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David Shayler - Manchurian Candidate?
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

right about now we are a laughing stock and a bunch of conspiraloons.

No. David Shaylor is.
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olly onions
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:22 pm    Post subject: Shayler rebuts himself Reply with quote

what have they done to him, my god what have they done to him?
http://ollysonions.blogspot.com/2007/08/911-truth-campaigner-collapse- was.html
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olly onions
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:25 pm    Post subject: what have they done to him? Reply with quote

http://ollysonions.blogspot.com/2007/08/911-truth-campaigner-collapse- was.html
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The truth movement is always going to be bigger than one man. Whether David Shayler is doing this in a crude (Possibly MI5 orchestrated) attempt to discredit the serious issue of pushing for a new investigation into 9/11 and 7/7... or if he is simply 'off the rails' with respect to his mental state, the important thing for the movement is to distance themselves from his recent views.

I feel sorry for David if the truth with his position is the latter, but if it is the former, then (as always) it is our duty to expose the lies.

Regarding David's current position, I can only see these two options and in both cases the way forward for the 9/11 truth movement is the same.

A lot of distance!
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In todays Daily Mail:

I'm God, says renegade spy David Shayler

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Martin J
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The problem with christ consciousness change is that it is meant to be
absorbed in humility for us to conjoin to bring about real revolution. The energy if channelled through the conscious ego of someone who is not balanced will produce psychotic delusions of all kinds.
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John White
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 8:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Some articles from Stuart Wilde on the topic of Claridad, which may be interesting in the light of Shayler's recent experiances

props to Synergy for digging these out...


Claridad: The Primal Trick

Article by Stuart Wilde

There is term in shamanism called claridad, it comes from the word clarity but in fact, it is the opposite of clarity. Often on an Ayahuasca journey the student will enter into the primal force in all things, it's like stumbling into the arms of God. At first they are overawed but when they return they imagine they are God, or the embodiment of God: Jesus, Buddha, whatever. That is what the shamans call claridad—the false prophet.

In the seminar business we call them 'the forty-fours'. In numerology the Christ Consciousness is 44. So our use of the term describes their pretense to a god-like status. The forty-fours are very grand and holy and chosen. They make a great show of loving others, while silently looking down their nose at people. They are always bad news. They cause trouble and sometimes they become angry when others don't see them in the same divine light.

The forty-fours are everywhere, some only have a mild form of the disquiet, they are pompous say, others buy claridad full-on and they are wearing diapers on their heads and wandering around in robes and so forth—good for a giggle but it's a bit deadly really.

We all suffer from a touch of the forty-fours from time-to-time, the trick is to nip it in the bud quickly. But if you really do think you are Jesus ask yourself this, "Am I still here?" If you are Christ you will have a command of twenty-six dimensions and you would be able to walk in and out of this space-time continuum, basically if you are still here you aren't Christ-sorry. And even if you can walk out of here, you still might not be Christ as doing so might be as common as muck one day. But using "Am I still here?" is a good way of evaluating your current progress, testing your level of Jesusness for any semblance of truth.

Claridad is comical and tragic. It is there to protect the divine and to trick you into your own destruction. If you get a really bad dose of claridad it can kill you. This because eventually you have to set up your own crucifixion to sustain the illusion of your divinity. Cancer is a form of claridad; rogue cells that eat healthy ones to sustain their illusion of immortality. There has never been a case of cancer that didn't go to its death. Either the cells are killed by treatment or the immune system, or they die once the person passes away.

One can't really heal a forty-four, one has to wait until something awful happens to them to bring them back down. You can help a bit by bowing down and pretending to recognize their divinity that will keep them alive for a bit, but try not to piss in your pants laughing, it spoils the cure. Then rise when allowed and flee. There could be a thunderbolt someplace around there quite soon.


Six Steps of Claridad

Article by Stuart Wilde
I talked last time about the term claridad, the Shaman's joke that describes a student's lack of clarity—his or her stupidity.

Claridad is a dysfunction, an anomaly, that comes about when people on an Aya' journey say, experience the vastness of the Primal Source in all things. At first they are over awed, then they believe themselves to be the Primal Source, or at the very least the embodiment of it, or they see themselves as the Chosen One, the message bringer. He or she that has been especially selected from six billion souls to carry back the energy or the power from its celestial resting place to enlighten and heal humanity. Of course, the shamans fall about laughing at all this but claridad is serious as some people go round the bend on it.

The process is more or less the same for each person depending on the degree of foolishness they need to expose from within themselves.

The first step is the Self-Anointing process:
This is when the fool decides he is the One. It can be triggered by any small thing, not just an Ayahuasca journey. A stain appears on the fridge door that looks like Jesus, and a mental voice tells him that he is special among men, and that all his hopes and dreams of becoming rich and famous are about to be made manifest. He has been chosen by a Higher Authority. The Self-Anointing is the mental process of buying the story—believing in it because the claridad sufferer so desperately wants to believe it. It's a narcissistic psychosis that plays to his arrogance.

The second step involves an appeal for Ratification:
Now he quickly needs the dove to appear and a voice from heaven to say "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased." In the absence of that he will seek out his master or a guru or some person he considers spiritually elevated to ratify him. In the same way as the Christian kings of old traveled to Rome to be ratified by the Pope.

There is an inverted power-play in the ratification because what the claridad sufferer actually wants to say to the master is, "You thought I was a nobody, an ordinary student, just a back-seat member of the congregation, but I was in hiding. In fact, I am very special—the Anointed One. And by the way master, you are a fool and a nobody because you didn't see it. I am better than you."

The third step involves Debasing Others:
This step follows naturally from step two. The Anointed One has to trash, and get rid of and make wrong all the other shamans, teachers and masters, in order to establish the reality of his authority. So the claridad sufferer fights with others and causes trouble. It's a combative step. But the shaman knows what's happening and he or she won't play ball. They walk away and leave the fool to his madness.

The fourth step involves Soliciting Observers:
How things become 'real' is for the claridad to be observed as the One. So if you are channeling a message from the Higher Powers you need an audience to observe that. If you become President, people observe you in the pomp and pageantry of the presidency, and that is how you are made real. There is never a time when you are not just an ordinary Joe acting out the presidency, but it is in people observing that that the idea of your elevated status becomes real. That is why people buy red sports cars. Red is the easiest color to see and a sports car makes a lot of noise, who will miss noticing the very special person going past? The one that is so very different to all the others.

Sometimes the solicitation for observers is inverted, so the claridad will say, "Please don't tell anyone who I am, I don't want any followers. I don't want to be treated as special." You see pop stars do this in interviews all the time. They love to say, "I am just ordinary," meaning, I am very far from ordinary. The inversion is a marketing tool for in fact, the claridad wants all the things he says he doesn't want. He wants people to adore him and fall upon him in reverence. He wants to be recognized and admired and worshiped. So by asking people to keep his specialness a secret he promotes the story. If you want an idea to enter the mind of humanity as an established fact, you only have to surround it with a bit of mystery and make it into a hush-hush conspiracy and everyone will believe it.

Going into Jerusalem Jesus said, "Who do they say I am?" That is a classic claridad statement. If any one of his disciples had had his wits about him he could have saved Jesus. He could have replied, "They say you're a work-shy, rather ordinary carpenter from Nazareth, now stop mucking about JC, and pretending, and let's have a beer or two and then go home."

Step Five involves Anger:
This comes about when others don't see the claridad as special or chosen or anything but ordinary. Now the claridad gets furious as his dream and his arrogance has been challenged. He needs to cause a scene and take on the established authority to prove himself. So he throws the money changers out of the temple, because he is so special and they are not special. They have established separateness from others by being rich and handling money; he is probably piss poor but he is above money, better than money. His separateness comes from his divinity. In his mind he is pure gold, for the raiment of the Chosen One must be pure gold, mustn't it?

Step Six is the Crucifixion
If very few or none at all, observe the Chosen One as chosen, and if he has the dysfunction of claridad in its extreme form then the only way to prove his divinity it is to have a self-arranged crucifixion. Here the man's shadow works out a way to sacrifice him. It may not be actual death but a form of simulated death. The guy gets sick or goes bankrupt and/or his whole life falls apart.

It's the idea that says, if I go over the cliff in my red Ferrari will you love me, will you remember me as special and different, will you feel sorry you didn't acknowledge my divinity in time?"

The alternative Step Six:
The alternative step six is when the fool is rescued by someone, his spouse say, and brought back to earth. He hits the ground with a terrible clunk, and for a while he bares the bruises of the fallen angel Icarus, who flew too close to the sun and burnt his wings and fell to earth.

He has the option to go back and make good on the trouble he caused and apologize to all those that he hurt but he is usually either too embarrassed, or too arrogant to do so, and so he doesn't bother. And then there is always a small part of the narcissistic psychosis that stays with him. He can never forget the time when it was almost true—a time when he was God for a short while. It's an infection that never leaves, a wound that is so deep that it cannot ever be completely healed.


Women and Claridad

Article by Stuart Wilde
In two other articles here I talk about the illusion of claridad, which is a shaman’s term that describes the opposite of clarity. Claridad is an illusion that effects some spiritual travelers when they come in touch with the godhead or the primal source in all things. They start to believe that they have been divinely chosen, they imagine they are a great avatar or the returned Jesus, here to save humanity. It’s a narcissistic psychosis that usually effects men but women also suffer from claridad though they don’t usually get it as bad. The women can’t come back from a transdimensional journey pretending to be Jesus so they settle for other titles. Sometimes they decide they are Mary Magdalene, the kind-hearted whore, reputed to be the wife of Jesus. If you can’t be Jesus, Mrs. Jesus might be the next best thing.

Other times, they decide they are Temple Maidens, chosen to vector the celestial healing power to unfortunate men who are too daft to manage on their own. In simple terms it’s "licensed to bonk for god." Or in extreme cases, the female claridad sufferer decides she is a divine goddess, the embodiment of the feminine principal. She elevates herself to being the reincarnation of Nefertiti, Queen of the Nile. In her mind she is now the ‘Regina of the Sacred Vagina.’ A women of unparalleled divinity, beauty, sensuality and wonderfulness. A self-endorsed deity.

Now it gets a bit scary, woe betide anyone that doesn’t agree. From this platform she fights with others, women usually, to establish her authority, just as the male claridad fights with his shaman and other men. Sometimes the Regina-type rules vicariously by controlling the king. She defends her position as his confidant and advisor, and she controls those who have access to the king. She becomes the power behind the throne if she doesn’t have a throne of her own.

Another female form of claridad is when she decides she is the Delphic oracle and she’ll channel the Higher Powers for mere mortals so they can comprehend their fate. The Delphic oracle sat in a high-chair overlooking a wide, shallow bowl, filled with water. It was a high throne from which she could look down and pontificate. There is nothing wrong with helping people if you have the knowledge and you are wise. The defining line is whether you make a big show of it or not. Are you quiet and humble, going about your simple life, or have you bought the claridad story and now you are making a fool of yourself showing off?

The magical healer is another mild form of the same narcissism. This sometimes effects those that do body work or hands-on healing. They come to believe they are a vessel for the divine light, channeling the power for others. But almost all hands-on healing is sexual from the root chakra. That doesn’t invalidate it in my view, but it is easy for a healer to get carried away in his or her ego imagining all sorts of phantasmagorical things. It’s the desire to be seen as part of the miraculous that leads the healer astray. If you make too much of your miraculous healing powers, it puts you in a phony, god-like pose. Anytime you are acting out a false divinity however mild, you are in a claridad of sorts. It puts you in the crime of the Fallen Angles. The trick is to heal people for free and be humble and keep it to yourself, that way your ego doesn’t run amok posing as a divine instrument of god, a savior.

Females can carry the mild form of the claridad dysfunction a lot easier and a lot longer than men, because part of their claridad of being divinely special is fueled by over-expressing their sensuality, and creating desire and approval in would-be partners. Of course, they can sustain the allure of that into old age. When you see older women dressed provocatively as young girls might; ‘mutton dressed as lamb’ we call it in England, it’s a form of claridad, they are selling the allure hoping to compete. They usually do quite well because the young girls are more skittish and choosy, while mutton needs to be wanted and by many partners, so she’ll be off and running at the slightest nod or a wink.

Claridad can get you into loads of trouble but women have the advantage that they don’t usually go to a self-arranged crucifixion, which is the eventual end to the male story, part of his illusion of being Jesus. For him to convince people that he really is divine and Jesus and here to take away the sins of the world, his subconscious arranges for his own crucifixion, to prove the point. I discuss that more fully in another article here called The Six Steps of Claridad.

Now the Biblical Jesus was very interesting, as he either was the real McCoy, or he had the worse dose of claridad ever seen. It established the church and killed many hundreds of millions of people, and it made a billion others very sad, while robbing a billion more. Then it imposed a terrible restriction and a mental confinement and torment on those that bought the story. If only JC had gotten off his silly donkey and not gone into Jerusalem, posing as a god, the world would have been a much safer and happier place. I think if he really was the son of God he should have kept quiet about it. Though I am sure some other troubled soul would have come along and taken his claridad role; our evolution is littered with spiritual mountains to climb.

I know if I were Jesus I’d keep very quiet about it and not mention it to a single soul. I saw Mel’s film, it all looked jolly painful! I’m telling you, this Jesus business can be rather deadly. It’s not for the light-hearted, wispy, fairy-folk that I am used to hanging out with. But still, we all suffer from some kind of illusion and madness and most of what we believe about spirituality and God is complete rubbish. That is why I have so much love and respect for the Goddess Aya’, she takes you and shows you a small part of the real thing. She re-wires your brain to understand that you can never understand, it’s all too vast.

But one should not be harsh to judge the foolishness of others, unless they are causing serious trouble that is. Instead, we should concentrate on our own silliness, watching that it doesn’t develop too ferociously or too quickly, in a way that can damage us and others. Pomposities lurk in the corners of our minds to trap us when we are weak and vulnerable. Claridad is an evolutionary trick that has been played throughout history, to send us lot—the Fallen Angels, the wrong way, to the rotten karma we probably deserve.

Of course, some people saw the trick in time and they jumped off the spiritually sinking ship. It was night and they couldn’t swim well, and they were all very lost in the cold darkness of not knowing. But they eventually discovered that if they relaxed and held hands with others, without struggling or competing, they could stay together and float. A fog descended on them and they were in limbo for my years, floating through a vast Nowhere. Eventually they came upon a beautiful island. It was another world and there to greet them was….

You guessed it!

Nobody was there to greet them. It was a heaven that had been granted to them because they had learned how to float with others. They greeted each other.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---

he speaks some great stuff, though i think is suffering from claridad himself by charging, creating an elite circle. really we are all yashuah, we are all neo, we are created equally. we are just afraid to look within, contemplate, face the future. like the passage from marriane williamson


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

----from A Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson.

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:25 pm    Post subject: Re: Shayler or Shyster? Reply with quote

The Watcher wrote:
..... goes on to say that he's here to 'test people', concluding by saying, "... the great compassion is wired to reward those who help Yeshua and to punish those who hinder him." Same sh*t, different god!....

Very interesting, both David's quote and yours. I take any opportunity to tell people that the Devil rules this world, rewards those who serve him, and screws up those who don't. This would explain why rotten people get to the top, and those who try to do good get it in the neck.

On at least three occasions in the New Testament, Jesus refers to the Devil as the 'Prince of this World'. The Devil would himself seem to agree - check out the full version of my signature in Luke (I couldn't put the full quote because of limit on words) below.

I don't doubt that David is genuine in his (erroneous) beliefs; like so many prophets and seers before him, as you suggest, he just has his 'Gods' mixed up.

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

egw wrote (in now closed 'Messiah' post): He's looking quite good. The irony is, he was bloated and full of himself before, but now he thinks he's Jesus, he seems far less self-absorbed.

Can you figure?

I can figure it out very easily. The Devil, who creates all our problems, can also take them away, and does so when it suits him, for instance when he has conned someone into taking the wrong path. He can cure illnesses, give 'Second Sight' (to Witches and Masons) and provide wealth to the suckers who fall for his 'intuitions' or 'revelations'.

I quite agree with you, he certainly does look a damned sight better than he did, and I'm sure he feels it.

'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So Shayler is sick / irrational / accepting an offer he couldn't refuse / bought off / hallucinating (choose one).

We should feel sorry for him if he's sick.

Apart from that, who cares.

This is about evidence, physical phenomena and physical laws, not about individuals.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 1:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Chemical Brothers - The Golden Path
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Source: www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=4 74364&in_page_id=1770

Mission accomplished

> 911 campaign discredited (check)

> Files on individuals in the movement passed on (?)

Some of you 'know' David personally. Could you have been fooled by what was an act? Or is he really just going loopy as a result of pharmaceuticals?

Whatever, the net effect of his association with 911 is very beneficial to TPTB in the UK. He is quite a high-profile personality. (Considered for Big brother). The media can have a field day with this.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

rodin wrote:
(Considered for Big brother)

Wrong David. Icke, not Shayler. Very Happy

gareth wrote:
In todays Daily Mail:

I'm God, says renegade spy David Shayler

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The Watcher
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:04 am    Post subject: UK spooks get the last laugh Reply with quote

UK spooks get the last laugh as David Shayler falls for psychic prophecy

Whitehall - (ReUterus & Ass Mess):

Not since ex-Prime Monster Tony Blair's wife Cherie pleaded with British TV audiences "Do I really look bonkers?" have spooks at MI5 and MI6 had such a good laugh with today's news that former IRA terrorist and disgraced spy David Shayler has fallen hook, line and sinker for a psychic reading proclaiming him the New Messiah.

"It took our special effects scriptwriting department a weekend or so to cook up this scam," a top Whitehall mandarin seconded to NATO military intelligence said today.

"We laid a trail that sent him to see world renowned tea-leaf reader Mrs Doris Groggins, a favorite with Cherie, Lord Levy and other notable WMD fantasists. She's been one of our top-notch field operatives for decades now and could be relied on to tell that little sh*t Shayler exactly what he desperately wanted to hear, namely that she channelled her 'spirit guide' Mary Magdalene, who then anointed him as the Messiah. Fortunately Shayler was wearing his customary waterproof underwear that day so we won't be getting a bill from good old Mrs G for recovering her brand new draylon suite! Anyway, a few hallucingenic herbs in his cuppa soon had him in a tizzy and that night, after his psychic reading, he had a bit of a cosmic revelation. Just as we had hoped! Now he thinks the Old Testament was written with a predictions showing that an anagram of David Shayler Righteous King fulfills the prophecy that will cast him as the next Messiah. And make him tons and tons of loot!"

Shayler told UK TV news yesterday that since his cosmic experience he can now bend time/space in the form of being able to change the weather and stop terrorist bombings in London by the power of meditation.

But the icing on the cake has to be Shayler's extraordinary new gift being able to get crappy football team Middlesbrough a place in the 2006 UEFA cup final against Seville.

The team bombed, of course.

As will Shayler. Again!

Source: http://www.thespoof.com/news/spoof.cfm?headline=s1i23111
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

gareth wrote:
rodin wrote:
(Considered for Big brother)

Wrong David. Icke, not Shayler. Very Happy

Ah yes. I mis-read that from this link...

I'm God, says renegade spy David Shayler | the Daily MailAs an MI5 whistleblower and fugitive, former spy David Shayler's powers ... He was even passed over for Celebrity Big Brother in 2006 for being 'too weird'. ...

Still he is a media celeb and the point I was making.

Belief is the Enemy of Truth www.dissential.com
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mason-free party
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maybe Shayler should read this and think about who he is associating with at Glastonbury...

Plan Nine From Outer


---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

One New Age channelling cult, above all the rest, has had a huge - very disturbing influence on hundreds of thousands of devotees worldwide. Known as 'The Nine', its disciples include cutting edge scientists, multi-millionaire industrialists and leading politicians. This exclusive extract based on The Startgate Conspiracy by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince looks at the sinister origins of The Nine

I am the beginning. I am the end. I am the emissary. But the original time I was on the Planet Earth was 34,000 of your years ago. I am the balance. And when I say "I" - I mean because I am an emissary for The Nine. It is not I , but it is the group…We are nine principles of the Universe, yet together we are one.

The declaration above is typical of the channelled pronouncements of the Council of Nine – or just ‘The Nine’. They contain all the usual New Age ingredients of grandiose statements, shaky grammar and unprovable predictions. But unlike all the other channelling cults, that of The Nine has serious clout. Perhaps the reason for this is that they claim to be the Ennead, or the nine major gods of ancient Egypt (see panel). Or could there be another reason, one that owes more to The X-Files than the Pyramid Texts?
Although The Nine may appear to be quintessentially a modern phenomenon, our research uncovered its truly astonishing pedigree. In fact, the story begins nearly 50 years ago, in a private research laboratory in Glen Cove, Maine, called the Round Table Foundation, run by a medical doctor named Andrija Puharich (also known as Henry K Puharich).Set up in 1948 to research the paranormal, among the noted psychics studied at the Foundation were the famous Irish medium Eileen Garrett and the Dutch clairvoyant Peter Hurkos (Pieter van de Hirk).Prominent members included the influential philosopher and inventor Arthur M Young and the socialite Alice Bouverie (née Astor).

In December 1952, Puharich brought into his laboratory an Indian mystic named Dr D G Vinod, who began to channel The Nine or ‘the Nine Principles’. In the months before Vinod returned to India, a group met regularly to hear The Nine’s channelled wisdom. Never known for their modesty, The Nine proclaimed themselves to be God, stating "God is nobody else than we together, the Nine Principles of God."

Three years later, there appeared to be independent confirmation of their existence. In Mexico, Puharich and Young met Charles and Lillian Laughead, former Christian missionaries who were by then prominent in the burgeoning UFO contactee movement. (For a description of their involvement in the Dorothy Martin circle, see Jerome Clark’s ‘When Prophecy Failed’ in FT117.) Back in the States a few weeks later, Puharich received a letter from the Laugheads containing messages received by their group’s channeller. This message also claimed to come from the Nine Principles, even – amazingly – including references to the earlier communications transmitted through Dr Vinod. Could The Nine possibly be for real?

Perhaps the answer is embedded in the career of Puharich himself. After disbanding the Round Table Foundation in 1958, he worked for 10 years as an inventor of medical devices and achieved international recognition as a parapsychologist, most famously studying the Brazilian psychic surgeon, Arigo (José Pedro de Freitas). But all that was to pale into insignificance because, in 1971, Puharich discovered Uri Geller.

At their first meetings in Tel Aviv in 1971, Puharich hypnotised Geller in an attempt to find out where his abilities came from. As a result, the young Israeli started to channel ‘Spectra’ – an entity which claimed to be a conscious super-computer aboard a spaceship. However, Puharich suggested to him that there might be a connection with the Nine Principles, and Spectra readily agreed that there was. The Nine claimed that they had programmed Geller with his powers as a young child.

Through Geller, The Nine alerted Puharich to his life’s mission, which was to use Geller’s talents to alert the world to an imminent mass landing of spaceships that would bring representatives of The Nine. However, Geller – by now an international psychic superstar – bowed out in 1973 and has resolutely turned his back on The Nine ever since. Puharich had to find other channels.
He joined up with aristocratic former racing driver Sir John Whitmore and Florida-based psychic and healer Phyllis Schlemmer. They found a new channeller – a Daytona cook known to history only by the pseudonym ‘Bobby Horne’ – who lived to regret his dealings with The Nine. Driven to the brink of suicide by their constant demands, he too dropped out of the scene – his despair being dismissed by Whitmore as "signs of instability". After this, Phyllis Schlemmer was appointed the authorised spokesperson for the entity – known simply as ‘Tom’ – who represented The Nine

Puharich, Whitmore and Schlemmer then set up Lab Nine at Puharich’s estate in Ossining, New York. The Nine’s disciples included multi-millionaire businessmen (many hiding behind pseudonyms and including members of Canada’s richest family, the Bronfmans), European nobility, scientists from the Stamford Research Institute and at least one prominent political figure who was a personal friend of President Gerald Ford.

We also know that Lyall Watson (then the darling of the alternative scene because of his seminal 1973 book Supernature) was involved, as was the influential counter-culture guru Ira Einhorn – and Gene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek.

The key to predicting eclipses is noticing that they occur in cycles, or at more or less regular intervals. The Sun goes round the sky once a year; the Moon once a month. This means that, every month, the Moon ‘overtakes’ the sun. This happens at the New Moon, and this is when solar eclipses occur. But, of course, we don’t get an eclipse every New Moon. This is because the Moon has an elliptical orbit: sometimes it passes above the Sun when it overtakes it, sometimes below. But the Moon’s elliptical orbit has its own cycle: it returns to the same place it started from every 18 years or so. Thus – if seen from the same place on Earth – an eclipse will be followed by another one just over 18 years later.

Roddenberry was part of that circle in 1974 and 1975, and even produced the screenplay for a movie about The Nine. How much he was influenced by them is unknown, although it is said that some of their concepts found their way into the early Star Trek movies, and The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine (what a giveaway!) series.

(There is a character named ‘Vinod’ in one Deep Space Nine episode.) Another key player in Lab Nine was Dr James J Hurtak, who was appointed Puharich’s second-in-command by The Nine. In fact, Hurtak had been independently channelling The Nine since 1973.
Puharich and Whitmore commissioned British writer Stuart Holroyd to write an account of their adventures, which appeared in 1977 as Prelude to the Landing on Planet Earth (retitled Briefings for the Landing on Planet Earth in paperback)

n this extraordinary book the true identity of the Nine – and of Tom – was finally revealed. Far from being the chummy character that his rather avuncular name suggests, Tom is actually Atum, the creator-god of the ancient Egyptian religion of Heliopolis, and Uncle Tom with his eight mates are none other than the Great Ennead of Heliopolis,

But even with such impressive contacts, all was not well with Puharich. Lab Nine broke up in 1978 after a series of mysterious events that culminated in an arson attack on the Ossining estate, and he fled to Mexico, claiming that he was being persecuted by the CIA. He returned to the USA two years later, and appears to have played no further part in The Nine story. He died in 1995 after falling down the stairs in his South Carolina home.
However, The Nine continued. Not only did Schlemmer and Whitmore continue their mission, but Dr Hurtak has also moved on. He has become a major player in the unfolding millennial drama currently being played out at Giza, but perhaps more importantly he has established himself as a New Age guru par excellence, travelling the world giving workshops on his book of channelled revelations from The Nine, The Keys of Enoch. Written and laid out in classic Biblical style, its darkly apocalyptic vision has huge numbers of influential devotees.This we find very worrying.

Another Nine channel – an Englishwoman named Jenny O’Connor – was introduced to the avant garde Esalen Institute in San Francisco by Sir John Whitmore. She and The Nine became so influential there that they held seminars and – unbelievably – were actually listed on the Institute’s staff, even successfully ordering the sacking of its chief finance officer and the reorganisation of its entire management structure..

This should concern us, because many influential people attended The Nine’s Esalen seminars, including Russians who were part of the Institute’s Soviet Exchange programme. Some of these later rose to prominence in the Gorbachev regime and were instrumental in the downfall of Communism. (The Esalen Institute now runs the US branch of the Gorbachev Foundation.)

The Nine are very much still with us. One of their recent channels, who is also in contact with Tom, is the American writer David M Myers. He is co-author with Britain’s David S Percy of that extraordinary tome Two-Thirds, a history of the galaxy and the human race according to Myer’s otherwordly contacts (who clearly have no sense of the absurd). Percy – best known as a champion of the ‘Face on Mars’ and the ‘hoaxing’ of the Apollo moon landings – was at one time part of the Schlemmer circle.

Among the other major proponents of the ‘monuments’ of Mars and their alleged connection with ancient Egypt is none other than Dr James Hurtak – The Nine’s great prophet – who has promoted this idea since as long ago as 1973. Richard C Hoagland – familiar to FT readers as another unrepentant ‘Mars Face’ enthusiast – is also clearly under The Nine’s spell. David Myers and David Percy were, respectively, American and European Director of Operations for Hoagland’s Mars Mission. In fact, his interpretation of the ‘monuments’ of Mars comes directly from The Nine. Flake though he may appear (increasingly in these hallowed pages), but his influence over huge swathes of the hungrier mystery seekers is undeniable. This is the man who addresses rapt audiences at the United Nations.

But it is in the New Age channelling circuit that The Nine have truly come into their own. In any other circles their true agenda would no doubt have been rumbled long ago, but this is the New Age. Anything The Nine say must be sweetness and light, right? But an objective reading of their divine pronouncements reveal the first stirrings of something very nasty in Paradise.

Their words appeared in 1992 as the book The Only Planet of Choice, credited to ‘transceiver’ Schlemmer and edited by Mary Bennett (a one-time member of the Schlemmer circle who also edited Myers and Percy’s Two-Thirds). This has had an unprecedented influence over the New Age. According to Palden Jenkins (editor of an earlier edition of Only Planet) more and more New Age channelling groups are ‘realising’ that the real source of their wisdom is The Nine.8 In fact, we have discerned what amounts to a campaign by The Nine – or their adherents – to ‘take over’ the New Age. It would be a mistake to underestimate the economic or even political potential of this vast subculture – rich pickings indeed.

But The Nine’s influence does not extend merely to New Age channelling circles. Andrija Puharich, James Hurtak and Richard Hoagland have all lectured at the United Nations in New York. And individuals connected with The Nine are also known to have influence with Vice-President Al Gore.
Of course, if The Nine really are the ancient gods of Egypt, then surely there could be fewer more significant events than their return. One may be justified in thinking that the more leading politicians who fall under their influence the better; but are they really the ancient Ennead of Egypt? Can it be that they have actually returned to sort us all out, scattering love and enlightenment from their high moral ground?

Tom, in The Only Planet of Choice, chooses his words carefully as he explains that all the races of the Earth were seeded from space-gods – except one, the "indigenous race", the blacks. He is very careful to urge us not to make an issue out of this. After all, it’s not the black race’s fault that they have no divine spark like the rest of us.

But The Nine’s influence does not extend merely to New Age channelling circles. Andrija Puharich, James Hurtak and Richard Hoagland have all lectured at the United Nations in New York. And individuals connected with The Nine are also known to have influence with Vice-President Al Gore.
Of course, if The Nine really are the ancient gods of Egypt, then surely there could be fewer more significant events than their return. One may be justified in thinking that the more leading politicians who fall under their influence the better; but are they really the ancient Ennead of Egypt? Can it be that they have actually returned to sort us all out, scattering love and enlightenment from their high moral ground?

Tom, in The Only Planet of Choice, chooses his words carefully as he explains that all the races of the Earth were seeded from space-gods – except one, the "indigenous race", the blacks. He is very careful to urge us not to make an issue out of this. After all, it’s not the black race’s fault that they have no divine spark like the rest of us.

Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the history of The Nine is its relationship to the career of Andrija Puharich. Recent research has revealed Puharich to have a distinctly sinister side. As an Army doctor in the 1950s, he was deeply involved with the CIA’s notorious MKULTRA mind control project (see panel). He – together with the infamous Dr Sidney Gottlieb – experimented with a variety of techniques to change or induce actual thought processes… even to creating the impression of voices in the head. These techniques included the use of drugs, hypnosis and beaming radio signals directly into the subject’s brain. And, significantly, he was engaged in this work at exactly the same time that The Nine made their first appearance at the Round Table Foundation. The Foundation itself is now known to have been largely funded by the Pentagon as a front for its medical and parapsychological research. Puharich was still working for the CIA in the early 1970s, when he brought Uri Geller out of Israel.
Puharich’s use of hypnosis is particularly interesting in The Nine circle. In the case of Uri Geller and Bobby Horne, he first hypnotised them and then suggested that they were in touch with The Nine – and lo, they were! Ira Einhorn – a close associate of Puharich’s during the 1970s – confirmed to us that he believed that Puharich was "humanly directing" The Nine communications.

The evidence we have gathered strongly suggests that Tom and his fellow gods originated, not in the stars, but behind closed doors as part of a CIA mind control experiment. And what happened to that experiment? Now with hundreds of thousands of devotees, some in very high places, can The Nine be deemed a success? Of course, that depends very much on what the CIA had in mind. With their subtle racist propaganda, perhaps the flaky New Age Nine should worry the hell out of us.

A fully annotated version of this article appears in Fortean Times 126

©John Brown Publishing / Fortean Times 99

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:35 am    Post subject: 00Heaven: Shayler thinks he's the chosen one Reply with quote

outsider wrote:

I take any opportunity to tell people that the Devil rules this world, rewards those who serve him, and screws up those who don't. This would explain why rotten people get to the top, and those who try to do good get it in the neck.
On at least three occasions in the New Testament, Jesus refers to the Devil as the 'Prince of this World'. The Devil would himself seem to agree - check out the full version of my signature in Luke (I couldn't put the full quote because of limit on words) below.
I don't doubt that David is genuine in his (erroneous) beliefs; like so many prophets and seers before him, as you suggest, he just has his 'Gods' mixed up.

I can figure it out very easily. The Devil, who creates all our problems, can also take them away, and does so when it suits him, for instance when he has conned someone into taking the wrong path. He can cure illnesses, give 'Second Sight' (to Witches and Masons) and provide wealth to the suckers who fall for his 'intuitions' or 'revelations'.

Nice one Outsider.
We are also expressly told in Mathew 24:4-5 that... 'Jesus answered and said unto them, take heed that no man decieve you. For many shall come in my name [Yeshuah is Christ's actual name and Jesus the Greek translation], saying, I am Christ, and shall decieve many.'

And there is another basic fact that Dave's 'coming out' has missed - that the Messiah has already come and will not come again until the great showdown between the forces of truth and the forces of darkness at Armageddon. As Dave is basing so much of this messiah trip on Biblical evidence he'd do well to take note of that.
see Revelation 19:11 to 20:6

I doooo like this headline Wink
00Heaven: Shayler thinks he's the chosen one
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_artic le_id=474364&in_page_id=1770

I'm God, says renegade spy David Shayler
by SAM GREENHILL - More by this author » Last updated at 22:45pm on 9th August 2007

As an MI5 whistleblower and fugitive, former spy David Shayler's powers as an agent of the state were revoked.

But now he claims to have more powers than anyone on Earth could possibly imagine.

For, after a period of reflection following his jailing for breaching the Official Secrets Act, Mr Shayler has concluded that he is the Messiah.

00Heaven: Shayler thinks he's the chosen one

Last night, proclaiming himself 'God', he explained: "What I'd say to people is: Do I look mentally ill? Do I sound mentally ill?

"The reason I'm putting out this message is because I am absolutely convinced - as convinced as I can be of anything in this world - that the universe is changing shape and humanity has to prepare for that, and that I am here to help teach people."........

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Last edited by TonyGosling on Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I wonder what Annie has to say on David's revelations?... She does know him better than most. Confused
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 11:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Imho individuals are completely irrelevant.

Basing the credibility of any campaign on who said what, rather than on what was said and how well it was proven, is a recipe for failure.

Anyone can be bought off / go crazy. The truth can't.

Most of the corporate media is owned. Still awaiting for sympathy there?

Shayler is a high-profile individual whose claims struck at the core of the western establishment; anyone thinks they would just leave him alone?

The only way forward is activism, i.e. more and more and more of this:

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moeen yaseen
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 11:29 am    Post subject: Shayler- Manchurian candidate? Reply with quote


These statements by David Shayler are NOT only outrageous and blasphemous but beyond a joke as reported now in the Daily Mail. It is one thing claiming to be a 9/11 truth activist but entirely another claiming to be a Messiah. By mixing the two will lead the 9/11 truth movement to be a joke here. It will prevent many open minded truth seekers coming near this movement. As stated earlier this movement needs a damage limitation exercise NOW. As the stakes are too high we as a movement need to distance ourselves fast from this guy. For a start ALL references to him on this site should be deleted and erased by those responsible for this site. All genuine truth seeking activists up and down the country must ensure and not rest until this is done. People should get on the phone and email demanding this NOW or be seen as colluding with this. It is clear that this movement has become a target of forces seeking to discredit it- TRUTH must not be allowed to be dumped in the gutter.
I would suggest to Ian and Noel move immediately otherwise there will not be many people coming here again. Laughing
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John White
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 11:43 am    Post subject: Re: Shayler- Manchurian candidate? Reply with quote

moeen yaseen wrote:

These statements by David Shayler are NOT only outrageous and blasphemous but beyond a joke as reported now in the Daily Mail. It is one thing claiming to be a 9/11 truth activist but entirely another claiming to be a Messiah. By mixing the two will lead the 9/11 truth movement to be a joke here. It will prevent many open minded truth seekers coming near this movement. As stated earlier this movement needs a damage limitation exercise NOW. As the stakes are too high we as a movement need to distance ourselves fast from this guy. For a start ALL references to him on this site should be deleted and erased by those responsible for this site. All genuine truth seeking activists up and down the country must ensure and not rest until this is done. People should get on the phone and email demanding this NOW or be seen as colluding with this. It is clear that this movement has become a target of forces seeking to discredit it- TRUTH must not be allowed to be dumped in the gutter.
I would suggest to Ian and Noel move immediately otherwise there will not be many people coming here again. Laughing

I fundamentally disagree. "Energy flows where attention goes": if we started making dramatic dis-assciation statements re Shayler, we would actually attract lots of attention that could well undermine the credibility fo the campaign, wheras in fact the press re Shaylers pronouncments are not linking him to the campaign at all: for a very good reason! Hes not linked to the campaign!. We've had a "no offical spokesmen" clause since we started precisely for the very reason that stuff like this always has the potential to happen, and if the MSM tried to trash the campaign on the back of Shaylers credibility we could therefore pwn them mightily and get a lot of positive publicity as a result (so bring it on!)

The BEST course of action, IMHO, is for more and more of ustoget out there, doign talks, getting on phone ins, getting interviews, and spreading our take on 9/11 truth as far and wide as we can. The diversity of an entire cmapaign of self motivated spokesmen is ultimately worth 1000 Shayler's anyday

Regarding feeling's of insult over Shaylers claims... well thats up to the individual's conscience. Can't be doing bothering with that myself, lifes too short to waste on feeling insulted, but if anyone must, I suggest taking it up with shayler directly: hes responsible for himself, after all

(well at least we hope!)

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 12:27 pm    Post subject: Re: Shayler- Manchurian candidate? Reply with quote

John White wrote:

The BEST course of action, IMHO, is for more and more of ustoget out there, doign talks, getting on phone ins, getting interviews, and spreading our take on 9/11 truth as far and wide as we can. The diversity of an entire cmapaign of self motivated spokesmen is ultimately worth 1000 Shayler's anyday

I couldn't agree more.

Any pyramid-like structure is bound to fail, as the banksters and their cronies will chop off the top all too easily.

This is reminiscent of what lies at the core of this struggle: central control vs. individual action.

Let's be imaginative and brave, they can never win this.
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Sherlock Holmes
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 2:07 pm    Post subject: Answer to: Is David Shayler "The Manchurian Candidate?? Reply with quote

To answer Tony's question directly.

Is David Shayler "The Manchurian Candidate??"

Answer: NO

David Shayler is the MMM (Marijuana and Magic Mushroom) candidate.

Laughing Laughing Exclamation
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Anthony Lawson
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 2:10 pm    Post subject: Is it not Possible that David Shayler is the New Messiah? Reply with quote

Is it not Possible that David Shayler is the New Messiah?

Is this forum concerned that David Shayler’s claims might be too outrageous? Are they any more outrageous than those made by, or about, Moses, Noah, Jesus, Mohamed or any other of those ancients who claimed to be a messenger of ‘God’ or who had been given insight into the way ‘He’ wanted his creations to behave?

And were not David’s predecessors all under some kind of earthly strain?

Whatever is thought about David, he is a fellow human being who appears to have done what he believes to be the right thing, in extremely difficult personal circumstances and very troubled times. He needs and deserves the full support of this forum and particularly the support and care of any members who are personally acquainted with him.

The truth won't set you free, but identifying the liars could help make the world a better place.
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The Watcher
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 2:46 pm    Post subject: Messianic possibility! Reply with quote

Anthony Lawson asked:
Is it not Possible that David Shayler is the New Messiah?

It is of course possible but I would like to hang on to the belief that as and when the New Messiah does put in an appearance, he (or she) would not be quite so reliant on Mushrooms, Ayahusaca, Iboga or Skunk to maintain their contact with the other realms.

I would encourage reflection upon the Stuart Wilde articles posted earlier in this thread by John White. Stuart writes from personal experience and David Shayler would be well advised to read and reflect upon the relevence to his current state of self-perception.

The Watcher
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John White
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 2:47 pm    Post subject: Re: Is it not Possible that David Shayler is the New Messiah Reply with quote

Anthony Lawson wrote:
Is it not Possible that David Shayler is the New Messiah?

Is this forum concerned that David Shayler’s claims might be too outrageous? Are they any more outrageous than those made by, or about, Moses, Noah, Jesus, Mohamed or any other of those ancients who claimed to be a messenger of ‘God’ or who had been given insight into the way ‘He’ wanted his creations to behave?

And were not David’s predecessors all under some kind of earthly strain?

Whatever is thought about David, he is a fellow human being who appears to have done what he believes to be the right thing, in extremely difficult personal circumstances and very troubled times. He needs and deserves the full support of this forum and particularly the support and care of any members who are personally acquainted with him.

If shayler is the messiah, he can get in line with the rest of them, the spiritual awakening scene is replete with them... did you check the stewie wilde articles on Claridad?

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moeen yaseen
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 4:14 pm    Post subject: Shayler- Manchurian candidate? Reply with quote

John White as a moderator should pay more heed to the disquiet among 9/11 activists here and there are many if not the majority who do not wish in ANYWAY to be associated with an individual who claims to be the Messiah. As I stated immediately on this forum once I heard of this either we accept or reject him. His association here should be eliminated and ALL references to him here deleted including and most glaringly his picture on the home page. This serves to directly associate us with him and needs immediate revision and action. As a Truth Movement it discredits us are we an AD AGENCY for his ego and work? This will be used by some malicious MSM journalist for undermining this movement.
I can envisage this homepage being billed SHAYLER.com if this advice is not heeded.
I would urge readers here not to be taken in by some rather naive and foolish statements tolerating Shayler on this platform. Indeed we should not rest until this house is cleaned up. The moderators and webmaster should listen to the concerns of 9/11 truth activists.
Secondly why has Tony locked the thread on David Shayler as the new Messiah? There should be continuity in the discussion rather than unilateral and arbitrary cutting off the thread. Laughing
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 4:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Posted by Muncher at the July 7th Forum

http://z13.invisionfree.com/julyseventh/index.php?s=e39e5bc1da2d972e8c 33571373537e24&showtopic=613&st=126&#entry12667440

Muncher wrote:
David Shaylor interviewed by Stephen Nolan on Radio Five Live last night.

http://upload2.net/page/download/kEgRyqeO9X0t4Dw/2007-08-11+BBC+Radio+ Five+Live+-+David+Shaylor.mp3.html

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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John White
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 5:24 pm    Post subject: Re: Shayler- Manchurian candidate? Reply with quote

moeen yaseen wrote:
John White as a moderator should pay more heed to the disquiet among 9/11 activists here and there are many if not the majority who do not wish in ANYWAY to be associated with an individual who claims to be the Messiah. As I stated immediately on this forum once I heard of this either we accept or reject him. His association here should be eliminated and ALL references to him here deleted including and most glaringly his picture on the home page. This serves to directly associate us with him and needs immediate revision and action. As a Truth Movement it discredits us are we an AD AGENCY for his ego and work? This will be used by some malicious MSM journalist for undermining this movement.
I can envisage this homepage being billed SHAYLER.com if this advice is not heeded.
I would urge readers here not to be taken in by some rather naive and foolish statements tolerating Shayler on this platform. Indeed we should not rest until this house is cleaned up. The moderators and webmaster should listen to the concerns of 9/11 truth activists.
Secondly why has Tony locked the thread on David Shayler as the new Messiah? There should be continuity in the discussion rather than unilateral and arbitrary cutting off the thread. Laughing

Well Tony locked the other thread for the obvious reason of only needing one thread to discuss the Shayler issue

Regarding your other points, forgive me, but as a moderator, I like to take the moderate view... if you want to take you concerns further, I suggest a pm to Ian and Mick and by all means start a poll "do you want to see Shayler's image taken off the front page etc": as far as deleting threads goes however, my response would be: no way, we dont do historical revision, we are better than that

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Sherlock Holmes
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:01 pm    Post subject: Re: Shayler- Manchurian candidate? Reply with quote

moeen yaseen wrote:

I would urge readers here not to be taken in by some rather naive and foolish statements tolerating Shayler on this platform. Indeed we should not rest until this house is cleaned up. The moderators and webmaster should listen to the concerns of 9/11 truth activists. Laughing

To a great extend I agree with Moeen, the fact is the main stream media is desperate to paint the 9/11 7/7 truth movement as a cult, being led by cultish evangelists. The main stream media controlled by the establishment sees the alternative media as a MAJOR threat, so will leap on anything to destroy it.

All the work done by the thousands of 'little' people going around giving out DVDs and talking to people 1 to 1 is for nothing. The media are going to interview David, interview David and interview David, and all this messiah nonsense will be rammed down our throats until we choke to death. He will be in the Sun next week I'm sure of it. This is all they needed to destroy the credibility of the 'conspiracy cult' it will be like no planes all over again but 1000 times worse. Forget the science/forget the evidence, the sound bite is what counts. In fact it was 'no planes' that prevented me from looking at 9/11 until August 2005, so as a disinformation tactic it works really well.

MI5 and the military industrial complex in the UK think of Shayler as the gift that doesn't stop giving.
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