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More Show Trials in Blair's Corrupt Britannia

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 1:14 am    Post subject: More Show Trials in Blair's Corrupt Britannia Reply with quote

More Show Trials in Blair's Corrupt Britannia


Divine Retribution: Blair is Jailed!

Blair's grey old, Ahrimanic Britain is becoming a place of regular show trials, the kind which befits the totalitarian state which it has become, particularly in the last ten years of his neocon brand of fascism.

Today, on evidence that a decade ago would have been thrown out as circumstantial, the latest in Blair's show trials ended with five Muslims being convicted of a bomb plot conspiracy. These days the judges know better than to challenge politicians. The politicization of the judiciary has grown as quickly in Blair's Britain as it has in the USA. That is no accident. What Bush does to destroy civil freedoms in the US, Blair soon mimics. The two hit jobs are a joint operation. It was no accident that the UK (Blair really) has so enthusiastically backed the rogue Bush in two illegal wars. So we can now talk about the USUK's Anglo-Saxon alliance.

Bush's entirely spurious 'war on terrorism' was, of course, his justification to con the people of the USA into his murderous enterprise in Iraq and Afghanistan. Those of us who have followed this ghastly event since the faking of 911 know how both the CIA and MI6 were used to provide false evidence to justify the Iraq war. A recent book on the subject of how the intelligence services were used to fake the evidence that Bush and Blair instructed them to come up with is Neil Mackay's THE WAR ON TRUTH.

The shoddy way this latest show trial has been conducted has all the signs of the state's fait accompli about it. Flimsy, sometimes laughable, evidence was produced for the unfortunate five's convictions. The convictions themselves were draconian and meant to be exemplary, from 35 years to life meaning life.

It is early days yet to find too much evidence on the Net challenging the authenticity of these trials. That will come. Meantime, I'm making two links here to recent articles on Postman Patel's blog which has been quick to denounce the fakery of what has been a show-trial carefully manufactured for the needs of the mainstream media (MSM).

Islamophobia never really existed in its present full-blown form until Bush and Blair created it as a Goebbellian propaganda tool. Just as Hitler scapegoated the Jews as Germany's enemies so the diabolic twins nominated Muslims to be the twenty-first century's Jews. Islamophobia is nothing more than a convenient vehicle by which racism and imperialism is promoted while the fear of the (coloured) Other is used to project the aggressor's own violence onto his victim.

So Islam must lose twice. On the one hand its people are bombed to pieces in a Made in USUK hell on earth. Then they are blamed for daring to resist or retaliate and are labelled terrorists. So what are they supposed to do? Commit mass suicide like the Essene Jews at Masada? They don't need to. Their lives, held so cheap compared with every USUK soldier's, are being taken in liberal quantities every day. Much of the blood-letting is then blamed on 'sectarian terrorists' but there's never an investigation into the use of these terrorists by the USUK to destabilize populations and justify the building of walls and heavy 'security' policing. Or the regular use of torture that has been deliberately promoted by the USUK.

Any sensible person would be alarmed by the way in which Bush and Blair are staging show trials. For they are a thing of totalitarian systems, the very thing that the capitalist west used to get so self-righteous about when it was Stalin who was holding them. Unlike Stalin and Hitler, Bush and Blair have a very sophisticated corporate media apparatus which can be relied upon to give the proles their daily dose of lies, propaganda and brainwashing.

And in the present mind-bending epidemic of terror plots and show trials how many non-Muslims in Britain and the USA are able to understand that the real enemy we, the people, now face are not Islamic terrorists but criminal leaders who, under the pretence of a love of freedom 'n' democracy, are gleefully pushing us all in a handcart to hell? What does it take to wake up these sleepwalkers, the sheeple?

Labels: "war on terror", ahriman, blair, bomb plots, bush, entrapment, hitler, islamophobia, manufactured intelligence, muslims, postman patel, show trials, stalin, the war on truth

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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Excellent post.

No doubt about it the Sovietization of the UK is well under way. But let us not forget who was behind the rise of the Soviet Union.

Karl Marx – or Moses Levy Mordecai, or Mordecai Levi, it is unclear what his real name was – .....

The core of the conspiracy which had financed the "Russian" Revolution was the international financial groups linked with Kuhn, Loeb and Company. One of the principal figures was Jacob Schiff, whose grandson admitted had invested $20 million in a revolution which was in fact imposed upon the unfortunate Russians from outside their country. Other names mentioned in this connection are "Parvus" (real name Helphand) and the Ashberg Bank.

A leading member of Kuhn, Loeb and Company was Mr. Paul Warburg who, with his brother Felix, had left Germany for the United States in 1902, leaving behind their brother Max to run the family bank of M. N. Warburg & Co. in Frankfurt. Paul Warburg married Solomon Loeb's daughter and Felix Warburg married Jacob Schiff's daughter. Bronstein later married the daughter of another of the wealthy bankers who backed the Bolshevik Revolution, Jivotovsky.

While millions of troops were being torn limb from limb on the battlefields of the First World War, the international financiers were operating on both sides of the fighting lines. Max Warburg, for example, was playing a vital role in Germany while brothers Felix and Paul were doing likewise in the USA. Another comfortable arrangement at this time was Ulyanov's, tucked up cosily in neutral Finland or Switzerland with his Jewish wife Krupskaya, so safe that they could leave their door unlocked overnight so that any tired passing Reds could doss on their couch.

Following the imposition of the Bolsheviks upon the Russian peoples, and the British acceptance of the Zionist project for Palestine, the Schiffs, Warburgs and their international associates took the necessary steps, including the entry of the United States into the conflict, to bring the First World War to an end. These financiers were represented on both sides at the Versailles Peace Conference. British Prime Minister Lloyd George later wrote:

‘The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all on one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs.’

At Versailles the American President Woodrow Wilson changed his attitude on a vital issue after he received a telegram from Jacob Schiff. Schiff and his associates insisted upon the recognition of the Bolshevik Government in Russia and supported the first step towards the creation of a World Government, the League of Nations.


Let us not forget who backed Hitler.

In 1929 Prescott Bush was president of the Union Banking Corporation. (Prescott Bush was father to GHW Bush and grandfather to GW Bush.) In 1942 the Union Bank would be confiscated for "Trading With the Enemy Act" and moved from Bush's offices at 39 Broadway to the Alien Property Custodian's offices at 120 Broadway. 120 Broadway was the site of the NYC meetings described in this book, with Rockefeller Jr, and John Ridgeley Carter of J.P. Morgan & Co., dominating the meetings and promising Hitler funding. The Alien Property Custodian, Leo T. Crowley was himself corrupted, a political appointee and servent of the very forces he was supposed to police -- therefore it is not surprising that no serious penalties issued from his offices over this affair.

http://www.amazon.com/Hitlers-Secret-Backers-Sidney-Warburg/dp/0960035 869

These are just glimpses into what in effect has been a global conspiracy running for at least a couple of centuries

...with everyone believing Wellington to be defeated, Rothschild immediately began to sell all of his stock on the English Stock Market. Everyone else followed his lead, and also began selling, causing stocks to plummet to practically nothing. At the last minute, his agents secretly began buying up the stocks at rock-bottom prices. On June 21, at 11 PM, Wellington's envoy, Major Henry Percy showed up at the War Office with his report that Napoleon had been crushed in a bitter eight hour battle, losing a third of his men. This gave the Rothschild family complete control of the British economy, and forced England to set up a new Bank of England, which Nathan Rothschild controlled.


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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Postman Patel is good value IMO.

This is a 7/7 link, but since 7/7 is intextricably woven with the Fertilizer form the Crevice show i hope you will forgive me posting it here.
I just cam across and interview with an MI5 insider that rings true. What do the experts in our panel think of it?

The true inside facts about the 7/7 London bombings
By James Casbolt, former MI6 agent – February 18, 2007

James Casbolt- “So the guys on the train who were ex MI 5, ex SAS, they left the explosives on the train and then got off. What were their names again?”

X10- “The ex MI 5 man was codenamed ’J-boy’ and Mcgreagor was the ex SAS guy”

James Casbolt- “And then you say they escaped in a Vauxhall cabriolet?”

X10- “Yes and they were driven away from the scene”

James Casbolt- “So your MI 6 contact confirmed it was a Vauxhall cabriolet?”

X10- “Yes”

James Casbolt- “So J-boy and Mcreagor left explosives in bags under the seats but there were secondary explosives under the train carriage (See photos. Ed.) in case they didn’t go off”

X10- “Yes”

James Casbolt- “Do you know were the safe house was were Mcgreagor and J-boy went afterwards”

X10- “The safe house was in South London. This is a very unfortunate event that is going to be churning around in people’s minds for a long time to come. We need a proper public enquiry”


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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 11:21 am    Post subject: FBI informant captivated British courtroom Reply with quote

Talk about provocateured plots and inveiglement, the press aren't reporting that the 'star witness' was an FBI informant and that he nurtured a generation of homegrown British terrorists.

The great mass of sheeple simply can't read between the lines, find a group of disgruntled angry blokes and tell them they are going to blow up Big Ben.

British justice is an oxymoron, Guildford 4 and Birmingham 6 anyone?

Does anyone remember a similar plot in Miami a few years ago, again a totally provocatuered plot, involving some unfortunates with low IQs and the Sears Tower in Chicago??

The point is the plot was going no where and the judge even says 'This was a conspiracy that did not come to fruition, no doubt because of the intervention of the security services.' No judge, the patsies got cold feet and the provocateurs in the security services exposed the plot. A plot that they had engineered alongside their chief FBI informant, so that they could cut their losses and atleast get some propaganda value out of this. This is what you commonly call a set-up.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070430/ap_on_re_eu/britain_bomb_plot_info rmant

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 11:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Exactly the same MO as used in the 2000 case to frame up Moinul Abedin.

A dodgy agent provocateur, a garage full of explosives. Bingo. An Al Q terror plot.

As soon as the trial of Mr Al Q UK Dhiren Barot was concluded, John Reid et al claimed that Moinul Abedin's unfulfilled alleged terror plot was the first Al Q case in the UK just in case we were wondering if any of these so called terror plots were in any way remotely related to the illegal invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 12:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you all for this interesting feedback. I hadn't been following this case very closely because it was clear to me that it was just another false flag from the start.

The MSM even failed to report lawyer Imran Khan's statement. What complicity on their part. Meanwhile the nation slumbers. Nobody cares if it's 'Pakis' who get persecuted like this. Few cared when it was the Irish. Will they begin to care when it's their own who get dragged away into the prisons and concentration camps. 'Coz that's what's going to happen.

Back in the 'seventies the late radical historian, Edward Thompson, wrote a book called Writing by Candlelight in which he warned how every postwar British government had brought about legislation which was turning Britain into a police state.

During that time it was primarily the Caribbean community that was suffering at the hands of the Met but he also correctly predicted that the tactics being used in Ulster would be imported into the mainland.

That is precisely what has happened. Very few can see this. Yet it concerns us all irrespective of skin colour, religion or political persuasion. If you care about freedom you should be shouting from the rooftops about this.

But the sheeple are too busy getting into debt with consumer spending. Again, I say, what we desperately need is a Movement for Peace and Justice, something in which the Truth Movement can play a significant part.

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PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Blair's Soulmate

http://goldismoney.info/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=27859&d=117 8076553[/url]

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Sherlock Holmes
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PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:28 pm    Post subject: Statements made by those set-up by the FBI informant. Reply with quote

Please consider visiting http://www.julyseventh.co.uk

http://www.julyseventh.co.uk/crevice/crevice-imran-khan-statement-for- aquitted-nabeel-hussain.html
The transcript of Imran Khan's statement, given on behalf of Nabeel Hussain, who was acquitted of all charges in the Crevice trial, as given outside the Old Bailey on 30/04/07, is as follows:

"For over three years, I have had to live with the possibility that I may face the rest of my life in prison.

Had I been convicted, both my family and I would have been destroyed.

Today's decision is not just a relief for me, but also to my friends and family.

I have always maintained my innocence of the allegations against me.

I have never been an extremist, or believed in extremism.

At the time of my arrest, I was just a young man with everything to look forward to. I have lost these last three years and will never get them back.

In my view it should never have come this far, so that I had to suffer the indignity of prison and being labelled, wrongly, as a terrorist.

I am so glad this ordeal is over.

I am now looking forward to rebuilding my life and would like to thank all those that supported me and believed in me."

http://www.julyseventh.co.uk/crevice/crevice-imran-khan-statement-for- defendants.html

The transcript of Imran Khan's statement, as given outside the Old Bailey on 30/04/07, is as follows:

I'm giving this statement on behalf of those defendants convicted today, that is Omar Khyam, Anthony Garcia, Waheed Mahmood, Jawad Akbar, and Salahuddin Amin. These are their words that they wish me to read out:
In the name of Allah the merciful, the compassionate, we bear witness there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah, and Mohammed as his messenger.

This was a prosecution driven by the security services, able to hide behind a cloak of secrecy, and eager to obtain ever greater resources and power to encroach on individual rights.

There was no limit to the money, resources and underhand strategies that were used to secure convictions in this case.

This case was brought in an atmosphere of hostility against Muslims, at home, and abroad. One stoked by this government throughout the course of this case.

This prosecution involved extensive intrusion upon personal lives, not only ours, but our families and friends.

Coached witnesses were brought forward. Forced confessions were gained through illegal detention, and torture abroad. Threats and intimidation was used to hamper the truth. All with the trial judge seemingly intent to assist the prosecution almost every step of the way.

These were just some of the means used in the desperate effort to convict. Anyone looking impartially at the evidence would realise that there was no conspiracy to cause explosions in the UK, and that we did not pose any threat to the security of this country.

It is not an offence to be young, Muslim and angry at the global injustices against Muslims.

Allah says in the Qur'an, "Oh mankind, worship your Lord who created you, and those before you, that you may become righteous."

And that's the end of the statement. Thank you.
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