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Time for action?
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 8:08 pm    Post subject: Time for action? Reply with quote

9-11 Truth Movement: Time for Action

by Victor Thorn – Wingtv.net

Last weekend, half a million pro-illegal immigration marchers gathered on the streets of Los Angeles to protest new legislation which would supposedly toughen penalties on law-breakers from Mexico and Central/South America (as well as those who hire or aid and abet them). There were also similar events in other cities around the country, including Phoenix, Chicago, and Washington DC.

On a different note, 250-300,000 people surrounded the White House last September 24, 2005. Their purpose: they were opposed to the war in Iraq. We’ve also seen massive displays of outrage in foreign countries, such as those who were appalled by the Mohammed cartoons, or the riots in Mar del Plata, Argentina to coincide with the fourth Summit of the Americas conference.

Yet when it comes to the most traumatic, disastrous terrorist attack in this nation’s history, what kind of public display do we see? Virtually none. Instead, 9-11 truth seekers are still cocooned in their chat rooms arguing about pods, blue-screens, and hologram airliners.

It’s been 4 ½ years! What are we waiting for? We've done enough theorizing because, in essence, we know the jist of what happened on 9-11. Now it’s time for action. What we should be doing is organizing on a massive scale to not only show the world that we don’t believe the government’s heinous lies; but to begin a process where the guilty parties are brought to justice (and their asses are thrown in jail).

And if you don’t think marches and protests are effective, read the following quote from Senator John McCain, who commented on these recent protests and how they are having an impact on pro-illegal immigrant legislation:

“McCain said the turnouts in the hundreds of thousands -- particularly among Hispanics -- at recent rallies in Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington helped galvanize support for the bill.”

In other words, congressmen in DC saw these hundreds of thousands of people, and will now vote in favor of a bill that will allow more lawbreakers into this country.

Yet for some reason, we refuse to get mobilized and do something similar. Why?

Michael Collins Piper recently said it best on his radio show, The Piper Report: “My biggest fear is that 9-11 will become like the JFK assassination where a handful of researchers are still arguing over minutiae forty years later.”

He’s absolutely correct! We have verifiable, scientific proof based on physics and mathematics that the World Trade Center towers were destroyed via controlled demolition. Better yet, 19 Arab cave-dwellers could not have been able to perform such a feat. Plus, this information can be proven in a court of law without any speculation, pie-in-the-sky lunacy, or the use of conspiracy theories.

Yet we’re still discussing pods, blue-screens, and the absurd notion that NO flying aircraft struck the WTC towers. What this phenomenon reminds me of is either:

(1) a form of unbridled insanity which infects an organization and eventually makes it resemble a mental institution, or

(2) deliberate disinformation and/or distraction which prevents any meaningful progress

Wake up. It’s time for action! We need to get off our asses and DO something rather than remain huddled behind computer monitors. If all the other above-mentioned groups can come together as one and protest, why the hell can’t we? When you think about it, we haven’t even had ONE massive rally yet – not one! Why not? What’s wrong with us, and what is holding us back?

If we can’t unite this September 11th to commemorate the fifth anniversary of 9-11, we should absolutely be ashamed of ourselves. Hell, more people gather for the annual hog-calling contest in Weatherford, Oklahoma than do at Ground Zero in New York City. How can that be? And the worst part is, the government is laughing their asses off about it.

“Look at those idiots arguing about pods and bluescreens. They’re doing exactly what we want them to do – nothing! They could convict us in any court of law on the crux issue – controlled demolition – yet they’re still running around on their wild goose chases like chickens with their heads cut off. And its our plants and agents that are distracting them on all these message boards! What fools!”

I was speaking with a scientiest the other day, and he introduced me to a concept called “Activation Energy,” which is defined as: “The amount of energy that you have to expend to move from one point to another. And if you don’t expend the energy, you can’t move.”

Do you get it? If we want to reach the next level we have to MOVE – expend energy, and get organized. If we don’t, then we’ll stay exactly where we are right now – in little chat rooms and discussion forums, talking about minutiae.

Is that all the 9-11 truth movement wants – to spin our wheels and shadow-box with each other, or will we rise up once-and-for-all and show our outrage in a significant way? If this anniversary comes and goes with no massive show of unity, 9-11 will be officially relegated to the dustbin of history. With the Charlie Sheen appearances on CNN and thousands of people flocking to the Scholars for 9-11 Truth website, we have momentum. Now let’s push forward and refuse to settle for the status quo.

Feedback to the question "Time for action?" would be welcome.

Peace & truth


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PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 10:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The fifth anniversary of 911, the year 2006, falls on a Monday.

There are 148 days until that day is due. 148 days to create something.

The countdown has commenced!


Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is a semi-negative comment, but I think pertinent and correct.

The pro-immigration demos mentioned in the above article were well-organised and well-funded - because PTB wanted to get the message across and increase their ability to "open borders" - basically, problem - reaction-solution again.

Until we have someone who steps forward with a good deal of money to help organise some big event (and people step forward to help with that organisation) we are unlikely to see anything happen on a similar scale here.

Weighed against this, the membership of the forum is steadily rising - and the number of people writing letters and distributing disks also seems to be on the increase.

In any case, even if we could muster a large event, who would notice it? As we know, perhaps 10,000 people or more were on the STW march last month - how much coverage did that get on National TV? And that was for an event which DIDN'T really challenge established paradigms....

It would be good, however, if we could have an event like the Chicago one, at a major university.


Ask the Tough Questions, Folks!
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:33 pm    Post subject: 9/11+5 Reply with quote


It is indeed time for action this year in order to bring things out into the open. Any of you who have friends in the music business - then please try and organise a Live Aid type thing. Get musical giants like Geldof, Sting and Bono on board and speakers like David Ray Griffin and Charlie Sheen (but not jokers like David Icke) for in-between the acts commentary.

We should aim to have a free concert in Hyde Park or such like with as many politically aware major acts involved as possible. My suggestion for any event name would be :


There has to be some kind of spectacular event/s that people can rally around, and the general comments by Pikey and others that we can't just forever sit around our PCs discussing the minutiae is entirely correct. None of us know exactly what happened. We will find out in due course but we have to get the ball rolling first. A free concert in London yes - certainly one in Central Park NYC - in that great but wounded city itself - and other places around the world is definately one way.

If I had Bob Geldof's; Sting's; or Bono's phone numbers - I would have been on to them by now. We need something big and that will attract huge media interest. This would be my suggestion but being no Harvey Goldsmith myself - I've no idea to how to get such an event going ... the idea is my contribution ... perhaps someone here knows how to push it along?
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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Just for the record (no pun intended), I wrote to:

Bob Geldof (through his manager)
Annie Lennox (through her website)
Rory Bremner (through his publisher)

and sent them DVDs and info and told them about the UK campaign.

You can often find managers/agents contact details easily enough, as they have their own websites. Fan clubs are another possibility.

I was advised that a friend of mine also sent DVDs to "The Darkness" who had expressed an interest in the topic

I have heard nothing back from any of these - I would post "results" here, unless asked to keep correspondence confidential.


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:25 pm    Post subject: US Embassy? Reply with quote

What about a gathering of people outside the US Embassy to coincide with the 5th anniversary? Perhaps on Saturday 9th? Then people from all over the country would find it easier to come.

We could hand in a formal request that they reopen the 9/11 investigation. A token gesture at this stage I guess.

If a couple of hundred people turned up, it might get some press coverage.

I just think that this is more the sort of thing we're ready for right now, rather than organising a concert in Hyde Park.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:27 pm    Post subject: funding is not the key Reply with quote

Of course the powers that be are divided on the issue, to some extent, they want to appear as racist as they need to be to keep the support of the right (eg Daily Mail editorials) and they also need to have continued migration to oil the wheels of capital and keep the workers divided, but this shouldn't prevent progressives calling for no borders.

The last lot of UK protests against borders had no funding:


If lots of funding is your answer then perhaps you are asking the wrong question...
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 4:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well if someone comes forward with lots of money and has no or an honest agenda I'm interested but we shouldn't sit around waiting for money or use the lack of money as the excuse for not taking action. The US embassy or similar is a possibility.

Hyde Park concerts with the likes of Geldoff and Bono is not realistic IMO. I followed the Make Poverty History campaign with great interest and I'm extremely cynical of the role of Mr Geldoff. Anyone who can proclaim, as Sir Bob did at the post G8 Make Poverty History press conference, "a great justice has been done ... on aid, 10 out of 10; on debt, eight out of 10 ... mission accomplished frankly." is highly dubious and has no right to speak on behalf of the world's poor
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 5:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

For my money, we should combine with groups oppsed to the LLR Bill and lobby Downing Street - or Whitehall, which as near as we could get to it . That way we will be noticed. In combination with another issue we are more than twice as likely to be heard as solo.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 11:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ian neal wrote:
Hyde Park concerts with the likes of Geldoff and Bono is not realistic IMO. I followed the Make Poverty History campaign with great interest and I'm extremely cynical of the role of Mr Geldoff. Anyone who can proclaim, as Sir Bob did at the post G8 Make Poverty History press conference, "a great justice has been done ... on aid, 10 out of 10; on debt, eight out of 10 ... mission accomplished frankly." is highly dubious and has no right to speak on behalf of the world's poor

Well, nobody has said Sir Bob is perfect - but for my money he's done a damn sight more than most to help alleviate the suffering in Africa and draw attention to the ongoing problems. The media was interested briefly in 1985 and again very briefly in 2005 - but he has stuck with it over 20 years.

Bono perhaps might be a better bet. A far more radical, political and angry pop/rock star. With Charlie Sheen and Ed Asner standing up in Hollywood - there should slowly be more cinema and other celebs starting to join ranks. Hopefully, the Springsteens and REMs will follow suit. I'm an optimist! We have to be.

A few hundred protestors outside in Grosvenor Square is going to produce a rather large shrug of the shoulders from the press I fear. If several thousands in DC around the White House gained no coverage - what chance to a few score well-meaning Brits have in London?

I'm thinking of going over to New York to join in the gathering there this September 11th.
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey if anyone can get the public support of any of those names, their support would be welcome and no harm in approaching them
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Eh?Geldorf and Bono have been guilty of cosying up to Bush and Blair types and overseeing the genocide in Africa for many a year
They are repulsive and culpable, they are never going to come over to the Truth brigade, they are too inculcated in the lies
Better to approach the young and up and coming
Probably the Kaiser Chiefs and the Artic Monkeys are too far into the system to be worth bothering about
Better to start bothering the leftfield artists who are beginning to make a name for themselves
A small 911 festival would be wonderful - I wonder who exactly could be attracted to appear
Paris? and some other hiphop
Add to the program
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 1:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

dh wrote:
Eh?Geldorf and Bono have been guilty of cosying up to Bush and Blair types and overseeing the genocide in Africa for many a year
They are repulsive and culpable, they are never going to come over to the Truth brigade, they are too inculcated in the lies
Better to approach the young and up and coming
Probably the Kaiser Chiefs and the Artic Monkeys are too far into the system to be worth bothering about
Better to start bothering the leftfield artists who are beginning to make a name for themselves
A small 911 festival would be wonderful - I wonder who exactly could be attracted to appear
Paris? and some other hiphop
Add to the program

The more Anti NWO bands the better the impact will be, there is a definite need to incorporate the serious dissidents into a mainstream event to add a bit of revolutionary punch to an otherwise meaningless pop concert. I'm not trying to denigrate the idea, but the Bonos and Geldoffs of the world will play in the spotlight until vague reform is achieved and claim success, popularity and royalties thereon after... Let me know if you think this is BS
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think it is an excellent idea (targetting genuinely aware bands like Paris, The Liars, etc.). I only wish I had the time to help make it happen. My first starting point would be to approach Peace not War and Moeen (Global Vision 2000). Anyone serious about trying to put something together please PM me and I'll give you my contacts including possible venues for small benefit gigis.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whichever form this might take it is emblematic of a rather interesting irony I think.

Whatever research is being done by noble scholars - whatever whistleblowing by brave government insiders - whatever letterwriting capaigns are being waged by frustrated activists - whatever court cases are being slowly processed through the Federal courts ... the reality of a breakthrough may well be due to the American (and elsewhere's) obsession with tinsletown and celebrity comment.

Charlie Sheen's few brief statements are worth all the tea in china to this movement. Four and a half years of trying to push a huge almost unmovable object up a steep mountain (inch by inch) has been all very worthy and worthwhile - but a TV or film star can heave it up so much further and faster just because of his status. That is why I think the concerts and other big public entertainment type events are the way to go.

Wouldn't it be hugely ironic, if the 9/11 scam - which in itself is one huge piece of macabre theatre - was undone by elements of the very indusrty which often assists in the propagation of these myths?

We need more Charlie Sheens. Sad as it might be - and grossly unfair too - one Charlie Sheen is worth 100 David Ray Griffins (and I speak as a huge fan of the latter and only having ever had a passing interest in the former).
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Angel - now passed away
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 7:57 pm    Post subject: time for action Reply with quote

i agree we need to start planning for sept 11 anniversary now! and make a big public and media presence
"injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" Martin Luther king
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:13 pm    Post subject: Music Plans for anniversaries Reply with quote

music is a good way to get the messages across.
i suggest
1) hire a venue for a TRUTH TRACKS NITE and play any tracks of music that are related to anti-war social justice, truth issues. (see the other forum topic) hold this nite on 9 11 and 7 7 anniverary, and in another room, play Loose change2 plus David and Annie can do a talk.
2) get together with the musicians freddie mentioned and start producing with the musicians, our own cd full of newly writtne songs on 911 and 7/7.
Then we can get the band to perform on stage at venues, and on open trucks on any relevant demo's. we could sell the cds to raise money, split profit with the band.

"injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" Martin Luther king
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:17 pm    Post subject: We need to think of a publicity stunt that could work Reply with quote

Andrew Johnson wrote:
This is a semi-negative comment, but I think pertinent and correct.

The pro-immigration demos mentioned in the above article were well-organised and well-funded - because PTB wanted to get the message across and increase their ability to "open borders" - basically, problem - reaction-solution again.

Until we have someone who steps forward with a good deal of money to help organise some big event (and people step forward to help with that organisation) we are unlikely to see anything happen on a similar scale here.

Weighed against this, the membership of the forum is steadily rising - and the number of people writing letters and distributing disks also seems to be on the increase.

In any case, even if we could muster a large event, who would notice it? As we know, perhaps 10,000 people or more were on the STW march last month - how much coverage did that get on National TV? And that was for an event which DIDN'T really challenge established paradigms....

It would be good, however, if we could have an event like the Chicago one, at a major university.

"injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" Martin Luther king
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The fifth anniversary of 911, the year 2006, falls on a Monday.

There are 148 days until that day is due. 148 days to create something.

The countdown has commenced!

T minus 7............ 141 days!!!!!


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm pretty sure it was Alex Jones who said that Charlie Sheen said all of Hollywood is talking about it (9-11), we've got to ask if they're all talking about it, why are they not saying anything?

A few months ago a very nice, well respected music venue in London offered me free use to put on a music event, 9-11 fundraiser. It could have been my approach but I contacted many musicians some well known, some unknown and nobody wanted to play, the majority didn't even respond to my email.

It left me thinking it is not the way forward.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The fifth anniversary of 911, the year 2006, falls on a Monday.

There are 148 days until that day is due. 148 days to create something.

The countdown has commenced!

T minus 14............ 134 days!!!!!


Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

kookomula wrote:
A few months ago a very nice, well respected music venue in London offered me free use to put on a music event, 9-11 fundraiser.

What was this venue? I am a member of the London 911 Truth group and and well up for such a function. I could probably help in getting some musicians together also. Please get in touch.
I have a site on the web for the last 3 weeks or so.
'Normal Day' is a 911 song. "liar' about the US press.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 8:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There are 101 different band nights in London everyday. They are not easy to promote especially a one-off event that does not have time to grow. If we are seriously going to think about putting on some kind of event then, I think we will need the support of a fairly well-known musician or band to be supported by other bands. It may seem selfish and a little grabby but I don't want to give the name of the venue until a little bit more thought has been put into this, who will play etc.etc. It is not an opportunity to be 'wasted'.

Good website by the way.
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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 12:32 am    Post subject: New member... Reply with quote

Hi guys,

I'm new to your forum but I'm fully aware of the 911 movement for around a year now. I would just like to show my support and respect for all 911 activists out there.

As to regarding campaining events... tell me when and where and I'll be there Very Happy

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 6:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Welcome Ant great to have you aboard ship!

The fifth anniversary of 911, the year 2006, falls on a Monday.

There are 148 days until that day is due. 148 days to create something.

The countdown has commenced!

T minus 22............ 126 days!!!!!


Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 10:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The fifth anniversary of 911, the year 2006, falls on a Monday.

There are 148 days until that day is due. 148 days to create something.

The countdown has commenced!

T minus 33............ 115 days!!!!!


Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 6:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would suggest the "Big Issue".

They have a global presence and, if we contact them now and collate info about 9/11 and 7/7, we suggest a special issue for September?

It was revealed in today's Independent (23rd May) that the Government is refusing to reveal information regarding Blair's working relationship with Murdoch while in office. As far as I'm concerned, the mainstream media have been hijacked over the so-called war on terrorism and I have even stopped watching BBC news.

It would make great marketing: The biggest issue for a generation.

my 2 pence
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The fifth anniversary of 911, the year 2006, falls on a Monday.

There are 148 days until that day is due. 148 days to create something.

The countdown has commenced!

T minus 90............ 58 days!!!!!

I have heard a rumour that David Ray Griffin will be in London on the 5th anniversary. Is that correct? and more important what have we created?


Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 8:16 pm    Post subject: Whichever form this might take it is emblem Reply with quote

Do we have any contact details for Charlie Sheen? It may be that he can help us get hold of the celebrities everyone is talking about contacting.

Good post Pikey, plenty of response. All we need do now is keep up the responses and take it forward somehow.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The fifth anniversary of 911, the year 2006, falls on a Monday.

There are 148 days until that day is due. 148 days to create something.

The countdown has commenced!

T minus 107............ 41 days!!!!!

Its all beginning to come together, working together we can create the outstanding event of 2006, even at the eleventh hour.

See you all in London during 9-11 September comrades!


Peace, truth, respect and a Mason free society

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