an American movie, with a cast of
thousands of heroes and Charlie Sheen doing an Oscar-worthy job in Best
Supporting Role, it¹s going to be a worldwide hit. You thought they
liked Michael Moore¹s Fahrenheit 911 at Cannes? Wait till you see the
world¹s reaction to 9/11 Truth: The Reality. Other nations used to
admire certain things about America‹like our relative freedom,
integrity, and imperviousness to corruption‹and this movie will bring
it all back, and then some. Better yet, this is the one American film
that could really rock the Casbah in the Arab world. Want to lead the
region toward freedom and democracy? Try setting an example. Overthrow
your own corrupt leaders, and maybe the Arabs will overthrow theirs.
And if you¹re tired of being hated by Muslims, what better way to
re-establish friendship than by exploding the 9/11 blood libel and
calling off the Big-Lie-triggered war on Islam?

The global ramifications of the 9/11 truth revolution go way beyond
ending the ersatz ³clash of civilizations² manufactured by the
fake-terror-mongers. Our American revolution from below will lead a
cascading revolution around the world, as the globalist elites are
jailed, trust-busted, and discredited, and corrupt leaders are
overthrown like rows of rotten dominoes. In the place of the current
top-heavy structure of world finance and governance, this worldwide
bottom-up revolution will create a truly democratic, populist order to
match the many-to-many communications revolution of the information
age. This is the ³Planetization Revolution² that was foreseen by de
Chardin‹a sort of ³people¹s globalization² that will unite the planet
freely and democratically, rather than under murderous globalist
tyranny. For details, see the revolutionary manifesto ³Declaration of
Union² at: http://www.planetization.org/declarationofunion.htm

The checks and balances on abusive power developed in the USA and
elsewhere will be re-instituted and fine-tuned, as the power structure
devolves toward a bottom-up rather than top-down decision-making model.
People will seize control over their own lives, with individuals,
families and local communities‹not nation states, banks or
corporations‹making the decisions. This model of governance, as
proposed by theologian and 9/11 truth supporter John Cobb, is one of
³communities of communities of communities.² It will be realized after
the 9/11-truth-triggered annihilation of the top-heavy institutions,
and wealth-and-power-heavy individuals and families, that currently run
the world.

9/11 truth offers the ordinary person of good will an unprecedented
opportunity to change the world for the better. So what are you waiting
for? Get out there and spread the word. When the time is ripe‹and it is
ripening fast‹we will have the people, and the soul-power, to take to
the streets.

* * *
Note: If the links in the above article don't come through, here is the
MS Word version:

Kevin Barrett
Coordinator, MUJCA-NET: http://mujca.com
Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing - Edmund Burke.
Ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem Americanam appellant - Tacitus Redactus.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The source of this revolution is the courage and intelligence of the



Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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Minor Poster
Minor Poster

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 12:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great article!,

very heartening! Keep that worm a-turning!

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Angel - now passed away
Angel - now passed away

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:13 pm    Post subject: Fantastic article! Reply with quote

Fantastic article! Great vision! Don't like the vengeful bits, but nobody's perfect.

This is a must to read.

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