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Dr Greg Jenkins’ Directed Debunking Energy & Prof Judy W
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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:34 pm    Post subject: Dr Greg Jenkins’ Directed Debunking Energy & Prof Judy W Reply with quote

Dr Greg Jenkins’ “Directed Debunking Energy” and Prof Judy Wood

Scholarly Questions and Inquiry, or Badgering, Misrepresentation and Harassment?

Andrew Johnson, March 1st 2007

Limited Hangouts

Recently, I wrote how I thought, based on some personal experiences as well as other recent events, aspects of the 9/11 Truth Movement had been hijacked by groups of people connected with the perpetrators of the 9/11 Crimes. The purpose of this hijacking seems to be to encourage a “limited hangout” position about what really happened on that date, which would keep certain groups or interests “off the radar screen” of criminal prosecution and possibly just single out current members of the “Neocon Clan” and the Bush Administration to bear the brunt of prosecution. For example, some people are unwilling to consider how elements on the Clinton Administration must also have been complicit in setting up aspects of the 9/11 Black Operation. Additionally, people who financially benefited such as “lucky” Larry Silverstein remain at the edges of perception as being one of a group of people who should be prosecuted for criminal activity prior to and following 9/11.

I also wrote about pernicious debunking and personal attacks, which whilst people like Prof Steve Jones claim to be a victim of, the evidence suggests that people like Prof Judy Wood have ended up in a rather worse situation, with the mysterious death of one of her students and the loss of her job. As a result of an event in January 2007, it seems that, once again, she has been placed directly in the firing line of 9/11 research – Dr Greg Jenkins set up an ambush interview, in a side room at the National Press Club, Washington DC.

The Interview Setup

There are quite a few facts that need to be taken into account, and some questions that need to be considered, before the video can be fairly reviewed.

Why did Greg Jenkins plan this interview without telling anyone who knows Judy? Why did he bring at least two professional video cameras, recording equipment, special lighting, and a camera crew to the National Press Club that evening and not attend Jim Fetzer's presentation? Jim Fetzer was giving a presentation to discuss the data presented by Profs Wood and Reynolds, but Greg Jenkins and crew did not attend Jim Fetzer's talk, nor did they ask any questions following the talk itself.

Jenkins and/or his group tried to talk Judy out of going to the restroom, saying the "interview" would only take 2-3 minutes. But, Judy felt she couldn't wait. She saw the cameras for the first time after she came back from the restroom.

Judy insisted on switching seats with Greg Jenkins because there were other people in the room who were watching the interview and Judy did not wish to be forced to sit with her back to them, as she thought they may ask questions too, which would then have involved her looking around and behind her. The people helping Jenkins felt they needed to change the lighting and camera positions. As you can see in the video, Jenkins is well lit and Judy is half in shadow for most (if not all) of the interview.

They set up their "ambush" two rooms away, out of sight of the Fetzer presentation – it is not clear how they got access to these rooms as the doors seem to have been locked before they were there. How did Jenkins know Judy would be there - who told him? Judy did not make a presentation on that day – she had attended to support Jim Fetzer. She was a member of the audience on her way to the rest room when they asked her to answer the questions. And why did Jenkins keep his plans of this "surprise interview" a secret? Why did Greg Jenkins present his ambush interview as if Judy were the invited speaker at the National Press Club?

Judy had no idea she was going to be interviewed, much less filmed. But, she did agree to sit down for one or two questions, on the condition that no permission would be granted until she had authorized the final product. Jenkins did not obtain a notarized signature and no preview was ever offered by him or anyone connected to him before he posted the video on Google, though he had agreed to do so, sharing an email and phone number.  But, both the number and the email address turned out to be fraudulent. (In any case, it was surely up to Jenkins to be polite and contact Judy, who was the subject of the interview. He did not do this.)

The Video Itself

Much of the discussion in the video centres round a picture which Judy is shown of debris falling from the tower. Indeed, most of the first 2 minutes of the video is taken up with developing an acute focus on this issue. Even if one concludes Judy is incorrect about the exact nature and movement of this debris (which cannot be accurately concluded from the video interview alone), it must be realised that this is not the only point of data that Judy is concerned with. (She also discusses lack of damage to the Bathtub, subway trains and sub-basement mall stores. She discusses the highly anomalous “toasted cars”, seismic data and small debris piles.)

Jenkins homes in on the “falling debris” issue without really addressing the subtlety of what Judy is saying. He tries to get her to say “no debris is falling” – in essence, what she is really saying is that the debris that is falling is largely dust, not large steel girders and slabs of concrete. She points out the very fine nature of the dust, Jenkins reacts by adopting a number of blank and confused and sheepish looks, and the discussion essentially goes nowhere. The photos of a “carpet of dust”, with unburned paper mixed in, essentially highlight Judy’s point, but Jenkins skirts around the issue by continually focusing attention on a single photograph and not allowing or encouraging discussion of the other related evidence. Judy also questions the use of the word “collapse” and Jenkins does not really explore this proposition thoroughly. A simple building collapse, again, would not cause ankle-deep layers of fine dust and even finer dust which spread into the upper atmosphere. Readers who think Judy might be wrong about the nature of the debris should consider these pictures [1] [2] [3]. Is ALL the debris falling? Is the airborne debris ALL smoke? Does it look to be the right colour for smoke (i.e. is it the same colour as that seen near the flames from the towers)? Looking at the vertical in the picture below, and the people climbing down into the basement of WTC 2, the question has to be asked – where did the rest of the building go?


The Image Judy Wood was shown

It must also be noted that Judy was not shown an identical image to the one that Greg Jenkins inserted into the video he posted. Judy was shown a low-quality black and white "snowball" photo, while the photo flashed up in the video was in color and possibly of higher resolution. The labelling shown on the color image inserted in the video also does not seem to be present on the black and white printed version – a further difference. This is perhaps why Judy said, "I can't see that without a magnifying glass" and then commented that she could not see "pennies falling" because the resolution was not up to the job. (Also see comments above.) Additionally, Judy has described how she thought the black and white picture might have been photoshopped. You'll notice at the end that Jenkins insisted on taking back the sheet with the image on it.

The tactics seem to be, here, to get people to react to “eye-rolling” and theatrics (with Jenkins playing the “interested scientist” who just needs things “explaining to him”). In reality, all that anyone, including Jenkins, has to do – and all that Judy Wood wants them to do - is look at the data.

The End of the Interview

At the end of the interview, on the one hand Jenkins is apparently polite - thanking Judy for her time in answering the questions. Someone then asks him (off camera) a question along the lines of “what interests are you protecting?” Jenkins answers “I am not protecting any interests, I was just trying to find out what kind of Scientific basis this was in – and um, I think I found out.” So, rather than a detailed review of the data and the anomalous aspects of it, Jenkins resorts to a rather sarcastic remark, inferring that what Judy said is “silly” or has no validity.

This "ambush interview" was suddenly stopped because security guards came to escort Greg Jenkins and crew out of the building - he probably didn't want that recorded. Jenkins and his helpers were not authorized to be there and were trespassing. They had not rented a room in accord with NPC rules. The security guard's voice can only just be heard in the version Jenkins used.

Tactics and Techniques

There are no links shown in Jenkins’ video to Judy’s actual paper. However, a statement that Judy made as a retort, tinged with sarcasm, is posted in a separate caption in the video (someone has clearly taken the time to do this). This is psychology and debunking, not scholarly analysis of facts, evidence and data.

If Prof Wood had refused the interview, no doubt that fact would have been plastered on various message boards as evidence that she was avoiding questions (but it seems that people are more reluctant to say this sort of thing about other 9/11 researchers than Prof Wood).

Some  people who have watched the video think that Judy Wood is dodging questions, or not answering them well. I would suggest that this is exactly the impression the video was set up to give. Additionally, techniques have been used to suggest that Prof Wood’s view should not be taken seriously – an off the cuff remark she made about “pennies falling” is used as the theme for the closing “song”. This isn’t a scientific analysis or discussion – it’s a piece intended to ridicule Prof Wood and divert attention from the data.

If Jenkins had been so unhappy with Judy’s explanations and he had been genuinely interested in exploring the hypothesis, he could have requested another interview, under more suitable circumstances, rather than posting what he had.

A “Scientific” Method?

If anyone thinks that an ambush video, conducted close to midnight and posted on the internet, without final agreement of the person concerned, is a valid usage of the “Scientific Method”, then there may be wider range of data available for usage in Scientific Papers and peer review than has been in general usage up to now. (Also, the interview was conducted by people who trespassed within private property. The time stamp on a still picture of Judy's group with Judy's camera shows a date of January 11, so - it probably was after midnight.)

This video is included in a link in Greg Jenkins’ paper entitled  “The Overwhelming Implausibility of Using Directed Energy Beams to Demolish the World Trade Center Towers” on Steve Jones’ Journal of 9/11 Studies. The title of this paper is already loaded, and suggests a conclusion to the reader before it has even discussed any of the data. This is not a Scholarly or Scientific approach to the problem. Perhaps a title of “Could Directed Energy Weapons have been used to Demolish the World Trade Center Towers?” would have been less loaded. The video and paper seem to have been posted on the internet within 3 weeks of the Ambush interview. In any case, Prof Wood has repeatedly stated the Beam Weapon paper is not yet finished.

In Part 1 of his paper, Dr Jenkins states (about the debris) “This means that, within error, all of the debris in the WTC complex can be accounted for within the sublevel collapses.” If this statement is correct, then how did the goods in the Mall Stores survive? How is it that the subway station has only a relatively small amount of debris and the train is not badly crushed and damaged? If the sub levels were indeed filled with debris as Jenkins suggests, then how can rescue workers have been walking around in the sub-basement levels so easily? Also, why does the reference for the data Jenkins has used come from The New York Times and not some more directly scholarly or scientific work from FEMA or NIST or the EPA? (Prof Steve Jones also repeatedly referenced the New York Times when discussing damage to the Bathtub). The New York Times does not seem to be a publication which has an accurate track record in publishing facts about what happened on 9/11.

Additionally (as of Mar 02 2007), though there is a link in this paper to Judy’s homepage (http://janedoe0911.tripod.com) and there is a link to a critique of Steve Jones, there is no direct link to the Beam Weapon pages themselves. Why?

A look at the Letters Section on Journal of 9/11 Studies (as of 02 Mar 07) shows 3 articles specifically about the Beam Weapon hypothesis (in addition to the one above) and then another which describes Judy Wood’s discussion of molten aluminium as “disinformation”. If the hard evidence Judy is presenting is nonsense, why is so much time and energy being spent in attacking it?


It seems that Judy's only mistake was to agree to answer a few questions. It was a "failure" based on Judy's honesty and sincerity, trust in a fellow human being to do right by her, as well as from not having any sleep for almost 48 hours. Judy has no "campaign manager" like Karl Rove. If it wasn’t for the media blackout on 9/11 Truth, there is a likelihood she would have been attacked or smeared on the mainstream media – as it is, the alternative media have been used in a similar fashion and willing bloggers seem happy to add their own smearing into the mix.

Perhaps as supporters of Judy Wood, we should organise a team to operate 2 cameras and lighting, and in secret, ambush interview Dr Greg Jenkins at a conference where he was a member of the audience. Perhaps we might ask him as to the nature of the source of funding he has received from projects funded by the NSA. Now there’s an interview I would like to see posted on google video. Do you think he’d consent to the interview under those terms, and then graciously give permission for it to be posted, without approving the “final cut”?

Further comments about the interview can be found here. From this selection, I found this comment to be one of the most pertinent.

So, the DEW theory has a huge uphill climb in order to be perceived for what it is; namely: A clear, direct, frontal confrontation on whether or not the USA is a free republic or an entity being run by secret forces having the general label of Military-Industrial-Complex? That is the underlying question that DEW theory presents and very few people want to deal with it. Small wonder the reaction to it is so visceral. So, challenges to DEW are primed to be successful based on an "anything but that" predilection among people of all persuasions, even among what might be called plain-vanilla truthers.

I hope 9/11 Truthers – and everyone else - will consider these thoughts, ideas and data in a fair and balanced manner.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As a mod you should know this is the wrong section for this!!!

You're fighting a losing battle with this one Andrew. Irrespective of her being 'ambushed' she deserved to be after her attacks on S Jones and her lack of any proof. This video highlighted how dubious her claims are, especially her complete lack of being able to explain her position coherently.

Does it look to be the right colour for smoke (i.e. is it the same colour as that seen near the flames from the towers)?

Would smoke not be less dense the more it rises?

"We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” Martin Luther King
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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

andyb wrote:
As a mod you should know this is the wrong section for this!!!

Ah - I will move it, for fairness sake. [Have moved it now.]


You're fighting a losing battle with this one Andrew. Irrespective of her being 'ambushed' she deserved to be after her attacks on S Jones and her lack of any proof. This video highlighted how dubious her claims are, especially her complete lack of being able to explain her position coherently.

Sorry, you are not in a good position to comment about this. I have corresponded repeatedly with Prof's Wood and Reynolds. If you read my other article, you will see I have corresponded with Steve Jones and others too. They can't answer the questions Andy - and, neither can you.

You, by your remarks in your post are engaging in exactly the sort of empty debunking about which I wrote.

Do you agree with tactics of ambush interviews, trespassing on private property and posting the results of this action without approval?

Do you agree the New York Times is a reliable source to quote in a Scientific Paper? There are plenty of other questions too. I would suggest you look at the evidence before posting baseless remarks.


Ask the Tough Questions, Folks!
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 7:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:31 am    Post subject: Re: Dr Greg Jenkins’ Directed Debunking Energy & Prof Ju Reply with quote

Andrew Johnson wrote:
[html]<p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><b><font size="3" face="Arial">Dr Greg Jenkins’ “Directed Debunking Energy” and Prof Judy Wood</font></b></p>
<p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><b>Scholarly Questions and Inquiry, or Badgering, Misrepresentation and Harassment?</b></p>
<p align="center"><a href="mailto:ad.johnson@ntlworld.com">Andrew Johnson</a>, March 1<sup>st</sup> 2007</p>
<p><b>Limited Hangouts</b></p>
<p>Recently, I wrote how I thought, based on some personal experiences as well as other recent events, <a href="http://www.checktheevidence.com/911/TheNew9-11Hijackers.htm">asp ects of the 9/11 Truth Movement had been hijacked</a> by groups of people connected with the perpetrators of the 9/11 Crimes. The purpose of this hijacking seems to be to encourage a “limited hangout” position about what really happened on that date, which would keep certain groups or interests “off the radar screen” of criminal prosecution and possibly just single out current members of the “Neocon Clan” and the Bush Administration to bear the brunt of prosecution. For example, some people are unwilling to consider how elements on the Clinton Administration must also have been complicit in setting up aspects of the 9/11 Black Operation. Additionally, people who financially benefited such as “lucky” Larry Silverstein remain at the edges of perception as being one of a group of people who should be prosecuted for criminal activity prior to and following 9/11.</p>

Andrew, your ‘limited hangout’ is merely another conspiracy theory. At this stage of the campaign, we do not know (though others with sufficient political sophistication may) how far or how deep the plot goes – and we may never know. What is important is to start somewhere. Nobody imagines for a moment that Bushco is wholly responsible (or maybe a few do), but they are still a conduit to the next level, and a route for working up through the food chain as far as can be achieved. If a bit player like Silverstein were prosecutable, he too would be a first step (though I wouldn’t bet on his life expectancy being too high in those circumstances). Waiting possibly years until the whole extent of the September criminal network is known would be foolish, imho.

Andrew Johnson wrote:
<p>I also wrote about pernicious debunking and personal attacks, which whilst people like Prof Steve Jones claim to be a victim of, the evidence suggests that people like Prof Judy Wood have ended up in a rather worse situation, with the mysterious death of one of her students and the loss of her job. As a result of an event in January 2007, it seems that, once again, she has been placed directly in the firing line of 9/11 research – <a href="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-558096240694803017">Dr Greg Jenkins set up an ambush interview, in a side room at the National Press Club, Washington DC</a>.</p>

Has it ever occurred to you that the beam hypothesis may be because of the threats made indirectly against Dr Wood and the suspicious death of her student? By all means explore such a theory in private, but as with the No Planes, TV fakery and hologram theories, going public with no corroboration is not only foolish but damaging. We all suffer by association, because without evidence that can be directly demonstrated and readily understood by the general public, the campaign may as well blame ‘transdimentional dragons’ in terms of popular credibility.

Also, the low ambient light level necessary to perceive the glow of unoxidised molten aluminium - as opposed to the full daylight conditions of the flow that alerted Jones to the possibility of thermite being employed – hardly seems a discovery of much consequence let alone worthy of a hitman's attention. And don’t forget Jones was also relieved of his job at BYU. Incidentally without wishing to be trivial, recalling your previous statement some weeks ago, if you believe the STJ911.org website to be ‘lavish’, you really need to get out more.

Andrew Johnson wrote:

<p><b>The Interview Setup</b></p>
<p>There are quite a few facts that need to be taken into account, and some questions that need to be considered, before the video can be fairly reviewed.</p>
<p>Why did Greg Jenkins plan this interview without telling anyone who knows Judy? Why did he bring at least two professional video cameras, recording equipment, special lighting, and a camera crew to the National Press Club that evening and not attend Jim Fetzer's presentation? Jim Fetzer was giving a presentation to discuss the data presented by Profs Wood and Reynolds, but Greg Jenkins and crew did not attend Jim Fetzer's talk, nor did they ask any questions following the talk itself.</p>
<p>Jenkins and/or his group tried to talk Judy out of going to the restroom, saying the &quot;interview&quot; would only take 2-3 minutes. But, Judy felt she couldn't wait. She saw the cameras for the first time after she came back from the restroom. </p>
<p>Judy insisted on switching seats with Greg Jenkins because there were other people in the room who were watching the interview and Judy did not wish to be forced to sit with her back to them, as she thought they may ask questions too, which would then have involved her looking around and behind her. The people helping Jenkins felt they needed to change the lighting and camera positions. As you can see in the video, Jenkins is well lit and Judy is half in shadow for most (if not all) of the interview.</p>
<p>They set up their &quot;ambush&quot; two rooms away, out of sight of the Fetzer presentation – it is not clear how they got access to these rooms as the doors seem to have been locked before they were there. How did Jenkins know Judy would be there - who told him? Judy did not make a presentation on that day – she had attended to support Jim Fetzer. She was a member of the audience on her way to the rest room when they asked her to answer the questions. And why did Jenkins keep his plans of this &quot;surprise interview&quot; a secret? Why did Greg Jenkins present his ambush interview as if Judy were the invited speaker at the National Press Club?</p>
<p>Judy had no idea she was going to be interviewed, much less filmed. But, she did agree to sit down for one or two questions, on the condition that no permission would be granted until she had authorized the final product. Jenkins did not obtain a notarized signature and no preview was ever offered by him or anyone connected to him before he posted the video on Google, though he had agreed to do so, sharing an email and phone number.  But, both the number and the email address turned out to be fraudulent. (In any case, it was surely up to Jenkins to be polite and contact Judy, who was the subject of the interview. He did not do this.)

While your objections are noted, in actuality this was no different, and conducted in a more polite manner, than doorstepping – a technique which investigators have long used. You or I might not take to kindly to it happening to us or even approve of it, but it’s part of the territory that comes with a public profile. Isn’t there a quote somewhere about it being how you conduct yourself during adversity that counts? With regard to the relevance of the earlier presentation by Jim Fetzer, why ask the monkey when you can ask the organ grinder? It’s not Fetzer’s theory, and neither is he a scientist.

Andrew Johnson wrote:

<p><b>The Video Itself</b></p>
<p>Much of the discussion in the video centres round a picture which Judy is shown of debris falling from the tower. Indeed, most of the first 2 minutes of the video is taken up with developing an acute focus on this issue. Even if one concludes Judy is incorrect about the exact nature and movement of this debris (which cannot be accurately concluded from the video interview alone), it must be realised that this is not the only point of data that Judy is concerned with. (She also discusses lack of damage to the Bathtub, subway trains and sub-basement mall stores. She discusses the highly anomalous “toasted cars”, seismic data and small debris piles.)</p>
<p>Jenkins homes in on the “falling debris” issue without really addressing the subtlety of what Judy is saying. He tries to get her to say “no debris is falling” – in essence, what she is really saying is that the debris that is falling is largely <em>dust</em>, not large steel girders and slabs of concrete. She points out the very fine nature of the dust, Jenkins reacts by adopting a number of blank and confused and sheepish looks, and the discussion essentially goes nowhere. The photos of a “carpet of dust”, with unburned paper mixed in, essentially highlight Judy’s point, but Jenkins skirts around the issue by continually focusing attention on a single photograph and not allowing or encouraging discussion of the other related evidence. Judy also questions the use of the word “collapse” and Jenkins does not really explore this proposition thoroughly. A simple building collapse, again, would not cause ankle-deep layers of fine dust and even finer dust which spread into the upper atmosphere. Readers who think Judy might be wrong about the nature of the debris should consider these pictures [<a href="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/ARG/aha/COLLAP SE10_2D.jpg?t=1173082808">1</a>] [<a href="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/ARG/Image122.j pg?t=1173082676">2</a>] [<a href="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/ARG/Image254.j pg?t=1173082142">3</a>]. Is ALL the debris falling? Is the airborne debris ALL smoke? Does it look to be the right colour for smoke (i.e. is it the same colour as that seen near the flames from the towers)? Looking at the vertical in the picture below, and the people climbing down into the basement of WTC 2, the question has to be asked – where did the rest of the building go?</p>
<table border="1" width="70%">
<td width="50%">
<p align="center"><img border="0" src="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/ARG/Image300.jp g" width="452" height="317"></td></tr><tr>
<td width="50%">
<p align="center"><img border="0" src="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/ARG/GZ/010913_5 316.jpg" width="482" height="316"></td>
<p><b>The Image Judy Wood was shown</b></p>
<p>It must also be noted that Judy was not shown an identical image to the one that Greg Jenkins inserted into the video he posted. Judy was shown a low-quality black and white &quot;snowball&quot; photo, while the photo flashed up in the video was in color and possibly of higher resolution. The labelling shown on the color image inserted in the video also does not seem to be present on the black and white printed version – a further difference. This is perhaps why Judy said, &quot;I can't see that without a magnifying glass&quot; and then commented that she could not see &quot;pennies falling&quot; because the resolution was not up to the job. (Also see comments above.) Additionally, Judy has described how she thought the black and white picture might have been photoshopped. You'll notice at the end that Jenkins insisted on taking back the sheet with the image on it.</p>
<p>The tactics seem to be, here, to get people to react to “eye-rolling” and theatrics (with Jenkins playing the “interested scientist” who just needs things “explaining to him”). In reality, all that anyone, including Jenkins, has to do – and all that Judy Wood wants them to do - is <em>look at the data</em>.</p>

Dr Wood was shown a photo that she declared to be her favourite photo – indicating knowledge of what was illustrated in the photo, regardless of the quality of the copy she was shown. It seemed to me that Dr. Wood tried playing a semantic game of 'that’s not a collapse, that’s a disintegration’, which didn’t go quite the way she planned. We know that the method of destruction was accompanied by unprecedented effects
(I tend towards a clean fusion device myself – the main problem with that theory being that they aren’t known to exist).
Nevertheless, for whatever reason, Wood was unable to articulate her ideas with any coherence or conviction. That may be due to poor communication skills, but equally it may be due to a theory lacking any coherence.

Andrew Johnson wrote:

<p><b>The End of the Interview</b></p>
<p>At the end of the interview, on the one hand <a href="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-558096240694803017#00h3 0m52s">Jenkins is apparently polite - thanking Judy for her time in answering the questions</a>. Someone then asks him (off camera) a question along the lines of “what interests are you protecting?” Jenkins answers “I am not protecting any interests, I was just trying to find out what kind of Scientific basis this was in – and um, I think I found out.” So, rather than a detailed review of the data and the anomalous aspects of it, Jenkins resorts to a rather sarcastic remark, inferring that what Judy said is “silly” or has no validity.</p>
<p>This &quot;ambush interview&quot; was suddenly stopped because security guards came to escort Greg Jenkins and crew out of the building - he probably didn't want that recorded. Jenkins and his helpers were not authorized to be there and were trespassing. They had not rented a room in accord with NPC rules. The security guard's voice can only just be heard in the version Jenkins used. </p>
<p><b>Tactics and Techniques</b></p>
<p>There are no links shown in Jenkins’ video to Judy’s actual paper. However, a statement that Judy made as a retort, tinged with sarcasm, is posted in a separate caption in the video (someone has clearly taken the time to do this). This is psychology and debunking, not scholarly analysis of facts, evidence and data.</p>
<p>If Prof Wood had refused the interview, no doubt that fact would have been plastered on various message boards as evidence that she was avoiding questions (but it seems that people are more reluctant to say this sort of thing about other 9/11 researchers than Prof Wood).</p>
<p>Some  people who have watched the video think that Judy Wood is dodging questions, or not answering them well. I would suggest that this is exactly the impression the video was set up to give. Additionally, techniques have been used to suggest that Prof Wood’s view should not be taken seriously – an off the cuff remark she made about “pennies falling” is used as the theme for the closing “song”. This isn’t a scientific analysis or discussion – it’s a piece intended to ridicule Prof Wood and divert attention from the data.</p>

I believe by that point Jenkins – well, me anyway - had seen how apparently bereft of any basic ideas, let alone theory, let alone evidence Wood was able to muster in explanation. Even some mention of particle beams versus energy beams would have at least alerted us to something tangible being considered, but to claim that important details such as 'how' were ‘distractions’ without offering some framework in its place does not fly well, at least outside academic circles.

Andrew Johnson wrote:

<p>If Jenkins had been so unhappy with Judy’s explanations and he had been genuinely interested in exploring the hypothesis, he could have requested another interview, under more suitable circumstances, rather than posting what he had.</p>
<p><b>A “Scientific” Method?</b></p>
<p>If anyone thinks that an ambush video, conducted close to midnight and posted on the internet, without final agreement of the person concerned, is a valid usage of the “Scientific Method”, then there may be wider range of data available for usage in Scientific Papers and peer review than has been in general usage up to now. (Also, the interview was conducted by people who trespassed within private property. The time stamp on a still picture of Judy's group with Judy's camera shows a date of January 11, so - it probably was after midnight.)</p>
<p>This video is included in a link in Greg Jenkins’ paper entitled  “<a href="http://www.journalof911studies.com/volume/200702/Implausibility- Directed-Energy-Beam-Demolish-WTC-by-Gregory-Jenkins.pdf">The Overwhelming Implausibility of</a>
<a href="http://www.journalof911studies.com/volume/200702/Implausibility- Directed-Energy-Beam-Demolish-WTC-by-Gregory-Jenkins.pdf">Using Directed Energy Beams to Demolish the World Trade Center Towers</a>” on Steve Jones’ <a href="http://www.journalof911studies.com/">Journal of 9/11 Studies</a>. The title of this paper is already loaded, and suggests a conclusion to the reader before it has even discussed any of the data. This is not a Scholarly or Scientific approach to the problem. Perhaps a title of “Could Directed Energy Weapons have been used to Demolish the World Trade Center Towers?” would have been less loaded. The video and paper seem to have been posted on the internet within 3 weeks of the Ambush interview. In any case, Prof Wood has repeatedly stated the Beam Weapon paper is not yet finished.</p>
<p>In Part 1 of his paper, Dr Jenkins states (about the debris) “<b><em>This means that, within error, all of the debris in the WTC complex can be accounted for within the sublevel collapses</em></b>.” If this statement is correct, then <a href="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/ARG/Image108a. jpg">how did the goods in the Mall Stores survive</a>? How is it that <a href="http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/ARG/Image87.jp g">the subway station has only a relatively small amount of debris and the train is not badly crushed and damaged</a>? If the sub levels were indeed filled with debris as Jenkins suggests, then how can <a href="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/ARG/Image311.j pg">rescue workers have been walking around in the sub-basement levels so easily</a>? Also, why does the reference for the data Jenkins has used come from <em>The New York Times</em> and not some more directly scholarly or scientific work from FEMA or NIST or the EPA? (Prof Steve Jones also repeatedly referenced the New York Times when discussing damage to the Bathtub). The New York Times does not seem to be a publication which has an accurate track record in publishing facts about what happened on 9/11.</p>
<p>Additionally (as of Mar 02 2007), though there is a link in this paper to Judy’s homepage (<a href="http://janedoe0911.tripod.com/">http://janedoe0911.tripod.com</a >) and there is a link to a critique of Steve Jones, there is no direct link to the Beam Weapon pages themselves. Why?</p>
<p>A look at the <a href="http://www.journalof911studies.com/letters.html">Letters Section on Journal of 9/11 Studies</a> (as of 02 Mar 07) shows 3 articles specifically about the Beam Weapon hypothesis (in addition to the one above) and then another which describes Judy Wood’s discussion of molten aluminium as “disinformation”. If the hard evidence Judy is presenting is nonsense, why is so much time and energy being spent in attacking it? </p>

It's attacked because some basic premises are incorrect and for the reasons stated earlier.

The WTC complex is a 16-acre site and Dr Wood needs to show where the PATH station and underground malls were located in relation to the 2.5 radius building diameter that the majority of the debris from each Tower fell into, in order to give these claims any context. More than giving the impression that these areas were representative is required to verify the claim.

Without further information, both Jenkins and Woods assertions and your questions are meaningless in terms of this forum. Claiming that there’s no underground damage or molten metal at all because some areas (e.g. the Warner Brothers shop or the basement of WTC6) weren’t affected would be highly misleading and contradict eyewitnesses who were actually at GZ.

Claiming that the sublevels would swallow up the debris needs to be as carefully examined and demonstrated as the claim that it disappeared into thin air. However, the radius of fallen debris was much greater than for WTC7, so the height of the pile as a yardstick is not a valid measurement either. Claiming no damage to the ‘bathtub’ and no tunnel flooding is also demonstrably incorrect, and a theory unsupported either by evidence or outcome. We've seen video of engineers shoring up the bathtub walls - do you also claim that to be NYT style disinformation?

Andrew Johnson wrote:

<p>It seems that Judy's only mistake was to agree to answer a few questions. It was a &quot;failure&quot; based on Judy's honesty and sincerity, trust in a fellow human being to do right by her, as well as from not having any sleep for almost 48 hours. Judy has no &quot;campaign manager&quot; like Karl Rove. If it wasn’t for the media blackout on 9/11 Truth, there is a likelihood she would have been attacked or smeared on the mainstream media – as it is, the alternative media have been used in a similar fashion and willing bloggers seem happy to add their own smearing into the mix.</p>
<p>Perhaps as supporters of Judy Wood, we should organise a team to operate 2 cameras and lighting, and in secret, ambush interview Dr Greg Jenkins at a conference where he was a member of the audience. Perhaps we might ask him as to the nature of the source of funding he has received from projects funded by the NSA. Now there’s an interview I would like to see posted on google video. Do you think he’d consent to the interview under those terms, and then graciously give permission for it to be posted, without approving the “final cut”?</p>
<p>Further comments about the interview can be found <a href="http://forums.therandirhodesshow.com/index.php?showtopic=106193& amp;st=0">here</a>. From this selection, I found this comment to be one of the most pertinent.</p>
<p><em>So, the DEW theory has a huge uphill climb in order to be perceived for what it is; namely: A clear, direct, frontal confrontation on whether or not the USA is a free republic or an entity being run by secret forces having the general label of Military-Industrial-Complex? That is the underlying question that DEW theory presents and very few people want to deal with it. Small wonder the reaction to it is so visceral. So, challenges to DEW are primed to be successful based on an &quot;anything but that&quot; predilection among people of all persuasions, even among what might be called plain-vanilla truthers.</em></p>
<p>I hope 9/11 Truthers – and everyone else - will consider these thoughts, ideas and data in a fair and balanced manner.</p>

The DEW theory is just so much hot air at the moment. The known DEW devices are known to be extremely hazardous to living tissue and probably damaging to many other water bearing compounds, but there is nothing anywhere yet that suggests heavy steel can be affected.

Puncturing the thin aluminium alloy of a missile casing (and letting the airstream perform th eactual damge) seems to be about the best that known beam weapons can accomplish. I’d be reasonably certain that were such anti-steel technology to be available, it would be initially employed against main battle tanks and ships, first and foremost.

Darkly muttering about Black Programmes and Tesla beams and such is fascinating but is not demonstrable with direct evidence, and therefore useless in the public arena in terms of building a credible and acceptable case against the September gangsters.

On the whole Andrew, the 911 'Research' science fiction team you choose to associate with (Siegal, Haupt, CB_Brooklyn et al) reeks of disinformation; but that of course is only my opinion.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:55 am    Post subject: Re: Dr Greg Jenkins’ Directed Debunking Energy & Prof Ju Reply with quote

Andrew Johnson wrote:
[html]<p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><b><font size="3" face="Arial">Dr Greg Jenkins’ “Directed Debunking Energy” and Prof Judy Wood</font></b></p>
<p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><b>Scholarly Questions and Inquiry, or Badgering, Misrepresentation and Harassment?</b></p>
<p align="center"><a href="mailto:ad.johnson@ntlworld.com">Andrew Johnson</a>, March 1<sup>st</sup> 2007</p>
<p><b>Limited Hangouts</b></p>
<p>Recently, I wrote how I thought, based on some personal experiences as well as other recent events, <a href="http://www.checktheevidence.com/911/TheNew9-11Hijackers.htm">asp ects of the 9/11 Truth Movement had been hijacked</a> by groups of people connected with the perpetrators of the 9/11 Crimes. The purpose of this hijacking seems to be to encourage a “limited hangout” position about what really happened on that date, which would keep certain groups or interests “off the radar screen” of criminal prosecution and possibly just single out current members of the “Neocon Clan” and the Bush Administration to bear the brunt of prosecution. For example, some people are unwilling to consider how elements on the Clinton Administration must also have been complicit in setting up aspects of the 9/11 Black Operation. Additionally, people who financially benefited such as “lucky” Larry Silverstein remain at the edges of perception as being one of a group of people who should be prosecuted for criminal activity prior to and following 9/11.</p>
<p>I also wrote about pernicious debunking and personal attacks, which whilst people like Prof Steve Jones claim to be a victim of, the evidence suggests that people like Prof Judy Wood have ended up in a rather worse situation, with the mysterious death of one of her students and the loss of her job. As a result of an event in January 2007, it seems that, once again, she has been placed directly in the firing line of 9/11 research – <a href="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-558096240694803017">Dr Greg Jenkins set up an ambush interview, in a side room at the National Press Club, Washington DC</a>.</p>
<p><b>The Interview Setup</b></p>
<p>There are quite a few facts that need to be taken into account, and some questions that need to be considered, before the video can be fairly reviewed.</p>
<p>Why did Greg Jenkins plan this interview without telling anyone who knows Judy? Why did he bring at least two professional video cameras, recording equipment, special lighting, and a camera crew to the National Press Club that evening and not attend Jim Fetzer's presentation? Jim Fetzer was giving a presentation to discuss the data presented by Profs Wood and Reynolds, but Greg Jenkins and crew did not attend Jim Fetzer's talk, nor did they ask any questions following the talk itself.</p>
<p>Jenkins and/or his group tried to talk Judy out of going to the restroom, saying the &quot;interview&quot; would only take 2-3 minutes. But, Judy felt she couldn't wait. She saw the cameras for the first time after she came back from the restroom. </p>
<p>Judy insisted on switching seats with Greg Jenkins because there were other people in the room who were watching the interview and Judy did not wish to be forced to sit with her back to them, as she thought they may ask questions too, which would then have involved her looking around and behind her. The people helping Jenkins felt they needed to change the lighting and camera positions. As you can see in the video, Jenkins is well lit and Judy is half in shadow for most (if not all) of the interview.</p>
<p>They set up their &quot;ambush&quot; two rooms away, out of sight of the Fetzer presentation – it is not clear how they got access to these rooms as the doors seem to have been locked before they were there. How did Jenkins know Judy would be there - who told him? Judy did not make a presentation on that day – she had attended to support Jim Fetzer. She was a member of the audience on her way to the rest room when they asked her to answer the questions. And why did Jenkins keep his plans of this &quot;surprise interview&quot; a secret? Why did Greg Jenkins present his ambush interview as if Judy were the invited speaker at the National Press Club?</p>
<p>Judy had no idea she was going to be interviewed, much less filmed. But, she did agree to sit down for one or two questions, on the condition that no permission would be granted until she had authorized the final product. Jenkins did not obtain a notarized signature and no preview was ever offered by him or anyone connected to him before he posted the video on Google, though he had agreed to do so, sharing an email and phone number.  But, both the number and the email address turned out to be fraudulent. (In any case, it was surely up to Jenkins to be polite and contact Judy, who was the subject of the interview. He did not do this.)</p>
<p><b>The Video Itself</b></p>
<p>Much of the discussion in the video centres round a picture which Judy is shown of debris falling from the tower. Indeed, most of the first 2 minutes of the video is taken up with developing an acute focus on this issue. Even if one concludes Judy is incorrect about the exact nature and movement of this debris (which cannot be accurately concluded from the video interview alone), it must be realised that this is not the only point of data that Judy is concerned with. (She also discusses lack of damage to the Bathtub, subway trains and sub-basement mall stores. She discusses the highly anomalous “toasted cars”, seismic data and small debris piles.)</p>
<p>Jenkins homes in on the “falling debris” issue without really addressing the subtlety of what Judy is saying. He tries to get her to say “no debris is falling” – in essence, what she is really saying is that the debris that is falling is largely <em>dust</em>, not large steel girders and slabs of concrete. She points out the very fine nature of the dust, Jenkins reacts by adopting a number of blank and confused and sheepish looks, and the discussion essentially goes nowhere. The photos of a “carpet of dust”, with unburned paper mixed in, essentially highlight Judy’s point, but Jenkins skirts around the issue by continually focusing attention on a single photograph and not allowing or encouraging discussion of the other related evidence. Judy also questions the use of the word “collapse” and Jenkins does not really explore this proposition thoroughly. A simple building collapse, again, would not cause ankle-deep layers of fine dust and even finer dust which spread into the upper atmosphere. Readers who think Judy might be wrong about the nature of the debris should consider these pictures [<a href="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/ARG/aha/COLLAP SE10_2D.jpg?t=1173082808">1</a>] [<a href="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/ARG/Image122.j pg?t=1173082676">2</a>] [<a href="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/ARG/Image254.j pg?t=1173082142">3</a>]. Is ALL the debris falling? Is the airborne debris ALL smoke? Does it look to be the right colour for smoke (i.e. is it the same colour as that seen near the flames from the towers)? Looking at the vertical in the picture below, and the people climbing down into the basement of WTC 2, the question has to be asked – where did the rest of the building go?</p>
<table border="1" width="70%">
<td width="50%">
<p align="center"><img border="0" src="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/ARG/Image300.jp g" width="452" height="317"></td></tr><tr>
<td width="50%">
<p align="center"><img border="0" src="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/ARG/GZ/010913_5 316.jpg" width="482" height="316"></td>
<p><b>The Image Judy Wood was shown</b></p>
<p>It must also be noted that Judy was not shown an identical image to the one that Greg Jenkins inserted into the video he posted. Judy was shown a low-quality black and white &quot;snowball&quot; photo, while the photo flashed up in the video was in color and possibly of higher resolution. The labelling shown on the color image inserted in the video also does not seem to be present on the black and white printed version – a further difference. This is perhaps why Judy said, &quot;I can't see that without a magnifying glass&quot; and then commented that she could not see &quot;pennies falling&quot; because the resolution was not up to the job. (Also see comments above.) Additionally, Judy has described how she thought the black and white picture might have been photoshopped. You'll notice at the end that Jenkins insisted on taking back the sheet with the image on it.</p>
<p>The tactics seem to be, here, to get people to react to “eye-rolling” and theatrics (with Jenkins playing the “interested scientist” who just needs things “explaining to him”). In reality, all that anyone, including Jenkins, has to do – and all that Judy Wood wants them to do - is <em>look at the data</em>.</p>
<p><b>The End of the Interview</b></p>
<p>At the end of the interview, on the one hand <a href="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-558096240694803017#00h3 0m52s">Jenkins is apparently polite - thanking Judy for her time in answering the questions</a>. Someone then asks him (off camera) a question along the lines of “what interests are you protecting?” Jenkins answers “I am not protecting any interests, I was just trying to find out what kind of Scientific basis this was in – and um, I think I found out.” So, rather than a detailed review of the data and the anomalous aspects of it, Jenkins resorts to a rather sarcastic remark, inferring that what Judy said is “silly” or has no validity.</p>
<p>This &quot;ambush interview&quot; was suddenly stopped because security guards came to escort Greg Jenkins and crew out of the building - he probably didn't want that recorded. Jenkins and his helpers were not authorized to be there and were trespassing. They had not rented a room in accord with NPC rules. The security guard's voice can only just be heard in the version Jenkins used. </p>
<p><b>Tactics and Techniques</b></p>
<p>There are no links shown in Jenkins’ video to Judy’s actual paper. However, a statement that Judy made as a retort, tinged with sarcasm, is posted in a separate caption in the video (someone has clearly taken the time to do this). This is psychology and debunking, not scholarly analysis of facts, evidence and data.</p>
<p>If Prof Wood had refused the interview, no doubt that fact would have been plastered on various message boards as evidence that she was avoiding questions (but it seems that people are more reluctant to say this sort of thing about other 9/11 researchers than Prof Wood).</p>
<p>Some  people who have watched the video think that Judy Wood is dodging questions, or not answering them well. I would suggest that this is exactly the impression the video was set up to give. Additionally, techniques have been used to suggest that Prof Wood’s view should not be taken seriously – an off the cuff remark she made about “pennies falling” is used as the theme for the closing “song”. This isn’t a scientific analysis or discussion – it’s a piece intended to ridicule Prof Wood and divert attention from the data.</p>
<p>If Jenkins had been so unhappy with Judy’s explanations and he had been genuinely interested in exploring the hypothesis, he could have requested another interview, under more suitable circumstances, rather than posting what he had.</p>
<p><b>A “Scientific” Method?</b></p>
<p>If anyone thinks that an ambush video, conducted close to midnight and posted on the internet, without final agreement of the person concerned, is a valid usage of the “Scientific Method”, then there may be wider range of data available for usage in Scientific Papers and peer review than has been in general usage up to now. (Also, the interview was conducted by people who trespassed within private property. The time stamp on a still picture of Judy's group with Judy's camera shows a date of January 11, so - it probably was after midnight.)</p>
<p>This video is included in a link in Greg Jenkins’ paper entitled  “<a href="http://www.journalof911studies.com/volume/200702/Implausibility- Directed-Energy-Beam-Demolish-WTC-by-Gregory-Jenkins.pdf">The Overwhelming Implausibility of</a>
<a href="http://www.journalof911studies.com/volume/200702/Implausibility- Directed-Energy-Beam-Demolish-WTC-by-Gregory-Jenkins.pdf">Using Directed Energy Beams to Demolish the World Trade Center Towers</a>” on Steve Jones’ <a href="http://www.journalof911studies.com/">Journal of 9/11 Studies</a>. The title of this paper is already loaded, and suggests a conclusion to the reader before it has even discussed any of the data. This is not a Scholarly or Scientific approach to the problem. Perhaps a title of “Could Directed Energy Weapons have been used to Demolish the World Trade Center Towers?” would have been less loaded. The video and paper seem to have been posted on the internet within 3 weeks of the Ambush interview. In any case, Prof Wood has repeatedly stated the Beam Weapon paper is not yet finished.</p>
<p>In Part 1 of his paper, Dr Jenkins states (about the debris) “<b><em>This means that, within error, all of the debris in the WTC complex can be accounted for within the sublevel collapses</em></b>.” If this statement is correct, then <a href="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/ARG/Image108a. jpg">how did the goods in the Mall Stores survive</a>? How is it that <a href="http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/ARG/Image87.jp g">the subway station has only a relatively small amount of debris and the train is not badly crushed and damaged</a>? If the sub levels were indeed filled with debris as Jenkins suggests, then how can <a href="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/ARG/Image311.j pg">rescue workers have been walking around in the sub-basement levels so easily</a>? Also, why does the reference for the data Jenkins has used come from <em>The New York Times</em> and not some more directly scholarly or scientific work from FEMA or NIST or the EPA? (Prof Steve Jones also repeatedly referenced the New York Times when discussing damage to the Bathtub). The New York Times does not seem to be a publication which has an accurate track record in publishing facts about what happened on 9/11.</p>
<p>Additionally (as of Mar 02 2007), though there is a link in this paper to Judy’s homepage (<a href="http://janedoe0911.tripod.com/">http://janedoe0911.tripod.com</a >) and there is a link to a critique of Steve Jones, there is no direct link to the Beam Weapon pages themselves. Why?</p>
<p>A look at the <a href="http://www.journalof911studies.com/letters.html">Letters Section on Journal of 9/11 Studies</a> (as of 02 Mar 07) shows 3 articles specifically about the Beam Weapon hypothesis (in addition to the one above) and then another which describes Judy Wood’s discussion of molten aluminium as “disinformation”. If the hard evidence Judy is presenting is nonsense, why is so much time and energy being spent in attacking it? </p>
<p>It seems that Judy's only mistake was to agree to answer a few questions. It was a &quot;failure&quot; based on Judy's honesty and sincerity, trust in a fellow human being to do right by her, as well as from not having any sleep for almost 48 hours. Judy has no &quot;campaign manager&quot; like Karl Rove. If it wasn’t for the media blackout on 9/11 Truth, there is a likelihood she would have been attacked or smeared on the mainstream media – as it is, the alternative media have been used in a similar fashion and willing bloggers seem happy to add their own smearing into the mix.</p>
<p>Perhaps as supporters of Judy Wood, we should organise a team to operate 2 cameras and lighting, and in secret, ambush interview Dr Greg Jenkins at a conference where he was a member of the audience. Perhaps we might ask him as to the nature of the source of funding he has received from projects funded by the NSA. Now there’s an interview I would like to see posted on google video. Do you think he’d consent to the interview under those terms, and then graciously give permission for it to be posted, without approving the “final cut”?</p>
<p>Further comments about the interview can be found <a href="http://forums.therandirhodesshow.com/index.php?showtopic=106193& amp;st=0">here</a>. From this selection, I found this comment to be one of the most pertinent.</p>
<p><em>So, the DEW theory has a huge uphill climb in order to be perceived for what it is; namely: A clear, direct, frontal confrontation on whether or not the USA is a free republic or an entity being run by secret forces having the general label of Military-Industrial-Complex? That is the underlying question that DEW theory presents and very few people want to deal with it. Small wonder the reaction to it is so visceral. So, challenges to DEW are primed to be successful based on an &quot;anything but that&quot; predilection among people of all persuasions, even among what might be called plain-vanilla truthers.</em></p>
<p>I hope 9/11 Truthers – and everyone else - will consider these thoughts, ideas and data in a fair and balanced manner.</p>

good article pal, certainly brought out the douchbags on this site.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 8:18 am    Post subject: Re: Dr Greg Jenkins’ Directed Debunking Energy & Prof Ju Reply with quote

WhoKilledBambi? wrote:

good article pal, certainly brought out the douchbags on this site.

You're probably being a little harsh on yourself TWAT3, but if pressed I'd have to agree it certainly brought one out.

Who else would quote a 2000 word article in full ... then add a half dozen evidence-free words at the end?

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 8:56 am    Post subject: Denting credibility... Reply with quote

As one who has been involved in many discussions on David Cameron's website (www.webcameron.org.uk), I can certainly state that, in my own opinion, all this public talk of "beam weapons", "no planes" and so forth is damaging the credibilty of all of us who are trying to raise awareness and to bring the questions surrounding the huge crime of 9/11 'out into the open'. We are continually fighting rearguard actions against the skeptics who ridicule "these 'conspiracy theorists' think beam weapons, no planes and green lizards were involved".

Whilst I fully accept that individuals will have their own suspicions regarding what actually happened that dark day of 9/11, these public debates of such matters is severly hampering the sterling work of most people who want the truth to come out.

We should keep these away from the public domain, and instead concentrate on asking the many questions surrounding 9/11, not trying to supply the many answers. That is the job of a full, thorough, independent and non-political inquiry, which is prepared to turn over every stone and look in every corner. We should be united with this, not throwing around theories which the average person in the street will think is laughable (even if, perhaps, one day they do turn out to be true!!)
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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:14 am    Post subject: Re: Dr Greg Jenkins’ Directed Debunking Energy & Prof Ju Reply with quote

chek wrote:

Andrew, your ‘limited hangout’ is merely another conspiracy theory. At this stage of the campaign, we do not know (though others with sufficient political sophistication may) how far or how deep the plot goes – and we may never know. What is important is to start somewhere. Nobody imagines for a moment that Bushco is wholly responsible (or maybe a few do), but they are still a conduit to the next level, and a route for working up through the food chain as far as can be achieved. If a bit player like Silverstein were prosecutable, he too would be a first step (though I wouldn’t bet on his life expectancy being too high in those circumstances). Waiting possibly years until the whole extent of the September criminal network is known would be foolish, imho.


Your quotations from the article are jumbled because of the use of HTML. You need to include them as plain text to make them readable. I haven't had chance to work through all your points, but I have the following comments:

1) You mention Holmgren, TV fakery etc. Again, this is basically debunking as this article is not concerned with either of those topics - so, you seem to have brought them in to decoy, distract, trash etc.

2) The quoted section above is exactly the sort of tactic I wrote about - i.e. that those who call themselves 9/11 truthers describe the ideas pertaining to black technology as a conspiracy theory, even though published figures indicate clearly there is a black budget etc.

3) You say "JUdy Wood has no evidence". This is really just re-gurgitating what people like Jenkins say. For you and him, there needs to be a suitable explanation put forward to explain the lack of debris, lack of damage to sub-basement levels, ankle deep dust etc etc. No other hypothesis attempts to explain this data.

I take it then, Chek, that you too approve of ambush interviewing people then posting "spun" versions on the internet without their permission? I am "glad" to know there are some 9/11 truth campaigners who support this method of peer-reviewing scientific research.

To others of the "damaging the campaign" viewpoint, I wrote about this in a previous article. This does not change the requirement for an explanation. I am FULLY aware of how the public react to this stuff. I have already been ridiculed in the Daily Telegraph. However, I will debate this with anyone - based on evidence - not "nicities" or spin or whatever.


Ask the Tough Questions, Folks!
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:25 am    Post subject: Re: Denting credibility... Reply with quote

spiv wrote:
As one who has been involved in many discussions on David Cameron's website (www.webcameron.org.uk), I can certainly state that, in my own opinion, all this public talk of "beam weapons", "no planes" and so forth is damaging the credibilty of all of us who are trying to raise awareness and to bring the questions surrounding the huge crime of 9/11 'out into the open'. We are continually fighting rearguard actions against the skeptics who ridicule "these 'conspiracy theorists' think beam weapons, no planes and green lizards were involved".

Whilst I fully accept that individuals will have their own suspicions regarding what actually happened that dark day of 9/11, these public debates of such matters is severly hampering the sterling work of most people who want the truth to come out.

We should keep these away from the public domain, and instead concentrate on asking the many questions surrounding 9/11, not trying to supply the many answers. That is the job of a full, thorough, independent and non-political inquiry, which is prepared to turn over every stone and look in every corner. We should be united with this, not throwing around theories which the average person in the street will think is laughable (even if, perhaps, one day they do turn out to be true!!)

Am I supposed to care about the opinions of a BNP activist?
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:29 am    Post subject: Re: Dr Greg Jenkins’ Directed Debunking Energy & Prof Ju Reply with quote

chek wrote:
but if pressed I'd have to agree it certainly brought one out.

Talking about yourself again?

As for your slur on CB Brooklyn, he's been busy contacting 16,000 newspapers across the States regarding 9/11, care to list your CV of inactivity?
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


To others of the "damaging the campaign" viewpoint, I wrote about this in a previous article. This does not change the requirement for an explanation. I am FULLY aware of how the public react to this stuff. I have already been ridiculed in the Daily Telegraph. However, I will debate this with anyone - based on evidence - not "nicities" or spin or whatever.

We are in a big fight against a big enemy. The media WILL and IS being used against us. Publicly debating science fiction(as it will be seen) is harmful to the campaign. We are starting to get somewhere and this could prove to be extremely damaging. You have even experienced the way the press work, Dave S has had a similar experience, how many more times do we need to get hit before we realise that we need to be a bit more wary?


You are TTWSU3 and I claim my £5

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

andyb wrote:

We are in a big fight against a big enemy. The media WILL and IS being used against us. Publicly debating science fiction(as it will be seen) is harmful to the campaign. We are starting to get somewhere and this could prove to be extremely damaging. You have even experienced the way the press work, Dave S has had a similar experience, how many more times do we need to get hit before we realise that we need to be a bit more wary?

In case you didn't realise - this is now posted to a special section of the site, which isn't fed to the front page.

Media will print and do what they want. Look what the BBC did with "Conspiracy Files" - and Shayler etc wasn't even mentioned. They just print/put out outright lies when it suits them. People are losing trust in them anyway.

Like I said, it's about evidence and debating it. People can debate what evidence they like. The point is to say "don't know" not "debunk" - and not to do it perniciously - as has been done to Profs Wood and Reynolds.

Don't comment about things you haven't studied the evidence for - easy ay?

And you didn't answer the questions I asked.

And you're wrong about WhoKilledBambi (I checked the IP address). So there is another instance of saying things without having the evidence to back them up.


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:03 am    Post subject: Re: Dr Greg Jenkins’ Directed Debunking Energy & Prof Ju Reply with quote

WhoKilledBambi? wrote:
chek wrote:
but if pressed I'd have to agree it certainly brought one out.

Talking about yourself again?

As for your slur on CB Brooklyn, he's been busy contacting 16,000 newspapers across the States regarding 9/11, care to list your CV of inactivity?

Your comprehension skills are still as lacking as ever TWAT3.

And I am fully aware of CB's ineffective little campaigns across the various 911 boards - and thankfully, the general level of his/her being regarded as a joke - and that's only the kinder interpretation. Most are a lot less forgiving, when not ignoring him/her completely).

I would certainly hope his/her claimed 16,000 press outlets (are there that many in our media centralised world, or are you - or him/her - just making that figure up to try to sound 'impressive'?) treat his/her press statements more seriously, because if even those who accept the basic premises of the 911 campaign on the US boards treat him/her with unconcealed contempt, I don't think his/her time is being well spent.
(or maybe it is and that's exactly the effect that's being sought).

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Andrew Johnson wrote:

And you're wrong about WhoKilledBambi (I checked the IP address). So there is another instance of saying things without having the evidence to back them up.

There are of course more clues to identity than an IP address.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:33 am    Post subject: Re: Denting credibility... Reply with quote

WhoKilledBambi? wrote:
Am I supposed to care about the opinions of a BNP activist?

Forgive me for asking WKB, but what has the British National Party, or for that matter the Conservative, Labour or any other political party, got to do with any of this debate??
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:43 am    Post subject: Re: Dr Greg Jenkins’ Directed Debunking Energy & Prof Ju Reply with quote

WhoKilledBambi? wrote:
As for your slur on CB Brooklyn, he's been busy contacting 16,000 newspapers across the States regarding 9/11

Ranting about "butter planes" and "holograms" no doubt, what an asset to 911 Truth he is ...

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:48 am    Post subject: Re: Denting credibility... Reply with quote

spiv wrote:
WhoKilledBambi? wrote:
Am I supposed to care about the opinions of a BNP activist?

Forgive me for asking WKB, but what has the British National Party, or for that matter the Conservative, Labour or any other political party, got to do with any of this debate??

While it's just a common or garden ad hominem to you or I Spiv, unfortunately, that tactic is about as close to a debate as you ever seem to get from the science fictionistas.

If you notice, I did try to engage the arguments, but only the final and most irrelevant point was picked up.
More fool me for even trying.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:42 pm    Post subject: Re: Denting credibility... Reply with quote

spiv wrote:
WhoKilledBambi? wrote:
Am I supposed to care about the opinions of a BNP activist?

Forgive me for asking WKB, but what has the British National Party, or for that matter the Conservative, Labour or any other political party, got to do with any of this debate??

I'd go to a Gary Glitter concert anyday over a BNP summit, if anyone here thinks having BNP affiliation to this site lends it any credibility they need their head examined.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

andyb wrote:

We are in a big fight against a big enemy. The media WILL and IS being used against us. Publicly debating science fiction(as it will be seen) is harmful to the campaign. We are starting to get somewhere and this could prove to be extremely damaging. You have even experienced the way the press work, Dave S has had a similar experience, how many more times do we need to get hit before we realise that we need to be a bit more wary?


You are TTWSU3 and I claim my £5

Not very intelligent are you?

Luckily most picked up on that time ago. The media is not your friend and never will be, neither will eye so drop this rediculos pretense of 'we'.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not very intelligent are you?

Luckily most picked up on that time ago. The media is not your friend and never will be, neither will eye so drop this rediculos pretense of 'we'.

Intelligent enough to know the difference between 'eye' and 'I' Wink

I didn't say the media was our friend but supplying them with more ammo isn't going to help and 9/11 will become another JFK and we'll be sat here in 40 years time talking about the same nonsense.

"We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” Martin Luther King
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Some good points made in that piece. It is strange that so much energy has been directed at attacking this research. I've said on this forum before that it's almost as if it hit some deep-seated nerve in the collective mind and the result was attack! attack! attack!! Until we of course get the pseudo-suave 'focused' rationalist type brought in to knock the final nail into the coffin with this interview.

I said on John White's forum that one thing Judy Wood is not is a PR ready type. She's a certain personality that despite carrying out research from an interesting and thought provoking angle doesn't quite get how to properly present it. This has been obvious on a couple of radio shows and most definately on that video. Now AJ has given the thing a bit of context I can see why she didn't come accross as well as she could have done.

She needed to come back with totally reasonable questions of her own. Like why we have shots of isoltated fires burnging selective materials and why cars parked in the JFK car park area a mile away are even semi-burned at all. From what i've seen no-one's still accounted for this in their 'conventional' explosives theory.

Plus this wider point here
about the availability of new tech.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm growing to love these crazy theory threads!

With every post the holes they dig get deeper and deeper.

I bet they have nightmares about trying to get toothpaste back in the tube.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

utopiated wrote:
Some good points made in that piece. It is strange that so much energy has been directed at attacking this research. I've said on this forum before that it's almost as if it hit some deep-seated nerve in the collective mind and the result was attack! attack! attack!! Until we of course get the pseudo-suave 'focused' rationalist type brought in to knock the final nail into the coffin with this interview.

I said on John White's forum that one thing Judy Wood is not is a PR ready type. She's a certain personality that despite carrying out research from an interesting and thought provoking angle doesn't quite get how to properly present it. This has been obvious on a couple of radio shows and most definately on that video. Now AJ has given the thing a bit of context I can see why she didn't come accross as well as she could have done.

She needed to come back with totally reasonable questions of her own. Like why we have shots of isoltated fires burnging selective materials and why cars parked in the JFK car park area a mile away are even semi-burned at all. From what i've seen no-one's still accounted for this in their 'conventional' explosives theory.

Plus this wider point here
about the availability of new tech.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

chek wrote:

There are of course more clues to identity than an IP address.

Yes - but that has little to do with the article. In any case I also have "other clues" apart from IP address which allow me to say with a good level of confidence that "Bambi" is NOT TWSU3.


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Apparently the ‘damaging the campaign’ argument was used about ‘no Boeing at the Pentagon’ but now I believe that’s accepted by most honest people who know anything about 9/11.

When I first saw a website arguing that the twin towers were deliberately demolished I was totally astonished and incredulous, yet somehow something about it nagged at me and made me look into it further. I don’t believe I would have or could have been any more astonished if I had then come across the idea that unconventional weapons were used to do it, or that the (remarkably few) bits of video footage aired on the mass media showing ‘planes’ were doctored.

The people who are going to trash 9/11 truth are going to do so anyway, regardless of the facts or probabilities presented, because either they have closed minds or they have their own, cover-up agenda. ‘Beam weapons’ would be no more ridiculous than ‘thermite/thermate plus conventional explosives’, as any explanation is just dismissed out of hand as ludicrous. But equally any newcomer to the subject who just has a gut feeling or suspicion about the official story is likely to be fairly open to (or initially resistant to) all the things they come across until they look into it, get used to the enormity of it and come to form their own opinion on the relative strengths of each theory they discover.

So I believe the argument that talk of ‘beam weapons’ or ‘no big Boeings’ damages the campaign is wrong - if you disagree with them just say so, say why, and leave it at that. But if all the 9/11 websites out there publicised the issues that opponents of these theories *don’t* address - e.g melted vehicles, no flight 11 or 175 took off, etc - then the theories wouldn’t seem so outlandish in the first place. The evidence is there to justify them, but it’s not being highlighted. That’s the thing that damages the movement.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 4:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

MadgeB wrote:
Apparently the ‘damaging the campaign’ argument was used about ‘no Boeing at the Pentagon’ but now I believe that’s accepted by most honest people who know anything about 9/11.

When I first saw a website arguing that the twin towers were deliberately demolished I was totally astonished and incredulous, yet somehow something about it nagged at me and made me look into it further. I don’t believe I would have or could have been any more astonished if I had then come across the idea that unconventional weapons were used to do it, or that the (remarkably few) bits of video footage aired on the mass media showing ‘planes’ were doctored.

The people who are going to trash 9/11 truth are going to do so anyway, regardless of the facts or probabilities presented, because either they have closed minds or they have their own, cover-up agenda. ‘Beam weapons’ would be no more ridiculous than ‘thermite/thermate plus conventional explosives’, as any explanation is just dismissed out of hand as ludicrous. But equally any newcomer to the subject who just has a gut feeling or suspicion about the official story is likely to be fairly open to (or initially resistant to) all the things they come across until they look into it, get used to the enormity of it and come to form their own opinion on the relative strengths of each theory they discover.

So I believe the argument that talk of ‘beam weapons’ or ‘no big Boeings’ damages the campaign is wrong - if you disagree with them just say so, say why, and leave it at that. But if all the 9/11 websites out there publicised the issues that opponents of these theories *don’t* address - e.g melted vehicles, no flight 11 or 175 took off, etc - then the theories wouldn’t seem so outlandish in the first place. The evidence is there to justify them, but it’s not being highlighted. That’s the thing that damages the movement.

Amen to that, Madge. The "NPT is disinformation" drone is the biggest double bluff of the 21st Century.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

WhoKilledBambi? wrote:
utopiated wrote:

Plus this wider point here
about the availability of new tech.


Confused - the movement is doing fine making a total ass of itself.

I've decided over the last 18 months that if the thermate bubble fascists* are going to form some sort of new government structure once they've [we've?] achieved our collective goal of exposing staged terror cabals I'd actually prefer to not be on the planet at all.

I think Tony Gosling would be the sort to run for prime-minister and we'd soon have martial law #2 in place.

[hopefully the above will get me barred - i'm looking for an excuse to not waste any more time here!]

* this is not to say thermate was not involved in bringing down the WTC's. Best qualify everything 23 times.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

MadgeB wrote:
Apparently the ‘damaging the campaign’ argument was used about ‘no Boeing at the Pentagon’ but now I believe that’s accepted by most honest people who know anything about 9/11.

That line about 'damaging the movement' makes me fall off my luxury directors' chair with laughter each time someone spews it up again. It's ludicrous and counters any sort of logic.

If you notice - the only people who keep banging that line out [or derivations thereof] are:

A: People who just watched Loose Change last week and are in shock still
B: People who have waaaay to much invested in this whole scene that they think they have the right to steer everyone else's agenda.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

utopiated wrote:

I think Tony Gosling would be the sort to run for prime-minister and we'd soon have martial law #2 in place.

separated at birth?

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