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Widow of alleged London bomber arrested

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Sherlock Holmes
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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 1:30 pm    Post subject: Widow of alleged London bomber arrested Reply with quote

Two years after the event?

Original story: 09/May/2007
http://uk.news.yahoo.com/rtrs/20070509/tuk-uk-britain-arrests-fa6b408. html

In a rabid orgy of fanaticism the main stream media proclaim that the wife of a July 7th 2005 (7/7) London suicide bomber has been arrested. However none of the media go on to ask the question posed here in the second headline: 'Two years after the event?'.

Was the wife of the suicide bomber hiding in a cave in Afghanistan? No she was living in Leeds, England.

This seems to be a desperate attempt to ward off calls for an independent public enquiry, while the security services and police resort to extreme measures. The fact is the security services have no evidence, and are unable to answer the battery of questions concerning the anomalies around the events of 7/7. As the number of ordinary people who are now beginning to question the official stories around 7/7 and 9/11 increase, the security services become ever more desperate to create headlines and ever increasing layers of smoke, to ward off those who might doubt officialdom. The headlines, the fear of domestic terrorism, are only part of the strategy to prop up the bogus war on terror.

The latest show arrests, include the widow the London suicide bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan, Hasina Patel, and three other 'suspects'. Is it not questionable as to why, two years after the event the widow of the suicide bomber is arrested? Surely she would have been one of the first people, along with other family members, who would have been questioned and placed under surveillance.

These arrests will no doubt be based on 'evidence' derived from 'informants' of highly questionable origin and reliability. The evidence may have even been derived from victims of torture, all of this was the case in the recent show trials and convictions of the 'alleged fertilizer bombers' who have all since protested their innocence. However nothing is below the British security services in their war on terror, war on truth and extreme behaviour to generate the right kind of publicity and headlines.

These latest arrests arise from a highly audacious kind of death agony of deception, in an effort to prop up the official conspiracy theory regarding the events of the 7/7 London bombings.

The security services will be able to hold off calls for any form of criticism, independent investigation, or enquiries from a sceptical public while they continue to carry out elaborate raids, forensic searches (2 years after the event!) and 'painstaking examination of the evidence'.

The game-plan of the security services must be to convict enough people on circumstantial evidence, questionable evidence and security service provocateur/informant testimony. So if an enquiry ever does happen, it will be buried in bogus evidence and convictions to be used as proof of the official lie, without ever answering any of the pertinent questions put forward by those who doubt the official story.

The security services are attempting to create a daisy chain, here one bogus arrest will lead to another, and then another and so on. They will portray this chain of events in the media as 'bringing down a house of cards' on the basis of painstaking investigation and solid police work. In actual fact what they are doing is creating an elaborate confusing mythology which the general public will no doubt be sold and no doubt buy, hook line and sinker.

Last edited by Sherlock Holmes on Wed May 09, 2007 4:07 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 2:32 pm    Post subject: Widow of alleged London bomber arrested Reply with quote

Many news outlets are using the word 'ringleader' to describe Mohammad Sidique Khan. So whatever happened to Haroon Aswat (see below)?
What a crude way to stop her talking to the press!

Widow of London suicide bomber arrested
Wed May 9, 2007 2:31PM BST

By Mark Trevelyan, Security Correspondent
http://uk.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUKL0948360220070509?src=050907 _1134_TOPSTORY_widow_of_july_7_bomber_arrested

LONDON (Reuters) - Police arrested the widow of one of the 7/7 London suicide bombers, along with three other suspects on Wednesday, a source familiar with the operation said.

A police statement said a 29-year-old woman and three men were detained in early morning raids in West Yorkshire and in the West Midlands.

The source confirmed the woman was Hasina Patel, whose husband Mohammad Sidique Khan was one of four young British Muslims who blew themselves up on July 7, 2005, killing 52 people on three London underground trains and a bus.

Khan, the oldest of the four, had trained at an al Qaeda camp in Pakistan and is regarded as the ringleader of the group.

Revelation of his involvement in the attacks caused deep shock in his local community, where he had worked as a mentor in a primary school. He and Patel had a daughter who was a baby at the time of the attacks.

The suspects held on Wednesday, aged between 22 and 34, are suspected of the commission, preparation, or instigation of acts of terrorism.

It was the second wave of arrests within weeks in the vast and long-running investigation into the 7/7 attacks, the first suicide bombings by Islamist militants in Western Europe.

Three men were charged last month with conspiring with the bombers.

"This is the second phase of arrests ... but there's still plenty to do, and it's not over," a security source told Reuters.

Police said the suspects were being taken to a central London police station to be interviewed by counter-terrorism detectives. They were searching five houses in West Yorkshire and two flats in Birmingham.

Security sources say a key focus of investigations into the 2005 attacks is to trace people who may have provided logistical support to the bombers.

Peter Clarke, head of Scotland Yard's counter-terrorism command, said last month he was certain that some people with knowledge of what lay behind the attacks had so far withheld information from police. He said at the time it was highly likely there would be more arrests.

MI5 last week issued a rare public defence of its operations after it emerged that its counter-terrorism agents had taken photographs and recorded conversations of two of the suicide bombers, well over a year before they carried out the attacks.

The agency said the men surfaced as unidentified contacts of a group of men under surveillance in a separate plot, and there was no evidence at the time that the two were involved in terrorist activity in Britain.


How Britain Encouraged Radicalism And Terrorism - Part Three of Four
Adrian Morgan
Author: Adrian Morgan
Source: The Family Security Foundation, Inc.
Date: May 9, 2007

In Part Three of his brilliant series covering disturbing developments associated with the astonishing “tolerance” of radical Islamic agitators in the U.K., FSM Contributing Editor Adrian Morgan has uncovered some recent information which is shocking. You will want to see this.

How Britain Encouraged Radicalism And Terrorism - Part Three of Four

By Adrian Morgan

By the time the invasion of Iraq took place on March 19, 2003, Al Muhajiroun (the "emigrants") had acted with apparent impunity for so long, Omar Bakri Mohammed and his followers believed they were invincible. The FBI observed that the UK authorities had only become interested in Bakri when in 1991, during the Gulf War, he had issued a fatwa against John Major, the UK prime minister.

For this fatwa, in which he claimed Major was a "legitimate target for assassination, Bakri was apprehended by police and questioned for 20 hours, but no charges were issued. If UK authorities had been vigilant, they would have taken an interest when Bakri founded UK Hizb ut-Tahrir in 1986. International Hizb aspired to destroy democracies and institute a totalitarian Islamist state.

Despite this fatwa, in 1993 Bakri was allowed to become a permanent resident in Britain, though citizenship was never granted to him. Bakri and his followers make frequent reference to a "Covenant of Security" which was considered to be a truce. In August 1998 Bakri said: "I work here in accordance with the covenant of peace which I made with the British government when I got [political] asylum… We respect the terms of this bond as Allah orders us to do." In May 1999 he claimed: "I think now we have something called public immunity."

In November 1997, President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt blamed Britain for harboring terrorists on its soil, including those responsible for the Luxor massacre of November 17, which killed 58 tourists. Bakri and Al Muhajiroun responded by promptly holding a kangaroo court at his British Sharia Court. Bakri sentenced Mubarak to death, producing another fatwa, which stated: "As far as Islam is concerned, he [Mubarak] is now a legitimate target. If a Muslim kills Mubarak tomorrow he is performing a legitimate act because he is responding to the court’s verdict."

One associate of Bakri was British lawyer Makbool Javaid, who was chair of the Muslim Lawyers Association. When a documentary on Bakri called "Tottenham Ayatollah" was screened on Channel 4 on Tuesday April 8, 1997, Javaid tried to prevent its broadcast. He was quoted in the April 10 edition of Asian Times saying: "The general thrust of the program was the demonization of Omar Bakri, and not the representation of his Islamic principles and ideology, as he was led to believe."

In February 1998, Bakri and his "UK Sharia Court" issued another fatwa against the US and Britain: "The Fatwa is jihad against the U.S. and British government, armies, interest, airports, and instructions and it has been given because of the U.S. and British aggression against Muslims and the Muslim land of Iraq... we... confirm that the only Islamic Fatwa against this explicit aggression is Jihad. The fatwa urged the US to "stay away" from all Muslim countries, and claimed it was the responsibility of "Muslims around the world including Muslims in the USA and in Britain to confront by all means whether verbally, financially, politically or militarily the U.S. and British aggression and do their Islamic duty in relieving the Iraqi people from unjust sanctions."

The fatwa can be found in full here. The second name on the list of signatories on the fatwa was Makbool Javaid (pictured). Despite Javaid’s obvious contempt for Britain, later that year Jack Straw of the Blair government appointed him to a senior position on the newly-formed Race Relations Forum (RFF). Not surprisingly, Javaid’s website makes no mention of his earlier open support for terrorism.

Before Javaid’s official appointment, he threatened to sue some of the UK’s leading newspapers for exposing his part in the fatwa and suggesting he supported Osama bin Laden. The Sunday Mirror of August 23, 1998 had stated: "Home Secretary Jack Straw appointed a supporter of Muslim fanatic Osama bin Laden to a top race relations post in Britain. Makbool Javaid was selected by him to sit on the Race Relations Forum - a group set up to give minorities a voice at the heart of government."

The Jewish Board of Deputies had written to Jack Straw, MP for Blackburn and then Home Secretary, suggesting it was inappropriate for someone sharing Al Muhajiroun’s beliefs to be appointed to the RRF position. In the Times of October 20, 1998, Makbool Javaid stated: "I knew al-Muhajiroun as an organization involved in a wide range of educational and social activities consistent with the promotion of Islam. I have never supported any form of violence, let alone terrorism." Even though the post at RFF was designed to allow unelected minorities to influence government, Javaid said: "It’s rich of the Board, which is not even accepted as a representative of the Jewish Community, telling an elected government how to conduct its business and dictating which voices from other communities are acceptable."

Al Muhajiroun’s anti-Semitism was well known by that time. At Ealing Town Hall, west London, in October 1997 the group had carried banners stating "The hour will never come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them," and "What Holocaust?"

Home Secretary Jack Straw, who appointed the al-Muhajiroun supporter Makbool Javaid to the RFF, typified the weak approach to extremism which had been shown by Blair’s Labour government since it became elected in 1997. Straw’s own constituency has a high population of Muslims. These showed their intransigence when Condoleeza Rice had the misfortune to visit Blackburn on March 31, 2006.

Jack Straw never wanted to be seen to "offend" Muslims, so during his tenure as Home Secretary from May 2, 1997 to June 8, 2001, no moves were ever made to make Al Muhajiroun illegal. It is a matter of irony that despite his appeasement to Islamism, on October 5, 2006 Straw would initiate a national argument about Muslim face-veils.

Jack Straw and Tony Blair pressed for the introduction of Britain’s Human Rights Act 1998, which incorporated the 1950 European Convention of Human Rights into British law. As a result, no foreign terrorists living in Britain can be deported to their homelands, unless these countries have exemplary human rights records. Even when homelands of terrorists such as Abu Qatada (Jordan) or al-Muhajiroun associate Yasser al-Siri (Egypt) have signed "memoranda of understanding", promising humane treatment, deportations do not happen. Because of this law, Afghan terrorists have been granted leave to stay indefinitely.

In November 1997, 250 Muslim groups and mosques joined to form the Muslim Council of Britain, which held its inaugural meeting on March 1, 1998. As I have shown on FSM, this group, which now represents 450 bodies, was headed by supporters of extremism. The Blair government relied upon this group to influence its policies, even allowing it to influence law making. Traditionally the Labour party has automatically relied upon the support of the "ethnic" vote in Britain’s inner cities. Under Tony Blair, the religion of Islam became a new "ethnicity" to court and patronize.

Al Muhajiroun was involved in a terrorist attack in Tel Aviv, Israel, that happened on April 30, 2003. Mike’s Place is a popular bar on the sea front, adjacent to the US Embassy. Two British Muslims walked to the bar, with suicide-belts attached to their waists. 27-year old Omar Khan Sharif from Derby (right in picture) failed to detonate his explosives and fled the scene. His rotting body was found floating in the sea 12 days later. His companion, 21-year old Asif Mohammed Hanif from Hounslow, west London, succeeded in blowing himself up. He killed three people and injured more than 50 others.

As was the case later with the 7/7 bombers, the two killers were described by Muslim neighbors as "polite" and "caring". As a child, Sharif had opened gates for neighbors. In Hounslow, the overweight Hanif was nicknamed "huggy bear" and "teddy bear". The reality was different. Emails sent by Sharif to his sister Parveen, asking her to look after his children, showed his intent to die. Hanif, who "loved cricket" had traveled to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to immerse himself in Islamism.

Omar Bakri Mohammed regularly visited Derby, where Sharif had lived, and Al Muhajiroun and Hizb ut Tahrir were active in the town. Al Muhajiroun claimed that Asif Hanif was "one of their own". Hanif had been seen at Al Muhajiroun’s office, and also the radical Finsbury Park mosque. Omar Bakri Mohammed said that Hanif had attended a course at his Sharia Law School. Claudio Franco of ISN Security Watch saw Hanif at Al Muhajiroun’s Torttenham office on 20 March 2003, the day after the US and Britain invaded Iraq. Hanif was annoyed that French ricin plotters (Menad Benchelalli and associates) had not carried out their intended mass-poisonings. Hanif said: "The real problem with the ricin found in Paris was that it had never been used. They were caught.." Hanif was no "teddy bear". The theory that Al Muhajiroun had arranged the link-up between two British Muslims and the Palestinian terrorists who primed them to be suicide bombers has wide currency, but lacks the "smoking gun".

After the revelations of April 30, 2007 at the Operation Crevice trial, only the most hardened cynic would doubt that Al Muhajiroun urged and assisted its members to acts of terror. It was directly involved in the pipeline that led Muslims from Britain to the Al Muhajiroun office in Lahore, and then on FATA agencies of Pakistan, to become Taliban fighters, Al Qaeda associates and suicide bombers.

One Al Muhajiroun member who had been sent along this pipeline was Zeeshan Siddiqui (Siddique), of Hounslow, west London (pictured). Siddique was said to be "best friends" with Asif Hanif. Siddique had been arrested by Pakistani security agents near Peshawar, North-West Frontier Province, on May 15, 2005. He originally claimed that he was a Pakistani called Shehzad, from Hyderabad. He soon admitted he was a UK national, and said he was "suspected of involvement in a failed plot to bomb pubs, restaurants and rail stations in London" (Operation Crevice). He blamed Omar Khyam and Mohammed Junaid Babar for falsely implicating him in the Crevice bombing plot. Pakistani authorities were convinced Siddiqui had met Hadi al-Iraqi in Shakai, in the border agency of South Waziristan. This man is almost certainly the Al Qaeda member Abdul Hadi al-Iraqi. The US had a $1 million reward for information on him. He is now in Guantanamo.

Abu Munthir was a contact for the Crevice plotters, who lived in Luton and Pakistan. He had told Omar Khyam to carry out "multiple bombings", either "simultaneously or one after the other on the same day". Munthir had been arrested in Pakistan in late 2004. A letter found with Siddiqui referred to this arrest: "The brother he went with appears to have been arrested and we suggest that you cut off all contacts". Investigators found a diary in Zeeshan Siddique’s possession, and also a CD containing "circuit works, aeronautical mapping and digital simulation".

The UK authorities were pressing for Zeeshan Siddique, who had worked on London’s Underground, to be deported and three times he was interrogated by Pakistani and UK agents. Held in Peshawar Central Jail on charges of document forgery and overstaying his visa, Siddique wrote a letter to the UK Daily Telegraph on October 5, 2005, claiming his innocence. He denied meeting 7/7 bomber Shehzad Tanweer, and claimed the 35-page diary was a "fake and a fabrication".

Siddique returned to Britain on January 8, 2006. In May he was living in Heston, near Hounslow in west London. Junaid Babar claimed at the Crevice trial that Zeeshan Siddique, whose code-name was "Immi" or "Imran" had been asked to be a suicide bomber to operate in London, exploiting his knowledge of the London Underground. Siddique refused, and now his whereabouts are "not known".

Al Muhajiroun’s links to terrorism were shared by Abu Hamza al-Masri, the radical preacher at Finsbury Park Mosque. Before Junaid Babar returned to the US, where he was arrested, he went to London. Here, in February 2004, he met two people - Mohammed Momin Khawaja and Haroon Rashid Aswat. Khawaja was said, during the Crevice trial to be supplying remote controlled detonators for the group’s bombs. He would be arrested on March 29 in Canada, a day before the other Crevice suspects. Khawaja is still awaiting trial for two counts under Sections 83:18 and 83:19 of Canada’s Criminal Code.

Haroon Rashid Aswat (pictured) from Dewsbury, West Yorkshire (home of Mohammed Siddique Khan, leader of the 7/7 cell), was originally suspected of ordering the 7/7 bombings. After the bomb attacks of July 7, 2005, he fled Britain, and was arrested in Lusaka in Zambia on July 20, 2005. It is now believed that Aswat made 20 phone calls to members of the 7/7 bombing team before the attacks, including calls to his friend Mohammed Sidique Khan.

US officials and MI6 agents argued about which country he should be taken to. Aswat was eventually taken to Britain, and he remains in custody. The US had issued an extradition warrant against him, and also Abu Hamza in 2004, for a plan to establish a terrorist training camp in the United States, at Dog Cry Ranch in Bly, Oregon, 50 miles east of Klamath Falls.

In 1999, Aswat, Abu Hamza and a Lebanese-born Swede named Oussama Kassir had visited Bly, ostensibly to survey the viability of the 158-acre ranch. Their co-conspirator was an American convert from Seattle called James Ujaama (pictured), formerly called James Earnest Thompson.

Ujaama was arrested in Denver in July 2002. Documents on poisoning water supplies were found at his residence. He was indicted in September, 2002 on terrorism charges. The original indictment maintained that no later than the fall of 1999, he knowingly conspired to provide support to Al Qaeda. Ujaama, who used the aliases Bilal Ahmed, Abu Samayya and Abdul Qaadir, pleaded guilty to the charges on April 14, 2003. He was sentenced to two years’ jail. In December 2006, Ujaama was arrested in Belize, Central America, for parole violation. He had entered the former British colony on a fake Mexican passport.

Ujaama had stayed at Abu Hamza’s Finsbury Park Mosque (pictured) in north London on a British visit in 1999. His links with Hamza were first discovered by Glen Jenvey of the independent surveillance group VIGIL, when he appeared in a video. Ujaama was sitting next to Hamza and bragging about his jihad experiences in Afghanistan.

Though Haroon Rashid Aswat’s involvement with Operation Crevice (the largest ever MI5/police operation) members may have delayed his trial in Britain, he remains in custody. His trial, when it comes, should cast further light on Britain’s "culture of terrorism". Though British news on Aswat is vague, on account of his links to the Crevice cell, there are some curious anomalies. A reputable South African newspaper - the Mail & Guardian - confidently claimed on July 21, 2005 that Aswat had been arrested in Lahore, Pakistan (rather than in Zambia), carrying an explosive belt. Former US prosecutor John Loftus has claimed that Aswat was an MI6 "double agent", though this is unverifiable.

What is known is that Aswat had strong links to Abu Hamza. Hamza’s Islamists, known as the "Supporters of Shariah" shared many common interests with Bakri’s Al Muhajiroun. It is tempting to think that there are sound reasons - upcoming trials or issues of national security - which have meant that so many questions remain about why radicals were allowed to operate for so long with impunity in Britain.

Unfortunately, political apathy and unwillingness to be seen to be discriminating against "Muslims" seem to have played a part. Recently, Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed, general manager of Al-Arabiya TV stated of Britain’s predicament: "After all, pursuing extremist Muslims today is better than pursuing all Muslims tomorrow." In 2004 Dr Mohammed Naseem, the chairman of Birmingham’s Central Mosque, said of Al Muhajiroun: "Its leaders continue to preach and incite terrorism and yet the Government does nothing about it. These people should be removed from the country."

Operation Crevice suggests that MI5 knew far more than it had publicly let on, but even if there was solid intelligence, it was not used wisely. On July 6, 2005, less than 24 hours before the 7/7 attacks upon London Transport, Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, then the head of MI5, told members of Tony Blair’s party that there was "no imminent terrorist threat” to London or the rest of the country. (continues at a later date)

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I put this in "7/7" earlier today.
Currently working on a new website
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Sherlock Holmes
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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:08 pm    Post subject: Just more deception, obfuscation and inveiglement Reply with quote

At the end of the day this is all more deception, obfuscation and inveiglement, while the real story is:

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Long Tooth
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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 5:31 pm    Post subject: Re: Widow of alleged London bomber arrested Reply with quote

TonyGosling wrote:
Many news outlets are using the word 'ringleader' to describe Mohammad Sidique Khan. So whatever happened to Haroon Aswat (see below)?
What a crude way to stop her talking to the press!

Widow of London suicide bomber arrested
Wed May 9, 2007 2:31PM BST

By Mark Trevelyan, Security Correspondent
http://uk.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUKL0948360220070509?src=050907 _1134_TOPSTORY_widow_of_july_7_bomber_arrested

LONDON (Reuters) - Police arrested the widow of one of the 7/7 London suicide bombers, along with three other suspects on Wednesday, a source familiar with the operation said.

A police statement said a 29-year-old woman and three men were detained in early morning raids in West Yorkshire and in the West Midlands.

The source confirmed the woman was Hasina Patel, whose husband Mohammad Sidique Khan was one of four young British Muslims who blew themselves up on July 7, 2005, killing 52 people on three London underground trains and a bus.

Khan, the oldest of the four, had trained at an al Qaeda camp in Pakistan and is regarded as the ringleader of the group.

Revelation of his involvement in the attacks caused deep shock in his local community, where he had worked as a mentor in a primary school. He and Patel had a daughter who was a baby at the time of the attacks.

The suspects held on Wednesday, aged between 22 and 34, are suspected of the commission, preparation, or instigation of acts of terrorism.

It was the second wave of arrests within weeks in the vast and long-running investigation into the 7/7 attacks, the first suicide bombings by Islamist militants in Western Europe.

Three men were charged last month with conspiring with the bombers.

"This is the second phase of arrests ... but there's still plenty to do, and it's not over," a security source told Reuters.

Police said the suspects were being taken to a central London police station to be interviewed by counter-terrorism detectives. They were searching five houses in West Yorkshire and two flats in Birmingham.

Security sources say a key focus of investigations into the 2005 attacks is to trace people who may have provided logistical support to the bombers.

Peter Clarke, head of Scotland Yard's counter-terrorism command, said last month he was certain that some people with knowledge of what lay behind the attacks had so far withheld information from police. He said at the time it was highly likely there would be more arrests.

MI5 last week issued a rare public defence of its operations after it emerged that its counter-terrorism agents had taken photographs and recorded conversations of two of the suicide bombers, well over a year before they carried out the attacks.

The agency said the men surfaced as unidentified contacts of a group of men under surveillance in a separate plot, and there was no evidence at the time that the two were involved in terrorist activity in Britain.


How Britain Encouraged Radicalism And Terrorism - Part Three of Four
Adrian Morgan
Author: Adrian Morgan
Source: The Family Security Foundation, Inc.
Date: May 9, 2007

In Part Three of his brilliant series covering disturbing developments associated with the astonishing “tolerance” of radical Islamic agitators in the U.K., FSM Contributing Editor Adrian Morgan has uncovered some recent information which is shocking. You will want to see this.

How Britain Encouraged Radicalism And Terrorism - Part Three of Four

By Adrian Morgan

By the time the invasion of Iraq took place on March 19, 2003, Al Muhajiroun (the "emigrants") had acted with apparent impunity for so long, Omar Bakri Mohammed and his followers believed they were invincible. The FBI observed that the UK authorities had only become interested in Bakri when in 1991, during the Gulf War, he had issued a fatwa against John Major, the UK prime minister.

For this fatwa, in which he claimed Major was a "legitimate target for assassination, Bakri was apprehended by police and questioned for 20 hours, but no charges were issued. If UK authorities had been vigilant, they would have taken an interest when Bakri founded UK Hizb ut-Tahrir in 1986. International Hizb aspired to destroy democracies and institute a totalitarian Islamist state.

Despite this fatwa, in 1993 Bakri was allowed to become a permanent resident in Britain, though citizenship was never granted to him. Bakri and his followers make frequent reference to a "Covenant of Security" which was considered to be a truce. In August 1998 Bakri said: "I work here in accordance with the covenant of peace which I made with the British government when I got [political] asylum… We respect the terms of this bond as Allah orders us to do." In May 1999 he claimed: "I think now we have something called public immunity."

In November 1997, President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt blamed Britain for harboring terrorists on its soil, including those responsible for the Luxor massacre of November 17, which killed 58 tourists. Bakri and Al Muhajiroun responded by promptly holding a kangaroo court at his British Sharia Court. Bakri sentenced Mubarak to death, producing another fatwa, which stated: "As far as Islam is concerned, he [Mubarak] is now a legitimate target. If a Muslim kills Mubarak tomorrow he is performing a legitimate act because he is responding to the court’s verdict."

One associate of Bakri was British lawyer Makbool Javaid, who was chair of the Muslim Lawyers Association. When a documentary on Bakri called "Tottenham Ayatollah" was screened on Channel 4 on Tuesday April 8, 1997, Javaid tried to prevent its broadcast. He was quoted in the April 10 edition of Asian Times saying: "The general thrust of the program was the demonization of Omar Bakri, and not the representation of his Islamic principles and ideology, as he was led to believe."

In February 1998, Bakri and his "UK Sharia Court" issued another fatwa against the US and Britain: "The Fatwa is jihad against the U.S. and British government, armies, interest, airports, and instructions and it has been given because of the U.S. and British aggression against Muslims and the Muslim land of Iraq... we... confirm that the only Islamic Fatwa against this explicit aggression is Jihad. The fatwa urged the US to "stay away" from all Muslim countries, and claimed it was the responsibility of "Muslims around the world including Muslims in the USA and in Britain to confront by all means whether verbally, financially, politically or militarily the U.S. and British aggression and do their Islamic duty in relieving the Iraqi people from unjust sanctions."

The fatwa can be found in full here. The second name on the list of signatories on the fatwa was Makbool Javaid (pictured). Despite Javaid’s obvious contempt for Britain, later that year Jack Straw of the Blair government appointed him to a senior position on the newly-formed Race Relations Forum (RFF). Not surprisingly, Javaid’s website makes no mention of his earlier open support for terrorism.

Before Javaid’s official appointment, he threatened to sue some of the UK’s leading newspapers for exposing his part in the fatwa and suggesting he supported Osama bin Laden. The Sunday Mirror of August 23, 1998 had stated: "Home Secretary Jack Straw appointed a supporter of Muslim fanatic Osama bin Laden to a top race relations post in Britain. Makbool Javaid was selected by him to sit on the Race Relations Forum - a group set up to give minorities a voice at the heart of government."

The Jewish Board of Deputies had written to Jack Straw, MP for Blackburn and then Home Secretary, suggesting it was inappropriate for someone sharing Al Muhajiroun’s beliefs to be appointed to the RRF position. In the Times of October 20, 1998, Makbool Javaid stated: "I knew al-Muhajiroun as an organization involved in a wide range of educational and social activities consistent with the promotion of Islam. I have never supported any form of violence, let alone terrorism." Even though the post at RFF was designed to allow unelected minorities to influence government, Javaid said: "It’s rich of the Board, which is not even accepted as a representative of the Jewish Community, telling an elected government how to conduct its business and dictating which voices from other communities are acceptable."

Al Muhajiroun’s anti-Semitism was well known by that time. At Ealing Town Hall, west London, in October 1997 the group had carried banners stating "The hour will never come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them," and "What Holocaust?"

Home Secretary Jack Straw, who appointed the al-Muhajiroun supporter Makbool Javaid to the RFF, typified the weak approach to extremism which had been shown by Blair’s Labour government since it became elected in 1997. Straw’s own constituency has a high population of Muslims. These showed their intransigence when Condoleeza Rice had the misfortune to visit Blackburn on March 31, 2006.

Jack Straw never wanted to be seen to "offend" Muslims, so during his tenure as Home Secretary from May 2, 1997 to June 8, 2001, no moves were ever made to make Al Muhajiroun illegal. It is a matter of irony that despite his appeasement to Islamism, on October 5, 2006 Straw would initiate a national argument about Muslim face-veils.

Jack Straw and Tony Blair pressed for the introduction of Britain’s Human Rights Act 1998, which incorporated the 1950 European Convention of Human Rights into British law. As a result, no foreign terrorists living in Britain can be deported to their homelands, unless these countries have exemplary human rights records. Even when homelands of terrorists such as Abu Qatada (Jordan) or al-Muhajiroun associate Yasser al-Siri (Egypt) have signed "memoranda of understanding", promising humane treatment, deportations do not happen. Because of this law, Afghan terrorists have been granted leave to stay indefinitely.

In November 1997, 250 Muslim groups and mosques joined to form the Muslim Council of Britain, which held its inaugural meeting on March 1, 1998. As I have shown on FSM, this group, which now represents 450 bodies, was headed by supporters of extremism. The Blair government relied upon this group to influence its policies, even allowing it to influence law making. Traditionally the Labour party has automatically relied upon the support of the "ethnic" vote in Britain’s inner cities. Under Tony Blair, the religion of Islam became a new "ethnicity" to court and patronize.

Al Muhajiroun was involved in a terrorist attack in Tel Aviv, Israel, that happened on April 30, 2003. Mike’s Place is a popular bar on the sea front, adjacent to the US Embassy. Two British Muslims walked to the bar, with suicide-belts attached to their waists. 27-year old Omar Khan Sharif from Derby (right in picture) failed to detonate his explosives and fled the scene. His rotting body was found floating in the sea 12 days later. His companion, 21-year old Asif Mohammed Hanif from Hounslow, west London, succeeded in blowing himself up. He killed three people and injured more than 50 others.

As was the case later with the 7/7 bombers, the two killers were described by Muslim neighbors as "polite" and "caring". As a child, Sharif had opened gates for neighbors. In Hounslow, the overweight Hanif was nicknamed "huggy bear" and "teddy bear". The reality was different. Emails sent by Sharif to his sister Parveen, asking her to look after his children, showed his intent to die. Hanif, who "loved cricket" had traveled to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to immerse himself in Islamism.

Omar Bakri Mohammed regularly visited Derby, where Sharif had lived, and Al Muhajiroun and Hizb ut Tahrir were active in the town. Al Muhajiroun claimed that Asif Hanif was "one of their own". Hanif had been seen at Al Muhajiroun’s office, and also the radical Finsbury Park mosque. Omar Bakri Mohammed said that Hanif had attended a course at his Sharia Law School. Claudio Franco of ISN Security Watch saw Hanif at Al Muhajiroun’s Torttenham office on 20 March 2003, the day after the US and Britain invaded Iraq. Hanif was annoyed that French ricin plotters (Menad Benchelalli and associates) had not carried out their intended mass-poisonings. Hanif said: "The real problem with the ricin found in Paris was that it had never been used. They were caught.." Hanif was no "teddy bear". The theory that Al Muhajiroun had arranged the link-up between two British Muslims and the Palestinian terrorists who primed them to be suicide bombers has wide currency, but lacks the "smoking gun".

After the revelations of April 30, 2007 at the Operation Crevice trial, only the most hardened cynic would doubt that Al Muhajiroun urged and assisted its members to acts of terror. It was directly involved in the pipeline that led Muslims from Britain to the Al Muhajiroun office in Lahore, and then on FATA agencies of Pakistan, to become Taliban fighters, Al Qaeda associates and suicide bombers.

One Al Muhajiroun member who had been sent along this pipeline was Zeeshan Siddiqui (Siddique), of Hounslow, west London (pictured). Siddique was said to be "best friends" with Asif Hanif. Siddique had been arrested by Pakistani security agents near Peshawar, North-West Frontier Province, on May 15, 2005. He originally claimed that he was a Pakistani called Shehzad, from Hyderabad. He soon admitted he was a UK national, and said he was "suspected of involvement in a failed plot to bomb pubs, restaurants and rail stations in London" (Operation Crevice). He blamed Omar Khyam and Mohammed Junaid Babar for falsely implicating him in the Crevice bombing plot. Pakistani authorities were convinced Siddiqui had met Hadi al-Iraqi in Shakai, in the border agency of South Waziristan. This man is almost certainly the Al Qaeda member Abdul Hadi al-Iraqi. The US had a $1 million reward for information on him. He is now in Guantanamo.

Abu Munthir was a contact for the Crevice plotters, who lived in Luton and Pakistan. He had told Omar Khyam to carry out "multiple bombings", either "simultaneously or one after the other on the same day". Munthir had been arrested in Pakistan in late 2004. A letter found with Siddiqui referred to this arrest: "The brother he went with appears to have been arrested and we suggest that you cut off all contacts". Investigators found a diary in Zeeshan Siddique’s possession, and also a CD containing "circuit works, aeronautical mapping and digital simulation".

The UK authorities were pressing for Zeeshan Siddique, who had worked on London’s Underground, to be deported and three times he was interrogated by Pakistani and UK agents. Held in Peshawar Central Jail on charges of document forgery and overstaying his visa, Siddique wrote a letter to the UK Daily Telegraph on October 5, 2005, claiming his innocence. He denied meeting 7/7 bomber Shehzad Tanweer, and claimed the 35-page diary was a "fake and a fabrication".

Siddique returned to Britain on January 8, 2006. In May he was living in Heston, near Hounslow in west London. Junaid Babar claimed at the Crevice trial that Zeeshan Siddique, whose code-name was "Immi" or "Imran" had been asked to be a suicide bomber to operate in London, exploiting his knowledge of the London Underground. Siddique refused, and now his whereabouts are "not known".

Al Muhajiroun’s links to terrorism were shared by Abu Hamza al-Masri, the radical preacher at Finsbury Park Mosque. Before Junaid Babar returned to the US, where he was arrested, he went to London. Here, in February 2004, he met two people - Mohammed Momin Khawaja and Haroon Rashid Aswat. Khawaja was said, during the Crevice trial to be supplying remote controlled detonators for the group’s bombs. He would be arrested on March 29 in Canada, a day before the other Crevice suspects. Khawaja is still awaiting trial for two counts under Sections 83:18 and 83:19 of Canada’s Criminal Code.

Haroon Rashid Aswat (pictured) from Dewsbury, West Yorkshire (home of Mohammed Siddique Khan, leader of the 7/7 cell), was originally suspected of ordering the 7/7 bombings. After the bomb attacks of July 7, 2005, he fled Britain, and was arrested in Lusaka in Zambia on July 20, 2005. It is now believed that Aswat made 20 phone calls to members of the 7/7 bombing team before the attacks, including calls to his friend Mohammed Sidique Khan.

US officials and MI6 agents argued about which country he should be taken to. Aswat was eventually taken to Britain, and he remains in custody. The US had issued an extradition warrant against him, and also Abu Hamza in 2004, for a plan to establish a terrorist training camp in the United States, at Dog Cry Ranch in Bly, Oregon, 50 miles east of Klamath Falls.

In 1999, Aswat, Abu Hamza and a Lebanese-born Swede named Oussama Kassir had visited Bly, ostensibly to survey the viability of the 158-acre ranch. Their co-conspirator was an American convert from Seattle called James Ujaama (pictured), formerly called James Earnest Thompson.

Ujaama was arrested in Denver in July 2002. Documents on poisoning water supplies were found at his residence. He was indicted in September, 2002 on terrorism charges. The original indictment maintained that no later than the fall of 1999, he knowingly conspired to provide support to Al Qaeda. Ujaama, who used the aliases Bilal Ahmed, Abu Samayya and Abdul Qaadir, pleaded guilty to the charges on April 14, 2003. He was sentenced to two years’ jail. In December 2006, Ujaama was arrested in Belize, Central America, for parole violation. He had entered the former British colony on a fake Mexican passport.

Ujaama had stayed at Abu Hamza’s Finsbury Park Mosque (pictured) in north London on a British visit in 1999. His links with Hamza were first discovered by Glen Jenvey of the independent surveillance group VIGIL, when he appeared in a video. Ujaama was sitting next to Hamza and bragging about his jihad experiences in Afghanistan.

Though Haroon Rashid Aswat’s involvement with Operation Crevice (the largest ever MI5/police operation) members may have delayed his trial in Britain, he remains in custody. His trial, when it comes, should cast further light on Britain’s "culture of terrorism". Though British news on Aswat is vague, on account of his links to the Crevice cell, there are some curious anomalies. A reputable South African newspaper - the Mail & Guardian - confidently claimed on July 21, 2005 that Aswat had been arrested in Lahore, Pakistan (rather than in Zambia), carrying an explosive belt. Former US prosecutor John Loftus has claimed that Aswat was an MI6 "double agent", though this is unverifiable.

What is known is that Aswat had strong links to Abu Hamza. Hamza’s Islamists, known as the "Supporters of Shariah" shared many common interests with Bakri’s Al Muhajiroun. It is tempting to think that there are sound reasons - upcoming trials or issues of national security - which have meant that so many questions remain about why radicals were allowed to operate for so long with impunity in Britain.

Unfortunately, political apathy and unwillingness to be seen to be discriminating against "Muslims" seem to have played a part. Recently, Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed, general manager of Al-Arabiya TV stated of Britain’s predicament: "After all, pursuing extremist Muslims today is better than pursuing all Muslims tomorrow." In 2004 Dr Mohammed Naseem, the chairman of Birmingham’s Central Mosque, said of Al Muhajiroun: "Its leaders continue to preach and incite terrorism and yet the Government does nothing about it. These people should be removed from the country."

Operation Crevice suggests that MI5 knew far more than it had publicly let on, but even if there was solid intelligence, it was not used wisely. On July 6, 2005, less than 24 hours before the 7/7 attacks upon London Transport, Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, then the head of MI5, told members of Tony Blair’s party that there was "no imminent terrorist threat” to London or the rest of the country. (continues at a later date)

so he just signed up for a terrorist training course during the school holidays? then he just came on back after a couple of weeks a terrorist mastemind, where upon he put all that training to good use with high precision bombs going off simultaniously, its similar to some buster keyton silent film comedy.

I'd put this official conspiracy in the file of lies, together with de menezes jumping, hurdling barriers with his bulky overcoat with wires protruding 'intellegence gathering '.

sounds as though the wife has started to talk too much, and the official fairy story is in danger of reaching the wider general public, with facts which dont quite match up to these anti freedom haters and anti free speech haters, or to give them their official title, MI5.
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Sherlock Holmes
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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 5:40 pm    Post subject: Brilliant!!! Steve Watson published my piece!! Reply with quote

Brilliant Steve Watson published my short 'article' on infowars.net


http://www.digg.com/world_news/Widow_of_London_suicide_bomber_arrested _Two_years_after_the_event#c6598104

I encourage all the learned folk who use this board to write as many articles as possible (if you have the time), full of quotes, dates, links, references and send them to Steve Watson or someone similar and get them posted.

Even if you post them on here, link them to Digg.com
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 6:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I loved the graphic of Bliar and Bushit. The Evening Standard ran a front page piece today about how "A woman and three men were arrested today over the 7/7 bombings", without any mention of the fact that the woman was the widow of Mohamed Sidique Khan who was one of the alleged suicide bombers on 7/7. I believe that might have been significant in educating opinion about what happened that day.
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PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2007 5:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A five-minute video of Hasina Patel speaking could do more than everying else that us lot could achieve. She would just need to be asked two questions: 1. Was it really the voice of your husband speaking on that posthumous video of 'Mohammed Khan'? 2. What do you think of the alleged will of his that appeared a year after his death, vowing to immolate himself in a terror act, etc - and has anyone ever seen this will?

Let's remember at this time that Hasina's Mother was a pillar of the local community and had been to the House of Commons to receive a commendation for her work in Education.

Mohammed 'Sid' Khan was a wonderfully gentle character who did so much to inspire hope in his local community, help the underprivileged, get lads off drugs and teach the way of non-violence.
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 6:05 am    Post subject: Police release 7/7 bomber's widow Reply with quote

Police release 7/7 bomber's widow


Last Updated: Tuesday, 15 May 2007, 23:19 GMT 00:19 UK

Ed wrote:
Note the time: 11:19 GMT

Three people, including the widow of 7 July bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan, have been released without charge after being questioned over the 2005 attacks.

Hasina Patel, 29, brother Arshad Patel, 30, and Imran Motala, 22, were held on 9 May in West Yorkshire and Birmingham.

Police have been granted a warrant to continue to detain Khalid Khaliq, 34, of Beeston, Leeds, until next Monday.

The four had been held in London on suspicion of commissioning, preparing or instigating acts of terrorism.

This is not unusual and is to be expected in large and complex criminal investigations - Scotland Yard spokesman

Last week's arrests followed an intelligence-led operation involving Scotland Yard's counter-terrorism command.

Police searched seven addresses in Dewsbury, Batley and Beeston, all in West Yorkshire, and Birmingham.

A spokesman for Scotland Yard said: "In all operations some people may be released early without charge while others may remain in custody for further investigation.

"This is not unusual and is to be expected in large and complex criminal investigations."

'Relieved and shocked'

Mrs Patel's solicitor, Imran Khan, said he was "relieved" at her release, but remained "shocked" at the police's handling of her arrest.

Those in her community are incredibly angry at the way the police have approached this. Imran Khan - Hasina Patel's solicitor

He told the BBC the police had been for some time in possession of evidence that "unequivocally" proved she had known nothing about what her husband was planning two years ago.

He added: "To arrest her in these circumstances - a woman who lost her husband, who has been accused of the most atrocious events that have taken place in this country, has now spent seven days in isolation in Paddington Green - I wonder what she must be feeling.

"She's quite clearly innocent of anything, because she's been released by police having trawled through her life and possessions and caused her a tremendous amount of grief.

"Those in her community are incredibly angry at the way the police have approached this." - Community reaction

Masood Ahmed, Labour councillor for Dewsbury South, in West Yorkshire, said the releases showed the three "had nothing to do with the bombings".

A London bus and three Tube trains were targeted on 7 July

He added: "There will be some reaction, I am sure, but I think the incident was much better dealt with by the police than the original situation."

Fifty-two people died when Sidique Khan and three other suicide bombers attacked the London transport system on 7 July 2005.

Last month the first people to be charged in connection with the bombings appeared at the Old Bailey in central London.

Mohammed Shakil, 30, Sadeer Saleem, 26, and Waheed Ali, 23, of Beeston, Leeds, are accused of conspiring with the four bombers to cause explosions.

The trio, who came before the court via a video link from prison, were remanded in custody until 8 June.

Ed wrote:
The BBC publishes it's story about the release at 11:19 pm on 15.5.2007, exactly 1 year, 1o months and the 9th day of the London 7/7 event"

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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