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The last ever from Rachel? We'll see!

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9/11 Truth Organiser
9/11 Truth Organiser

Joined: 27 Jul 2005
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Location: Cumbria / Yorkshire Dales

PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 7:53 am    Post subject: The last ever from Rachel? We'll see! Reply with quote

Rachel put this up on her blog yesterday. I really and sincerely do hope that she does get on with her life and moves on, but something tells me her ego will not resist in getting involved again. Her childish, bullying insults, her lack of ability to debate rationally with people who disagree with her, and her cowardly refusal to debate on a level playing field with us, have all done harm to her credibility - but even allowing for all that, she has been through a lot of horror and I genuinely hope that she and her partner settle down to as near normal a life as is possible. Only time will tell if we have heard the last of her..........


I've not blogged much because I got so indescribably fed up with the conspiracy theorists pestering me. But now comment moderator is on. And anyone posting conspiracy theories on here will be wasting their time, since they will not be published. Emails about 9/11 or 7/7 'conspiracies' will not be replied to. Letters to me or to my family will be binned and phone calls will not be returned. Bullies and liars will not be given the time of day. You've had enough of my time and enough of my energy, and if you really think you have information or evidence that is relevant to the suicide bombings of July 7th then can you flipping well take it to the police, your M.P or to a media representative of your choice. Please do not try and push your agenda via the personal diary of a survivor who is trying to get on with her life. I am absolutely pig-sick of it all. Shoo!

Thank you to all those of you who have stuck with me throughout this irritating time. Normal service will now resume and comment moderator will be switched off once the pests have departed. Good, I feel better already. Onwards and upwards!

Connect to Infinite Consciousness - enjoy the ride!
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
Trustworthy Freedom Fighter

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It sounds as though she is sufficiently pissed off to do what she says. I do hope so. I was pig-sick of her a long time ago. Shoo, Rachel!
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:58 pm    Post subject: Adieu Rachel ? Reply with quote

It should have been abundantly clear from the outset that Rachel's self-righteous presence on this forum and that of Alex Cox was ill-conceived, on her part. She was not 'invited' to contribute on either forum but for reasons known only to herself, she felt compelled to evangelise her dogma within a discerning research community.

The inconsistencies and outright contradictions contained within her multiple postings speak volumes. Her absolute failure to demonstrate any capacity for intellectual engagement coupled with her persistent demands for apologies, despite her ability to dish out far more personal vitriolic insult and abuse than was ever directed at her, provided a rather perverse theatrical spectacle .

I cannot find a single reference of any forum participant ever questioning her sanity, yet she has to resort to making the following comments in an Email to me dated March 23rd:
...you show, by your posturing lies exactly what you are: mentally ill, or a liar, and a bully to boot.

or this,
...you have no evidence at all to persist in your lies, and I ask you to get help.

and this,

You disgust me and all right thinking people.

I responded with the following Email, advising Rachel of my intent to publish it on the forum, which I did Friday March 24th at 11.50pm http://www.nineeleven.co.uk/board/viewtopic.php?t=811&postdays=0&posto rder=asc&start=240



In an open democracy, which previous comments on your blog would suggest you not only support but would vigorously campaign to uphold, all questions are valid until such time as full, frank and open judicial review has been properly conducted.

The core issue that would appear to be most divisive between, yourself and the 9/11 - 7/7 research community, is your forceful insistance that there is nothing to be gained by questioning the official version of events, ostensibly the allegation that the events of 7/7 were perpetrated by four young muslim men.

If you are so confident that the evidence supports the official version of events, why is it that you feel the need to argue so vehemently that this issue is not appropriate for inclusion in the Terms of Reference of any Independent Public Inquiry?

Whether it was intended or not, you would appear to have become the 'official voice' of the 7/7 survivors. Consequently, a simple acknowledgement on your part that, in the interests of absolute transparency, the concerns of the 7/7 research community should be addressed by an Independent Public Inquiry, might actually unite our respective groups.

After all is said and done, are we not all simply interested in ensuring that the long-established values of this country are upheld by our elected representatives?

We do not necessarily expect either you or any other survivors to agree with any of the issues or concerns raised by the 7/7 research community; we only ask that it be acknowledged that in the interests of due democratic process, that our issues and concerns should be addressed and brought to closure, by placing the appropriate irrefutable evidence in the public domain.

I take no pleasure in reviewing the way that the forum debates have evolved but just as we respect your democratic right to retain your particular view of what transpired on that fateful day; we would ask that our right to hold an alternative view be duly acknowledged.

The following is an extract from: www.julyseventh.co.uk

Each one of us deserves to know the full truth about who/what brought about the biggest loss of life in London since the Luftwaffe. Yet the authorities refuse to release a connected set of CCTV footage showing the alleged bombers in London on July 7th. Nor will they allow independent experts to check out phone, credit and computer records, or the tube, bus, Luton or Leeds forensics. In refusing an 'expensive' Judicial Inquiry the State has shown how cheap it holds the lives of Londoners.

Meanwhile we are left with no option but to conduct our own Independent People's Inquiry to find out WHAT happened on July 7th. Only then can we work out WHY it happened and how to stop it from happening again. If you have any doubts at all about the official version of events please write to your MP, the Home Office, to local and national newspapers and raise the questions that you feel need answering. We hope you may also wish to join the growing band of us who are researching collaboratively. Investigate with an open mind and remember that conspiracy theories are quite often conspiracy FACTS. For more information on 9/11 & 7/7 parallels and connections, see:

http://nineeleven.co.uk/ and http://officialconfusion.com/

The State has repeatedly proved itself to be the greatest criminal, breaking every written and natural law; killing through illegal wars and stealing from the poorest in the form of regressive taxes, increased fares, fines and living costs. Let us not forget the tragic fate of Brazilian electrician, Jean Charles de Menezes, executed at Stockwell station. Those who ask questions seek only the truth behind what happened in July. We are supposed to live in a democracy so let us hold politicians and public servants to account. Only the truth will stand the most rigorous of questioning and only liars need fear questions being asked.

In the name of Peace, Love, Truth & Justice, RELEASE THE EVIDENCE! http://julyseventh.co.uk/

The Independent People's Investigation into July Seventh

Al K Myst

Rachel replied with another Email, in which she states:

Since a public enquiry is concerned with establishing truth, the testinmony of liars - such as you - made for whatever paranoid reasons of your own, which I try to sympathise with since your condition is an unfortunate one - serve no purpose other than to upset survivors and the bereaved. As such, they have no place in such an enquiry, in my opinion.

followed by,
You must so frequently feel like an isolated madman, mocked at every turn. But we must all have our hobbies.

I do hope that you feel better soon, and please don't worry about the apology you still owe me: it is clear that to make it would cause such a fundemental splintering of your entrenched world view that I could only fear more for your sanity if you were able to manage such a thing.

I recommended once that your next topic of research should be the Loch Ness Monster: it has not to my knowledge killed anyone or distressed any survivors so any allegations you may wish to make about it will doubtless be far easier to cosily maintain with your friends. Plus, it does not have a lawyer. And I am sure that the fresh air taken in your studies will do you the world of good.

Somehow I doubt that I am the only forum participant to feel to acidity of Rachel's keyboard but that my friends, is a mere detail. The fact of the matter is that depite the glaring anomolies between the official account and information readily available in the public domain, Rachel has unflinchingly maintained her stance that:

1). The events of 7/7 were perpetrated by four young disaffected muslims.

2). Point No.1 is not to be challenged

However, we must acknowledge that Rachel's inimitable style has been highly beneficial to the UK Truth Movement; she has forced us to re-visit many aspects of our research, which has served to re-inforce and to deepen our understanding and awareness of the discrepancies between the official account and the available evidence. In addition her presence on this forum has brought the existence of the 7/7 anomolies to a much larger audience than might otherwise have been the case.

Although it may not have been his intention, Milan Rai's recent book on 7/7 may well have the same effect; check out pages 22 & 23 and spot his 'deliberate'(?) mistake!

Rachel writes:
if you really think you have information or evidence that is relevant to the suicide bombings of July 7th then can you flipping well take it to the police, your M.P or to a media representative of your choice.

Well, that process has already started...meanwhile, we await the Government Narrative with great interest.

On behalf of the 52 victims who were killed, the 700 who were injured, Jean-Charles de Menezes and all the respective families , we ask for no more than the truth.

Al K Myst

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