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New york 9/11 mobster Giuliani spreading his vile lies again

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mason-free party
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 8:22 pm    Post subject: New york 9/11 mobster Giuliani spreading his vile lies again Reply with quote

Iranians Behind Sept. 11 Attacks: Rudy Giuliani [ Post 295397828 ]

Category: News & Opinion (Specific) Topic: Conspiracy: 9/11 - Alleged Coverups
Source: mparent7777.blogspot.com
Published: April 7, 2007 Author: By MARC SANTORA
For Education and Discussion Only. Not for Commercial Use.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Iranians Behind Sept. 11 Attacks: Rudy Giliani

You can't make this stuff up.
April 7, 2007

Giuliani Says Nation at War Requires Him

CHARLESTON, S.C., April 6 — As Rudolph W. Giuliani introduced himself to primary voters this week, he rarely talked about the details of New York’s darkest day.

But Sept. 11 was a constant backdrop, and as Mr. Giuliani promoted his vision of a forceful foreign policy that calls for the United States to continue slugging it out in Iraq, he let his audiences know that his was an outlook forged by fire.

“What they say in Washington is not going to affect the fact that there are terrorists around the world that are planning to come here and kill us,” he said in Iowa, in the most spirited part of his newly honed stump speech.

Pointing his finger and bouncing up and down on his toes, he declared, “It is something I understand better than anyone else running for president.”


At a house party in New Hampshire, Mr. Giuliani suggested that it was unclear which was farther along, Iran or North Korea, in the development of a nuclear weapons program.

Asked about his policy toward the North Koreans, he said he backed the administration’s approach, mentioning in particular a Chinese role in efforts to pressure them. “I think the strategy has produced enough results so far that you have to stick with it,” he said.

As for Iran, Mr. Giuliani said that “in the long term,” it might be “more dangerous than Iraq.”

He then casually lumped Iran with Al Qaeda. “Their movement has already displayed more aggressive tendencies by coming here and killing us,” he said.

Mr. Giuliani was asked in an interview to clarify that, inasmuch as Iran had no connection to the Sept. 11 attacks. Further, most of its people are Shiites, whereas Al Qaeda is an organization of Sunnis.

“They have a similar objective,” he replied, “in their anger at the modern world.”

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mason-free party
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 8:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thursday, 05 April 2007


The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Saturday

'The front men and women of the Jesuit network are always two-faced, because they have to be. One face, the public one, smiles bonhomie and presents an image that will attract votes and support. The other is the scowling face of the genetic manipulator and deceiver, for whom there are no limits in pursuit of power.

Bill and Hillary Clinton are notable examples, and Bill was educated at the Jesuit—controlled Georgetown University. Whether someone is a Roman Catholic or not is irrelevant. The Jesuits control the Church of Rome, which is the present-day Church of Babylon, and its influence stretches far beyond Roman Catholicism.

Giuliani has blatantly revealed his obligatory two faces with regard to 9/11. The public one is as the brave and caring hero, covered in dust, who acted with wisdom as the horror unfolded. The other is the face of a callous self-server who will walk over anyone to get what he wants.'

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Long Tooth
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 8:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Time to inject this guiliani wacko with some truth serom, hook him up to the polygraph, and then let the people decide his fate.

He is a faker, a skyrer, in one sentance he's spouting about lets not engage in conspiracy theories, and then going off on a mouth frothing Iran did or is going to do it conspiracy theory the very next second.

One rule of thumb to be used is, whatever fakers like him say, the opposite is the truth. Its no wonder his buddies and clansmen in the media gatekeeping realms keep his real story and movements on 9/11 guarded and protected from your average taxpayer.

With a PR department consisting of hundreds of personnel pumping propaganda out by the sewer full to show him smelling of roses, what chance does your average hardworking taxpaying citizen have, of ever finding the truth behind this madman.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 9:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well Said Long Truth... sorry 'Tooth'

... did I get that right? Wink
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mason-free party
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 10:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Giuliani Begins New Year With
Massive Cover-Up Of His Record
By Robert Lederman

Having reached a level of popularity and success unprecedented in recent American politics you might think Rudy Giuliani would relax and enjoy life now that he s no longer Mayor. Instead, he s busy forming a shadow NYC government consisting of most of his former aides, top-level appointees and commissioners.

The transplanted Giuliani administration - renamed "Giuliani Partners" - is now a subsidiary of Earnst & Young, the world's largest accounting company. In a clever legal maneuver drawn from Machiavelli s dictum to keep one s friends close and one s [potential] enemies closer, Giuliani signed the company into existence a few minutes after midnight on January 1st.

Among the Giuliani associates signed on so far are Police Commissioner Kerik, Fire Commissioner van Essen, NYC Corporation Counsel Michael Hess, Giuliani s political advisor and Senate campaign manager Bruce Teiltelbaum, Anthony Carbonetti the Mayor s chief of staff, Dennison Young Giuliani's personal attorney and various other deputy Mayors and aides. His team of NYPD bodyguards will also remain with Giuliani - at taxpayer expense. These are all men whose testimony could potentially destroy Giuliani s newly-minted reputation as civic-saint.

Two days later he announced the creation of the 'Rudolph W. Giuliani Center for Urban Affairs Inc.'. According to the NY Daily News the privately funded center will initially create a Presidential-style Giuliani library consisting of documents from his administration's eight years in office. While the former Mayor claims the library will only have copies of the tons of publicly-owned paperwork generated by his administration, making the copies could take years. Right before leaving office Giuliani had the originals removed from city property to a private warehouse. With employees of Giuliani Partners doing the copying, many incriminating documents can be expected to disappear in the process.

Giuliani and his 700 Corporation Counsel lawyers have a proven history of refusing to produce documents when required to do so by judges. During the past eight years numerous lawsuits had to be filed by NY State and NYC officials attempting to get materials they were legally mandated to have access to as part of running the City government or by the media trying to verify administration statistics through the freedom of information act. Any attorney who has ever been involved in a lawsuit with the Giuliani administration knows they never give up incriminating material.

What does Giuliani have to hide? To start with he spent the past eight years falsifying every statistic generated by his administration. After manipulating the City s numbers for so long it is not surprising that he leaves the mayoralty to work for the world's largest accounting firm. During Reagan s presidency, Giuliani was in charge of crime statistics for the Justice Department.

Among the kinds of documents that it might be in Giuliani's interests to lose are details of his budget; of the real number of New Yorkers arrested whose cases were dismissed as false arrests; of the actual number of crimes committed in the City in contrast to the bogus crime statistics he's publicly released; data on how many of those kicked off welfare actually got jobs; documents showing serious conflicts of interest between the Mayor and various contractors, real estate interests and corporations that received billons of dollars in contracts with the City; and documents detailing the negotiations behind billions of dollars given by the Mayor to David Rockefeller, baseball team owners, and the owners of the NY media.

The members of Giuliani Partners are also the key witnesses in numerous ongoing lawsuits and investigations involving Giuliani. Many have already been subpeonaed to appear for depositions or are named as defendants in the same cases. While he was Mayor, Giuliani's Corporation Counsels managed to keep him from ever having to testify in a trial or submit to a deposition based on the concept that the City would suffer if he took time from his 'official' duties. Now that he's no longer Mayor, he and all of his aides are fair game for the depositions.

Here are eight out of hundreds of legal issues Giuliani Partners has an interest in suppressing now that he s left office. At the end of this article you ll find mainstream media quotes documenting each one.

1- A Federal investigation into why the WTC collapsed. Engineers appointed to do the investigation have accused Giuliani of obstructing the investigation and destroying thousands of tons of crucial evidence. Investigators also want to know why the FDNY allowed the Mayor to illegally store 6,000 gallons of highly flammable fuel in WTC7, which is alleged to have caused the buildings' destruction. Among the questions Giuliani might have to face about 9/11 are why he located his emergency command bunker in the U.S. building Federal authorities most expected to be attacked by terrorists.

Also related to the 9/11 attack are questions as to why workers in the towers were told to return to their desks rather than evacuate and why so many members of the FDNY were unable to be contacted on their radios, causing them to die in the towers. NYPD Commissioner Kerik might also be questioned at some point about the coincidence of his having worked as a head of security for the Saudi royal family before joining the NYPD.

2. Police misconduct. There are still ongoing Federal and State investigations and lawsuits about the stop and frisk policy, racial profiling and the police shootings of four unarmed men - Abner Louima, Amadou Diallo, Patrick Dorismond and Gidone Busch - all of whose families have pending lawsuits directly involving Giuliani. There are also issues about Giuliani forcing police officers to meet arrest quotas.

3. His divorce. Giuliani's second wife, Donna Hanover has accused the former Mayor of committing adultery with his former press secretary, Christene Lategano and with current girlfriend, Judi Nathan. The accusation involving Lategano has an additional component which could lead to criminal charges. She was a NYC employee at the time. When he prepared to run for the U.S. Senate against Hillary Clinton, Giuliani transferred her from her City Hall job in which she was constantly in front of the inquiring media to a new $150,000 a year job as head of the Tourism Bureau, where her only duty seems to have been spending millions of dollars on ads promoting the Mayor s accomplishments. Using public funds to pay off a mistress would be a criminal charge and at the least could cause Giuliani serious embarrassment and the likely loss of the Vice Presidential nomination.

4. Personal injury lawsuits. There are numerous Federal and State personal injury lawsuits by people who were falsely arrested which name Giuliani and a number of the 'Giuliani Partners' as defendants. These include a class-action suit now in the works by people illegally put through the system as a punishment for demonstrating against the Mayor. When Giuliani's divorce lawyer, Raoul Felder, told the judge that 'Poor Rudy' was almost broke, he wasn't factoring in a $3 million dollar book deal, the $100,000 a speech fee he now charges to do his Godfather and Marilyn Monroe imitations at corporate events or the millions in lobbying fees that will be generated as Giuliani Partners begins manipulating the Bloomberg administration from within and without. The Mayor could end up personally liable in some or all of those cases. If the real facts of how he personally ordered political opponents falsely arrested were to come out, 'America's Mayor' could find himself facing millions in personal damages. Member of Giuliani Partners are the key witnesses in these cases and the documents he wants to get control of are the main source of evidence.

5. The sources, true amounts and present location of millions of dollars in campaign donations he received while running for the U.S. Senate. After dropping out of the race Giuliani decided to keep most of the money rather than give it to his replacement, Rick Lazio, who ultimately lost the election to Hillary Clinton. The majority of those donations were from people who did not live in NY State. Much of it was raised by using mailing lists bought from extremist far right groups with racist connections.

6. The West Nile Virus pesticide spraying from 1999-2001. In 1999 Giuliani ordered helicopters to repeatedly spray nerve gas based pesticides directly on the City's human population in response to what was falsely depicted as a raging epidemic. Every warning printed on the pesticide's label was ignored, including directions that it must never be sprayed over water or on people and that a minimum 12 hour waiting period should elapse before allowing anyone into areas that were sprayed. Although a chemical contamination handbook with Giuliani's name on the cover is located in every NYC police precinct and ambulance which describes the chemical - Malathion - as a dangerous toxin related to WWII nerve gasses, Giuliani appeared at press conferences repeatedly insisting that it was 'completely safe'. In 2000 and 2001 Giuliani repeated his toxic attack on the City's health this time using other equally dangerous pesticides sprayed from trucks. Among those suing the City for health problems related to the spraying are NYPD officers ordered to accompany the spray trucks without using any protective gear, many of the unskilled men the City hired to do the spraying, members of the lobster fishing industry whose livelihoods were destroyed when the Malathion caused a massive die-off of lobsters after it was sprayed over water in direct violation of NY State law and thousands of New Yorkers who suffered negative health effects.

7. The last minute contracts to build new stadiums for the Yankees and Mets. Giuliani has made no secret of his close relationships with the NY Yankees owner, George Steinbrenner and with the Mets owner, Fred Wilpon. In 2001 he built each of these billionaires a minor league stadium at an expense to the taxpayers of $130 million dollars. Days before leaving office Giuliani signed a deal to build the Yankees and Mets each a new major league stadium at an estimated cost of $1.6 billion. Civic experts argue that sports stadiums are not a good investment for cities, let alone with Giuliani leaving a $4 billion deficit in his wake. Giuliani arranged for his former Deputy Mayor to be appointed President of the Yankees and has hosted numerous parades and pep rallies for the Yankees around City Hall at an expense of tens of millions of dollars to the NYC taxpayers. Could there be something more to these deals than just enthusiasm for baseball?

8. Lying under oath. To become a Federal prosecutor in N.Y. and later as Ronald Reagan s 3rd highest-ranking U.S. Justice Department official, Rudy Giuliani lied during his F.B.I. background checks when asked if any relative or associate was a convicted felon or had organized crime connections. Those lies were federal crimes. As revealed in 'Rudy! An Investigative Biography' by Wayne Barrett, Giuliani's father was a convicted hold-up man who served time in an upstate prison and was later employed as an enforcer for a Mafia loan shark operation. When the book was first released Giuliani denied and later admitted it was true. According to the book, a number of his other relatives were also in the Mafia besides the uncles who were firemen and police officers that he proudly refers to in public speeches. The point is not that Giuliani is a bad guy because his father was a mobster, but that he lied to the F.B.I. and to Congress about it.

9. Conflict of interest and corruption. Since the events of 9/11reinvented Giuliani's reputation, most people including much of the NY media have forgotten how many questionable instances of conflict of interest and possible corruption there were involving the Giuliani administration. Team Giuliani did a masterful job censoring the evidence, intimidating the witnesses and otherwise keeping these from becoming full scale scandals. Now that they are out of office investigators, political opponents and reporters will inevitably be revisiting these issues, which could lead to embarrassment and even possible criminal charges for Time magazine's 'Person of the Year.'

Is Rudy just nostalgically holding on to his circle of subservient yes men or is damage-control the primary task they are being kept on to fulfill? With downtown NYC in ruins and toxically-polluted by the WTC debris, midtown is set to again become the economic and political center of NYC. As the Giuliani gang moves their headquarters to midtown, will political novice Michael Bloomberg and his City Hall staff really be in charge or will Giuliani secretly rule the City from his new office at #5 Times Square?

If Giuliani were preparing to run for President it might seem appropriate to keep his aides on the payroll in preparation for appointing them to cabinet positions. At best though, Giuliani will only be running for Vice President on the 2004 Bush ticket and even that depends on Dick Cheney being unable to run due to his health. Vice Presidents don t appoint any cabinet positions.

Rudy Giuliani usually has two reasons for anything he does. One is intended for public consumption to enhance his saintly image and a second, hidden reason that is the real one. Keeping his organized crime family together is both business and personal. You might say Godfather Rudy made them all an offer they couldn't refuse.

BLOOMBERG NEWS/NY Newsday January 3, 2002

"Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani...will run his new consulting firm out of a skyscraper opening this spring, business associates said. Giuliani Partners, which the former mayor created with Ernst & Young this week, will move into the 38-story, 1.1 million-square-foot building at 5 Times Square...scheduled to open in May. The partnership agreement was signed "at about 12:15 a.m. on New Year's Eve" - minutes after Giuliani left office...Under its July 1999 agreement with city and state development agencies, Ernst & Young will receive $10 million in tax breaks and $5.5 million in electrical power discounts."

Daily News 1/3/2002
Thinking Cap for Rudy Plans own library and urban institute

"The ex-mayor has filed incorporation papers with the state creating the Rudolph W. Giuliani Center for Urban Affairs Inc., the Daily News has learned. The privately funded center's first order of business will be to create a Giuliani library, using thousands of documents from his eight years as mayor. Giuliani aides said the documents they used would be copies, with the originals remaining the property of the city...Giuliani aides said the voluminous documents from his two terms in office were boxed at City Hall last week and sent to The Fortress, a private high-security storage facility in Long Island City, Queens...Idilio Gracia-Peña, who was the city's archives director for 12 years, said the City Charter lays out regulations and standards for how documents with historical value must be handled. Documents with historical value belong in the municipal archives," said Gracia-Peña. "They belong to the people of New York."

NY TIMES December 13, 2001
Giuliani Plans Own Business With Top Aides in Consulting

"Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani cast some light yesterday on his plans for life after City Hall, saying that he was working to establish his own consulting business with some of his top lieutenants...Bruce J. Teitelbaum, a political adviser who said that he would be joining the new business with the mayor...Mr. Teitelbaum said that other figures in the administration who were expected to join the company included Anthony V. Carbonetti, the mayor's chief of staff; Dennison Young Jr., the counsel to the mayor, and Michael D. Hess, the city's corporation counsel. He said that others could join the company."

NY Times 5/1/2001
Rent Board Chief Resigns With Attack on the Mayor

"Facing ouster by Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, the chairman of the New York City Rent Guidelines Board quit yesterday and unleashed a scathing attack on the mayor. The departing chairman, Edward S. Hochman, accused Mr. Giuliani of being "a control freak" who "brow- beat" and "dictated to" the board, treating its members like "messenger boys" and "puppets," all to "advance his political career." Mr. Hochman also said the mayor and his aides had "manipulated the numbers," "tried to get around the law," "b******" the rent-setting process and turned it into "a charade...Last year was outrageous, unconscionable," Mr. Hochman said. "The mayor's deputy chief of staff took us into a back room and tried to browbeat us with: `the mayor wants this,' `the mayor wants that,' `we don't care what your reports say, this is what we want,' "For us to go through all this and have the mayor's office attempt to dictate the outcome for political purposes is outrageous. The pretense of having an objective process is out the window."

NY Times 12/11/98
Arts Agency Loses Leader in a Struggle Over Power

"The departing official, Reba White Williams, who is the director of special projects at Alliance Capital Management, had served on the commission since 1994. She and her husband, Dave Williams, the chairman and chief executive of Alliance, have given tens of thousands of dollars to Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani's election campaigns...Williams said she regretted the fight. "I was so proud of being a part of the Giuliani administration," she said. "I honestly thought that Giuliani was using the law to make life better for everybody. The one time I had a brush with it, though, I found out that it's not true..."

"Press Mulling Suit Against Mayor" NY Law Journal 2/3/99

"A lawsuit charging the Giuliani Administration with violating the First Amendment for using police to interfere with the press's ability to cover crime scenes and emergency situations may be on the horizon.... Gabe Pressman made his views clear: the Giuliani Administration is more "heavy handed" and "authoritarian" than seven prior administrations he has covered. "The press is treated in this town as though it were in a police state. ...Paula Madison, an executive at WNBC, said she had fielded a number of telephone calls from the Mayor and his press office in which she had detected "a really concerted effort to intimidate."

U.S. Official Finds No Repression in Haiti New York Times 4/3/1982

MIAMI (UPI) -- The third-ranking official of the Justice Department says he is convinced that there is "no political repression" in Haiti. Associate Attorney General Rudolph W. Giuliani, testifying Thursday at a hearing of a class-action lawsuit seeking the release of 2,100 refugees in Government detention camps, said that repression in Haiti "simply does not exist now" and that refugees had nothing to fear from the Government of Jean-Claude Duvalier. Mr. Giuliani said he visited Haiti two weeks ago and met with several officials, including President Duvalier. "Political repression is not the major reason for leaving Haiti," Mr. Giuliani said. He said he reached that conclusion after Mr. Duvalier personally assured him that Haitians returning home from the United States were not persecuted.


"Helicopters that city officials said would only spray over "unpopulated areas" instead spewed their pesticide cloud over surprised and frightened Islanders yesterday. Hundreds of children playing on football and baseball fields in Travis had to dodge the mist... The helicopter flew by four times. I think the borough president needs to get a call," said Kathleen Collins of West Brighton, who was watching her 8-year-old son, Michael, play. She said she sat in her car, cradling her 1-month-old daughter, Kayla, during the dousing...Borough President Guy V. Molinari said the Health Department "never asked us to notify anyone." He said the notion of contacting every league is "outrageous." "We just don't have the resources and staff to do this," said the borough president. "All we can do is take information from the Health Department and relay it to the public."

NY TIMES 12/20/2001
City Had Been Warned of Fuel Tank at 7 World Trade Center

"Fire Department officials warned the city and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey in 1998 and 1999 that a giant diesel fuel tank for the mayor's $13 million command bunker in 7 World Trade Center, a 47-story high-rise that burned and collapsed on Sept. 11, posed a hazard and was not consistent with city fire codes. The 6,000-gallon tank was positioned about 15 feet above the ground floor and near several lobby elevators and was meant to fuel generators that would supply electricity to the 23rd-floor bunker in the event of a power failure. Although the city made some design changes to address the concerns - moving a fuel pipe that would have run from the tank up an elevator shaft, for example - it left the tank in place. But the Fire Department repeatedly warned that a tank in that position could spread fumes throughout the building if it leaked, or, if it caught fire, could produce what one Fire Department memorandum called "disaster."

NY TIMES 12/25/2001
Experts Urging Broader Inquiry in Towers' Fall

"In calling for a new investigation, some structural engineers have said that one serious mistake has already been made in the chaotic aftermath of the collapses: the decision to rapidly recycle the steel columns, beams and trusses that held up the buildings. That may have cost investigators some of their most direct physical evidence with which to try to piece together an answer. Officials in the mayor's office declined to reply to written and oral requests for comment over a three- day period about who decided to recycle the steel and the concern that the decision might be handicapping the investigation...Interviews with a handful of members of the team, which includes some of the nation's most respected engineers, also uncovered complaints that they had at various times been shackled with bureaucratic restrictions that prevented them from interviewing witnesses, examining the disaster site and requesting crucial information like recorded distress calls to the police and fire departments..."This is almost the dream team of engineers in the country working on this, and our hands are tied," said one team member who asked not to be identified. Members have been threatened with dismissal for speaking to the press...Dr. Frederick W. Mowrer, an associate professor in the fire protection engineering department at the University of Maryland, said he believed the decision could ultimately compromise any investigation of the collapses. "I find the speed with which potentially important evidence has been removed and recycled to be appalling," Dr. Mowrer said. "

NY Post 8/28/2000

"Four cops are expected to offer shocking testimony this week that they were pressured by NYPD bosses to meet quotas. The testimony should buttress what cops have claimed for years - that they have been forced to provide certain numbers of arrests and summonses or face retribution, such as the denial of vacation requests or a change in shifts.

NY POST 6/11/98

"A Queens precinct commander says he will punish cops who don't make enough arrests by denying them days off, even in an emergency, The Post has learned...Although the Police Department denies there are arrest quotas in any of the precincts, the memo proves that cops who don't bring in enough bad guys face repercussions. "The pressure from the department to meet these numbers has surpassed the pressure that the officer encounters while on patrol," said Patrolmen's Benevolent Association official Daniel Tirelli. "Unfortunately, these pressures are not just in the 110th Precinct, they're in all precincts throughout the city."

NY Times 8/23/99
Dismissed Before Reaching Court, Flawed Arrests Rise in New York

"Though crime in the city has ebbed to historic lows, the New York City police arrested more people than ever last year. The inevitable result, courthouse lawyers and some former prosecutors say, is a surge in the number of flawed arrests. More and more of those arrested...were jailed and released without ever having been formally charged with a crime. Last year, prosecutors tossed out 18,000 of the 345,000 arrests made in the city even before a judge reviewed the charges, more than double the number of four years before. The rate of cases rejected by prosecutors grew last year by 41 percent in the Bronx and 23 percent in Manhattan. ...All told, more than 140,000 of the 350,000 cases disposed of in court last year ended in a dismissal, a 60 percent increase in dismissals over 1993.

NYTIMES 9/30/98
Judge Fines City $19,800 for Ignoring Orders

"A Federal District Court judge in Manhattan ruled Tuesday that officials of the New York City Police and Correction Departments had shown such "utter disregard and apparent disdain" for his orders in defending a civil rights suit that he ordered the city to pay $19,800 in sanctions. Charging that he had seen a pattern in such cases in which New York City Police and Correction Department officials treated court orders with contempt, the judge, John S. Martin Jr., threatened even stiffer penalties if the city did not change its approach. "You don't tell the Federal Court to go to hell," Judge Martin said. In court papers, [Corporation Counsel] Hess apologized for the delays in the case before Judge Martin... This was far from the first time that these agencies had manifested a cavalier attitude with respect to their obligation to comply with discovery requests," Judge Martin said. The judge said he had directed the Corporation Counsel's office to obtain official explanations from police and correction officials. But he criticized their responses as insufficient and said they "made no attempt to comply" with his order.

NY Times 12/22/98
Court Tells Giuliani to Release Budget Data

"A state judge has ruled that Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani must provide more information to a public agency that scrutinizes the city budget, saying that his efforts to withhold facts and figures from the agency were illegal.

8/25/98 Village Voice
"Porn Free"

"The Giuliani administration has granted a record $666.7 million in tax abatements, the lion's share of which went to businesses locating in Times Square."

Newsday 10/8/98
Mayor Defends Deal on Intrepid

"As he continued to accuse City Council leaders of fiscal waywardness, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani yesterday defended his decision to forgive $594,000 in back rent...owed by one of his top campaign contributors...Zachary Fisher, a real estate magnate who is the museum's chairman and chief benefactor. Fisher donated generously to Giuliani's past two bids for mayor."

NY Times 11/24/98
City Union Chief Concedes Vote Fraud

"Hill's admission came four days after it was revealed that prosecutors were investigating allegations of vote fraud, tainting what was widely considered as Mayor Rudolph Guiliani's most important labor relations victory. The two-year pay freeze helped Giuliani balance the city's budget. And Giuliani used the District Council 37 contract, which covers social workers, engineers, data processors, clerks and dozens of other categories, as a lever to pressure firefighters, sanitation workers and other unionized workers to accept similar two-year pay freezes".

NY Times 11/29/98

"Mr. Giuliani once made a reputation chasing the kinds of crooks and scoundrels that control District Council 37. Now he eagerly climbs into bed with them. The contract ratified by the fraudulent vote set the pattern for agreements with other municipal unions and helped Mr. Giuliani balance the city's budget. And District Council 37 endorsed Mr. Giuliani for re-election in 1997."

NY Times 12/7/98
Union Dissidents Describe Links to Organized Crime

"Dissident officials of District Council 37 have told Federal investigators of death threats, kickbacks and other longstanding organized-crime influence in some locals of the city's largest municipal union, which has been battered for weeks by revelations of voting fraud, embezzlement and racketeering."

NY Times 11/28/98
New York's City Hall, Once Open to All, Takes Cover Behind Barriers

"Although City Hall "could be an attractive target," Mr. Schiliro [NYC FBI director] said, the Federal Bureau of Investigation had "no specific information that City Hall is a target at the present time." Mr. Siegel said the barricading of City Hall reflected the Mayor's view that "he's the epicenter of the world, that terrorists are plotting to bomb City Hall."

Daily News 5/12/2000
Donna Sticks to Her Guns Insists Rudy, aide had affair

"Donna Hanover [Giuliani's current wife] made it clear yesterday that she believes the relationship her husband had with a staff member was intimate. A spokeswoman for Hanover, Joannie Danielides, said there is no ambiguity in Hanover's mind about the nature of the relationship between Mayor Giuliani and Cristyne Lategano, his former communications director....A press aide during Giuliani's successful 1993 campaign for mayor, Lategano rose quickly through the ranks of the Giuliani administration, almost doubling her $77,000 salary in the nearly six years she was at City Hall..."Everyone suspected it," said one former City Hall staffer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "It was a bizarre amount of time they spent together...The speculation about an affair flared anew when Lategano left City Hall for her current $150,000-a-year post as president of the city-funded Convention and Visitors Bureau, a post for which she had no experience. "She got forced down our throats," said one source with knowledge of the selection process at the bureau.

NY Observer 1/31/2000
Right-Wing Southerner Is Rudy's Secret Weapon in Senate Campaign

"The Giuliani campaign has rented at least a dozen lists from a Virginia-based company called Response Unlimited...a look at the lists shows that the Giuliani campaign has stockpiled lists of potential donors who have supported groups and causes that seem to be at odds with the Mayor s image as a moderate Republican who favors gay rights, immigrant rights and abortion rights...Richard Viguerie, the controversial right-wing direct-mail magnate, was enlisted by Giuliani operatives to arrange for the list rental...A leading right-wing warrior, he has worked for Jesse Helms, Oliver North, George Wallace and Patrick Buchanan....His marketing strategies helped launch the conservative revolution in the early 1960 s, when he did mass mailings for Presidential candidate Barry Goldwater. He raised cash for Wallace in the early 1970 s, and helped organize Jerry Falwell s Moral Majority in the 1980 s. He threw his direct-mail empire behind Mr. North, an insurgent candidate for Senate in Virginia, in 1994...the Giuliani campaign has [also] rented a list of 6,000 names from English Language Advocates, a group that drafted a controversial initiative to make Arizona an English-only state, the group s development director, Phillips Hinch, told The Observer. The Mayor s campaign also has enlisted other right-leaning list companies. According to campaign finance records, the campaign hired the Virginia-based RST Marketing, which is raising money for Gary Bauer...And the campaign has paid for the services of Pinnacle List Company, which offers...names of those who have donated to "U.S. Border Control," a group whose Web site warns darkly of "the ethnic cleansing of European Americans."

Daily News 11/22/98
Yanks' $3M 'Study' Needs Examination

"Last month, in pitch darkness, the mayor gave George Steinbrenner $3 million to do "site planning" for his business, the Yankee baseball company...The latest $3 million was voted by Mayor Giuliani's Economic Development Corp. on Oct. 7...No announcement was made afterward...The deputy mayor in charge of economic development collected $900,000 in severance payments from his old job last year while working in City Hall. His old job? He was a big honcho with Major League Baseball. He continued for six months as a consultant to baseball, with a private hotline on his City Hall desk that rang directly from the Major League offices".

NY Times 9/9/2001
STADIUMS Giuliani Races to Help Yankees and Mets; Others Hope for Delay

"Ever since he took office in 1994, Mayor Giuliani, who has already built the two most expensive minor league parks, at a cost of more than $130 million, has enthusiastically supported the teams' efforts to build new stadiums.

NY TIMES 12/29/2001
Giuliani Presents Deal on Stadiums

"Trying to seal an 11th-hour deal on one of his most cherished projects, Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani said yesterday that he had entered into tentative deals with the New York Yankees and the New York Mets to build stadiums for a combined $1.6 billion in the backyards of the teams' current ballparks."

Daily News 7/8/2000
Giuliani Killed Tell-All Report on Life: Book

"A secret report prepared for Mayor Giuliani's 1993 campaign concluded the "raucous social life" he carried on during his first marriage posed a potential threat to his candidacy, and he became so unnerved by the study he ordered it destroyed, a new book discloses...In examining the mayor's statements, the never-before revealed report titled The Rudolph W. Giuliani Vulnerability Study prepared for Giuliani For New York found "numerous inconsistencies and questionable circumstances about how long [Giuliani and his first wife] were married...Excerpts from the book released earlier this week revealed Giuliani's father, uncle and cousin had links to organized crime, and that his father had once served time for a 1934 stickup. The book says that despite extensive interviews and background checks for Giuliani's government service, no information about his family's criminal past surfaced."

NY Post 1/29/2000

"On Jan. 3, the city's Convention and Visitors Bureau announced that Giuliani would be featured in an upstate ad campaign to promote winter tourism. Cristyne Lategano, the mayor's former communications director and the president of the visitors bureau, insisted the ads weren't intended to promote Giuliani's Senate campaign in important upstate voting districts. Besides, she told reporters, only a "very small portion" of ad money came from the city treasury. It turns out that $200,000 of the $350,000 radio buy is being paid by taxpayers.

Daily News 2/2/2000
Union Howls as City OKs Private Ambulance Biz

"For the first time, the city is allowing a for-profit ambulance company to use the city's 911 emergency response system...The decision to use MetroCare, which is nonunion, has set off a firestorm of protest by the city's emergency medical technicians' union, which has charged that using for-profit ambulance crews for emergencies could endanger patients' lives."Farming out Fire Department work to a company whose first obligation is making a profit is disgusting, and it is bad medicine," said Robert Ungar, counsel to Local 2507, which represents 2,300 emergency medical technicians.

2/12/2000 NY Post
Rudy Campaign Donor Got Ambulance Pact

"MAYOR Giuliani attended a Senate-campaign fund-raiser at the Brooklyn headquarters of an ambulance company that later became the first private service to join the city's 911 system....Campaign records show Zakheim and his wife, Suzanne, each contributed $5,000 to the mayor's political action committee. Four other Metrocare executives chipped in an additional $5,500...Patrick Bahnken, president of EMS Local 2507, said the contributions and Zakheim's role as co-chair of a Giuliani fund-raiser in November should raise a red flag because the administration had previously opposed allowing for-profit ambulances into the 911 system. "How did a bad idea become a good idea?" asked Bahnken. "The only thing I can think of is Mr. Zakheim's contributions."

NY Times 7/21/98
Judge Says Ban on Big Rallies at City Hall is Unconstitutional

"A Federal judge in Manhattan ruled Monday that a city policy banning large groups from holding news conferences or rallies on the steps of City Hall was unconstitutional, saying that the Mayor used it selectively to allow groups like the Young Republicans to gather there, while blocking an AIDS advocacy group that had been critical of him."

N.Y. Times 11/8/98
U.S. Inquiry Asks if City Deprives Poor

Federal officials say New York City's new welfare policies may improperly deprive thousands of poor people of access to food and medical assistance, and they have begun reviewing the public assistance programs to determine whether they violate Federal law.

Daily News 5/11/2000
Rudy: City Told Malathion Not Cancer-Causing

"The city never would have used malathion to battle disease-carrying mosquitoes last summer if there was even a hint the pesticide might cause cancer, Mayor Giuliani said yesterday. ...For years, critics have warned that malathion is a neurotoxic chemical that can attack the central nervous system and cause respiratory, gastrointestinal and neurological problems...spraying in Tampa left 200 people hospitalized with dizziness, nausea and flu-like symptoms."

NY Post 5/13/2000

"Mayor Giuliani's sojourns to the Southampton condo of his "very good friend" may have cost taxpayers at least $3,000 a day for his NYPD security detail and for overnight motel lodging, The Post has learned.

NY Times 7/21/98

"For the second time in two years, The New York Post has received large tax breaks and other subsidies from city and state officials after threatening to move some of its operations out of New York City. Officials have granted the newspaper $24.4 million in incentives to build a new printing plant on 17 acres at a rail yard in the South Bronx."

NY Post 11/22/98
$610 Million Handout Due to Keep NYSE Here

"The city and state have "a skeletal deal" with the New York Stock Exchange to keep the trading giant on Wall Street in return for $610 million in government sweeteners, Mayor Giuliani said yesterday...The mayor dodged questions about the terms of the deal, but a letter from state and city officials outlining the offer reportedly contained the pledge of $160 million in tax breaks and other incentives."

Daily News 8/31/2000
Park Concert to Help Aid Rudy's Pet Projects

"Half of a $1 million payment being made to the city by the corporate sponsor of next month's Sting concert in Central Park will go to a little-known charity created by Mayor Giuliani that uses business dollars to help finance his favored projects...The nonprofit charity is run by Tamra Lhota, a former fund-raiser for the mayor and the wife of Deputy Mayor Joseph Lhota. Its contributors include corporate giants like AT&T and American Express. The other $500,000 from the event will go to the Central Park Conservancy [now run by Giuliani s exwife Reginna Perrugia], which manages the park in cooperation with the city Parks Department. Money from the charity has gone to a wide range of events, projects and organizations, from Yankee ticker-tape parades to publishing and distributing Giuliani's children's book, "What Will You Be?" The charity's board is studded with high-profile New Yorkers, including Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller. Daily News Chairman and Co-Publisher Mortimer B. Zuckerman also serves on the board.

NY TIMES 4/24/98
MOMA to Get $65 Million for Expansion

"Mayor Rudolph W. Guiliani pledged Thursday that the city would contribute $65 million over the next three years to help pay for a major expansion project at the Museum of Modern Art...Mr. Rockefeller, whose mother, Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, was a founder of the Modern, said the city money was "the financial cornerstone" of the expansion.

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mason-free party
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 10:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

sounds like a bunch of nazis...
Among the Giuliani associates signed on so far are Police Commissioner Kerik, Fire Commissioner van Essen, NYC Corporation Counsel Michael Hess


Last edited by mason-free party on Sun Apr 08, 2007 10:22 am; edited 1 time in total
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Long Tooth
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 12:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

With a record and principles like guliani's he may well go close to president, his credentials are impeccable, one will be left to ponder in bedazzlement the 'credentials' of those that may beat him for the role.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rudolf Giuliani is Israel's favourite for the forthcoming 2008 US presidential elections. He returned a $10m donation from a Saudi prince after 9/11, due to a comment which the latter made upon Israel - you can't get much more pro-Israeli than that! AIPAC lists and scores all the candidates by their degree of adoration for Israel, and Giuliani comes out top:

As the Mayor of New York he was told in advance to get out of the WTC towers because they were going to fall, on that morning, which does indeed show privileged treatment.
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