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Bilderberg 2007 - likely date & location announced

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:51 pm    Post subject: Bilderberg 2007 - likely date & location announced Reply with quote

After ten years of putting the Dutch word that means 'picture mountain' into all kinds of search engines this is what I reckon Bilderberg is. A high masonic => satanic supra-governmental PR exercise.

Bilderberg is the only time of the year that the cold heart of the beast appears in the public eye, as a tool to woo and wow powerful people who won't play ball. Of course the Bilderberg steering committee (for that read World Steering Committee) meets in secret the rest of the year. In fact the steering committee always arrives 4-6 hours before the other guests arrive to make last minute super-secret pow-wow.

Ultimately these people are the barely public political face of a death cult linked historically to the Templars. Henry Kissinger, runaway war criminal, whose prosecution in Chile for war crimes began on September 11th 2001 is the key military activist. David Rockefeller a key bankroller of the plot. If these man can be stopped from here within the transatlantic bloc we may even be able to prevent the US/Zionist led invasion of Iran and ensuing genocide.

Don't forget though they have most of the money in the world backing them and most of the somewhat tainted Royal families of Europe including the particularly down market wife strangler Prince Charles.

Anyway this is an English translation of an interesting little article from a Turkish paper in which this year's Bilderberg meeting APPEARS to have been announced.

Let me know if you think this is or isn't an appropriate bit of news.....

A "Punctured Administration" in Washington
3 April 2007, Cengiz Candar
We are having a chat with the World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz in a room overlooking the Potomac river in Watergate, Washington. When he selected Watergate for our brunch meeting, I can't resist asking: you Republicans have a hang up on Watergate, you are always drawn here against your will.

He laughs and points at the Potomac River. He means that his choice was based on the beauty of the view, not past history. Four years ago today he was the Defence Secretary's assistant and had made his reputation as the architect of the war in Iraq. In 2003 and 2004, the subject of our meetings was the political dimension of Turco-American relations and the fallout from the Turkish parliament's refusal to allow US troops use Turkish soil in war. This time his title is "President of the World Bank" and our discussion is focussed on the relations between Turkey and the World Bank.

Not long ago that relationship took a comical turn because his big toes emerged through holes in his socks in a visit to the Selimiye Mosque. The "holes in his socks" made for so much publicity in the US and the rest of the world that it is now almost impossible to say Paul Wolfowitz and Turkey in one breath without remembering that incident.

Two days before, the moment he saw me in a meeting room at the World Bank with a delegation consisting of the Ankara Forum, i.e. the delegation from the Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges (the TOBB) headed by Rifat Hisarcikoglu, and the joint delegation of Palestinian and Israeli businessmen, the first thing he did was to laugh and ask: "did you get me a pair of socks?"

The World Bank observes an American law that forbids its employees to accept gifts worth more than $100. Even so, after his toes made the headlines, he has been receiving boxes of socks from Turkey, China, Germany, Italy and many other countries. For legal reasons, he cannot collect most of these gifts. Knowing that, I replied "no, I didn't bring any but I can help you by relieving you from the gifts."

Joking aside, I know the secret of the holes in those socks. He had been wearing "Golden Toe" brand American socks. I said "they're awful. I once had quite a few and you wouldn't believe how little they last." He nodded. His visit to Turkey had provided enough evidence of their longevity.

He said he was very impressed by the vitality of Turkey's small businesses. He said he would soon make two new visits to Turkey. The first will be connected with the Bilderberg meeting scheduled to take place in Istanbul between 31 May and 3 June. It is not certain that he will participate in that event. He says that "the Bilderberg is "a valuable opportunity to meet many people and make acquintances." He has been in the administration of the Bilderberg and attended these meetings many times already. I said "for years, conspiracy theorists claimed that the Bilderberg was covert world government. This year I will be there myself. I shall see what covert world government is all about." He added mockingly: "that is still being claimed, there are many web sites making similar claims."

Although it is uncertain whether he will attend the Bilderberg, he pointed out that he had already made a promise to Tayyip Erdogan to attend another meeting in June, the International Investors Board which will be headed by Turkey's prime minister.

Will Erdogan still be prime minister then, or will he be Turkey's president? That too is uncertain. If the latter is the case, will he join the board over which he will be presiding? Uncertain.

The topic of the discussion changed to Turkey's presidential and general elections. Did he say anything? He said nothing. He only asked questions. So I provided him with a summary of everything that everybody in Turkey talked about, knew and didn't know. He asked if the Ankara Forum was satisfied with the meeting with the World Bank. I said they were realists. They made a good start but they do not believe that their business with the World Bank is concluded at this stage. He agreed with he TOBB directors.

It is not necessary to wait long before we come across discrepancies between the content of information coming from Washington and the behind-the-scenes reality, particularly in foreign policy issues. For example, when I wrote that the US-backed conference scheduled to take place this month in Istanbul was no longer a certainty, and that prime minister Nouri al-Maliki was opposed to it even though he had long stayed close to Turkey due to his reservations about the Kurds, both official circles and colleagues protested.

However, on Sunday, the Washington Post carried an article by Jim Hoagland, "Why is Nouri al-Maliki blocking an international conference?" It explains the circumstances that I wanted to bring to your attention last month. Just read this part: Washington has focused intense pressure on Maliki, who may yet agree to send Zebari to Istanbul rather than see the conference aborted. The reasons for his resistance were explained in these terms by an Iraqi official who requested anonymity in order to speak frankly: "Why should we go to a meeting to be ganged up on by European and Arab countries that were against the liberation of Iraq to begin with? Why should it be held on the soil of a country that threatens and slights Iraqis instead of helping them?"

Evidently, Washington's support isn't enough to fix the problem and move on. That is because Washington itself displays a "weakness of authority". That authority has holes in it. Its failure in Iraq and its position in the Congress make its weakness manifest.

And for now, it is still uncertain how long this weakness of authority in the world's only superpower will last or what it will lead to or how it will be fixed.

The Hoagland article about the international conference is here:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/03/30/AR2007 033001927.html

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 11:29 pm    Post subject: Re: Bilderberg 2007 - likely date & location announced Reply with quote

TonyGosling wrote:
After ten years of putting the Dutch word that means 'picture mountain' into all kinds of search engines...

The Dutch for 'picture mountain' is beeld berg.

However, bil der berg literally translated from Dutch is 'buttock of the mountain'.

It is German.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 11:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

'Of the Mount'

I get with Dutch to English "bilder berg" http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 9:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

That's funny.

When I put Bilderberg into Bablefish it translates as:

Part of a network of very wealthy globalists who want complete control over the world and its peoples so that their own position of control is maintained forever.

Thanks, Tony.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 1:07 pm    Post subject: Wolfowitz To Attend 2007 Istanbul Bilderberg Meeting Reply with quote

Wolfowitz To Attend 2007 Istanbul Bilderberg Meeting
http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/april2007/100407bilderbergmeeting .htm

Turkish journalist refers to ultra-elitist confab as "covert world government"
Paul Joseph Watson

In an interview with a Turkish journalist, World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz brags of his upcoming attendance of the 2007 Bilderberg Group meeting in Istanbul Turkey, while the journalist who is also set to be an an attendee refers to the elitist confab as a "covert world government."

Bilderberg is an annual conference of the global elite, the location of which changes every year. Power brokers from industry, oil, politics, banking, business, academia, royalty and the media get together to secretly discuss the course of the world with no independent oversight or press coverage whatsoever, save leaked details obtained by muck-raking lone journalists like veteran Jim Tucker.

Bilderberg claims it does not set policy and yet whatever is discussed usually pans out in the real world within 12 months.

The BBC uncovered documents form a former Bilderberg member dating back to the early 50's betraying the fact that the European Union and the single Euro currency were both brainchild's of the Bilderberg Group.

At the 2005 Bilderberg meeting in Munich Germany, leaked talking points obtained from the speeches given at the conference indicated that Bilderberg expected oil prices to surge over the next 12 months, which is exactly what happened.

Bilderberg has a proven history of acting in a kingmaker capacity. Both Bill Clinton and Tony Blair attended before becoming President and Prime Minister and the mainstream media reported that Bilderberg selected John Edwards as Kerry's running mate in 2004. Hillary Clinton was rumored to have attended last year's conference.

The Turkish news website Referans features an article written by Cengiz Çandar, who recently interviewed Wolfowitz in Washington about Turkey's relationship with the World Bank.

During the interview, according to a translation carried at Bilderberg.org, Wolfowitz spoke of his anticipation at potentially attending Bilderberg's next get-together in Istanbul, which runs from 31st of May to June 3rd.

Wolfowitz describes Bilderberg as a "a valuable opportunity to meet many people and make acquaintances."

Çandar, relishing his own invitation to attend, states, "For years, conspiracy theorists claimed that the Bilderberg was covert world government. This year I will be there myself. I shall see what covert world government is all about," to which Wolfowitz mockingly responds, "That is still being claimed, there are many web sites making similar claims."

Çandar refers to Wolfowitz as having "Been in the administration of the Bilderberg and attended these meetings many times already."

The main theme of this year's conference, overlapping with Bilderberg's sister organization the Trilateral Commission, is likely to be an agreement on behalf of the power brokers to fan the hysteria of man-made global warming in order to push a standardized carbon tax.

Shortly before last year's Bilderberg Group meeting in Ottawa Canada, Alex Jones and his film crew were detained overnight by Canadian immigration officials and interrogated simply for trying to fly into the country to provide media coverage of an event that is uniformly ignored by major establishment newspapers because their own editors are in attendance and sworn to secrecy.

Jones was told by the immigration officials that they were tipped off by Bilderberg security and ordered to detain the radio host and his crew. Laptops were searched as Alex and crew were shouted at, harassed, and threatened with jail or deportation.

In addition, three Canadian citizens who visited the Brookestreet Hotel in Ottawa where Bilderberg met were kidnapped off the street by militarized police with guns, detained without charge and suffered the ordeal of a marathon interrogation session and psychological torture - including threats to "cut off the arms" of one of the victims.

This is how the Bilderberg Group treats anyone that tries to peaceably protest or simply cover their activities, so forgive us for scoffing when claims that they are a benign talking shop for publicity shy old men are regurgitated year upon year by the lapdog press that dare even mention their name, while demonizing the rest of us as conspiracy theorists for even suggesting that a secret conference of 200+ world power brokers, including Congressmen and members of Parliament, without oversight, is worthy of some serious scrutiny.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 11:45 am    Post subject: Pre 2007 Bilderberg conference YouTube report Reply with quote

If it's good enough for Blair, it's good enough for Gosling Wink

Herewith the premiere of my YouTube pre 2007 report for this year's Bilderberg Conference - thanks to Christian Payne and all at DocuMentally

see also the excellent Dissident Vox podcast

YouTube pre 2007 Bilderberg conference report


Don't forget to vote for it.. Smile


"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:44 pm    Post subject: Bernhard accused of helping Nazis escape Nuremberg Reply with quote


KLM/Bernhard accused of helping Nazis flee

The Dutch airline KLM is facing calls for an inquiry into reports that it helped Nazi war criminals escape to Argentina after World War II.

According to papers found by Dutch journalists, KLM asked Switzerland to let Germans cross its borders and fly to South America without proper papers.

Suspected war criminals were forbidden from leaving Germany by the Allies.

KLM acknowledges some of its passengers may have been fleeing justice, but denies it sought to help them escape.

A spokesman for the airline, Bart Koster, told the BBC that it was not responsible for carrying out background checks on passengers who had been allowed to leave by the Allies.

Dutch MPs, historians and Jewish groups have demanded an independent investigation into the reports first aired last week, particularly because a member of the Dutch royal family may have been involved.

Prince Bernhard, the father of Queen Beatrix, was the director of KLM at the time.

Mr Koster said KLM did not want to run away from the allegations and was willing to co-operate with any inquiry.

"We would welcome everything which could help clarify what may have happened," he said.

Royal controversy

According to documents found in Switzerland by Dutch TV documentary-makers, a local representative for KLM, Mr Frick, asked the Swiss border police in 1948 to allow his airline's passengers from Germany to enter the country without the proper papers so they could fly to Argentina.

Sander Rietveld from the Netwerk programme said that although the memo from the border police about Mr Frick's visit showed his request had been refused, many Germans were allowed to enter Switzerland without permission.

"The point is that it shows KLM actively approached the Swiss police," he told The Times.

Marc Dierikx, an aviation historian at the Institute for Netherlands History, said other documents showed that many Germans had paid large sums of money to leave the country and that KLM was "intensively involved".

Mr Koster said KLM had no record of a former employee called Mr Frick in its archives, nor evidence that its board had known anything about the allegations.

"We have no information whatsoever that our board was actively involved," he said.

"However, it cannot be excluded that KLM representatives were not involved at a local level."

Experts say more research is needed in Europe and Argentina, because no passenger lists for KLM flights have been kept.

Argentina was notorious for welcoming war criminals into the country when President Juan Peron was in power between 1945 and 1955.

More than 150 Nazis were given refuge - among them Adolf Eichmann, who is considered to have been the chief architect of the Holocaust.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2007 1:06 pm    Post subject: Defense Attacks Credibility of Black’s Former Associate Reply with quote




Defense Attacks Credibility of Bilderberger Black’s Former Associate
By RICHARD SIKLOS May 10, 2007

CHICAGO, May 9 — A defense lawyer in Conrad M. Black’s criminal fraud trial attacked the credibility of the chief prosecution witness, F. David Radler, on Wednesday by pointing out the numerous times Mr. Radler had lied before he cut a deal with federal prosecutors.

Mr. Radler and Mr. Black, partners for more than three decades, built Hollinger International into one of the world’s largest newspaper companies, owner of The Chicago Sun-Times, The Jerusalem Post and other papers, until they were pushed out of the company in 2003, accused of financial abuses.

Mr. Black, 62, is charged with swindling Hollinger International, now known as the Sun-Times Media Group, mainly by selling assets and receiving millions of dollars in so-called noncompete payments from the buyers that prosecutors contend should have gone to Hollinger International shareholders.

Two years ago, Mr. Radler, 64, who was Hollinger International’s president and chief operating officer, pleaded guilty to a fraud charge and agreed to testify against Mr. Black and three other former colleagues, who have pleaded not guilty to a range of charges.

In two days of testimony for the prosecution, Mr. Radler told the jury that he and Mr. Black decided to help themselves to unauthorized bonuses by disguising them as noncompete payments. Mr. Radler said that Mr. Black, who was the company’s chairman, chief executive and controlling shareholder, initiated the payments.

When cross-examination began Wednesday afternoon, Edward Greenspan, a prominent Canadian defense lawyer who received special approval to defend Mr. Black in Federal District Court here, sought to undercut Mr. Radler’s credibility.

Mr. Greenspan pointed out that Mr. Radler had lied on more than 10 occasions from 2003, when an internal committee was set up at the company, to 2005, when he struck his deal with prosecutors. Mr. Greenspan hammered on the notion that Mr. Radler’s plea deal, under which he could serve as little as six months in Canada if the judge approves, is entirely dependent on whether he pleases prosecutors.

Mr. Greenspan drilled Mr. Radler on the corporate and government officials he had misled before making his plea agreement. Mr. Greenspan said that Mr. Radler lied to the special committee of Hollinger International’s board, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Internal Revenue Service, the United States Postal Inspection Service, the federal lawyers in the courtroom Wednesday and his own lawyers.

“At one point or another you lied to all of them, right?” Mr. Greenspan asked.

“Yes,” Mr. Radler replied.

Earlier, Mr. Greenspan became exasperated when Mr. Radler said he could not recall whether he had sworn either to God or on a Bible to tell the truth in an earlier court case in Canada. Mr. Black, who had a dour expression throughout Mr. Radler’s earlier testimony, chuckled quietly at some of the exchanges.

Anticipating Mr. Greenspan’s onslaught, the assistant United States attorney, Eric H. Sussman, wrapped up Mr. Radler’s testimony Wednesday by essentially asking him to explain why he had lied before and why he should be trusted now. Mr. Radler replied that he had earlier tried to “rationalize” some of his conduct.

In earlier testimony for the prosecution, Mr. Radler explained how in one instance, he and the defendants were together paid $5.5 million for agreeing not to compete with themselves. That agreement involved the community newspaper division of the company, which had been nearly sold off by February 2001, when the agreement was signed. At that point, the division had only one newspaper remaining — a modest paper in Monmouth, Calif.

Mr. Radler testified that a private company that he, Mr. Black and others had set up to buy papers from Hollinger International and elsewhere later bought the Monmouth paper for $1 and “working capital.”

Prosecutors stopped short of asking Mr. Radler if Mr. Black ever instructed him to conceal the payments or avoid mentioning them to Hollinger International’s audit committee or board. “Who, if anyone, requested that you sign these noncompete agreements?” Mr. Radler was asked. “No one did,” he replied.

He later tried to explain that he initially thought the money really represented bonuses for the executives that would otherwise have been paid by Ravelston, a Canadian holding company that controlled Hollinger International.

Couched as a noncompete agreement, “there was a good chance that it would be tax-free,” Mr. Radler said. He added, “At the time of the issuance of the checks, I was not aware that I was issuing money that belonged to Hollinger International as opposed to Ravelston.”

Mr. Greenspan also mocked Mr. Radler’s depiction of his decades-long relationship with Mr. Black as being a close one. Mr. Radler’s early testimony focused on how the two men bought and ran their first newspaper together. But Mr. Greenspan noted that the men had taken one vacation together alone in more than 30 years, and only one vacation together with their spouses.

Mr. Greenspan also tried to show Mr. Black’s accomplishments in business and world affairs. For instance, he noted that an article Mr. Black wrote as a young man in The Sherbrooke Record in Quebec was read into The Congressional Record in the United States.

He noted that in the mid-1980s, Mr. Black’s contacts through the invitation-only Bilderberg Group led to his acquisition of The Daily Telegraph. It was unclear from their expressions whether the jury understood the reference to Bilderberg, an annual invitation-only conference of influential people in business, media and politics.

During Mr. Radler’s testimony, prosecutors also introduced into evidence several memos in which Mr. Black expounded on criticism against the company for what shareholders considered excessive compensation.

Mr. Black argued in the memos that the company might curb some of its expenses and that even his wife, Barbara Amiel, had agreed to reduce fees she received as an executive, although he added that The Telegraph “will then have to stop underpaying her as a columnist.”

In another memo, Mr. Black wrote, “We have nothing to be ashamed of and must be on guard against tittle-tattle and not fall to back-biting.”

Another lawyer for Mr. Black, Edward M. Genson, moved for a mistrial when the excerpts were read. Judge Amy J. St. Eve denied the motion.



"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2007 1:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Tony,

that was very interesting Smile
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PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2007 1:25 pm    Post subject: My and Dutch TV's YouTube pre 2007 conference reports Reply with quote

Herewith my and Dutch TV's YouTube pre 2007 conference reports for this year's Bilderberg - thanks to Christian Payne and all at DocuMentally

2007 Bilderberg Meeting In Istanbul, Turkey - Dutch TV report


Wake up to the New Godless Order (Final Cut)



YouTube pre 2007 Bilderberg conference report


Don't forget to vote for it.. Smile

Hour long Pre Bilderberg 2007 audio commentary
hi-band: http://www.radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=23104
lo-band: http://www.radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=23103

Total respect to the over-safe

See also the excellent Dissident Vox podcast

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 4:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

New World Order elites: Bilderberg Group to Meet in Istanbul

Open letter to Turkish Prime Minister

by Timuçin Leflef
May 11, 2007

Communique sent to the Turkish Prime Minister re Bilderberg 2007 8th May 2007

Dear Prime Minister,

I am a Turkish filmmaker living in Ireland. It has come to my attention that the Bilderberg Group are holding their next meeting in Istanbul this year, between May 31 and June 3rd.(1) I have known about this group since 1993 and have been following their activities over the past 14 years. According to many sources, since its inception in 1954 by former Nazi S.S. Officer Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands, the Bilderberg Group have been covertly continuing the Nazi policy of creating a New World Order (a global totalitarian dictatorship) . (2)

Likely to attend this year's meeting are Paul Wolfowitz, Dr. Henry Kissinger and Donald Rumsfeld:

o As U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz was one of the major architects of the Iraqi War (3) and is still a member of PNAC (Project for a New American Century). PNAC is a neo-conservative think-tank which called for a "catalyzing event" for their policies "like a New Pearl Harbour" exactly a year before 9/11.(4) Mr. Wolfowitz is currently being questioned on charges of corruption and has been asked to resign as head of the World Bank.

o As member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group, Dr. Henry Kissinger is also likely to attend. According to many sources, Dr. Kissinger is a mass murderer who implemented and defended the decision to run 600 illegal bombing missions in Cambodia ("Operation Menu"), causing the deaths of over 500,000 Cambodians between 1969 and 1973. Under the U.S. constitution, this secret bombing campaign was illegal without U.S. Congressional approval. (5)

Two months after striking a peace accord with North Vietnam in October 1972, he authorised 129 B-52 bombers to bomb North Vietnam for 11 days in a "demonstration bombing" as a public relations exercise to appease South Vietnam (called "The Christmas Bombing").

Former U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia David Newsom, and a Senior CIA Officer both confirm that on December 5th 1975, Dr. Kissinger, along with President Ford, held a meeting in Indonesia with President Suharto. Transcripts of this meeting prove that he gave the greenlight to the subsequent Indonesian Invasion of East Timor. This lead to the massacre of over 100,000 Timoreans and violated the U.S. law on arms trade. (6)

Recently, a French judge subpoened Dr. Kissinger about U.S. involvement with mass-killings in Chile, Operation Condor and General Augusto Pinochet. He still hasn't attended the hearing and has been evading the subpoena ever since.(7)

o Bilderberg member Donald Rumsfeld is also another PNAC member and was the main architect of the Iraqi War. As he is a regular Bilderberg attendee, there is a possibility that he may attend this year's meeting in Istanbul.(Cool

My main concerns and therefore my questions to you are:

(a) Why are war-mongers the likes of Paul Wolfowitz, Henry Kissinger and Donald Rumsfeld being allowed to hold a secret meeting in Turkey this year, without the Turkish people's knowledge or approval?

(b) Why are the Turkish newspapers not discussing this event which will be taking place in Istanbul?

(c) It is obvious that a secret meeting of elite minds and warmongers like these is likely to result in the manufacture of another war for profit. I would therefore like to know whether they will be holding this meeting to plan the next stages of an upcoming war with Iran? Will they be using Turkey as a chess-piece in this next war? Also, as Dr. Kissinger wrote the book "Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy" and admits that he is not averse to using nuclear weapons in a war situation, will they be involving us in a nuclear one?

One journalist who has been invited to this year's meeting is Mr. Cengiz Çandar. However, in my opinion, he will be providing a complete whitewash on this year's event. Being a former lecturer at the Istanbul Bilgi (American) University (9), and a good friend of Paul Wolfowitz during the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, it is obvious in my opinion that Mr. Çandar has been invited to attend the conferences due to his loyalty to Bilderberg, and will most definitely be writing pro-Bilderberg articles. (10) Therefore, it is my belief not to trust him to make an accurate appraisal of this year's meeting and I ask that independent Turkish journalists attend this year, so that the Turkish people know exactly what is taking place in their own country.

I am completely appalled by the total lack of discussion in Turkish newspapers about the upcoming Bilderberg meeting, by the huge level of secrecy and denial surrounding it, the total lack of transparency of these meetings, and by the high level of ignorance Turkish people are showing about the Bilderberg Group. A secret meeting is being held by the world's most influential warmongers, right under our noses! This is an outrage.

As a Turkish citizen, I am deeply offended that my own government would allow this secret meeting to take place on Turkish soil without our knowledge or approval. I therefore ask you that there be complete journalistic transparency at the upcoming Bilderberg meeting in Istanbul this year. If the Bilderberg Group have nothing to hide, then we must be allowed a full transcript of their meeting. Therefore, the Independent Turkish Press must attend the meeting this year. If this is not possible, I ask that you, as a servant of the Turkish people, not allow the upcoming Bilderberg meeting to take place in Turkey.

As a public servant, I expect your reply within 10 working days of receiving this Open Letter.

Yours sincerely,

Timuçin Leflef

A very concerned Turkish Citizen

admin@lightfilms. com



(1) Washington'da 'delik iktidar', 03.04.2007 / Cengiz Çandar / Yorum http://www.referans gazetesi.com/haber.aspx?HBR_KOD=63588&ForArsiv=1

(2) "Behold a Pale Horse", William Cooper, Light Technology Publishing, Sedona, AZ, (c) 1992

- Bilderberg History: http://www.bilderberg.org/bildhist. htm

- Bernhard History: http://www.bilderberg.org/bernhard. htm

(3) "The puppet who cleared the way for Iraq's destruction" , Paul Wolfowitz must bear a large part of the responsibility that is usually laid at the door of his superior alone. Andrew Cockburn - Thursday April 26, 2007 - The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,,2065440,00. html

(4) Wikipedia, "Project for a New American Century" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century

(5) "The Trials of Henry Kissinger", Eugene Jarecki, 80 mins., documentary, BBC, 2002. Please watch on Google Video:

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-281588156 1030958784&q=The+Trials+of+Henry+Kissinger

- "The Trial of Henry Kissinger", Christopher Hitchens, Verso (May 2001), 160 pages

(6) The National Security Archive, East Timor Revisited"FORD, KISSINGER AND THE INDONESIAN INVASION, 1975-76 " Ford and Kissinger Gave Green Light to Indonesia's Invasion of East Timor, 1975: New Documents Detail Conversations with Suharto National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 62 Edited by William Burr and Michael L. Evans December 6, 2001 http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/ NSAEBB/NSAEBB62/

(7) The Latest Kissinger Outrage. Why is a proven liar and wanted man in charge of the 9/11 investigation? By Christopher Hitchens Posted Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2002, at 6:36 PM ET

Wikipedia, Henry Kissinger:

(Cool Wikipedia, Bilderberg:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ List_of_Bilderberg_attendees

(9) Bilgi Universite American Universitesi' dir:

Bilderberg.Org, "Bilgi Universitesi Bilderberg ile bagali!"
https://secure.gn.apc.org/members/www.bilderberg.org/phpBB2/viewtopic. php?t=2028

(10) Washington'da 'delik iktidar', 03.04.2007 / Cengiz Çandar / Yorum

(11) http://www.bilderberg.org

Global Research Articles by Timuçin Leflef

http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=LEF200 70511&articleId=5618

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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