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War Crimes, UKUSA Hypocrisy & Collective Responsibility

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:25 am    Post subject: War Crimes, UKUSA Hypocrisy & Collective Responsibility Reply with quote

War Crimes, USUK Hypocrisy & Collective Responsibility


The author, Günter Grass

On BBC Radio 4, I have been listening to an abridged version of Peeling the Onion, an autobiography by the German writer, Günter Grass.

Grass, famous for his satirical writings on Nazi Germany, will be remembered for his major works, The Tin Drum and Dog Years. When Peeling the Onion was published last year in Germany there was a lot of kerfuffle among literary circles about Grass having served, as a teenager, in the Waffen SS which was later condemned collectively for war crimes.

In his books, Grass spends a lot of time examining the case for the German population's joint responsibility for war crimes as well as his own. He also reminds us how the newly-formed German Federal Republic was prepared to accept the Allies' decision to reinstate many Nazis to positions of power and, in an index in Dog Years, lists companies like I.G.Farben which played an active role in the Nazi economy.

The Germans have anguished for over half a century over their collective responsibility for giving Hitler power. Even today it remains a sensitive issue.

But, in the light of more recent war crimes committed by the USA and Britain in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan I am forced to the conclusion that it is inevitably the victors in war who not only write the history books but who make and execute judicial judgements. As witness they did, through their Iraqi puppets, with Saddam Hussein.

If Germany had won the war it would have been the likes of Churchill who would have been deemed war criminals and led to the hangman's noose. It lost and paid the price. So did Iraq, though the comparison between a massively strong Third Reich and a weak, defenceless Iraq facing the combined imperial might of the USUK must end there.

We can now see the farce in how war crimes are judged. It was right and proper for Nazi war criminals to have faced trial. But the whole exercise deteriorated into a cosmetic when later we discovered just how many Nazi war criminals were, because it was convenient, reinstated by the Allies. And if that shameful business didn't underscore the manifest dishonesty of the judging of war criminality then Iraq most certainly has.

Apart from a few, unreported independent hearings, such as the Istanbul and Brussels Tribunals, no one in the Western establishment has dared to point to the war criminals who lied to and dragged their countries into war against a defenceless Iraq. Although there are plenty of them around, not one journalist has had the courage to admit to his or her collective responsibility in that war crime.

Aware of the blood on its hands, the BBC has done everything it can to hush-up its own responsibility and to not report on these embarrassing independent tribunals.

In for a penny, in for a pound, says the BBC, not only ignoring its criminality but going the whole way, steeping itself in even more guilt by enthusiastically joining in the fake "War of Terror", the hollow rationale of mediocre politicians like Bush and Blair which enshrouds the USUK's responsibility for more than a million unnecessary deaths in the Middle East.

By doing so, the war criminal politicians and their servile media have pushed themselves into a corner with no way out. All the war criminals like gutter journalists Melanie Phillips, Richard Littlejohn and Christopher Hitchens can do now is to bang the war drums even harder every chance they get, hoping that the noise will distract us from their murderous nature.

And then there is the collective responsibility that each of us in the USUK must bear. Yes, right from the start, some of us marched against our criminal rulers and proclaimed, "Not in Our Name!" We were dragged into this war crime. Well, those of us who protested were. But what about the much greater majority who stayed silent and who, with us all, have allowed the war criminals to stay in power?

Ah, but you can't compare us to the Germans who didn't stop Hitler!

Didn't they, can't we?

What about all the German socialists and democrats who literally fought in the streets against Hitler's Brownshirts before being finally rounded up, murdered or committed to a slow death in concentration camps? And the German anti-war groups, however small, who continued to ridicule and condemn Hitler long after their fate was sealed?

Neither the USA or Britain ever experienced the horrors of a poverty-stricken, plague ridden Weimar Germany, bled to death by the vengeful allies of WWI, prior to the ascendancy of a strongman dictator.

No. Singularly preoccupied at the trough with its ongoing consumer binge, both the populations of the USA and Britain simply turned their backs on an unpleasant reality and allowed their war criminals the freedom to do whatever the hell they liked. Selfishness and greed came first and our collective responsibility for genocide was conveniently swept under the carpet.

Yet, the ultimate crime has been committed! And just as we judged post-war Germany guilty, we in the USUK are, in the eyes of truth and by our own erstwhile standards, collective war criminals now!

I have always admired Günter Grass for being prepared to examine both his and Germany's collective soul for the truth. So it is a small return that I perform here to emulate his example. It is time, now, for the Günter Grass' of the USA and Britain to begin to speak the truth about our own collective criminality.

An Archive created to catalogue the War Crimes committed by various parties in the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq.

Read it Here, http://www.medialens.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1199

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Last edited by Rory Winter on Thu Jul 12, 2007 4:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Excellent post!!
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

it's know as victor's justice and no matter what we did in germany in the end it was for the right cause. the germans were guilty of far worse.

as for iraq i happen to be a supporter of the war.
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 2:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

it's know as victor's justice and no matter what we did in germany in the end it was for the right cause. the germans were guilty of far worse.

Were they? I think if I were at the receiving end of US or British Shock & Awe, I wouldn't have much time left to compare my situation to a victim of Nazi terror. My screams of fear and agony would be no different to any other.

Terror is Terror in which ever package it comes. Many Germans have owned-up to their collective responsibility for war crimes. The British have been committing war crimes all over the world for centuries and have never admitted to it. Instead, and in a typical British middleclass, underhand way, they pretend it was and is all about civilizing natives who don't know any better.

Our collective attitude to Iraq, Afghanistan and the Islamic world is esssentially racist although the real motive is material gain (ie oil and gas). This modern version of Lebensraum or Drang nach Osten is rationalized by a fabricated "War against Terror", justifying the worst excesses of racism possible, including genocide.

The USUK has been responsible for around a million deaths in Iraq alone. Why worry? They're only rag-heads.

You will never admit to this because you can't face the fact that your wonderful British "culture" is as barbaric as it ever was. That's why there is so much crime and violence in, particularly, England.

And I was talking of USUK war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, not about 'Bomber' Harris and Dresden or Truman and Hiroshima/Nagasaki. But obviously the fact that you allude to 'Bomber' Harris suggests that iall is not at ease in your conscience.

BTW, whyever do you sign-in as 'Lockerbie'. Is this a tasteless joke or is something else preying on your conscience?

as for iraq i happen to be a supporter of the war.

Then join the rest of the war criminals!

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My my - whoever would have thought he would be a supporter of the war??? I am shocked. Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

lockerbie wrote:
it's know as victor's justice and no matter what we did in germany in the end it was for the right cause. the germans were guilty of far worse.
as for iraq i happen to be a supporter of the war.

I dont think it is something for you to bragg about. You are a disgusting individual or group of individuals and one day you will meet your maker and be punished for the blood on your hands. But as a well known MP says. If you are a supporter of the war why dont you enlist and go and put your neck on the line together with our boys? You wont enlist because you are a coward. You are happy that 1,000,000 have died. But you are a supporter of the war from your bedroom in front of your PC. I am also willing to state that you also frequently play with yourself every time you think of the 1 million men, women and children murdered many in their home while they were sleeping . You voted Labour and so the blood of all those people is on your hands. And you will be judged one day.

How can you as a 22 year old pretending to be a student call yourself Lockerbie? You are too young for it to mean anything to you. Unless you are also bragging that your zionist friends carried out the Lockerbie attack as another flase flag too. Or you are lying about your age. Maybe you are.
If you really are a 22 year old then go and get yourself a life.

You are a disgusting person Lockerbie and i hope they ban you and delete all the shi t you have written over the past five days.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stelios wrote:
You voted Labour and so the blood of all those people is on your hands

You claim that I am a scratched cd!!!!!!!! There were far more Labour members of Parliament who voted AGAINST the war than Conservatives and the vote was only carried because all the so-called opposition Conservatives were in favour of the Iraq war. Are you taking the p1ss???
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i never used to supoort the war until we came to the point we are in now and no i see no other choice.

if we leave iraq now what will happen? the sunni's and shia's will turn around to each other and go have afternoon tea? or will it in end up in genocide?

we are constantly reminded of our failure to prevent genocide, in rwanda, uganda, sudan, zimbabwe, ehtiopia, somalia and the rest. do we really want to see it happen again when we have a chance to prevent it?

if you think iraq is a mess right now, wait until there is no security forces there.

"How can you as a 22 year old pretending to be a student call yourself Lockerbie? You are too young for it to mean anything to you."

you didn't guess my age right.

"The USUK has been responsible for around a million deaths in Iraq alone. Why worry? They're only rag-heads. "

why are we taking responsibility for the bombs at marketplaces, mosques and weddings?

"BTW, whyever do you sign-in as 'Lockerbie'. Is this a tasteless joke or is something else preying on your conscience? "

it's a subject of interest to me, i believe in the protected suitcase theory.

"Or you are lying about your age."

i never mentioned my age. it's now for the fact that i'm not 22.

"You are a disgusting person Lockerbie and i hope they ban you and delete all the shi t you have written over the past five days."

ban me for what exactly?
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is a tricky one. Lockerbie is winding a few users up here largely because s/he is prolific and in the opinion of many users (myself included) is posting a lot of bullsh1t: ie stuff that is dismissive of the views of others, confrontational and so forth.

At the same time he is not breaking any rules and s/he claims to believe 9/11 was an inside job.

His/her posting style leads some to question his/her motives for posting here and his/her sincerity. But s/he is not the only user here who posts what some believe to be a lot of nonsense or who winds other users up. This is the nature of public forums. So within the rules of the forum, there is no reason to ban Lockerbie.

So my advice is if you find his/her posts are irritating you, then please ignore them.

That said I (and the other mods) do reserve the right to ban someone just because we feel like it (ie for no good reason other than we feel that it would be in the best interests of the forum). We would be loathed to do so because it sets a dangerous precedent whereby a user would get banned based on the subjective opinion of the moderators rather than for breaking the rules, but on a very limited basis we do reserve this right
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

well ian i'm male just to save you all them slashes.

and now is it my views that are winding people up just my posting style?
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You would have to ask those who are irritated by you but I would imagine a bit of both. As for what I personally find to be bullsh1t, that would be your beliefs about the Iraq war.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

you disagree with my views or you don't believe i have them?
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 4:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I disagree with your views, for example your support for the war
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 4:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I dont think it is something for you to bragg about. You are a disgusting individual or group of individuals and one day you will meet your maker and be punished for the blood on your hands. But as a well known MP says. If you are a supporter of the war why dont you enlist and go and put your neck on the line together with our boys? You wont enlist because you are a coward. You are happy that 1,000,000 have died. But you are a supporter of the war from your bedroom in front of your PC. I am also willing to state that you also frequently play with yourself every time you think of the 1 million men, women and children murdered many in their home while they were sleeping . You voted Labour and so the blood of all those people is on your hands. And you will be judged one day.

How can you as a 22 year old pretending to be a student call yourself Lockerbie? You are too young for it to mean anything to you. Unless you are also bragging that your zionist friends carried out the Lockerbie attack as another flase flag too. Or you are lying about your age. Maybe you are.
If you really are a 22 year old then go and get yourself a life.

You are a disgusting person Lockerbie and i hope they ban you and delete all the shi t you have written over the past five days

Well spoken, Stelios. I support you 100% This person who abuses the dead, using the name 'lockerbie' is not only a troll but very sick. No intelligence at all, just a compulsion to provoke others.

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 4:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i never used to supoort the war until we came to the point we are in now and no i see no other choice.

if we leave iraq now what will happen? the sunni's and shia's will turn around to each other and go have afternoon tea? or will it in end up in genocide?

That's their business. Not yours. Nobody interfered with the English in their civil war so be so good as to refrain from doing so in Iraqi affairs.

And you don't 'look after Iraq's interests' by bombing the nonsense out of them, destroying their infrastructure and terrorising their population.

Or, for that matter, by deliberately causing strife by using agents provocateurs which both the US and the Brits do and are known to do.

The USUK is in Iraq for the Oil, period. And they will be there for decades to come if they have their way. So don't talk uninformed bullsh!it.

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Last edited by Rory Winter on Thu Jul 12, 2007 4:28 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 4:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

you would rather leave a country in tatters? in civil war and on the brink of genocide?

and i'm the evil one?
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 4:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The people YOU support have brought it to their state so don't talk bullsh!t.

Read the Project for a New American Century and inwardly digest its significance in Iraq.

Evil? I think you're a twat, a fly in the ointment and a rather pathetic attention-seeker. As Ian Neal said, best ignored. But it's difficult to ignore a fly when it's annoying. Sooner or later you'll get swatted.

Please answer my question: WHY do you call yourself 'lockerbie'?

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 4:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"The people YOU support have brought it to their state so don't talk bullsh!t. "

i didn't support the start of the war, but i won't support walking away now and letting a genocide happen.

"Please answer my question: WHY do you call yourself 'lockerbie'?"

i'll answer you when you learn some manners and politeness.
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 4:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ha, ha! Look who's talking, Mr Sicko!

i didn't support the start of the war, but i won't support walking away now and letting a genocide happen.

Don't you realise that it was the US and the Brits who started the genocide in post-Saddam Iraq? That they use agents provocateurs to stir up trouble between Sunnis and Shias in order to divide and rule? That neither have any intention of withdrawing either from Iraq or Afghanistan because they want to remain in occupation of their respective oil and gas resources?

Why do you think the US is building a huge, fortress-size embassy in Baghdad and the Brits similar in Kabul?

Oh boy, you have a lot to learn!

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