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Flight 93 premiere protests
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:50 pm    Post subject: Flight 93: The New Media Campaign Reply with quote

Just a heads up on a possible tactic the perpetrators are using.


______________________________________________________________________ ___

Flight 93: The New Media Campaign

by Russell Pickering


Why has Flight 93 suddenly taken center stage? Plain and simple it is the last resort of the perpetrators to hide. As 9/11 Truth groups successfully move forward with the goal of awakening Americans to the facts of the four events that occurred that day, only one is entirely without evidence. Only one is unavailable for real inspection even in photos. Only one is embedded in a legend of heroism.

Is there any evidence that the story of heroism was a pre-planned cover story? Yes there is. In an interview with CNN’s John King in the vice president’s office on September 11, 2002 Cheney was reported to have made a very interesting statement.

“Word came that Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania. Aides frantically called the White House to find out whether a military jet had shot it down.

“'The vice president was a little bit ahead of us,’ said Eric Edelman, Cheney's national security advisor. ‘He said sort of softly and to nobody in particular, 'I think an act of heroism just took place on that plane.'" (1)

In the context of having just given shoot down orders they received word that Flight 93 had crashed. They had no idea why as evidenced by the fact they were trying to determine if a military jet had shot it down. But Cheney in an underground bunker with confusion raging everywhere and no knowledge beyond what his aides were telling him says, “I think an act of heroism just took place on that plane.”? Wait a second…..what could he have possibly based that statement on?

Even his aide noticed Cheney was, “a little bit ahead of us”. I would go so far as to say he was a lot ahead of everybody. There was absolutely no possible way that Cheney was aware of the alleged cell phone calls and most certainly he had not heard the cockpit voice recorder. Where did he get his idea from?

The least likely thing of all of the possibilities that could happen to that aircraft is that passengers would take control of the aircraft and cause it to crash. There is not even a historical precedent for such a thing. In retrospect we were told the 5 alleged hijackers had bombs, knives, box cutters and mace. They were overpowered? Inexperienced hijackers might have lost control of a plane they had never flown before, a bomb may have gone off, or maybe it was shot down.

In a typical Rumsfeldian slip Donald Rumsfeld in an address to the troops on Christmas Eve, “made a passing reference to United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania after passengers attempted to stop al Qaeda hijackers. But in his remarks, Rumsfeld referred to the ‘the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania’." (2)

How similar is a plane being shot down and American heroes taking control of an aircraft and saving America from another terrorist attack? Those are two completely different concepts with no similarity at all. If you were certain of the Flight 93 story how could you even think of the notion it had been shot down? Read the CNN article referenced here to see how the complicit media scrambled to cover this slip.

With the official story crumbling rapidly and being replaced by truth, the spin doctors are frantic. The first effort to direct the public’s attention away from the facts at the WTC and the Pentagon to Flight 93 occurred in January when the A&E channel aired its film Flight 93. The next diversion occurred March 27th when Rumsfeld made his first visit to the Flight 93 crash site in over four years and said, “This is so much more personal. ... I've already been to the others and have wanted to come here because it's also such an important site. It's important to pay respect to these heroes." (3)
The entire emphasis of the Moussaoui trial has now become Flight 93. For the first time in over 4 years they suddenly decide to release the alleged tape of the last minutes of Flight 93. Everything else vanished into a hole in a field but apparently that recording survived. Why not play the last minutes of any of the other three flights? Why not the video of the Pentagon? It seems that never before seen footage of an aircraft actually impacting something would be more effective than a scratchy audio tape that was so hard to hear in the courtroom that they had to subtitle it.

The most interesting comment of the Moussaoui trial was "Under cross-examination by defense attorney Edward B. MacMahon Jr., Fitzgerald [FBI] acknowledged that there was no evidence of any contact between Moussaoui and the hijackers." What? NO EVIDENCE. This trial is a diversion to give the American public the belief that there were hijackers and to further promote Flight 93 as a legend. (4)

I wonder if the trial will end around April 28th when the new Universal film United 93 is released (5)? I imagine so because trial officials were just on TV outside the courthouse saying how accurate it was. The film hasn’t even been released and they have already previewed it to promote it during the trial coverage!

Remember any reconstruction of Flight 93 is purely imagination. It is based on zero physical evidence from the crash site which is only a hole, an alleged cockpit recording that has mysteriously been withheld for over four years, alleged cell phone calls which have never been proven and Dick Cheney’s underground bunker premonition.

I guess if I knew people were starting to learn that buildings don’t fall down by themselves and airplanes don’t disappear into thin air then I would direct everybody’s attention to a place that even photos don’t exist of and appeal to America’s emotions with a story that makes it feel irreverent to continue to examine facts.

Russell Pickering


(1) http://archives.cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/09/11/ar911.king.cheney/index .html

(2) http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/12/27/rumsfeld.flt93

(3) http://pittsburghlive.com/x/tribune-review/trib/regional/s_437477.html

(4) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/03/06/AR2006 030600781.html

(5) http://www.apple.com/trailers/universal/united93

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 10:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cheers Annie!,

Here's a blog questioning the validity of the alleged flight recordings currently making their way round mainstream media from the trial....

http://flyingimam.blogspot.com/2006/04/flight-93-cockpit-recording-is- hoax.html

Flight 93 cockpit recording is a hoax
Thursday, April 13, 2006
I will stick my neck out and declare it a hoax: Jurors in the al-Moussaoui trial were shown alleged cockpit voice recordings of the final stages of the hijacking of United Airlines flight 93. It was played to the court accompanied by a video showing gruesome pictures of charred bodies, so it was intended to stir emotions rather than to provide hard evidence. The defence team's objections to the type of evidence were over-ruled.

It took the authorities a long time to come up with evidence from the flight recorders which they had earlier stated were not recoverable. It seems to me they still did a rather sloppy job when replacing the real recordings with this dramatic production. Here is why:

First of all, Cockpit voice recordings and recordings of air traffic communications are separated, yet in this case they appear together. I only have the transcript to go by since the actual recordings have not been released. I cannot establish from the transcript at what volume certain parts of it appear. It is possible that the crew instead of using headsets would have switched air traffic communications onto the cabin loud speakers so that they would also be audible in the cockpit. It does, however, not explain why we can hear communications from air traffic control and another plane on the frequency, but we cannot hear the communications by flight 93 crew to air traffic control, although those should have been a lot more audible.

According to the transcript air traffic control received a communication that there was a bomb on board, but we do not hear the pilots stating so. Air traffic control ask another plane on the frequency whether this is what they heard and they confirm. This means that the pilots must have stated so on the frequency. Air traffic control could not have gauged this information from the transponder code selected by the pilots as this would not be accessible to the crew of the third plane nor would it be specific. There is a transponder code for hijacking, but not for a bomb on board. Air traffic control could not have taken this information from what the hijackers said either, since to transmit a message to air traffic control the pilot has to press a push-to-talk button and the noise cancelling microphone will not pick up anything from the background.

However, let's assume, unlikely as this is, that they did pick up what the hijackers said according to the transcript, namely: "Ladies and Gentlemen. Here the captain, please sit down keep remaining seating. We have a bomb on board. So sit." Here the script writers for the audio/video presentation made their biggest blunder. According to the script those remarks were made in Arabic. Air traffic could have got them translated, although not instantaneously, and they would have had to figure out what language they were dealing with first, but there is no chance that the crew of Executive Jet 956, the third plane on the frequency, could have understood those remarks.

The script writers made sure that there is plenty of Arabic in the recording to firmly establish the origin of the hijackers. They also add plenty of Bismillahs and Allahu akbars to show that these are Muslim fanatics. With the above quoted remark they have, however, gone over the top by making the translation sound foreign as well. Either they had a very incompetent translator or they weren't sure whether they should script this remark in Arabic or English - "keep remaining seating" sure does not sound like a good translation.

There is a problem with this opening sentence being in Arabic. From the content one would assume that it is addressed to the plane's passengers as it starts with "Ladies and Gentlemen." From the context it is said in the cabin upon first encounter with the captain. You can't talk from the flight deck to the passengers except over the intercom system, so it is unclear who the addressees of these sentences are meant to be. But neither crew nor passengers would have understood Arabic. If the remarks were made in conversation to fellow hijackers then they would hardly begin with "Ladies and Gentlemen" nor would they bother to inform them that they had a bomb on board.

Later in the tape we are treated with some more drama which would suit a Hollywood movie but not the real world of flying. It seems the hijackers discovered that there was a fight in the cabin. To control the situation one of them suggests to cut off the oxygen. What a folly! Breathing at high altitude in modern aircraft is achieved through cabin pressurisation not through the supply of oxygen. You can depressurise the aircraft, of course, but this would be gradual not sudden. And if you did it would affect both the passengers and the crew, so the hijackers would then need oxygen to cope with the thin depressurised air on the flight deck.

But we are made to believe that the hijackers were stupid. They tried to take control of the plane but didn't really know how to fly it. One of them is heard to instruct the other with short commands like "pull it down", "up, down, up, down", "down, push, push, push, push", "hey, give it to me". In the end, I suppose this explains why the flight crashed just like it happens on Microsoft flight simulator when you mess about with a 757. To emphasise the loss of control they suddenly all repeatedly say "Allahu akbar", but not the Shahadah.

Nice try, I say, but there is no doubt in my mind that, once more, we are being taken for a ride.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:52 pm    Post subject: Flight 93 premiere protests Reply with quote

Has anybody seen this trailer for this upcoming film about Flight 93? I assume it will be similar to the recently screened US TV movie (which Kiefer Sutherland narrated). Here is the link to the Channel Four / Film Four site which runs some short little snippets:


Exclusive - United 93
The first big budget Hollywood film to tackle the traumatic events of September 11th from director Paul Greengrass.

I wonder whether the director made any serious investigation into understanding 9/11 as he says on the clip? Perhaps we should contact him? I suspect it will be another whitewash attempt to play up the all-American heroic qualities of the passengers here. However, we should not demean such qualities if they were true. The question to Paul Greengrass surely must be - do you think or even know you have made a work of utter fiction - or do you really believe it all to be true?
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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 10:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


There is another website about this too, which has clips. The UK release date seems to be 1st Sept.


There is also a forum, at which I have signed up and posted.

http://cinemas-online.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?t=45&postdays=0&posto rder=asc&start=0&sid=cdf3ff6b9d3ce8e76d3e251e94174a74


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PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've just joined you on that site Andrew - but under another regular moniker of mine.
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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 11:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I saw your post!

Don't know how busy the thread is, but you never know...


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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 1:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Put my oar in here too
2000+ viewings suggests a pretty good business
It's nice to put it about
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 7:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have posted too this morning on the forum , re. World Trade Center, the upcoming Oliver Stone film.
This is a big opportunity to set the official record of what happened on that shattering day in 2001 straight. For nearly five years the truth has been widely known, but not openly discussed in the media It is potentially too explosive. When the story does break, which it looks like doing soon, the repurcussions on every aspect of how we in the UK and US see our governments are going to be collosal.

I cannot believe that a film-maker of Stone's integrity would put his name to a project that told this story from the POV of a discredited and morally bankrupt government, and thus ensured that the movie would in future years be seen as nothing more than a historical curiosity - a kind of 2006 'Triumph of the Will'.

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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 9:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good stuff guys!

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John White
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Have to hand it to you fellas, thats an awesome dose of info burst there...the forum boss seems quite sympathetic too, so hopefully your efforts will not be gatekeepered...I did a quick check and that site comes right up the top of the list on a google

An interesting peice of info gleaned is that "Flight 93" is angled for a late spetember release...thats a LOT of cinemas to info burst!!!

Co-ordinated effort on premiere day anyone?

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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 7:45 pm    Post subject: Flight 93 Fact Sheet Reply with quote


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ian neal
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:37 am    Post subject: Flight 93 premiere protests Reply with quote

This from Nico Haupt of Team 8

Protest "flight93" movie today in NYC.

Here is why:

1) The movie is based on a myth and lies. 9/11 was an Inside Job.
2) Physical and Investigative Evidence shows clearly, that there was no shutdown or crash in Shanksville.
3) Debris had been planted in Shanksville.
There was also lack of green primer on the debris or was any anything of
ground or grass singed, where the debris had been located.
4) The 2006 cockpit transcript contradicts with the 2002 transcript and the 2001 ATC tape. There are huge discrepancies between what family members heard and Newsweek concluded from reading a transcript
5) The last 3 minutes until the official crash time are still missing
6) The U.S. Government itself orchestrated and penetrated all Sep11th attacks
7) Cell Phones do not work at high altitude, especially in 2001.
Cool The timeline of the alleged cell phone calls has inconsistencies and contradictions, also with the cockpit transcripts.
9) The movie claims falsely that passengers killed two of the alleged suspects.
10) The tail number N591UA of the official Flight93 was noticed during April 2003 on a flight to LA
11) The cockpit recorder, built by Honeywell, had missing front parts.
There should be 25 HOURS of flight data information, complete with timestamps, but this info was never released. In the original ATC audio tape the pilot is recorded twice within 40 seconds, while the transcript suggests, it took 8 (!) minutes until he was able to talk again.
12) The original ATC tape suggests, that the pilot was part of a bomb terror drill crew. His script "they have met our demands" was later changed into "WE have OUR demands".
13) The bio of some of the passengers is linked with military-, government and high tech companies. Two of the passengers worked for CENSUS Bureau. The reason of their trip was not disclosed.
14) The pilot must have spoken in english, as also heard on the ATC tape.
Air traffic Controllers otherwise could have not got them translated. Therefore the claim, that arab speaking passengers had been in the cockpit, is a bold lie.
15) The credibility of the film crew of the "United93" movie is under strong dispute, since even their actor Lewis Alsamari has been denied entry to the US to attend the premiere.

more info also at

First 9/11 movie premieres in New York

Tuesday April 25, 2006

The Tribeca film festival, Robert De Niro's New York
movie bash, is opening this evening in a blaze of
headlines with the premiere of the 9/11 film United 93...
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Loose Change crew were going to confront Paul Greengrass last night.

Wonder how they got on?

http://loosechange911.blogspot.com/2006/04/oh-paul-greengrass-say-it-t o-my-face.html

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maybe when Flight 93 hits the cinemas here we can use the event as an opportunity for some creative 911 truth campaigning.

Loose change 2 as a trailer to the film that would be marvellous!!!!!

Standing outside the cinemas and handing out 911 and 7/7 leaflets with sources of referencce and the dvds!

A leaflet questioning the establishment backed Flight 93 film as outlined by Ian

Happy 911 truth creating & campaigning


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Garrett Cooke
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I see this as a significant opportunity to get our message out. People going to see the film should certainly be receptive to information about the true events - I would be.

I suggest that we want to produce a concise leaflet giving clear facts about what real evidence there is. There is a significant problem in that within Nico's set of points there are some which are based more on cojecture than others. For example should we state that Flight 93 may have been shot down (as suggested by Griffin) of that it landed in Cleveland (see articles by Woody Box) and that the very plane has been seen subsequently - as pointed out by Nico. Both of these cannot be true but which one of these stories is/are disinfo and which one is (most likely) the truth? I am sure you see where I am coming from; we want to present a factual leaflet to punters but without the confusion of giving alternate stories with a balanace of probabilities and evidence here and evidence there etc. What is the concensus on the best approach?

My answer is to produce a leaflet containing a set of generally accepted facts with emphasis on where the film contradicts these facts and is hence a piece of (highly disingenuous) fiction.

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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Such a leaflet already exists, I think - from reputable source, though it is critical of some things....

See this thread

http://www.nineeleven.co.uk/board/viewtopic.php?t=1521&highlight=unite d

And this:


I am going to send a letter and probably a DVD to the managers of all UCI/Odeon and Showcase cinemas. I attach a list of addresses in an MS-Word document, ready for envelope printing.

I will post my letter here or the other thread.

Addresses of all UK Showcase + UCI Odeon Cinemas

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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


http://cinemas-online.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?t=45&postdays=0&posto rder=asc&start=0&sid=cdf3ff6b9d3ce8e76d3e251e94174a74

I thought they'd deleted all our posts. I pm'd this to the moderator:


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am very disappointed, but not surprised, to see that you have deleted our posts.

Whilst I can partly accept your reasoning for doing this, may I suggest the following:

1) I can appreciate this is an "entertainment" type forum.
2) Flight 93 has been released in the states as some kind of "entertainment film".
3) Significant elements of the story of Flight 93, as shown in the film are provably false (for example, debris was scattered over an 8 mile radius - which is what happens when planes explode in mid-air, not when they crash into the ground).

Do you think it is right, then, for entertainment purposes, to promote a film whose story is supposedly one of heroism, but is actually based on lies?

I am a member of ST911.ORG - Scholar's For 9-11 Truth. I tutor part time for the Open University, amongst other things, and obtained a degree in Computer Science and Physics. I therefore am not really interested in "Conspiracy Theories". I am interested in evidence and facts - as are the other 200+ Members of 9/11 - some of whom have written academic papers and articles about the subject (several are available on our website www.st911.org).

Now, I know your board is relatively small, but we are simply trying to get information out to people.

Sadly, due to people refusing to look at the evidence, we are (effectively) labelled, gagged and censored and so have to be resourceful in trying to get the information out.

I am now threatening the BBC with legal action for being in breach of their charter. You can read something about this on our forum:

http://www.nineeleven.co.uk/board/viewtopic.php?t=1220&highlight=bbc+b oaden

I hope that when you are watching Flight 93 (if you do so), you will think about what I have written and begin to check the evidence for yourself.

If you do, and get to find out the significance of it, you may well found yourself also trying to get the information out to people. Time is short.

Also I will be mailing the managers of all UK multiplex cinemas (42 that I've found so far) with information about Flight 93 and our campaign.

Thanks for reading,

Andrew Johnson

He then replied and said he'd moved them here:


He has posted some questions, some of which I have responded to.


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sky news gave the protest outside the premier some publicity last night, they even featured an interview with Korey but axed it after he said the film was based on the fake 911Commission report. Korey is the kid on the extras of LC2 confronting that copper at Ground Zero, or it could have been Jason...

http://loosechange911.blogspot.com/2006/04/rainstorm-punctuation-to-ou tstanding.html
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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This story says the opening date is June 2nd - which seems more likely (Sept is a long way off).



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PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

These guys...Rowe, Avery etc. are absolute heroes. Awesome. So much of 9/11 progress is down to them.
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Garrett Cooke
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Thank you for the link to the Flight 93 leaflet. Unfortunately this leaflet shows exactly the problem that I am referring to. It clearly advocates the 'shoot down' theory and suggests that theories that Flight 93 landed at Cleveland are a hoax.

Specifically it suggests that:

A hoax theory that Flight 93 did not even crash in
Pennsylvania is advanced by certain websites, books, and
videos (i.e., Team8+, ’9/11 Revealed’, ’Loose Change’).
Promoters make one or more of these false claims:

1.There was no plane wreckage at the alleged crash site.
2. Flight 93 landed and deboarded in Cleveland.
3. The cell phone calls from Flight 93 were faked.

Claim 1 exploits the counterintuitive tendency of
high-speed crashes to reduce planes to small rubble. In
fact, the remains of Flight 93 were recovered from the
crater produced by the plane’s plunge into the soft landfill.

Claim 2 was created from an erroneous news report stating
that Flight 93 landed in Cleveland, and embellished with a
fantastic scenario of passengers being herded into an
empty NASA research building and disappeared.

Claim 3 is based on the dubious theory that cell phones
don’t work above 10,000 feet. Even if true, it would not
make the calls from Flight 93 suspect, since the plane may
have been below 10,000 feet when the calls were made.

Ok this may be the case....but:

1) I don't buy the counterintuitive tendency; and look at http://webfairy.org/93/index.htm

2) So all the Woody Box articles are disinfo? e.g. http://inn.globalfreepress.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=323

3) And A.K. Dewdney Project Achilles is in error? http://www.physics911.net/projectachilles.htm

And to quote from Holmgren (who I always think of as reputable)http://www.911closeup.com/index.shtml?ID=50:
Although official aviation records confirm that UA 93 and UA 175 did
exist, they also indicate that the planes never crashed. On the date that this
compilation was last updated (April 3 2004), both aircraft were still registered as valid.

This might be naive but it seems to me the 'ok we did shoot it down.. but it was as a last resort' option could be justified as a fall back from the 'official' story. So this returns to my central question what is most likely the truth and what is disinfo and how do we sensibly inform the public going to see this film?

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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Yes, I generally agree with you - I was a bit surprised at the tone of some of the comments in that leaflet.

I think most people would agree that the story of Flight 93 is perhaps even more confusing than what happened at the pentagon, and that leaflet is probably overly critical of certain aspects of evidence - I too was a bit surprised when I read the statement about cellphone calls.

I used to work with GSM technology more closely than I do know and the system is only rated to work at speeds of up to about 144 MPH (I believe this is due to Doppler effects with the radio signalling). I believe the US phones use CDMA technology, which apparently only works well up to about 75mph! This is a factor which is often overlooked in the cellphone technology discussion. Also, Dewdney's Cessna tests may not have gone much over 75mph possibly (I believe they can fly as slow as 60mph off the top of my head - not that they regularly fly off the top of my head, you understand....)


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This from the Let's roll forum


LetsRoll911.org Article - Flight 93 Shot Down

LetsRoll911.org has discovered that Fight 93 was definitely shot down.
LetsRoll has discovered the name of the pilot as well as all other pertinent information regarding this incident;

"At precisely 0938 hours, an alarm was sounded at Langely Air Force Base, and those whom were on call, drinking coffee, were scrambled. Thus the 119th Fighter Wing was off for an intercept.

They, the Happy Hooligans, a unit of 3 F-16 aircraft, were ordered to head toward Pennsylvania. At 0957 they spotted their target; After confirmation orders were received, A one Major Rick Gibney fired two sidewinder missiles at the aircraft and destroyed it in mid flight at precisely 0958;
He was awarded a medal from the Governor one year later for his heroic actions. As well as Decorated by Congress on 9/13/2001. The Happy Hooligans were previously stationed in North Dakota, and moved to Langley Air Force base some months before 911 occured on a "Temporary assignment."

Rick Gibney - 119th Fighter Wing - Happy Hooligans

Rick Gibney, as identified on http://www.f16viper.org

His picture and unit is the last picture to load on the bottom right at this link, with their names in the caption, Rick Gibney being the 4th from the left.


Major Rick Gibney did as he was ordered and did nothing criminal. He was merely following orders, of which he had no choice. Please do not harrass this man or bother him for doing what his CO & ultimately George Bush, ordered him to do. Major Rick Gibney has no reason to feel guilty nor regret following orders. The fault lies with his superiors, and a one, certain President George Bush who planned and engineered 911. Please do not heap any kind of abuse onto this man, a crack fighter pilot, one of the best in our nation, for doing what he was trained and ordered to do. He is a good man, honest and full of Integrity as well as unlimited discipline. He is a patriot, and was lied to and deceived.

He had no way to know that this plane wasn't a 'hostile.' Nor could he have. The fault lies with his superiors, and President George 'Dubya' Bush.

Flight 93 has now been forever solved by truth, and honest reporting and investigating, from letsroll911.org!

Major Rick Gibney, please do not read this as anything but the truth that the world deserves to know as true history. You played a part, but it was your superiors who deceived both you and everyone else regarding Flight 93. I didn't relish printing your name, as your innocent of any evil doing. yet it's history, and truth, and the world deserves to know.

And your safer now that this truth is out there, than if it was not.
But the world would appreciatte an honest reply and statement from you on this issue, but only when your able and ready.

The source of this information Mr. Gibney was very careful to point out your high quality of charachter and lack of malice or malfeasance in these issues. Your integrity is no way harmed by these revelations, as you were ignorant of the total picture of what was happening that day, and following orders as you were trained to do in an emergency.

I apologize for having to print your name, but felt it neccessary for both the truth to come forward, and your own safety.

Major Rick Gibney..."Lets Roll"

Time to let the truth out and the perps hang. If this means a coup then so be it. As long as the coup is meant to restore the constitution which was shredded like toilet paper on a bums ass by George W. Bush.

It is ironic that it was this website, "LetsRoll911.org" which brought this story to light and broke the news. After all we hijacked our name from those who stole it (Busch & Co), from those who were 'alleged' to have tried to regain the aircraft from the 'alleged hijackers, which didn't exist, and are not even listed on the Official flight manifests. Thus it is both fitting, and Ironic that it was "LetsRoll911.org" which broke this news of Flight 93's final moments, The Shoot Down of Flight 93. And all in order to awaken people on the Internet, not to endless questions and debate, and bickering over the finer details, but to action to take back our hijacked government, for the time is short, and the days are evil. Those who did such a thing on 911, have gotten away with it for almost 3 years now, and those who get away with such things, always do them again. So watch the 'Homeland Security' warning system for the masses, as after all, aren't they the ones who best know when 'they' are going to strike again? It certainly is no coincidence that Tom Ridge was Governor of the State of Pennslyvania, where flight 93 was shot down by the Happy Hooligans, and then immedietly made to be the "Czar of Homeland Security."

"Lets Roll Major Rick!"

"We have Domestic Enemies responsible for 911, and we need to find them all."

Correction: I made an error and used the name of Jim Gibney instead of Rick Gibney. My apologies for the error. Lets Roll Major Rick!

Discuss this at the LetsRoll911.org Forums - Click Here

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:45 am    Post subject: FLIGHT 93 Film - Forums.... Outnumbered Reply with quote

The films forum has more activists on it than non-activists.... roll on 911Truth!

Check it out here:

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John White
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We apologize for the removal of the message boards - due to technical difficulties all previous threads have been inadvertantly deleted. We invite you to renew your dialog and discuss your thoughts on the film.


Get back in there and give 'em hell!

Sad buggers think its only a bit of spam and this sleight of hand will get them back control

Make 'em pay

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

John White wrote:
We apologize for the removal of the message boards - due to technical difficulties all previous threads have been inadvertantly deleted. We invite you to renew your dialog and discuss your thoughts on the film.


Get back in there and give 'em hell!

Sad buggers think its only a bit of spam and this sleight of hand will get them back control

Make 'em pay

Heheh too right John,

The forum is like a beacon for the disenfranchised truthers everywhere. I'd like to be a fly on the wall listening to the conversation of the buggers running the site.

Roll on!...
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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 1:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I signed up and posted this:

I am not a conspiracy theorist. However, I do think the movie is based on a story about which not enough research was done.

I am a member of a group of 200+ scholars - including Professors, Doctors and decorated former heads of US defence programmes:

Please look at the information on our website.


I would advise anyone who has an open mind to follow the link. Join some of them in Chicago in June at the conference 2-4 June 2006
"9/11: Revealing the Truth - Reclaiming Our Future"
An International Education and Strategy Conference
Embassy Suites Hotel Chicago-O'Hare Rosemont, IL
Sponsored by 911truth.org and www.mujca.com

It's time we sorted this all out and bring the true criminals to account.

We can only do this by starting to look at the real evidence.

Question: Why has Jimmy Walter spent $6 million on revealing the 9/11 evidence to everyone? Visit www.reopen911.org to get FREE DVDs - watch them - then you might find out why.



Ask the Tough Questions, Folks!
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The standard of discussion on there is practically zilch, largely because people will not seriously engage with the arguments. Those that do have explanations which are just about credible enough to prevent them from going any further with their research. I find that I have so much information going round in my head that it's difficult to know what to focus on in a discussion. The thing is that until someone can see the thing as a whole it is possible to be convinced that there is nothing in the "conspiracy theories". This phrase too is now so widespread as an insult that it's incredibly difficult to get beyond it. I think we need to think seriously about more imaginative ways of communicating. That said, this forum is mostly an oasis of sanity.
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The trouble is that most cinemas are multiplexes nowadays, so it's difficult to target those cinema-goers who've actually gone to see that film.
The target of any protest would have to be at the Cineworld or Odeon or whatever that was screening the film, for showing a dissembling movie, and literature handed out would need to address this issue for the probable majority of the punters who've gone to see something completely different
Still, a good excuse or reason to reach a wider audience.
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prole art threat
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the link. Ive been avin' it large on that forum. Very Happy
'Maybe if I can show some lurking kids that this is all a pack of lies, then maybe I can make a difference. I don't plan on converting any of you because you're all mad.'
-Johnny Pixels
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