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Interview with an Astronaught
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Realyweely wrote:
[quote="marky 54]my reply.
you sound like someone who dos'nt question what you are told by the media unless you 'KNOW' differant because you experianced it firsthand.


I will believe anything if there is
A) Empirical evidence
B) I can examine, see, touch, look feel or hear that which I am asked to believe.

[quote="marky 54]
the media control what information we are able to hear about events and everyone just takes their word for it. .[/quote]

AHH more conspiracy theories?.
Apart from some things concerned with national security, I have a reasonable amount of faith in the UK newspapers and their independance.
What isnt reported in one paper will certainly be reported in another, and if it isnt reported in one country, its certainly reported in another.

[quote="marky 54]
i have no reason to disbelieve your u.f.o sightings, afterall i have seen something unexplainable my self once and yes it was very anti gravity in movement and speed.
i would just say though that you should think for yourself about each subject you may come across, the media have proved overtime they cannot be trusted to report all the facts and be unbaised and fair, the u.f.o subject alone should prove this if you have researched it.[/quote]

Im 56 years old (57 in 5 days time, OH * Shocked ) Ive been around a bit, lived in a few countries and dont really give a flying f**k what anyone thinks about what I think. I believe in UFO's because I have seen something with my own eyes. In Australia I and 5 other people watched something move across the sky, stop then shoot off at a 90 degree angle.
I was also in a village close to Rendlesham and saw some weird things.
I dont care if anyone believes or disbelieves me, its totally irrelevant. I know what I saw. Im not standing upand asking anyone to believe it, thats up to every individual to make up his her own mind.

The main problem with UFO's and the media is that its usually always the crackpots who get the publicity. The 'man in the street' is scared to come forwards for fear of ridicule. You must also realise the responsibility carried by the media with respect to the 'majority' of people in the UK, if not the world.
If, lets say they began reporting every UFO sighting and every contact (if indeed there have ever been any contacts) You would probably get highly religious groups start killing themseves or each other, because God created them in his own image, and we are supposed to be Gods chosen people. The existance of Aliens would mean no God, The 'Church' would collapse along with mainline religion so the Media has to be very carefull how far it will actually go.
Remember, behind every story, there is usually another one![/quote]
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------


who said a thing about not believing your u.f.o story?

im pointing out that you think 9/11 is not a conspiracy and im pointing out that alot of people think u.f.o's is made up trollop, but you know u.f.o's are real right? therefore you know your not a nutter and they do exsist.
well thats where most people are with 9/11 to, well the ones who take notice of the availble evidence.

you are very stupid if you think that just by chance only the nutters get on the news regarding u.f.o's, there is a reason for that . yes to discredit the real sightings. what purpose do you think ridicule has?

like you said people are scared to come forward through fear of ridicule, it proves the ridicule pysop worked perfectly and did its job, then all you need is a few wacko's on t.v who have made a few fakes of u.f.o's and who is ever going to listen to real people who see real u.f.o's after that, well its the same as 9/11?

also just to make myself clear i have seen a u.f.o and have said so in my previous post, so please read it before presuming i don't believe you about your sightings.

i cannot believe you have gone 53 years and your none the wiser about things other than u.f.o's, but hey you saw them did'nt you. i wonder if you'd be sat there now calling anyone else who had seen one a wacko if you had never seen a u.f.o and totally believed every word you were told about them by the mainstream ie: they are just conspiracy theorys.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

[quote="Long Tooth"]
Realyweely wrote:
I could answer all of your questions but I realy dont think there would be much point?.

You continue with your beliefs and Ill continue with mine.

Long Tooth wrote:

Nasa could answer the questions too, all be it in an inadequate way regarding mountains and mountains of hoax footage they are passing off as truth, the fact that they do not answer questions on anomilies, regarding their moon landing conspiracy theory is telling. The co ordinates for the moon buggies have never been released, too much danger of these high powered telescopes in the future reading car number plates on earth from space, or reading the chassis number of moon buggies on the moon from earth? LOL..

NASA are in a situation where they are damned if they do and damned if they dont. Its easier to say nothing. The more they say the more the conspiracy theorists will 'imagine'.

Long Tooth wrote:

I am left to ponder why you have joined a truth forum if you are not prepared to engage in debate, especially a 9/11 truth forum when you are not prepared to read and educate yourself about the thousands of anomilies regarding the governments official conspiracy theory of 9/11?

I joined this forum as it had other topics than 11th September. I was interested in the fact that James Casbolt had posted here. I had been interested in his and Barry Kings allegations of a supposed NSA/Alien base at Peasemore.

One of the problems about both Apollo 11 and 11 September, is that people jump to wild assumptions, quite similar to your assumptions of me when you say about me "when you are not prepared to read and educate yourself about the thousands of anomilies". The fact is you dont know what I have read or investigated so you are already forming a mini conspiracy theory about me?. You said that from your point of view as a suuporter of a conspiracy theory when I could, quite justifiably ask the same of you, coming from the opposite side? Simply because I dont come to the same conclusion as you means I havent read up on it?. Thats a pretty rash statement.

On any given scenario, there will be people who will form a conspiracy theory, and those who, by common sense and analysis will accept the generally accepted reasoning, and then those that only see what they want to see.
If you start off reading and investigating a subject with preconceived ideas, your brain will only pick out those bits that it agrees with.
When I look at something I consider all possible scenarios then take the Ockhams Razor principle. "All things being equal, the simplest solution tends to be the best one."
My contribution into the 11 September discussion on this board would add nothing to the debate, but I believe that you and others believe a conspiracy exists.

Long Tooth wrote:

May i enquire what year did you witness anomolous lights/ufo's in rendleshem/Bentwaters? have you read much about Larry Warrens experiences there?
Long Tooth

I was at a friends house near Eyke for Christmas in 1980. I saw several lights in the sky behaving a little strangely. To me they looked like lights suspended under balloons as the light illuminated the underneath of what I thought were balloons. It was Christmas and anything was possible.

For Unexplained UK Phenomena

CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE: Once upon a time there was nothing.......................which exploded
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Long Tooth
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Realyweely wrote:
[quote="marky 54
fair enough, although i'll never know if you were there when the signal was recieved, i don't know you and for all i know you could also be telling the truth. just out of intrest realyweely what is your message implying underneath your posts, once upon a time there was nothing............. which exploded.
are you sceptical of what we are told about the creation of the universe? or are you just someone who takes an intrest in space related things?

My sig is what I heard Professor Eric Braithwaite say at a lecture many years ago. When trying to explain the big bang, that was what he said.
"Once upon a time there was nothing, which then proceeded to explode." He laughed and then moved on, brilliant man by the way.
Creation of the universe is a strange concept to grapple with realy.

Im interested in many things, UFO's (seen 2 things which were certainly unidentified, one at Rendlesham and one in Oz), Anti Gravity and attempting to unravel the truth about certain places in the UK.
I dont work (well not work, per se, Im a musician) so have plenty of time to poke around.

Just another point so people know where Im coming from. I dont believe in an 11 September Twin Towers conspiracy. I do believe it was simply the terrorist thing.
(though Im still puzzled about what happened on the 9th November though Rolling Eyes )[/quote]

Hi weely,

you state I dont believe in an 11 September Twin Towers conspiracy. I do believe it was simply the terrorist thing

By believing the official conspiracy theory of the government regarding 9/11, then by definition you do believe in conspiracy theories, because thats what it is, the official conspiracy theory, i believe the governemnt orchistrated it, so thats a non official conspiracy theory.

By you believing the OCT, you believe steel can be melted by fire? Laughing you must also believe that 19 arabs hijacked planes with boxcutters flew planes into the building, and somehow came back to life and fled the building and country to surface alive and well abroad? Wink 11 out of the 19 at the last count anyway.

We agree it was ''a terrorist thing'', the thing is who are the terrorists? the 19 people fingered by the government agencies hours after the attacks,11 of the 19 who have since turned up alive and well? i mean if thats not a conspiracy theory what is? how can 11 of the 19 hijackers, hijack the plane, fly it into buildings and be alive? thats the official conspiracy you believe, and thats your belief.

there is too many anomolies with the official version, but to believe the 19 arabs did 9/11 conspiracy theory, you must believe also that fires in a wastebin can bring down buildings too, WTC7, at freefall speed? Rolling Eyes Wink

If small fires can bring buildings down, why dont we just start a few wastebin fires instead of controlled demolitioning them?
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Long Tooth
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Long Tooth wrote:
Realyweely wrote:
I could answer all of your questions but I realy dont think there would be much point?.

You continue with your beliefs and Ill continue with mine.

Long Tooth wrote:

Nasa could answer the questions too, all be it in an inadequate way regarding mountains and mountains of hoax footage they are passing off as truth, the fact that they do not answer questions on anomilies, regarding their moon landing conspiracy theory is telling. The co ordinates for the moon buggies have never been released, too much danger of these high powered telescopes in the future reading car number plates on earth from space, or reading the chassis number of moon buggies on the moon from earth? LOL..

NASA are in a situation where they are damned if they do and damned if they dont. Its easier to say nothing. The more they say the more the conspiracy theorists will 'imagine'.

Long Tooth wrote:

I am left to ponder why you have joined a truth forum if you are not prepared to engage in debate, especially a 9/11 truth forum when you are not prepared to read and educate yourself about the thousands of anomilies regarding the governments official conspiracy theory of 9/11?

I joined this forum as it had other topics than 11th September. I was interested in the fact that James Casbolt had posted here. I had been interested in his and Barry Kings allegations of a supposed NSA/Alien base at Peasemore.

One of the problems about both Apollo 11 and 11 September, is that people jump to wild assumptions, quite similar to your assumptions of me when you say about me "when you are not prepared to read and educate yourself about the thousands of anomilies". The fact is you dont know what I have read or investigated so you are already forming a mini conspiracy theory about me?. You said that from your point of view as a suuporter of a conspiracy theory when I could, quite justifiably ask the same of you, coming from the opposite side? Simply because I dont come to the same conclusion as you means I havent read up on it?. Thats a pretty rash statement.

On any given scenario, there will be people who will form a conspiracy theory, and those who, by common sense and analysis will accept the generally accepted reasoning, and then those that only see what they want to see.If you start off reading and investigating a subject with preconceived ideas, your brain will only pick out those bits that it agrees with.
When I look at something I consider all possible scenarios then take the Ockhams Razor principle. "All things being equal, the simplest solution tends to be the best one."
My contribution into the 11 September discussion on this board would add nothing to the debate, but I believe that you and others believe a conspiracy exists.

Long Tooth wrote:

May i enquire what year did you witness anomolous lights/ufo's in rendleshem/Bentwaters? have you read much about Larry Warrens experiences there?
Long Tooth

I was at a friends house near Eyke for Christmas in 1980. I saw several lights in the sky behaving a little strangely. To me they looked like lights suspended under balloons as the light illuminated the underneath of what I thought were balloons. It was Christmas and anything was possible.

NASA are in a situation where they are damned if they do and damned if they dont. Its easier to say nothing. The more they say the more the conspiracy theorists will 'imagine'.

On the contrary, by publicly releasing the landing and location co-ordinates of the alleged 'moon boogies still on the moon'', nasa could end public skeptisism to their, we went to the moon and walked on it conspiracy theory, to end,once and for all, what are they hiding? what are they so afraid of? big stron telescopes that can read number plates from space? if you did what you claim surely you would put all the evidence and proof at your disposal to back up your claims? not go the other way and be obstructive? unless you are lieing that is? Wink

of course i have formed an opinion of you, you believe theres coke bottles on the moon? Rolling Eyes if you had read the evidence how can you believe that we went to the moon and left coca cola bottles 'up there' Surprised

you state,

On any given scenario, there will be people who will form a conspiracy theory, and those who, by common sense and analysis will accept the generally accepted reasoning, and then those that only see what they want to see

you see men walking on the moon, but ignore the coca coal bottle in the footage?!!! you also ignore the rocks with the letter C in the nasa photos?!!! you bring up theres no autofocus at the time, but believe the astranauts took perfect pictures, through the helmets and bulky gloves? just a few of your ''generally accepted reasoning of you seeing what you only want see''?

you believe in,

fire melting steel.

people flying planes into the twin towers and coming back to life.

that a plane dosant have to fly into a building, but can fall at freefall speed from a wastebin fire (WTC7).

you also believe theres coca cola bottles on the moon, a moon rocks throw away with the letter C on it.

etc etc etc.

thats fine, as you state thats your belief, your official conspiracy theories.

I question those things, so you also label people like me a conspiracy theorist, thats also correct.

James Casbolt, ufo's that looked like ballons at xmas at Rendlesham in 1980, and 19 arabs did 9/11, Wink Laughing [/b]
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