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Rogue US Troops Knowingly Bombed British in Iraq

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 6:16 pm    Post subject: Rogue US Troops Knowingly Bombed British in Iraq Reply with quote

Rogue U.S. Troops Knowingly Bombed British In Iraq
British soldiers desperately released friendly fire smoke canisters, before A10 bombers swooped in for a second attack

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A fascinating report today lends more weight to those who suspect that certain bellwether bombings in Iraq are being carried out by the U.S. in order to deliberately foster chaos throughout the region.

During a routine patrol by British troops in an area 30 miles north-west of Basra in southern Iraq, and on a perfectly clear day, two US A10 planes opened fire, killing Lance Corporal of Horse Mattie Hull and injuring three other British soldiers in his convoy.

Soldiers desperately tried to radio for help in an effort to stop the attack but were told that the bombers were being flown by "rogue US pilots" who had switched frequencies and could not be contacted.

Soldiers in the five-vehicle convoy set off smoke canisters to identify them as British troops, a signal understood between all coalition forces to mean that a friendly fire incident had taken place, before one of the planes again cruised in at a low level to attack the soldiers for a second time.

Why the "rogue" U.S. pilots seemed to be deliberately engaged in targeting British troops is the subject of an inquest into the incident which occurred in March 2003.

"Despite requests by the coroner and the British government, the pilots of the US planes that shot Corporal Hull have never been publicly named," reports the London Guardian.

Several credible commentators have presented intriguing evidence that clearly suggests some of the major bombings being carried out in Iraq are the handiwork of those who wish to keep the country mired in a state of anarchy and chaos.

Preceding comments made by former U.S. envoy to the United Nations John Bolton on the weekend, that the U.S. "has no strategic interest" in a united Iraq, an agenda to maintain division and ethnic tension in Iraq can be seen as long term plan and the only way to finally capture and enslave a country that has historically thrown out its occupiers on every occasion.

In 1982, Oded Yinon, an official from the Israeli Foreign Affairs office, wrote, "To dissolve Iraq is even more important for us than dissolving Syria. In the short term, it's Iraqi power that constitutes the greatest threat to Israel. The Iran-Iraq war tore Iraq apart and provoked its downfall. All manner of inter-Arab conflict help us and accelerate our goal of breaking up Iraq into small, diverse pieces."

Ethnic cleansing, maimed children and thousands of dead American soldiers are a small price to pay because for the Globalists the end always justifies the means and untold bloodshed and misery and bloodshed won't stand in their way.

That agenda was again underscored last year when Daniel Pipes, a highly influential Straussian Neo-Con media darling, told the New York Sun that a civil war would aid the US and Israel because it would entangle Iran and Syria and enable those countries to be picked off by the new world empire without the need to sell a direct invasion to the public.

This is precisely the line of propaganda the Bush administration has now chosen to adopt following a U.S. raid on an Iranian consulate in Iraq and today's allegations that Iranians were directly involved in an attack on a US compound in Karbala, Iraq, that killed five US soldiers.

Stephen Zunes, professor of Politics and chair of the Peace & Justice Studies Program at the University of San Francisco, wrote that the plan to keep Iraq broken up and in permanent strife befitted the Neo-Con's overarching goal to prevent the emergence of pan-Arab nationalism.

"Top analysts in the CIA and State Department, as well as large numbers of Middle East experts, warned that a U.S. invasion of Iraq could result in a violent ethnic and sectarian conflict. Even some of the war's intellectual architects acknowledged as much: In a 1997 paper, prior to becoming major figures in the Bush foreign policy team, David Wurmser, Richard Perle, and Douglas Feith predicted that a post-Saddam Iraq would likely be "ripped apart" by sectarianism and other cleavages but called on the United States to "expedite" such a collapse anyway."

"One of the long-standing goals of such neoconservative intellectuals has been to see the Middle East broken up into smaller ethnic or sectarian mini-states, which would include not only large stateless nationalities like the Kurds, but Maronite Christians, Druze, Arab Shi'ites, and others. Such a policy comes not out of respect for the right of self-determination – indeed, the neocons have been steadfast opponents of the Palestinians' desire for statehood, even alongside a secure Israel – but out of an imperial quest for divide-and-rule. The division of the Middle East has long been seen as a means of countering the threat of pan-Arab nationalism and, more recently, pan-Islamist movements," wrote Zunes.

The catalyzing event that above all others fundamentally accelerated Iraq's descent into civil war was the bombing of the Golden Dome mosque in Samarra in February last year.

According to eyewitnesses, Iraqi National Guard troops, accompanied by U.S. soldiers, blindfolded two mosque guards, before planting explosives and patrolling the area overnight until the bombs were detonated at 6:30 the next morning. Residents were told to stay in their homes and not leave until morning.

According to an AFP report, the bombing “was the work of specialists” and the “placing of explosives must have taken at least 12 hours.” Iraqi Construction Minister Mohammed Jaafar said, ”Holes were dug into the mausoleum’s four main pillars and packed with explosives. Then charges were connected together and linked to another charge placed just under the dome. The wires were then linked to another charge placed just under the dome. The wires were then linked to a detonator which was triggered at a distance.”

Jaafar strangely disappeared shortly after making those comments.

The Samarra bombing is a cornerstone of the U.S. government's justification for the continued occupation in Iraq and it is still continually referenced by Bush in his speeches. As journalist Mike Whitney noted, "In the first 30 hours after the blast, more than 1,500 articles appeared on Google News providing the government version of events without deviation and without any corroborating evidence; just fluff that reiterated the Pentagon’s account verbatim and without challenge."

The Pentagon refused to conduct any kind of cursory investigation into the bombing and the official version of events, that "Al-Qaeda in Iraq" carried out the bombing, is parroted by a compliant media to this day, without any questions being asked as to how "Al-Qaeda in Iraq" managed to obtain Iraqi and U.S. military fatigues, weapons and explosives.

"The main question is Qui Bono? Who benefits from this kind of thing? You don't have to be very conspiratorial or even paranoid to suggest that there are a whole bunch of likely suspects out there and not only the Sunnis," said former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, "you know, the British officers were arrested, dressed up in Arab garb, riding around in a car, so this stuff goes on."

McGovern references another highly suspicious even occurred in September 2005, when British SAS were caught attempting to stage a terror attack by disguising themselves as Arabs and attacking Iraqi police. The soldiers were arrested and taken to a nearby jail where they were confronted and interrogated by an Iraqi judge.

The initial demand from the puppet authorities that the soldiers be released was rejected by the Basra government. At that point tanks were sent in to "rescue" the SAS men, provoking Iraqis to riot, firebomb and pelt stones at the vehicles, injuring British troops in the process.

The only mainstream media outlet to ask any serious questions about the incident was Australian TV news which according to one viewer gave, "credibility to the 'conspiracy theorists' who have long claimed many terrorist acts in Iraq are, in fact, being initiated and carried out by US, British and Israeli forces."

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cheers Stephen.

Makes your blood boil doesn't it.

I recall "blue on blue" from US forces against UK forces in Poppy's 1st Gulf War too.

Bush declared mission accomplished on 1.5.3

To prolong that mission and to provide further evidence of "sectarian" violence, and to instigate more sectarian voilence, the Shia Al-Askari Golden Dome Mosque in Samarra was deliberately bombed in a "false flag" operation on 22.2.6

An interval of 3 years, 3 months and 3 weeks = 333.

That's what a powerful executive decision looks like.

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 7:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Coroner slams MoD over Iraq tape


A coroner has launched a furious attack on the MoD for refusing to release a video tape of the moment a US aircraft opened fire on British troops in Iraq.

Coroner Andrew Walker is hearing the inquest on Lance Corporal Matty Hull, 25, from Berkshire, who died in the attack in March 2003.

A cockpit video of the incident exists but the MoD said it did not have the authority for it to be played in court.

Mr Walker has demanded the MoD make the tape available by Friday morning.

Tankbuster attack

Mr Walker, Oxfordshire Assistant Deputy Coroner, said the video was central to the case and he could not understand why it had not been forthcoming.

L/Cpl Hull's widow, Susan, described it as an "absolute disgrace" that the evidence had come to light this week when she had been assured by the military that no such tape existed.

L/Cpl Hull, from the Household Cavalry Regiment, died from multiple injuries inside his blazing Scimitar tank, despite efforts by colleagues to save him.

He was travelling in a column of light armoured vehicles near the southern Iraqi city of Basra when it was reportedly attacked by a US A-10 "tankbuster" aircraft.

Corporal Ashley Bell, who was also in the convoy, had earlier told the inquest in Oxford that he got on the radio and appealed for the firing to stop but the planes kept attacking.

The case continues.

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

MoD fails to show cockpit video


The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has failed to provide an inquest with a recording of a "friendly fire" incident in which a British soldier died.

Oxfordshire Assistant Deputy Coroner Andrew Walker had criticised the MoD for delays and gave officials until Friday to produce the tape.

But the MoD said it did not have US authorisation to lift its classified status, and the case was adjourned.

Lance Corporal Matty Hull, 25, from Berks, died near Basra in March 2003.

The cockpit video was taken as a US aircraft opened fire on British troops.

The coroner has adjourned the court until 16 February in order for the MoD to release the classified video.

The barrister for the MoD said it had not been possible to get permission from the Americans to lift its classified status.

Mr Walker said he was sorry his request had not been met and it was crucial the court saw the video before he took more evidence from witnesses.

The BBC has learned that the video was only given to the coroner this week.

MoD lawyer Leigh-Ann Mulcahy, said high-level diplomacy between US and UK governments was needed to release the classified recording.

No evidence claim

In a statement the ministry said: "[The] MoD respects the fact that this classified information belongs to the US, in the same way as the US respects our ownership of sensitive information we provide them with.

"Nonetheless, we are in discussions with our allies in the US about how we can, jointly, move this situation forward.

"Everyone understands the concerns of L/Cpl Hull's family, and of the coroner himself in this matter."

The MoD was further criticised by L/Cpl Hull's family who had previously been told "categorically" there was no such video evidence.

L/Cpl Hull, from the Windsor-based Household Cavalry Regiment, died from multiple injuries inside his blazing Scimitar tank despite efforts by colleagues to save him.

He was travelling in a column of light armoured vehicles near Basra, in southern Iraq, when it was reportedly attacked by a US A-10 "tankbuster" aircraft.

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Information Warfare, Psy-ops and the Power of Myth

Mike Whitney - February 18, 2007



The bombing of the Golden Dome Mosque in Samarra is the cornerstone of Bush’s psychological operations (psy-ops) in Iraq.

Most of the pandemonium in Iraq is the result of counterinsurgency operations (black-ops) on a massive scale not civil war.

The Pentagon’s bold new approach to psychological operations (psy-ops) appears to have derived from the theories of former State Dept official, Philip Zelikow, who also served on the 9-11 Commission. Zelikow is an expert on “the creation and maintenance of “public myths” or “public presumptions.” His theory analyzes how consciousness is shaped by “searing events” which take on “transcendent importance” and, therefore, move the public in the direction chosen by the policymakers.

The NY Times also adds, “What is clear is that the attack was carefully planned and calculated.” True again. We can see from the extent of the damage that the job was carried out by demolition experts and not merely “insurgents or terrorists” with explosives. The Times even provides a motive for the attack: “Bad people used this incident to divide Iraq on a detestable sectarian basis.” Finally, The Times notes the similarities between 9-11 and the bombing of the Golden Mosque: “I can describe what was done as exactly like what happened to the World Trade Center.”

In fact, the bombing of the Golden Mosque is a reenactment of September 11. In both cases an independent investigation was intentionally quashed and carefully prepared narrative was immediately provided. The government’s version of events has been critical in supporting the extremist policies of the Bush administration.

…the bombing of the Golden Mosque, has been used to create a fictional narrative of deeply ingrained sectarian animosity that has no historical precedent. Both events need to be exposed by thorough and independent investigations.

9-11 and the Golden Mosque are the foundation blocks in the Pentagon’s “Strategic Information” program. It is a war that is directed at the American people and it relies heavily on the power of myth.

Simon - http://www.patriotsquestion911.com/

David Ray Griffin - 9/11: the Myth & the Reality
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Don't forget our boys were caught with their trousers down also in Basra - and we sprung them. L8r we went back and levelled the jail.


Or were US & UK covering for the activities of 'advisors'?

Belief is the Enemy of Truth www.dissential.com
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