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Iran:the stage is set...

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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 12:21 pm    Post subject: Iran:the stage is set... Reply with quote

It should be obvious to us all now that the neocons and blair are activley planning a war with Iran.The americans are illegaly by passing congress by using the kurdish MEK militia to launch raids into Iran.This is a deliberate provocation,intended to make Iran retaliate.
http://www.rawstory.com/news/2006/US_outsourcing_special_operations_in telligence_gathering_0413.html

Blairs intel goons are getting in on the act too,saying that Iran is supplying SAMs to the iraqi resistance.

So i predict that a manufactured event,at the correct time,will drag the UK into WW3 proper.

I was saying to my dad the other day,these people in power are not stupid.They can predict very easily what will happen when our "coalition of the killing" start hitting iran with ICBMs.And my conclusion is bleak.I have struggled with this theory for a long time,hoping against hope that i am mistaken.I think this is whats going to go down:
Pre arranged false flag type attack on USA interests in Iraq,blamed on Iran.At the same time,Brit Intel comes up with "concrete proof" that Iran is helping southern Iraq bomb the brits.
The USA Neo cons use moment to by pass the international community and launch a massive attack on Irans facilities and missile/AA sites.Britian says it will provide logistical support ,but no troops on the ground.Then carrys on in secret with special forces ops,in Iran,with the USA.
Iran gets slightly cheesed off at this,so they decide to launch many missiles at the dimona nuclear reactors site in Israel.Most missiles are shot down or miss the (illegal and hypocritical)israeli nuke site.
One gets through.It may or may not release huge amounts of radiation into the atmosphere(if it does then its goodbye israel-the dimona reactors are more than 30 times more powerful than Chernobyl).However,that one missile that gets through will be all it takes for Israel to launch a nuclear assault on Iran,thus starting the last war of humanity.
Of course its possible that the USA or Israel may by pass the first step of goading iran into a fight,they may just use their own iranian replica missiles,to target dimona.Either way its the same,a nuke war.
Now thats only what i think will happen.My point is that i am just a civilian with a thirst for knowledge.I am certainly not as clued up as those pulling the strings.So i reach the conclusion that : This is what they want.They want a nuke war,for the money they will make through the war companies who own USPres, congress,UK government.They want the whole world to be in chaos.This is the final chapter.This is going to be a war between the multinationals and the civilians.The companies have been planning this one for decades.
They want us all to be their slaves.
Please someone tell me i`m way off the mark.Please...

Believe it or not i am a positive thinker.Buts its getting hard to be one.This is my first post here,just stumbled upon the site.Thank God there are people in this country who know that 911 was an inside job.

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Angel - now passed away
Angel - now passed away

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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 2:47 pm    Post subject: mistranslation for Iran war Reply with quote


Welcome, Licenced2chill

That is certainly a chilling analysis, but sounds plausible and therefore deserves publicity. The more publicity these machinations get, the less likely they are to come about (I hope).

Take a look at this letter to The Independent by our frirnd Kenyon who does not post on this forum:

---------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------

Dear Sir,

One of the reasons I read The Indendent is the firsthand, brutally honest
coverage of Iraq. Messrs. Cockburn, Fisk and Sengupta all deserve respect for their work. I hope that what they are exposing prevents another fiasco of war, laid on by the neocons as an orgy of greed.

However, after opening your paper on 8 May to read on p. 30 (in the
letters), a posting which noted that the oft parroted 'wipe Israel off the
map' statement was in fact a mistranslation, only to see this phrase
repeated by Johann just opposite on p. 31, I had to wonder.

Did Johann speak Farsi better than Dr Juan Cole, the professor who
challenged the quotation? If so, he certainly has not been keen to share
with us his brilliance. Later in the week, the same mistranslation was
repeated in The Independent.

Researching Dr Cole and this issue, I found that the 'wipe Israel off
the map' translation was made by Memri, a Middle East translation service, which has ties to neocons...connect a couple of dots and we are in Dick Cheny's office. But of course, we know nobody there would lie to bring us to war with an erroneous translation...
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Angel - now passed away
Angel - now passed away

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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 3:18 pm    Post subject: Kenyon writes again Reply with quote

Kenyon writes again:

Dear Mr. Cockburn,

It is always an occasion to read your reports to the Independent; one
would like to say a pleasure, but for the events you are covering.
I wish, as I am sure you do as well, that this mess in Iraq can be brought
to a halt. However, as I am from the US, a former intelligence man who
worked at Guantanamo Bay of all places, I hold out little hope. My feeling
is that if the neocon establishment in the US is not stopped, we are headed
for worse. The consensus is that this may include Iran.
On the subject of that nation, and possible war with it, I was shocked to
read in The Independent on Monday, 8 May 2006, a letter from a Mr Alleyne
who stated that the oft parroted quote about 'wiping Israel off the map'
made by Mr Ahmadinejad of Iran was, in fact, a mistranslation. He cited Dr
Juan Cole, an American professor, as his source. That was on p. 30. Opposite
that, on p. 31, Johann Hari repeated the 'wipe Israel off the map' idea.
Curious as to know if there had been a mistranslation, I soon learned
that Memri had handled the translation, and that those involved had ties to
none other than Dick Cheney! Of course, I know that Mr. Cheney or his
associates would never lie about a reason for war...
Not being a speaker of Farsi, I am not going to waste words on any
dissection of the translation. I have, however, researched this matter by
looking at Dr Cole's assertions, and find that they are credible.
Detractors, including Christopher Htichins, have been quite vocal against Dr
Cole but have not made any real criticism of the translation; some Farsi
speakers have in fact defended Dr Cole and noted that mistranslation occurs
rather regularly. The detractros stand by the 'wipe Israel off the map' idea
when in fact this idiom, or even the word map, do not appear in the Farsi
Sadly, this mistranslation was repeated many times last week by the
Independent. Johann Hari announces on his answering machine that he does not
take messages; he also does not respond to e-mails. By the way, this is not
the first time I have tried to bring things to his attention, he manages to
make some very strong assertions with a minimum of research. It would be sad
if we go to war because he, and other journalists, some of them working for
the Independent, do not take the time to check sources or take advice from
readers or internationally acclaimed translators.
Of course, there are a few people who do not share such sentiments, as
they own stock in defence companies and will stand to gain from another war.

I hope this is of some use to you and that the Independent will not,
after all the energy they have invested in your services and those of other
genuine reporters, disseminate dangerous disinformation.

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Minor Poster
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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 5:53 pm    Post subject: lost in translation.again Reply with quote

Its amazing how often the neocons use "mistranslation".They ve done it many times since 911.Remember the bin laden confession?Great propaganda tool is mistranlation.Especially when you have journalists feed it out to the masses.
Did i mention those Niger Uranium documents....oh no they weren`t mistranslated.They were just totallly falsified,probably by the CIA,and fed out to the media.
Good letters by your friend.

"When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, it seems like two minutes. When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes, it seems like two hours that's relativity." -- Albert Einstein
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PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 8:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


(Sorry to negate Kenyon’s efforts with the Indy but I did ask him to wait till I’d checked the Persian – we’re in the business of truth after all!)

Ahmadinejad said the following immediately after his election last summer, and has repeated since:

ESRAYEL BAYAD JARU KARD RUYE KHAK which translates “Israel should swept be from upon the earth”. JARU (sweeping) is a familiar & much-used metaphor in Persian, nothing sensationally new at all. Everyone wants to ‘sweep away’ everyone and anything that is inconvenient!

Moreover it was Arafat who started off the tradition of such utterances in his 40s with his famous remark that “Israel should be thrown into the sea”. He then apologised and withdrew the remark but it caught on and has become part of standard Arab rhetoric.

Ahmadinejad’s remarks on the subject of Israel reached a crescendo in December at the conference of Muslim leaders in Mecca (9 December 2005) when he uttered his remarks about the Holocaust and suggested repatriating Israelis back to Europe. On that occasion he said:

MAHVE ESRAYEL AZ SAHFEH RUZEGAR! which translates “Remove Israel from the page of history!” (lit. ‘daily happenings’ = current events/history)

By contrast the recent letter to George Bush is almost sublime in its reasonableness and high moral tone. Don’t anyone be fooled by that! Ahmadinejad is no prophet or saint, in fact he’s a particularly nasty, psychopathic individual, he’s one of the Iranian regime’s top killer/torturers; known as “the man of a thousand bullets” he is on record as having personally dispatched 250 individuals in a single day.

Only last week there were 7 public hangings in one day in Iran – average age probably around 25.

Ahmadinejad is a pure product of Iranian fundamentalist Shiite mind-control and he's on a roll to challenge the whole non-Islamic world/western capitalism/global imperialism, he probably truly believes in Islamic revolution and in his own messianic mission!!

Behind Ahmadinejad are the real PTB (powers that be) in Iran who are much more cynical and worldly-wise. Some of them could well be members of the secret international cabal; certainly there is a well-established freemasonic/Zionist presence in Iran, largely as a result of British activity there over 200 years. I have seen a dense 3-volume book on the history of freemasonry in Iran. But I believe from their behaviour and life-style that what really drives the top mullahs is probably much more mundane. Hashemi Rafsanjani for example, one of the perennial post-Khomeini triumvirate (along with the supreme leader Ali Khamenei and Mohammad Khatami), nicknamed by Iranians “Rough Son Johnnie” is said to be by now 15th richest person on the planet! It is strongly suspected that much of this wealth comes straight out of the Bonyad-e Mostesavin, the state charitable foundation for victims of the Iran-Iraq war, of which Rafsanjani has been in charge since the ‘80s...

The Iranian people have no illusions about the criminality and low moral fibre of their regime but are held down by its sheer sadistic cruelty. It honed its torturing skills with the help of Israel, I won’t go into some of the methods used.

The serial-killer Ahmadinejad has been put in to suit the current phase of the mullahs’ political agenda, rather like they put in the relatively urbane, ‘smiling’ Khatami a few years back, to woo the international community into a false state of security and make everyone think the regime was moderating (in order to buy time to carry on with their nefarious plans).

In 2006 the regime is in deep trouble with its own domestic population, hence is resorting to the classic ploy of manufacturing an outside threat – real enough as it happens! It is playing hard to its own gallery of fanatics both inside Iran and in the wider Middle East (who certainly exist, Iran-trained suicide bombers are helping fuel the continuing insurgency in Iraq) in order to boost its waning power.

The metaphor here is the savagery of a wounded, dying animal.

Thus in upping the anti, the Iranian regime is doing just what the neo-cons and Israel want it to do (which raises suspicions of a covert tie-up with the freemasonic/Zionist cabal…). It is providing the perfect excuse for military intervention. A new 9/11-type false-flag atrocity attributable to Iran would clinch matters but may not even be necessary!

Never forget either the long shadows of Russia & China covering Iran. Iran is the ‘final frontier’ for the US imperialists prior to taking on these two giants, which they will have to at some point in order to complete their agenda of global dominance and to be head of the New World Order. They need military bases all over the Middle East, they cannot afford to leave a ‘vacuum’ in strategically-critical Iran…

What I am saying that we are witnessing the dangerous power-games of two equally unscrupulous, political entities who are actually feeding off each other! I would be very chary of getting our movement embroiled in such power-games and I certainly urge no one to be seduced by anything that comes out of the mouth of the likes of Ahmadinejad, even if he is saying what we want the world to hear. There’s a strong risk is that because someone like Ahmadinejad is saying 9/11 was a fix no one will take it seriously!

The job of all sane, peace-loving citizens of the world remains to expose 9/11 as hard and as fast as we can and thus degauss (neutralise) the bogus ‘war on terror’ but NOT by teaming up with the equivalent of the neo-cons in the Middle East. As I said in a previous post, if we really want to do something to help the Iranian people and prevent them being attacked a far better candidate for our support remains the Iranian resistance, the Iraq-based Peoples Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI), along with its secular, Europe-based arm, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). Despite a poor press in recent years (largely due to the regime’s propaganda against it, although it does have its faults) the PMOI/NCRI is a genuine people’s movement with strong support both inside Iran and amongst the expatriate Iranian community overseas and is far and away the best constituted of all the Iranian opposition groups to carry through the needed regime-change in Iran. The PMOI/NCRI remains the only real hope in fact of resolving the ‘Iranian crisis’ peacefully and of returning Iran to secular democracy without need of outside military intervention.

Yet one of Tony Blair’s first acts following 9/11 was to gag and muzzle the PMOI (if not the NCRI) by putting it on the UK terrorist-list and persuading his European colleagues to do likewise. If anything should confirm the PMOI’s legitimacy in our eyes it is its inclusion on the terrorist list!

(Why do Bush & Blair not like the PMOI?? Officially it is because in the ‘70s/under the Shah the group attacked Americans in Iran and went on to be ringleaders in the siege of the US Embassy in Tehran in 1979-80. But the real reason is that the PMOI is INDEPENDENT and refuses to be a puppet of the US – it wants a totally free Iran. Now what on earth could be wrong with that?!!)

So as a corollary to exposing 9/11 truth and nipping an attack on Iran in the bud I suggest supporting the PMOI and demanding its immediate removal from the terrorist list by writing to our MPs. The odds are that our own MP will be in favour of this because by now the majority of the House of Commons has registered support for the PMOI, as well as a solid and growing contingent in the House of Lords. There is an all-party, Commons & Lords Parliamentary group called the BRITISH COMMITTEE FOR IRAN FREEDOM chaired by Lord Robin Corbett (address: The Lord Corbett of Castle Vale, BCFIF, House of Lords, London SW1 OPW) – again a timely and helpful move would be to write to this group expressing support.

Removal of the PMOI from the list at least in the UK and Europe (both the PMOI and the NCRI are on the list in America but that’s par for the course isn’t it) will have an immediate catalytic effect inside Iran. The message to the mullahs will be that their number is finally up, while to the people of Iran, that the international community supports them in their struggle to overthrow their hated regime.

If the Iranian regime falls, any excuse for bombing Iran falls with it.

In any event, I repeat, consorting with a psychopathic killer such as Ahmadinejad over his 9/11 remarks, uttered only for the immediate political convenience of a notoriously nasty regime (and ironically playing straight into the hands of its western imperialist enemy) debases our movement and is not an option IMO.

Probably the very best help we can give the people of Iran in their plight, and all other oppressed peoples of the world, is to continue to work towards exposing 9/11 as hard and as fast as we can.
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PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 9:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Re. alternatives to military intervention in Iran, here is the latest report of the US Iran Policy Committee. IPC is a think-tank set up by Bush in 2005 ostensibly to explore alternatives to military intervention. I've met Claire Lopez who sits on it and have been in correspondence her, they seem to be on the right track but who knows whether they have any hope of prevailing and this could be just more smoke and mirrors...

Iran Policy Committee
1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20004
202-742-6517 (o); 202-742-6501 (f); info@iranpolicy.org www.iranpolicy.org

What Makes Tehran Tick?
Options for Israel and the USA to Prevent a Nuclear-Armed Iran
Panel Statement by Clare M. Lopez
10 May 2006

Key to any discussion about the current clerical regime in Tehran or consideration of its capabilities and intentions is an understanding of its fundamental character. With the leadership of that regime contemptuously defying the demands of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to end its nuclear weapons development activities, its president threatening existential genocide of a neighboring country, and its Guardians of the Revolution (IRGC) busy trying to export terrorism throughout the region, there’s good reason to focus on Iran right now and try to understand What Makes Tehran Tick?

In this case, the administration that came to power in August 2005 with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as president completed an alignment of ideological outlook that runs from the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, though Ahmadinejad, and down into the ranks of radical Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and Bassij militia members who now dominate every important lever of power in Iranian government and society. What they intend to do with that alignment, that extremist ideology, and that totalitarian grip on power is the subject of many a policymaker meeting, more than a few analytical columns, and this paper which the Iran Policy Committee is presenting here today—our fourth major white paper and a timely look at why Tehran behaves the way it does these days.

This is a regime that knows it’s in trouble: the forces of democracy, globalization, modernization, and secularism are much more attractive to Iran’s huge, young, and restless population than the joyless strictures of the official ideology, Velayat-e Faqih, or the medieval regulations and punishments of Sharia (Islamic Law). The nearly fifty percent of Iran’s population that is made up of ethnic minorities feels increasingly alienated from Tehran; the economy is in dire straits despite the sky-rocketing prices for oil, and demonstrations and revolts rock the country by the hundreds. Moreover, since the attacks of 9/11, it has become more than obvious that President George W. Bush means what he says when he pledges to take on terrorists wherever they may be, to treat rogue regimes that harbor and assist terrorists as terrorists themselves, and, most importantly, to bring democracy to the Middle East.

Iran’s ruling clerics hang onto power in Tehran through the sheer force of repression, using all the oppressive tools of domestic terror—arbitrary arrest, detention, jailing, torture, and execution—that are the last resort of every totalitarian regime. Their revolution once dreamed of seizing for Shi’ism not just control of an important country with a glorious past that was already well along the path of modernization, but leadership of the entire Islamic revival, which Sunnis had dominated from the time of Hassan al-Banna, Mawlana Maududi, and Sayyid Qutb. To their way of thinking, the only power standing in the way of that goal was Western, secular, democratic: the United States of America. The Ayatollah Khomeini had nursed a bitter hatred of all things modern and Western throughout a 14-year exile and so saw the United States (U.S.) (and its support for the Shah) as the absolute embodiment of everything evil; Israel, as the liberal democratic ally of the U.S. was the local outpost of Western values in the midst of a Muslim world and therefore, in an indirect way, an existential threat to the survival of Iran’s Islamic revolution.

The current regime under the Khamenei-Ahmadinejad axis takes up where Khomeini left off: these are the psychologically-damaged survivors of the terrible Iran-Iraq War who are unable to leave their memories of that conflict behind them—but more than that, who want to revive the militant, nationalistic, and above all, ideological fervor of those years because they believe that is all that can save their regime, save their hold on power, and restore Iran to what they view as its rightful position at the center of the Islamic world and as hegemon of the Persian Gulf, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

Ahmadinejad’s apparent devotion to the particular brand of radical Shi’ism known as “Twelver Shi’ism” adds another—and worrisome—dimension to the U.S.’s and Israel’s attempts to decipher his bizarre behavior: trying to decide whether Ahmadinejad (and, more importantly, the Supreme Leader) really believe that it is their calling in life to hasten the return of the Mahdi (the Disappeared Twelfth Imam) by creating chaos in the Middle East takes on a real seriousness in the context of Tehran’s drive to acquire a nuclear weapons capability. Rationality—in the sense of valuing the survival of the state above all else—comes into question here.

On the other hand, Iran’s long history of a pragmatic and shrewdly-nuanced foreign policy, carried out by a polycentric leadership matrix, can leave Western analysts puzzled. Ahmadinejad’s 18-pg. letter to President Bush is a good example of an obvious ploy, intended to disrupt and distract the process underway at the UNSC, where the international community is trying to decide how to deal with Iran’s refusal to comply with the measures of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty it signed some 38 years ago. “Cheat and retreat,” agree and renege, divide and conquer: these are only some of the tactics Tehran deploys in its confrontation with the West.

Whatever the rationality or ideology of the radical regime in Tehran, what counts now, the world agrees, is how quickly we all can move before the mullahs get the bomb. The actual facts of their progress towards becoming a nuclear power are what, in the end, will determine the reactions of Israel, the U.S., and the world community. Debate about the likelihood that Iran would actually use such a weapon, or how, if it ever acquired it, fades into the background when policies of military prevention and preemption are on the table. If we are to avoid the scenarios of a preemptive military strike, the West must converge quickly on a policy that empowers the democratic Iranian opposition to change the regime in Tehran.
For this reason, the Iran Policy Committee urges the Bush administration to remove the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK) and its associated umbrella group, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) from the Foreign Terrorist Organizations list so that these well-organized, highly committed Iranians can operate freely to travel, to speak, to raise funds, to seek support, and to lead their own people to stand up to the Islamo-fascist regime that now rules their country and liberate it for themselves.

Only by giving full support to the MEK, the NCRI, and other Iranian opposition groups that support a democratic, secular republic in Iran will we be able to beat the nuclear weapons clock and avoid the military strike scenario that otherwise looks like an increasingly likely option.
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PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 12:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Belinda, you appear to be well informed on the internal situation in Iran but it may be helpful if you could provide links and sources to back up what to many may be of interest.

As for the Ms Lopez statement on Iran - it could be the words of any other neocon dressed up to appear rational. The first paragraph says more than enough to see where she is coming from -

". With the leadership of that regime contemptuously defying the demands of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to end its nuclear weapons development activities"

The reality is that there is a contemptous effort on the part of the most of the international community to deny Iran its rights under the NPT to develop nuclear energy programme. That right would exist no matter what regime was in power and the widespread internal support for the regimes position in this issue has been shown by even the BBC.

Her final paragraph the same -

"Only by giving full support to the MEK...."

The only good terrorists are our terrorists would sum that up well enough.

Whatever the merits of the current regime there are fundamental rights that must be adhered to and Irans right to develop nuclear energy is one of them. The latest ploy of offering Iran the technology but not the means to ensure that technology is operable is nothing more than insulting and no one should be surprised if Iran, as it has at the moment, rejects it out of hand.

This is the major powers attemting to control the nuclear fuel cycle whilst some at the same time some are developing more advanced nuclear weapons. Better we highlight the hypocrisy wherever it occurs than regurgitate the lies of the power seekers.

Obviously it would be in everyones interest if nuclear weapons development were curtailed but that would be achieved more readily by all signatories to the NPT honouring their committments, which Iran is, and not by denying Iran its rights under this treaty. If that is to happen it would only advance the agenda of those wishing to control us all.
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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 3:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Todays Asia Times

Iran: Russia, China drift toward US

---Turning history upside down, Western media pundits have now manufactured a consent about Iran's blameworthy behavior breaking the Paris Agreement, when in reality it was the surrogate Europe that caved in to US pressure and disrespected its own pledge to Iran - to respect Iran's nuclear rights "without discrimination".

Consequently, the EU is about to hurl an old package under new wraps, deemed as "generous" by the German negotiator, Michael Schaffer, in his recent communication to this author, without an iota of guilty conscience or moral qualm about its own pattern of misbehavior toward Iran. The irony that the EU has turned a complete blind eye to Brazil's simultaneous declaration of an ambitious new plan to accelerate its nuclear-fuel program, simply because the world "trusts Brazil" (but don't tell that to Brazil's neighbors!), has simply escaped the attention of Western media --

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