Hi zoomer... I don't just believe the first thing I see, I assure you. Nor am I saying I can prove it. What I am saying is a whole range of things lead me to this as being possible. As I can't prove it at all its not something worth debating really, but it is my opinion.
I certainly do not believe Patrick Moore or much that comes out of NASA.
This is like 'reverse' info. The more they deny some of the stuff, the more I suspect there's something going on.
How do we really know anything about these planets? I can't examine them myself can I?
We'll see... but I wish we had Guns in this country!
If I were an advanced alien lifeform sightseeing in my spaceship I'd disguise it as a commercial aeroplane and who'd know any different? _________________ Govern : To control
Maybe the UFO's are closer to home than you thought.
There are a group of people who believe that the earth is hollow and us humans (the primitive barbarians) live on the surface of the planet whilst the more advanced civilised life forms live within the earth.
The main entrances to the centre of the earth are the North and South Poles (have you wondered why the USA have airbases there)
To All Interested Scientists, Explorers and Friends of our North Pole Inner Earth Expedition,
***** Eleventh UPDATE *****
RE: North Pole Inner Earth Expedition Introductory Documentary DVD
With the passing of our dear friend and former expedition organizer Steve Currey, who died of brain cancer July 26, 2006, expedition members have regrouped and chosen a new expedition leader, Dr. Brooks Agnew.
Dr. Agnew had joined our expedition shortly before Steve passed away, and offered to take over the leadership after Steve's passing. The expedition now has as it's leader and expedition organizer a credentialed, world renowned scientist, Dr. Brooks Agnew. We are very grateful that he has offered to carry on our quest.
With the election of Dr. Agnew as our new expedition organizer, the expedition to Inner Earth has been renamed the North Pole Inner Earth Expedition. A new company has been formed to carry out this expedition. Our company is now Advanced Planetary Explorations, LLC, under the auspices of our Phoenix Science Foundation. The expedition is now scheduled to leave Murmansk, Russia aboard the Russian nuclear icebreaker, The Yamal, in the summer of 2008.
To do this, we must raise the funds to pay the $2 million for the cost of this expedition. The deposit deadline to reserve the Yamal is January 31, 2008. To raise these funds we are inviting you to purchase our expedition introductory documentary DVD.
You can learn more about our North Pole Inner Earth Expedition, by visiting our website at http://www.phoenixsciencefoundation.org/APEX.htm. Dr. Agnew recently returned from Tibet where he filmed footage for our expedition documentary. The expedition introductory documentary DVD is now available at his Internet radio station website at http://www.x2-radio.com/shop and http://www.phoenixsciencefoundation.org/. With enough sales of our documentary DVD, we could fund the expedition ourselves and thus reserve to the expedition company all film rights. We invite you to purchase a copy to help us fund the expedition.
We are of the opinion that this expedition will be the greatest expedition in the history of the world. Whereas Columbus discovered a new continent, we will discover a whole new world -- that world within our world -- Inner Earth. And you will be part of this discovery with your support and interest in what we discover.
With the successful conclusion of this expedition to Inner Earth, we may be able to eventually embark on planetary explorations to other worlds carried out by we, the people -- not government agencies that are intent on hiding what they discover from the tax payers. Nevertheless, we are grateful for what they do share with us.
Recent Cassini images coming back from Saturn have revealed unusual formations at both poles that most likely are indications of polar openings into the interior of that planet. You can view the south polar opening image here. And the north polar opening image of Saturn here.
Curiously, the north polar opening of Saturn has a hexagonal shape. Since orthodox science claims that Saturn is an entirely gaseous planet, this hexagonal shaped polar feature is inexplicable to them. A hexagonal shaped polar opening? Only a creative creator would create such a thing! He did this probably to stump our atheist scientists.
How in the universe could a hexagonal shaped feature occur on a gaseous planet? It has SIX straight sides! This hexagonal shaped feature has endured for over two decades when it was first imaged by the Voyager spacecrafts. Such an enduring feature with straight sides indicates this is a surface feature of the planet. Which strongly indicates that Saturn has a solid surface and is not an entirely gaseous planet as orthodox science would have us believe.
If Saturn has a solid surface as this hexagonal polar opening indicates, then Saturn would have to be a hollow planet. The reason is that Saturn does not have enough mass to be solid all the way through. In my ebook, I have calculated that if Saturn has a shell that is perhaps 5% of it's diameter, it would have a shell density of 2.27 gm/cc, which would be a solid. Earth's average surface density is 2.7 by comparison. You can read NASA's article on Cassini's images of the "Bizarre Hexagon" on Saturn's north pole here.
You can read NASA's article on what I claim is the south polar opening of Saturn here. NASA scientists are calling the south polar opening of Saturn the "eye of a monster storm." But unlike hurricanes and cyclones on earth which move about, this "monster storm" doesn't move. It seems to be attached to the solid surface of the planet. Curiously, exactly where this "eye of a monster storm" that doesn't move is located at Saturn's south pole, in February of 2005, scientists at the Keck Observatory in Hawaii reported a "hot spot." NASA scientists have a hard time explaining how temperatures on Saturn "take a sudden jump from about 30 degrees south with another sharp rise at the very tip of the pole." But this is exactly what we would expect if Saturn is hollow with polar openings and warm air emanating out the polar openings.
And not only warm air, but auroral radiation has been observed emanating from the polar regions of Saturn. NASA's Cassini spacecraft has detected electrons emanating out of Saturn's north polar area, as you can read in this Space Daily article. This auroral radiation is called "backward electrons."
NASA scientists call this auroral radiation coming from the polar area "backward electrons" because they claim that auroras are caused only by our outer sun. These "backward" flowing electrons emanating out of the polar area is evidence that the auroral radiation comes from INSIDE the planet, not from our outer sun. In fact, the solar wind from our outer sun upon approaching a planet is deflected AROUND the planet by the planet's own electromagnetic field, and so CANNOT create the auroras on any planet. Saturn has beautiful auroras at both poles as imaged by the space Hubble telescope.
This evidence indicates to us that Saturn is actually hollow, and it's brilliant aurora is caused by it's Inner Sun which emanates a powerful solar wind of electrons and protons OUT of Saturn's polar openings which then follow the electromagnetic field lines of the planet AWAY from the polar area. This powerful Inner Sun solar wind is what causes the auroras to light up on all the planets including earth. While in Alaska in 1981, I watched the auroral radiation flowing UP causing the light of the aurora.
Even NASA has reported a polar fountain of energized particles emanating from the polar area to fill the magnetosphere of the earth. This polar fountain of energized particles most likely is what lighting up the auroral lights. Our conclusion of this evidence is that the auroral lights are NOT caused by our outer sun, but by an Inner Sun suspended within the hollow of each planet.
Not only is the planet Saturn most likely hollow, with a solid shell, with polar openings that emanate heat and auroral radiation from it's Inner Sun, but all planets, moons and stars most likely are HOLLOW and very likely inhabited within!
You are invited to be part of the great discoveries that are on the horizon beginning with our expedition in search of the north polar opening into Inner Earth next year.
You are invited to order our documentary DVD available at http://www.x2-radio.com/shop and soon to be made available on Amazon.com to learn more about our expedition and the things we are discovering.
We only have 100 seats available on the expedition, and 24 are reserved for previous expedition members, but applications are still being accepted. Your application COULD be one that is accepted. Unlike the previously planned Voyage to Our Hollow Earth defunct expedition, this expedition is not charging for a place on the ship. All expedition members will go free if they can get to the departure airport.
It is our hope that we can sell enough documentary DVDs to pay for the expedition. And unlike government sponsored expeditions that have kept their discoveries hidden from the people, we intend to let the whole world know what we find. So YOU, right now, are part of this expedition by just being interested in our progress and perhaps buying a DVD. Please DO let all your friends know how they can get a copy!
Joined: 24 Apr 2007 Posts: 179 Location: Manchester
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:14 pm Post subject:
Easy Rider wrote:
There are a group of people who believe that the earth is hollow and us humans (the primitive barbarians) live on the surface of the planet whilst the more advanced civilised life forms live within the earth.
The main entrances to the centre of the earth are the North and South Poles (have you wondered why the USA have airbases there)
Maybe you would like to volunteer for the next expedition?
Although, keeping in mind the subject of this thread, I'd just like to respond to that comment.
I feel it is an insult to all the Indigenous peoples who have been invaded, suffered genocide, slavery, torture and persecution as loss of their land and meaning of existence BY primitive barbarians, to assume that ALL peoples who live on Earth ( which actually is the most intelligent thing to do) are 'primitive barbarians'. That is the term the brutal soul dead evil invaders said about their victims, and published these lies in their history books!! _________________ keep asking questions!
I'm not sure i run with the idea that the earth is hollow and that people live on the inside and we live on the outside.
Yes there may well be people who think this, but then again there are some people who think the earth is flat (The Flat Earth Society).
But i tend to stick with the idea that ET's or EBE's as their sometimes called (Extrateresstrial Biologcial Entitiy's) are from other planets in our unverse, and the level of their technology enables them to come and visit us, traveling across the vast gulfs of space in an instant.
Just because we don't have that technology, dosen't mean to say that no other race in the universe dosen't have it.
Although i did read in a UFO book that there was a race of ET's that claim their home is under the north pole.
Hmmmmmmm............maybe, i don't know.
Also you seem to be fairly new to this forum Easy Rider (forgive me if i'm wrong).
So i'd just like to say welcome and i hope you find this forum as brilliant as i did when i joined, we have some great people here.
All the best Easy Rider.
By the way, i've emailed Nick Pope.
He used to run the british goverment's UFO project, i've emailed him with some questions about UFO's.
At this point in time i'm still waiting for his reply.
When he does, i'll post it on this thread. _________________ One sure way for evil to prevail, is for the good to do nothing.
Well as promised i will now post Nick Pope's response to my Email.
I got it a short while ago, it reads:
I can only speak with any authority in relation to the situation in the UK, and while it's true that the MoD has sought to downplay the subject, I've seen no evidence of a conspiracy to cover-up the truth about UFOs, and no 'smoking gun' that would prove the existence of extraterrestrials. I certainly support openness in relation to government information on UFOs, and indeed the MoD has already released numerous files and documents on the subject.
You asked me to recommend some sites for further study. It's hard to know where to begin, given the breadth of the subject and the vast amount of information available. If you could give me a more specific indication of any particular area(s) of interest (e.g. government documents, classic cases, abductions, how to get involved in UFO investigations) I'll give what advice I can.
Best wishes,
Nick Pope _________________ One sure way for evil to prevail, is for the good to do nothing.
Neal Adams was the artist who did Batman comics. Idea is not new, his graphics are good tho.
I would go further and say at some point the Earth was also bigger (not heavier). This would explain giantism (dinosaurs were clearly built for lower gravity)
Not usre about hollow Earth, but inflated Earth could be - most interstellar matter is hydrogen. Hydrogen protons can dissolve in iron under high HPT. Could have been outgassing from the core as planet cooled.
Hollow Earth requires a mechanism. I tried to find one, but was consistently thwarted by this
Now Newton was a Mason and may have been trying to mislead, but I cannot disprove the Shell Theorem. I did consider the formation of a hard crust by volcanic action becoming a self-supporting ball - like two opposing domes of St Paul's - ever expanding due to volcanic action... _________________ Belief is the Enemy of Truth www.dissential.com
I would go further and say at some point the Earth was also bigger (not heavier). This would explain giantism (dinosaurs were clearly built for lower gravity)
Dinosaurs came in all kinds of sizes, some were actually quite small (and they never flew or lived in water).
"I just got back from Clifford's house. He thought it would be good to mention this.
He just had a system crash at the same time he was trying to release some information to the public. His computer got infected with what seems to be multiple viruses. Probably know better tomorrow. It was getting late, I was not able, to help him get it all fixed up tonight. We threw one anti-virus program at it, and have another one running overnight."
Thiis was on the website that Cruise4 posted.
I hope that information that he was going to release didn't get destroyed as well and i hope he made several backups of that information.
If that info was destroyed it might be (or it would possibly seem) that this was a deliberate attack from someone or people that didn't want him to release this information.
It seems that there are a large number of people in goverment and possibly elsewhere that want to keep all this info about UFO's secret for their own selfish and greedy gain.
And they would do anything to slience those who would release such information.
I think it would be a good idea to learn their methords of silencing people and then devise ways to counter them so we can get the truth out to the people. _________________ One sure way for evil to prevail, is for the good to do nothing.
Levitation has been elevated from being pure science fiction to science fact, according to a study reported today by physicists.
In theory the discovery could be used to levitate a person
In earlier work the same team of theoretical physicists showed that invisibility cloaks are feasible.
Now, in another report that sounds like it comes out of the pages of a Harry Potter book, the University of St Andrews team has created an 'incredible levitation effects’ by engineering the force of nature which normally causes objects to stick together.
Professor Ulf Leonhardt and Dr Thomas Philbin, from the University of St Andrews in Scotland, have worked out a way of reversing this pheneomenon, known as the Casimir force, so that it repels instead of attracts.
What do they say - never believe what you read in the papers...
Of should we think, like Alan Watt, that what they tell us is vastly behind the curve?
Could be either. Telegraph is an establishment organ. _________________ Belief is the Enemy of Truth www.dissential.com
Joined: 24 Apr 2007 Posts: 179 Location: Manchester
Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 9:52 pm Post subject:
I went right off Alan Watt, after listening to this July podcast he did.
I had quite admired him in a way before. But he was talking about the Illuminati--as per usual--and started on the subject of the Hippies, and free love, and Tripping etc etc. And he tried to claim that it was all planned by the Illuminati. That it was H.G.Wells who first used the term in a book in 19th century. And how it was all devized to split the FAMILY......
It suddenly dawned on me listening to this BS, that what Alan Watt does is give the Illuminati almost omnipresent power. Suggesting that our every move, even trippin naked in the woods with a lover by a moonlight shadow ...has all been mapped out and preordained beforehand by the Illuminati masters
What this DISinformation does is disenfranchize our sense of creativity, self worth, and power, by creating the myth that the Illuminati pull ALL our strings.
of course this monotone orator just dishes this out in slow rants. he NEVER reponds to feedback from the commoners oh no. In the past I had sent him more than several emails, not once honoured with a reply. And this time, my message was a bit more critical and ...I dont expect any feedbacl coming from this dude. Too busy BShitting
Yes, Like ICke, some of the things he covers are quite on it, but also comes BS _________________ keep asking questions!
untill i saw one and saw and still see the subject being gatekept and ridiculed.
I dont think anyone is being ridiculed. But there is absolutely no evidence for the present existence of aliens.
Historically there may be some evidence. Pyramids, stongehenge, the chalk man, easter island, many of these aincient monuments have no logical reason to have been built nor do they have the obvious means to have been built.
But in the absense of proof and even a shred of circumstantial evidence. Aliens do not visit this planet currently.
The government will actually have good reasons NOT to withold the existence of aliens. It works in their favour. They can do what they like when they like, impose martial law and blame everything on the aliens.
But the reality is science.
The earth is surrounded by the Van Allen belts which protect the earth from solar and cosmic radiation. Outside the cocoon of this natural phenomenon it is impossible for organic life to exist. that is why nobody has been able to even visit the moon.
It is scientific fact and organic matter that exits the earths van allen belts is immediately fried. And vice versa. If aliens from another galaxy or a far away part of this one intend to visit earth, they would need to travel for not just years but generations to reach us. That is without even knowing anyone or anything was on this planet. Why would they choose to embark on such an endevour?
The cost in terms of lifes and resources. For what?
Would you walk all the way to Antarctica just to say hello and without first knowing anyone would be there to great you?
People like to escape and think about aliens because it provides hope, excuses, dreams, etc. But it really is not true. Who knows maybe we ourselves were once aliens.
Far better for us to concentrate on the here and now. Reality.
Gary McKinnon aparantly found evidence of aliens. But remember he would only find it if the pentagon wanted him to find it. Nobody puts the computer files online. You cannot just dial into someones pc and hack it. They have to first be connected to the web or you need to access the intranet somehow. If alien stuff was found i can bet you it is deliberate misinformation.
NWO wants you to be scared of aliens because that is their endgame. Personally i think we should be more scared of the plutonium bomb CASSINI that we have fired into Saturn and what effect that will have on us as a planet. It might be manmade doomsday.
The Lucifer project.
What do you mean.........nobody has been to the moon?
Human beings have been around for a minute fraction of time, less than the blink of an eye in terms of the age of the universe.
In this time, when you consider when the industrial revolution began, we have witnessed incredible advances in technology. The past century has seen our level of knowledge and our capabilities snowball, take for example the period of elapsed time between The Wright Brothers and the Space Shuttle.
To then make statements about what is possible and impossible, to use expressions like 'But the reality is science', is shortsighted nonsense. We are in no position whatsoever to say what a civilisation that has been evolving for millenia is capable of. Imagine trying to explain to a sea captain of the 1700's how we can now travel to Australia from England in one day!
I am not saying we been visited by other civilisations, but we have absolutely no clue what can be achieved, what modes or methods of transport might exist.
Last edited by telecasterisation on Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
Human beings have been around for a minute fraction of time, less than the blink of an eye in terms of the age of the universe..
And you have been around for even less time. Is it not extraordinary, given the age of the universe, that the human race, and more to the point, YOU, are alive in this present time. As Harry Hill would say - what are the chances of that happening... _________________ Belief is the Enemy of Truth www.dissential.com
Joined: 24 Apr 2007 Posts: 179 Location: Manchester
Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 6:50 pm Post subject:
rodin wrote:
zoomer wrote:
I went right off Alan Watt, after listening to this July podcast he did.
Ever heard Watt talk about the Holohoax? He is big on other hoaxes, like Apollo.
I am unconvinced as yet by chemtrails.
I must admit, I am not sure how to dig about the chemtrails....I wouldn't put it past them though spraying us like we were their pests.
I know Watt does talk some sense--as far as can see it anyhow, but like David Icke he goes over the top giving the Illuminati the awe i am sure they are greatful for. With Icke its the idea they are some kind of reptoid, and with Watt who himself dismisses that theory, he still sees them as almost omnipotent, regulating our every move
he doesn't see the contradiction he gets himself in when he says they devised free love and Hippie culture to dismantle the family. As any good Feminist worth her salt will tell you, all the 'FAMILY with Father in CONTROL' trip is one of the biggest oppressive systems designed BY men to control women, children, slaves and Nature _________________ keep asking questions!
And you have been around for even less time. Is it not extraordinary, given the age of the universe, that the human race, and more to the point, YOU, are alive in this present time. As Harry Hill would say - what are the chances of that happening...
Given that space is infinite, then so too are the potential outcomes. The odds of me existing somewhere are therefore infinitely higher than me not existing. In fact, I exist somewhere in the universe at any given moment.
I watched this lecture and from my point of view, it's brilliant. It helped me to connect many dots of the big picture. See if it makes any sense to you. _________________ There's no such thing as 'mistake', it's what you DO and what you DON'T.
Unfortunately the computer that i'm on at the moment dosen't like to play videos other than youtube videos.
Any attempt to play any other type of video from the net and my broadband gets disconnected and i have to completely restart my computer before i can get back on.
Can anyone explain why this should be and how i can correct this?. _________________ One sure way for evil to prevail, is for the good to do nothing.
I watched this lecture and from my point of view, it's brilliant. It helped me to connect many dots of the big picture. See if it makes any sense to you.
This man is not who he says he is, and is a charlatan! _________________ keep asking questions!
Joined: 11 Aug 2007 Posts: 4 Location: North London
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:53 am Post subject:
Louise wrote:
Hi free_spirit.
New member i see, welcome to these forums.
Unfortunately the computer that i'm on at the moment dosen't like to play videos other than youtube videos.
Any attempt to play any other type of video from the net and my broadband gets disconnected and i have to completely restart my computer before i can get back on.
Can anyone explain why this should be and how i can correct this?.
I can't tell you what's wrong with your internet, sorry 'bout that. Anyway, you can find this video in youtube as well. It's 2 hours lecture so there's like 20 parts in youtube. If you give a search with 'alex collier', you will get all of'em. _________________ There's no such thing as 'mistake', it's what you DO and what you DON'T.
Unfortunately the computer that i'm on at the moment dosen't like to play videos other than youtube videos.
Any attempt to play any other type of video from the net and my broadband gets disconnected and i have to completely restart my computer before i can get back on.
Can anyone explain why this should be and how i can correct this?.
First thing to do is check the PC's gender, this can be found under 'System' via the Control Panel. Female ones are notoriously fickle.
Then check for viruses and malware using Adaware and a good virus programme.
Do you have a DVD drive? Does this play purchased movies okay?
What error messages if any pop up when you are disconnected?
What programmes are you using to play videos that 'disconnect' your machine? Are we talking Windows Media Player? Have you tried playing a video with the machine physically disconnected from the net?
On second thoughts, a whole bunch more info is required first before going further.
Joined: 09 Jun 2006 Posts: 645 Location: UK Midlands
Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 8:11 pm Post subject:
free_spirit wrote:
I watched this lecture and from my point of view, it's brilliant. It helped me to connect many dots of the big picture. See if it makes any sense to you.
Alex Collier was visited by 4 Naval Intelligence officials circa 2000 - they threatened his family. This was followed up by a call from Frank Carlucci warning him to shut up as well. The more astute researchers will know that name immediately as one of the post JFK above-government gang along with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Armitage and Bobby Ray Innman etc.
So the people that dismiss the UFO/Exopolitics angle really need to ask themselves why someone telling such a "way out" story had the navy come knocking and was told to be quiet by the Bush & Co. ?? You think they risk showing themselves over nothing??
Some stuff Collier says is hard for people to take - but you weed out the parts that resonate with you. It seems however, from my forays into this field, that just like 9/11 - the actual "truths" are far stranger than we can suppose - as we all know, - 9/11 was not just a case of a few hijackers getting lucky. It is for this reason that we fought for really open debate on the 9/11 issues last year on this board . Therefore we maybe should learn from this and also allow things we may not feel comfortable with into our maps of what we think is going on.
Alex Collier is honest and straight forward. I challenge anyone to watch the material he is discussing, see how he acts/speaks/comes across and think he is hoaxing. He is not - he is telling the truth as he has been told it and his truth is, in my experience, way closer to what is really going on on this planet than the many other folks who like to think they have located some challenging information.
When you really start to expand and research round what Collier is saying... you realise how big this thing is and in turn this backs up what some of us have been trying to get over to a few ppl on this forum and others over the last year or so: 9/11 was just a blip on the historical novelty monitor. You cannot view it in isolation by endless debates about thermate, no-planes and "shills".
Until we start collectively accounting for the fact we are facing a military industrial EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL complex [MIEC] we will face this issue as toddlers not adults.
"We are so much the victims of abstraction that with the Earth in flames we can barely rouse ourselves to wander across the room and look at the thermostat." Terence McKenna
Note: In this video Collier describes his contacts as coming from a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT type scenario. I'm mentioning this to save those of you who recoil in horror at the mere mention of that concept and will thus ignore the other 1 and 45 mins because of it. Make sure you continue to let language run your reality... Karl Rove will be so pleased his job is done for him without really trying.
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