On: BBC 2 East (02)
Date: Sunday 18th February 2007 (starting in 6 days)
Time: 21:00 to 22:00 (1 hour long)
The Conspiracy Files.
An investigation of the growing number of conspiracy theories surrounding the 9/11 attacks. Some people believe that the American Government allowed or actively helped the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. And why was America so unprepared when terror attack warnings had been received? The Conspiracy Files travels across the United States to investigate and speak to eyewitnesses, and tries to separate fact from fiction.
(Widescreen, Subtitles)
Excerpt taken from DigiGuide - the world's best TV guide available from
Copyright (c) GipsyMedia Limited. _________________ Andrew
Michael Rudin is the Series Producer for The Conspiracy Files. There will be four programmes in the series: Diana, 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing, David Kelly.
I like this comment:
31. At 09:10 PM on 18 Dec 2006, Steve wrote:
Hi Mike
I have a question I'd like to ask you...
If your forthcoming investigation and programme on 9/11 were to lead you to the conclusion (however unlikely) that the events of that day were, to some extent, either conceived and/or orchestrated with some level of domestic involvement - how would you and the BBC handle it?
If you discovered that the theory had enough evidence to support it, would you or the senior management of the BBC honestly be prepared to put yourselves on the line and broadcast something so explosive?
I'd be interested to know if you've ever asked yourselves this, because its ramifications would obviously go much further than if you were 'just' exposing, say, football manager corruption or cash for honours or something like that.
I have no firm view one way or the other about the 9/11 conspiracy theory, but I'm just curious to know whether you acknowledge the heavy unspoken pressure on you to *not* find truth in such a weighty theory, given what you'd likely stir up?
I don't doubt your own professionalism and integrity, but it seems almost unavoidable that there will be a necessary bias in your upcoming programme.
Interesting (or perhaps not) to see the "Amazingly" introduction cut out from this recent blurb. _________________ "Thought is faster than arrows, and truth is sharper than blades." - David Gemmell | RealityDown wiki
Do we know if this BBC 9/11 "documentary" is the one where Alex Jones says he was ridiculed by the BBC interviewers or was that something else ? _________________ The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
Do we know if this BBC 9/11 "documentary" is the one where Alex Jones says he was ridiculed by the BBC interviewers or was that something else ?
I suspect so, hes on the trailer, im already getting mad about this as its an obvious attempt to get hand picked theories out there in order to knock them down to satisfy the general public who have "heard" it was the goverment. _________________ The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing
Lays out bare this fake terrorism & fear by politics. Doesn’t address 9/11 correctly (as we all wish it did) however it clearly shows how American politics by fear has grown over the years, and the same old culprits keep cropping up, I personally thing this three part documentary is well worth a viewing.
You mix the above documetary with loose change final and you will have the perfect truthers documentary (well hopeing that loose change final is released and is good) _________________ In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act: George Orwell
Joined: 18 Apr 2006 Posts: 1158 Location: South Essex
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:13 am Post subject:
DDD911 wrote:
Talking of the BBC this was an interesting watch:
"BBC The Power of Nightmares"
Lays out bare this fake terrorism & fear by politics. Doesn’t address 9/11 correctly (as we all wish it did) however it clearly shows how American politics by fear has grown over the years, and the same old culprits keep cropping up, I personally thing this three part documentary is well worth a viewing.
You mix the above documetary with loose change final and you will have the perfect truthers documentary (well hopeing that loose change final is released and is good)
Yes it's a good un and it's on my dvd give out selection made in 2004,before the clamp down.
Joined: 13 Sep 2006 Posts: 312 Location: County Durham, North-East
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 7:45 pm Post subject:
Yes, I did hatch this idea and I think a full and detailed collective document can be created and then offically passed on to the BBC by the head workers in the UK movement.
BUT I think that the impact of individuals making complaints to OFCOM and the BBC is the key to getting the detailed "collective document" noticed. _________________
BBC LATEST: Accusations that the American Government was complicit in the 9/11 attacks are becoming increasingly bitter and widespread.
9/11 was the first global event in the age of the internet. And now the world wide web is being used as a platform for a wide range of conspiracy theories - more than 50 at the last count - which allege that the US government was somehow involved in the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon.
In the past, you needed the backing of a Hollywood studio or a major broadcaster to reach a global audience. Now, all you need is a bargain basement computer and a little technical know-how.
Dylan Avery is a case in point. He’s the 23-year-old documentary maker behind an internet phenomenon.
When he was turned down by film school, he decided to make his own movie - and distribute it over the world wide web.
Loose Change has been viewed tens of millions of times and pulls no punches when it comes to saying who he believes is behind 9/11.
“Our government will willingly kill its own citizens for whatever gain it deems necessary,” he told The Conspiracy Files, “and then lie as much as they need to cover it up.”
Those who question the official account of 9/11 form a broad coalition. At the other extreme to Dylan Avery is Professor Jim Fetzer.
Scientific views
Fetzer is a former US Marine officer and retired professor of philosophy. Puzzled by the apparent discrepancies in the official account of 9/11, he founded a coalition of like-minded academics called Scholars For 9/11 Truth.
Its purpose is to research exactly what happened that day, using the principles of scientific research.
We’re going to expose the lies one by one, we’re never going to stop and we will prevail, we will win, we will never surrender
Alex Jones, talk show host
“Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction,” says Professor Fetzer. “As Sherlock Holmes was fond of observing, ‘when you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.’”
The members of Scholars for 9/11 Truth refuse to accept that the attacks were just down to Al Qaeda.
“The very idea,” says Fetzer, “that 19 Islamic fundamentalists could have hijacked these four commercial airliners, outfoxed the most sophisticated air defence system in the world, under control of a man in a cave in Afghanistan is only the most outrageous of the conspiracy theories.”
“That has forced us in the direction of a deeper and darker complicity by officials of our own government.”
Conspiracy theorists are tapping in to a rich vein of cynicism across America.
Alex Jones, a nationally syndicated radio talk show host, is a leading voice in the self-styled 9/11 Truth Movement. He believes 9/11 was “an inside job.”
“It’s a self inflicted wound, it’s a false-flag terror operation,” he claims. “We’re going to expose the lies one by one, we’re never going to stop and we will prevail, we will win, we will never surrender.”
Fighting back
But the US Government is fighting back. President Bush has said: “We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of Sept 11th.”
And to try and fight the internet bloggers on their own territory, the US State Department has launched a website to debunk conspiracy theories - not just about 9/11 but a whole range of urban myths and inaccurate stories circulating on the internet.
After the attacks, government officials were summoned to give evidence before a Congressional Inquiry set up to investigate the intelligence failure before 9/11.
Co-chairman Senator Bob Graham told The Conspiracy Files of his frustration at the lack of co-operation from the FBI in that inquiry, and by the government’s decision to censor over 30 pages of his report which related to Saudi Arabia.
“Within 9/11 there are too many secrets,” he said, “and that withholding of those secrets has eroded public confidence in their government as it relates to their own security.”
The Conspiracy Files investigated the many questions that have been raised to find out what really happened on 9/11. You can read the results of that research by clicking on the links below.
Key events in the growing number of conspiracy theories surrounding the 9/11 attacks.
MARCH 1962
Operation Northwoods: A proposal is drafted by military planners, exploring options for generating support for US action against Cuba.
These ideas included simulated terrorist actions by the American government. Another suggestion was the shooting down of an unmanned drone masquerading as a civilian airliner.
The plans were sent to the US defense secretary for approval, but were never implemented.
Link to the memo posted on George Washington University website
More than 40 years on, the two concepts - that of false-flag terrorist operations against civilians, and of using a drone aircraft to simulate a civilian plane - have led to conspiracy theories claiming that the US government was capable of using the same tactics on 9/11.
The first two 9/11 hijackers arrive in the United States via Los Angeles international airport.
Sunday 18 February
9pm on BBC Two
The 9/11 conspiracy movement
Programme preview
Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar were already suspected of involvement in al-Qaeda terrorist activities by the CIA, which had been monitoring their movement abroad.
But the CIA does not inform the FBI, so the two terrorists do not appear on the terrorist Watchlist - and as they have valid visas are allowed in the country.
Al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar settle in San Diego where they live openly, using their real names in official documents. One is listed in the local phone book.
They start lessons at a local flying school, but are soon rejected because of their poor English.
In August 2001, the CIA finally warns the FBI that al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar may be in the United States, but by then the two terrorists have long gone from San Diego and cannot be traced.
9/11 sceptics have expressed doubts about the official account of how the two Al Qaeda operatives were able to live undetected for so long.
An American think tank, the Project for the New American Century, publishes a report called Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century.
Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century
The report advocates the transformation of the US military, making it better able to support their aspiration for an active, internationalist US foreign policy.
But, the authors acknowledge: "the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbour".
This line has attracted the attention of critics, who argue that 9/11 may have been an attempt to produce the "Pearl Harbour" effect.
However, PNAC report does not advocate a catastrophic act, it merely predicts the possible consequences of one.
Among the reports signatories, Paul Wolfowitz who later became number two at the Pentagon, and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, who went on to become chief of staff to Vice President Cheney.
11 SEPTEMBER, 2001
According to the official account, four commercial aircraft were hijacked. Three were deliberately flown into buildings, and the fourth crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. 2,996 people were killed.
0846: American Airlines Flight 11 crashes into the North Tower of the World Trade Centre.
The World Trade Centre's south tower collapses after the attacks
0903: The second plane, United Airlines Flight 175, crashes into the South Tower at the World Trade Centre.
0937: In Washington DC, American Airlines flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon. Conspiracy theories suggest the crash is suspicious because there is no publicly available CCTV footage clearly showing an aircraft hitting the building and because the damage caused to the façade appears too small to have been caused by a large commercial jetliner.
0945 approx: Delta Airlines flight 89 is diverted to Cleveland airport because of initial suspicions that it may have been hijacked. The local mayor gives a press conference in which he says:, "The initial reports was that this plane was hijacked and that there was a bomb on it". It is quickly established that Delta flight 89 has not been hijacked and corrections are broadcast by the local media, but the first inaccurate reports continue to be the focus of conspiracy theories.
1002: United Airlines flight 93 crashes in open ground near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Conspiracy theories argue that the plane never crashed here, because there are no large pieces of visible wreckage at the scene. It is also alleged that the plane was shot down, and broke up in mid-air, spreading debris over a wide area.
0720: (Doh, wrong BBC)
World Trade Centre Building 7, a 47 storey building close to the two main towers collapses. It was not hit by either of the two hijacked aircraft. 9/11 conspiracy theories suggest that it was destroyed deliberately, because it held sensitive or compromising documents in the offices of the CIA, Department of Defense and Secret Service, which were housed in the building.
12 SEPTEMBER, 2001
Immediately after 9/11 a conspiracy theory developed that Israelis and or Jewish citizens had been warned to stay away from the area by someone with foreknowledge of the attacks.
The story, which was untrue, originated in Beirut, quickly spread across the Middle East and was picked up by anti-Semitic websites around the world.
10 NOVEMBER, 2001
President Bush confronted the growing proliferation of 9/11 conspiracy theories. Speaking to the United Nations in New York, he said: "We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th; malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists, themselves, away from the guilty".
SPRING 2001 (Doh surely 2002, BBC)
French journalist Thierry Meyssan publishes 9/11: The Big Lie and Pentagate - his accounts of 9/11 which suggests that American Airlines Flight 77 did not crash into the Pentagon.
The Big Lie
MAY 2002
The Federal Emergencies Management Agency (FEMA) releases its report into the causes of the collapse of buildings in New York on 9/11. Chapter Five describes the collapse of World Trade Centre Building 7, which FEMA suggests was caused by prolonged fires weakening the strength of the trusses which supported the building.
World Trade Center Building Performance Study
Publication of report by the joint Congressional inquiry into intelligence failings leading up to the 9/11 attacks.
Over 30 pages in the published version have been redacted by the government, because of national security concerns.
It later emerges that most of the redacted pages relate to the activities of the first two hijackers in San Diego and to their possible connections with Saudi Arabian nationals living there.
The inquiry's co-chairman, Senator Bob Graham, feels that the FBI, in particular, withheld evidence about the activities of the two hijackers who lived in San Diego.
Congressional Reports: Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001
22 JULY, 2004
The publication of the 9/11 Commission Report provides the public with the most comprehensive account of what happened on that day, but its findings fail to stem the flow of conspiracy theories.
9/11 Commission Report
MARCH 2005
The American Magazine, Popular Mechanics publishes a major investigation called Debunking the 9/11 myths. The article is later extended into a book.
Popular Mechanics
APRIL 2005
Loose Change, a film produced by first-time director Dylan Avery is released. The film is distributed primarily via the internet and rapidly becomes a worldwide phenomenon, watched tens of millions of times.
Loose Change takes issue with many aspects of the official account of 9/11, including the collapse of the Twin Towers and WTC 7, the crash of American Airlines 77 into the Pentagon and United Airlines flight 93 at Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
It is the most popular of a growing number of internet films challenging the official account of events on 9/11.
Loose Change
Other examples of the genre include The 9/11 Mysteries and Alex Jones' Terrorstorm.
The 9/11 Mysteries
Alex Jones' Terrorstorm
James Fetzer, a retired professor of philosophy founds the organisation Scholars for 9/11 Truth - a movement dedicated to "exposing falsehoods and revealing truths" about 9/11.
Scholars for 9/11 Truth
16 MAY, 2006
CCTV footage of the Pentagon is released to Judicial Watch, a Washington based foundation advocating accountability and transparency in government.
Judicial Watch
The footage, from two security cameras, shows a blurred object approaching the building immediately followed by a massive explosion.
But the quality of the video is poor and the evidence is inconclusive.
Judicial Watch subsequently obtains the release of further security camera footage from the FBI. But these images, from a nearby petrol station and hotel, are not sufficiently detailed to satisfy sceptics.
31 JULY,2006
Evidence from the case of Zacarias Moussaoui is published on the internet.
United States v Zacarias Moussaoui
In 2005, Moussaoui pleaded guilty to conspiring with the 19 al-Qaeda hijackers. Much of the evidence relates to the events of that day, including photographs of the crash sites and documents belonging to the hijackers.
25 October, 2006
The State Department publishes a website on The Top September 11th Conspiracy Theories, as part of its Identifying Misinformation website.
Identifying Misinformation
12 SEPTEMBER, 2006
Pentagon Inspector General declassifies a report assessing the performance of the US military on 9/11.
Report on Review of Testimony to the National Commission on terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
The Inspector found that members of the military had misinformed the 9/11 Commission about events on the morning of the attacks, but that this had been down to poor record keeping and bureaucratic muddle.
There was no evidence, wrote the inspectors, that the military had sought to deliberately mislead the members of the 9/11 Commission about the events that day.
FEMA is expected to publish the final report of its investigation of the collapse of World Trade Centre Building 7.
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:00 am Post subject:
I was interviewed for nearly an hour about Diana for The More Show on Cardiff Community Radio.
You can download and/or listen here
Where it says "right click here"
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:53 pm Post subject:
Claims challenge official view on Diana’s death (pic:WEN)
Monday March 15,2010
By Frank Thorne and Cyril Dixon
THE mystery surrounding Princess Diana’s death resurfaced yesterday with claims that chauffeur Henri Paul was not drunk when their car crashed in a Paris tunnel.
Blood samples used to verify the amount of alcohol he had consumed were taken from another corpse, says a new book.
Investigative journalist John Morgan claims to finally reveal a “tidal wave of evidence” that the testing process was botched.
And he alleges that Paul, 51, was set up as he lay dead in the morgue.
It makes a “joke” of the inquest verdict that Diana and her lover Dodi Fayed were killed by Paul’s grossly negligent driving, as Lord Justice Scott Baker ruled.
Mr Morgan yesterday said: “The only evidence that Henri Paul was drunk came from the blood autopsy results, which have since been brought into question.
“When you carefully put all the pieces of this huge complex evidential jigsaw together, you can see this is a dead person who has been framed.
“Were it not so serious, I would say the inquest carried out at the Royal Courts of Justice in London was a joke.”
Harrods owner Mohamed Al Fayed has long argued that Mr Paul, his security manager at the Ritz hotel in Paris, was not drunk on the night of the crash 13 years ago.
Mr Morgan’s book is published only days after leading QC Michael Mansfield claimed that Diana and Dodi were killed when a plot to put an end to their love affair went wrong.
Mr Mansfield, who represented Mr Al Fayed at the inquest, said the saboteurs wanted to scare the lovers but their plans backfired tragically.
In Diana Inquest: The Untold Story, Mr Morgan, 53, from Brisbane, Australia, alleges a cover-up by the authorities in France.
He also claims Parisian investigators bungled the inquiry.
Documents prove the long-held suspicion that there was a second body in the morgue, he says.
He points to inconsistencies in blood samples, errors in identifying the body and the fact that key witnesses were omitted from the Scott Baker inquest.
Mr Morgan says tests revealed traces of prescription drugs that Mr Paul was not taking, while finding no evidence of other medication he was known to be on.
He said: “I point readers to the fact one blood sample was labelled ‘XM’ which means ‘unknown male.’
“There is a morgue photograph showing blood samples already on the side.
“But Henri Paul’s chest had not yet been opened to obtain blood samples from his heart and chest, as was stated.
“Questions were raised, even at the London inquest, that there were two bodies in the room and that blood samples could have been taken from another body.”
The investigator spent years tracking down informants, obtaining never-before published documents relating to the crash in August 1997. He questions why such high levels of carbon monoxide were found in samples said to be from Mr Paul’s body.
The levels were more consistent, he claims, with what you would expect from the body of someone who committed suicide by feeding a hosepipe from a car exhaust into their vehicle.
Mr Morgan said: “If that level was accurate, Henri Paul would have been staggering.
“CCTV taken at the Ritz hotel just before the accident shows him walking normally.”
Dominique Lecomte and Gilbert Pepin, two French forensic ex perts responsible for the tests, did not give evidence at the 2008 inquest in London.
The confusion over whether the samples were even taken from Mr Paul’s body continued at the inquest.
The question was raised as to whether there were two bodies in the room at the time of the post-mortem examination. Some photographs showed a body tag on a wrist only, other images showed a tag on an ankle only.
Last night, from his home in Brisbane, Mr Morgan claimed to have certificates recording samples for two different bodies. He says he has other documentation, much of it never seen in public before.
He claimed to have transcripts of Scotland Yard interviews with Professor Lecomte and Dr Pepin, which reveal, among other things, how body measurements linked with the samples did not match those of Mr Paul.
Of Lord Scott Baker’s inquest findings, he asked: “How could the jury arrive at an informed verdict when they were not given this crucial information?
“They were in a ridiculous situation, kept in the dark.
“My researches showed the cover-up continued.”
His book, the third in a series of four on Diana’s death, claims to demonstrate “the lengths the French authorities were prepared to go in framing a dead, defenceless, sober and innocent driver”.
Last year, a French court blamed Government officials for “unnecessary delays”. r- _________________
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
Joined: 04 Dec 2007 Posts: 226 Location: Buckinghamshire
Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:50 am Post subject:
John Morgan [Investigative Journalist having a vested interest in promoting his book] claims to finally reveal a “tidal wave of evidence” that the testing process was botched. (This is not news - it has been debated on this site maybe a year ago). It is freely conceded that the testing was botched, equally that it may have been deliberately tampered with. Other than creating a subterfuge for its own ends, could someone explain what could be gained from a cover up whatever the true results, be it drunk sober or high on cocaine?
The only evidence that Henri Paul was drunk came from the blood autopsy results, which have since been brought into question.
The blood autopsy results wasn't used in court to prove he was drunk, this was only a media report having as much credibility as you can take from press sensationalism.
Morgan said: It makes a “joke” of the inquest verdict that Diana and her lover Dodi Fayed were killed by Paul’s grossly negligent driving, as Lord Justice Scott Baker ruled.
Really, a driver unexpectedly called from home who was observed drinking in the bar, who was prosaic user, who was driving at twice the speed limit had an accident. Funny sense of humour Morgan's got.
Mr Mansfield, who represented Mr Al Fayed at the inquest, said the saboteurs wanted to scare the lovers but their plans backfired tragically. [Mr Mansfield who wouldn't flinch from upsetting his most lucrative client where the truth is concerned.] This is the same Mr Mansfield who argued in court that she was killed because of the campaign against land mines. Yeah right! _________________ Truth Movement Clips:
The point is..
Is it known whether the drink he had at the bar was the only one he had that evening or that week. No.
Is it known whether he had taken prosaic that evening or that week. No.
It is known whether the driver was impaired through drink or drugs. No. (Unless you know otherwise.)
The judgement was...
.. killed by Paul’s grossly negligent driving, as Lord Justice Scott Baker ruled.
Not ..driving while impaired through to drink or drugs.
He was traveling at far above the speed limit with thoughts trained of loosing the pack of paparazzi when the accident occurred. Therefore logic dictates that ruling of Lord Justice Scott Baker could be no other.
Each time this subject is raised I call motives by which this should be considered anything other than an accident. As yet none have been supplied hold any credibility. Unless motives can be defined, speculation on how events unfolded are meaningless. _________________ Truth Movement Clips:
The witness known as Thierry H claimed he saw a car driven by paparazzi blocking Diana's Mercedes exit from a road which would have avoided the route through the Point d'Alma tunnel (although it is unclear how he knew that they were paparazzi). He had been driving in the right lane of the express road near the Alexander III Bridge, approximately 800 meters before the Alma tunnel. He was
"Passed by a vehicle moving at a very high speed. I estimated its speed at about 75 mph to 80 mph. It was a powerful black car, I think a Mercedes... This car was clearly being pursued by several motorcycles, I would say four to six of them. Some were mounted by two riders. These motorcycles were tailing the vehicle and some tried to pull up alongside it."
Gary Hunter
Gary Hunter, a London lawyer, said he saw two escaping cars from the window of his third-floor hotel room, less than 100 yards from the Alma tunnel. His account was cited on September 22, 1997, by Agence-France-Presse. Hunter, 41, a British lawyer in Paris for his wife's birthday: He is quoted as saying:
"I was in my hotel room overlooking the tunnel and heard a car speeding from that direction . . . I jumped up and saw a small dark-coloured car drive up the street with another car practically stuck to it's back bumper . . . the first car looked like a Fiat Uno or a Renault Clio. The white car was a Mercedes . . . they both spun round together and sped off down the street at a suicidal pace, more than 100 miles per hour . . . I thought it was very strange that they were travelling so dangerously close to each other . . . their behaviour made me wonder exactly what they had been up to in the tunnel when the crash happened"
"My own feeling is that these were people in a hurry not to be there. I am confident that the car was getting off the scene it looked quite sinister."
But hey they're only eyewitnesses what do they know?
And yet again we have the "No CCTV camera's were working" BS
So we'll never know for sure. How convenient.
Here's another eyewitness
Brenda Wells
In 1997 it was reported that the whereabouts of a British secretary from London driving in the tunnel at the time of Diana's crash were "shrouded in mystery". It was claimed that she had "disappeared" from her flat in Champigny sur Marne shortly after giving her statement to the French police after she and her husband had been told to go into hiding and not to speak about what she had seen (Sunday Mirror, 9th November 1997). Londoner Brenda Wells, 40, had told police how she was forced off the road by a motorbike following Diana's Mercedes at high speed. She also saw a dark-coloured car - possibly the Fiat Uno and in her statement she claims:
'After a party with my friends, I was returning to my home. A motorbike with two men forced me off the road. It was following a big car. Afterwards in the tunnel there were very strong lights like flashes. After that, a black car arrived. The big car had come off the road. I stopped and five or six motorbikes arrived and started taking photographs.
They were crying 'It's Diana' Brenda's evidence calls into question initial claims that pursuing paparazzi were to blame. She makes the first mention of photographers after the accident when 'five or six' paparazzi arrived and took pictures. "
But despite extensive inquiries in the Paris suburb of Champignay sur Marne where she told police she lived, Brenda could not be located.
Joined: 04 Dec 2007 Posts: 226 Location: Buckinghamshire
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 2:29 pm Post subject:
Since both the Ritz and Dodi's flat are on the north side of the river, what was the Mercedes doing going through the Alma Tunnel?
I don't know! Does it matter. If forced to make a guess I'd say trying to loose the press.
From a previous post of mine...
There are a number of statements of vehicles going towards, going into, and coming out of the tunnel although not all are consistent...
The only witness (that has come forward) to see the actual crash was Francois Levistre (unless of course he and his wife are actually uncover agents.) I personally am prepare to accept his version of events. The question remains, 'who is the motorcyclist'?, it could be MI6, maybe CIA, perhaps Mosat or the jolly green giant. The description of the passenger dismounting and taking photos of the scene (with Flash rather than a strobe light) tends me to believe he just might be one of the paparazzi. And the white car, if there was a white car, the witness didn't see it so it would have been behind Dianas. And, if it was behind the only way it could have contributed to the accident is by shunting into the front car. Ok possible but I would submit unlikely as there would be a high risk of the car being involved in the accident.
Each time this subject is raised I call motives by which this should be considered anything other than an accident. As yet none have been supplied which hold any credibility. Unless motives can be defined, speculation on how events unfolded are meaningless.
Henri Paul supposedly had enough carbon monoxide in his blood to make him unconscious. Does he look unconscious on the CCTV?
More truth trickling out all the time on this one.....
An old reminder but more has emerged in the last couple of weeks too
Which is why this 'tired old subject' keeps rearing it's ugly head.
My advice to you Pugwash if you don't like the truth trickling out like this is to be on your way.
he alleges that Paul, 51, was set up as he lay dead in the morgue.
It makes a “joke” of the inquest verdict that Diana and her lover Dodi Fayed were killed by Paul’s grossly negligent driving, as Lord Justice Scott Baker ruled.
Mr Morgan yesterday said: “The only evidence that Henri Paul was drunk came from the blood autopsy results, which have since been brought into question.
“When you carefully put all the pieces of this huge complex evidential jigsaw together, you can see this is a dead person who has been framed.
“Were it not so serious, I would say the inquest carried out at the Royal Courts of Justice in London was a joke.”
Joined: 04 Dec 2007 Posts: 226 Location: Buckinghamshire
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:04 pm Post subject:
Henri Paul supposedly had enough carbon monoxide in his blood to make him unconscious.
This point has been addressed earlier, that is it not "More truth trickling out", it's old information.
Enough carbon monoxide in his blood to make him unconscious, indeed some have opined that enough to indicate it was taken from a corpse. I'm not arguing otherwise as it must be conceded that the blood samples were taken after the event.
I have no knowledge of forensic science, as with most things I base my views on the perceived credibility of experts...Dr. Alan D. Barbour
"I don't rule out the dishonourable or incompetent"
if you don't like the truth trickling out
Who's truth is that then?
The reason I feel this topic is not mainstream to this forum is..
It is easy to persuade the masses of skullduggery surrounding the death of Princes Di. This, primarily because it feeds on media fueled sentimentality. If it is felt necessary for members to use speculation on death of Princes Di as a lead to shedding light on subjects that has and continues to affect them and the world in which they live, so be it. However, by offering pure speculation that can easily be challenged they open themselves open to a lack of plausibility.
TG: As the motivations for the death being other than an accident are not forthcomming, perhaps you could let me know what you think my motivations are in offering counterviews to assertions made? _________________ Truth Movement Clips:
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:13 am Post subject:
This is not speculation
And the sympathy for Diana is not generated by the media.
As for your motives only you can explain them.
Pugwash wrote:
It is easy to persuade the masses of skullduggery surrounding the death of Princes Di. This, primarily because it feeds on media fueled sentimentality. If it is felt necessary for members to use speculation on death of Princes Di as a lead to shedding light on subjects that has and continues to affect them and the world in which they live, so be it.
However, by offering pure speculation that can easily be challenged they open themselves open to a lack of plausibility.
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