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To 9/11 “Conspiracy Debunkers”: Show Up or Shut Up!

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 6:57 pm    Post subject: To 9/11 “Conspiracy Debunkers”: Show Up or Shut Up! Reply with quote

To 9/11 “Conspiracy Debunkers”: I’m Calling You Out…Show Up or Shut Up!
This message is addressed to all the deniers and nay sayers who have spent almost six years swearing to the lies of the official story of 9/11. It is high time to throw down the gauntlet and dare you to confront the questions that have to be answered. Consider it done

You won’t let us speak to you in public and you won’t attend our events. So tell me, who exactly is running and hiding…and why? It sure as hell is not any of us in the 9/11 truth movement. We’ve been out there with the facts and evidence just waiting for you to respond and show us where we are wrong and you are right, face to face and in public! Not one of you has ever responded and we’re damn tired of waiting.

And so, there really is only one way to go right now: the 9/11 discussion either has to end immediately or it has to go public full force! I am personally calling out the people who continue to cling to the official story! Bring your experts, bring the 9/11 Commission, bring your debunkers and openly debate me and the team I put together. If you hear us out and answer our questions honestly in a public and open forum, we’ll go away! If not, we want mainstream televised coverage of the research we have done.

We are not interested in some intellectual exercise or publicity stunt. On the contrary, confronting the facts we have unearthed may very well be a matter of national security. It is very possible that the perpetrators of the events of 9/11may very well be members of our own government!

I am sending this challenge to a whole range of people who are trying so hard to ridicule and destroy the credibility of the 9/11 truth movement. The gamut runs from Michael Chertoff’s cousin who wrote the recent propaganda piece in Popular Mechanics to all the people involved in a coordinated effort to eliminate any 9/11 discussion at all. It also includes every one of the people working with coordinated venom to discredit the reputation of anyone who might influence Americans to actually look at the 9/11 evidence.

All of these people, along with their cohorts who regularly chime in and mock the 9/11 truth movement need to do one of two things: show up and discuss the evidence in public, recorded on video, with 9/11 experts CHOSEN BY ME, or shut the hell up!

I’m tired of it. I’m tired of watching how unqualified and uninformed lemmings pick off a few raindrops in the storm of 9/11 evidence and claim that there are no clouds hanging over the official story. Once in a while you people claim to have found some holy grail to back up your argument. But you don’t seem to realize that about 10 minutes after your mythical security blanket articles are published, we in the 9/11 reality community are counting the deceptions, omissions and outright falsehoods it contains. I am tired of arguing with Joe Shmo on Espn.com’s forums or on other forums around the Internet. Get away from me kids, you bother me. Take me to your leaders. I want to speak to your daddy’s the ones in the Bush administration and on the 9/11 Commission. I am tired of dealing with illogical people who keep presenting the same argument over and over no matter how many times we expose the problems with the points that they make. I want to to deal with the people who put forth the 9/11 story, not the people who close their eyes and believe in it!

The Popular Mechanics article I referred to is only the most recent life raft for those still drinking the official 9/11 Kool-Aid. That issue should have come with a set of highlighter pens to help readers separate the author’s claims into three appropriate categories: lies, deceptions & omissions. But no one will come forward to publicly defend the contents of the article in a public forum with experts who are willing to expose its distortions an deceptions. Wonder why.

We have been begging for discussions. We have been screaming at the top of our lungs. We write editorials and blogs, author books, produce documentaries, interview witnesses, study films, - on and on. You name it we do it. We are journalists, former members of the military, the government, the CIA, the FBI, military intelligence and the clergy. We are pilots, scientists, lawyers, engineers, scholars, foreign government officials, foreign intelligence officers, police officers, fire fighters and just plain old jobless citizens. Some of us are researchers and some of us are just asking questions. Some of us go too far in drawing conclusions and some of us simply acknowledge that we don’t know what happened that day.

But we all have one thing in common: we now realize that the official story can not possibly be true. We are you and you don’t even know it!

We show up at your events. When we are able to get past big brother and pose a legitimate question to the 9/11 Commission members or to Rudy Giuliani, you toss us out on our asses like we were in Stalin’s Russia. You have our names taken and we end up on no fly lists. Yet we keep trying. But no matter how we try, we can’t access the criminals who have hijacked our government, not in Congress and surely not in the White House.

We couldn’t even a get good crime fighting Attorney General to hear our case. The hard working folks over at NY911Truth.org delivered a docket of evidence to Elliot Spitzer, then AG of New York, that might well have led to 9/11 related indictments! I was there when they did. But you managed to shut that door as well, and nothing came of it.

We have events. In NY for example, the NY911truth.org group headed by Les Jameson has public informative presentations on 9/11 related issues every single week! We have national conventions. We have community meetings and we have public demonstrations. We invite the gate keepers of the official story to these events. We invite the authors of the hit pieced like the one in Popular Mechanics to join us. We invite members of the corporate media to join us. We invite so called liberals like the folks of Air America Radio & so called bastions of truth like Amy Goodman to join us. We invite politicians to join us. We invite police, and fire fighters, from the top brass to the guys who are now dying of lung diseases contracted by trying to rescue their brothers and sisters at ground zero (You know, the people now dying because the Bush administration had the EPA issue a false report saying that the air at ground zero was safe, even though it wasn’t!)

And even when someone in the movement finally gets a moment of media exposure and tries to raise questions about the official 9/11 story to the unsuspecting public, you gang up on him or her and never, ever discuss the issue itself. You can’t kill the message so you rough up the messenger.

I’ve watched a few of these people get their 15 minutes in front of the camera. Some really great people have worked very hard to get some air time, but not everybody is adept at dealing with the tactics of the media. The people in the media are professionals. They know how to control a message. They know how to make even an intelligent person look stupid.
Some absolutely brilliant people, such as Professor Stephen Jones, have more understanding about the events of 9/11 than most Americans combined. But when you throw someone like that to the wolves, (can you say Tucker Carlson?), they are going to be eaten alive. That’s what happens when we get a minute or two here or there. Occasionally we get someone like Charlie Sheen or Rosie O’Donnell to bring public attention to the issue. But celebrities are lightning rods. I don’t care who the person is, any celebrity easily can become the victim of character assassination.

This may sound arrogant and this may sound as if I am doing this for some self serving purpose, but I really feel that the 9/11 truth movement needs someone like me, and I am offering myself up as the person for the job. I doubt that any member of the corporate media can go one round with me, and I won’t let any fancy mouthpiece like Sean Hannity win a debate in which he is factually incorrect but in which he is the stronger and louder debater. Trust me, I’m no Alan Colmes.

So here is my offer to both the 9/11 truth movement and to the backers and creators of the official story: Bring it on!

To the 9/11 truth community: I’ll reach out to you and put together a hand picked team of members of the 9/11 research community. We’ll assemble the big guns. We’ll bring the researchers. We’ll bring the witnesses. We’ll bring the documentation. We’ll bring the questions. And we’ll bring the body of verifiable public information that the criminal corporate media have kept from the public.

To the 9/11 Commission, members of Congress, members of law enforcement, families of the victims, legal professionals, Popular Mechanics editorial staff, and to the portion of the general public who still believe the official explanation of the events of 9/11: assemble your team and get ready to educate us.

To the corporate media: Cover the events. Cover the events or you will end up on the wrong side of public rage when the truth finally emerges and is accepted by the general public. You know this is not the sixties. This is not the Kennedy assassination. We have access to information. We don’t have to wait 40 years to realize it when the media is protecting the people who hurt us. A word to the wise: get on board or sink with the ship.

I will arrange for a public conference, perhaps at a university, and perhaps one that spans several days. We will have hearings. Our researchers and witnesses will present a case, as if in a court of law. Our purpose will be to expose the lies contained within the official story. We will show how the 9/11 Commission changed, omitted or misrepresented much of the original evidence and testimony. We will make the case that the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, Philip Zelekow, refused testimony and evidence and did not allow any information that disputed the pre-approved official story. We will not go beyond what we know for certain although we will include all related information regarding means, motive, opportunity and suspicious behavior or coincidence. Then the representatives of the official story will address the issues as presented.

No conclusion will be reached at the event. Recordings of the event will be made available to the world. There will be no copyrights on the recorded event. It will be distributed at no cost (or at a small fee enough to cover materials and access like blank DVDs and Internet hosting and bandwidth) to the public via Internet and via individuals who will copy and distribute the recordings. Any conclusion about what really happened on 9/11 will be reached by the public.

The nation needs to address this issue once and for all. We need to start the discussion or finally put an end to it. This event will merely expose the fact that there is a discussion to be had. If you are so confident that the official story is in fact the truth, then shut us up once and for all by defeating us in this court of public opinion. No more hit and run pot shots, like the Popular Mechanics piece. Stand up and respond to the people who have questions about 9/11.

If you can’t answer our questions, ALL OF THE QUESTIONS, the verdict will be obvious. If you refuse this challenge, your silence will show that you have no explanations and no defense to support the official story of 9/11. If you refuse to respond, you lose by default. Simple as that.

The burden of proof must now shift from the people with questions to the people who have given us the official explanation of the events of 9/11. Your explanation does not hold water. We can prove that. Can you prove that it does? If yes, then do so, and let us go back to our normal lives. If you can’t the American people better wake up and begin to understand what that means. And the American people had better be prepared to do something about it!

So come on Larry King, Oprah Winfrey, Regis, let’s do a few hours in front of America and see how the questions impact your viewers. Let’s dedicate a week of TV coverage, COMPLETE COVERAGE, to this vital issue. And I’ll set the agenda, not you. I won’t let you edit the segments and then bring on your hit men to talk about the issue with out our representatives there! No more playing by your rules because you are liars and I can prove it.

I’m ready to do this. Are you? Right now, either put up or shut up! - Jesse –Editor, TvNewsLIES.org

NOTE: Are you with me on this? Sign in and let your voice be heard. Then email a link to this to everyone you know.


Question for the people who can’t take a hint and are now arguing, from their safe little Internet connection, and using the “debunk a raindrop to disprove a storm” approach to debate…how many Americans know about the war games on 9/11? How many Americans know about WTC7? How many Americans know about PNAC and their motives? This debate is not over because it never started! Americans could not possibly have made a sound decision about the events of 9/11 because THE MEDIA NEVER REPORTED THEM! Holy cow…Americans don’t know about hijackers turning up alive and about the FBI director admitting that they do not know the identities of the hijackers! So far I have never ever heard one person explain that! Man, I could not imagine how humanity survived with so many simpletons out there! Do people even know what logic is? Do you know the hijacker identity issue alone disproves the official story! Can you be so stupid as to not understand this? So what I am saying is let’s get this all out in the open once and for all. I’m betting that if ALL Americans were aware of what I am aware of…the official story would die a quick death and you would see some angry Americans taking to the streets!

Well said that man

"The people will believe what the media tells them they believe." George Orwell
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Standing Ovation

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think that they are using their position of power to try get away with this horrible act Ravenmoon.

Power and money have gone to their heads faster than a neat bottle of vodka, and they have lost all sence of their humanity.

But we have GOT to nail these evil people in the end.

If we don't, there is a danger of them pulling off the same sort of stunt again, and the next time it might mean even more innocent deaths.

One sure way for evil to prevail, is for the good to do nothing.
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Long Tooth
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good luck Raven,

I'm sure you and most other 9/11 truthers already know the reason why no such person, media or government sponsored org will never, or ever will take you up on the challenge unfortunately. The lie has to be kept at all costs, and if one starts to reach too big an audience, well Evil or Very Mad

The tried and tested method of keeping non thinkers in the dark and uninformed reaches all subjects, not just 9/11. They mock, lie and decieve at every opportunity because it works.

I admire you and your web site, keep up the good work.
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