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Who Murdered Bob Woolmer: Bookies or Spooks?

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:36 pm    Post subject: Who Murdered Bob Woolmer: Bookies or Spooks? Reply with quote

There's a lot about this case which is puzzling. And there is one thing in particular that is very odd: Pakastani nationals (including former Pakistani international cricketers) ready to accuse their own cricket team of carrying out the murder before the Jamaican police had formally established whether a crime had been committed.

Of course there are strong grounds for suspecting that this terrible crime is linked to corruption in the game and that the Pakistan team had something to do with it either directly or indirectly. But it is all beginning to look a perfect fit as internal divisions open up. It's beginning to smell a bit.

It's beginning to smell of the ISI.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm. No other posters on this thread. Must have trodden on a few Islamophiliac sensibilities. Still, I'll carry on talking and speculating to myself about what MIGHT have driven dark forces to retire Ol' Woolly.

A few interesting developments in the last few days. Firstly an intriguing revelation in the Mail. Apparently, the Jamaican police were keen to question three star-struck hangers on who had attached themselves to the Pakistan team: Messrs Hamed Malik, Erfan Chaudhary and Jundie Khan. It seems that in return for the doubtful pleasure of basking in the reflected glory of a load of scabby match fixers they very kindly offered their heroes, bespoke 'gofer' service such as chauffering and serving food.

Odd that. Odder still that the trio appear to have done a runner on the very day that Woolly's death was reported. But, oddest of all, the Jamaican police are now playing down their interest in interviewing the middle-aged cricket 'nuts' according to the Daily Express. Must be the fact that one of them resides in Florida and another in good ol' blighty. Wherever we poke and pry in this very odd affair oddnes jumps out at us at every turn...

And now guess what...there's going to be another post mortem. Curiously, this is described as a SECOND post mortem. Sorry, but I think that another one will make it THREE sir. First we had the Jamaican one that concluded that Woolly had been given a Micky Finn and then we had a Yankee one which found he'd been manually strangled. And now we've going to have the one that finally 'discovers' that the 'answer' has been staring the venerable pathologists in their wrinkly faces all along - good ol' natural causes! Phew - that's a relief! Right, back to our cricket nuts...

Three middle aged, Pakistani nationals domiciled in three different countries all fly thousands of miles at their own expense to do a little slave labour (well, I suppose it is flavour of the month right now). But when Sahib dies they are nowhere to be found (probably afraid they'd be chucked on the funeral pyre with him).

Of course, there could be a perfectly innocent explanation for all of this. Our migrant labourers, severally or collectively, might volunteer to go back to Jamaica and provide the hapless Mark Shields with an opportunity to eliminate them from his enquiries.

A little birdie tells me though that this probably aint going to happen. But, just to be on the safe side, I'll wait a little longer before warbling on about bookies, opium, spooks and the Taleban.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd be looking to see who placed huge bets on Ireland to beat Pakistan!!
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 4:28 pm    Post subject: Woolmer? - it was Al-Qaeda of course Reply with quote

Saw a brief clip on Sky News today claiming Al-Qaeda could be responsible, and found this article:


Cops Probe Terror Link
Updated: 11:25, Thursday March 29, 2007

Police are investigating links between the murder of cricket coach Bob Woolmer and an al Qaeda fundraiser, it is reported.

The Sun says the Pakistan coach had thrown Indian Kamal Chaddha out of his hotel room after a blazing row.

It says the bookie - who disappeared after Woolmer's killing - is an associate of Dawood Ibrahim.

Ibrahim is reportedly wanted over al Qaeda funding and a series of bomb attacks which killed 250 people in Bombay in 1993.

Mark Shields The paper, quoting sources, said the Chaddha was at the World Cup in Jamaica with Anees Ibrahim, Dawood's brother.

Police deputy commissioner Mark Shields said: "This issue has come up before but we have so far been unable to substantiate it.

"But we are prepared to consider it further now we have names and more details. We will be investigating."

It is reported Chaddha was arrested on currency fraud charges in 2005 and is officially missing after skipping bail.

Woolmer, an ex-England batsman, was found strangled in his hotel room 10-days-ago.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well it seems that the Jamaican police aren't even going to wait for the findings of the 'second' autopsy on ol' Woolly. Reading between the lines of the latest report in the Dail Mail it appears that the hapless Mark Shields (Deputy Commissioner, Jamaican Police and, formerly, a murder 'conspiracy theorist') has been whipped into line. Surprise, surprise he now has doubts about whether the Pakistan coach was murdered after all.

If you want to know who predicted this turn of events look at my last post on this thread (submitted nearly 24 hours befor the story broke).

PS I can't help noticing how few members are posting on this thread. I get the feeling that if it were the 'Yids'* of Mossad who were directly behind Bob's death rather than the 'Muslims' of the ISI every semi literate, holocaust denying, anti Semitic (so sorry, I meant anti Zionist) half wit on this board would be providing us with hourly updates.

* inverted commas denote irony
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The PCB announced Bob Woolmer's appointment as Pakistan Cricket Coach on 16.6.2004

Bob Woolmer died on 18.3.2007

That's 33 months and 3 days.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 3:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This report in yesterday's Mail suggests that the Jamaican police have reverted to their original theory and that they currently think Woolly was murdered after all:

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/sport/worldcricket.html  ?in_article_id=445606&in_page_id=1991

With due respect to Bob's family this snippet (from the link above) on one of the suspects made me howl:

The family of Mr Malik, a sales director of a Manchester catering firm, say they have spoken to him in the Caribbean and insist he is innocent.

A relative said: "He is just hopping from island to island at the moment. As far as he is concerned he is out there enjoying the cricket. He is not aware that anyone is looking for him. He has not spoken to the police. We know 100 per cent he is not involved in anything."

But no! Hold the front page! 'The world's most villainous newspaper' (Trotsky) has its very own JONESY--on-the-spot who sagely opines that the cause of death was unlikely to have been murder. It appears also that the hapless Mark Shields' body language suggests that he too is beginning to have doubts.

And with good reason: the first autopsy was performed by - wait for it - an Indian!!

For this and other rivetting nonsense just click the link below:

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_artic le_id=445749&in_page_id=1770
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 3:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting thoughts thanks for sharing Pincher Thumbs Up
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pincher wrote:
PS I can't help noticing how few members are posting on this thread. I get the feeling that if it were the 'Yids'* of Mossad who were directly behind Bob's death rather than the 'Muslims' of the ISI every semi literate, holocaust denying, anti Semitic (so sorry, I meant anti Zionist) half wit on this board would be providing us with hourly updates.

* inverted commas denote irony

There you go again, Pincher. You just love to imagine that anyone who disagree with you (or even ignores you, it would seem) is first and foremost a Jew-hater.

Maybe it is yourself who views the world through a veil of irrational prejudice.

I always thought that the ISI and Mossad were on the same side (they certainly were on 9/11). The accusation that posters on this side are subconsciously siding with 'Muslims' against 'Jews', rather than failing to post because they find the Woolmer murder entirely baffling is a sign, not that we are anti-semites, but that you are rather unhinged.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

a Pakistan fan?
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 1:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well they do say that fact is often stranger than fiction. I suppose that is because most writers just can't hack how absurd everyday reality is.

I mean, if you were writing a conspiracy type novel in 2007 you'd pause for thought before having the victim EMBALMED just as a second autopsy was about to get under way wouldn't you? A bit too obvious, (and glaringly derivative as the lit crits might say) after Paris 1997 don't you think?

And you certainly wouldn't write out of your tale the most astute copper on the case by making him take an unplanned vacation 5,000 miles away, right in the middle of the investigation. Ah! But of course! That's what your loyal readership expects of third world policing:

lots of first world meddling!
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Woolly's widow has come out and said that the book he was working on at the time of his death (the proofs of which mysteriously disappeared) should never be published. Strange her saying that because his collaborator on the tome (a South African Professor of Sports Science) has only just talked about an additional chapter with sensational revelations about recent match fixing scandals and increasing the print run from 5,000 to 100,000...

As for those Scotland Yard plods that were due to fly out to Jamaica last week, well, they seem to have observed the BBC's requests not to leave the country during the Easter Bank Holiday (warmer here than in most of Southern Europe you know) because they're now not scheduled to fly out till tomorrow or Wednesday or whenever.

And the Jamaican authorities haven't yet decided on when to hold the THIRD post mortem. Is this because they haven't officially decided which one was botched? One piece of relatively good news though: Mark Shieds, Deputy Commissioner, decided to stay put and not spend his vacation with his ex wife. I mean that really would have confirmed he was out of the loop wouldn't it have?

Back in Pakistan I can't help noticing the heavy handed way the police deal with demonstrators opposed to the recent dismissal of the country's Chief Justice whilst at the same time being curiously absent from militant Taleban rallies (that include the burning of decadent DVD's and books) and occupations.

Looks like Musharraf needs to show why the country's 'state of emergency' needs to continue.
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PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 3:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good old Home Office pathologist rules out murder!


Apparently he's such an authority he didn't even need to examine Woolly's (embalmed) body. So brilliant he just needed the autopsy report (any one from the three or four post mortems carried out would do presumably) a few photo's (Bob scoring a ton for England?) and er... some other 'material' (sorry we really can't tell you exactly what but it really is dead important).

Woolly, it seems, was in such a depressed state that he accidentally took a big swig from the jar of weedkiller (no it wasn't arconite or dioxin - he simply couldn't bear the taste according to his aunt Ethel) he carried around with him.

Personally, I blame it on the Irish...
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Craig W
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PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 8:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the update, Pincher.

It seems that this is a prelude to a "nothing to see here, it was all just an accident afterall" story.

From the article:
Police are now waiting for the results of a toxicology report after traces of a herbicide were found in Mr Woolmer’s body. The herbicide is sometimes used on cricket pitches to keep down weeds and may have been accidentally imbibed by Mr Woolmer.

The toxicology report will show whether there were suspiciously high levels of the herbicide in his body or whether the levels built up and then fatally reacted with Mr Woolmer’s body.

The herbicide can cause sickness and diarrhoea which Mr Woolmer suffered before he died. [Has this been reported previously? - CW] The broken bone could have been the result of a fall as he collapsed.

If the levels were very low then the death may have been result of some other cause such as heart trouble. Mr Woolmer suffered from diabetes and slept with an oxygen mask.

So apparently he either accidentally drank a large quantity of weedkiller (yeah, right, how stupid would you have to be to do that??) and then fell and broke a bone in his neck, or he had some sort of heart failure (a known complication of diabetes) and fell and broke a bone in his neck.

Pincher, what was the source for your info on the increased print run of the book Woolmer was co-authoring and the "sensational revelations" it was expected to include? Odd that Woolmer's missus apparently said she doesn't want the book published now... I wonder why not...

I haven't followed this case closely but it seems a strange tale indeed.

"Nothing can trouble you but your own imagination." ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
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Craig W
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PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 8:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the update, Pincher.

It seems that this is a prelude to a "nothing to see here, it was all just an accident afterall" story.

From the article:
Police are now waiting for the results of a toxicology report after traces of a herbicide were found in Mr Woolmer’s body. The herbicide is sometimes used on cricket pitches to keep down weeds and may have been accidentally imbibed by Mr Woolmer.

The toxicology report will show whether there were suspiciously high levels of the herbicide in his body or whether the levels built up and then fatally reacted with Mr Woolmer’s body.

The herbicide can cause sickness and diarrhoea which Mr Woolmer suffered before he died. [Has this been reported previously? - CW] The broken bone could have been the result of a fall as he collapsed.

If the levels were very low then the death may have been result of some other cause such as heart trouble. Mr Woolmer suffered from diabetes and slept with an oxygen mask.

So apparently he either accidentally drank a large quantity of weedkiller (yeah, right, how stupid would you have to be to do that??) and then fell and broke a bone in his neck, or he had some sort of heart failure (a known complication of diabetes) and fell and broke a bone in his neck.

Pincher, what was the source for your info on the increased print run of the book Woolmer was co-authoring and the "sensational revelations" it was expected to include? Odd that Woolmer's missus apparently said she doesn't want the book published now... I wonder why not...

I haven't followed this case closely but it seems a strange tale indeed.

"Nothing can trouble you but your own imagination." ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
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