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William Rodriguez' UK tour - Feb07
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 12:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would be interested to know why Willie Rodriguez is not sick from the toxic dust ----he was right there in the thick of it or so we are told.

Apparently he is a very good speaker---unusual for a janitor
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 12:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There are definitely some strange anomalies there........?
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Keith Mothersson
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 1:18 am    Post subject: Ron Paul is right Reply with quote

The Democrats are every bit as hawkish about Iran as the Republicans.

The invasion of Somalia was validated by talk of the embassy bombings and pictures of Osama. The other night Sean Langan on Dispatches was interspersing commentary about the Taliban with stuff about 911 and the terror planes. 911 remains the key and our best form of solidarity with Iran or lots of places (including ourselves) is to blow it wide open.

Black bear - I would like you to post for us the best URLs for the 'thousands of Jews didn't turn up for work' assertion. If we post things which are likely to be seen as way out/way off by others, it is surely wisest to help educate them with our evidence, also so that it can be checked and sifted to become even stronger - or dropped if it turns out not to be true, or revised if it turns out to be exaggerated.

After all we agree that we want Jews to also join in this truth movement, and not switch off when they see such unevidenced remarks, ditto lots of others who are validly concerned not to fall into genuine antisemitism. (But of couse you are right about the present and threatened holocaust(s), and misuse of the 'antisemitism' label, very much like the 'conspiracy theorist stigma' .)

For the defence of our one worldwide civilian Motherland, against whatever ruling or informal fraternities.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 4:02 pm    Post subject: Re: Ron Paul is right Reply with quote

[quote="keith"]Black bear - I would like you to post for us the best URLs for the 'thousands of Jews didn't turn up for work' assertion. If we post things which are likely to be seen as way out/way off by others, it is surely wisest to help educate them with our evidence, also so that it can be checked and sifted to become even stronger - or dropped if it turns out not to be true, or revised if it turns out to be exaggerated.[quote]

I agree

It is time IMO to sift evidence for hard indestructible nuggets to be used as the agreed core of the movement. Snowygrouch posted on the divisions - divide and rule strategy that decent 911 people are falling for in his call to arms post (under general). I posted the thread 'Hard Evidence' in a similar vein

Specifics on methods for demolition etc are not needed to prove our case. Nor are whether Israelis turned up for work. (I believe Odigo got paged 2 hours before the event) In fact there are many Jewish names among the tower victims.

Belief is the Enemy of Truth www.dissential.com
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello Keith and Rodin....

..."thousands of jews didn't turn up for work"....William Rodriguez..

He told me this after the 9/11 Confronting the Evidence (Jimmy Walters) event at Manchester town hall. He was also interested in a shipping company who vacated their offices a week or so before 9/11.

Remember the holocaust against the muslims.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would be interested to know why Willie Rodriguez is not sick from the toxic dust ----he was right there in the thick of it or so we are told.

Apparently he is a very good speaker---unusual for a janitor

Firstly... he was trained up by the Republican Party to run for elections, as he would win them 30million or so Hispanic Votes. He welcomed this, its for free after all. There they trained him in many things, such as holding press conferences, interviews, etc, etc.

He may be sick from the Toxic Dust. He did not work at Ground Zero, he was just pulled out of it. The people involved in the rescue and clearing operations were most effected and had fallen ill because of it.

Last edited by Zabooka on Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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Keith Mothersson
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:50 am    Post subject: Possible checklist for Rodriguez visit preparations Reply with quote

One person's suggested checklist, designed in first instance for three locations in Scotland, but hope may be of some use to others:

Things to think about before William Rodriguez comes to town!

Activists/groups to pull together in each city: build working relationships, share each other's contact details, be sensitive to different political styles, assumptions, especially where co-hosting with another society/group. [avoid licensed premises].

Identify main objectives of the visit and let Rodriguez know how he can fit in with what we need locally; and Annie if e.g. we ask her to fill people in on the 911 network in Britain and Ireland.

Could there be an additional meeting add-on? - if travel arrangements and time allow, and not too tiring for Willie: possibly a lunchtime meeting for specialist audience, e.g. at local mosque or to an ad-hoc gathering of religious leaders, or to local Rotary Club lunchtime meeting? [see caveat by Annie in subsequent post]

Think well ahead and produce good publicity material (templates downloadable from Becca via the website), and think carefully about circulating/displaying that at key places, in key constituencies (schools, colleges, Mosques, Churches/Interfaith also, etc, and also on main activist server lists e.g. a unified one for all three cities on Scottish Global, etc.

Watch for opportunities to get a letter to editor in local/regional press which mention Rodriguez forthcoming visit. Invite opinion formers - local editors, politicians, religious or community leaders.

What arrangements for meeting with and eating with Rodriguez, Annie and Anthony Beckett (who will also be in the car) before the meeting?

What arrangements for billetting our visitors (3 single beds) in private houses - preferably not too far from each other so they can meet up the next day relatively easily and go on to next place? [NB they have scheduled Tuesday 13th as a rest day, so either Perth or Edinburgh might need an extra stay.]

Suss out the venue, who will sit where, what shape of seating (maybe different in different phases of the overall meeting?). Ensure the powerpoint display system will work Okay (that we know how to use it on the day). Any posters, banners to display? backdrops for local press photographer, etc to shoot against.

Download/draft and circulate press release(s). For key journalists who may be persuaded to do a human interest feature article or radio or TV interview - preferably in advance, so it acts as an advert published that day or day before he comes to town - it may be best to talk first on phone then immediately e-mail press release to the journalist's own e-mail plus Press pack (showing how Rodriguez was featured on double page spread of Western Daily Mail, for example - and any subsequent media triumps since then) - with the message|:it is safe to feature this really interesting human interest and Famous guy!, all the other papers are doing so too! Act as press aides for either advance press interviews (liasing with Annie and co wherever they are before our city) or arranging for media slots on the day. NB - add info on New York Times/CBS poll on how only 16 percent of Americans believe the official conspiracy theory.

Time management: [see also Annie's subsequent post] Overall design of the meeting, what chunks and timings. Break at half time? for circulation, ?? tea? probably not. Advertise meeting as 6.30 for 7.00 start (or whatever) to allow discussion, circulation, looking at our wares on stalls at the beginning; allow enough time for that too at the end - invaluable for participatory movement building - rather than squash too much content in right up to five minutes before the janitors want us all out. If ideal venue then think about adding an hour and sharing of food before or after.

Arrangements for chairing, co-chairing: guidance for the chair , e.g. to encourage a diversity of voices.

How to ensure a balance of 'Input' with time for 'Processing' - should processing be all in a big meeting with feelings expressed [I can't believe it, this is so scary'] or questions asked ? or wouldn't 'new people' feel safer and more involved in lots of smaller mini-groups, which then share the main question(s) or feeling(s) thrown up in their group?

Allow enough time for psychologically taking care of each other, reassuring newcomers, perhaps a post-event helpline if someone wants to talk it over with a sympathetic listener. Or if someone needs to go outside and share distress at having been lied to, then they should feel free to ask and one of us can help them begin to talk it through one to one.

Questions/open discussion. The ideal is a listeningful discussion develops out of question time; How to control the usual suspects from making boring speeches [maybe if we have tight chairing which makes it clear that there will be some time for brief statements at the end, and the chair announces in advance that they will be quick to cut off people who ask non-questions - disguised speeches, ask them to restate their views later on in the meeting?]

Towards end of evening - contributions invited on what are the political implications of 911/FFT awareness? how it relates to Middle East, Iran, Police State, etc.

Follow up meetings to be arranged? so we can channel enthusiasm in next fortnight or so. Ideally leave active groups in every location, including a '911 society' in every university union.

Bookstall - who will order what books and leaflets, including from the 'shop' on the new website: www.911truthcampaign.net in good time; what table? who will staff it?

Who will ensure enough dvds for sale - both in ones and in multiples for enthusiasts to give extra to others? (DVDs should have slips encouraging onward copying and giving contact details)

Secure system for harvesting legible e-mails - people to circulate clipboards and watch them closely, or else box for people to post their contact details slips into (which is handed round). Space on form/slips for people to say: please include me in occasional mailings from 911 Truth Scotland. Or co-hosting bodies as well if they want.

Well organised financial appeal and collection of money (pass bucket shortly after Rodriguez'es main speech when people are fired up and before people start to slip away - if poor response then pass it round again at the end).

If our room could be too small: do we have a plan B?- squash more in with cushions for sitting on floor, at side, standing at back, sides? decamp to different hall if available? Closed circuit TV relay to next room?

For the defence of our one worldwide civilian Motherland, against whatever ruling or informal fraternities.

May all beings be happy

Last edited by Keith Mothersson on Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 10:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

http://www.webcameron.org.uk/blogs/2112-Will-you-come-see-William-Rodr iguez-in-FEBRUARY-Last-man-to-come-out-of-Twin-Towers-Alive-a-national -hero-who-saved-hundreds-of-lives-on-that-day-yet-his-testimony-to-the -911-Commission-was-ommitted

Might as well make best use of David Camerons web site. If we can keep 911 Questions in this top five for as long as possible. It will help grow awareness, atleast make people view those documentaries on google or visit our sites.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for that, Keith.

The format for the Rodriguez talks last time involved the following:

1) Intro
2) A few words from me (15 minutes).
3) William's personal story (50 minutes).
4) Questions
5) A decent length of time at the end for people to talk to William and buy his DVDs. He tends to get a very positive response.

William travels with his own materials to sell. In fact, this is how he earns a living. However, it would be good if each group can set up a stall of other 9/11 DVDs and books for sale.

In terms of media, I shall be sending a selection of publicity materials out to each local organiser later today. I suggest that everyone get a copy of "The Writers' and Artists' Yearbook 2007", as this has every conceivable media contact around the country. It's worth speaking to the newsdesks initially, and then say you are going to send through your press release. Build relationships with sympathetic journalists (this will be useful in future too). If you have the time, try and meet them personally for a chat. Please let me know if anyone wants to do an interview with William, and I can build this into the schedule.

In terms of additional meetings: as we're doing a meeting a night for a month, the days will be spent travelling to the next town, and hopefully doing interviews, (particularly local radio) in the afternoon before the meeting. Also, it may not look it, but doing a speaking tour is an extremely tiring experience, with the travelling, sleeping in a different bed every night, as well as the adrenaline of the meeting itself. So I would be extremely reluctant to arrange additional meetings for William. If there are community leaders who want to meet him, please encourage them to come to the main event - we can always ensure that they have some separate time to talk to William on the night!



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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have had a reasonable start with just under 20 tickets so far. I hope to have a full house (190).

Based on past experience does anyone have any innovative ideas to maximise attendance and interest? Not just William's tour, but any 9/11 truth movement event ever!!!!

I have asked those who have enquired to pass on the message to friends, relatives, work colleagues.

I have written a piece to my local paper to see if they are interested in a human interest story.

Anything else? Or is just bloody hard work!
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Keith Mothersson
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:31 am    Post subject: Contact the janitors! Reply with quote

I think if we bill Willie as a Janitor, then you will find that the janitors at schools, colleges, etc will be as interested as the students, and probably less hamstrung by fears about being thoguht a conpsiracy theorist. Try to get round to some, ask them how to contact the rest, can you or they circulate stuff through the union?

Today at Dundee Univesristy I found that the students were very nice but apprehensive, couldn't quite trust themselves to book a Uni room for Rodriguez, but the two young men and one woman working in the cafeteria were well up for it. It is amazing how many people have downloaded a dvd.

Luckily I have Plan B for venue, details coming tomorrow.

For the defence of our one worldwide civilian Motherland, against whatever ruling or informal fraternities.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 11:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The UK tour advert is now on www.911keymaster.com
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanx for the info Keith.

Thanx to Mick and Sam we have managed to secure a top quality venue for the Willie Rodrigez event at Lancaster, the third Lancaster Truth campaign event:-

The Hugh Pollard lecture Theatre (approx 160 seats) at the University College of St Martins, Lancaster.

We have yet to finalise the format of the evening but my idea is

1. welcome/introduction

2. showing of not longeer than 30 min dvd on the collapse of the towers
(whats available? recommendations please?)

3. Willie giving his witness report of What the janitor saw and heard, etc

4. audience Q&A

5. conlusion/vote of thanx

IMO we should also take these events as an opportunity to get people to support the campaign and on entry ask them to leave ther contact details to facilitate growth of the truth groups and movement/truth virus.


Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would be interested to know why Willie Rodriguez is not sick from the toxic dust ----he was right there in the thick of it or so we are told.

Apparently he is a very good speaker---unusual for a janitor

If my memory is correct, when I spoke to him (and meekly asked for his autograph!) he said he had health problems after the event.
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Light Infantree
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pikey wrote:

2. showing of not longeer than 30 min dvd on the collapse of the towers
(whats available? recommendations please?)

I would go for something like David's 'Short Changed' - it about 45mins but covers all the bases nicley in a short time.

Otherwise you might consider doing a shortned version of one of the other movies - 911 Mysteries? Loose change?

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

great 10 min film here.


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 8:51 pm    Post subject: London leafleting for 8th Feb Docklands Reply with quote

How about leafleting somewhere on the Docklands Light Railway, on an easy travelling route to the UEL Docklands campus site? How about Stratford station about 6pm when the commuters come streaming out of the station - what do you think, Zabooka? I could do that on Mon 29th Jan if anyone else can join me…
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Short changed" is good but too long. Could it be condensed?

Is there any chance one/some of our highly talented techies could compile a 30 minute dvd and send a dvd in the post to reach us before the 8th Feb.

Or give it to Willie and he can bring it along to every event for us to show before he delivers his personal witness account.

The dvd content needs to focus on the collapse of the Towers and WTC7. Some of 911 eyewitness in it and Steve Jones stuff would be ideal. As well as this just touch on the other smoking guns re; Pentagon, put options etc.

I really think by playing a 30 minute dvd before Willie takes the stage would enhance the effect of the presentation, and that its an opportunity we should not miss.

The Lancaster event has already received a full page coverage with a link on the front page in the local press.

Its looking promising so lets not miss this golden opportunity and get our act together at the eleventh hour!


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanx for that Andy B.

Like the dvd but not some of the background music. The language in the music is imho too extreme for what is potentially going to be a very mixed audience.

But at less than 30 mins its all I have seen to date! ANYONE else help. Kenny M or Andrew Johnson maybe?


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The best I can find is the joining together of part 1 (14 mins 40 secs) and part 2 (4 mins 24 secs) of David Shayler's introduction of 911 Truth Bristol Face the facts on the front page of this website.

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Mick Meaney
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

911 Eyewitness 10 minute version:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6333886887490767906&q=911+eyew itness+10+minutes&hl=en

Also, if we can organise a film showing for a couple of weeks after the William Rodriguez talk, to promote at the event.. keeping people plugged in (or unplugged as the case maybe)?

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:19 am    Post subject: Birmingham event. Reply with quote


I will be going to the early birmingham event and was wondering if anyone from here is going too?

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just wanted to erm... bring to peoples attention, that the WR talk at UEL, LONDON, is most certainly going to be overpacked, firstly by students and staff at the University itself, then all those droves coming from all the leafleting, the website advertisements and also the chain emailing that I myself have also participated in.

Its going to be ridiculously big! I am trying to organise overflow rooms with live feeds, however have not achieved that as of yet. Getting overflow rooms is easy, getting live feeds at the same time... well its something that has not been done on the very very new campus and new equipment that it has.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 9:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

showing of not longeer than 30 min dvd on the collapse of the towers
(whats available? recommendations please?)

HELP!!!! Solution required.

Anyone produced a suitable dvd yet for the events which they could send a copy to us for our WR Lancaster event on the 8/2/. I discussed this with Annie at Blackpool in Sunday.


Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As previously mentioned, the 25 minutes segment on the WTC from LC2 maybe suitable. However, I can produce a version of this to "edit out" WIllie's piece - as he will be giving it in person anyway. PM or e-mail if you want this.

Ask the Tough Questions, Folks!
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Keith Mothersson
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 11:59 pm    Post subject: 10 minute context putter Reply with quote

In Scotland we will be first hearing briefly from Annie on the 911 Truth movement, then we will play the following excellent 10 minute shortened version of 911 Eyewitness:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6333886887490767906&q=911+eyew itness+10+minutes&hl=en

which should also set Willie's testimony and powerpoint presentation in context, while leaving enough time for questions and responses at the end.

For the defence of our one worldwide civilian Motherland, against whatever ruling or informal fraternities.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 3:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great news from me.

I've had a message from BBC Radio Berkshire. The producer wants William to be interviewed by Henry Kelly.

Very Happy Cool
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How about this video on Patrick Brown's excellent 911 website at 19 minutes.


Anyone got a good copy on DVD/CD so we can play prior to Willie Rodrigez's speech at Lancaster on Thursday 8th Feb?


Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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disco volante
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ah excellent. an edinburgh show...........
im gonna try and get a few friends to jump along..................


richard andrew grove

one of the best 9/11 truthers.....must see this site
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well the Tour has commenced!

How have we faired so far regarding promotion of the events from the media (TV and radio)?

The tour program is here;(the total events including todays at Exeter Cathedral is 22) :-


If each 911 truth group/organiser can post the full contact details here (telephone number and e mail) of their local radio and TV station, I WILL contact everyone of them.

I will ring them (using the BT caller nos barred option) and explain that I have heard about the event, and would like to attend but dont know where the venue is. I will ask if they can provide me with full details or where I can find them. If they are not aware of the event/unable to assist I will ask why

Could the whole of the GB & Ireland 911 truth movement work together and give full co-operation and support to this. Ask your like minded family, friends, colleagues to do the same! (telephone/e mail them before the close of play today! or no later than Monday.

For starters here are the media contact details for the Lancaster (Lancashire) on Thursday 8th February:-

Radio Lancashire


BBC Lancashire, Darwen Street, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB2 2EA
phone: 01254 262411 | e-mail: lancashire@bbc.co.uk

Bay Radio


The Bay
PO Box 969
St George's Quay
Company Number: 2521585

Office: 0871 2000 747
Studio: 0871 2000 969

E mail on: http://www.thebay.co.uk/contactUs.aspx

Radio Cumbria


BBC Cumbria website, Annetwell Street, Carlisle, CA3 8BB
phone: 01228 592444 | e-mail: cumbria@bbc.co.uk




May the force of 911 truth be with you all! Salute


Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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