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Is this all true about Shayler?
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Patrick Brown
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:50 pm    Post subject: Is this all true about Shayler? Reply with quote

I thought this might interest some of you:




Perhaps this explains why certain people on this forum despise 911cultwatch.org?

Just for the record I don't have an opinion about Shayler but I don't trust the bloke (Ex MI5???), do you? Shocked

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Last edited by Patrick Brown on Sun Jan 28, 2007 2:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 3:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is not always the response however--one poster, Ally, even informs us "Clearly NO2ID are yet more fake opposition. Very limited hang out. Any group not exposing 9/11 are part of the cover up" [30]. The world seems very clear cut from his/her perspective.

Gawd, he gets everywhere, doesn't he?

In fairness, Larry O'Hara is the dynamic duo's arch nemesis and does have a habit of seeing spooks everywhere; for someone so dismissive of 'conspiracy theorists', he does a fair line in accusing anyone and everyone of being an agent. He's also seemingly a bit of an egomaniac; I'm always entertained by the way a supposed anarchist is so consistently eager to point out he's 'Dr' Larry O'Hara and I just love the way the debate with Shayler is described as "historic" on the Notes from the Borderland website. I'd love to know how it qualifies as "historic".
Stewart Home is particularly entertaining when it comes to all matters O'Hara.

Many people dislike the site because it specifically and directly attacks the truth movement regardless of comments about Shayler.

I'm not 'taking a stand' on this; all I'm saying is that this is O'Hara and his crew and as such by no means impartial.

Given Annie posts here fairly regularly, it's probably best to let her give her take on the comments before coming to any conclusions.

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John White
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I reckon the small matter of 9/11 cultwatch/Notes from the Borderland being ardent "anarchist" supporters of the Official Conspiracy Theory and smugly concluding anyone not like them is mentally deranged and a "cultist" has quite a lot to do with it: Robot Radicals at best, I say
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I`ve had a very long argument with a NFTB lady and she was without doubt the most mentally unhinged person I`ve met on-line.

Se likes to say stuff like "you cant imagine the stuff we've got on the shayler lot", then when anyone asked her WHAT STUFF SPECIFICALLY.....she had absolutely nothing to say!!!

(other than that you had to BUY their newsletter to find out....)

That was after they accuse Annie of "peddalling" her book by "using" 9/II truth as a forum to publisice it (forgetting that it has nothing to do with 9/11 directly). Hmmmm hypocrisy me thinks (I`ve never heard Annie even mention her book at any truth meetings I`ve been to; but I suppose thats beside the point when you have a personal vendetta to run!!

I wont mix my words, morons........(NFTB once told me I was "a spottly little boy" HE HE HE Laughing ) Thats about the extent of their thought processes.

Nonsence from the borderlands would be a somewhat improved title for their work.


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 5:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm sorry, SG, that's just unfair. As you can see from the cover, this is a highly professionally put together publication using the latest in publishing technology and the 3.50 cover price is obviously a total bargain. Do you really expect these hardened anti-capitalists to disseminate stuff for free on the net like those sad, deluded truthers?!

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Mighty Poster
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 5:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hey accuse Annie of "peddalling" her book by "using" 9/II truth as a forum to publisice it

Oh, and here's how Annie shamelessly urges people to, ahem, buy her book on this forum (bolding mine):

Might I suggest you read my book "Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers"? I'm not asking you to buy it - it should be in all good libraries!


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ian neal
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 9:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

More background if you must


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 9:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The hit-piece on David and Annie is absolute rubbish IMO.

David has the habit of saying what he believes to be true at any given time.

This makes him an honest man. He might not be always right but he does say what he really thinks.

Of course his opinion, and therefore his political take, on 9/11 changed over the years. So did mine......and, no doubt, yours.

None of us realised until quite recently, I think, that 9/11 was a total inside job and that Osama and his pals had next to nothing to do with it.....other than, perhaps unknowingly supplying a few patsies.

There were a bunch of these NFTB people at a meeting I attended. They were not interested in discussing details of 9/11 evidence.

Theirs was a fixed and, to me, mindless position. I did not like these people at all. I did not begin to understand the way they were directing their enegies.

Disinfo artists methinks...

....but could be wrong about that. I have never really understood people who treat a political ideology as a religion. Maybe to this type of leftie with their left/right mindset, 9/11 is a door through which there can only be one short step into mental self-immolation. Maybe we should not condemn them for fearing the loss of all they hold dear.....However, their thinking is false (the ideologies of left and right both have as their end the concentration of power in the hands of a small elite. It is interesting that the PTB seem to prefer the communist model for our world in the future) and their desire to paint ideological enemies, like David and Annie, as dishonest is symptomatic of a sickness that exists in themselves to a far greater extent than in anyone they choose to attack.

Remember, these people are NOT 9/11 Truthers. Their objective is to damage our movement.

In order to achieve this they are trying to discredit two of our most passionate and effective advocates.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There is nothing substantial in the article cited by Patrick Brown. All it really says is that David and Annie changed their minds about 9/11 some time in 2005. So did lots of people who are now 9/11 aware.

I find this campaign and those who wage it to be a hostile act.

There are certainly infiltraitors on this board as on all 9/11 forums. Some of them present themselves very convincingly as bona fide Truthers.

For my money we need much more evidence than this flimsy piece of trash to accuse two of our leading lights of treachery.

I notice Patrick Brown has a link to Steven Jones. I am relieved that he does not have a problem with someone who has worked at Los Alamos and who succesfully killed Cold Fusion Research - not to mention his ground - breaking study of the evidence for Jesus Christ having travelled to America ( whenever I mention this I am told it is a faith matter. Actually it was published as a scientific paper).
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 11:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anyone who takes an ex MI5 agent at their word is not a truth seeker but a believer.

Belief is the Enemy of Truth.

Why is it that some deny the absolutely obvious - that David and/or Annie could very well be (note I say could) working to disrupt those seeking to expose what happened on 911, 7/7, and what is coming?

Don't you think that mid 2005 or whenever - mebbe after 7/7 - they could have got the word from 'M' - Get onboard 911 UK and help us steer it into a cul-de-sac. Here's our plan - we start a psyop claim that no planes hit the towers - you pretend to believe it - later we demolish this argument in our MSM and sink 911 UK below the waterline. Meanwhile get intel on all activists, especially those posting sense...

Of course 911 UK could've just got lucky. David and Annie could be the real deal. But given the scale and scope of the international crime gang (remember they OWN the media and Hollywood and government) do you think that is likely?

If D & A are absolutely honest they will admit that what I say is just common sense logic, not a witch hunt. They must know that it is legitimate that they be under scrutiny, not 'bad form'. They should accept such scrutiny willingly and without ill-feeling. In fact, they should be glad that the 'team' are trying to be thorough in their vetting of the truth.

We should ALL willingly subject ourselves to scrutiny. The gravity of te situation demands it. There is no doubt we have been infiltrated. Even if there was NO evidence of this it MUST be true, for our enemy is resourceful and wily. We must be on our guard.

I think if David and Annie or whoever want to be the spokespeople for UK 911 researchers they should not be promoting ideas and theories that are NOT generally agreed on as self-evident by those seeking justice over 911 and by association the way the world is run. If they want to speak for themselves - fine.

We could really use people like David with media access. Trouble is, the media we want to access has an agenda.

Still, we have the internet, and the truth memes are spreading exponentially. The counter to this is to spread disinfo, which also spreads exponentially, at least until it is thoroughly rebuked. Given the anarchic nature of the internet it is possible that once the dust of disinfo settles only truth will remain standing. We must hasten this process of global e-wareness as much as we can.

Music sales are majoring in downloads. Most downloads are probably ripped for free. Record stores are being closed down.

MSM is suffering a similar fate. Internet will soon be the credible news source for the majority. If it isn't already. An internet movement could overtake all other media combined. Public distrust of MSM is growing and it's a one-way ticket. Who goes back to the MSM having broken through the Matrix?

To David's credit, he did make a point of bringing up the 5 dancing Israelis on Sky. Most MSM punters will never have heard of that. Who knows, perhaps MI5 think he is still working for them, while all the time he is playing THEM along?

A David/Annie challenge - can you get the 5 dancing Israelis story out in print in the national newspapers? And while we're at it, how's about the one about Bush seeing the first plane hit? Hows about getting some MSM reporter to query that? Those are facts that really make people think - wait a minute...

Free-fall collapses and thermate require a modicum of scientific comprehension. Never assume that. Jade Goody's expulsion from Big Bro has 8 million plus viewers. Her 'hate crime' is an international event. That's the public you have to shake & wake.

Sorry - must go now...

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 12:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is it also not patently obvious that those who want to harm the 911 truth movement will do the following:

1) Pick off our leaders and most persuasive speakers one by one by starting smear campaigns.

2) Promote as leaders people who undermine 911 research and ridicule those who find the truth.

3) Plant a few ludicrous theories such as 'pods' and 'holograms' in order to discredit the genuine research into the fraud that included the media.

4) Deliberately confuse all the 'theories' so that the valid is tarred with the same brush as the absurd. Thus you get no-planes and tvfakery lumped together with mini-nukes, directed energy weapons and blue-screen technology. At least two of those are not impossible, indeed probable.

5) Create a general perception that disinfo = wacky theories, when it is in fact just as likely to be the negation of genuine research.
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 12:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

rodin wrote:
Anyone who takes an ex MI5 agent at their word is not a truth seeker but a believer.

Sorry - must go now...

rodin, I wonder where you and other fairly recent joiners are at. Patrick Brown for instance . Why bother posting the works of these jref pawns here?- NFTB &c
What nonsense and weirdly intertwined lines of thought in your post

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Patrick said:

Just for the record I don't have an opinion about Shayler but I don't trust the bloke (Ex MI5???), do you?

I've worked closely with Annie and David now for well over a year and a half - all of us who have come into regular contact with them, talked to them, planned with them and campaigned with them, have absolutely no doubts at all about how genuine they are when it comes to them wanting to get the Truth out about 9/11 and the gradual assembling of the planned global fascist state.

As Patrick - and possibly others - like to feel it is healthy to have some doubts about people's genuineness, you had better know my background. For eleven years I served with HM Forces (Territorial Army) at the time of the IRA attacks on mainland Britain and this involved being briefed by military intelligence. I was once asked by them to keep 'my eyes and ears open' on a planned holiday to the USSR. Oh! And my Uncle was a Director of the Bank of England. God, I must be working for the other side......I knew there was something I wasn't sure about!

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Patrick Brown
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The truth is that Shayler is not really very important and would do much better if he went into comedy as he seems to have a knack for irony. Rolling Eyes
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It is a shame those like Patrick who wish to re-ignite this line of debate do not do a bit of research themselves before kicking things off. Ironically this is similar advice that I have offered to NFTB. This research might consist of doing a quick search into this topic both on this forum and elsewhere (in my post I give links). It might consist of contacting those within the movement who have worked closely with Annie and David over the past 2 years and ask their opinion. Finally you might wish to contact the authors of the NFTB article ask them if they have anything of weight and substance to offer. My opinion based on reading their article and website is they do not. You of course are entilted to come to a different opinion, but if all you have to offer is the evidence NFTB have presented I suspect you won't convince many people.

For those who can't be arsed to do this research I will just repeat what I have said before.

Yes, 'we' as a movement could be infilitrated by people who are working for the state or who have a hidden agenda. We could be infiltrated by people who are deliberately seeking to undermine a united movement by a whole variety of tactics.

But don't jump to evidence-free conclusions over who these people are. Students of the history will know the preferred tactics of the powers that be are

divide and rule, polarise opinions and have agents on all 'sides' of any argument, ferment discord and disunity between these factions and ensure any movement is consumed with paranoia and distrust.

name calling and personal attacks are particularly effective in this, since it further polarises the debate into camps and moves the 'debate' away from anything approaching evidence.

So in brief David and Annie are not above suspicion any more than any one else is. But to challenge someone's integrity is not a small thing. To do so you are basically calling them a liar and an agent of war-criminals. This is why I take such strong exception to people calling each other a shill or dis-info agent on this forum. If you have evidence, fine let's see it and we will debate it, but there is far too much name calling and personal attacks based on no evidence of any substance. This is bullsh*t and it should be stopped.

Secondly, if you Patrick or anyone else for that matter, reckon David is doing a nonsense job at presenting the case for a re-examination of 9/11. No problem. Step forward and do a better job. Others will no doubt pick up on your talents and recommend you to others.

As a case in point, I give you Callum (aka Snowygrouch). I have yet to see Callum speak publicly but others who have speak highly of him and I like how he takes great care over what evidence he presents, what evidence he doesn't and yet a year ago I don't believe many of us were aware of his campaigning.

As an example of the opportunity to do so, the up-coming truthfest (may 07) basically provides an open space for people to present their truth. Step up and show us how 9/11 truth should be presented in a professional manner and all number of people will sit up and take notice

Don't like public speaking? Then make a video. No one (except perhaps an inner circle within the July 7 campaign) know who made 'ludricrous diversion' but its quality has meant people have taken notice of it. The same opportunity is there for others. http://www.myspace.com/truthfest

So my advice is instead of wasting your time and other peoples' time criticising people like David and Andrew Johnson and casting suspicions on their characters, I would focus your energies on doing a better job than them
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Patrick Brown
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 12:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ian neal wrote:
focus your energies on doing a better job than them

What do you mean?

As I've said many times before Shayler is not important to "911 Truth" as he doesn't bring anything new but instead just repeats the words of others. So at least at some level he's just a puppet.

Would you rather we talked about Andrew Johnson instead?

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Patrick Brown
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 12:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ian neal wrote:
focus your energies on doing a better job than them

What do you mean?

As I've said many times before Shayler is not important to "911 Truth" as he doesn't bring anything new but instead just repeats the words of others. So at least at some level he's just a puppet.

Would you rather we talked about Andrew Johnson instead?

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

To answer a couple of points.

I am fairly new here but have been posting thoughts and articles since 2002 or 2003 (I forget which) at www.contrarianthinker.com I started off questioning the stupidity of government, and ended up seeing that policies were designed to have a bad effect. I also got into technical analysis at this time. Researching gold and money inevitably lead to Rothschild & co.

I recently got booted off Gold-Eagle for being too political, so I joined friends at goldismoney.info (a great bunch of people BTW) It was actually David's video that brought me here. GIM posters were saying how good it was - I watched it enthusiastically but then I was pretty horrified when at the end David brought up the NPT. How many here got that sinking feeling?

I felt I had to say something.

It just so happens I had also recently been reading and listening to Eric Hufshmid and Darrly Bradford Smith's warnings about 911 truth being penetrated. And of course, when you think about it, it would be astonishing if it was not - given that 911 has the capacity to expose a criminal gang whose long-term plan for total world domination is in its final stages. No resource will be spared to stop the sleeple waking up and spoiling their worst-laid plans.

I disagree with Patrick that David is not important. Either way, he is.

Only shills and idiots push this no-plane-theory nonsense (let's leave the Pentagon out of it - that's a special case). David is assuredly not an idiot. Ergo he must be a shill. This is my reasoning, anyway. Others here vouch hand on heart for David (and Annie). If David is a shill, they have either been duped or are part of the operation. Maybe I am being a bit harsh...

It was a bitter blow to me to see that NPT thing come up in what was otherwise great exposure for the lies of 911. But I know what I saw.

You can see how divided the 'movement' has become recently, with sites at loggerheads etc. Much ad hominem attacks instead of evidence collection examination and distillation. Even the odd murder! IMO some controller somewhere has decided that with Iran and the wider phase of WW3 only weeks away it was time to sow confusion and dissent. Anyone can be a sleeper, and some have been activated. The MO of the criminal gang is to place their people in key positions - this is evident throughout history.

Here is my plan going for how to go forward.

We democratically, across all forums, agree what evidence and conclusions can be made that we all agree with. Part of this process must include the destructive testing of such evidence. Meanwhile, we build an identity and a logo that sums up the truth movement with panache. Something catchy - hooky we say in music. Independent sites can research the how, why and who and publish their findings and opinions, but the core set of agreed evidence and conclusions should be common to ALL within the movement.

Some fringe sites will be excluded altogether form the 'club of credibility'. For example any which might espouse the idea that WTC7 never existed in the first place... Acceptance of the core truths wil be a prerequisite for a site to get the G911 (Global 911 - just thought of that Cool ) seal of approval. Hallmark of credibility.

Then, anyone who has signed up to the G911 constitution will not take far-out theories into mainstream media. Far-out is for internal debate. Until a consensus is reached that accepts it far out is excluded from the core set. Even thermite charges may not make it into the core set. There are debunks out there that, while unlikely, are just about possible. I am collecting links.

The demolition of WTC7 is IMO an unassailable smoking gun, but who knows, someone may even challenge that.

Collections of evidence should be made.

The Israeli connection.
The enabling of 911 by insiders in the US. etc. etc.
The pulling of stories by the press

A collection of circumstantial evidence all pointing in one direction would get a conviction in a fair trial. Perhaps such can convince the public. They, not our legal system or government, are going to be our jury.

I hope that David and Annie will play a leading role as a valuable spokespersons for G911. And Ian Crane too. And anyone who can project to an audience. David Icke - why not? But only if they sign up to the G911 constitution - stick to the script in public. No more lizards from Icke. No more ignoring the real Israeli connection from Alex Jones. And no promoting of left field theories about how the scam was carried out.

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Patrick Brown
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good post rodin.

I'm interested in looking for evidence that gives a Muslim terrorist connection as it currently just seems to be a witch-hunt aimed at the American government. America may well have a dodgy foreign policy but seeing them, and possibly Israel, as the “only” parties involved seems a tad contrived! Do people doubt that there are extremist Muslim factions that would be only too happy to see America implode because paranoia?

I've often suggested that America may well implode under the weight of it's own crass bullsh*t regardless of 911. Although this may well be true is it wise to provoked the monster before it self-destructs and do people doubt that the cornered wounded government will use nuclear weapons if needed?

I often feel that the “911 Truth Movement” has been high-jacked by anarchists, anti-western types and the national front! So when I made a post several weeks ago trying to gain interest in a global 911 sit down protest I wasn't surprised that it only got a couple of lack luster responses. People can play a character roll when posting to forums such as this but behind their words you can sometimes glimpse of a raging psycho bent on destruction and chaos.

In truth it seems that the “911 Truth Movement” has just become a lever used by radicals and extremists to sporn hatred, confusion, doubt and ultimately war, destruction and death.

The corny old saying is right when it says:
“don't stoop to their level”

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think the connections between Jack Abramoff and Mohammed Atta put the notion that Muslims mastermined it into the dumpster.

The stand-down by NORAD - Bush saying he saw the first plane hit - the only live 'arabs' on the scene turned out to be 5 Israelis with arab constumes. An obvious frame up - imagine the impact of seeing a video of 5 arabs cheering as WTC burns in the background?

Everyone - pass this last tidbit on - it explains why the 5 Israelis were doing what they got caught doing.

Source :


Poster 'Proemio'

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"But only if they sign up to the G911 constitution - stick to the script"

Do you still mean that? Can you imagine for one minute people like David Icke signing up to a constitution?

I've seen this come up before, "let's agree on what we agree on and stick to it" and go away again. I don't think we're there yet and don't know if/when the movement will be.

I'm tired and finding it hard to write, so I'll just say this, ride the wave, things are going ok, be active, be creative. Man, I am tired.

Stick to the script eh!
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Patrick Brown wrote:
I often feel that the “911 Truth Movement” has been high-jacked by anarchists, anti-western types and the national front! So when I made a post several weeks ago trying to gain interest in a global 911 sit down protest I wasn't surprised that it only got a couple of lack luster responses.

Tell me Patrick who within the "911 truth movement" in this country or internationally have you met either in person or by phone/email? Who do you actually know that allows you to reach this conclusion? Who do you know who has explained to you a little bit about our history and how we came to be?

Now personally I have no problem with anarchists. I don't know what 'anti-western types' means, although if it means people united to exposing the crimes, lies and hypocracy of western governments then you can count me as 'anti-western'. But the national front and anyone promoting hatred is a serious problem. My experience of this movement in this country is that to the extent that they exist within our midst, they are a tiny, tiny minority and are certainly not welcome here. But if you know differently, do be so kind as to name names and provide some evidence.

That you propose a GLOBAL action and it generates little response, proves nothing, because to be frank I expected it slipped under people's radar. It is certainly the first I have heard of it. People may well unite around such a proposal if it can be shown to be supported by a wide range of high profile campaigners who can be expected to present the arguments in a coherent and professional manner.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

kookomula wrote:
"But only if they sign up to the G911 constitution - stick to the script"

Do you still mean that? Can you imagine for one minute people like David Icke signing up to a constitution?

I've seen this come up before, "let's agree on what we agree on and stick to it" and go away again. I don't think we're there yet and don't know if/when the movement will be.

I'm tired and finding it hard to write, so I'll just say this, ride the wave, things are going ok, be active, be creative. Man, I am tired.

Stick to the script eh!

Only if you sign up to G911. Look around at the current apparent weakness in the 'movement' - beset by infighting and strife. This is in nobody's interest except the criminal gang.

I say we turn this mess to our advantage now. Find common ground. Campaign on that. Those 'inside' G911 can conduct and discuss and research they like, but they would NOT take wacky stuff live to the MSM. This is just good tactics. Let's see who are humble enough to put the cause before ego. (Might weed out shills too). I include myself in this too. Any esoteric demolition hypothesis would be flagged up as strictly speculative and not part of a core set of truths to campaign on.

United we stand and all that. And I don't care if it has been 'tried' before. I never heard about it. Was it 'tried' on this forum for a bit? Certainly not globally.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Patrick Brown wrote:
Good post rodin.

I'm interested in looking for evidence that gives a Muslim terrorist connection as it currently just seems to be a witch-hunt aimed at the American government.

You could start with Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Especially the former. Google things like

ISI 911

Musharaaf 911 (sp?)

Bin Laden flights 911

Liquid 'bombers'

7/7 patsies

Bin Laden Construction Bechtel

I'm sure you will get results and other suggestions from forum members with a better eye for detail than me.

SAnP are in the pockets of the criminals

If there were any real arabs on the flights the Israeli security company would have released the boarding videos. Also don't you think it is astonishing that we have so much footage of 21/7 (please somebody keep this under tight scrutiny - I would have a 21/7 section) and b*gg*r all from 7/7? Something to do with the fact that an Israeli security firm was looking after the Tube for us? They do seem to be awfully careless with their camera maintenance..

Idea A table of 7/7 911 correlations would be a good one I am sure there are some...

Ya know, the Zionists behind all this are pro-corruption pro-socialist communist bandits. Communism is the ultimate deception caste system. Everyone is equally oppressed - by them.

This has nothing to do with the fairy-tale called religion. These cats are total materialists. Jews, Christians, Muslims - all are patsies suckered by these avid readers of 'The Prince'.


Belief is the Enemy of Truth www.dissential.com

Last edited by rodin on Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:35 pm; edited 2 times in total
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In general terms I agree Rodin.

That was the basic thinking behind the statement on the front page of this site. Since then, the chatter on this forum has at times threatened this message and call for unity. Discussions (that should culminate at a meeting in 2 weeks time) are on going with regards the web presence of the campaign in this country.

A bit of the background can be found here
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rodin, I haven't been posting here recently so I am not aware of any of the fighting, obviously I have seen this post regarding David and Annie, if you wouldn't mind could you give me a bullet point list of what you see to be the main causes of the fighting.

Without knowing anything about what is going on, I can't help but think if these people who were fighting were out doing something positive themselves there may not be such a problem.

I do find no-planes difficult and as I said before I think many people would feel alienated by it. For those who have read a fair amount about the events surrounding 9-11 their belief will not be shaken by no-planes.

Also, what is "esoteric demolition"?
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

kookomula wrote:
Rodin, I haven't been posting here recently so I am not aware of any of the fighting, obviously I have seen this post regarding David and Annie, if you wouldn't mind could you give me a bullet point list of what you see to be the main causes of the fighting.

Without knowing anything about what is going on, I can't help but think if these people who were fighting were out doing something positive themselves there may not be such a problem.

I do find no-planes difficult and as I said before I think many people would feel alienated by it. For those who have read a fair amount about the events surrounding 9-11 their belief will not be shaken by no-planes.

Also, what is "esoteric demolition"?

The 'infighting' I refer to is both intra and inter boards.

David had a great punt at getting 911 out on Sky recently - but ended a great show with strong hints that no planes hit the towers. This brought me here actually, and I was not alone in red flagging it. There is a spate of bust-ups right now - most high progfile being at Scholars For Truth. Google about and you will see what the trouble is.

IMO this is a deliberate attempt by agents provocateur to create division beyond that due to differences of opinion (eg was Pentagon hit by plane or missile? There are arguments both ways. Snowygrougch helped produce a very nice video with Pilots for Truth. While it did not 'prove' that the Pentagon was hit by a missile, it suggested a rationale that would include this. More importantly perhaps, it showed flight path discrepancies between 2 agencies (forget which).)

However, insistence on no-planes is a no-no since too many witnesses saw the damn thing. I mean, how many eyes were trained on WTC when the 2nd plane hit? Then comes the 'it was a hologram' crowd, blithely ignoring the fact that holograms are made by light in dark environments. A G911 vetting would NEVER have let that genie out of Pandora's box.

911 and 7/7 were probably relatively simple operations involving pre-positioning key people, software and hardware and pulling a switch. NOT something from a computer video game with x levels etc.

I could go on for ever but can't! Confused

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting insight provided by this Nov 2006 "press release" from NFB.


Doctor Larry wrote:

As Goya knew, the sleep of reason brings forth monsters--or their modern day equivalent, conspiracy theorists. The events of 9/11/01 in the USA, and London 7/7/05, were disasters cynically used by the Bush and Blair regimes to start wars in Iraq & Afghanistan/impose repressive laws. That, we take as read.

That's it. That's the analysis done. Right there. Years of planning, historical precendent, untold trails of evidence, millions worldwide aware of all this, yet Dr Larry distills it all into a single paragraph where Al Q (presumably) did the deeds and our ickle fluffy opportunist "leaders" simply cynically exploited that "fact". Brilliant. And people pay for this ?

Dr Larry wrote:
That, we take as read.

LOL. And he has the nerve to call us gaggle of posters and campaigners a "cult".

So, NFB subscribers should take Dr Larry's rationale as fact. Case closed. No dogma there then. No central pillar of wisdom issuing forth form El Presidento whatsoever. No hint of an edict. Not a smidgen of doubt, whatsoever.

Yet somehow NFB's Commander in Chief says that UK 9/11 Truth bloggers and campaigners are a cult ? Funny. Hilarious. Yeah, but, no but, yeah but, no.

Dr Larry continues . . .

Dr Larry wrote:
However, there is another group, comprised of the deluded, the bewildered & the opportunist, who for a variety of reasons have leapt on the 9/11 band-wagon, and use these tragedies to spread various conspiracy theories (sometimes overtly anti-semitic), both about the events themselves and those allegedly behind them.

Cue the dramatic music. Dum dum derrrrrrr !!!!

Deluded. Bewildered. Opportunist. Anti Semitic. Conspiracy Theorists.

Goodness me. We're doomed.

Doctor Larry wrote:
"A group of us, most (but not all) involved with Left/Green political investigative magazine Notes From the Borderland (NFB--see www.borderland.co.uk) have become increasingly concerned at the activities of what we term '9/11 cult' believers here in the UK, not least (but not only) because of the involvement of ex-MI5 officers Annie Machon & David Shayler in this group.

That's clear then. A group of the Left/Green political investigators, who have not investigated the causus belli for the 9/11 Wars that they are so confindent have just been exploited, are "increasingly concerned" at the UK 9/11 Cult, because we worship life size mannequins of a couple of MI5 alumni.

Sounds like a UNSCR Resolution to me.

Doctor Larry wrote:
An irony not lost on us is that for years NFB has been pursuing evidence-based research--the audience for which is diminished/debased by the 9/11 myth-makers.

Now I get it.

As a homogenous, tightly bound cult, that adheres to a centrally mandated, strict dogmatic philosophy, we might diminish Doctor Larry's audience for his £3.75 a throw, journal of parapolitical investigative journalism.

Hard to imagine why any one of Dr Larry's subscribers would want to migrate from such an erudite organ of such esoteric brilliance, to a bunch of deluded, bewildered, opportunist, anti semitic, conspiracy theorists.

But then, that's the way this chap's mind obviously works.

Besides, Doctor Larry, we've run out of uniforms at the moment and our indoctrination policy is currently under revision because we have noticed an unhealthy and very unwelcome difference of opinion starting to infest our erstwhile secure cult environment.

I've never belonged to a cult before I don't think. When do we get to go on camp ? And, do we have to commit suicide this year, again ? and all at the same time ?

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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Patrick Brown
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 11:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ian neal wrote:
Now personally I have no problem with anarchists. I don't know what 'anti-western types' means, although if it means people united to exposing the crimes, lies and hypocracy of western governments then you can count me as 'anti-western'. But the national front and anyone promoting hatred is a serious problem. My experience of this movement [NF] in this country is that to the extent that they exist within our midst, they are a tiny, tiny minority and are certainly not welcome here. But if you know differently, do be so kind as to name names and provide some evidence.[a tad touchy there me thinks!]

Interesting comments Ian.

"I have no problem with anarchists" Rolling Eyes

Seems you like your little groups!

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 11:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whatever people think of NFB - they did do some good research into the UK UFO scene and it's infiltration a few years back.

What's strange is they have a good handle on statte sponsored and staged terror historically [yes it was going on before 2001 folks] but despite this NFB won't make the link to 9/11 being a staged / covert op.

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