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BBC 'World Affairs': Monstrous Enemy of the Truth

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Anthony Lawson
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:34 am    Post subject: BBC 'World Affairs': Monstrous Enemy of the Truth Reply with quote

In early February, I sent Paul Reynolds (the World affairs correspondent, BBC News website), DVDs of ‘9/11 – In Plane Site’ and ‘Loose Change II,’ but it will come as no surprise that I did not hear anything from him, even though he had agreed, in an e-mail exchange, to watch them.

Last Monday (26 March), I stumbled across an item written by Mr Reynolds headed: ‘New tensions over Iran's nuclear plans,’ dated 26 February, which can be read at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/6379611.stm

It was a typically one-sided look at the issue, so I though that I would bring this fact to his attention, and re-introduce the matter of the collapse of WTC7, which had been the subject of some of our previous exchanges. Here is an unedited stream of the exchanges, with only the openings changed for clarity, and the signoffs omitted.

Anthony wrote:

You've still not got back to me on 9/11 In Plane Site or Loose Change, but I suppose that the whitewash by The Conspiracy Files backs up your position, so you don't really need to take into account what can be seen with your own eyes. (Do you really still think that WTC7 was not a controlled demolition?)

With regard to your item 'New tensions over Iran's nuclear plans,' in the interests of fairness, I think that you could have reminded your readers that the United States is continuously breaking its undertakings with regard to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and that the amount of weaponry and firepower imported into Iraq by the United States and Britain would outweigh, by a factor of about 10-billion-to-one, anything which might be reaching Iraqi resistance groups---known, for some reason, as 'insurgents' by the BBC, CNN and most of the rest of the media---from Iran.

You shouldn't call such a piece an 'Analysis' unless you can be seen to be taking an unbiased position. If that madman, Bush, does attack Iran, people like you must accept some of the responsibility for what happens thereafter, because you are currently in a position to properly inform those who might be able to make a difference, but you are not doing so.

Paul Reynolds wrote:

Sorry but where did the bit about 'controlled demoliton' of WTC7 come from? You cannot simply leap from belief to 'fact'!

Anthony wrote:

Well, why don't you tell me what it looks like to you? Here are the choices:

1. Does it look like a collapse due to random fires?

2. Does it look similar to other videos of controlled demolitions?

Here are some clues:

Incontrovertible Fact: Even if diesel-fuel fires, enhanced by office papers, plastics or whatever, could melt through the structural supports in such a building, they would all have to melt through and give way at exactly the same moment, otherwise the collapse would be uneven and the building would tip over, instead of collapsing in the manner which is there for all to see in the videos taken that day. (A failed demolition video can be seen at http://www.compfused.com/directlink/1070/ )

Incontrovertible Fact: For all of the support columns in such a tall, wide building to have burned through and given way at exactly the same moment, due to any kind of fire, is manifestly impossible.

Reynolds wrote (in two e-mails):

http://wtc.nist.gov/pubs/WTC%20Part%20IIC%20-%20WTC%207%20Collapse%20F inal.pdf

I can only refer you to the NIST report. I am not an engineer. Are you?

As for your points.

1. They were presumably not 'random fires' but major impact and heat.

2. Because something looks like something does not mean it is!

This statement from NIST was put out in December 06 and outlines the theory. The final report is planned in the spring. A fire (from diesel generator fuel) and/or debris impact on a critical column is now given as a hypothesis. It also says it is studying 'HYPOTHETICAL BLAST SCENARIOS'...though it has found no evidence of a 'controlled demolition event' of the type you ( and others) claim.


and this


Anthony wrote:

No, I am not an engineer, but I am not a liar, either, as the NIST engineers appear to be; liars by omission. Examine the excerpt you have isolated. The compilers of this 'WTC 7 Technical Approach and Status Summary' do not point out that hypothetical blast scenarios are necessary because they have no physical evidence to work with; the real evidence being the structural steel from the building—you know, like the body in a murder investigation—all of which was rushed away from the site (along with the steel from the Twin Towers), on the orders of New York's then mayor, Rudy Guliani, kept under guard so that investigators could not access it, then exported to China and Korea. Yet they still have the gall to write: "While NIST has found no evidence of a blast or controlled demolition event…"

That is a blatant lie by omission, because they know that they could not possibly find any evidence of a controlled demolition without access to the physical evidence. It is like an investigator saying: 'We could find no evidence that the man was shot.' after the body in question had been cremated. And they compound that lie by omitting to draw attention to Larry Silverstein's video-recorded statement, which has been available on the Internet since it was first broadcast on PBS in September, 2002.

Silverstein on Camera: I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the [WTC 7] building collapse. (ends)

But, clearly, you are prepared to believe people who tell lies, by omission, rather than the evidence of you own eyes, evidence which indicates, if not conclusively proves, that the collapse of WTC7 was most likely to have been caused by a controlled demolition, particularly when the building's owner, Larry Silverstein, admitted as much with his "pull it" statement.

Which means that you are prepared to believe the interim findings of an organization that is clearly ignoring a scenario that fits all of the available evidence, visual and audible, while it bends over backwards to make hypothetical evidence the sole basis of its 'investigation', and is quite prepared to adjust the chosen hypothesis, as they go along.

Quote from NIST: This hypothesis may be supported or modified, or new hypotheses may be developed, through the course of the continuing investigation. (P. 4)

Which is tantamount to saying: 'We'll keep going until something fits' and a footnote which might as well read: 'But we will never, ever look into the possibility that it was a controlled demolition instigated by the owner, Larry Silverstein, or persons unknown.'

Your acceptance, no, your continual promotion of this obviously flawed method of investigating a pivotal incident in a series of events which led to the invasion of two nations, by the United States and Britain, and the deaths of over one million people, in my opinion, makes you a very unreliable person to be reporting on, or analysing anything, let alone having your opinions disseminated by the BBC, an organization which many decent, but misguided people still trust.

Reynolds wrote - March 28
I can argue no longer. You do not accept the NIST report, so let us leave it there.

Anthony wrote - March 29

Do you actually know the difference between an on-going investigation and a report?

The document you have been referring to is headed: ‘WTC 7 Technical Approach and Status Summary’, it is not a report.

So how could I possibly agree (or even disagree) with a report which has yet to be published? In fact, you have earlier written, rather ungrammatically: ‘The final report is planned in the spring.’ And the document in question includes the following statement: ‘It is anticipated that a draft report will be released by Spring 2007.’ Not the final report, you will note, but a draft.

Furthermore, as a BBC correspondent, you should be able to work out that NIST is not actually investigating what caused the collapse of WTC 7. By its own admission, it is attempting to justify its own pre-conceived hypothesis as to how the building collapsed in the way it did. And if that hypothesis is found to be wanting, it will be adjusted or another one formulated.

What NIST will never do is consider the most plausible explanation available: that this was a controlled demolition, as thousands of people, including many engineers, demolition experts and New York firemen believe it was.

Paul Reynolds has yet to reply, as of 6 AM GMT, March 30

Personally, I see little hope for a change in the media’s attitude to 9/11, the War in Iraq or the current stand-off with Iran, which is looking more and more dangerous everyday, unless and until those behind the policies currently being pursued by the president of the United States and his administration are brought into the international spotlight, and carefully investigated, and I can see no other entity which has such a stranglehold on U.S. foreign policy than the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) whose policies appear to be putting the wellbeing and security of the fledgling state of Israel before all else. I use the terms ‘wellbeing’ and 'security' only in the short-sighted sense that those who insist on pursuing these policies use them, not because I believe that where those policies are leading could possibly be good for anyone. Currently, these people have Iran in their sights, and they appear to be successfully getting much of the rest of the so-called developed world behind them. Yet, anyone with half a brain cell in reasonable working order must know that the idea of Iran being an immediate threat is manifestly absurd.

Israel already possesses about 200 nuclear weapons, making it highly unlikely that Iran would risk a nuclear exchange with that state, yet the issue, like Saddam’s non-existent weapons of mass destruction, has been blown out of all proportion by the U.S. president, the previous ambassador and the current acting U.S. ambassador to the U.N. backed to the hilt by the American mainstream media, which is almost wholly owned by those who seem to owe at least as much, if not more, allegiance to Israel than they do to their original country of citizenship. And much of the rest of the world’s mainstream media, including the BBC and most of the British press, follows where the American media leads them.

Where it is leading us all, at the moment, is to a place where all of our freedoms will be stripped away, one by precious one.

The mainstream media is a monster, and it is being nourished and protected by those who, for whatever reason, will not tell us the truth about what is really going on in the only world we’ve got. Those who refuse to tell the truth, or insist on ignoring the obvious—people like Paul Reynolds—deserve our utmost contempt, and should be peacefully targeted, at every opportunity, with evidence of our displeasure and disgust at what they are doing.

When you see or read something which is blatantly dishonest or biased, e-mail the person responsible and send a copy of your complaint to your MP. Try not to be abusive, and do not use bad language; this will only bring you down to their level. Spread their e-mail addresses around, so that others can join in.

Here is one to start or add to your list: Paul.Reynolds-INTERNET@bbc.co.uk

Take care,


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very well done Anthony, you obviously confused him with such crazy things as FACTS and EVIDENCE which the MSM continue to overlook.

I think this says it all:

Reynolds wrote - March 28
I can argue no longer. You do not accept the NIST report, so let us leave it there.

When you rebuked him about the portion of the NIST "report" he sent to you he was clearly unable to give you an answer and chose the easy way out i.e. Run like the wind.

Keep up the good work Thumbs Up


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 12:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What a weasel he is

thanks for posing this and for your persistance with the buffoon

Dolts telling us what to think at licence fee payers expense

Don't give up Anthony - we have to keep plugging away

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 1:17 pm    Post subject: Re: BBC 'World Affairs': Monstrous Enemy of the Truth Reply with quote

Anthony Lawson wrote:
In early February, I sent Paul Reynolds (the World affairs correspondent, BBC News website), DVDs of ‘9/11 – In Plane Site’ and ‘Loose Change II,’ but it will come as no surprise that I did not hear anything from him

There is a lot of disinformation in the films you've kindly gone to the bother of sending. Perhaps you would have more success if you used "9/11 Revisited" "Improbable Collapse" or Jim Hoffmans "9/11 Guilt: The Proof is in Your Hands"?


Last edited by gareth on Mon Apr 02, 2007 12:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Anthony Lawson
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 5:35 pm    Post subject: Disinformation? Reply with quote

Do You Really Mean Disinformation?

Gareth Wrote

There is a lot of disinformation in the films you've kindly gone to the bother of sending. Perhaps you would have more success if you used "9/11 Revisited" "Improbable Collapse" or Jim Hoffmans "9/11 Guilt: The Proof is in Your Hands"?

Having carefully gone through both videos (they are not films; be careful to get your facts right) a number of times before I sent them to Paul Reynolds, I cannot agree that there is a lot of disinformation in them. The word you’ve used means ‘false information; having an intention to mislead’. I know that there are some factual errors in the videos, how could there not be when the resources of these independent video makers are a factor of a few million below the resources that the BBC could have thrown behind a documentary or two?

For example, Loose Change downgrades the weight of the Rolls Royce engines on a Boeing 757 to six tons, when they are closer to 20 tons each, but this and other examples that I found did not appear, to me, to have been included because of an intention to deliberately mislead.

Because my correspondence with Paul Reynolds goes back quite a long way, I did not include any of our earlier exchanges, some of which had to do with his belief that a Boeing 757 had indeed entirely disappeared into a rather small hole in the reinforced concrete wall of the Pentagon, knocking down far too few support pillars in the process, and was then almost totally consumed by fire, including the wings, engines and all of the luggage, etc. Yet he took the time to send me Internet references which told of medical teams positively identifying, by their DNA, those who had perished; all except for the alleged hijackers, that is, presumably because their close relations were not asked for samples for comparison purposes. Now that is disinformation, and should give you some idea of the kind of person I have been dealing with.

Several weeks ago, following the revelation that the BBC had announced the collapse of WTC 7 before it actually took place, certain members of this forum took it upon themselves to waste a lot of our time with nit-picking questions about GMT and EST timeframes, as well as whether or not the building behind Jane Standley was actually WCT 7, or some other building. In the end, Tony Gosling put a stop to it. So I would ask you to please get back to me, privately, with any evidence you have that either ‘9/11 - In Plane Site’ or ‘Loose Change’ includes material which you believe was deliberately designed to be misleading.

We all know that the media contributes far more disinformation than most of us have time to poke a stick at, so please don’t dilute the effort it takes to catch them out when they set out to deliberately mislead us with their lies, omissions and obfuscations.

Thank you Zuco and Tony for your encouragement. I'm not sure about the change of headline, because I do believe that the majority of the entities which make up what is generally known as the mainstream media are guilty of misleading us, not just the BBC.


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 1:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anthony Lawson wrote:
Do You Really Mean Disinformation?

Yes. http://911review.com/disinfo/videos.html

IPS is the very worst film out there. LC ain't much better. If i was attempting to get a journo onside i'd use the 3 i mentioned above in any combination. Smile

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Anthony Lawson
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 10:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Gareth: Where is the Misinformation of Which You Speak?

This has all been gone through before, but to point up your ignorance, or perhaps to help expose you as a mole, I will debunk a few of the points which your web reference leads to. I will concentrate on ‘9/11- In Plane Site’, because the makers of ‘Loose Change’ have already admitted to making some factual errors and other mistakes, most of which I believe they corrected in version two.

Starting at http://911review.com/disinfo/videos.html I next went to what appeared to be the most promising source for your accusation of disinformation against Dave von Kleist. After all, a hyperlink titled ‘Parade of Errors’ should lead to some amazing revelations, shouldn’t it? Well, judge for yourself.

For a start, in the very first sentence, the writer exhibits an inability to form a coherent thought, which gives a hint of what is to come:

On September 11, 2001 four jetliners, the Pentagon, and Manhattan were struck in a complex and coordinated military operation involving numerous individual assaults.

Did you spot the error? Now let’s look at the next major piece of muddled thinking, or perhaps it should be called non-information. In any event, it crops up in paragraph three:

The idea that Flights 11 and 175 did not hit the North and South Towers illustrates how the front-end and back-end techniques work together to divide and discredit the skeptics.

Whatever the writer is driving at, with the phrase ‘…how the front-end and back-end techniques work together… it should be noted that this is a direct link from a sentence which reads ‘The vast majority of Von Kleist's claims are nonsensical, debunked in the Parade of Errors section’ therefore it is definitely referring to ‘9/11 – In Plane Site’, not to any other videos. So what is being debunked?

Dave von Kleist’s slow motion analysis of the impact to the South Tower indicates that the aircraft which hit it was probably not a passenger plane, because of the pod-like shapes which can be clearly seen on the belly of this aircraft, from several angles. During this sequence, von Kleist also shows some pictures of passenger planes, where there are no pods, and some military aircraft on which such pod-like shapes can be clearly seen. He does not suggest that planes did not hit the towers, as some others have claimed, his analysis clearly shows that these aircraft were almost certainly military planes, of some kind, not passenger planes. Ergo, they were almost certainly not Flights 11 and 175.

Whether or not such logic qualifies as ‘front-end and back-end techniques’, it certainly makes perfect sense to me. It makes even more sense when coupled with the incontrovertible video evidence which shows a flash of bright light a fraction of a second before the planes even touch the buildings. Von Kleist’s analysis of the distant shot of the first impact, where he runs the images backwards and forwards, shows that the shadow of the plane cast on the building and the actual nose of the plane have not met when this flash of light appears. With the closer shots of the impact on the South Tower, there can be no doubt that there is a flash of light which lightens the belly of the aircraft and the face of the building, just before impact, but it is almost impossible to determine its origin. However, a sun reflection is correctly ruled out, because the flash appears from three or four different angles, at exactly the same moment.

Dave von Kleist also invites his viewers to get their own copies of these videos, from sources such as CNN and the Naudet brother’s documentary, and do what he has done: analyse them in slow motion. An invitation which a hoaxer is unlikely to extend to his doubters.

Here are two more excerpts from ‘Parade of Errors:’

Many skeptics point to the absence of public evidence that proves Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, and apparent evidence to the contrary, such as an absence of much recognizable debris from a 757 in photographs of the site, and a pattern of damage that seemed to be incommensurate with the impact of 757.

and …

In the absence of evidence theories flourished that something other than a jetliner crashed at the Pentagon, despite numerous eyewitness accounts supporting the crash of a jetliner.

What is this writer doing to my language? What is ‘public evidence’, or ‘apparent evidence’? Evidence is evidence, it can’t be qualified as being public or private or apparent or non-apparent. Evidence is either there, or it is not there, although evidence can be suppressed or removed or withheld or tampered with or destroyed or lost or simply ignored, when it comes to an investigation. So let’s look at the evidence for Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon, or to be more accurate, the lack of it.

When a one-hundred-ton aircraft hits a building, it is bound to leave evidence of the impact; inside the building it has smashed into, or outside the building, or both. But, somehow, a huge fuselage, wings, a complete tail section and two 20-ton Rolls Royce engines went missing that day. In other words, there was no evidence that a 757 had hit the Pentagon. Let me explain this non-event, if that is not too paradoxical for you to comprehend.

If the fire had been hot enough, it is just conceivable that the aluminium skin covering the fuselage and the wings could have been entirely vaporised, although the fire would have had to have burned for many hours, which it did not. But a fire could not so easily explain the missing wing spars and other larger structural members of such an aircraft, unless someone very persuasive was telling the tale, or listeners were ready to accept anything that they were told. And that is exactly what the world was asked to believe, that the aircraft had been totally consumed in the fire which followed the impact, but I and many others find this explanation to be implausible, to say the very least.

However, the compressors and combustion chambers of such engines are designed to contain burning aviation fuel, under enormous pressures and, therefore, far higher temperatures than would be encountered in an open, non-pressurised fire, no matter how much fuel was involved. Now that is a big problem, and one that not even the 9/11 Commission Report attempted to explain. They simply ignored it, in the same way that they ignored the collapse of WTC7.

If these fire-proof engine components could not possibly have burned up, what happened to them? There are no pictures or corroborated testimony which suggests that they were carried away from the site. So the logical implication, as propounded by William of Occam and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, has to be that they could not have been there in the first place.

The bottom line is: Apart from a small piece of metal, which had some blue and white lettering on it, and which could have come from anywhere, there was absolutely nothing to suggest that American Airlines Flight 77, a 100-ton Boeing 757 with twin 20-ton Rolls Royce turbofan engines hit the Pentagon that day. Someone with a hidden agenda just said it did, and because it was reported far and wide by entities like the BBC, CNN, CNBC and the rest of the mainstream media, it became an urban legend.

As for witnesses who saw a plane, I have no problem with that. The Pentagon is adjacent to an international airport, and there are passenger planes flying around there all the time. But I do have a problem with the writer of a hit piece which doesn’t mention that several other eyewitnesses thought that what they had seen hit the Pentagon was either a small aircraft or a missile. That is called being selective, and it demonstrates a distinct lack of objectivity, but it can be very transparent and often serves to discredit those who attempt to use such methods in order to strengthen their case.

Judges are not in the habit of asking “Well who did it, then?” following a jury’s Not Guilty verdict, and, as Dave von Kleist is careful to point out, he does not know what happened to Flight 77 and its passengers. But any reasonably intelligent person must conclude that whatever it was that hit the Pentagon that day, there is little to suggest that it was American Airlines Flight 77.

If you respond to this, Gareth, please do not direct me to another website, containing the opinions of others. I challenge you to find fault with the reasoning behind what I have written, and to use your own words, as I have taken the time and trouble to do.


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 12:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dude I'm an engineer and I just wrote him this, not sure if you'd agree with how I said what I said but the b****** were getting me down, or maybe it was the beers from last night, anyway who cares I told him my opinion as an engineer anyway:

Dear Paul,

It has come to my attention that you are the World affairs correspondent for the BBC News website. I have been informed that Anthony Lawson has been in contact with you regarding the heinous attacks on September 11th and the mounting evidence that the event was a false flag operation carried out by rouge elements within the current American administration to further their own political agendas.

Your response to the controlled demolition of WTC 7 is to refer Anthony to the NIST report. NIST are not the cleverest of people it would seem, they believe open fires melt steel, or not when asked by people who know the behaviour of steel under high temperature; it depends. Yes the lead structural engineer from NIST, John Gross, who looked into the collapse of the twin towers, denies the existence of molten steel in the basements of the twin towers. This is an admission of a cover up as he can only deny its existence as it is a theoretical impossibility for open fires to melt steel. If he admitted there was molten steel then he has to come up with a reason as to why. Therefore he flatly denies it. Is that ethical? So therefore what energy source caused the steel to melt? The inherent gravitational potential energy in the structure could not have achieved such a result.

It's a no-brainer in my opinion, but that would entail doing some investigative journalism, instead of reguratating the governments own implausible explanation masquerading as fact for the unsuspecting masses. I wouldn’t trust NIST to explain the collapse of WTC 7 further than I could throw them. They deal in illusions it would seem, not facts. You also shouldn’t trust them, not over something as important as this.

Only ignorant or exceptionally naive people can deny they don't understand the problem of the collapse of WTC 7 because they are not engineers. Have you ever played the game Jenga? Surely you dabbled in the laws of nature at school; you might drive a car by the same laws everyday. What does your gut feeling tell you about the collapse of WTC 7? Steel framed structures don't collapse due to fire, never have, and never will. That's why they're built out of steel and concrete see, not combustible materials like wood.

I am an aeronautical structural integrity engineer and can honestly tell you that your blind trust in an organisation with such close links to the government like NIST, which is obviously lying, is tantamount to a surrender of you morals as a journalist. I thought you guys were the ones who asked the questions staring us in the face but it is quickly becoming apparent that this is not true, much to my dismay.

I like a challenge and exposing the corrupt institutions perpetrating this lie is definitely that. It would have been nice not to have to destroy the credibility of the BBC at the same time though (your stance on this issue has been marked firmly in the sand with the Conspiracy Files programme).

I now know that you know, and I will gladly explain to Anthony how I have offered an engineers point of view. If you want to hear it from a civil structural engineer then my flat mate will gladly write you an email also.

I await your response with eager anticipation.

Scott Hudson BEng (Hons)

Anthony hope you don't mind me putting my six pennies worth in.

Rock on guys.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 12:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anthony Lawson wrote:
Gareth: Where is the Misinformation of Which You Speak?

No i said disinformation. i.e. Pods, flashes, no windows, no planes etc. Sorry to be the one to break it to you but IPS is truly atrocious. It divides the movement more than any other media available because of it's spurious use of bogus evidence.

Watching the "In Plane Site" video turned me (and many others) away from 9-11 "theories" initially -- until I found serious researchers, scientists looking at hard evidences, and avoiding tenuous speculations.
-- Steven Jones, Ph.D.

If Mr. VonKleist [the primary spokesperson of In Plane Site] is not a paid intelligence disinformation asset, then he is the dream of the intelligence community: someone who dissembles as artfully as they do, and with all their wit, but who doesn’t draw a salary.
-- Michael P Green, Clinical Psychologist

I recommend that if you have struck up some 911 related banter with a journalist that you don't use IPS because he/she is very likely to take you for a fool.

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Anthony Lawson
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 4:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pastoman – e-mail to Paul Reynolds

That’s a good e-mail, and I can’t detect any evidence of the beer affecting your powers of reasoning, but I’d like to have one or two with you if our paths ever cross. I particularly like the paragraph which begins:

Only ignorant or exceptionally naive people can deny they don't understand the problem of the collapse of WTC 7 because they are not engineers.

When people hide behind their lack of qualifications in one particular field, then it is quite reasonable to assume that they are not qualified to express an opinion on anything, other than a subject for which they have gained a university or technical college degree.

I once saw Paul Reynolds's CV on the BBC’s website, but I can’t find it again, so I wonder what his field actually is. However, in a search using his name, I came across the following:

Paul Reynolds BBC News World Affairs Obscures 9/11 Truth

Paul Reynolds, World Affairs correspondent for BBC News show a less than candid, less than inquisitive, and far from what one would expect from a professional journalist. That is unless you thought government and the Crown powers control mass media, then his responses are adequate to protect the powers and a job well done.

Submitted: 29 days ago
Submitter: NYCTV (news: submissions, diggs, comments)
Topic: News » World & Business » Political News
Source: www.ricksiegel.com

So we are certainly not alone in our opinion of his lack of objectivity, while writing for an organization which is paid for by the British public, and which should be serving the British public.

If your flatmate has the time, it certainly would be good to keep up the pressure on Paul Reynolds; he’s in too powerful a position for him to be allowed a moment’s peace. For as long as he continues to serve his political masters, instead of those who really pay his salary, he should know of our disapproval at what he is doing.

Far from minding your ‘six pennies worth’, I think that you have underestimated your worth. Your contribution is of far greater value than the posts of those who seem to think that rattling off a list of other websites containing the often unsubstantiated opinions of others is furthering the aims of the 9/11 Truth Movement.

Careful analysis of every aspect of what we believe has been done to the truth is the only way to convince others that 9/11 was a crime committed by a group of politicians and officials, and that those who elected them were its victims.

Take care,


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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 6:42 am    Post subject: Misinformation & Disinformation Reply with quote

Gareth, Misinformation & Disinformation Have the Same Meaning

No i said disinformation. i.e. Pods, flashes, no windows, no planes etc. Sorry to be the one to break it to you but IPS is truly atrocious. It divides the movement more than any other media available because of it's spurious use of bogus evidence.

You’re at it again, and I am not going to waste a lot of time responding. See if you can understand why I have no problems with Dave von Kleist’s video.

And answer the questions, if you have the analytical ability to distinguish between Yes and No:

Pods: A pod is clearly visible, underneath the aircraft which hit the South Tower. I have never seen anything like it on any passenger aircraft which I have boarded, and I have travelled a lot.
Can you see the pod on the video?

Flashes: I can see both flashes, as each aircraft hits. The flash associated with the aircraft which hit the South Tower is very clear in each of the video clips.
Can you see the flashes?

No windows: I cannot see whether or not the aircraft had windows. One or two eyewitness reported that at least one of them didn't this.
Are eyewitnesses always wrong?

No planes: What are you on about? Of course there were planes.
Can you see the planes that Dave von Kleist shows in his video?

etc.: Specify.

Final question: Have you actually watched ‘9/11 – In Plane Site’?

The Quotes

I can find no substantiation that Steven Jones said exactly those words, during a slide presentation. Can you? If you can, then please supply me with the entire text, not an excerpt. Any first-year legal student will tell you that such an excerpt would not be allowable, unless the entire document had been accepted by the Court as an exhibit.

Professor Jones is a respected researcher, and he has come under a lot of pressure from the media, as well as his employer, Brigham Young University, Utah, which has suspended him. He has been misquoted and misrepresented on several occasions. I have no way of knowing, but this could have been one of them.

Being an atheist, I am not inclined to take Michael P. Green, or his theory very seriously, but he is, of course, entitled to his opinion. However, I can personally attest to the fact that, with the exception of Paul Reynolds, everyone to whom I have recommended '9/11 - In Plane Site' has admitted that their previous beliefs about what happened on September 11, 2001 have been turned upside down. At the very least, they now believe that what happened on that day could not have been the work of 19 hijackers armed with box cutters, and they also believe that they have been lied to by the U.S. government and that the mainstrem media has been complicit in disseminating those lies.

Getting these kinds of reactions from others should be the aim of the 9/11 Truth Movement. But, Gareth, I’m beginning to think that you are not one of those who share this aim, preferring to nit pick about methods, while clouding the real issues in the process.

Get with the programme, or get out of the way.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:46 pm    Post subject: Re: Misinformation & Disinformation Reply with quote

Anthony Lawson wrote:
Gareth, Misinformation & Disinformation Have the Same Meaning

No i said disinformation. i.e. Pods, flashes, no windows, no planes etc. Sorry to be the one to break it to you but IPS is truly atrocious. It divides the movement more than any other media available because of it's spurious use of bogus evidence.

You’re at it again, and I am not going to waste a lot of time responding. See if you can understand why I have no problems with Dave von Kleist’s video.

And answer the questions, if you have the analytical ability to distinguish between Yes and No:

Pods: A pod is clearly visible, underneath the aircraft which hit the South Tower. I have never seen anything like it on any passenger aircraft which I have boarded, and I have travelled a lot.
Can you see the pod on the video?

Flashes: I can see both flashes, as each aircraft hits. The flash associated with the aircraft which hit the South Tower is very clear in each of the video clips.
Can you see the flashes?

No windows: I cannot see whether or not the aircraft had windows. One or two eyewitness reported that at least one of them didn't this.
Are eyewitnesses always wrong?

No planes: What are you on about? Of course there were planes.
Can you see the planes that Dave von Kleist shows in his video?

etc.: Specify.

Final question: Have you actually watched ‘9/11 – In Plane Site’?

The Quotes

I can find no substantiation that Steven Jones said exactly those words, during a slide presentation. Can you? If you can, then please supply me with the entire text, not an excerpt. Any first-year legal student will tell you that such an excerpt would not be allowable, unless the entire document had been accepted by the Court as an exhibit.

Professor Jones is a respected researcher, and he has come under a lot of pressure from the media, as well as his employer, Brigham Young University, Utah, which has suspended him. He has been misquoted and misrepresented on several occasions. I have no way of knowing, but this could have been one of them.

Being an atheist, I am not inclined to take Michael P. Green, or his theory very seriously, but he is, of course, entitled to his opinion. However, I can personally attest to the fact that, with the exception of Paul Reynolds, everyone to whom I have recommended '9/11 - In Plane Site' has admitted that their previous beliefs about what happened on September 11, 2001 have been turned upside down. At the very least, they now believe that what happened on that day could not have been the work of 19 hijackers armed with box cutters, and they also believe that they have been lied to by the U.S. government and that the mainstrem media has been complicit in disseminating those lies.

Getting these kinds of reactions from others should be the aim of the 9/11 Truth Movement. But, Gareth, I’m beginning to think that you are not one of those who share this aim, preferring to nit pick about methods, while clouding the real issues in the process.

Get with the programme, or get out of the way.

You obviously don't *get* it. Let me put it this way. How long does Dave Von Kleist spend talking about Pods, No Windows, No Planes, Flashes etc? Pretty much the whole time!

And how long does he spend talking about things like wargames, controlled demolition, horizontal projections, freefall speeds, dust clouds, pulverization of concrete, explosions, molten steel, Able Danger, insider trading, anthrax, the ISI, PNAC, historical precedents etc? How about not at all!

Getting these kinds of reactions from others should be the aim of the 9/11 Truth Movement. But, Gareth, I’m beginning to think that you are not one of those who share this aim, preferring to nit pick about methods, while clouding the real issues in the process.

Get with the programme, or get out of the way.

Interesting. I am simply pointing out that you have sent known disinformation to a BBC journalist who you happen to be criticising because he won't take you seriously.

And 'misinformation' and 'disinformation' have the same meaning? You'd better tell that to the people who attribute meanings to words. Evidently you haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about.

from dictionary.com
Misinformation: Information that is incorrect
Disinformation: Misinformation that is deliberately disseminated in order to influence or confuse

Stop wasting my time and distancing journalists from reasoned debate. There are far better resources available and you should find that out. i.e. Press for Truth. Improbable Collapse, 911 Revisited, 9/11 Guilt: The Proof is in Your Hands, The Great Deception, 911 Mysteries.

Or how about spending some time finding out how IPS is disinformation? Or what disinformation actually is for that matter!


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Anthony Lawson
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote



Reprinting, as a quote, someone else's entire post, without even attempting to answer the questions directed at you, is wasting space and other people's time.

I am formally making a request that a moderator take a look at your 'contributions' to this web site, to see if they have any merit.


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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well Anthony here's his prompt response 31-Mar:


The final NIST report on WTC7 is due in the spring I think. A draft
conclusion is that a critical column was damaged. Please read that
interim report (from a few months ago).


10 out of 10 for a quick reply. Zilch for actually answering any of my points. Doh!

The dudes insane man, or really really stupid. Either way he's now fair game in my books as he really shouldn't be doing that job if he's honestly that deprived of reasoning. He obviously hasn't played Jenga as the dude even states the damage was localised! Man can we have some people with some brains and integrity calling the shots sometime soon, pretty please?

Will reply but not sure what slant to take as not really up for a tit for tat email exchange. I already knew he was a waste of space, just wanted to give him one more chance before I took him off my xmas card list. He'll regret that.

Anyway they aint got a chance in hell of getting away with this. In a startling way I'm already feeling sorry for Paul, gees the dude gonna struggle later on in life with that baggage around his shoulders. Rather him than me that's all that I can say.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 9:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anthony Lawson wrote:


Reprinting, as a quote, someone else's entire post, without even attempting to answer the questions directed at you, is wasting space and other people's time.

I am formally making a request that a moderator take a look at your 'contributions' to this web site, to see if they have any merit.


How very sinister of you. Whether you like it or not IPS is known disinformation. Hopefully your moderator will explain this to you and you won't need to embarass yourself any further. Remember you are the one who has sent a movie notorious within the movement for it's disinformation to a BBC Correspondent and are publicly criticising him for not taking you seriously!!! You remain alone in being the only one giving off weird cointelpro vibes. Did you intentionally send disinformation to a journalist? No perhaps not but if you continue to maintain that IPS is credible and of more evidential value than the films i mentioned (Press for Truth. Improbable Collapse, 911 Revisited, 9/11 Guilt: The Proof is in Your Hands, The Great Deception) then you will find an awful lot more people like me trying to expose/help you.

Do you really believe Dave Von Kleist talking about pods, flashes, no windows etc is going to make a BBC journalist think twice? Surely not. There is enormous evidential value in the films such a Press for Truth; detailing the victims families struggle to get an investigation and the ensuing cover-up, while on the otherhand Improbable Collapse and 911 Revisited focus entirely on the central issue, the controlled demolition, with academic and scholarly analysis throughout. What is so eye opening about Dave Von Kleists throughly debunked and ridiculed work? I add this debunking and ridiculing comes from both truthers and non-truthers alike by the way.

Have i missed something? The thing is you come across as a smart guy but if this is so then why the hard on for disinfo and IPS?

As a tool for motivating involvement, IPS selects for people who tend to undervalue critical thinking skills and scientific evaluation of evidence. Such people will tend to promote IPS and other flawed materials, playing into the stereotype of 9/11 conspiracists as lunatics. - Jim Hoffman

p.s. please check out the links i went to the effort of providing for you earlier.



Last edited by gareth on Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:13 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


You come over as the sinister one, Gareth. You have consistently ignored my not unreasonable questions, regarding your accusations about Dave von Kleist and '9/11 - In Plane Site', preferring to swamp this thread with reprints of my posts and web references to the opinions of others.

To totally ignore reasonable questions either demonstrates your own ignorance, or the fact that you have a different agenda from others who contribute, in a positive way to the British 9/11 Truth Campaign. Keeping Paul Reynolds on the run is difficult enough, without someone like you running interference for him.


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


That is a typical Paul Reynolds reply, referring you to a government document; not answering you directly. Such reports and press handouts have long been the staff of life for certain people who call themselves journalists; it means that they don’t have to do any actual work. These days, they can scan the handout into an OCR application, rearrange the words, add their by-line, press <Enter> then off to the pub.

There are now very few people who really care about informing others, and that state of affairs can be blamed on their employers and the pressure that they are under from those who control the media.
I’ve be communicating with Paul Reynolds, for quite some time, and I get the feeling that, even if he wasn’t having to toe the BBC policy line, he wouldn’t be out there, up to his neck in muck and bullets, to get a story.
However, I’ve just had another reply from him, which was rather more detailed than heretofore, although I don’t see much evidence of a change in his BBC mindset . I suspect that he may have taken our exchanges to a supervisor, for advice.

I’m not sure that I care to share any more of my correspondence with this website, for reasons that you may understand, if you read some of my exchanges with Gareth.

If you are interested in having a copy, I can post it in your private mail cache. Let me know by writing to mine. But, if you have the time, keep on at Paul Reynolds, maybe something will stick to his thick skin.


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


In my post of March 30th, I wrote the following:

For example, Loose Change downgrades the weight of the Rolls Royce engines on a Boeing 757 to six tons, when they are closer to 20 tons each, but this and other examples that I found did not appear, to me, to have been included because of an intention to deliberately mislead.

While doing some cross checking, I discovered that Loose Change got it right. The 20-ton figure came from an article supporting a Boeing 757 entering the Pentagon, but the author incorrectly used 40,200lb which I took to be the engine weight, but which in fact was the thrust, which should been written: 40,200lbf, the ‘f’ signifying the engine's thrust (the ‘f’ indicating force, I presume).

When cross checking that time, I came across a website which did not include the ‘f’ after the ‘lb’ either http://www.airliners.net/info/stats.main?id=101 but after checking a Rolls Royce website and some information from Boeing, I can confirm that the engine and struts on a 757 weight 11,900lb or 5.95 tons.

I apologise if this error caused anyone any problems.

As a matter of interest, an entire 757 wing, including the engine, landing gear and fuel (full tanks, I presume) weighs 43,800lb, or just over 21 tons, and, therefore would have done a lot more damage to the area either side of the alleged entry hole than can be seen in the photographs taken before the upper part of the facade collapsed.


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 12:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

pastomen wrote:
Dude I'm an engineer and I just wrote him this, not sure if you'd agree with how I said what I said but the * were getting me down, or maybe it was the beers from last night, anyway who cares I told him my opinion as an engineer anyway:

Dear Paul,

It has come to my attention that you are the World affairs correspondent for the BBC News website. I have been informed that Anthony Lawson has been in contact with you regarding the heinous attacks on September 11th and the mounting evidence that the event was a false flag operation carried out by rouge elements within the current American administration to further their own political agendas.

Your response to the controlled demolition of WTC 7 is to refer Anthony to the NIST report. NIST are not the cleverest of people it would seem, they believe open fires melt steel, or not when asked by people who know the behaviour of steel under high temperature; it depends. Yes the lead structural engineer from NIST, John Gross, who looked into the collapse of the twin towers, denies the existence of molten steel in the basements of the twin towers. This is an admission of a cover up as he can only deny its existence as it is a theoretical impossibility for open fires to melt steel. If he admitted there was molten steel then he has to come up with a reason as to why. Therefore he flatly denies it. Is that ethical? So therefore what energy source caused the steel to melt? The inherent gravitational potential energy in the structure could not have achieved such a result.

It's a no-brainer in my opinion, but that would entail doing some investigative journalism, instead of reguratating the governments own implausible explanation masquerading as fact for the unsuspecting masses. I wouldn’t trust NIST to explain the collapse of WTC 7 further than I could throw them. They deal in illusions it would seem, not facts. You also shouldn’t trust them, not over something as important as this.

Only ignorant or exceptionally naive people can deny they don't understand the problem of the collapse of WTC 7 because they are not engineers. Have you ever played the game Jenga? Surely you dabbled in the laws of nature at school; you might drive a car by the same laws everyday. What does your gut feeling tell you about the collapse of WTC 7? Steel framed structures don't collapse due to fire, never have, and never will. That's why they're built out of steel and concrete see, not combustible materials like wood.

I am an aeronautical structural integrity engineer and can honestly tell you that your blind trust in an organisation with such close links to the government like NIST, which is obviously lying, is tantamount to a surrender of you morals as a journalist. I thought you guys were the ones who asked the questions staring us in the face but it is quickly becoming apparent that this is not true, much to my dismay.

I like a challenge and exposing the corrupt institutions perpetrating this lie is definitely that. It would have been nice not to have to destroy the credibility of the BBC at the same time though (your stance on this issue has been marked firmly in the sand with the Conspiracy Files programme).

I now know that you know, and I will gladly explain to Anthony how I have offered an engineers point of view. If you want to hear it from a civil structural engineer then my flat mate will gladly write you an email also.

I await your response with eager anticipation.

Scott Hudson BEng (Hons)

Anthony hope you don't mind me putting my six pennies worth in.

Rock on guys.

Great email, except for when you blame "rouge elements" in the US government. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:22 pm    Post subject: Re: BBC 'World Affairs': Monstrous Enemy of the Truth Reply with quote

Anthony Lawson wrote:
In early February, I sent Paul Reynolds (the World affairs correspondent, BBC News website), DVDs of ‘9/11 – In Plane Site’ and ‘Loose Change II,’ but it will come as no surprise that I did not hear anything from him, even though he had agreed, in an e-mail exchange, to watch them.

Last Monday (26 March), I stumbled across an item written by Mr Reynolds headed: ‘New tensions over Iran's nuclear plans,’ dated 26 February, which can be read at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/6379611.stm

It was a typically one-sided look at the issue, so I though that I would bring this fact to his attention, and re-introduce the matter of the collapse of WTC7, which had been the subject of some of our previous exchanges. Here is an unedited stream of the exchanges, with only the openings changed for clarity, and the signoffs omitted.

Anthony wrote:

You've still not got back to me on 9/11 In Plane Site or Loose Change, but I suppose that the whitewash by The Conspiracy Files backs up your position, so you don't really need to take into account what can be seen with your own eyes. (Do you really still think that WTC7 was not a controlled demolition?)

With regard to your item 'New tensions over Iran's nuclear plans,' in the interests of fairness, I think that you could have reminded your readers that the United States is continuously breaking its undertakings with regard to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and that the amount of weaponry and firepower imported into Iraq by the United States and Britain would outweigh, by a factor of about 10-billion-to-one, anything which might be reaching Iraqi resistance groups---known, for some reason, as 'insurgents' by the BBC, CNN and most of the rest of the media---from Iran.

You shouldn't call such a piece an 'Analysis' unless you can be seen to be taking an unbiased position. If that madman, Bush, does attack Iran, people like you must accept some of the responsibility for what happens thereafter, because you are currently in a position to properly inform those who might be able to make a difference, but you are not doing so.

Paul Reynolds wrote:

Sorry but where did the bit about 'controlled demoliton' of WTC7 come from? You cannot simply leap from belief to 'fact'!

Anthony wrote:

Well, why don't you tell me what it looks like to you? Here are the choices:

1. Does it look like a collapse due to random fires?

2. Does it look similar to other videos of controlled demolitions?

Here are some clues:

Incontrovertible Fact: Even if diesel-fuel fires, enhanced by office papers, plastics or whatever, could melt through the structural supports in such a building, they would all have to melt through and give way at exactly the same moment, otherwise the collapse would be uneven and the building would tip over, instead of collapsing in the manner which is there for all to see in the videos taken that day. (A failed demolition video can be seen at http://www.compfused.com/directlink/1070/ )

Incontrovertible Fact: For all of the support columns in such a tall, wide building to have burned through and given way at exactly the same moment, due to any kind of fire, is manifestly impossible.

Reynolds wrote (in two e-mails):

http://wtc.nist.gov/pubs/WTC%20Part%20IIC%20-%20WTC%207%20Collapse%20F inal.pdf

I can only refer you to the NIST report. I am not an engineer. Are you?

As for your points.

1. They were presumably not 'random fires' but major impact and heat.

2. Because something looks like something does not mean it is!

This statement from NIST was put out in December 06 and outlines the theory. The final report is planned in the spring. A fire (from diesel generator fuel) and/or debris impact on a critical column is now given as a hypothesis. It also says it is studying 'HYPOTHETICAL BLAST SCENARIOS'...though it has found no evidence of a 'controlled demolition event' of the type you ( and others) claim.


and this


Anthony wrote:

No, I am not an engineer, but I am not a liar, either, as the NIST engineers appear to be; liars by omission. Examine the excerpt you have isolated. The compilers of this 'WTC 7 Technical Approach and Status Summary' do not point out that hypothetical blast scenarios are necessary because they have no physical evidence to work with; the real evidence being the structural steel from the building—you know, like the body in a murder investigation—all of which was rushed away from the site (along with the steel from the Twin Towers), on the orders of New York's then mayor, Rudy Guliani, kept under guard so that investigators could not access it, then exported to China and Korea. Yet they still have the gall to write: "While NIST has found no evidence of a blast or controlled demolition event…"

That is a blatant lie by omission, because they know that they could not possibly find any evidence of a controlled demolition without access to the physical evidence. It is like an investigator saying: 'We could find no evidence that the man was shot.' after the body in question had been cremated. And they compound that lie by omitting to draw attention to Larry Silverstein's video-recorded statement, which has been available on the Internet since it was first broadcast on PBS in September, 2002.

Silverstein on Camera: I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the [WTC 7] building collapse. (ends)

But, clearly, you are prepared to believe people who tell lies, by omission, rather than the evidence of you own eyes, evidence which indicates, if not conclusively proves, that the collapse of WTC7 was most likely to have been caused by a controlled demolition, particularly when the building's owner, Larry Silverstein, admitted as much with his "pull it" statement.

Which means that you are prepared to believe the interim findings of an organization that is clearly ignoring a scenario that fits all of the available evidence, visual and audible, while it bends over backwards to make hypothetical evidence the sole basis of its 'investigation', and is quite prepared to adjust the chosen hypothesis, as they go along.

Quote from NIST: This hypothesis may be supported or modified, or new hypotheses may be developed, through the course of the continuing investigation. (P. 4)

Which is tantamount to saying: 'We'll keep going until something fits' and a footnote which might as well read: 'But we will never, ever look into the possibility that it was a controlled demolition instigated by the owner, Larry Silverstein, or persons unknown.'

Your acceptance, no, your continual promotion of this obviously flawed method of investigating a pivotal incident in a series of events which led to the invasion of two nations, by the United States and Britain, and the deaths of over one million people, in my opinion, makes you a very unreliable person to be reporting on, or analysing anything, let alone having your opinions disseminated by the BBC, an organization which many decent, but misguided people still trust.

Reynolds wrote - March 28
I can argue no longer. You do not accept the NIST report, so let us leave it there.

Anthony wrote - March 29

Do you actually know the difference between an on-going investigation and a report?

The document you have been referring to is headed: ‘WTC 7 Technical Approach and Status Summary’, it is not a report.

So how could I possibly agree (or even disagree) with a report which has yet to be published? In fact, you have earlier written, rather ungrammatically: ‘The final report is planned in the spring.’ And the document in question includes the following statement: ‘It is anticipated that a draft report will be released by Spring 2007.’ Not the final report, you will note, but a draft.

Furthermore, as a BBC correspondent, you should be able to work out that NIST is not actually investigating what caused the collapse of WTC 7. By its own admission, it is attempting to justify its own pre-conceived hypothesis as to how the building collapsed in the way it did. And if that hypothesis is found to be wanting, it will be adjusted or another one formulated.

What NIST will never do is consider the most plausible explanation available: that this was a controlled demolition, as thousands of people, including many engineers, demolition experts and New York firemen believe it was.

Paul Reynolds has yet to reply, as of 6 AM GMT, March 30

Personally, I see little hope for a change in the media’s attitude to 9/11, the War in Iraq or the current stand-off with Iran, which is looking more and more dangerous everyday, unless and until those behind the policies currently being pursued by the president of the United States and his administration are brought into the international spotlight, and carefully investigated, and I can see no other entity which has such a stranglehold on U.S. foreign policy than the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) whose policies appear to be putting the wellbeing and security of the fledgling state of Israel before all else. I use the terms ‘wellbeing’ and 'security' only in the short-sighted sense that those who insist on pursuing these policies use them, not because I believe that where those policies are leading could possibly be good for anyone. Currently, these people have Iran in their sights, and they appear to be successfully getting much of the rest of the so-called developed world behind them. Yet, anyone with half a brain cell in reasonable working order must know that the idea of Iran being an immediate threat is manifestly absurd.

Israel already possesses about 200 nuclear weapons, making it highly unlikely that Iran would risk a nuclear exchange with that state, yet the issue, like Saddam’s non-existent weapons of mass destruction, has been blown out of all proportion by the U.S. president, the previous ambassador and the current acting U.S. ambassador to the U.N. backed to the hilt by the American mainstream media, which is almost wholly owned by those who seem to owe at least as much, if not more, allegiance to Israel than they do to their original country of citizenship. And much of the rest of the world’s mainstream media, including the BBC and most of the British press, follows where the American media leads them.

Where it is leading us all, at the moment, is to a place where all of our freedoms will be stripped away, one by precious one.

The mainstream media is a monster, and it is being nourished and protected by those who, for whatever reason, will not tell us the truth about what is really going on in the only world we’ve got. Those who refuse to tell the truth, or insist on ignoring the obvious—people like Paul Reynolds—deserve our utmost contempt, and should be peacefully targeted, at every opportunity, with evidence of our displeasure and disgust at what they are doing.

When you see or read something which is blatantly dishonest or biased, e-mail the person responsible and send a copy of your complaint to your MP. Try not to be abusive, and do not use bad language; this will only bring you down to their level. Spread their e-mail addresses around, so that others can join in.

Here is one to start or add to your list: Paul.Reynolds-INTERNET@bbc.co.uk

Take care,


Hello Anthony,

You have to look at the 'problem' from P Reynolds point, he's on the gravy chain payroll of the people actively covering up and continually spreading misinformation, lies and deceit regarding a whole host of events.

How can he openly or covertly support your viewpoint or the real evidence? The BBC and the rest of the MSM ilk can never ever report truths, thats not what they are there for.

I know its a gigantic shock to the system when one final awakens to the fact that the BBC are nothing more than a propaganda outlet to support and justify government policy, and ridicule anything and anyone who asks questions that raise doubts to the official conspiracy theory thats peddled as truth regarding 9/11.

What do you think would happen to him if he openly accepts that 9/11 didant happen as the official conspiracy theory says happened?

He would lose his job, face smears and personal attacks and possibly more? he could never work in broadcasting again, thats the fear and power that the system has. It takes strong people to stand up for truth and lose your job, possibly house marriage etc etc.

Thats why its easier for people like him to go along, not cause ripples and play the game, thats what he's there for, who knows if he keeps playing the game right promotion for him will be forthcoming probably.

If you must watch the BBC news treat it as a comedy, similar to monty python shows.

Insurgents, ah yes, they were referred to as Saddam loyalists too, the BBC news and language is aimed at your mr and mrs jones', the type that says i read it in the sun so it must be true and the BBC would never lie, they are not allowed and if it wasant true they couldant transmit it. These people are occupied working/slaving all day struggling to pay bills etc and come home knackered shattered and not able to think, never mind question anything. They are led to believe in the fantasy world of the BBC and to be led, thats the system. Its a powerful tool and it works thats why they do it.

You cant tell the people the truth, how long would the elite powerbase last if we had truthful news on the TV radio and newpapers?

At least you know what the BBC are now, move on, (you can lead a horse to water). Just make sure that your sleep isant effected in the knowledge your hard earned money you pay to this BBC in licence fees is keeping these f*ckers busy non stop in constant faking,lying and conjuring, it cant be easy faking and lying and covering your lies non stop.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 5:15 pm    Post subject: Don't give up Reply with quote

Don't Give Up

Hello Long tooth,

Welcome to the 9/11 Truth Movement. First, I would like to point out that my published joining date is incorrect. My original membership was erroneously terminated when I changed my e-mail address. In fact I have been a member for well over a year, and, sadly, about six months ago, I have sensed a loss of impetus, a creeping weariness interspersed with jolts of activity, such as happened when it was discovered that the BBC had prematurely announced the collapse of WTC7, followed by lapse into lethargy.

I would like to thank you for your thoughtful post, but, although I appreciate your compassion for those who have got themselves into a position where they have to toe the corporation line, I cannot agree that they should be let off the hook, or allowed to continue to peddle their phoney wares to a, largely, unwitting public with impunity.

You might be able to view the BBC news as an episode of Monty Python (I’m guessing that your nom de plume may have something to do with your age), but it isn’t. It is still what a lot of people think of as being a trusted source of the truth. I used to trust the BBC, but I now know that it can no longer be trusted with the truth, as people who have joined this movement well know.

You ask, or advise me, to move on, yet I can see no reason to do so. I have children and a grandchild whose futures are, indirectly, in the hands of the people who currently control the mass media. What about them?

Had the mass media done the job it is supposed to do, it is quite possible that the war in Iraq would not have happened; that over one million people would still be alive, and that another million or so would not be under the threat of death and mutilation, if those who profit from war have their way. I’m talking about the build up of world opinion against Iran, four years, at least, before their nuclear programme could produce a weapon of mass destruction, while Israel has at least 200 and the United States continues to develop strategic nuclear weapons in defiance of Mohamed el Baradi’s IAEA.

Actually ‘defiance’ is not the right word, because, to my knowledge, that august body has never called upon the United States to cease its nuclear-weapons research or enhanced-enrichment programmes. It is non-proliferation treaties and U.N. resolutions which attempt to curb Israel's excesses that the U.S. defies, or simply ignores.

We live in a sectionalised, two-faced world, with those who have dictating to those who have-not, and threatening the have-nots with military action if they don’t do as they are told has taken the place of peace talks and diplomacy. Far from being in any way religious, I still agree with one of the sayings from what is called The Bible: As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

What Bush and Blair have sown, in Iraq, will echo down the ages, just as will what Britain did to Ireland, and what Israel has done and continues to do to Palestine. Their legacy will be endless; endless conflict with those whom they have assaulted and robbed of their livelihoods, loved ones and the very will to live, in many cases.

Where do you think suicide bombers come from? The urge for revenge comes from a deep well of emotional despair and a conviction that nothing could be worse than what has been done to them and their families already. I realise this because I know how I would feel if one of my children were to be killed, solely because of someone else’s greed.

Oh, someone is bound to argue that it is the militant mullahs who encourage them with their words of hate. No doubt some are persuaded in this way, but the mullahs don’t have to make up the motives, they are there for all to see, and so are those who justifiably deserve their hate.

They are those who give the orders to crush and mutilate the bodies of their mothers, their fathers and their children; those who give the orders to destroy their homes, their public buildings, their very culture. Families, communities, cities, an entire country dismembered because a cabal of insanely greedy men and a few women know that war and other people’s misery means money. It means profits from the manufacture and supply of armaments, all along the way to the big prize when the victory is won. Oil.

But such a victory is an illusion, as many decent people know it is. The trouble is that not enough decent people are aware of this because they believe the mass media, of which the BBC is a leading light. It would probably only take one of the big ones to give a little, and the whole edifice could crumble under the sheer weight of those who must know that they are prostituting themselves for their pay cheques, at the expense of the future of their own children, not to mention their own self respect.

No! Now is not the time to give up.


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Long Tooth
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 7:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anthony, your doggedness and moral fibre is to be applauded, perhaps i should have elaborated on my 'move on' sentance, the 'move on' was to stop wasting your valuble time on media whores such as Reynolds, my little conspiracy theory for you here is that he already knows the score and as you rightly say has sold out.

I agree with most of what you say, having lived in Palastine/Israel for 10 months albeit 18 years ago, i am fully aware of what it takes to be a suicide bomber, i know first hand what the Palastinian conditions are, i have never met a more genuine people than the Palastinians and i have travelled the world a lot. From land grabbed that was multi generations handed down to Palastinians to water wells posioned, i have seen it with my own eyes, along with the aparthied sytem operating there.

I wish you well in your effort to make the media accountable, the reason things are the way they are regarding media whoring is that it works, decades of the good old BBC, they would never lie is indoctrinated into most of us from being small, usually from our peers etc.

The positives you have gleaned from this repugnant odious reynolds are you can now see him and the rest of his ilk for what they really are, media whores as you rightly say, picking up their pay checks for peddling filth, and helping to keep the staus quo.

I was attempting to say move on from this insidious individual as i believe you stated you have been e mailing this leech for months and months? with your motivation i believe you can have a more positive outcome by directing your efforts elsewhere, especially now as this leech is ignoring you now, thats what people like him do with awkward questions after a time, perhaps if he loses someone dear to him in the next 7/7 'bombing coming soon to us all' he may consider not selling his soul for peanuts, i wont be holding my breath on that though.

The sad facts are, they do peddle their filth with impunity, even when caught the kangaroo courts are set up, you know 'independent inquiry' after 3 years and then swept under the carpet, judged by other whores in the network. I dont know how long since you discovered that the BBC is nothing more than a fantasy news channel for sleepers, but sadly its endemic of all aspects of power and influence, from police (de menezes type fantasies of whats suppossed to have happened, as to whats really happened) to lawyers, councillors, judges, estate agents, government coroners brought in for 'delicate cases' to ensure a 'home run', the armed forces etc etc etc. its all corrupt and riddled with secret society menaces. Its just that its buried a lot deeper than in other societies, ie asia where the corruptness is discussed in newspapers openly, (Shinawatra Taksin, the ex Thai Prime Minister, countless articles in the local newspapers years before his exile, discussing his corrupptness and contacts.)

The intellegence agencies control the media constantly, nothing goes out unless by accident of anything too damning, and everything, no matter how ridiculous or incredulous that supports 'government/elite agena' is peddled and repeated ad nauseum, everyone working there is vetted by these hoodlems, and with people such as reynolds, anything which threatens the myth of these fairy story merchants and peddlers is disposed of in a variety of ways, depending on the threat level, from sackings to murders.

good luck DONT GIVE UP just move on from this pillock reynolds.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 3:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello Again, Long Tooth,

Now, I understand what you meant by ‘move on’, and you are probably right. Of course he is not going to fall down in Clapham High Street, or wherever, and see the light, but his conscience might be affected just a little, and he might start to be more circumspect about what he writes, in future. On that score, I have no intention of leaving him in peace.

Thank you for your overview of the situation, it is clear that you have no illusions about the mainstream media, and I hope that you will spread your views around to your friends and acquaintances who need to be jogged out of their complacency about what they read and watch. Trying to get my friends and acquaintances to look further and deeper into what appears in the likes of the New York Times and the Washington Post, and on the BBC and CNN, is something I try to do as often as I can, and it has destroyed a few dinner and lunch parties, I can tell you.

It’s an uphill push, in most cases, but it sometimes works.

Take care,


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:19 am    Post subject: The BBC's Neocon Propaganda War Reply with quote

The BBC's Neocon Propaganda War

Editors: please delete this duplicated post. Thanks, Rory.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:21 am    Post subject: The BBC's Neocon Propaganda War Reply with quote

The BBC's Neocon Propaganda War

The BBC's approach to war and world affairs is, first and foremost, a reflection of the British puppet state's viewpoint. It is questionable that the BBC was ever an independent organization. But, along with the widespread damage to civil and judicial freedoms caused by the noxious Blair de facto dictatorship, the BBC's reputation has dropped to an all-time low of news-whoring.

Regular readers of this blog will know that I am constantly warning them that the Mainstream Media (MSM) in both the US and the UK --or USUK for convenience-- is deliberately fuelling speculations that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon and that, for this reason, the US and possibly Israel might carry out a 'preemptive' attack on that country.

The BBC's approach amounts to blatant warmongering. No amount of complaints appear to make the slightest bit of difference. Financed by a compulsory tax in the form of a licence fee, payable by anyone owning a television receiver in the UK, the BBC has huge resources to hand and is a major international satellite broadcaster.

BBC 24 News is received across the planet and many viewers mistakenly believe that it practises a balanced reportage. This is nothing more than a myth which the BBC is, itself, responsible for having perpetuated. The reality is that, particularly under the oppressive Blair regime, the BBC has become a servile tool for the broadcasting of USUK war propaganda.

This was reflected some time ago in comments made by Professor Professor Geir Lundestad, secretary of the Norwegian Nobel committee, when he observed that "media organisations could receive the Nobel peace prize in future."

Prof Lundestad mentioned several contenders, such as CNN, the New York Times, Le Monde and El País.

However, he made a notable exception of the BBC. "Some years ago, the BBC would have been an obvious candidate because it was the international model for news organisations. Nowadays, it is more debatable." He added: "We all know about the problems the BBC has had in recent years," without elaborating.

(The Guardian, 7 October 2006).

What he wouldn't elaborate on was the manner in which Tony Blair had fired the then BBC Director, Greg Dyke, for his daring to criticize Blair on the Irak War and the --to say the least-- dubious circumstances surrounding the 'suicide' of the ex-IAEA inspector, Dr David Kelly, who was scapegoated by the Blair regime.

Ever since Dyke's 'resignation' (he was fired on Blair's instructions) the BBC has taken an extreme lurch to the neocon right and the promotion of the Bush-Cheney-Blair-Zionist war party. Greg Dyke was replaced by a leading zionist, Michael Grade.

Two recent instances of the BBC's highly propagandistic news coverage has been its anti-Chávez reportage on Venezuela and a complete news-blackout on the arrest and trial of two members of the neo-nazi British National Party who were caught with what was reported locally as the largest weapons-haul ever made by the British police.

Not to be unfair, that news-blackout affected the entire British MSM and appears to have been at the behest of Blair.

The above are just two instances taken at random. The actual list of the BBC's right-wing bias would be unending.


The BBC is preparing Britain and the rest of the world for US military aggression on Iran. Ever since Bush started his vicious propaganda campaign against Iran, the BBC has meekly followed suit. No doubt, on Blair's insistence.

Just last night on its News 24 programme it screamed out that the International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA) had 'leaked' a document proving that Iran was 'secretly developing weapons-grade' fissile material. It conspicuously failed to say anything more about this document so I conducted my own search and found this Reuters press release.

Can anyone find any evidence here that the IAEA is warning of Iranian nuclear weapons development? The Reuters/Yahoo article goes on to make the customary speculations but evidence there is none.

That didn't stop the BBC in its headlong rush to serve its neocon bosses in Downing Street and Washington, DC. Not only is the BBC sure that Iran is developing a nuclear bomb but that it threatens the continued existence of that famously peaceable nation, Israel, with the nasty terrorist proxy, Hezbollah, provocatively flying its flags along the Israel-Lebanon frontier.

The BBC then interviewed several Israeli 'experts' who, naturally, spoke in the most objective manner of how Israel was victim to threats from Iran and why a 'pre-emptive' attack against its nuclear reactors would, therefore, be the most sensible thing to do.

Of course, no mention was made by the BBC's jejune reporter, Matthew Price, of the terrible radioactive aftermath to which such an attack would lead, making Chernobyl pale into significance, or the even greater holocaust of a US-led attack using so-called 'low-yield' tactical nuclear weapons.

To get things into perspective, these 'low-yield' tactical nukes are capable of anything between a third to six times the destruction caused by the Hiroshima-Nagasaki bombs. The US Military now considers this level of destruction to be "acceptable." And so does the BBC apparently which keeps its lips sealed about the US nuclear option.

The BBC has, so far, failed to report on another significant statement from Iran that that country is reluctant to exit the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to which it, unlike Israel, is a signatory.

So much for its 'balanced' reporting.

The BBC's approach to war and world affairs is, first and foremost, a reflection of the British puppet state's viewpoint. It is questionable that the BBC was ever an independent organization. But, along with the widespread damage to civil and judicial freedoms caused by the noxious Blair de facto dictatorship, the BBC's reputation has dropped to an all-time low of news-whoring.

Does it care? I doubt it. It and its employees now see themselves sliding down the slippery slope to privatization so, in the meantime, will do anything to ingratiate themselves with Britain's rulers. It's a very sad day when a well-known British dissident (himself a victim of Blair's tyranny), ex-Ambassador Craig Murray, admits to better treatment from Rupert Murdoch's SKY News than from the BBC.

Those in Britain who are concerned at the rapidity their country is being turned into a police state should, without any further delay, launch a popular campaign to expose the BBC's dirty warmongering. A vital part of such a campaign should be the promotion of a countrywide non-payment of the annual licence fee, the BBC's life-blood.

The BBC should also be subject to a mass letter-writing campaign in which it is warned that it and its employees would be held to be war criminals for their further promotion of illegal military occupations by the USUK and for their gleeful promotion of a possible upcoming war against Iran.

Labels: bbc news 24, bnp bomb factory, dr david kelly, greg dyke, iaea, iran, israel, licence fee, michael grade, msm, nobel peace prize, npt, propaganda, reuters, sky news, tactical nukes, venezuela, yahoo

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Anthony Lawson
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:39 pm    Post subject: Thai blogsite Reply with quote

Thai blogsite

Hello venceremos,

I wanted to make a comment on this guy's website, but it is all in Thai. Although I live in Thailand, my knowledge of the language is very limited, and I am unable to read the script, which meant that I could not navigate through to the comments page.

It's a very good article, and thank you for posting it, but could you also supply more information as to how I could get in touch with the writer?

Take care,

Anthony Lawson

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