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Rachel from N.London on Alex Cox's Forum
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9/11 Truth Organiser
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 6:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Poseidon,

Last week I attended a Muslim Conference in Blackburn where two speakers described the current orchestrated campaign (War on Terror) against Islam as being the continuation of the dreadful medieval Crusades. To them, the West still wants to take over the Middle East to curb the natural growth of Islam. As far as they are concerned, this War is being prosecuted by Jewish AND Christian Zionists. There is one slight change. Whilst the Vatican still plays an important part behind the scenes, it is the conservative Christian Right in America who are the real driving force, teaming up with neo-conservative politicians and influential Jewish zionists. A very interesting and understandable viewpoint IMHO.

Personally, my own viewpoint is that we are dealing with a cabal of bloodline secret societies and mystery schools, collectively known as the Illuminati, which use religions (which they set up) , along with political parties and money/banking, as tools to divide and rule ordinary people and that this has been done for thousands of years. In other words, invisible control, within a matrix, by a tiny minority over all of us. IMHO, if you haven't already done so, have a look at the writings of David Icke. The fusion of advanced quantum physics with the ancient wisdom of the indigenous peoples would appear to be way forward to find real truth and infinite love.

Just for the record, I cannot support capital punishment in any shape or form, however bad the crimes appear to be.

Best wishes


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:15 pm    Post subject: Sacrificing the spotless red heffer in the third temple... Reply with quote

Hi Justin et al...

I believe this bizarre union of the Zionist Jews and the nutty Fundamentalist so-called "Christians" in America may be connected with their joint desire to bring about the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem where a "spotless red heffer" would be "sacificed" in the Holy of Holies in order to make up for all their "sins" (oh they have got the science of the law of "karma" (cause and effect!) so very wrong! I had read all this somewhere already - but I heard it again last Saturday when I rudely barged into a conversation between a tutor in political philosophy at Leeds University and his friend in a bar in Headingley, interupting them by saying "That sounds interesting, tell me, tell me!" whilst drinking my whisky!

They were very kind and obliging and clearly knew all sorts of interesting things - the university chap knew about the Project for the new American century - but both of them "went deaf" when I mentioned my 9/11 thing (I think we must accept it that this just happens - and I personally don't think it is all controlled by the gatekeepers of the left, or what have you - more to do with something in our brains!). He also knew about the red heffer thing, although I doubt he was at religious or a believer in the Illuminati, etc - he just believed this as "fact."

Once they have sacrificed the red heffer "the Messiah" will come back (or so they think - I think he is here already for those who can see him!!) and then the poor old Zionists will be no longer needed and be destroyed by the "Messiah" who is really the Fundamentalist Jesus and will smite them all or whatever and "save" all the lovely right -wing "Christian" fundamalists in America for being such good "Christians" and dropping all those depleted uranium bombs on all the "Infidel" Muslim babies in Iraq etc (I don't think so!!).

I may have got some of this rather confused- but I believe there is some truth and a whole lot of muddled thinking by a whole lot of mad folks here!



Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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ian neal
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Jane

there's all kind of bizarre belief systems out there (and of course some say much the same of the 9/11 truth movement) but in terms of understanding the popularity of the rise of 'fundamentalist' christianity and armageddon thinking, look at the amazingly popular (in the US) left behind book series and the rapture ready movement.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 4:59 am    Post subject: Fundamentalism Reply with quote

Thanks Ian

Yes, I am having a good "read up" on all this now on "Wicki-picki" as I call it! I know bits and pieces about all this, but I need to learn more and fit it all together - I think it is probably as important to "understand" this way of thinking as to know about the Project For The New American Century." I think a lot of their problem lies in being very good at "perceiving" others "faults" whilst not even "noticing" their own (the mote in the eye thing!) which I am quite good at as well

Just read this which is nicely ironic!

At the same time, fundamentalists across several religions often share with the Christian Right certain positions on specific issues such as women's and gay rights, separation of religion and government, and opposition to evolving moral standards. So even though many leaders of the Christian Right are outspoken critics of radical Islam, conservative Christians, Muslims, and Jews sometimes cooperate in national and international projects, especially through the United Nations.

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 10:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Christian zionists are part of the plot. But to see who is at the top of the hierarchy, we must consider the direction of the flow of money, and who benefits from the greatest share of the profits and political power.

Israel currently receives at least $10 billion yearly from the US - this would include foreign aid (on and off budget), interest on the aid, compound interest on previous grants over more than 50 years, and loan guarantees. Over the decades, the total amount would be in the region of hundreds of billions of dollars. And that's not including the $2+ trillion of Pentagon funds that, in a press conference on September 10, 2001, Rumsfeld admitted could not be tracked after Rabbi Dov Zakheim had been the Pentagon Comptroller for several months. (Even if only a small proportion of this made its way to Israel, it's still a vast sum.) Then there are the Israeli bonds sold to US taxpayers, and Zakheim's arranging for Israel to receive military hardware at knock-down prices. Then there is the hundreds of billions of marks of "reparations" received from Germany over the decades.

The US has spent hundreds of billions of dollars - possibly over $2 trillion already in a very recent estimate - and sacrificed over 2,000 of its own people prosecuting a war that neutralised a country that may have been a very minor threat to Israel but harmless to the US. Maybe the Christian zionists managed to keep the lion's share of the $8.8 billion filched from Iraq's Oil-for-Food fund, but this is a relatively small proportion of the cabal's total profits. Christian zionists such as Condi Rice may be bribed, and / or sold on ideas such as the "Third Temple".

Some of the arch-villains ought to show in a list of billionaires. Edgar Bronfman Sr, President of the World Jewish Congress, only weighs in at a ranking of 224= in the Forbes list with $3.0 billion. Whoever leads the crime syndicate would want to keep excess money hidden away to avoid rising too far up the rankings. If we could track the money flow out of dollar-denominated accounts in Bank Leumi, it would help to pinpoint the syndicate principals.

It's reasonable and quite uncontroversial to speak of a secret bloodline of Illuminati who use religion to divide and rule, and employ a phony system of "democracy" where the election results are rigged and in any case both sides work for the same criminal elite. This doesn't tell us who they are. They are the same people who wrote the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion; they create and exploit conflict between Christians and Muslims and between Jews and Gentiles. It is possible that the principals are not Jews, but hiding behind the Jewish people's coat-tails and crying anti-Semitism whenever someone goes after them is crucial to their strategy. Note how Protocol IX states, "their [protesting States] anti-Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren". (Eight lines down in this Protocol is an interesting remark: "It is from us that the all-engulfing terror proceeds".) One way they play the anti-Semitism card is by compiling a list of "hate" websites; these mix a few genuine hate sites with educational sites that come too close to hitting the nail on the head for the criminals' comfort. The Rothschilds probably wrote the Protocols, particularly the financial sections. Given the financial expertise and foreknowledge of events such as the Bolshevik Revolution, the Protocols were not written by some spin doctor in the Russian secret police simply to smear the Jews.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 11:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm sorry folks but - you can shout at me if you like - I really do think we should drop all this colourful secret society stuff and concentrate on the FACTS of the 911 conspiracy. There comes a point where fantasy and speculation takes over from reality. Look at a site like The George Washington Blog in the States. You won't learn about the Illuminati or reptilian aliens there.
I worry that this massively important cause could degenerate into farce.
In my opinion it's about power and money. That's all.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 7:17 am    Post subject: The Reptilian Brain Reply with quote

Ok Andrew, I hear you!

If anyone should surf in here, beginning to have "concerns" about "9/11" and then read our discussions about the Illuminati, etc, they will probably think we are all nuts and go back to the consensus view of "reality" - trouble is I think the consensus view of reality right now is largely shaped by the pre-dominance of the functioning of the "reptile brain" and by this I am not referring to "shape-shifting lizards" etc but to feelings of greed, self-interest, acceptance of cruelty, brutality, allowing others to starve to death whilst you have far more than you need, etc, etc... Look up about the reptile brain if anyone does not know what I am on about here! This is biology, not fantasy!

I think we need a total shift in our collective way of thinking beyond this limited view of things ...for it is the way of thinking that will lead humanity to destruction. It is the kind of self-centred, cocooned thinking that allows atrocities like 9/11 (blatant lies that can so easily be seen through, being unquestionably and almost universally accepted as "truth,"), the possibility of a "pre-emptive nuclear strike" being carried out against Iran, without people seeing the total absurdity of the whole situation and rising up in protest...and, well, a whole lot of other insane things taking place! Thus I would think that the basic Christian message of “Love One Another” and thus be “saved” can be taken pretty literally!!

But, again, I believe you are right here Andrew - I shall send a private email to our new friend above, and I wish we could have a private place to discuss things ...

However, I still say, the real work of the 9/11 Truth Movement is to keep stating the basic facts...showing people the towers being demolished, showing them the pictures of the Pentagon, where there is no space for a plane to have crashed in, gently smacking them on the cheeks, gradually "bringing them round" so they “wake up” and start to see what is really going on ...then we won't need to tell them more - they will start to see and hear for themselves!

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 9:01 am    Post subject: Jinn Reply with quote

Anyone ever wondered if it is "The Jinn" we are up against really? I believe these are some kind of lying, deceiving, manipulative force sent by Allah to keep us trapped here in a web of illusion - Moeen, if you are around, correct me if I am wrong!

I think this whole carry on is like a "play" we are in, and the whole trick is to tell what's really going on, or whether we just accept it all, don't question anything, and think we are "doing good," living decent lives, etc, whilst looking to scape goats (whether Jews or Muslims, or whoever) as being "evil" - i.e. if we just accepted the "official versions" we are spoon- fed re 9/11; 7/7 and I suspect, a whole lot of other lies we have been told! I also believe the play goes on - probably forever, but we take on different forms, etc.

I certainly wouldn't want to go on to the next scene, having not "woken up" to the fact that the scenery is being manipulated in a bad way - by someone or something - just think we might find ourselves as one of the "manipulators" (the man behind the curtain?) in the next act, and not even realise what we are doing!!!


Isn't there something in The Bible about "For it is not men that you are up against, but Powers and Principalities..."

This is not a "religious" offering to the Forum by the way - I have my own funny experiences and belief system!!

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 3:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It goes on to say we are fighting spiritual wickedness in high places. You said it, St Paul.

When the Bible gets it right, it really does hit the target spot on.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Thanks for the info - it's all very intriguing. "Protocols of Zion" is/are yet more reading...!


Ask the Tough Questions, Folks!
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 8:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yesterday, I was in an antiquarian bookshop. I collect contemporary accounts (1st and 2nd editions) of people who fought in the Great War (First World War) and who write about their experiences almost immediately after the events themselves.

Yesterday I bought a book entitled 'By Sea and Land' by E. Hilton Young (2nd and revised edition published 1924) who served as a young, hostilities only naval officer. In his 'Intoduction' to this edition he wrote:

"The war cured us once and for all, it is to be hoped, of all inclination to glorify the merely romantic and spectacular aspects of warfare. It convinced us, did we need conviction, that all war is an evil, and that the Great War was perhaps the greatest evil that ever happened. I should imagine that all who took part in it feel now that their first duty is to work to prevent its repitition, and to hand on the knowledge that they have bought so dearly, that in war there is much less good than ill."

Our friends in the shadows, illuminati/NWO/whatever, have repeatedly manipulated the human race into appalling suffering since those words were written. 9/11 is the key to ending their power and influence forever........so let's get on and bring the TRUTH on to centre stage!! They are being exposed and their power is on the wane.

Connect to Infinite Consciousness - enjoy the ride!
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 8:45 am    Post subject: Vigilence & Discernment Reply with quote

Hi Justin,

you might be interested in the other side of the story...

"The war cured us once and for all, it is to be hoped, of all inclination to glorify the merely romantic and spectacular aspects of warfare. It convinced us, did we need conviction, that all war is an evil, and that the Great War was perhaps the greatest evil that ever happened. I should imagine that all who took part in it feel now that their first duty is to work to prevent its repitition, and to hand on the knowledge that they have bought so dearly, that in war there is much less good than ill."
'By Sea and Land' by E. Hilton Young

An interesting quote ... and exactly what one should expect of our leaders. Unfortunately, the evidence would suggest that this is precisely what the cannon fodder are expected to believe ... the reality is perhaps rather different!

During the First World War, Prime Minister David Lloyd George told C P Scott, editor of the Manchester Guardian:
"If the people really knew [the truth] the war would be stopped tomorrow. But of course they don't know and can't know."

Of course none of the above should come as a surprise to the well informed, who are highly attuned to the Machiavellian goings-on of the executive of big business, namely governments. Few governments rule by force nowadays; most rule by consent, a consent granted by a misinformed and constantly lied-to public. Were governments really open with the truth, they would live as long as it would take the masses to tie their metaphorical nooses.

Indeed, it was George Bush Snr who once said:
“If the people knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.”

The twentieth century was arguably one of the bloodiest in history ...the 21st century will be different.

I feel it in my (Skull &) Bones!

Best regards,

Ian R. Crane
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 11:08 pm    Post subject: Rachel a Real Person, Misled By a One-sided Media Reply with quote

To return to the matter of Rachel, my research shows that she is indeed a real person whose story checks out. One of her posts to this forum regarding being about "seven feet away" when the bomb went off and 7 to 10 feet away "when we all fell over" may be totally debunked, and is inconsistent with her other reports of being 7 to 10 yards from the blast. It is reasonable to conclude that this was a sincere error from confusing feet with yards. Overpressure and blast effects are linearly related to the mass of TNT equivalent, but related to the inverse cube of distance from a blast. A threefold change in distance equates to a 27-fold change in force of the blast. From almost certain eardrum perforation, very high probability of severe lung damage and critical to unsurvivable acceleration injuries , a 27-fold decrease in blast effect would scale down to Rachel's walking wounded condition of temporary deafness and a gashed wrist.

The truly paranoid could concoct a theory which held that Rachel was the Piccadilly line bomber, a liaison officer for government and its "militant Muslim" employees such as Abu Hamza - based on where she lives and used to work - and was possibly even the bus bomber to boot. There is no credible evidence for such a theory, and I mention it merely to show how the worst unofficial theories are worse than official conspiracy theories on the stupidity scale. Information exists in the public domain detailing the companies Rachel has worked for over the last couple of years, her work telephone number at her previous job (until May 2005) and her current work telephone number and e-mail address. I will divulge that neither of the companies appear to be a front for MI5!

The alternative world view of official conspiracy theorists, when sincere, could be explained as emerging from their over-reliance on official sources and mainstream media (particularly when newspapers or magazines have featured in their career), their lack of attention to detail, their lack of mathematical and scientific knowledge, lack of time taken to research who the real criminals are, etc. Rather than each side continue to oppose each other like a sort of socialists - capitalists dichotomy, I would propose a constructive way forward which could be along the lines of: (i) I and anyone else who wishes would apologise for initially suspecting Rachel of being a COINTELPRO team. (ii) Rachel and anyone from u75 who wishes would investigate the more sensible unofficial conspiracy theories on links that we provide, and would then possibly make a statement agreeing that whilst some unofficial theorists are loons, others hold a position that can at least be respected as rational. Of course, if she/they refused to go along with (ii), it would render (i) null and void by implying that maybe they did have an agenda after all. As for agreeing on which are the more sensible unofficial conspiracy theories, that could be hard.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I will apologise when Rachel stops selling repulsive stories to the tabloids about Islamofascists.

Put that in your IsraeliWorldDomination pipe and smoke it.
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've got just the job for you Ally

'A career in the Diplomatic Service has got to be one of the most exciting and challenging on offer....

'What is the long-run impact of September 11 on world economic growth?'

'You will also need excellent interpersonal and communication skills....' No problem there then

If they question whether you have what it takes make sure to remind them of their diversity policy
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry - Posted in wrong place
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 11:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ally says,

I will apologise when Rachel stops selling repulsive stories to the tabloids about Islamofascists.

Put that in your IsraeliWorldDomination pipe and smoke it.

Good idea. The pejorative Islamofascist term presupposes the unsubstantiated Muslim suicide bomber nonsense as fact, and dropping it could be another part of condition (ii) which would be the u75 / Rachel camp's responsibility.

To any who believe that government / police would not stoop to planting evidence, my detailed analysis of a 9/11 passport said to have been found in the region of the former WTC site proved that it could not have been found at either of the places claimed. I know official conspiracy theorists are not too hot on detail, but to have two attempts at naming the location where a passport was found and then get them both wrong is taking incompetence too far. Then there is the retired Scottish police chief of assistant chief constable or higher ranking who corroborated a former CIA officer's statement that evidence relating to the Pan Am 103 Lockerbie bombing had been planted.

Although Rachel works in advertising and promotion and has involvement with the media, they could be using her to promote their propaganda rather than the other way around. Certainly, the media must regard it as a major coup to have a bombing survivor who has totally bought into the Government account of 7/7 and is so willing to tell her story. Another condition could be that if either side is paid by the media for stories about terror attacks, they would donate it to a charity.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Charles Clarke to meet bomb group

Home Secretary Charles Clarke has offered to meet the London bombings survivors group set up by the daughter of a Norfolk canon.

Rachel North, the daughter of Canon Phillip McFadyen, of St George's Church, Colegate, was in a tube train at the time of the attacks.

In a blog where Ms North writes regular updates of her experiences, she revealed that she and her father had a meeting with the Norwich South MP last week at which Mr Clarke offered to meet the survivors' group she has founded.

The meeting between Ms North, her father and Mr Clarke came about after Canon McFadyen was reduced almost to tears by the Home Secretary at Norwich Cathedral.

At a question and answer session with Mr Clarke, Canon McFadyen, 61, did not manage to ask on his daughter's behalf why there had not been a public inquiry into the bombings.

When he tried to speak to Mr Clarke directly afterwards, he was met with the abrupt reply: “Get away from me. I will not be insulted by you. This is an insult.”

Canon McFadyen later received a letter from Mr Clarke, which read: “My response obviously caused offence, which I regret.”

Last week, the pair met at the Norwich South MP's constituency office. Ms North, 35, also attended the private meeting.

Ms North was travelling in the first carriage of the Piccadilly Line train from King's Cross to Russell Square on July 7. The terrorist Germaine Lindsay detonated his bomb seven feet away from her, killing 26 people.

She said on her blog the meeting went on for 25 minutes and Mr Clarke has expressed his sympathy for what had happened to her and said he had spent a great deal of time deciding whether there should be a public inquiry.

Ms North, who now lives in North London, said: “I explained that I felt that I pretty much knew what happened on July 7, but what I was interested in was why July 7 happened.”

She said Mr Clarke had offered to meet the July 7 survivors' group Kings Cross United, which Ms North founded, and to attend one of their meetings. She wrote: “I think it is good that Mr Clarke offered to meet some survivors. This is about more than the people who were on the train - we're just a random section of the public - this is about everybody. The questions and the answers and the debate should be opened up to all of us.”

Mr Clarke declined to comment.

http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/content/News/story.aspx?brand=ENOnline& category=News&tBrand=enonline&tCategory=news&itemid=NOED12%20Apr%20200 6%2010%3A27%3A43%3A067
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 7:11 pm    Post subject: Ruby Tuesday Reply with quote

She's back on Alex Cox's Forum. She goes and then she comes.


Follow the numbers
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 9:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting recent post on rachel's blog

Rachel is not ready yet to drop the unqualified assumption that the Leeds 4 are suicide bombers or her support of Milan's book but she does go on to raise all types of evidence and questions which are precisely the type of questions I would raise about 7/7

Now to my mind it is not such a huge leap to consider the possibility of a connection between the Leeds 4/July 7 and Haroon Aswat and between Haroon and the intelligence services and end up with the hypothesis that rogue elements of the security services were involved in July 7. That is no more than many here are saying and however you like to dress it up, it is a theory and it would be a conspiracy and hence a "conspiracy theory". So whilst you may deny this Rachel I reckon that makes you every bit as much of a fully signed up "conspiraloon" as the many "conspiracy theorists" who post here who you have so ignorantly attacked in your previous blog.

From her blog "Is Haroon Aswat, now apparently extradited to the U.S really an UK intelligence service asset, as reported by some sources ? (or even a double agent?)"
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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:39 am    Post subject: Unacceptable Blogging Reply with quote

Rachel wrote:
It is noticeable how the July 7th bombers withdrew from their friends and families and local Mosques, and isolated themselves as a cell of 'brother-soldiers', apart from the 'sinful' world they hoped to change. Their seperatist(sic) group dynamic reinforced their beliefs. They saw themselves as heroes, martyrs, doing what they did for love of their people.

This comment, from Rachel's Blog, is straight out of the Milan Rai school of unsupported, unreferenced and unsourced journalism.

It would seem necessary to, once again, remind Ms. North that it is still only alleged that messrs. Kahn, Tanweer, Lindsay, Hussain, actually perpetrated the events of July 7th.

Ms. North writes:
it is noticeable how ... (the alleged perpetrators)...withdrew from their families and friends and local mosques, and isolated themselves as a cell of 'brother-soldiers' ...

Where exactly does this information come from? It is outrageous speculation and should be withdrawn unless it can be supported with the appropriate evidence.

Even the Anti-Terrorist squad have acknowledged that there is nothing about the behaviour of the alleged perpetrators that fits the usual profile of suicide bombers.

The following is extracted From a report on the Anti-Terrorism Conference held in Preston last October published in The Independent - 31st Oct 2005:

As an example the unnamed official told delegates that Tanweer argued with a cashier that he had been short changed, after stopping off at a petrol station on his way to the intended target in London.
The official told the seminar held in Preston, Lancashire two weeks ago: "This is not the behaviour of a terrorist - you'd think this is normal."

"Tanweer also played a game of cricket the night before he travelled down to London - now are these the actions of someone who is going to blow themselves up the next day?"

"I've seen the CCTV footage of these people. They do not appear to be on their way to commit any crime at all. The Russell Square bomber [Hasib Hussain] is actually seen going into shops and bumping into people [prior to his attack]".

...Bumping into people? With a ruc-sac loaded with 10lbs of highly volatile home-made TATP explosive?

Rachel (& Milan Rai) continue to present the four alleged perpetrators as disaffected "angry young men, idealistic, resentful (&) lacking direction"; ... in the absence of any supporting evidence.

Even Milan Rai acknowledges that it is only speculation that Mohammed Kahn, as the oldest of the alleged perpetrators, was responsible for radicalising the other three ... and even ends his book by asking the question, "...but who radicalised Kahn?"

As Ian Crane points out in his Yeovil report, Milan Rai is quick to quote reports from The Times and The Independent which portray Hasib Hussain as a High School drop-out but fails to recount that Mr. Colin Bell (Hasib's former Headmaster) subsequently refuted these reports by stating:

There has been a lot of misinformation spread about this young man. He did take the GSCE's, contrary to reports in the media. He achieved GCSE's in English Language, English Literature, Maths, Science, Urdu, Design Technology and a GNVQ in Business Studies.

Hasib went on to study at Thomas Danby College on Roundhay Road in Leeds, where he gained an AVCE in Business Studies.

Source 1: http://news.scotsman.com/uk.cfm?id=1658812005
Source2: http://www.leedstoday.net/ViewArticle2.aspx?SectionID=39&ArticleID=108 9949

The day after the bombings, his family received his NVQ results, where he had gained four (out of five) Distinctions.

Does this sound like the academic achievement of a disaffected youth?

Until the appropriate supporting evidence is released, it is highly inappropriate for Rachel North to sustain her unsupported and unsourced campaign, presenting the alleged perpetrators as disaffected British Muslims.

Reading Milan Rai's book on 7/7 actually serves to highlight just how little evidence is presently available within the public domain to support the official version of events.

How about this particular piece of diatribe:
It is tempting to speculate that (the alleged perpetrators) carried out 'moral policing' of sexual morality and liberal parenting and so on, ...and also performed some 'community defence' function in relation to white racist gangs."

Milan Rai; page 101 7/7 The London Bombings, Islam & The Iraq War

The opening phrase, "It is tempting to speculate....", says it all. No supporting evidence whatsoever ... just speculation from an author who, by his own admission, relies upon newspaper articles for his information... and even then demonstrates his bias by the lack of reference to any articles which question the official version of events.

It should be no surprise that the Government Narrative is taking so long to produce... one can only assume that the Government is having some difficulty locating a Civil Servant who is prepared to prostitute themselves by putting their name to the document ...perhaps the promise of a knighthood is required?

Meanwhile Mr. Milan Rai, as the Prime Mover in organisation named Justice Not Vengence, I would suggest that you might want to reflect upon the full meaning of the word justice.

Al K Myst

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Milan should face some serious litigation charges for his slanderous attack on the falsely accused, hopefuly their relatives will hang his sorry arse in court. Along with that liar Rachel North.

Ever read this transcript from Panorama, two months before 7/7 and featured an attack on London almost identical to 7/7. Hell, even Peter Power's in the script REHEARSING his role.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/spl/hi/programmes/panorama/transcript s/londonunderattack.txt

3 blasts on London Underground

The headlines at 9 o'clock. In the past hour there have been three major explosions on the London underground. The first occurred at 10 past 8 on the Piccadilly line between Knightsbridge and Hyde Park Corner. The second, at 16 minutes past 8, on the Central Line between Tottenham Court Road and Oxford Circus, and the third at 27 minutes past 8 as a train was arriving at Vauxhall Station in Stockwell on the Victoria line. Emergency services have been called to all three scenes. There are no reports available yet on the number of casualties, and the police have said that it's too early to identify a possible cause. London underground is now closed and the police are asking people not to travel.

March 2004
David Blunkett, Home Secretary
We've been absolutely clear we can't guarantee that there will never be an attack. It's quite likely that they're planning one now.

PETER POWER: I think it depends, in my experience, on the sort of training and culture that exists in any organisation. I'm still very concerned about the 300,000 office workers who were hoping to goodness that they on the receiving end of their own staff who are trained to deal with crisis, and my concern is perhaps that wont be the case.
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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 10:47 am    Post subject: Creating your own reality! Reply with quote


thanks for bringing the Panorama script into the public domain. I couldn't help but spot a few remarkable coincidences!

First Tony Bliar's advisers plagarise an article previously published in Middle East Review, to justify the invasion of Iraq ...
Source: http://www.sovereignty.org.uk/siteinfo/newsround/iraq.html

... then the scriptwriters of 7/7 plagiarise a Pamorama script from a show broadcast fourteen months previously!
Source: http://www.thisislondon.com/news/articles/10580796?source=Evening%20St andard

"The Home Secretary has said the attacks bear the hallmark of Al-Qaeda..."

Source: PANORAMA Broadcast


Then this:
Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said the coordinated blasts in trains and a bus bore "the hallmarks of an al Qaeda-related attack"

Jack Straw – 7th July 2005

Source: http://in.news.yahoo.com/050708/137/5z9bv.html

It would seem that Jack Straw remembered his lines rather too well ... apparently forgetting that he was no longer the Home Secretary!

...not to mention the participation of Peter Power in both events ... and the similarity between his Panorama and July 7th interviews!!

Rachel, you'd better get on to your pals at Channel 4 and let them know that another debunking effort is required!

Al K Myst
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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 11:08 am    Post subject: Awards.... Reply with quote

Al K,

Excellent points made.

...perhaps the promise of a knighthood is required?

I looked into the 2005 New Year Honours list awardees who were
associated with the (London) Transport System:

From http://www.dft.gov.uk/stellent/groups/dft_about/documents/page/dft_abo ut_610938.hcsp, the following 11 people are amongst the 34 persons listed. I think that these persons were all associated (in one form or another) with the events/aftermath of the London July 2005 events.

I can see how some brave emergency response personnel are due an award, but what about managing directors whose organisation's CCTV cameras weren't working? Hardly commendable! Still, they must have done something commendable to receive their awards.

CBE goes to Mr John Grubb, Deputy Director, Transport Security and Contingencies. For services to transport Security.

Honorary CBE to Mr Timothy O'Toole , Managing Director, London Underground. For services to transport and the community.

CBE to Mr Peter Hendy. Managing Director, Surface Transport, Transport for London. For services to public transport and to the community in London.

MBE to Mr Alan Dell, Network Liaison Manager, London Buses. For services to the bus industry.

MBE to Mr Peter Sanders, Group Station Manager, London Underground.. For services to public transport in London

MBE to Mr David Boyce, Station Supervisor, London Underground. For services to public transport in London.

MBE to Mr Timothy Wade, Duty Line Control Manager, London Underground. For services to public transport in London.

MBE to Mr John Boyle , Train Operator, London Underground.. For services to public transport in London.

MBE to Mr Stephen Mingay, Temparary Inspector, British Transport Police. For services to the community in London.

MBE to Mr Glen McMunn, Inspector, British Transport Police. For services to the community in London.

MBE to Ms Deborah Russell-Fenwick, Constable, British Transport Police. For services to the community in London.

(Also see http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,22989-2042783,00.html )
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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 6:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Slightly off topic, but did anyone see Rachel on channel 4 news today? Unfortunately I missed most of the interview so I didn't hear what she said. Anyone catch it?

I was disappointed to hear them mention the 9/11 commission report as if it gave a very clear understanding of the events that day. They said there should be a similar report for the 7/7 bombings Confused
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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 8:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice one Gypsum,I didn't see it but found it on the website if anyone didn't see it. Just click on 'watch the report':

http://www.channel4.com/news/special-reports/special-reports-storypage .jsp?id=2340
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PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 10:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Garrett Cooke wrote:
No doubt we are all aware of Holmgren's (IMO brilliant): http://www.serendipity.li/wot/holmgren01.htm. A piece in a similar style could be written to describe the absurdity of supposing that the 77 bombings should be attributed to four suicide bombers from Leeds. I will have a try!


Excellent Garrett. All the best with it. If you want a second opinion on it, please e-mail me a draft.

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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 4:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rachel, you aren't RACHEL1958 by any chance, are you?
dèan saor – make free

cho fad’s a mhaireas ceud a-mhàin glèidhidh sinn gu treun ar saors’ gu bràth ("as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we give up our freedom") Obar Bhrothaig 1320

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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 5:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

care to elaborate Dean? That is a pretty obtuse first post
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 8:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It was just a passing thought as there is an R...1958 who posts on Nolajbs and Liberty Forum
dèan saor – make free

cho fad’s a mhaireas ceud a-mhàin glèidhidh sinn gu treun ar saors’ gu bràth ("as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we give up our freedom") Obar Bhrothaig 1320

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