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The CIA Fakes
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:02 pm    Post subject: The CIA Fakes Reply with quote

Is this guy, Fintan Dunne, playing games to disinform us all or what? I posted this article out SIX times this afternoon and, several hours later, NOT ONE arrived at its destination. ECHELON must be working overtime today!
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------

The CIA's Internet Fakes

URLs: BreakForNews.com/TheCIAInternetFakes.htm

The CIA Fakes
9/11 Minority Report PART 2 [Part 1]

Note: We do not contend that everyone associated with these
websites are knowing intelligence operatives. Some have been
professionally manipulated, others merely misled. In any event
these are promoting the psyop agendas and disinformation
themes of the covert controllers. This is also not meant to
be a fully comprehensive listing of all the fake websites.























by Fintan Dunne, Editor,
BreakForNews.com 4th August, 2005
with PsyOpNews.com & WagNews.blogspot.com

For the last three years we have been quietly investigating the cover-up of the 9/11 attacks. Ours has been a wide-ranging inquiry which paid special attention to those who claim to be already exposing the truth.

During this time we have interviewed many people with alternative views on who were the real perpetrators. All the while, we kept our own counsel. Much of the time we played it as if we were uncritically buying the lines being put out on various alternative media.

We have examined a great deal of evidence and methodically traced the methods and networks used to mislead us all. Now we present the first of our findings.


We published our first investigative articles on the 9/11 attacks --just 7 and 14 days after the event. We knew, as did many others, that the real planners were not 'Al-Qaida'. That's the easy part. The challenge was to actually determine -rather than merely guess: who did carry out the attacks?

In uncovering those perpetrators, we felt that an investigation of the cover-up would be as much --if not more-- revealing than our examination of the attacks themselves.

Our analysis of the cover-up shows it requires, and has used, the official intelligence resources of more that one state. One of the ways of deflecting investigators from this grim reality has been to spin the facts to allege that a 'rogue group' within government carried out the attacks.

But we now state that the depth and multinational scope of the cover-up shows no mere rogue group was involved. The 9/11 attacks and cover-up have covert governmental support -deployed through an intelligence framework.

What will be the most startling aspect of our investigation for many people is the vast scale of governmental control of the 9/11 movement and alternative investigators and media. From websites to commentators; from analysts to political personages, this has given the cover-up team unprecedented control of alternative media perceptions.

In short, the government is running not only the 9/11 movement, but also controlling the 9/11 issue in the alternative media. It was relatively easy to do so, because they have controlled both mainstream and alternative media and politics increasingly over the last twenty years. This was just an extension of those operations.


Here's a quote from a recent article on the UK Guardian: "The Chinese government, employs an estimated 30,000 internet police, as part of a long-standing policy to control the web so that it can be used by businesses but not by political opponents." [Source]

Think the ideology and practice of the USA would be any different? Of course not. Just well cloaked under a veneer of free expression.

In the US, it's less a case of internet 'police' and more a question of Internet fake opposition, misdirection websites, front organizations, pseudo-activist groups and a host of professional blogging and web journalism liars, acting in concert to create an impenetrable fog.

These people are all over the Internet They are all over the 9/11 issue; all over the 'stolen' election of 2004; behind the psychological operations designed to inspire fear of earth changes, of global warming, of the Super-State and the so-called New World Order; all over the landscape of anti-corporate, anti-fascist expression on the Internet.

This army of information controllers is all over the 'free' information you are getting on the Internet. Time we opened our eyes to see them. It's not just the mainstream which is controlled. From the moment the Internet became prominent, a vast budget has been expended to control all the high-trafficked intersections on the information superhighway.


Many of these sites/assets were put in place long before 9/11. A key goal was to ensure that if some truth must come out, it will be a truth designed and controlled by intelligence agencies --with agency assets in a position to ensure misdirection and damage limitation.

To this end, an orgy of evidence [See Minority Report Part I] in the form of deliberately misleading 9/11 'clues', were designed into the 9/11 operation from the start --to give these assets prearranged talking points with which to fill their column inches and programming. This has served to confuse and confound.

All this activity rose to a crescendo around the time the Kerry presidential bid hit it's planned implosion in the 'stolen' election. [The stealing of which was carefully managed in the controlled alternative media as a psychological operation against the left.]

The hyping of the 9/11 issue up until the 'defeat' of Kerry was designed to max out activist interest in the issue, then bury it with the aid of general post-Kerry, left-wing political disillusion -against the backdrop of division in the 9/11 Movement itself.

Also part of a similar confounding exercise were the subsequent 9/11 Movement 'flame wars', as different assets attacked each other to undermine their collective credibility and disillusion ordinary grassroots 9/11 truth activists.


A persistent theme of the disinformation spread by these assets is to portray the machinations of this elite group acting through the CIA/NSA/ETC. as if they originate from somewhere other than the US security/intelligence apparatus.

Suspicion is directed instead onto the Israelis, the 'City of London', 'International Bankers', The Rockefellers, The Bildebergers, and most infamously, the ill-defined, so-called New World Order. Of course, some of these elements are complicit in certain events, but the aim is to downplay the U.S. establishment's guiding hand and the broad CFR/corporate support.

Some may be surprised by the range and scope of the misinformation sites we have detailed, and may even be disconsolate to see the sheer scale of the social and political control which their virtually unlimited budget can achieve. All we can say is.... deal with it. We had to. It's better than us all flailing around in ignorance. And it explains why men and women of good heart have been getting nowhere.


This level of deception has been going on since the 1950's and 1960's at an accelerating rate. Following the psywar against civilians induced by the nuclear arms race 'crisis,' the subsequent JFK killing was indeed an assassination, but it was also at heart an extension of these 1950's nuke-scare psychological operations.

The killing of Kennedy was not necessary for political reasons -but it was a powerful tool for social control via psychological warfare. Kennedy was killed to deliberately drive the US population into a grief state which would hamper the development of political opposition.

This type of PsyOps directed at the civilian population was, and still is the modus operandi. By now, it has produced a range of operations as varied as AIDS, SARS, 9/11 and the G8/Live8 London bombing.


Given the number of assets deployed in support of the 9/11 operation, and the operational requirements of the 9/11 attacks themselves, their origin is now clear. 9/11 was not carried out by some 'rogue group,' nor was it a fully official US Government-sanctioned operation.

But it was orchestrated by the highest levels of the US Military and military-industrial complex; on behalf of the national and international politicians, corporates, and moneyed interests. It had, and still has the full support of the US Military/intelligence apparatus -who control much of the alternative media and the 9/11 movement.

New audio on this topic soon on BreakForNews.com
Part 1: 9/11 Minority Report 'An Orgy Of Evidence'
Why the 9/11 Movement was created and fostered
by the very people who carried out the attacks... Listen to Audio mp3 : [56K] [DSL]

posted by Fintan, BreakForNews.com
at 10:34 PM

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:54 pm    Post subject: The CIA Fakes Reply with quote


9/11 - The True Pill

I've NEVER seen the like of the current propaganda campaign -now running full steam, ahead of the C-SPAN 2 broadcast by Prof. David Ray Griffin (The New Pearl Harbor) -this Saturday, May 7th at 2:30 PM EST.

As Fred Burks raved:

In his 80-minute lecture to a standing room audience of 400 at the University of Wisconsin, Prof. Griffin, one of the most respected theologians in the US, discusses his extensive research into the 9/11 cover-up.

But it is in Capital Times that we get to see what is really going on:

Americans interpret the events of Sept. 11 in one of four ways, Griffin said:

• A first group accepts the official interpretation that Sept. 11 was a surprise attack by Islamic terrorists. It is easy for these people "to think of America's so-called War on Terror as a just war," Griffin said.

• A second group accepts the official line but thinks Sept. 11 has been used opportunistically by the Bush administration to extend the American empire. People who hold this view often believe that America's response to Sept. 11, which has led to hundreds of thousands of deaths, is far worse than the attacks themselves, he said.

• A third group believes the Bush administration knew the attacks were coming and let them happen. It shows the government as "deliberate and cold-blooded," advancing its imperial designs while hypocritically portraying itself as promoting a "culture of life," Griffin said.

• A fourth group believes that the government orchestrated the attacks. While no poll shows how many Americans believe this, polls in Canada and Germany have found as many as 20 percent of those populations do, Griffin said.

Of course, Group 4 are the really threatening, actual 9/11 skeptics.

They are the ones who can think the sinfully unthinkable. Groups 1-3 believe any old rubbish(PeakOil, Bird Flu, GannonGate). Clearly, that fourth group are the big problem for the opinion massagers. The core of their 9/11 strategy has been to try ensure that groups 1 to 3 are as large as possible -and that group 4 is marginalized as much as possible.

They have constructed an artificial Bell Curve of internet-based 9/11 opinion distribution -with Group 4 at the "extreme" end of the curve. They will now proceed to argue the group 1 to 3 positions for years in the alternative (lol) sections of the mass media.

Thus replicating their internet tactic on the mass media audience.

They spent 2001 to 2004 getting people in place for this 2005-onwards phase. Along the way, a key aim was to contaminate Group 4 with enough "extreme" material to damage the REAL 9/11 skeptics. After all, if Group 4 are extremists, they must look like extremists.

C-Span is muesli for the left. Muesli is best spoonfed.
Not the red pill or the blue pill. Just the true pill.

'The 9/11 Minority Report'
Why the 9/11 Movement was created
by, and is fostered by the very people
who carried out the attacks...

Audio by Fintan Dunne
May 7, 2005 [mp3]

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ian neal
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 5:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is precisely why this network and campaign has a no endorsement
rule and as a campaign and network this is what makes us different.

The aim is to unite opinion from Meacher to Icke without endorsing
anyone and reasonably the only position that unites us is the call for a
further investigation. As soon as you get into whose version of the
truth is more valid than anothers that unity breaks down. Now Fintan
might be purer than pure (I don't know) but as soon as you start down
this route it can only fuel division and not unity. I think this article
is v unwise by Fintan.

We all need to trust each other to see through the bs and reach
our own truth. Ultimately the only important truth is that 9/11 was an
inside job and that this exposes the wider corruption of the system ie
the conspiracy is no theory and then use this truth to positively and
peacefully reclaim our power and transform the world.

The only time I think it is valuable to 'expose' someone as working for
the other side is when it can be shown by hard evidence to be
intentional (rather than misguided) and once you have given them the opportunity to respond. To the best of my knowledge this has not been done by Fintan.

To take a case in point, I personally share Fintan's belief that Peak Oil is another psyop. I also know many genuine people who believe in Peak Oil. To my mind there is no value in labelling 'Peak Oil' advocates as disinfo shrills unless you KNOW them to be DELIBERATELY spreading disinfo.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:39 pm    Post subject: Behind the CIA Fakes Reply with quote

Behind the CIA Fakes

CIA Internet Fakes
Audio Mon 8th August
Kathy McMahon interviews Fintan Dunne about
The Story Behind the CIA Fakes

56k mp3
posted by Fintan, BreakForNews.com

This is a large, 10 Mb download but an interview really worth listening to where Fintan Dunne argues that both 911 and 77 were inside jobs staged by the G8.

He also warns against disinformation websites whose effect is to overwhelm and depress us into thinking that the powers behind these atrocities are so great that there's nothing left that we can do ... despair being the greatest enemy that paralyses the creation of a national and transnational movement for Civil Rights, Truth, Peace & Justice.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I find it intriguing that no-one seems to have paid much attention to Fintan Dunne's exposure of the CIA Fakes and the pre-planned campaign to bring down the 9/11 Truth Movement. In light of the exposure of Nico Haupt, don't you at least want to consider what is going on in America in the 9/11 Truth Movement? We in Britain are small-fry. We are just an add-on. And I can assure you, we do not count.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why are we not concerned??

1: Posting a list of virtually every website on the whole damn net and claiming them to all be probably associated with the CIA isnt very useful is it?

2: Saying anyone in the UK doesnt count is the most awful nonsense....

Example question for 10 points......

Which author got his book on the official Whitehouse list of Disinfo...

Ian Henshall; location.......England......

etc etc etc etc etc etc etc..........

Small fry indeed!......Watch your words is my advice.

So what do YOU suggest we "do" about "what is happening to the movement in the USA"????? Ignore the whole list of websites you posted?
Get a plane ticket to the states and complain?

If I`m going to accuse anyone of timewasting its YOU.


The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist

President Eisenhower 1961
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why are we not concerned??

1: Posting a list of virtually every website on the whole damn net and claiming them to all be probably associated with the CIA isnt very useful is it? Why are we not concerned??

Oh no, there are MANY MANY more 9/11 websites than the ones he has listed. Do your homework.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's sometimes difficult to sift the good information from the bad, or at the least the good intention from the bad. However i've come to realise that there's a rather simple method to identifying a genuine speaker - someone who's objective is most likely true and positive, and this is usualy a good indication of the quality of the information they seek to provide.

I simply look at what they are asking for. If they are trying to effect positive change then they will not seek division, or ridicule, or to marginalize groups or ideas. Even if their objective is to expose the short comings of a particular theory or individual they won't seek to translate this failure to the truth movement as a whole.

As any genuine truther will tell you, coming to realise the truth and then begin spreading the message yourself is a big journey. As someone who was woken up by 'In Plane Sight', I can sympathise with those who consider it a valuable documentary, and as I’ve grown beyond 'pod' theory I can also understand the concerns that many have about the message it spreads. However, by virtue of the fact that it was responsible for my beginning research into 9/11 it either failed as a disinfo ruse, or succeeded as a wake up call. Any other genuine truther has been on a similar journey and will therefore not seek to push division in the movement as a whole based on differing theories.

What genuine truther, who has been on such a journey of discovery, gathering vital information from tens or hundreds of websites, has the inclination to produce a list of websites that he believes divide the movement? For that matter, did it escape the authors notice that he's the one advertising division, manipulation and claiming the existence of a vast network of "disinformation websites whose effect is to overwhelm and depress us"?

Re-read Akbal13 and Alexsandie's posts and see where the real division and scare mongering is originating.

"Thought is faster than arrows, and truth is sharper than blades." - David Gemmell | RealityDown wiki
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Any other genuine truther has been on a similar journey and will therefore not seek to push division in the movement as a whole based on differing theories.

But that is precisely my point Fallious. That is what the 'OFFICIAL' 9/11 Truth Movement set out to do when they realised the internet was always going to be one step ahead of them. The 'theories' matter not a jot. The truth is, the official version of 9/11 is a lot of rot. All of those with a functioning brain know that.

9/11 was planned and orchestrated in the internet era. Those who planned and orchestrated it knew exactly where their opposition was going to come from (ie. the internet), and they planned accordingly.

Unless the British 9/11 Truth Campaign takes this on board - and soon - you will soon be dead. You will be as dead as the 9/11 Truth Campaign in the USA.

Think about it.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 6:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't follow. What's your point?
"Thought is faster than arrows, and truth is sharper than blades." - David Gemmell | RealityDown wiki
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 6:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is C**P, delete this thread.

If you are REALLY concerned about getting things going you DONT start posting stuff like "oh no we're all doomed, everything is falling apart and soon we'll all be 'dead' ".....

Your post should be deleted immidiately by moderators.
It serves no puropse other than to dishearten and spread fear.

Where are the Mods????


The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist

President Eisenhower 1961
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:12 pm    Post subject: Feel the uplift Reply with quote

alexsandie wrote:
We in Britain are small-fry. We are just an add-on. And I can assure you, we do not count.

O RLY? Does that count for every other country in the world aside from the US? (The US which is already dead?) Its not looking too good is it?
US = dead, rest of the world doesnt count? Sorted.

alexsandie wrote:

Unless the British 9/11 Truth Campaign takes this on board - and soon - you will soon be dead. You will be as dead as the 9/11 Truth Campaign in the USA.

When did the 9/11 Truth Campaign in the US die?

Mustve missed that meeting.

That you assume noone noticed the Dunne articles beginning a couple of years ago is a little strange. Saw em, disregarded em as did most people, where does it lead us?. Why trust Dunne and his rats nest? Who cares about his 'research'. He provides as much convincing proof of his assertions as the average no planer...

No need to delete the thread imo, delete the attitude and laugh at it Smile
Its as see-thru as can be.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


No need to delete the thread imo, delete the attitude and laugh at it

Am I allowed to comment?
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

When did the 9/11 Truth Campaign in the US die?

Mustve missed that meeting. When did the 9/11 Truth Campaign in the US die?

Mustve missed that meeting.

It died when it got into the hands of the Christian Fundamentalists. I repeat, do your homework.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

For the record, I don't believe we are defeated, but the ChristFundos seem to think we are. Tackle them, not me.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

alexsandie wrote:
For the record, I don't believe we are defeated, but the ChristFundos seem to think we are. Tackle them, not me.

Ah yes. I see infowars is included in there. Good call. That Alex Jones guy only woke up a few million people, after all.

So what exactly are you saying? ...We shouldn't use the internet?

Last time I looked Cory and Dylan weren't Christian fundies, neither were the majority of Scholars, or for that matter anyone on this website.. And what the hell difference does it make anyhow?

Perhaps you just have something against Christians?

"Thought is faster than arrows, and truth is sharper than blades." - David Gemmell | RealityDown wiki
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Exclamation MORON ALERT Exclamation
Exclamation MORON ALERT Exclamation
Exclamation MORON ALERT Exclamation


Junk thread; thats your point.

The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist

President Eisenhower 1961
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

guys guys guys!!!!!

If we was intelligent enough to work in the elite groups, come up with a plan that would not only generate sympathy for my country and promote my countries values in other countries, while at the same time improving my countries economic growth globally, and giving my country the perfect excuse to invade other countries to ensure my countries economic growth then im sure we would have also planned (and very well may I add) the potential fallout of such a plan once it was initiated.

We are small fish in huge lake, but its up to us to fill that lake with millions of small fish to become a voice for all of us.

Propaganda is everywhere, and 9/11 was the biggest piece of propaganda in history.

Give the guy a break, there will be many times where we have to do some debunking of our own, but lets not come down on someone with a hailstorm when we havent even debunked him yet.

You cannot be wise until you know everything there is to know, maybe theres more for us to know first.

Thank you for the post alexandrie, you've given me something else to get my teeth into lol.

Also, he does state that some of these sites were created before the event, wasnt someone on this very forum posting about a 9/11 site that had the creation time as 2 hours before the event?

Don't be too harsh on him, he could be right even if its only 2 or 3 things they could make all the difference.


Last edited by StopThe9/11CoverUp on Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ian Neil states...

To take a case in point, I personally share Fintan's belief that Peak Oil is another psyop.

Snowy, you ask where the moderators are? I will answer that... they are in the place they have always been. "The land of 'opinionated'" !!!

Ian Neal states that he doubts peak oil is a fact... from my professional and educated experience... Oil is 'NOT' a finite resource... FACT! It takes 10,000 years to convert an ancient forest to oil... not only to oil, but to oil of a purity which can be efficiently and effectively extracted with the technology currently available to us.

If we were self sufficient for Gas and Oil we would not be so concerned as to import the stuff!!! If anything, the government would be absolutely 'head over heels' at exporting oil at a huge profit, which is what they have been doing with North Sea oil for the last 25 years.
As far as the security of supplies in the UK is concerned, we are also moving to reliance on Russia 'via Eastern Europe'...
...now what about when these countries start to run dry? Well for one, the cost of a litre of fuel aint' going to be as cheep as it is at the present. Remember your 'Economics classes from College'? The Supply and Demand factors which determine 'Price equilibrium'?

Anyway... the question is not "when peak oil will occur?"... The question is "WHEN it will occur?"
Anyway Ian? you make this bold statement (the one I quote you on at the top of the page)... I would like to see you qualify it? I have provided the above links to the information and I would also advise you watch "Oil, Smoke and Mirrors" on 'Google Video'
http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=8677389869548020370&q=oil+sm oke+mirrors
I look forward to your response.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Surely you've just missed Ian's point Bongo, which is that although he considers "position a" to be the case himself (in this example "Peak oil") he does not therefore consider anyone holding "position b" to be disinfo. Which is nice for me personally, becuase I give peak Oil a cautious benefit of the doubt, by reasoning that even if its not true, the mere possibility of the scenario is enough to make it a major factor in unfolding events

snowygrouch wrote:
This is C**P, delete this thread.

If you are REALLY concerned about getting things going you DONT start posting stuff like "oh no we're all doomed, everything is falling apart and soon we'll all be 'dead' ".....

Your post should be deleted immidiately by moderators.
It serves no puropse other than to dishearten and spread fear.

Where are the Mods????


Here. And absolutely not. As much as I also consider a blanket list of "sites that are disinfo" to be a bunch of hooey, this is a topic that we absolutely need to get our heads on straight about

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Snowygrouch wrote:
This is C**P, delete this thread.C.

Calum - I expected better of you. This thread does not even deserve to be thrown into the '911 controversies' basket. It is a valuable exhumation of skeletons IMO.

Now, maybe it is the excellent and underpriced Aussie Cab Sav talking, but I think Fintan has a point, even tho he is himself probably disinfo. Everyone and everything, you, me, should all be under scrutiny, because there is NO DOUBT we are massively infiltrated.

It is time to sharpen up even further those powers of discernment. I suggest trying to read the PEOPLE behind the posts. Are they real?

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Firstly, I think the best way would be to get everybodies full names and addresses if you want to go down that road lol.

Secondly I have to agree that this is something we must get our heads around and get them clear on it.

I can think of nothing worse than becoming a disinfo agent through disinfo. I mean, they've already won if that's the case.

This is also why there needs to be main clear beliefs in the movement. The old LIHOP and MIHOP comes to mind. The LIHOP argument being the most basic source of the event is a given, but when you get to MIHOP stage there is that much stuff coming out, especially the last 12 months thats adding even more theories to the conspiracy. And not all good.

We may not be controlled enough to stop us watching the 4 main programs and talking points about 9/11, but we definitely have no control on any other programs and talking points being released. This is where the importance of "mission statements" comes into play.

People who watched LC, eyewitness Great deception, In plane site when they 1st released were woken up to the conspiracy. People who are getting into it now, the same people we are trying to tell, have many more programs and blogs and sites to do there research. And its detrimental to the overall movement.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fintan is great - he certainly produced amongst the first doubting articles around the wtcs though he presumed that real 757s driven by real people did it in the first place. He was also amongst the first to challenge the cell phone transcripts as nonsense
However his launch base for descibing a wide base of conspiracy websites as being CIA fakes, was to my recollection their refusal to report that the court appearing Saddam was a fake Saddam. That seemed the bone of contention
Now I agree with that, personally, the hanged guy was a fake
Still I always found it rather ridiculous that Fintan should find the websites that didn't include this as CIA
Obviously he's moved on from this as he includes the late Joe Vialls website in his absurd list, when Joe was a premier promoter of fake Saddam
Ah well, Fintan - you've gone out on a limb and it isn't helpful
Some might benefit from perusal but really you aren't helpful

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok so perhaps "moron" was a bit harsh but I refuse to take back the intention of the comment.

How can we ignore infiltration.....Well yes its important but quite simply


Unless you get a photo of someone walking into the MI6 headquaters you CANNOT prove anything!!!!

All we do is go merry-go-roundabout slagging eachother off for being probable plants with arguments that have NO POSSIBLE conclusion....does that sound familiar to anyone here....???? Hmmm where have I expereinced THAT behavior before?

Discussion about infiltration and plants is an UTTER waste of time unless you have SOLID evidence. We all have different tastes in web-sites and if we listed our opinions I doubt there is a single website out there one of us doesnt suspect of foulplay.

Its a worthless discussion that (without proof) can do only damage and create suspicion.

Just my take on it...thats all.................


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ian neal
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bongo wrote:
Ian Neal states...

To take a case in point, I personally share Fintan's belief that Peak Oil is another psyop.

Snowy, you ask where the moderators are? I will answer that... they are in the place they have always been. "The land of 'opinionated'" !!!

Hi Bongo

If you read my posts on peak oil you will see that I keep an open mind on peak oil but doubt the claims of the peak oil lobby that peak oil is imminent or already passed and we are about to suffer peak oil inspired economic meltdown. That is my opinion and I don't apologise for it

But more importantly what my opinions are are irrelevent to how this forum is moderated. The key principle is that we have no reason to fall out over such opinions as long as we are united in our call to reopen 9/11, etc.

So both peak oilers and non-peak oilers are welcome here. So are NPTers and non-NPTers, beamers and non-beamers, etc. We should all focus on presenting the most credible and least contested evidence IMO

Where I had disagreement with Mike Ruppert and Mark R was their attacks on others within the movement and their apparent insistence that we all need to agree about peak oil as well as 9/11.

Similarly I found Fintan's attacks on so many 9/11 sites, claiming they are all CIA fronts to be let's say lacking credible supporting evidence. Just because a site has a different take or worldview does not automatically make them candidates to be CIA fronts.

As Snowy says what are you going to do about infiltration. Unless we want to go down the route of endless suspicion, in-fighting, paranoia and navel gazing, evidence free speculation (and most speculation I have seen from all 'sides' both here and elsewhere has been evidence-free) about who is and is not a shill/agent is counter-productive.

That said if anyone does have any good photos of all these nefarious agents entering MI6 offices or meeting their CIA handlers, they should feel free to share them with us
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Akbal13 You think that David Icke has been had by the CIA Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

wheres the evidence that these sites are part of an elaborate pysop?!

its all very well and good saying 'look out for these sites.. they are all controlled by the ruling elite' and then not giving any evidence atall.

I'm sure theres disinfo out there created by the ptb.. but i don't think all those sites you mention are examples of this

this movement is kind of like an anarachist collective. which is kind of nice. but i'm not sure how effective the structure is. I wish i had more time to come to the 9/11 meetings and be properly involved. surely theres a better way of organising ourselves to increase our chances of 'success'

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's really very simple, whats easier: To control 100+ alternative news and information websites to distribute disinformation, or to simply make a list of sites which feature content you are not happy with and 'debunk' some of the most uncomfortable information presented on them?
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is well worth listening to:


Alex Jones & the Temple of Doom

The implosion of the 9/11 Truth Movement continues as Alex Jones
goes totally fruitloop on his radio show. Audio and analysis.

Plus: A claimed survivor of the London 7/7 Bus Bombing is pushing
a wild story on an Alex Jones broadcast a few days ago.

And: Why the 9/11 CoverUp Will Come Apart at the Seams

The 9/11-3i Investigation Resumes
"The Next Level" Internet Radio Show

DSL Mp3 Audio

Dialup Mp3 Audio

Links & Discussion at:
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