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Globalists Love Global Warming

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:42 pm    Post subject: Globalists Love Global Warming Reply with quote

Globalists Love Global Warming

http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2007/280307globalistslove.ht m

Globalists Love Global Warming
Trilateral Commission, chairman of British Petroleum, CFR, Club of Rome fan hysteria to achieve world government

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A common charge leveled against those who question the official orthodoxy of the global warming religion is that they are acting as stooges for the western establishment and big business interests. If this is the case, then why do the high priests of the elite and kingpin oil men continue to fan the flames of global warming hysteria?

The Trilateral Commission, one of the three pillars of the New World Order in alliance with Bilderberg and the CFR, met last week in near secrecy to formulate policy on how best they could exploit global warming fearmongering to ratchet up taxes and control over how westerners live their lives.

At the confab, European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberger and chairman of British Petroleum Peter Sutherland (pictured top), gave a speech to his elitist cohorts in which he issued a "Universal battle cry arose for the world to address “global warming” with a single voice."

Echoing this sentiment was General Lord Guthrie, director of N.M. Rothschild & Sons, member of the House of Lords and former chief of the Defense Staff in London, who urged the Trilateral power-brokers to "Address the global climate crisis with a single voice, and impose rules that apply worldwide."

Allegations that skeptics of the man-made explanation behind global warming are somehow doing the bidding of the elite are laughable in the face of the fact that Rothschild operatives and the very chairman of British Petroleum are the ones orchestrating an elitist plan to push global warming fears in order to achieve political objectives.

We have a similar situation to the Peak Oil scam, which was created by the oil industry as a profit boon to promote artificial scarcity, and yet is parroted by environmentalists who grandstand as if they are in opposition to the oil companies.

in his excellent article

Global warming hysteria serves as excuse for world government, Daniel Taylor outlines how the exploitation of the natural phenomenon of "global warming" was a pet project of the Club of Rome and the CFR.

"In a report titled "The First Global Revolution" (1991) published by the Club of Rome, a globalist think tank, we find the following statement: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
"Richard Haass, the current president of the Council on Foreign Relations, stated in his article "State sovereignty must be altered in globalized era," that a system of world government must be created and sovereignty eliminated in order to fight global warming, as well as terrorism. "Moreover, states must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies if the international system is to function," says Haass. "Globalization thus implies that sovereignty is not only becoming weaker in reality, but that it needs to become weaker. States would be wise to weaken sovereignty in order to protect themselves..."

Taylor also points out future British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's admonishment that only a "new world order" (world government) can help fight global warming.

Other attendees at the recent Trilateral meeting raised the specter of climate change as a tool to force through tax hikes.

Calling on the United States government to adopt a "carbon monoxide control policy," former CIA boss and long term champion of creating a domestic intelligence agency to spy on Americans John Deutch, argued that America should impose a $1-pergallon increase in the gasoline tax under the pretext of fighting pollution.

The lapdog media have proven adept in the past at taking their orders from the elitists in pushing higher taxes in the name of saving the environment.

"When the TC called on the United States to increase gas taxes by 10 cents at a meeting in Tokyo in 1991, The Washington Post, which is always represented at TC and Bilderberg meetings, called for such an increase in an editorial the following day," reports Jim Tucker.

Tucker writes that an essential means of achieving global government by consent over conquest, as has long been the ultimate goal of the elite, is by "fanning public hysteria" over climate change, encouraging further integration by forcing countries to adhere to international law on global warming. Such restrictions have prevented the development of third world nations and directly contributed to poverty, disease and squalor by essentially keeping them at a stone age level of progress, as is documented in The Great Global Warming Swindle documentary.

People who still trust the platitudes of politicians and elitists who implore us to change our way of life, cough up more tax money, and get on board with the global warming religion save being linked with Holocaust denial, are as deluded and enslaved as the tribes of Mesoamerica who, unaware of the natural phenomenon of a solar eclipse, thought their high priests could make the sky snake eat the Sun, and therefore obeyed their every demand.

Globalists love global warming! Oil industry kingpins, Bilderbergers and Rothschild minions have all put their weight behind it. This is a fraud conceived, nurtured and promulgated by elite, and to castigate individuals for merely questioning the motives behind climate change fearmongering by accusing them of being mouthpieces for the establishment is a complete reversal of the truth.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:54 am    Post subject: If one was truly interested in the environment.. Reply with quote

one would be interested in the social, economic and cultural environment of the way millions of people live their daily lives.

The captains of industry aren't interested in the environment. They are only interested in maintaining their position. As such environmental measures may be seen as a way of staving off competition or blocking poorer countries doing business with others due to 'environmental' concerns.

No British company hasn't exported its jobs and factories overseas for 'environmental' concerns, on the contrary on the basis of non-existent environmental concerns they globalise their factories precisely because there are lax standards abroad and they can get away with more. Countries that have a no tax policy, have no environmental concerns whatsoever and companies that operate in tax free export processing zones, ie ALL OF THEM, only pay lip service to the environment as a marketing option.

Being Green is the new Red or Blue of yesteryear.

Evidence that their new 'green' policies are actually a step back to the barbarism of the middle ages is when a London council stops collecting rubbish weekly and essentially advises its citizens to throw it out of the window as that is what will happen to all those who live in congested accomodation, ie most people in London.
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting article from an interesting website

From: http://freedom-force.org/printerfriendly.cfm?pffile=Chan4_global_warmi ng_content.cfm


by G. Edward Griffin

March 15, 2007

Channel 4, Great Britain's public service television station, has done an excellent job of deconstructing the myth that the majority of scientists agree that Global Warming is caused by human activity. In this video you will see scores of world-class scientists, many of whom are credentialed professors in their fields, state flatly that Global Warming is caused by solar activity and that cycles like the one we are now experiencing have occurred many times throughout history. They prove their case with hard data showing that, over long periods of time, as sun-spot activity went up, so did Earth temperatures; and, as sun-spot activity waned, temperatures dropped. They show also that temperatures on Earth actually went down in previous years when human industrialization was increasing at its greatest rate.

Many people were persuaded of the legitimacy of human-induced Global Warming by the movie entitled An Inconvenient Truth, produced by Al Gore. In this movie, he demonstrated the connection between global temperatures and CO2 levels in the atmosphere. The wall-sized chart he used was dramatic and convincing. Now, however, you will hear climate scientists explain that, yes, there is a connection between global temperatures and CO2 levels, but the connection is just the reverse of what Mr. Gore said.

Gore said that, because the two trends were aligned, it was CO2 that was causing warming; when, in fact, it is the other way around. A rise in temperature heats up the oceans and causes them to release huge amounts of CO2, far more than any other source on the planet. Historical records show that a rise in temperature always came before a rise in CO2 and, conversely, a drop in temperature always preceded a drop in CO2. Yes, the two trends are locked together, as Gore dramatically illustrated, but CO2 levels are the result of the process, not the cause of it. Did Mr. Gore know this? If he didn‚t, he is incompetent. If he did, he is corrupt. Either way, his audiences were terribly misled.

I was greatly relieved to see this production arrive on the scene, because I thought that no one in the controlled media would risk presenting the politically incorrect side of this issue, and I dreaded the thought that, if the job were to be done, I would have to do it myself, but I had neither the time nor the resources to take it on. So now it is done ˆ except for one very important aspect of the story, which is the reason for this introduction.

The producers did an excellent job of laying out the scientific facts but they stopped short of answering the question WHY. They show that there is an endless flow of tax dollars from governments to support Global Warming research; they show that many scientists follow the grant money knowing that, if they want funding, they must support the Global Warming Myth; but they do not explain WHY this bias was created in the first place.

If you understand the present reality of global collectivism in which all governments are expanding at warp speed toward total control over their citizens, this phenomenon will be understandable. You will recognize the well-developed ploy to frighten us with a long list of threats to our personal security in order to soften us up for accepting this expansion of government power as reasonable and even necessary for our protection. Governments everywhere have perfected the art of exaggerating and, in some cases, even encouraging the forces of crime, pornography, illicit drugs, terrorism, killer diseases, and ˆ yes ˆ environmental apocalypse. Why? Because all of this justifies an endless stream of new laws that increase the power of government while diminishing the freedom of their citizens. Supreme power is the ultimate rush for politicians and bureaucrats, and it is acquired under the excuse of protecting us from harm. If the threat seems real enough and great enough, we are expected to meekly, even gratefully, accept the chains of our own enslavement.

That is the part missing from this documentary. In defense of the producers, it must be said that, if they had included this message, there is no chance the program would have been accepted by the BBC, which is largely controlled by the British government. As it is, I can imagine that there are powers within the government that are not happy by the release of this program, and I wouldn‚t be surprised to see a retraction, an apology, or at least a follow up program to counter the impact of this one. In any event, the truth is out in a highly accessible format, and it will be difficult to bury.

That‚s where we come into the picture. If you are as impressed by the science and credentials of the experts as I am, and especially if you understand the deeper political implications behind the Global Warming Myth, then you will want everyone you know to see this program. Fortunately, it is on the Internet ˆ for now, at least ˆ entirely free, so it is easy to forward the link to everyone on your email list. If you are computer savvy, you also will want to download a copy to your own computer just in case it is removed from the Internet.

Here is the video...

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9005566792811497638&q=global+w arming+swindle&hl=en

When sending this video to your friends, I urge you to include this analysis, because it is important for them to know that the real force behind the Global Warming Myth is not scientific error but political cunning.
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PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2007 2:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

yes very good article...maybe if because of global warming new oil refineries carn't be made it is in their interests fro the myth to continue...cause surely they have the funding to end this myth
yes u knw
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