Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:29 am Post subject: It takes all sorts?
If thats true i fail to understand your focus here.
You're the first truther ive seen deride people for protesting.
"their own cause" was revealing and you used it twice.
"i've got the 4th season of frasier playing over the top"
I said productive or interesting not mind controlling and soul-less.
"You're the first truther ive seen deride people for protesting. "
it's not about the protesting it's about where you protest.
""their own cause" was revealing and you used it twice. "
you're upset because i used the third person?
"I said productive or interesting not mind controlling and soul-less."
it's probably the finest sit-com. talking of fictional psychiatrist did anyone ever see a show called "huff"? i've yet to find anyone else who ever saw it.
it's not about the protesting it's about where you protest.
So where is acceptable? In government approved protest areas?
lockerbie wrote:
you're upset because i used the third person?
'their own cause' gives the impression its not your cause. Fairly obvious.
lockerbie wrote:
it's probably the finest sit-com. talking of fictional psychiatrist did anyone ever see a show called "huff"? i've yet to find anyone else who ever saw it.
Finest and sitcom next to each other in a sentence. Whatever next?
Educational and television? Loving and government?
"So where is acceptable? In government approved protest areas?"
not at charitable events.
"'their own cause' gives the impression its not your cause. Fairly obvious. "
no it's in the third person because it didn't relate specifically to this cause. i would have a problem if it was about 9/11, the right to poke panda's in the eye or stopping malaria.
Joined: 27 Mar 2006 Posts: 3187 Location: Here to help!
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 2:15 pm Post subject: Re: Thought so
scar wrote:
lockerbie wrote:
you've yet to tell me what i'm suspected of.
"try being bored on a rainy summer break."
So essentially here for amusement, to 'wind up the loonies', derail a few threads (not just the 2 you mentioned) and pass a bit of time.
Its called trolling.
I dont understand boredom myself, so many productive/interesting things one could do.
Anyway, out of interest, do you think 911 was an inside job?
I've just had a look through lockerbie's posts and they do portray a general lack of depth of understanding: clearly lockerbie is easily willing to accept the standard excuses of the state as valid
In the instance of this thread, I would agree that to the consesnus majority at this time it would appear to be hyperbole, based on a combination of spin/charm from Sir Alan West and general historical social/psychologuical ignorance: but the point is not West himself, but the uses this position could be put to at a later point. The creation of "Security Ministries" only show the final stages of the erosion of effective democracy. Therefore it is quite appropriate to consider this yet another extremely dangerous sign and an indication of exactly what kind of society Gordon Brown's regime is in fact facilitating, even if it does not actually come into fruition over the span of this particular government. Godwin's Law is all very charming, but we call it as we see it round here without such debating fripperies.
do you think 911 was an inside job?
I will see an answer from you to this Q Lockerbie: if you will not answer or cannot answer affirmatively, you will restrict your posting to critics corner until such time as you have evaluated the evidence enough to decide that you can support that conclusion: and if you can't stick to that, don't expect your feet to touch the ground on your way out the door
If you need help considering your answer, see here:
Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 128 Location: North Humberside
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:08 pm Post subject:
As we are dragged kicking and screaming into the next world war, let's recall that the people who issue our currency are behind every war and control both sides.
kbo234, I couldn't agree with Henry Makow more!
Was the Great Depression a manufactured disaster made to look like it was purely a result of economic instability spreading and snowballing from the U.S to Europe? The history books often portray the depression as being partly responsible for the failings of the German public in their support for Adolf Hitler.
Germany's economic plight worsened. The contraction of international trade forced factories to shut down. Either they could no longer afford raw materials or their products were too expensive for their customers. During the six months ending in March 1931, unemployment increased by more than fifty percent, to 4.75 million persons. Germany faced the danger of a massive banking collapse. The foreign banks whose loans had fueled recovery now demanded repayment, an impossible burden for a country already saddled with huge reparation payments. When one of Germany's largest banks, the Darmstadter und National, failed in July, following the collapse in May of Austria's biggest, the Kreditanstalt, the government was forced to close all banks temporarily. The Bruning government strove to remain solvent by imposing austerity on a nation already in dire straits. Emergency decrees raised taxes, lowered wages, and reduced unemployment benefits. ...deprivation far reached unbearable levels. There was a widespread feeling that something terrible was going to happen. When the ambassador from Great Britain returned to Berlin after a brief absenc ein mid-July, he was struck "by an atmosphere of extreme tension". The Nazis on the other hand thought everything was going splendidly. As Gregor Strasser had declared two years earlier, "All that serves to precipitate the catastrophe is good, very good, for us and our German Revolution." His belief was borne out by repeated successes at the polls. In the last eight provincial elections since 1931, the nazis received an average of 35 percent of the vote; the comparable figure in 1930 had been only 18 percent. Hitler was ecstatic: "Never in my life have I been so well disposed an inwardly contented as in these days, for hard reality has opened the eyes of millions of Germans".
Time Life Books Inc. The Third Reich-Storming to Power1989 p83
Noakes and Pridham write:
One key to the Nazis' success in acquiring mass support was awareness of the extent to which German society had disintegrated into its sectional component, a process accelerated by postwar economic crises of inflation and then depression.
Nazism 1919-1945 Vol 1 The Rise to Power University of Exeter Press 1998 p75
Of course it is made to look as if the transitory period from the nineteenth Century Age of Empire to the immediate post World War One economy and balance of power shift was in part to blame for the volatility of the Western economy, (see E.J Hobsbawm The Age of Empire 1875-1914). However as many of us are aware not everything is at it seems:
"We have been misled, away from the true and divine presence in the Universe that men have called God. I don't know what God is but I know what he isn't. And unless and until you are prepared to look at the whole truth, wherever it may go, whoever it may lead to ... if you want to look the other way or if you want to play favorites, then somewhere along the line you're going to find out you're messing with divine justice."
Joined: 27 Mar 2006 Posts: 3187 Location: Here to help!
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:37 pm Post subject:
uselesseater wrote:
"We have been misled, away from the true and divine presence in the Universe that men have called God. I don't know what God is but I know what he isn't. And unless and until you are prepared to look at the whole truth, wherever it may go, whoever it may lead to ... if you want to look the other way or if you want to play favorites, then somewhere along the line you're going to find out you're messing with divine justice."
That's Jordan Maxwell is it not?
Yes it is: in fact, all the info in part one of Zeitgeist comes direct from Maxwell word for word... and i suspect that may be why Tony's not too fond of it
Personally, I think that astro-theology is essentially sound but is missing a whole layer of truth that lies beneath, principly becuase Maxwell is using his knowledge soley to undermine organised religion. In truth, Astro Theology should not trouble any Christian who is living the spirit of Christs message: I'd venture that Christ the teacher, or group of teachers, was presented in an astrotheological pattern becuase thats what one had to do to get the people to listen to it back in those days: of course Islam was a later attempt to break that pattern by presenting the spiritual heart without the Babylonian window dressing, that itself was then subverted after the prophets death by the Roman Church doing a deal with Mohammed's sons to create the "shiite" split still causing bother till this day. Its interesting that the Koran contains many early christian stories that were bonfired at Nicea in AD325: Book of Nicodemus for example, or the story of Adam and Eve _________________ Free your Self and Free the World
Joined: 22 Mar 2006 Posts: 1107 Location: Free Scotland!
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:38 pm Post subject:
Attentive readers will know that I left an article entitled, Gosling Again, in the News forum informing everyone of the tyrannical manner this fellow is behaving. Would you believe it, he's removed it!
Joined: 22 Mar 2006 Posts: 1107 Location: Free Scotland!
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:44 pm Post subject:
Yes it is: in fact, all the info in part one of Zeitgeist comes direct from Maxwell word for word... and i suspect that may be why Tony's not too fond of it
He may not like Maxwell but I can assure you that ever since I made an indirect comment suggesting his obsession with Bilderberg to the exclusion of other equally influential groups was rather like a trainspotter collecting rare numbers.
Ever since then he has abused his authority by shunting my articles around on the flimsiest excuses. Nobody has ever done this to me on this site before. This is just small-minded pettiness.
If this carries on, I shall simply stop posting to this site altogether ... which is the position of despair I'm sure Mr Gosling hopes I will arrive at. Let him rub his hands in satisfaction at the way his bullying behaviour stifles free comment on this board.
Joined: 22 Mar 2006 Posts: 1107 Location: Free Scotland!
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:54 pm Post subject:
Personally, I think that astro-theology is essentially sound but is missing a whole layer of truth that lies beneath, principly becuase Maxwell is using his knowledge soley to undermine organised religion
Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 128 Location: North Humberside
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 6:29 pm Post subject:
While we're on the subject of Hitlerization, but in the U.S this time, look at this spectacled guy in the dark peaked cap to the right of Matt Lacapek at the Republican Debate. 2min 30 onwards
Does he remind you of a young secret state (Shutzstaffel) leader?
Joined: 22 Mar 2006 Posts: 1107 Location: Free Scotland!
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:45 pm Post subject: SS Caps
The guy in the peaked cap is a policeman. It's a well-known fact that there are many in British police forces, too, who deliberately fashion their caps (low visor and high peak) to look like the SS. Sick authoritarians who really enjoy bullying folk.
Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 18335 Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:50 am Post subject:
....On the tape Symonds was alleged to have said:
"Don't forget always to let me know straight away if you need anything because I know people everywhere. Because I'm in a little firm in a firm. Don't matter where, anywhere in London, I can get on the phone to someone I know I can trust, that talks the same as me. And if he's not the right person that can do it, he'll know the person that can. All right? ...That's the thing, and it can work - well, it's worked for years, hasn't it?"
Symonds was a Freemason, and his 'firm in a firm' was essentially Masonic. Freemasonry was the security blanket - the ultimate in comforters - for a network of crooked cops throughout the metropolis. Their fraternal bonds reassured them that they could rely on each other's absolute discretion. On that basis the 'firm in a firm' provided whatever service was required. It could get criminal charges dropped against the guilty or ensure their aquital. It could secure the conviction of men who did not pay bribes or who got in the way of bigger fish who were paying. It could protect bribe-paying gangs by preventing their detection. It could even supply the direct participation of some policemen in serious crimes such as robbery. This standing conspiracy had several protective layers or shells. First, everyone in it was a policeman. Second, they were all detectives. Third they were all corrupt. Fourth, most were Freemasons.
Within this carapace crooked cops could get away, if not with murder, then with almost everything else. There was the classic case of Det. Sgt Harry Challenor, a West End Central officer who planted knives, hatchets and iron bars on dozens of innocent citizens. On one occasion he even 'found' detonators for explosives. His undoing came in 1963 when he framed a cluster of young men who had been demonstrating against a visit of Queen Frederika of Greece. He claimed that pieces of brick had been found in their pockets, presumably to throw at the Queen or at the policemen guarding her hotel. The accused were all cleared, eventually, because no brick dust could be traced in their pockets. Challenor himself was now put on trial for conspiring to pervert the course of justice. Three young constables who worked with him were convicted and jailed for three years, but Challenor was found unfit to plead and detaiined in a mental hospital at Her Majesty's pleasure.
venceremos wrote:
What kind of police superintendents allow them to do that? No don't answer that question. I can guess.
Have you ever notied that the cult-like secrecy of freemasonry is a perfect cover for psychopathic, fascist, elitists? And as part of their religious cult they call the rest of us 'the profane'. To them it seems reasonable to wipe out the scum from the earth. When actually they fail to see that they are the problem.
AND - they pretty much control the Church of England and the BBC. Now you can see why we're in a bit of a bind.
In my experience about 75% of police are crooks themselves. Taking backhanders consistently and thinking nothing of it because so many other cops do and because its enforced by the higher ranks. If you refuse to take a protection money bribe you will be sacked on some other pretence. Yes, that's how bad it is folks. A massive, secret protection racket.
The souls of those that died for our freedoms in World War II cry out - and many of these masonic parasites, in their weasel way, pretend to pay them an honour on rememberance Sunday!
A "fat tax" on unhealthy foods could prevent more than 3,000 deaths from heart attack and stroke every year in the UK, experts have said.
Some researchers are in favour of such a tax while others would prefer to see healthy foods subsidised instead.
In 2004, then prime minister Tony Blair rejected the idea for a tax on fatty foods such as cakes and biscuits, saying it would make Britain too much like a "nanny state".
The new study involved testing different economic models to work out how a fat tax may affect people's buying habits.
Three different approaches were tried out, with the first involving a tax on foods with high levels of saturated fats, such as whole butter, cheese, cakes and pastries and puddings.
The second was to apply a tax to foods with a high "unhealthiness score" - known as the SSCg3d score. For example, spinach scored -12, while chocolate digestive biscuits scored +29.
The third approach was to introduce a tax on a wider range of products with the aim of cutting the intake of fat, salt and sugar.
The third approach was found to be the most effective in reducing the number of deaths, preventing up to 3,200 deaths from heart disease and stroke every year, equivalent to a drop of 1.7% across the nation.
Food expenditure would go up by 4.6% or 67p per week, or around £2 billion annually across the UK.
The research was led by Dr Oliver Mytton at the Queen's Medical Centre in Nottingham and published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
_________________ 'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'
“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.”
Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 128 Location: North Humberside
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:48 pm Post subject:
in reply to venceremos...I agree there. In fact peak caps, commonly known as "twat hats" in the British Military, were specifically for non-Airborne units (known as "hats") where the fat corporal could fashion his peak by cutting it then replacing it back into the material of the twat hat. This was done to emphasize power, and it does give the effect that you're being looked down on by the twat. Airborne soldiers don't wear twat hats with their no.1 dress as the maroon beret looks and is awesome anyway, mind you I'm biased!
Down with jumped-up policemen/women and over-rated twat-hat wearing fat hats.
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