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Holocaust Memorial Day - Genocide in Iraq

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:45 pm    Post subject: Holocaust Memorial Day - Genocide in Iraq Reply with quote

Mengele in Mesapotamia.
Felicity Arbuthnot
January 26, 2007

'Extending hope and opportunity depends on a stable supply of energy that keeps America's economy running and America's environment clean. For too long our nation has been dependent on foreign oil. And this dependence leaves us more vulnerable to hostile regimes, and to terrorists -- who could cause huge disruptions of oil shipments, and raise the price of oil, and do great harm to our economy.'
George W.Bush, State of the Union Address : 23rd January 2007.

26th January marks Holocaust Memorial Day in the U.K., established by Prime Minister Blair in 2001.The message of the Holocaust was ; ' never again', so, at this time, have you noticed that there are no Iraqis anymore?

No children: no Alis, Jassims, Omars, Sabahs, Husseins; no Nairas, Ranins, Yasmins, Esthers, Fetuahs. No Parents; no Umm (mother of) Jassim, Ranin, Sabah, or Abus' (father of) Yasmin, Ali, Omar ... there are no Am or Khal (uncles) or Ama and Khala (aunts) no Jeda (grandmothers) or Jedu (grandfathers.) No familes, friends, taleb (students) yufadh (teachers) mentors, coaches, shop keepers, friends to children on a special household errand. No fish, date, fruit, falafal, pistachio sellers ... In Iraq, humanity has been erased.

Instead there are 'terrorists', 'insurgents', 'Ba'athist remanants', 'militants', 'Saddamists', 'Sunnis', 'Shia's', 'foreign fighters', 'Al Qaeda'. There are 'rag heads', 'camel jockeys' and the all become 'collateral damage' as they are sliced in pieces, beheaded, tortured, slaughtered, by the occupiers or their militia goons as they sleep, drive, walk, play, dying in numbers 'not productive to count', as so succinctly put by General Kimmitt, a man who would seemingly be unphased running a concentration camp. Car bombs, for which the occupiers are responsible, since they are legally responsible for all under their watch, do not kill Iraqis, with names, loves, plans, hopes. They result in 'body parts', which are pronounced 'Sunni' or 'Shia' (though how they can tell from a bit of foot, flesh, finger or brain, is one of life's chilling, dark miracles.) As under Nazi occuption and in the death camps, bodies pile up or are left to rot in streets, fear preventing collection.

Villages and towns, are now non-communities, where non-people live, they are: 'restive', 'hotbeds', to be 'cleansed' - reminiscent of the WW11 antics of Kommandant Amon Goeth in the Krakow ghetto, who, as in Abu Ghraib, set dogs on the naked and stood on his balcony, a sharpshooter, picking off the terrorified, hounded Jews* . Iraqis are 'flushed out', 'pacified' (read mass murder) slaughtered along with their non-cattle, goats, sheep, chickens and pets. Ancient, evocotive homes, in their haven of citrus groves, regal date palms, fig trees, the all razed.

'Mission accomplished', it's back to base, with perhaps the odd rape en route, or squashing a few non-kids and the toddlers holding their hands, along the way - since reportedly, America's valiant occupiers, have been told to drive on, if they are in the road, as they might be decoys, to slow them, to enable Umm, Abu, Am or Jedu to lob an RPG their way. Gives a whole new meaning to would-be President Hilary Clinton's : 'No child left behind', initiative - brought into a sqatted U.S., base, stuck in bits to the tank tracks, or Humvee tyres. Road meat.

In strategic moves of which Kommandant Goeth would be proud, U.S., service personnel, in their new 'clampdown', are reported as hauling hospital patients out of bed, expelling doctors from their institutions (currently in 'restive' western Anbar province) and taking over the buildings, in which, even liberated of all needed to sustain life since the invasion, Iraq's remaining inventitve, dedicated doctors might have saved some in dangerous or critical conditions. Water purification plants (where they exist) are destroyed, water and electricity cut off (all in strict violation of the Geneva and Hague Conventions) streets blocked and barricaded, homes raided. The dead, as ever, simply written off as 'terrorists', insurgents - no questions, no trial,,just the summary execution of those brave enough to go about their daily business. The culling of Iraq.

On 11th September 2001; after the Bali bombings, the 7th July 2005 London bombings, the Madrid atrocities, the world sent condolences, candlelight vigils were held, there are emotional annual memorials. Where are the condolences for the silent holocaust of the perhaps one point seven million people who died quietly in Iraq of 'embago related causes'? (U.N.) Where are the condolences, the international rescue teams, the flood of medical aid for the 9/11 every month in Baghdad? Where is the same for the Madrid, July 7th, Bali, daily, weekly across Iraq? Where is the shame, the outrage, the horror, of the international community as represented by their governments? Where is the succour for the average one hundred thousand a month fleeing for their lives, who is opening their borders to Iraq's Palestinians, generations who found safety there, since expelled from their heritage after the formation of the Jewish state, now threatened with a very 'final solution' under the liberators watch?

Attacks on U.S., and British troops? A legal and legitimate resistance to an illegal invasion and the genocide of a further ( probably underestimated) nearly three quarter of a million Iraqis (to September 2006.) Bush and Blair never miss an opportunity to reminisce over the courage of the resistance in World War 11, after another illegal invasion plunged Europe in to war. Spot the difference.

The response from Washington's Draft Dodger in Chief, is that Iraqis owe the mass murderering invaders: 'a debt of gratitude' - and for their also dying at the hands of mercenaries brought in with the invasion and countless other factions who have invaded since, detonating, beheading. Washington's patience is running out with the dismembered, distraught and daily near-demented in grief, we are told.

As for Britain's spineless, shameful, 'truthfully economic', Prime Minister: two days before Holocaust Memorial Day, Parliament finally secured a debate on the current Iraq one, for the first time since the invasion and lasting for six and a half hours. Blair was too busy to attend, addressing instead, the Confederation of British Industry ,which surely included executives from the oil companies, which, he assured the late former Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook (according to Cook's memoirs) were going to contribute to paying for and even turn a profit from the invasion. He was prevented attending even the winding up of the debate, by a meeting to discuss the rights of same sex couples to adopt. Doubt he thought passingly of Iraq's orphans, evicted from the safety of their orphanages, by the invading forces, in March 2003, and abandoned again, in bewilderment ands trauma, to wander the streets, fend for themselves, or worse, in the mahem, as the bombs fell and since.

The Leader of the opposition Conservative Party, David Cameron was also notably absent. Constantly trying to (unconvinceingly) cash in on the 'green' card, he might have had something pithy to say about the four and a half billion year pollution of Iraq by the radioactive and toxic depleted uranium weapons used by the US and UK. It was not to be. A member of one of the Committees, involved in the establishment of Holocaust Memorial Day, pointed out, that given history's numerous holocausts, such a day would seem as if: "western lives have more value than non-western lives". A perception which needed to be changed. "One way of doing that is if the government were to sponsor a national Genocide Memorial Day.

"The message of the Holocaust was 'never again', and for that message to have practical effect on the world community it has to be inclusive. We can never have double standards in terms of human life." Further: " Muslims feel hurt and excluded that their lives are not equally valuable to those lives lost in the Holocaust time."

Ibrahim Hewitt, chairman of the charity Interpal, said: "There are 500 Palestinian towns and villages that have been wiped out over the years. That's pretty genocidal to me." ** As is Afghanistan, now and when the US backed the Taliban against the Russians; American decimations echo from the Phillippines to VIetnam, from Haiti to Central America. Britain and other Europeans have been at it since the crusades, as most of the world. Genocide Day, once a year,would have been a minute step to acknowledgement that no one, unique, precious life has more value than another. An acknowledgement of our common humanity. A tiny atonement and tinier acknowledgement of some supreme western wickednesses. And, as Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Bergen Belsen, of the piles of empty shoes, childrens' beyond counting, which litter the planet: testimony to mans' enduring psychosis: ramapant greed and inhumanity to mankind.
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 2:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Excellent article.

We must also never forget that the Iraqi Holocaust was started because Saddam Hussein had been involved in 9/11.

We must never forget that Saddam Hussein was only 45 minutes away from launching NCB warheads at the west.

We must never forget that the wishes of millions of people, living in "democratic" nations who opposed the illegal invasion of a sovereign nation were ignored by their "democratic" governments.

We must never forget that the Iraqi Holocaust is a natural, inevitable process of introducing that "democracy".

We must never forget the lies that have been told throughout history are still with us today as the lies of 9/11 and it's siblings, the lies of the 9/11 Wars.

We are told we must never forget.

Who is it then, that "forgets" and still tells us that we must not forget ?

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Liberation of the Camps

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Angel - now passed away
Angel - now passed away

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 8:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another attempt to make Zionists legally "untouchables" and above the law.
Make love, not money.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thou Shalt Not Deny The Holocaust
Citizen Kane – January 27, 2007

On the 27th of January 1756 at number 9, Getriebe Gassa, Salzberg Austria, the world was blessed by the birth of a musical genius whose name will live forever in the musical fraternity. Actually Tchaikovsky referred to him as the Christ of music. I am referring of course to Mozart. Moving forward, the same date in 1944 marked the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland and the alleged murder of millions in gas chambers there.

Moving further forward, the 27th January 1994 marked the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and probably at the instigation of the Zionists lobby, a national Holocaust remembrance day was proclaimed.

But did six million Jews really die at the hands of the Nazis on the secret instructions of Adolph Hitler?

This is a question that very few politicians, broadcasters, journalists and historians will ever allow to be discussed, let alone debated or investigated.

Why is this so?

A few years ago Professor Norman Finkelstein, himself a Jew and the son of two former Auschwitz inmates, published a book entitled “The Holocaust Industry”. Needless to say, he was branded a “self-hating Jew” by the Jewish chronicle and subsequently lost his teaching post in New York.

David Irving, who is probably one of the best if not the best authorities on Adolph Hitler and World War II, was arrested in Vienna and sentenced to three years imprisonment for remarks he made nearly SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO, when he questioned the orthodox and generally accepted version of the Holocaust.

The February 1994 issue of a former prestigious Japanese magazine entitled Marco Polo, with a circulation of about 250,000, published an article impugning the logistics behind the accepted version of the Holocaust. And guess what?

Within days of its distribution it was removed from the shelves of retailers who sold it. Phillip Morris, Cartier, Mercedes and many other companies withdrew their advertising and in less than a week, the editor was sacked the magazine folded.

Such is the power of international finance, which is now inextricably tied in with Zionism.

But take heart, the powers that be are not getting everything quite their own way. As my regular listeners already know, Nexus magazine, which purports to be an alternative and independent publication, have blocked my team and myself from advertising our products.

In April 2006, one of my chief correspondents delivered in person to the Iranian Embassy in London a C.D. entitled, “The Holocaust Racket”. Actually this was part of a taped presentation that sought to expose many of the inconsistencies surrounding the Holocaust. And it was delivered with the request that it be passed on to the Iranian head of state.

Whether this happened or not we do not know, but one thing we do know is this: shortly after the delivery of this CD the Iranian President intensified his demand for an independent international investigation into the Holocaust which, according to some historians, researchers and independent journalists, is the hoax or lie of the century.

Of course, this is wide open to question. But now anyone trying to investigate or debate events surrounding the Holocaust who veers from the standard line that six million Jews died in Nazi gas chambers is immediately branded a “Holocaust denier” and in some countries liable to prosecution and imprisonment.

It was George Orwell who said: “To tell the truth in a world of deceit is a rebellious act”. How right he was.


Conspiracy thought + truth or........zionist approved mainstream + alternative .....your choice..!
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