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The attack on the Pentagon
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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 12:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

kbo234 wrote:

I know you can wear me out in this process, CTS, so I am going to save my strength.

Unless some truly earth-shattering new aspect to the evidence emerges (e.g. it can be shown that the construction workers were all perpetually drunk and forgot to mix cement into the sand when making the concrete), then I will not waste my energy straining at gnats in the company of those who have already swallowed many camels.
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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 12:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So this is my second post. Btw, not giving personal information in one's profile doesn't mean shill or plant. It can simply express a desire not to be identified, which is a pretty sensible precaustion, considering the track record of dissenters. Check out what happened to Hunter S Thompson!

As for the Pentagon. Repeat after me. It was hit by an airliner. See, it wasn't that hard, was it? Too hard? I can hear those dissenters, saying

'prove it. Those video frames don't show no plane'.

Of course they don't. Do you think these propagandists are idiots? They'll save the footage that actually identifies a 757 until the shrill, no-plane screamers have roared long enough to distract the 911 skeptics from quantifiable anomolies, such as the impossibility of the towers' collapses. We'll all look stupid because we vehemently asserted that 'no passenger plane crashed into the Pentagon', rather than just asking 'how was a passenger plane allowed to crash into the Pentagon?'. We'll look stupid because we persist in chasing maybes rather than hammering the definites.

So back to the 'video'. It's faked, at least for the first five frames. And afterwards? Could be a plane. There's enough (contentious?) evidence to suggest a 757 did, actually, crash into the Pentagon.

The Pentagon.

The most defended piece of Airspace on the planet.

A passenger airliner scores a direct hit on the Pentagon.
Who needs, or even wants, another scenario? A passenger plane was ALLOWED to crash into the Pentagon. A heinous crime was facilitated by a small cabal, and yet we attempt to refute this by introducing missiles, flyovers, truck bombs.

It's absurd.

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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 12:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Didn't though did it
We shall see
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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 1:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

dh, this is one of those moments when 'the truth' becomes a distraction. The very fact that something hit the Pentagon is astonishing. How were the Pentagon defences neutralised? Whether a passenger plane, a cruise missile, a drone; the very fact a successful attack on the Pentagon was perpetrated is evidence of, at the least, official negligence, and provides strong argument for official culpability. Someone, somewhere, knows what really happened.
Unfortunately, too many people are getting hung up on dodgy inferences. No photo of a plane equals no plane. This is bad logic. Worse, it's logic that provides ammunition for those disinclined to question the official version.
I suggest that it is a fair statement to suggest that the damage to the West face of the Pentagon is CONCEIVABLY consistent with the impact of a Boeing 757. Furthermore, the damage to light poles and perimeter area fencing is consistent with eyewitness accounts of a low flying airliner impacting them.
We can argue how many angels can dance on the head of a pin (it's, coincidentally, 757. Trust me.), but the proof is elusive. Until those who assert the Pentagon was hit by a missile, Global Hawk et al. provide some evidence that is at the least as 'convincing' as the official version, those suppositions should be treated with the same disdain as any other unsubstantiated, random theories.
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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 7:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

CTS , you have hoist yourself by your own petard ( what is a petard?).

And I am sure that the majority of them are people with professional integrity as well as expertise and that few if any of them are so cowardly that they would allow themsleves to be intimidated by threats from the Government or the CIA.

Why would the Government threaten anybody unless they had something to hide? Why did BYU issue tha denial of one of its own alumni, and then withdraw in response to protests from other academics? Why do several of the letters talk of Jones' life as being in danger?

You're already there, darling. Now have a lie down and then tell your friends about it. It's good to welcome another convert to the cause of truth.

Last edited by andrewwatson on Sat May 27, 2006 7:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 7:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Concerning the damage to the Pentagon, no way is the damage to the facade of this building consistant with the size, weight, shape and speed of a Boeing 757. The damage where the two engines would have hit is negligable; the nose cone is made out of soft carbon fibre and no way could penetrate six walls....I could go on. I've studied over one hundred aircrashes as part of a disaster management course I did, you ALWAYS have substantial pieces of wreckage. Have faith my friends...NO Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon. And, as I have said before on recent posts, pilots who fly 757s will tell you the same thing.
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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 8:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ConspiracyTheorySceptic wrote:

And no one has given me a sensible, believable, explanation for both crashing planes into the towers and bringing them down with explosives.


Okay, completely disregarding a terrorist attack if the New York Port Authority wanted to get rid of the twin towers I have to say it would have been quite impressive. Obviously, under the circumstances, it was distressing.

But for what reason? Let me speculate:

Well, the twin towers were built in the early 1970's during the time when workers still had to work in close proximity to each other. At the time that was how the world turned, not unlike today where the use of internet and email (like we are on these forum boards) allows people to work from home. As a consequence the need for such big buildings with open plan offices has now become somewhat redundant. I will also point out that the twin towers were very expensive to run, had huge heating bills and very poor to maintain. Those two towers effectively outlived the purpose for what they were designed and built for, despite having symbolic resonance on the NY skyline.

But someone, somewhere in a US Government agency proposes that, if the towers are to be get rid of, that they be taken down in a way that may serve a useful purpose to meet their own ends i.e. justification to attack Afghanistan and later Iraq (as well as to serve the purpose of the NY Port Authority). Easily the most dramatic way of doing this is fly two "alleged" civilian planes into the buildings.

The NYPC wanted the towers demolished, but they were designed to withstand a plane impact and the heat of the fuel is nowhere near enough for the steel to melt.

So they used explosives to make sure.

Makes sense to me.
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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 9:20 am    Post subject: Pentagon hit is good for convincing the public Reply with quote

"As for the Pentagon. Repeat after me. It was hit by an airliner. See, it wasn't that hard, was it? Too hard? "

"I suggest that it is a fair statement to suggest that the damage to the West face of the Pentagon is CONCEIVABLY consistent with the impact of a Boeing 757." - Proudhon

What is important about the Pentagon hit is that it is the most incredible and absurd of the whole 911 attacks. That means, it is easier to convince the official conspiracy theory public to start asking question on this one then on the others. Therefore, it is important that the official theory says a 757 hit it.

Is it hard to say that a 757 or 747 hit the Pentagon. Not without making me laugh.

Is it a fair statement to suggest the facade damage is consistent with the impact? Only if you believe in science fiction.

The official story does not point to past examples of plane strikes in order to support its theory. The official story does not base its explanation on information and knowledge ordinarily taught to structural and aircraft engineers or pilots. It creates a wholy new scenario. It creates a scenario of wings bending back and aircraft being consumed by fire. The scenario is totally atypical. This reality should be a clue to people searching for the truth.
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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:01 am    Post subject: wreckage Reply with quote

I`m hoping to be in a position to help here in about a month or so. I`m in the progress of obtaining a set of engineering schematics for a Honeywell APU (the small compressor in the tail of 757). The turbine wheel shown in pictures so beloved of airliner devotees is proclaimed to be the APU compressor wheel as its about 2>3 times too small to be from the main engines.
Once I`ve got these blueprints it will be possible to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the wreckage is NOT from a 757. I already have one cutaway (unfortunately not quite good enough to prove anything yet) there is NO part of an APU that directly resembles this wheel. With a full set it can be proven either way.
What it IS FROM is another matter and I`m not prepared to say.

Watch this space.....


The shaded parts of the APU are the rotors, the shapes are not consistent with this part photographed at the pentagon. The APU is a Honeywell GTCP331-200 and is the precise model in the AAirlines 757 that is alledged to have hit.

APU schematic.gif
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APU schematic.gif

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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 12:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

insidejob - " What is important about the Pentagon hit is that it is the most incredible and absurd of the whole 911 attacks. That means, it is easier to convince the official conspiracy theory public to start asking question on this one then on the others. Therefore, it is important that the official theory says a 757 hit it."

Yes, the Pentagon hit is incredible and absurd precisely because a passenger airliner was allowed to crash into it. Trying to create further absurdity by substituting (eg) a cruise missile for the aircraft, in contradiction to numerous eyewitness accounts (and I am aware of the inherent untrustworthiness of eyewitnesses) merely alienates the 'official conspiracy theory public'.

insidejob - "Is it a fair statement to suggest the facade damage is consistent with the impact? Only if you believe in science fiction."

There's a problem here. I have very little to use as reference points, as I'm unaware of any other example of a passenger jet being crashed into a purposefully reinforced blast resistant facade. We know the west face of the Pentagon had been uniquely 'upgraded'. Would it not be logical to presume that impact damage here would be proportionally reduced due to this upgrading? As for the observable damage; the broken facia to the upper right of the main entry hole(s) appears consistent with a wing impact, and furthermore consistent with eyewitness descriptions of the aircraft's 'angle of attack'.

insidejob - "...It (the official story) creates a scenario of wings bending back and aircraft being consumed by fire."

The official story is replete with inaccuracies, impossibilities and a plethora of implausible explanations. That's because the official version is false. However, the devil is in the detail, and skill in disinformation is to blend fact with fiction. So, the FACT that a 757 crashes into the Pentagon is blended with the FICTION regarding the plane's physical behaviour at impact. These pseudo-scientific explanations (eg 'folding wings') get the sceptics jumping up and down. Unsubstantiated alternative scenarios are then pushed without the required evidence, thus eroding belief in the sceptic movement, rather than eroding belief in the official version. That's a win for the official version by default. And that's a bad result.
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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 1:03 pm    Post subject: Pentagon hit is even more ridiculous Reply with quote

"Yes, the Pentagon hit is incredible and absurd precisely because a passenger airliner was allowed to crash into it." - Proudon

Yes, the Pentagon's own defence system mysteriously didn't work. If it was mad Arabs then Pentagon might lie to cover up incompetence. If the White House did it, they would lie to cover up the defence system.

But what if the plan was to fly a passenger jet into the Pentagon rather than a missile, how would they react to the disappearance of the plane? They would want the plane's remains to be visible. That is, they would be as puzzled as the rest of us about the idea of a disappearing plane and wouldn't come up with gobbledygook to cover it up. That is, they would say "we don't understand this either".

But it's not just the defence system which makes the story absurd. It's also the plane's flight path. It travelled for some distance at 20 feet!!. But how did it get to 20 feet? There's only two ways. 1. It had a similar path as used by pilots when landing. 2. It descended to 20 feet then stopped descending.

1. If it did similar to landing, it would have started its descent miles away. I've not heard anything saying it did. 2. If it was sudden descent, then the plane must have been made in Area 51. This is why the 757 theory is ridiculous.

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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


There are quite a few assumptions expressed as absolutes there, especially regarding how 'the Pentagon' would react. Why wouldn't they 'come up with gobbledygook'? To reiterate, disinformation techniques are designed to engender confusion. None of this is evidence against a 757 impact.

As for the flight path purported to be Flight 77, it is well documented that the plane lost height through a long spiral before levelling out (actually undertaking a very shallow dive) on its final approach into the west face of the Pentagon. None of its behaviour requires 'Area 51 technology', although the competence of the alleged pilot, Hani Hanjour, to fly the plane with such accuracy is questionable.
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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 4:09 pm    Post subject: Pentagon hit Reply with quote


you should point me in the right direction for info. on the official theory Pentagon flight path.

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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 4:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Description of Flight 77's alleged approach into Pentagon (from http://911research.wtc7.net/disinfo/deceptions/badpilots.html):

"It is doubtful that the best trained fighter pilots could have executed the maneuver that supposedly crashed a 757 into the Pentagon. It required making a tight 270-degree turn while descending seven thousand feet, then leveling out so as to fly low enough over the highway just west of the Pentagon to knock down lamp posts. After crossing the highway the pilot had to take the plane to within inches of the ground so as to crash into the Pentagon at the first-floor level and at such a shallow angle that an engine penetrated three rings of the building, while managing to avoid touching the lawn. And he had to do all of this while flying over 400 mph. Quite a feat for a flight school flunky who had never sat in the cockpit of a jet!"

As you can see, the manouvre is not really in question. Only the capabilities of the alleged pilot, Hani Hanjour, are disputed. Of course, this manouvre may simply be an invention, but irrespective of this, there is still no requirement for the aircraft to perform 'Area 51 technology' acrobatics.

A point of interest regarding this manouvre is that this official version further questions the lack of military response, as the 270-degree turn took the plane into Capitol airspace, as well as Pentagon airspace. Both are no fly zones, and airplane entry should have precipitated interception.

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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 9:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Proudhon writes:
Check out what happened to Hunter S Thompson!

Proudhon, I am curious to hear about what did happen to Hunter S Thompson, and for what reason.

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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 1:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

CTS, If I remember right he killed himself and people are suspicious about whether it was suicide - I think one of the main reasons is some of his Canadian friends came forward and said that he'd confided in them that he was going to write a book about 9-11 and the cover-up or something along those lines.

He's a big character in the states and that would have been a big name that would have grabbed the attention of a lot of young people.
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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 1:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Regarding Hunter S Thompson;

Toronto Globe and Mail | February 26, 2005:

Paul William Roberts in his Globe and Mail article of Saturday, February 26, 2005 wrote the following:

Hunter telephoned me on Feb. 19, the night before his death. He sounded scared. It wasn't always easy to understand what he said, particularly over the phone, he mumbled, yet when there was something he really wanted you to understand, you did. He'd been working on a story about the World Trade Center attacks and had stumbled across what he felt was hard evidence showing the towers had been brought down not by the airplanes that flew into them but by explosive charges set off in their foundations. Now he thought someone was out to stop him publishing it: "They're gonna make it look like suicide," he said. "I know how these b****** think . . ."

Also, in his report, Deputy Ron Ryan (the attending officer) noted the semi-automatic Smith & Wesson 645 found next to Thompson's body was in an unusual condition. There was a spent shell casing, but although there were six bullets left in the gun's clip, there was no bullet in the firing chamber, as there should have been under normal circumstances.

Interview with KDNK radio (Colorado), January 2003:

"Bush is really the evil one here and it is more than just him. We are the Nazis in this game and I don't like it. I am embarrassed and I am pissed off. I mean to say something. I think a lot of people in this country agree with me...we'll see what happens to me if I get my head cut off next week -- it is always unknown or bushy-haired strangers who commit suicide right afterwards with no witnesses."

Of course, Thompson may have committed suicide, in which case his 'prophetic' statements would smply be coincidental. My point was merely that sticking one's head above the parapet increases the likelihood of getting shot. Hence the practicality of anonymity...

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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 1:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Scubadriver writes:
ConspiracyTheorySceptic wrote:

And no one has given me a sensible, believable, explanation for both crashing planes into the towers and bringing them down with explosives.


Okay, completely disregarding a terrorist attack if the New York Port Authority wanted to get rid of the twin towers I have to say it would have been quite impressive. Obviously, under the circumstances, it was distressing.

But for what reason? Let me speculate:

Well, the twin towers were built in the early 1970's during the time when workers still had to work in close proximity to each other. At the time that was how the world turned, not unlike today where the use of internet and email (like we are on these forum boards) allows people to work from home. As a consequence the need for such big buildings with open plan offices has now become somewhat redundant. I will also point out that the twin towers were very expensive to run, had huge heating bills and very poor to maintain. Those two towers effectively outlived the purpose for what they were designed and built for, despite having symbolic resonance on the NY skyline.

But someone, somewhere in a US Government agency proposes that, if the towers are to be get rid of, that they be taken down in a way that may serve a useful purpose to meet their own ends i.e. justification to attack Afghanistan and later Iraq (as well as to serve the purpose of the NY Port Authority). Easily the most dramatic way of doing this is fly two "alleged" civilian planes into the buildings.

The NYPC wanted the towers demolished, but they were designed to withstand a plane impact and the heat of the fuel is nowhere near enough for the steel to melt.

So they used explosives to make sure.

Makes sense to me.

You are asking people to believe that the NY Port Authority committed mass murder to save themselves money. Among the people whose deaths they risked would have been their own friends and relatives. You say it makes sense to you.

Come off it. This does not amount to “a sensible, believable, explanation for both crashing planes into the towers and bringing them down with explosives” and is typical of the twisted logic of those who uphold the MIHOP beliefs. Personally, I prefer to accept the opinions and arguments put forward by qualified scientists and engineers. They have produced rational and credible explanations for the collapse of the WTC buildings that do not postulate the use of explosives.

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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 1:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I regret to say it makes perfect sense to me too Scubadriver; I wish it didn't, but it does make perfect sense. I can only assume our friend here did not read what you have written, or simply chose not to read into it, as the reality that humanity is not what it seems is a bit too much for him/ her to handle.

With regards to qualified scientists and engineers, I wonder if our Doubting Thomas has visited http://www.physics911.net/ or read any of Prof David Ray Griffin's books?

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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 1:57 pm    Post subject: Pentagon and Area 51 Reply with quote


"It is doubtful that the best trained fighter pilots could have executed the maneuver that supposedly crashed a 757 into the Pentagon." - Proudhon

I think this means that a well trained pilot could not have executed the maneuver that Hanjour is supposed to have done because it is IMPOSSIBLE. Therefore, to believe the official Pentagon story you must believe that the 757 plane must have been made in Area 51 and Hanjour must have been trained there.

In fact, the same article from which you quote suggests that if we are to believe the official conspiracy theory, the engines of the plane flying toward the Pentagon should have been beneath the ground. Thus, the flight path of according to the official conspiracy theory is absurd and ridiculous.

I just don't get your contention that it would be better for the official conspiracy theory not to have 757 debris at the Pentagon even though a real 757 was used. I frankly do not believe that they planned their story of the Pentagon hit with the expectation that the plane would disappear in a puff of flames and smoke and then came up with some c*** and bull story to wrong foot the 911 sceptics. You already agree with me that there are no known precedents for what happened at the Pentagon. So, how would they know that the plane would disappear?

But in general, it is important to highlight the official conspiracy theory's notion that it was a 757 that hit the Pentagon because it is RIDICULOUS. Pointing out its ridiculousness is more likely to encourage the public question the official theory.
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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 2:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

insidejob wrote;

It is doubtful that the best trained fighter pilots could have executed the maneuver that supposedly crashed a 757 into the Pentagon." - Proudhon

I think this means that a well trained pilot could not have executed the maneuver that Hanjour is supposed to have done because it is IMPOSSIBLE. Therefore, to believe the official Pentagon story you must believe that the 757 plane must have been made in Area 51 and Hanjour must have been trained there.

In fact, the same article from which you quote suggests that if we are to believe the official conspiracy theory, the engines of the plane flying toward the Pentagon should have been beneath the ground. Thus, the flight path of according to the official conspiracy theory is absurd and ridiculous.

I just don't get your contention that it would be better for the official conspiracy theory not to have 757 debris at the Pentagon even though a real 757 was used. I frankly do not believe that they planned their story of the Pentagon hit with the expectation that the plane would disappear in a puff of flames and smoke and then came up with some c*** and bull story to wrong foot the 911 sceptics. You already agree with me that there are no known precedents for what happened at the Pentagon. So, how would they know that the plane would disappear?

But in general, it is important to highlight the official conspiracy theory's notion that it was a 757 that hit the Pentagon because it is RIDICULOUS. Pointing out its ridiculousness is more likely to encourage the public question the official theory.

insidejob, it appears you might be reaching conclusions not commensurate with available data. Pilot capabilities and aircraft capabilities are not synonynous. Simply because the aircraft performed a manouvre that would test piloting skills to the extreme does not automatically preclude that aircraft manouvre. There is always the possibility that the aircraft was not being flown by a pilot in situ. The technology for remote control is extant. I'm also not wholly comfortable with the degree of hyperbole contained within the article quoted, although I hasten to add that Jim Hoffman's contribution to the 911 truth movement is mountainous.

The contention that the engines would have been 'beneath the ground' is extremely dubious.

The idea that no 757 debris was found at the Pentagon is conjecture. Debris was found, which the official version has identified as from Flight 77, a Boeing 757-223. Photographs of debris can again be found on Jim Hoffman's website at:


Impact damage along the flightpath can be viewed here;


Again, whether the damage caused was from Flight 77 is not proven, but neither is there conclusive evidence to show that a 757 (whether Flight 77 or not) didn't impact the Pentagon, although that evidence may be forthcoming.

I agree with your statement regarding disbelief in the conspirators' planning. It is more likely that the disinformation has been reactive rather than proactive. The story grows in the telling.

As for Hani Hanjour being the pilot, that is highly improbable. This is unsurprising, as the official version is undoubtably untrue. However, again consistent with disinformation techniques, untruths are blended with truths. Any number of lies in a story does not mean that everything in a story is a lie!

Lastly, I would challenge your conclusion that the plausibility of a 757 causing the damage at the Pentagon is ridiculous. Having initially believed that the Pentagon was struck by a missile, I have become more inclined towards an aircraft impact. I see nothing in the evidence that precludes that interpretation. It is primarily for this reason that I find the championing of the 'no plane at the Pentagon' argument injurious to the 911 truth movement. This does not mean the possibility should be dismissed, only that it should come secondary to obviously verifiable anomolies, such as the explosive collapse of the Twin Towers.

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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 8:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Further evidence of there being a plane attack on the Pentagon, and of official foreknowledge, comes straight from the horses mouth.
Norman Mineta, Transport Secretary, giving evidence to the 'Kean Commission':-

In response to questioning by Commssioner Hamilton regarding alleged shootdown orders, Mineta recounts a conversation he witnessed between Dick Cheney and a young male staffer at PEOC (Presidential Emergency Operations Centre) on the morning of September 11th.

Mineta: “During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President…the plane is 50 miles out…the plane is 30 miles out….and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president “do the orders still stand?” And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said “Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!??”

Commissioner Hamilton queries whether Mineta is describing actions relative to Flight 93, to which Mineta responds by clarifying that it is the flight that hit the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. on September 11th

This testimony was scrubbed from the 911 report.

Video of this is available at:

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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 9:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello everyone

Here is an interesting article which I found on the http://www.physics911.net/ site.


It was written last year by a Daily Mail journalist and gives an overview of the 9/11 conspiracy theories and of sceptical attitudes about them.

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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 9:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ConspiracyTheorySceptic wrote:
Hello everyone

Here is an interesting article which I found on the http://www.physics911.net/ site.


It was written last year by a Daily Mail journalist and gives an overview of the 9/11 conspiracy theories and of sceptical attitudes about them.


So, we already know all that. Get with the programme, CTS. What is your point?
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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 9:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Firstly, the Daily Mail is a deeply rascist and mentally unstable paper. CTS, please answer me this, what exactly do you believe? I get a bit confused by your posts??
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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 11:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

prole art threat:
Firstly, the Daily Mail is a deeply rascist and mentally unstable paper. CTS, please answer me this, what exactly do you believe? I get a bit confused by your posts??

I don't actually read the Daily Mail, and the paper may be everything you claim it to be, but, surely, that does not mean that every journalist who writes for the Daily Mail is racist and mentally unstable.

Personally, I don't care for labels and generalisations. I like to judge whatever I read on its merits, whatever the paper or any other publication in which it happens to appear.

I recommend the article I drew people's attention to regardless of the fact that it appeared in the Daily Mail.



Last edited by ConspiracyTheorySceptic on Mon May 29, 2006 7:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 5:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I think that was a fair, even sympathetic article, which surprised me, considering its source. The Daily Mail is infamous for its 'Little Englander' demographic, although Prole's 'deeply racist and mentally unstable' description might constitue unfair targeting, considering the competition. Nick Cohen in The Observer springs to mind...
Tony Rennell, it appears, as well as writing book reviews, also has a passion for crosswords;

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_artic le_id=362502&in_page_id=1770

In his eulogy to the cryptic crossword puzzle, he states;

But above all, solving a cryptic crossword requires lateral thinking, and you can never be quite sure that you've stretched your mind or your imagination enough.

Maybe this is why the book he is reviewing, 9/11 Revealed: Challenging The Facts Behind The War On Terror, by Ian Henshall and Rowland Morgan, seems to have left such a strong impression on him. The intricacies of 911, and the analysis involved in disentangling the truths from the lies and half-truths, are somewhat analagous to solving cryptic crossword puzzles. The message is there, but it's disguised, encrypted. Rennell seems intrigued by the logical conclusions of some of the authors' arguments;

For most observers, the idea of US involvement in the attacks still strains credulity beyond breaking point. Yet that catalogue of unanswered questions remains troubling.

Rather than dismissing out of hand the altenative theories, Rennell emotes disquiet. If one refrains from decontextualising, as opposed to CTS's seeming recommendation, then the very appearence of a generally sympathetic article square in the 'Establishment' press has to be applauded.

Thanks for the recommendation, CTS

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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:36 pm    Post subject: A statement of my 9/11 beliefs. Reply with quote

Thankyou, Proudhon, for your thoughtful reply.

Earlier, prole art threat, asked: “CTS, please answer me this, what exactly do you believe? I get a bit confused by your posts??” Well, I’d like to reply to that question.

I came to this site with an attitude of complete scepticism. I chose my name, CTS, deliberately to provoke arguments with the “nutters” I expected to meet here. My contemptuous attitude was partially coloured by being introduced to the 9/11 controversies by someone who appears to swallow conspiracy theories whole, however absurd they appear to be. For instance, he believes the AIDS virus was concocted by a US scientist in a California laboratory round about 1980 specifically to target gays and blacks; that the Americans never reached the moon in 1969; that Princess Di was murdered; and so on. In addition, I am, by nature, a sceptic, and I simply found it impossible to believe that the US Government could have been involved in, could have planned and carried out, a conspiracy to kill thousands of fellow Americans in a scheme that would have involved thousands of people to carry out, none of whom, for reasons of conscience, or wish to make money, or simply because they were unwitting and innocent cogs in the execution of the conspiracy, have come forward in the past five years to reveal what they know about what went on behind the scenes on 9/11 and in the period leading up to 9/11.

I have looked at the evidence put forward by some scientists supporting the theory that the Twin Towers were brought down by explosives, for example, on
http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/evidence/videos/wtc1_close_frames.html   and on http://www.physics911.net/ but I note that many other scientists and engineers are totally in disagreement with this theory and have published compelling evidence and calculations showing that the Twin Towers could have been brought down by a gravity-led collapse without the use of explosives., for example, on http://www.911myths.com/html/who_knew_.html and on http://www.geocities.com/debunking911/ and on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11_domestic_conspiracy_theory#Controlle d_Demolition_Theory.

This a quotation from the wikipedia site:
While some individuals have supplied fuel for the demolition theory, the mainstream of the academic world has yet to be convinced. Massachusetts Institute of Technology has devoted a number of staff members to the analysis of the World Trade Center collapse. Numerous aspects of the collapse have been documented and reviewed within the scientific community. [78] The country's leading structural and civil engineers have examined the attack from the point of impact up through the collapse, concluding that explosives were not necessary to provide what the world observed.
For details, see http://web.mit.edu/civenv/wtc/
Critics of the demolition theory also point out the in-depth planning, preparation, and production involved in a controlled demolition. This labor-intensive task leaves clear signs of the work, such as stripping away building materials to expose the structural supports, and running cables from the explosives to the detonation timers.

See http://science.howstuffworks.com/building-implosion2.htm

Also, see this site:
http://www.larryelder.com/letters/charlie.html for details of preparations that would have been required to prepare the Twin Towers for demolition.

In conclusion, therefore, I have to say that I remain totally unpersuaded that explosives were used in the collapse of the Twin Towers.

I have already given reasons, in earlier posts, for believing that a large airliner crashed into the Pentagon.

In summary, therefore, I have to say that I do not support the MIHOP position.

However, I have looked at the following sites:


http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/timeline.jsp?timeline=complete_911_ timeline&warning_signs:_specific_cases=foreignIntelligence


I have been impressed by what I have read on these sites and I am, potentially, a supporter of the LIHOP position. I think there should be an investigation to find out how much the US Government knew in advance regarding the 9/11 attacks, when they knew it, and their reasons for not warning the American people of the threats.

Everyone can now see that I have altered my position from one of total scepticism to that of potential LIHOP.


Last edited by ConspiracyTheorySceptic on Mon May 29, 2006 5:47 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Ask the Tough Questions, Folks!
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 5:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey CTS,

You seem to be more open minded than I may have initially given you credit for, and considering you seem to be largely focusing on the 'demolition' of the towers then I thought I'd just repeat this:

Critics of the demolition theory also point out the in-depth planning, preparation, and production involved in a controlled demolition. This labor-intensive task leaves clear signs of the work, such as stripping away building materials to expose the structural supports, and running cables from the explosives to the detonation timers.

This, if you believe the official story is complete rubbish, and here's why I say that:

If you believe that it only takes 1 floor to fail (only 10 or so out of the 47 massive steel columns) to produce the collapse that we saw in both towers then you have already ruled out the necessity for a conventional 'controled demolition'. If it only takes a few columns on 1 floor to fail to initiate a total collapse at those speeds then surely it would only take a few explosives or thermite cutting charges to produce the same results.

This means that if you believe the official theory you lose the ground to argue the following:

a) It would take loads of explosives / on every floor which would have been impossible to put in place without people seeing

b) The explosions would have been clearly visable (because according to the official theory it would only take 10 or so central coloumns to be destroyed which apart from the odd squib would be largely unseen)

Do you get what I mean? - All I'm saying is it is frustrating when people show pics of buildings full of wires, with every wall wrapped in tarps etc.. -- It is anoying because those very same people claim that the speed, the dust, the ejections and all the other odd effects were caused by gravity after just 1 floor failed -- Peace
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