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Seven days to save Britain from the EU

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marky 54
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:25 am    Post subject: Seven days to save Britain from the EU Reply with quote

GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel last night pledged to make European Union law more powerful than British law.

She vowed to get the European Charter of Fundamental Rights made legally binding by mentioning it in a new treaty.


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes this is bad.
These criminals are determined to move the european superstate to completion.
A europe run by an unelected cabal, a politburo
controlled by large corporations

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 4:36 pm    Post subject: Very Bad indeed Reply with quote

Almost everyone I have spoken to about the EU does NOT want anything to do with it. This is being done against the wishes of the British people and they know it. They will do anything to avoid a fair referendum despite promising one the whole way through. As far as I'm concerned our government are traitors and joining the EU is treason.

Its about time we had a random pool of ordinary people, (similar to jury service), who are allowed to turn up whenever and wherever they want and inspect, question or look at whatever they deem fit.

The government should act on the people's wishes... not the other way round.

What is being proposed under this EU agenda is nothing short of giving everything you own, everything your taxes have paid for and the people own, and your country away to your persecutors.

There will be no-one to complain to, no-one to vote out, no say in what we want to do in our own country, no say in how our soldiers are killed, no way of going back, no national resources, no policing by our own police, patrolling by foreigners, no say on immigration, no say on job allocation etc. etc.

Only a total idiot would agree to all this and worse... so why is our so called government doing it?

We need to get rid of them. I expect the majority of other people in other european countries agree about their 'euro-friendly' governments too!

Our governments and the secret services are well out of control.
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marky 54
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

this morning the poll was:

should blair support the new EU treaty?

yes 92

no 1043

i cannot see many postive comments regarding this subject anywhere including comments left about the article, yet.........

the poll is now

yes 6745

no 3067
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I see so many dodgy polls with ridiculous results that there is only one conclusion to be drawn... they are pre-ordained on the whole.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:08 am    Post subject: The SUN scam, its genesis Reply with quote

Here I go again....foolishly perhaps

This is part of the scam.

I warned people with the passing of the EU treaty of the Declaration on the Future of Europe being signed on the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome by government petition. http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/ReferendumNOW/

Bliar's response :

The European Union celebrated its 50th Anniversary at an informal Summit of EU leaders on 25 March. This anniversary was marked by the issuing of a political Declaration. The 2-page Declaration is an aspirational document, not a binding Treaty. It takes no decisions on the future of the Constitutional Treaty or any new Treaty. These issues will be discussed by EU leaders at the European Council in June.

This is phase two.

Merkel declares her desire to overpower UK law with the treaty, then Murdoch's press run in the sun with a fervour to the sheep an article exactly mirroring the problems that will be, whilst calling for referendum. Where was their coverage of that petition, if they genuinely have such sentiments, or does road tolls that hit the pocket take precedence over sovereignty??

The poll will be altered so the sheep think most people want EU membership. The referendum will be rigged for a yes anyway, whilst theduped sheep will willing vote yes anyway following more propaganda, to save the treasonous people behind it from swinging. By forcing the UK to believe they have opted by choice for this totally undemocratic system of rule, they will have unwittingly signed off on the treasonous betrayal of the 1689 Bill of Rights and the power we bestow upon the Queen to rule us, that she has handed illegally to Bliar.

The NAU has been announced along with the Amero, the chipping of kids has been suggested on the back of Madeline McCann. Visa and the Bank of England have suggested the removal of cash. The BBC has plugged the cashless society. The foretelling of the Dollars crash has already been posted here and the acceptance under depression of the NAU and Amero will seem peachy. The other unions will follow and then all will get absorbed.

The bankers are laughing.

There is no way the SUN would run such an article unless it was a scam....PERIOD!

Now I cant prove it, or evidence it, and yes my last post on such a topic resulted in box based bickering over it, that I didn't enter into and shant, as its a waste of time. I simply have a gut feeling that this is correct and that EU membership is a seriously bad idea when we cant control our current servants. The global map appears the same and if there is any truth to NWO claims, though I favour less dramatic scenarios, then this is the next required step and MUST be stopped. Just in case like. I got 6 kids to feed!! Smile


Then again.... what do I care http://www.tpuc.org/News/news-hell-on-earth.html


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John White
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

marky 54 wrote:
this morning the poll was:

should blair support the new EU treaty?

yes 92

no 1043

i cannot see many postive comments regarding this subject anywhere including comments left about the article, yet.........

the poll is now

yes 6745

no 3067

Ha! Yeah I saw that too. What a suprise, the Sun fixing its own poll. 9 to 1 against the EU is about right. The Elite are still gonna go for it though

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If people think those riots in London over the poll tax were bad, I can't imagine whats going to happen up in glasgow when they dissolve the union..The unionists up there swear oaths to protect the union and thus will only see future confict, And indeed within northern ireland as well.

If the european union think they can solve the all troubles of europe, they are dead wrong. maybe they wish to create more violence and hate an this is their main goal? Well when they take kosovo of serbia and mix up spain, The EU is going to be in for one hell of a beating!
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Bowery Boy
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 4:02 pm    Post subject: Re: Seven days to save Britain from the EU Reply with quote

[quote="marky 54"]GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel last night pledged to make European Union law more powerful than British law.

She vowed to get the European Charter of Fundamental Rights made legally binding by mentioning it in a new treaty.



all good things must come to an end

On March 25 2007, the Delaration of Berlin document was signed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Jose Manuel Barroso and Hans-Gert Pottering, representing the EU presidency,
the European Commission and the European Parliament respectively.

This commits all nations to sign the sixth and final EU treaty and by-passes a vote by the people –
the other five treaties were signed by the Queen without the consent of the people.

The abolition of The United Kingdom by the
European Union is, therefore, set for May 2009.

In 1998, a court case prosecuting Tony Blair, the Queen and 3 former Prime Ministers, under the Treason Acts, was coming to a conclusion. The charge was that, as they had illegally signed 4 treaties abolishing our nation, they were guilty of treason and faced life imprisonment. Shortly before the final hearing, the laws of treason were quietly repealed under the Crime and Disorder Act section 36.3 and the case was dismissed. In 2002 the Queen signed a fifth treaty.The sixth and final one, meaning the abolition of Britain, is scheduled for May 2009 : This will adopt the EU Constitution.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel wants this signed before the European elections in June 2009.
The EU Constitution will abolish the nations of Britain, England, the 48 counties, British common law, and the political parties (clause I-46-4) and, of course, the pound.
We will then be incarcerated within the European Union, a dictatorship with the laws of a police state. The 111,000 EU regulations will then turn Britain, now the fifth largest economy in the world, into a Corporate/State ie fascist command economy, bringing unemployment, poverty and massive tax increases, including VAT on childrens clothes, food, books, water, newspapers, public transport, new houses and pharmaceuticals
Our gold and currency reserves will be physically transferred to the new European central bank. Financial control, previously used by our elected representatives to adjust the economy in accordance with the needs and wishes of the British electorate, will be in the hands of central bankers and, eventually, of the central authority of the EU. This control will include the level of interest rates, taxes and of borrowing .
The rules of the EU prevent member states from even requesting that the central bank consider submissions from them regarding fiscal policy.
In effect the constitutional result of the English Civil War would have been reversed. The power to raise taxes would have passed from Parliament to the executive : an executive based in a foreign country.
Small businesses will be swamped and financially ruined by EU legislation, CURRENTLY BEING HELD BACK TO AVOID BAD PUBLICITY.
We will have one army, fighting in Europe's cause, even if this was not in the interests of our own nation : if the EU wants you or yours to be military conscripted, you will have prison as an alternative.
One police force will cover the entire area of the EU.
Habeas corpus will be replaced by the Napoleonic Corpus Juris : an end to the presumption of innocence and of trial by jury. The ban on double jeapordy will be replaced by the allowance of repeated trials on the same offence, until the desired result is reached. Police will no longer be forced to bring you to court within 24 hours of arrest.
We will have one remote government, with our parliament being reduced to the level of a district council.
Our vote will move from almost meaningless to completely meaningless.
MEPs : have no right to initiate legislation, merely to confirm that placed before them by the bureaucrats of the European Commission : the MEPs are elected on party lists : in most cases, in the hands of party hacks : the MEPs are allowed only a strictly limited time to speak in the European Parliament, often as little as ninety seconds, before the microphone is switched off : they are supposed to represent constituencies of almost one million voters.
The EU has had a disastrous effects on our health, postal, and transport systems and immigration controls.
Since 1997, 5 million immigrants have been allowed in.
The EU Food Supplements Directive will make many widely used medicines, including some 300 vitamins and mineral supplements, illegal from 2009. Under this legislation, each vitamin and mineral will be subject to an unnecessary, unscientific and highly expensive testing programme to justify its place on an ‘approved list’ Most small producers will not be able to afford to comply .
The EU has produce a limited list of permitted nutrients and anything not on the list will be banned, even if they have been safely sold and used in the UK for many years.
The major beneficiaries of this regulatory nightmare will be the multi-national drug companies, which can afford the testing requirements.The losers will be the consumer and the small health food suppliers who won't be able to afford to submit their products to rigorous testing.
EU REACH. The unelected EC bureaucrats have now decided to subject around 30,000 chemicals, already in use for over 25 years, to cruel and totally unscientific “safety tests” on 10 million animals : in the REACH programme.
ONE OF THESE SUBSTANCES IS BERGAMOT, used for 200 years to flavour Earl Grey tea. The producers say they cannot afford the huge costs and will change their crops and, possibly, switch to synthetic flavouring.
EU Directive 97/67/EC is responsible for the trashing of the previously profitable, efficient and much-admired Royal Mail, resulting in the threatened closure of 2,500 post offices, the proposal to add VAT to services and the creaming off to foreign firms, of lucrative services, the profits from which enable the PO to deliver a letter from Plymouth to Aberdeen for 24 pence,
EU Directive 91/440EC is the basis of the disastrous rail privatisation programme and the chaotic farce, including rail crashes, which followed the breaking up of the rail operations and infrastructure.
Then we have the Common Agricultural Policy : subsidising inefficient Continental farmers.
This costs the average family an extra £1,100-plus each year .
It has also resulted in a food mountain that exceeds 12 million tons and a wine lake of over 75 million gallons.

EU membership costs Britain £40 million PER DAY.

Since we joined what we thought was a Common Market, in 1973, EU membership has cost us over £40 billion : £40,000,000,000. EU auditors have identified fraud and corruption costing tax-payers £6 billion per year and have refused to sign off the EU books for the last 12 years.

WHAT CAN BE DONE to avoid sleep-walking into the E U police state.

We MUST leave the European Union before it is too late and
we are permanently trapped, impoverished and powerless.
Leaving the European Union would be a relatively simple affair : repeal the 1972 European Communities Act and give notice to the EU, under the Vienna Convention on Treaties.
Go to see your MP and let them know that you know what is at stake: that inaction by them on the fundamental duty of Parliament – The Defence of the Realm - will be totally unacceptable. REMEMBER the word England is not on the map in the EU’s Regional Brochures : The East Midlands, Yorkshire and Humberside, London etc. are “Regions of The European Union.”
Also remember : after the EU takeover, ALL campaigns, protests .. for or against ANYTHING – IF THEY ARE ALLOWED AT ALL – will be meaningless, permanently.
All decisions will be made with corporate interest paramount, processed by unelected bureaucrats and rubber-stamped by MEPs.

Sign the petition to leave the EU



NEMESIS PO Box 73 Chesterfield S41 0YZ

The Real Face of the EU : essential viewing
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 4:08 pm    Post subject: This is NOT a lost cause Reply with quote


56,000 say NO to EU sell-out

Whitehall Editor
JUNE 16, 2007


TONY Blair last night came under intense pressure from 56,000 Sun readers who urged him to halt the surrender of British power to Brussels.

A staggering 99 per cent of callers to our hotlines said NO to signing away 1,000 years of history next week.

But the defiant PM ruled out a referendum — and insisted he alone will decide what to give away in six days time. He brushed off overwhelming opposition to the giant giveaway he plans as his final act as leader.

Only three years ago Mr Blair had promised to give the public a say before signing an EU constitution.

In a Sun poll yesterday, 56,073 readers voted No to a revived constitution with only 558 in favour.

Last night Mr Blair was accused of striking a “squalid deal” to sneak the EU’s failed power grab in through the back door.

Angry MPs on all sides urged PM-to-be Gordon Brown to halt Mr Blair’s act of sabotage. Labour MP Frank Field said it was a “golden opportunity” to rebuild public trust.

Mr Blair had promised a public vote on the EU constitution — a blueprint for a Europe superstate — in 2004. The masterplan was rejected by French and Dutch voters before Brits could vote.

But it has now been revived in a new EU treaty drawn up by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

She admits the deal — which Mr Blair is poised to sign next week — contains “much of the substance” of the failed constitution.

Former welfare minister Mr Field last night challenged Mr Brown to stop the move.

He said: “The only solution is to hold a referendum. This is a golden opportunity for Mr Brown to show that things are really going to be different when he is in power.”

Derek Scott, vice chairman of the pressure group Open Europe, said: “This is a squalid deal to bring in by the back door what they could not get in the front.

“Gordon Brown should call a referendum as soon as he moves into No 10.”

The treaty has key elements of the ditched constitution, including an EU “foreign minister” but with a new title. A full-time European President and EU anthem are still planned.

But Mr Blair insists no referendum is needed because it is not a constitution — but an amendment to an existing treaty.

The PM’s spokesman said: “There will be serious negotiations before next week’s summit. There is a consensus in the UK view that this should be an amending treaty.”

Mr Blair has named four no-go areas for Brussels to dictate British law.

He wants an opt-out from the EU charter on trade union rights, and control over our own defence, welfare and justice systems.

Tory MEP group leader Timothy Kirkhope wants a public vote. He said: “British people should have the right to a referendum.”
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 5:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The cabal are taking us over and Bliar's last traitorious act will sell us further down the river of sh*t.

EU Founding axis


The eldest of three children, the future party leader, born Angela Kasner, grew up in the Waldhof, a large wooded estate at the edge of town where her father ran a seminary.

In her teens she joined the Free German Youth, the communist youth organisation, and took her Jugendweihe, a secular confirmation ceremony organised by the state.

[b]She still uses her first husband's surname [/b]- they divorced after less than five years - and has no children.

Not her own? Not her husbands? Strange thing to do.


And France

France's new president, Nicolas Sarkozy, lost 57 members of his family to the Nazis and comes from a long line of Jewish and Zionist leaders and heroes, writes RAANAN ELIAZ.


That would be THIS holocaust?


And so back to blighty and the roots of Nu Labia...

When John Smith became leader of the Labour
Party he was a member of the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group: the steering committee, the inner core. He got Gordon Brown invited to the 1991 meeting, incidentally.

At Bilderberg politicians meet the leaders of the big companies on the
q.t. Globalisation is the taken-for-granted agenda.

Who was John Smith? Genial, whiskey-drinking Scots lawyer from the
traditional Labour right. But also life-long chums with a senior MI6
officer, now Baroness Ramsay. Lady Smith, his widow, is now on the board of an MI6 front company.


Gordon Brown became Shadow Chancellor. Brown was a
traditional Labour figure: the economic spokesman who doesn¹t know much about economics. He took on an advisor - Ed Balls, a Financial Times leader writer - an ideologist for globalisation, in effect - who learned some of his economics at Harvard . Like other Labour personnel, including Yvette Cooper MP, whom Balls later married, and David Miliband, head of Blair¹s policy unit, both now junior ministers, Balls had spent a year in America as a Kennedy Scholar.

Virtually all of the new Labour people have some connection to America
and American money.


While Shadow Home Secretary in 1994 Tony Blair took an Israeli government freebie holiday in Israel. On his return the number two at the Israeli embassy in London introduced him to Michael Levy - now Lord Levy - one of the top fund-raisers for Jewish charities. Blair and Levy hit it off.

Blair and Brown, the rising stars, who want to get on with modernising¹ things, are impatient with John Smith¹s caution; but Smith died before the splits appeared and Blair succeeded him. Michael Levy then raised some millions - £7 million is the figure widely quoted - for Tony Blair¹s private office. And thus the Labour Party lost whatever little hold it had on its leader: Blair didn¹t need the party¹s money. And the Israeli lobby in the UK got a very pro-Israeli prime minister.


Time for revisionism all round?

Listen to the rushes of '1975'...


Things can only get better

http://www.contrarianthinker.com/D-Notice%20-%20Hystery%20(Starstika)% 20versus%20Things%20Can%20Only%20Get%20Better%20(D-ream),%20feat%20Ton y%20Blair.mp3

Fancy this domain being available less than a year ago?


We also have falseflag.co.uk but thought it would make a good clothing label....

Belief is the Enemy of Truth www.dissential.com
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:56 pm    Post subject: 50 years of surrender to the EU Reply with quote

50 years of surrender to the EU
By CHRISTOPHER BOOKER - More by this author »

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_artic le_id=444280&in_page_id=1770

Tonight the city of Berlin will be the scene for a very special party. A giant all-night 'rave'.

Thousands of young Berliners will be able to dance at 35 nightclubs across the German capital, to music played by 100 disc jockeys.

Special buses will be laid on to allow them to roam around the city until dawn. And all those happy teenagers will be treated to free beer and bratwurst.

The bad news is that the £1 million bill for all this fun and games is to be picked up by you and me.

Because the purpose of this monster party, organised by German government officials at the expense of EU taxpayers, will be to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the day in 1957 when the politicians of six European countries met in Rome to sign a treaty to set up what was then called just the 'Common Market' - that now half-forgotten entity which has grown over the decades into what we know today as 'the European Union'.

It is safe to predict, however, that, apart from those German teenagers enjoying their 'rave', very few other folk across Europe this weekend will be doing much by way of celebrating.

The one exception will be the scores of politicians and thousands of officials who will also today be converging on Berlin, to pay tribute to this historic moment in their own, rather different way.

What Tony Blair and his 'partners' will be honouring is the launch of what we can now recognise to have been the most ambitious political project the modern world has seen since Lenin set up the Soviet Union in the Twenties.

The leaders of those six countries - Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands - who met in Rome 50 years ago were well aware that what they were setting in train was intended eventually to grow into something very much more than a mere 'common market'.

Even then, as we see from the documents of that time, they dreamed that it would be just the first step on the road to an eventual 'European government'.

But who, in those far-off days when Europe was divided between the 'free world' of the west, led by America, and the grim Soviet empire to the east, could possibly have guessed at the progress their 'project' was to make over the half-century which followed?

Gradually it has expanded from those original six members, taking more and more countries under its sway (Britain joined in 1973) until now they number 27, stretching all the way from Ireland to the borders of Russia itself.

Only a handful of European countries have remained outside its embrace, including Switzerland, Norway and Iceland - all of which, it might be noted, are now richer per head of population than any country in the EU.

During those decades the institutions which lie at the heart of the 'project' have steadily extended their powers, to such an extent that, just as those who set them up dreamed might one day happen, they are in effect a 'government for Europe' in all but name.

Today's European Union now has almost all the attributes of a fully-fledged state - its own flag, anthem and passport, its own 'citizenship' and currency, its own vast body of laws, governing almost every area of life.

It is even on the way to establishing its own armed forces and police.

By any measure this is an astonishing achievement: one which would have had its founding fathers rubbing their eyes in disbelief.

Nevertheless, there is no denying the fact that this weekend's celebrations are distinctly muted - and for this there are three main reasons.

One, as even the EU's leaders are themselves uncomfortably aware, is that, for all its remarkable political progress since 1957, the way their 'project' has worked out in practice offers few obvious grounds for unqualified rejoicing.

For years now, most of the economies of the EU, burdened by an ever greater weight of regulations from Brussels, have been performing significantly worse than those of their main competitors across the rest of the world, notably the U.S., China and India.

In many of the areas which are now subject to centralised EU control, from fishing and agriculture to international trade, it is scarcely a well-kept secret that the EU's record, characterised by massive bureaucratic overregulation, has been dismal.

A second reason why so few 'Europeans' will this week be celebrating this anniversary with any enthusiasm is that the system of government it has led to seems so impersonal, so uninspiring and so remote.

Although the peoples of Europe have become aware that this system is having an ever-greater effect on their lives, most of them don't really begin to understand how it works.

They have the sense that they are now ruled by a 'political class', made up of bureaucrats and politicians who are no longer in any way democratically accountable; a vast, shadowy apparatus of government over which we no longer have any say.

The result is that, not just in Britain but all over the EU, people feel alienated from those who rule over them, in a way which, in countries which still like to think of themselves as democracies, is quite unprecedented.

The third reason why the celebrations of this anniversary are so downbeat is the mess they have got into over the 'Constitution'.

That holy text was intended to mark the EU's final emergence on the world stage as a new state, taking its place alongside the U.S. as a world 'superpower', uniting half a billion 'European citizens' in what amounted to a giant new country.

But then, of course, came those historic votes by the people of France and the Netherlands, chucking out the Constitution and plunging the 'project' into a crisis like nothing it has known before.

The most obvious response of the EU's leaders has been to try to carry on as if nothing had happened.

Again and again, since the French and Dutch voted 'no', they have been smuggling in new laws or institutions which could only have been legally authorised by the rejected Constitution - from the European Defence Agency to the new Fundamental Rights Agency, which is already being set up to enforce a whole tranche of human rights.

Even now, they are trying to find ways of salvaging some of the central features of the Constitution, such as giving the EU a permanent president and its own foreign minister to act on behalf of all the 27 countries - without having to go through all that tiresome business of holding yet more referendums which they fear they might lose.

But, despite all these efforts to cheat their way round the impasse produced by those 'no' votes, the EU's leaders are well aware that, in some respects, the onward march of their great 'project' has hit the buffers, in a way it has never done before.

For decades they had been managing stealthily to take away the powers of national governments, without ever asking the peoples of Europe whether this was what they wanted - until finally, just when the prize seemed within their grasp, the very people whose views they had ignored hit back to say that they didn't want any more of it.

Today, even Brussels's own polls show that, for the first time in 50 years, the 'project' actually enjoys the support of less than half the 'citizens' of Europe.

Another poll, published this week by the Financial Times, shows that, by a margin of nearly two to one, people in five of the EU's six largest nations think that life has got worse since their country joined the club (the only exception is Spain which, since it joined in 1986, has been showered with nearly £100 billion from EU taxpayers).

And in no country, it appears, is the EU more unpopular than Britain, where the same FT poll found that nearly twice as many people would now like to see us leave the EU as want us to stay in.

Yet therein lies the rub. For the fact is that, if there is one thing on which all Britain's major political parties are more firmly agreed than any other, it is that they have not the slightest intention of pulling us out.

However unpopular the EU may have become, not just in Britain but all across Europe, we are stuck with this weird political construct, which now rules over our lives to a far greater extent than most people are aware of.

One of the subtlest strategies employed by the EU, as it has gradually taken over more and more power from national governments, has been the way it has left each country's national institutions in place.

Monarchies and presidencies, national parliaments, civil services and legal systems have all been left standing, looking outwardly as if not very much has changed.

Yet over the decades they have all been gradually hollowed out from within.

Today, over vast areas of each country's national life, the power to decide policies and make laws no longer lies in national capitals. It has been transferred to our new 'supranational' centre of government in Brussels.

And the clever thing is how successfully most of this has been kept out of sight.

How many people are aware, for instance, that it is now Brussels, not London or any other national government, which makes our laws on how we dispose of our rubbish, on food safety, on how many hours we can work, on how company accounts have to be drawn up?

How many people know that it is Brussels which dictates which seed varieties we are allowed to plant in our gardens; which prescribes, down to the minutest detail, how we can make buses and cars; which lays down the height of our office chairs, the design of our fire exit notices, the exact permissible measurements of destination displays in our trains?

It is thanks to our joining that mere 'Common Market' 30 years ago that we have seen the near-destruction of our fishing industry, once the largest in Europe; that many of our farmers, until 1973 the most successful in Europe, today wonder how much longer they can survive.

It is thanks to the EU that millions of businesses are now stifled by an unending avalanche of costly red tape; while even the City of London now fears that a flood of new directives from Brussels could before long cost it its place as the leading financial centre in the world.

Step by step we have seen our politicians handing over to this weird new system of government control over almost every aspect of our national life, from the power to decide who can come to live and work in Britain to the way our judges now have to interpret the law in our courts.

What in fact we have witnessed over the past 50 years, has been in effect an immense, slow-motion coup d'etat.

Our power to govern ourselves has been stealthily handed over to an entirely new kind of 'supranational' government, over which we no longer have any meaningful democratic say.

Therein lies the real triumph of that breathtakingly ambitious 'project' which was set in train by the Treaty of Rome 50 years ago this weekend.

Although half a century later it no longer enjoys the support of even half the 490 million people who must now live under it, it seems there is now nothing we can do to change it.

That is why tonight we are all having to pay for those Berlin teenagers to enjoy their 'rave' - to promote the sad pretence that anyone other than the politicians and officials can find anything in this dismal anniversary to celebrate.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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