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9/11: No Evidence of Planes
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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 5:47 pm    Post subject: 9/11: No Evidence of Planes Reply with quote

[You look at orig. footage of that day and you see how we were "MK ultra-ed"--big time--constant warnings of catastrophes that didn't happen. But it went on for days. But that's a different post. ]

IT IS THE DISCOVERY THAT THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF PLANES that has the USG and their agents climbing the wall, ":tinhatting", "conspiracy theorists" every thing that moves, for it is the end of the game. It's the "Bingo" the Holy Grail, it's the end of GWB and Dick and mob, and extreme reactions, attacks, can be expected. "Hurting the movement"---"it's a trap"--there is NOTHING we can do to hurt the movement except to hide the truth.

THERE IS NOTHING MORE EMPOWERING THAN FINDING OUT THE TRUTH AND UNCOVERING A SCAM!!! Nothing. Even the most timid, frightened person gets stronger. . If there is anything the world's people need, it is to be empowered..........and that is our job--to tell the truth and expose the scam.

Of all the attempts to silence research--the Pentagon, the war Games, the stand-down, the pod, IMHO, nothing has brought the disinfos scurrying to the surface, lungeing, insulting, like the discovery that there was no hard evidence of plane wreckage where there should have been an abundance--several tons of it to be exact.

Many of us researchers got side tracked by trying to figure out the hijackers, the pod, the war games, that we ignored the obvious. The estimated speeds of '175' was one of the first things figured out by M.I.T. and other agencies of good reputaton. The calculations came in from 500 up to 625 mph--at sea level. The speed of the Pentagon flt 77 was judged to be 500 mph.

And even *then* we didn't catch on--so finally one retired commercial airline pilot* , followed by others, who had actually flown two of the planes, could stand it no longer and finally explained on a radio show, there was no way they could reach those speeds at sea level -- "you just can't get them to go that fast--they won't do it!" that 350 mph was more like it. Being outside the "Do Not Exceed" envelope the vibrations would be so bad that the planes would have broken up.

I just put that piece of information in the box labeled "strange facts" to be hopefully figured out some time in the future. (I later was to discover while real airliners can't achieve those speeds, computer-generated planes have no trouble at all going any speed they want.....)

About this time when I was looking at some original TV coverage of that morning, I discovered there was some sort of time-lag -- about 5-7 seconds--in the so-called coverage labeled "live". Then there was the clock on the screen that disappeared by the time of the 2nd hit--about 9:03am. So I asked around, "What's the deal--anybody else know about this?, and was met with silence. And all I could do was wonder why there was a tape delay on so-called live coverage. Was there something to hide? Why did they need to preview before airing? I knew there was something there, that it wasn't an accident. That, too went into the "Strange Facts" box to figure out later.

I'd seen the strange CNN shot of the plane melting into the bldg, many, many, times, but I couldn't make a mental 'connect'. We made the connect that the same "screams" was used in more than two scenes....

It wasn't until I saw this shot that made me sit up and take notice. Keep your eyes to the RIGHT of the green spire. DOUBLE CLICK THE INSET TO ENARGE. What do you see as the 'plane' has passed behind the spire?


See the pieces, the flying debris? Some smoke or powdered concrete come out from behind the spire?

The green roof eats up the plane before it can go behind---there is no debris, no hole no plane no movement in that space to the right of the green spire. It is a totally dead space. The 'plane' is all the way in the bldg., without anything happening. THERE IS NO SIGN OF ANY IMPACT! Even with the spire there, there should be plenty of sign of the 'impact'. It is a fatal flaw. There is no sign of any impact because there was NO IMPACT.

This is deadly evidence of a computer graphic, not a real plane, and deadly evidence and proof of 9/11 being a hoax and an inside job hoax. All in this one screen capture.

Just as all evidence points to 9/11 being an inside job, instead of hijackers, so too does all avail photo evidence point to the use of computer-generated images of 'planes', and not real airliners.

(there is a second proof and maybe a third that this particular was faked--and remember this is shown that morning on
CNN--we see their logo, etc....but after this clip with it's pathetic mistakes, with it's drooping engine was shown repeatedly on the Internet, a brand new one appeared--another forgery--quietly substituted, but with moving the towers in impossible ways..........Now compare the replacement...... http://hereisnewyork.org//jpegs/photos/2087.jpg and no longer contained the mistakes...a second generation forgery.

Which forces one to ask, why did they use forgeries if the 'planes' were real? If that CNN screen shot clip shown in the morning of 9/11 was legimimate, why was it necessary perpaps a year later to quietly replace it?).


Second thing to look at on the same clip.

Notice the position of two roof spires---about equidistant from the corners of the towers.

Notice the condition of the 'plane'--it is lousy--problems all over the place. An engine is drooping about to fall off--the tail looks like it was put on backwards.



FLT.. 175---- NO DEBRIS ON 'IMPACT' (Not a wheel, not a wing-tip, not a fin.)



They forgot to put in the inevitable debris! [the local firemen beat the "debris truck" at the Pentagon and took the pictures to prove it..]

I could go on and on, the evidence is huge and it is consistently supporting this observation. The lack of passengers, lack of mourners, it's lack of Todd Beamer-- who was as real as Harry Potter--endless. All the loose ends come together--the tape delay was to insert the 'planes'.--to eliminate those military helicopters---to mute the sound of the explosions of the demolitions. The 'planes' didn't break up because they weren't real. The pod was an Easter Egg. The silence of the airlines was intentional, possiblly to avoid incrimination? No real planes went up, because there was no radar images to trigger an alert. The Cheney/war room story was false and planted.. The puzzled flight controllers never saw anything, and their destroyed tapes told that.

The commerical pilots stranded in airports confered with each other that they didn't believe the story of hijackers--not even one plane let alone four, it was to easy to prevent just by tipping ones wings, and throwing any hijackers to the floor, and more ways to thwart a hijacking.

All the pieces keep falling into place..


(The clip that appeared the next day's cover of Newsday) Only a fictional plane can start off without a pod, then a few frames later "grow" a large unmistakable pod that enlarges all by it's self before our very eyes, then uses it's fragile fiberglass nose* and its 1/4" aluminum as a "battering ram" to overcome concrete and steel, and slide into the bldg. without a single piece of that plane being broken off--not a wing tip, a tail, not even a single wheel is broken off ---THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE! See how nothing breaks off.? Must be a solid steel aircraft.....no, make that solid depleted uranium plane--that would have really good penetrating capabilites........



Such things can only happen in Hollywood--or maybe the basement of the Pentagon--or maybe in the control center in WTC7? . To see an example--see this 3-min demo. http://www.405themovie.com/download405.asp
* " 757s don’t go that fast. The airplane will just not do that,” Russ Wittenberg, a retired pilot with United and Pan Am airlines, told AFP. "Its exceeding its air speed and mach speed limitations. The airplane just won't perform those maneuvers. The mach limit for a 757 is about 360 knots at 23,000 feet," Wittenberg said.
Performance limitations on 767, 757.

malaprop aka izzy

[I LIKE THIS excerpt.........].


"........what is significant about the 911 Hoax is how it was conducted. If the Bush government has such total control over the news media that the latter could be made to air fake planes striking the World Trade Center then no media figure can be believed. This means that the progressive, anti-war movement is extremely infiltrated.

"Last, the only means with which the Bush regime can be dislodged is if the general public suddenly realizes what a monstrous hoax was perpetuated against all humanity. The indoctrination achieved from the fake image of planes striking the WTC enabled Washington to start two wars as a "response". They've also destroyed the US Constitution on behalf of "protecting" Americans from the fear that they manufactured with phony video. The only way Americans can recover what was lost is if suddenly everyone wasn't so afraid.

Please tell people about the great 911 Hoax. You know in your heart that no planes really struck the World Trade Center. There is hardly any more time left. Another World War is coming and this issue is the only way to stop it."

Scott Loughrey
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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 6:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not very vocal about holograms, but the technology is there.
Better than Ben Kenobi out of R2D2? You betcha!
It's not such a giant leap of faith, just look at your mobile phone it's positively star trek.
Are you ready for Project Blue Beam?

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Garrett Cooke
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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 10:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Scott Loughrey and Gerard Holmgren www.911closeup.com have been arguing this thesis for a long time. It does make sense. At no site was there conclusive debris from a large plane crash. Flights 11 and 77 did not fly on on 9/11 and flights 93 and 175 did not crash (the ABT records confirmed this - although I understand that they have subsequently been modified). Bomb and then demolish the WTC towers with explosives and overlay fake planes on the video; fire a missile or explosive packed drone and/or plant explosives at the Pentagon and shoot down a drone over Shanksville. Hey presto 911. No hijackers. No air defence stand down. No fault to be attributed to the FAA. Because no planes! (Don't forget we know that the Naudet brothers' video was faked so there is no evidence there that anything hit the North tower).

I don't think I am writing anything new here but sometimes I think people forget was is staring them in the face.

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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 10:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I wouldn't disagree with anyone who said there was CGI'd film either made at or fed to the news agencies on or around 9/11. I *would* argue with anyone who said this *proved* less than 2 planes, or objects disguised as planes, did *not* hit WTC 1 & 2.

I think there is very little question that SOMETHING hit the Pentagon and WTC 1 & 2 and something was either shot down or crashed into the ground in Shanksville. With the Pentagon and WTC, it could well have been missiles disguised as planes. It is possible that stealth, "reverse stealth" or hologram technology was involved (though I think this unlikely)

I've mentioned this before, but to give you a historical parallel - have a look at this: it is worth checking out what the truth behind the famous JFK Zapruder film is.

http://www.assassinationscience.com/johncostella/jfk/intro/index_old_c ontent.html

(this is a super analysis - and likely what we could expect over the coming months - esp now we have CGI in the hands of a powerful elite)

In summary:

1) It was released about 1 year after the assasination (and was not publicly shown until years later.

2) It showed Kennedy's car in continuous motion.

Close analysis of the film seems to show it was doctored very skillyfully - probably to add misinformation into the game. i.e. Witness in Dealey Plaza described how Kennedy's car stopped at the time shots were fired, then accelerated. Releasing the Zapruder film neatly discredited those witnesses and, by inference, there assertions about shots fired - how can statements be taken seriously from such "unerliable" witnesses?

So this shows that (now) well-known film has been doctored - but it does not prove that no bullets hit Kennedy or that he is still alive.

We can examine the minutae of the deception but the point is we know it's a deception and it's been a very effective one - else we wouldn't be posting here!


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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 6:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As lomg as far-fetched theories such as this are entertained people will keep accusing 9/11 truth seekers as being lunatics. I see these arguments as being disinformation used to discredit the movement. There are plenty of ommissions and lies in the official report into 9/11 as well as overwhelming evidence that 9/11 was an inside job without the need for wild speculation like the above.
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 8:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i agree with blackcat.
i accept all possibilities but this theory is very unlikely and damaging to the movement.

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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 8:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with the Webfairy Cool

You's need to open the mind to the depth of teh hoax.
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 8:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

well where was this hologram projected from and how did they get the building to damage itself with an inprint of a plane?
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 9:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've no idea what you are talking about or trying to imply but webfairy and nico make sense to me.
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

well do you think that the planes hitting the twin towers were holograms or do you believe they were no planes at all and all the videos were faked?
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What do you care what I think? It seems you know everything already.
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

hey .. i'm not trying to be hostile here.

I'm for the truth.
You are someone who has been open minded enough to join this forum so I do care about what you think.

this thread appears to about the theory that the planes were holograms or faked on the videos.. I don't believe this is what happened. You have said I need to open my mind so I am asking you what I need to open my mind up to.

no hostility. just discussion

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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Where in the thred is holograms mentioned?
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James C
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't want to offend anyone but this is just pure nonsense.

Multiple angles of the 2nd plane striking the south tower.

Massive great plane shaped holes in the structures with people peering out pleading for their lives.

Hundreds of eyewitnesses confirming the fireball and debris.

I think we can safely say that 2 planes hit the WTC that day.

Let's move on. This stuff dilutes the cause and makes us a laughing stock.
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 11:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If aluminium cuts through steel why dont' they make hack saw blades out of coke cans?

Just imagine all those prisoners cutting through their jail cell bars with old fizzy drink tins.
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 11:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't believe this because believe it is totally unnecessary for them to do this. The operation would have to have been planned by a retard. Just fly some planes in for God's sake, then there's no chance of anyone saying 'there was no plane', which no one apparently did. Not only that but why paint a plane in that has a 'bump' on the undercarriage?Its unnecessary and too risky.
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James C
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 11:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ally wrote:
If aluminium cuts through steel why dont' they make hack saw blades out of coke cans?

Just imagine all those prisoners cutting through their jail cell bars with old fizzy drink tins.

Are you suggesting that no planes hit the towers. In which case how do you account for the holes, fireball, debris?

I have seen people break wooden planks and bricks with their bare arms. Are you suggesting this is a lie?

I've seen pictures of peoples skulls having smashed through reinforced car windscreens. Is this all fake.

These planes weigh as much as a diesel train. Steel might be strong but it won't hold up to that sort of stress. Of course the plane will be squashed but it will cause some damage prior to being stopped by the structure of the towers, just like a persons skull being shattered whilst breaking through reinforced glass. Aluminium might be softer than steel but it has massive tensile strength and will hold itself together even upon deformation, not that a Boeing is made entirely of aluminium, steel is used sparingly also.

Let's not forget that the external steel skeleton of the towers was comparably thinner than the bulky contruction of the Boeings (if indeed they were Boeings). The steel outer structure of the towers was also held together with rivets which are the weakest elements of any building. Snap those and the steel will pull apart.

What about the engines? What are they made of? Could it be steel and titanium (titanium has half the weight of steel but the same strength)?

You can even buy aluminium bullets. They would be pointless using your concept but they must work or else people wouldn't use them.
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think steel is a bit tougher than skin re: aluminium bullets.
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James C
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Perhaps you might like to comment on my other questions.
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't know anything for definite, except that Cheney, Bush and co are guilty of commiting the 9/11 event, with some help from Mr Silverstein and Mr Guiliani and maybe some others who are too important for us to know about!

Planes, no-planes, space aliens, whatever, I know that they are guilty. Arguing the toss over what happened when we don't know is pointless.

I won't close my mind to ideas however, just for the sake of someone else thinking I'm a lunatic. Most people think I'm a lunatic anyway.

The links are from a U.S. military study conducted 1995-1996 for the Air Force Chief of Staff



Also found this project from September 1993 http://www.au.af.mil/Spacecast/Spacecast.html

All the really good stuff like:

* Offensive Counterspace: Achieving Space Supremacy
* Projecting Information Power in Peace and War

Is now classified.

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Last edited by catfish on Wed May 24, 2006 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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prole art threat
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 3:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Irrelevant. Morgan Reynolds bangs on about holograms and to be honest, I reckon he must be trying to discredit the 9/11 truth movement. Any talk on 'holograms' is purely masturbatory and should remain in a densely lit bathroom with the door locked.

Oh, and dont forget to flush.
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 3:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice to see such an open minded truth seeker. Personally I'd definitely crack one out over Princess Leia so I guess we're on the same tack.


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James C
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 5:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Having an open mind is one thing. Being asked to discuss pure fantasy is another.
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 7:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think this way lies madness. It really just shows that you can make a case for the most unlikeliest of things on very little evidence and by association implies the same about our other theories.
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PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 11:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

BBC - No plane, North Tower.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/1535000/video/_1538186_wtc_firstcrash_vi .ram

Frames 64/65/66


Blue screen studio effects. Yawn.
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James C
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PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 11:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Banish wrote:

BBC - No plane, North Tower.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/1535000/video/_1538186_wtc_firstcrash_vi .ram

Frames 64/65/66


Blue screen studio effects. Yawn.

Hi Banish,

I don't suppose you could send me some of the drugs you must be using.
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PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 4:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

James C, how about you go * yourself. Its easy to see the shills on this board.

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Andrew Johnson
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PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 4:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Please can we indulge in as few "ad hominem" remarks as possible. "I violently disagree with you" might be an alternative.


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PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 5:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Guys remember the piont of it all. Eat the meat spit out the bones. Disinformation is rife so lets not quiblle over details.


Since when?
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James C
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PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 8:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Banish wrote:
James C, how about you go * yourself. Its easy to see the shills on this board.

Last edited by Banish on Thu May 25, 2006 5:45 pm; edited 2 times in total


Where is your proof that this is blue screen effects and how do you have the hope in hell of spreading the word about 9/11 if you start with the pre-text that such a media trick was used.

Now I don't know about you but when I see those explosions on the new Star Wars films they look real yet kind of fake to me - know what I mean? Now the films from 9/11, well they look amazingly real to me from every angle, all backed up by the people on the ground talking about the planes, the massive plane shaped holes in each tower, the debris surrounding the buildings and those who were trapped in the towers peering out from the twisted steel.


I continue to act against this sort of propaganda by the extreme theorists of this group because it is an absolute disgrace to the evidence that has already been looked at by the likes of Tarpley and so on. As one person said, this sort of nonsence is just masturbation, probably due to boredom.

Why am I a shill for making the simpler case that two planes were flown, probably remotely, into the twin towers? This was by far the easier action to follow that day rather than hijacking every media channel across the globe with a false film of computer generated aircraft and hope the world buys it. Just imagine if your case were true, thousands of people on the streets of New York would have been oblvious to the fake news being played out on TV. Don't you think at least one of them would have said something about that?

Please let me see the proof of your evidence. Are all these photos just fake?


including these of Boeing parts


No wonder conspiracy theorists have such a bad name!

Last edited by James C on Thu May 25, 2006 8:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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