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David Shayler - Manchurian Candidate?
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm probably the only one who finds this funny.

Anyway, good luck to Dave in his search and let's hope we can all learn something from this.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

davegould wrote:
I'm probably the only one who finds this funny.

Anyway, good luck to Dave in his search and let's hope we can all learn something from this.

Not funny...just sad.

As far as learning something from this: from this point forward any and all intelligence assets or officers who "go public" on the behalf of 9/11 Truth need to be regarded with extra suspicion.

If they're sincere, they'll understand.

Can't stop 9/11 Truth!
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Tamborine man
Relentless Limpet Shill
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

TonyGosling wrote:
Adrian Connock wrote:
Not only has he jeopardised his reputation and everything he's ever stood for, but due to the nature of what he is 'channelling' he is now at risk of being used as a conduit by those wishing to promote the ever pervasive and often insidious end time theories.

There is a battle going on right now for hearts and minds to do with the End times. In readiness for the global chaos and crisis which is surely coming as night follows day.
My personal belief is that the forces of darkness will attempt to hoover up those hearts and minds with a man made religion using the following movement and ideas as the justification for a full-on attack on the very idea of God.

In an endeavour to lay to rest, once and for all, the naive and
immature beliefs and speculations in the 'end times', please allow me to
again make public two speeches. The first here is addressed to the Pope
and his successors, and the second which follows in the next post, is
addressed to the clercy.
They both speak for themselves:


I Christ, the eldest of the Youngest, speak unto you. Hear me, for I speak
in the name of our God and Father!

I speak unto you who are called the Vicar of God and Christ upon the Earth, I speak unto you in the name of God the Almighty.
Hear me! For you shall know that the office and the power that is held by you and by those who went before you rest upon false words! Never did I give unto Simon Peter "the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven". Never did I suffer him to loose, much less to bind, according to his own judgment and will.
This I say unto you, that you shall know that you are not the heir of Simon Peter, no more than were any of those who went before you.
Further you shall know that you cannot grant the forgiveness of sin in the name of our Father; for that which mankind has sinned against Almighty God, He alone can forgive; and that which human beings have sinned against one another, that they must themselves seek to forgive one another. Your absolutions are therefore dead and without power.
Furthermore, you shall know that our Father has never cursed, nor will He ever curse, any human being, no matter how much human beings have sinned against the divine and the earthly laws. And if God cannot and will not curse, how then can they who are called His Vicars do this?
Nay, never must you curse, neither in the name of God, nor in the name of Simon Peter. For do you this, then must you share the fate of many of those who went before you, for they have suffered much under the mighty curses which they have uttered.
Truly, I say unto you: you shall not curse but rather shall you bless in the name of our Father. And when you bestow your blessing, never forget to pray from deep in your heart unto our Father to confirm the blessing, that it may become a benefit unto those who are in need thereof. For you are not able to separate the worthy from the unworthy.
Be a father unto your congregation! Conduct yourself in such manner that all may love, honour and esteem you. Not as the heir of Simon Peter, nor even as the Vicar of God and Christ, but as the highest and most exalted authority of your Church.
And at the feasts of the Church, surround not yourself with an over-abundance of splendour and glory, as long as there are men, women and children in your congregation who must for ever beg for their daily bread, and whose clothes are soil and rags. But seek with the abundant means of the Church to make less some of the deep poverty and misery.
Be a teacher and a guide to the many servants of your Church and to each single member of your congregation; teach them, with the love of a child, in hope and in trust, to direct themselves in prayer unto God alone. Teach them that the many prayers unto the Virgin Mary and to the holy men and women for help, for intercession and protection do not benefit, nor have they ever been of benefit to humanity; for all the so-called saints must continue their journey through the many lives upon the Earth, as must all human beings, until at last they reach the goal: the Kingdom of God our Father.
You must also teach the servants of your Church and all those in your congregation that it will profit none to withdraw into austere cloisters behind forbidding walls, removed from the temptations, the struggle and the toil of life. Teach them that all who live as monks and nuns, that all who seclude themselves and that all who seek solitude for some years or for their lifetime, are breakers of the law. For all who conduct themselves in this manner follow not, but break the law which our Father has given for the progress of humanity toward the Light. For human beings are not sent unto the Earth to escape from Darkness, but to meet the evil in the numerous forms that it takes in life, to overcome sin and iniquity and to gain victory over the many temptations.
Teach them that God does not demand, nor has He ever demanded, that either men or women shall live and not be married; for our Father does not demand of human beings vows that deny human nature.
Teach them that the many penances and severe self-torments profit them nothing, that they only draw Darkness unto all who torment and maltreat their bodies. Teach them that those who would wilfully exhaust or weaken themselves in diverse painful ways, either according to the dictates of a cloister or of their free will, are not fully able to defend their spiritual selves against the treacherous onslaughts of Darkness. Teach that all who torment themselves are for ever afflicted by sinful and depraving thoughts because of the body's exceeding weakness.
Teach them also that the many good deeds that are done by the rule of church or cloister have no spiritual value, save that the doers are able to let these acts spring from the need of their own hearts to show love and compassion.
Further shall you teach them that the many sacraments of your church are needless and of no avail; teach them that only in the profound and fervent devotion of prayer do human beings meet with divine Thought and Will.
Yea, be you truly a father, a teacher and a guide for all who join with you; and be you of help to me in leading them all unto our common goal: our Father's Kingdom of Glory!

That which I have spoken unto you with these words I bid you carefully to consider; and for your own sake I bid you to seek counsel of your God and of your conscience. And when you have understood that my words are true, then must you do as I have said, then must you follow the way that I have hereby shown you!
Do my words not reach you who at this time* hold office as the Vicar of God and Christ, then are you without blame, then shall my words concern your successor, then is he your heir. Yea, my words concern not you alone, but all who come after you.


continued next post.

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Tamborine man
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 2:34 am    Post subject: 'The second coming' has been! Reply with quote

following is the speech to the clercy:

I speak unto you who are called the servants of the Most High or servants of the Church, to whichever nation, to whichever faith you may belong and whatever office, high or lowly, you may hold within your holy community. I speak unto you all, by whichever name you know your deity, and whether you submit to one god or to many gods. Hear me! For my words concern you all.
Would you be servants of the Most High, then must you strive to keep His commandments, strive to abide by His laws. Then must you teach all who join with you and heed your preachings that God is One, that there are not two, nor three, nor many gods. Then shall you teach that God the Almighty is the Creator and Father of the immortal spirits of human beings, but that He did not create their mortal bodies.
Yea, truly I say unto you: would you be the servants of God, then must you all serve Him in spirit and in truth; then shall you speak gentle, loving and simple words to all who in doubt, despair and remorse turn to you for help and guidance; then shall you with tireless constancy comfort and strengthen the weak, the despondent and the faltering; never shall you speak hard, condemning words to the living, and even less shall you speak ill of the dead; never, so as to assert your authority and your power, shall you threaten with eternal damnation, nor menace with the punishments and torments of Hell.
Never must you teach that the human spirit after life upon the Earth will live again in the bodies of beasts, nor that the spiritual self after many burdensome but gainful journeyings will be engulfed by the great nothingness - will sink into a state of eternal impassivity.
Neither shall you teach that self-torments and penances are pleasing unto God. And never must you perform blood sacrifice* to the honour of the Most High; no human being*, no beast of the field nor bird of the air shall you sacrifice; for all such deeds are the dreadful inventions of Darkness.
Be helpful and compassionate toward all who are poor or sick or wretched; let your churches, temples and meeting houses be open unto all, that every grieving and every suffering person may at all times, on days of work or on days of rest, kneel before the altar to seek strength and comfort in fervent prayer unto their God and Father; and that all who so desire may walk in peace and tranquillity within the places of beauty that are hallowed and consecrated unto our Father.
And when on days of rest or holy celebration you are gathered with your congregation, then must you teach them to submit unto the guiding hand of our Father with the trust, hope and love of a child, then must you teach them that songs of praise and thanksgiving shall stem from the deepest depths of their hearts. Then shall you teach them that all outward and empty forms of worship are of no avail, that all sacraments are needless.

Further, I say unto you all: would you be God's servants, then shall you not unceasingly quarrel and dispute with one another over the ancient words and doctrines of faith that are received from the many writings of your forefathers. Then shall you not constantly maintain that your own church and your own faith is the only true one and the only way unto salvation. And never must you by the sword or by decree compel others to accept your faith and your opinion.
Seek rather that all shall meet in common yearning for the pure, the exalted and the divine. Yea, seek you all to meet in your common yearning for the love of a Father and the righteousness of a God.

What I have said unto you with these words I ask you all carefully to consider; seek counsel of God and of your conscience, and never act against your inner conviction! When you have then understood that my words are true, then be of help to me in guiding your brothers and sisters unto the common goal: our Father's Kingdom of Glory.

*)When human beings make God their highest war-lord, every loss of
life in battle becomes a blood sacrifice to His honour; and when the
clercy consecrate soldiers prior to combat they become participants in,
and accessories to, the human sacrifice of war.


Bearing in mind the ominous and dreadful signs we all detect and sense
are at play, and certainly does not look good for the future, I thought it
well worth while to print these speeches so everyone could see that
there's no real need to loose hope....yet!
Circulate these speeches in your congregations, and they will surely bear

I thank you very much for allowing the speeches to stand. Other forums
would have deleted them!

Gratefully yours
Tamborine man

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John White
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 2:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

davegould wrote:
I'm probably the only one who finds this funny.

Anyway, good luck to Dave in his search and let's hope we can all learn something from this.

Have you dropped censorship on that site of yours yet?

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't censor any of my sites. Feel free to post on Talk Bristol.

If you're talking about the central NO2ID forum, yes we restrict discussion purely to ID cards and the database state. Given that interrogations are starting next month, it's part of managing our focus and credibility. I couldn't change that principle if I wanted to.

I'm not sure you why you posted that question here (as opposed to PMing me etc). Are public attacks on guests encouraged here?
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John White
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

davegould wrote:
I don't censor any of my sites. Feel free to post on Talk Bristol.

If you're talking about the central NO2ID forum, yes we restrict discussion purely to ID cards and the database state. Given that interrogations are starting next month, it's part of managing our focus and credibility. I couldn't change that principle if I wanted to.

I'm not sure you why you posted that question here (as opposed to PMing me etc). Are public attacks on guests encouraged here?

Just a question, which procured an answer: if I go over to NO2Id and post Academic level information about the emergent survaillance technology it will be deleted, becuase the only ID issue that counts is little plastic cards intoduced by a Labour Government

So its fine, the BBC and mainstream british press can all feature information promoting, for example, human microchipping, but don't talk about it at NO2ID: and especially no reason to be concerned about anything the corporations might be doing: its just about an Act of Parliment

(well.... while we've still got a meaningful parliment!)

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 5:18 pm    Post subject: Re: 'The second coming' has been! Reply with quote

Tamborine man wrote:
I thank you very much for allowing the speeches to stand. Other forums would have deleted them!

Gratefully yours
Tamborine man

No problem. It is not the job of moderators to 'judge' the value of these speeches one way or another. The religious and the non-religious are all welcome to speak their own truth here and it is the responsibility of the reader to discern whether or not it adds to their understanding of the truth or whether or not they merit comment.
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The Watcher
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 8:10 am    Post subject: The MI5 Messiah Reply with quote

The MI5 Messiah: Why David Shayler believes he's the son of God


Last updated at 22:03pm on 15th August 2007

David Shayler is sitting before me - slim, tanned, sockless, dressed from top-to-toe in white and very, very chatty.

"I am the messiah and hold the secret of eternal life," he starts excitedly. "It all came about quite suddenly.

"First I started meditating, then I learnt how to channel the "light", and the more research I did - into Freemasonry, the Knights Templar, Kabbalah - the more convinced I became that I was the Christ."

Jesus Christ? "No, Jesus of the New Testament is an archetype," he explains patiently. "His name derives from the 13th Name of God in Kabbalah, which helps activate the Messiah consciousness within us.

"I was, though, crucified with a crown of thorns and nails then incarnated as Astronges, a Jewish revolutionary put to death by the Romans at around the end of the last century BC ...It explained why in this life I had funny shaped wrists and ankles..."

Had? "Yes, look," he says, proffering his tanned arms. "They've pretty much corrected themselves now I've acknowledged the crucifixion - but there used to be big hollows where nails had been bashed in."

The last decade has been a tough one for the former MI5 officer.

Ten years ago this month, he gave a shocking whistle-blowing interview in the Mail on Sunday accusing both MI5 and MI6 of mismanagement and illegal activities and alleging that MI6 had been involved in a failed assassination attempt on the Libyan leader, Colonel Gaddafi.

The story caused a national scandal. David fled to France with his girlfriend, fellow intelligence officer Annie Machon, and finally, after three years in exile and four months in a French jail, returned home in August 2000 to public vilification, threats, a court case, six month jail sentence and a ruined career.

He was bright, unafraid, articulate, angry and, in his decision to breach the Official Secrets Act, either terribly stupid or terribly brave.

Today, he is still bright and articulate and seems terribly well. Until he opens his mouth.

"It was in June that a psychic channelled the spirit of Mary Magdalene and anointed me the messiah and, finally, my whole life made sense.

I realised why I seem to get such a strange deal from the universe, when I've spent my life trying to tell the truth about everything."

He also claims he can affect the weather, prevent terrorist attacks and influence football results. Oh, and that the Rod of Aaron - the staff said to have been carried by Moses's brother - has an anagram written on it in Hebrew which translated says: 'David Shayler, Righteous King'.

"I was decoding it - after all, that's what I was trained to do - and I suddenly realised it goes David S, H, A... and that someone's trying to tell me, because this is the ineffable name of God, someone's trying to tell you you're God..."

And in recent years he's been scratching a living giving talks to conspiracy theorists about the September 11 attacks - last year he was ridiculed for insisting that the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre were brought down by a U.S. Government conspiracy using "missiles surrounded by holograms made to look like planes".

But this is on a whole different scale. It was back in April that he performed what he calls his first and greatest miracle - securing his beloved team Middlesbrough a place in the UEFA Cup Final.

"It was the quarter-final against Basle and we were 3-0 down after the first leg and needed four goals in the second match to win. I sat there, said to the creator, "give me a sign" and meditated - which is tricky at a football match, because every instinct is to abuse the ref and the opposition and, instead you have to shower them with unconditional love. But I managed to focus and we played like we'd never played before, winning 4-0."

He did it again in the semi-final, against Bucharest.

"Again we were 3-0 down, again I meditated and, bang, we won - a real miracle."

So what about the final, when Middlesbrough lost 4-0 to Seville?

"Ah... interesting question," he says, looking sheepish. "I got drunk and it turns out it doesn't work if you're drunk. You can't focus."

After that, he claims the 'creator' informed him that influencing football results - however dear to his heart - was not an appropriate use of the light. So he changed tack.

"On 28 June, I was told I had to remove darkness from London. I wasn't sure what it was all about, but I stayed up all night meditating and, the next morning, I heard a bomb had been found but no one had been hurt. That was my miracle."

I look up sharply, but he is deadly serious. He claims to be under enormous pressure from his 'higher self' to spread the word. "Suddenly I knew that my mission was to inform humanity about the changes in the universe and spread the spiritual rules of unconditional love, unconditional sharing, never judging and having faith in the universe. If I can convince just one person, it'll be worth it.

"It's hard sometimes, when people say things like, "gosh, he sounds quite articulate, but he's totally mad", but the message is too powerful to ignore."

He has certainly been under a lot of other pressure in his life.

On his and Annie's return to the UK in 2000, he was arrested and held in Belmarsh prison for three weeks before being charged with three counts of breaching the Official Secrets Act. In November 2002 after representing himself in court, he received a six-month sentence.

He was released after just seven weeks, but his life was in tatters.

"It was a nightmare. It'd taken enormous courage to go on the record and I'd risked everything for the truth - my family, my girlfriend, my life - and ended up with no job, no future, no money. I was blacklisted by the secret service and no one would employ me."

None of his 1997 allegations have since been proved wrong.

Rather tellingly, he claimed that Britain's spies were unable to deal with the growing threat of global terrorism, that MI5's obsession with bureaucracy and secrecy prevented crucial information being used to stop bombings and that insufficient agents and inept decision-making meant that terrorist groups were not properly monitored.

"At the end of 2004 I tried meditation - I was so desperate, I'd have tried anything - and my life began to change for the better."

Sadly, his 14-year relationship with Annie could not weather the strain. They split last year and, last week she wrote in a newspaper article that he was a changed man, obsessed with Kabbalah, deeply paranoid, had shaved off his hair and eyebrows, spouted wacky theories and shunned family and friends.

David, however, is having none of it.

"She basically told them I'd gone mad, which was very hurtful. Obviously, my mission is to forgive people and channel unconditional love, but it can be bloody hard sometimes, I'm telling you."

"A lot of what she said wasn't true, including - and I'm not just saying this to score points - how our relationship ended. It was me that finished it, not her. All I can say is she's got a lot of soul searching to do."

While he is likeable, well-spoken, beautifully mannered and very clever, it's all very disturbing.

Particularly when he rattles through his past lives - along with Astronges (the crucified Jewish revolutionary) there's also George Washington, Pythagoras, Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Mark Antony and Lawrence of Arabia.

And the all-white wardrobe - is that a Kabbalah thing?

"Actually, it's a Christ thing. You'll notice that T. E. Lawrence - Lawrence of Arabia - started wearing long white robes when he realised he was the Christ. It seems part of the process."

The terrifying thing is how unshakeable his belief is.

"Everyone's initial reaction is that I must be mad. But I'm not. This is the test of the messianic complex - to know in your heart that something is true, even when everyone else in the world is saying you're wrong."

Many would see the phrase 'messianic complex' - in which the sufferer believes they have transcendent powers and are destined to save the world - as an admission of a psychological disorder. Not David.

But has he never had a wobble? "Yes. On June 30 I got up and looked through all my research and

thought, "Bloody hell, Dave, you're not the messiah, you've just gone completely mad - you're hearing voices, what are you playing at?"

"But the next night, there was that attempted terrorist attack on Glasgow airport and I realised it had been a test of faith. I couldn't believe I'd doubted myself."

He has an answer for everything, even when I ask if he ever takes drugs.

"Of course I do. I smoke cannabis but it's been used in religious experiences for years. Oh and magic mushrooms..."

In large quantities? "Erm, not really. I smoke cannabis every day - it makes you more spiritual and less violent and takes you closer to the light."

And makes you hallucinate?

"Yes, if you're not used to it, but I am," he insists firmly.

Even his dramatic weight loss - he used to be a good three stone heavier and all jowls - gets a spiritual spin.

"I've completely changed shape, but I've not been on a diet - it's purely down to spiritual activation."

(Apparently his dramatic weight loss has absolutely nothing to do with smoking a dozen joints each and every day! -The Watcher)

He's not even concerned about being likened to David Icke, the former Coventry City goalkeeper and sports broadcaster who, in 1991, announced on the Terry Wogan chat show that he was 'the son of God' and believed the world was ruled by secret 12ft shape-shifting reptiles called 'Illuminati'.

David Shayler is somewhat sceptical of the other David.

"He has a lot of interesting things to say, but I don't think he always gets it 100 per cent right. For me it's very simple - no turquoise tracksuits, no cults, it doesn't work like that."

Not surprisingly, his family are very concerned.

"Although I've made it quite clear to my parents I'm not mad, they've been quite critical. But my brothers have been quite good and have listened. "

And while he is the first to acknowledge the enormous strain he's been under, he takes it as evidence that he's right.

"I've been through stress levels that the average human being could not even envisage and I consider it one of my life's great achievements to have come through without cracking up.

"It was the messiah complex that got me through, because truth gives you strength."

My final question is a tricky one. Given it has - albeit only fleetingly - crossed his mind that he might be unbalanced, would he undergo medical tests?

"I'm very happy to take any medical tests that are required, but I know in my heart that I'm not mad. I'm quite obviously sane to anyone who talks to me.

"People might say I'm deranged, but do I look like a deranged man? I've never felt better."

And that's the extraordinary thing, he really does look terribly well. If he could just keep his mouth shut.

Source: www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=4 75616&in_page_id=1770

Seven weeks in Belmarsh that changed his life? Now, call it a hunch ...

The Watcher
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 8:19 am    Post subject: The Shayler Challenge Reply with quote

Here's the challenge Mr. Shayler, go three months (in a controlled environment) without smoking a single toke or imbibing any other psycho-active substance ... and then tell us that you're still the Messiah.

If you took a blood test right now, the lab would probably have some difficulty locating traces of blood in your cannabis stream.

The Watcher

Last edited by The Watcher on Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Relentless Limpet Shill
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 8:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What's hilarious about the Shayler Daily Mail piece is how he seems to have reverted to the same line Annie Machon did in her Mail on Sunday article.

Both trot out a line about MI5 being inefficient, not being good at their job etc.

No claims of false flag terrorism now - from either of these spooks!
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John White
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

PaulStott wrote:
What's hilarious about the Shayler Daily Mail piece is how he seems to have reverted to the same line Annie Machon did in her Mail on Sunday article.

Both trot out a line about MI5 being inefficient, not being good at their job etc.

No claims of false flag terrorism now - from either of these spooks!

Sure! Its not as if there's any problem getting that past the censor

I mean: editor

Ever heard of pragmatism Mr Stott?

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:40 am    Post subject: No need to be nervous.! Reply with quote

No need to be nervous:

The city fathers they're trying to endorse
The reincarnation of Paul Revere's horse
But the town has no need to be nervous - Bob Dylan

In 1924, Christian occultist Dion Fortune purchased some property at the foot of Glastonbury Tor - arguably Weird Britain's weirdest place - and named it Chalice Orchard. This became the first meeting place for what became her occult fraternity The Society of the Inner Light, the basic workbook of which remains Fortune's 1936 text, The Mystical Qabalah.

A couple of weeks ago, and almost naturally at Glastonbury, MI5's 9/11 Truther David Shayler publicly declared that he was the Messiah, as well as the reincarnation of King Arthur and Leonardo da Vinci. Though unlike Jesus, who left it at the question "Who do men say that I am," Shayler couldn't repeat himself fast enough on British television. ("Do I sound mentally ill?") Television, of course, happily obliged...................


Damaged, persecuted and harassed, perhaps - a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, even - but also a willing victim who has nursed his martyr complex until it metastasized into a psychic fugue: not the Higher Consciousness of We Are All One, but the hyper-inflated ego of I Am The One. To "the intelligence services that once sought to gag him," he hasn't proven much of a nuisance after all.

Perhaps 9/11 Truthers who now feel victimized by Shayler ought to ask themselves how much of a nuisance they themselves have really been to the black lodge, and what part the "Truth" movement's own flaws played in calling forth such a catastrophically flawed spokesman..............

What is the going rate for parasitic media whores these days.......?
No time for 9/11 truth.........when $$$'s are doing the talking.

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Relentless Limpet Shill
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Annie's article appeared under her own name.

Is she denying the views on 7/7 expressed in the article?
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John White
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Are you?
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This from Xymphora's blogspot

David Shayler's cigars

David Shayler has managed to do what years of frantic activity by the British security establishment has never managed, completely undermine his credibility. Shayler is a British intelligence whistleblower with some embarrassing things to say. Now, he claims to be the Messiah. He hears voices, sees hallucinations, consumes pot and magic mushrooms. He’s trippin’.

British intelligence efforts to stifle him have failed, and they can’t just kill him, as that would just add to his credibility. Amongst the many CIA plots against Castro:

“Among early attempts devised by the CIA to discredit Mr Castro was a plan to place chemical powders on his boots that would cause his beard to fall out when he was in New York to speak at the United Nations in 1960.

When that failed, the CIA planned to slip him a box of cigars tainted with LSD so that he would burst into fits of laughter during a television interview, said Mr Escalante, author of a book that documents 167 plots against Castro.”

What better way to destroy Shayler’s credibility than to slip him some drugs, the kind of drugs that make you see hallucinations and think you are the Messiah? I think Shayler should get a new dealer.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:09 am    Post subject: Shayler's Dealer Reply with quote

kbo234 wrote:
What better way to destroy Shayler’s credibility than to slip him some drugs, the kind of drugs that make you see hallucinations and think you are the Messiah? I think Shayler should get a new dealer.

Just from whom or from where Shayler has been obtaining such copius amounts of skunk and other psychactives is the sixty-four million dollar question!

... & why the media are devoting an excessive amount of column inches to a self-confessed abuser of sacred plants, whilst ignoring the 9/11 & 7/7 elephants in the living room, is anybody's guess!

Meanwhile, if Jane Fryer (Daily Mail) makes an effort to speak with any drug abuse counsellor or psychoanalyst, she will have the opportunity to become aquainted with the cases of hundreds (if not thousands) of people who all think they're David Shayler ... er sorry, The Messiah.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

No need to be nervous:

The city fathers they're trying to endorse
The reincarnation of Paul Revere's horse
But the town has no need to be nervous - Bob Dylan

In 1924, Christian occultist Dion Fortune purchased some property at the foot of Glastonbury Tor - arguably Weird Britain's weirdest place - and named it Chalice Orchard. This became the first meeting place for what became her occult fraternity The Society of the Inner Light, the basic workbook of which remains Fortune's 1936 text, The Mystical Qabalah.

A couple of weeks ago, and almost naturally at Glastonbury, MI5's 9/11 Truther David Shayler publicly declared that he was the Messiah, as well as the reincarnation of King Arthur and Leonardo da Vinci. Though unlike Jesus, who left it at the question "Who do men say that I am," Shayler couldn't repeat himself fast enough on British television. ("Do I sound mentally ill?") Television, of course, happily obliged...................


Damaged, persecuted and harassed, perhaps - a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, even - but also a willing victim who has nursed his martyr complex until it metastasized into a psychic fugue: not the Higher Consciousness of We Are All One, but the hyper-inflated ego of I Am The One. To "the intelligence services that once sought to gag him," he hasn't proven much of a nuisance after all.

Perhaps 9/11 Truthers who now feel victimized by Shayler ought to ask themselves how much of a nuisance they themselves have really been to the black lodge, and what part the "Truth" movement's own flaws played in calling forth such a catastrophically flawed spokesman..............

What is the going rate for parasitic media whores these days.......?
No time for 9/11 truth.........when $$$'s are doing the talking.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:06 pm    Post subject: The David Shayler Challenge Reply with quote

Here's the challenge Mr. Shayler, go three months (in a controlled environment) without smoking a single toke or imbibing any other psycho-active substance ... and then tell us that you're still the Messiah.

If you took a blood test right now, the lab would probably have some difficulty locating traces of blood in your cannabis stream.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:50 pm    Post subject: Hes not the messiah hes a very naughty boy Reply with quote

In todays press we find the final proof of Shaylers helpful profile, one that has done so much to advance the credibility of the 911 truth movement. (Thats irony for the US contributors, especially those in the "team" that post from UK log in's...sorry your English gives you away). So many of us flagged up a need to to be wary of David's involvement.
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

blackbear wrote:

Perhaps 9/11 Truthers who now feel victimized by Shayler ought to ask themselves how much of a nuisance they themselves have really been to the black lodge, and what part the "Truth" movement's own flaws played in calling forth such a catastrophically flawed spokesman..............

I know it's not you saying this BB but it is worth repeating yet again that David never was a spokesperson for the campaign or movement in this country
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

David's involvement has consisted of giving a limited number of public speeches, giving press, radio and TV interviews in a personal capacity and collaborating on 2 videos.

All of this activism has been David speaking his own truth in a personal capacity. If others chose to work with him and support him, they likewise have been acting in a personal capacity. That's how it works in this country. David has never sought nor been invited to take on a more formal involvement in the British campaign. The campaign committee will put forward spokespeople to speak in its support if required to do so but it is safe to say that David will not be considered.

Given David's high profile and confidence in public speaking it is not all together surprising that David has had opportunities to speak to the press/media that are not open to others. So if you are observing this from afar I can understand why you may have got the impression that he somehow represented the campaign or movement in this country, but this would be false

If US campaigners some how got the impression that David's involvement was stronger that this, I can only suggest you familiarise yourself with the campaign website and constitution and / or speak with those who have worked with David who know the true nature of his 'involvement'.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah Right Dave
You Left Annie !
That Is Not A Very Spiritual Lie Now Is It ?
You're Not The Messiah, You're A Very Naughty Boy
Go And Stand In The Corner
Until The Ibogaine Has Worn Off
And The Voices In Your Head Have Faded

There's a certain amount of wishful thinking and spin from you here Ian.

Because nobody else in the movement has had such a high public profile, because 'the committee' has been relatively inactive and David has been involved pretty much full time it doesn't much matter how official or unofficial he's been.

This should be a wake up call for us to appoint some official spokespeople and to follow up on the AGM resolution to get ourselves a press office which would have publicly ditanced the campaign from him arounf this time last year when he started to back the no plan theory.

Also I'll let this run here until later tonight then move it to the 'Manchurian Candidate' thread where it belongs - this ain't news.

The MI5 Messiah: Why David Shayler believes he's the son of God
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_artic le_id=475616&in_page_id=1770

Shayler's wishy-washy God act is self-deluded
http://www.independent.ie/opinion/analysis/shaylers-wishywashy-god-act -is-selfdeluded-1057455.html

ian neal wrote:
David's involvement has consisted of giving a limited number of public speeches, giving press, radio and TV interviews in a personal capacity and collaborating on 2 videos.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Last edited by TonyGosling on Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:26 pm; edited 8 times in total
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No disagreement from me here. 'The committee' both this year under the co-chairmanship of me, Annie and Justin and previously under Ian Crane's chairmanship would wish we could do more. I only wish I had more time to help make this happen, but with a full-on job, 4 school age kids and so on, it hasn't happened yet.

So no disagreement that as a camapign we should be doing better at putting out a professional message, but that doesn't change what I have said in terms of explaining David's involvement.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

there are procedures in place should we be asked for an official spokesman. Unfortunately this hasn't occured yet, when it does the committee will act.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Point being that with a press officer we will be proactive and be phoning round newsdesks putting our case on this and any other newsworthy story - new legislation, false flag attacks etc. etc.
As it goes Annie's piece was excellent (creep, creep) but it is a good reason to get moving so at least some people are trusted to get on and put this campaign's case on all newsworthy stories in the national and international press.
andyb wrote:
there are procedures in place should we be asked for an official spokesman. Unfortunately this hasn't occured yet, when it does the committee will act.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is being done when the chances arrive. Look at all the press Willie got on his last tour and hopefully Cynthia will get next month.
We need reasons to issue press releases and get the coverage. Simply harrasing the press may be counter productive.
If anyone wants to help please feel free.

"We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” Martin Luther King
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote



Either we're reactive or proactive - the latter is what the AGM resolution called for.

andyb wrote:
Simply harrasing the press may be counter productive.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is this thread refering to the Jane Fryer peice?

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------


The MI5 Messiah: Why David Shayler believes he's the son of God

Last updated at 22:03pm on 15th August 2007

David Shayler is sitting before me - slim, tanned, sockless, dressed from top-to-toe in white and very, very chatty.

"I am the messiah and hold the secret of eternal life," he starts excitedly. "It all came about quite suddenly.

"First I started meditating, then I learnt how to channel the "light", and the more research I did - into Freemasonry, the Knights Templar, Kabbalah - the more convinced I became that I was the Christ."

Jesus Christ? "No, Jesus of the New Testament is an archetype," he explains patiently. "His name derives from the 13th Name of God in Kabbalah, which helps activate the Messiah consciousness within us.

"I was, though, crucified with a crown of thorns and nails then incarnated as Astronges, a Jewish revolutionary put to death by the Romans at around the end of the last century BC ...It explained why in this life I had funny shaped wrists and ankles..."

Had? "Yes, look," he says, proffering his tanned arms. "They've pretty much corrected themselves now I've acknowledged the crucifixion - but there used to be big hollows where nails had been bashed in."

The last decade has been a tough one for the former MI5 officer.

Ten years ago this month, he gave a shocking whistle-blowing interview in the Mail on Sunday accusing both MI5 and MI6 of mismanagement and illegal activities and alleging that MI6 had been involved in a failed assassination attempt on the Libyan leader, Colonel Gaddafi.

The story caused a national scandal. David fled to France with his girlfriend, fellow intelligence officer Annie Machon, and finally, after three years in exile and four months in a French jail, returned home in August 2000 to public vilification, threats, a court case, six month jail sentence and a ruined career.

He was bright, unafraid, articulate, angry and, in his decision to breach the Official Secrets Act, either terribly stupid or terribly brave.

Today, he is still bright and articulate and seems terribly well. Until he opens his mouth.

"It was in June that a psychic channelled the spirit of Mary Magdalene and anointed me the messiah and, finally, my whole life made sense.

I realised why I seem to get such a strange deal from the universe, when I've spent my life trying to tell the truth about everything."

He also claims he can affect the weather, prevent terrorist attacks and influence football results. Oh, and that the Rod of Aaron - the staff said to have been carried by Moses's brother - has an anagram written on it in Hebrew which translated says: 'David Shayler, Righteous King'.

"I was decoding it - after all, that's what I was trained to do - and I suddenly realised it goes David S, H, A... and that someone's trying to tell me, because this is the ineffable name of God, someone's trying to tell you you're God..."

And in recent years he's been scratching a living giving talks to conspiracy theorists about the September 11 attacks - last year he was ridiculed for insisting that the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre were brought down by a U.S. Government conspiracy using "missiles surrounded by holograms made to look like planes".

But this is on a whole different scale. It was back in April that he performed what he calls his first and greatest miracle - securing his beloved team Middlesbrough a place in the UEFA Cup Final.

"It was the quarter-final against Basle and we were 3-0 down after the first leg and needed four goals in the second match to win. I sat there, said to the creator, "give me a sign" and meditated - which is tricky at a football match, because every instinct is to abuse the ref and the opposition and, instead you have to shower them with unconditional love. But I managed to focus and we played like we'd never played before, winning 4-0."

He did it again in the semi-final, against Bucharest.

"Again we were 3-0 down, again I meditated and, bang, we won - a real miracle."

So what about the final, when Middlesbrough lost 4-0 to Seville?

"Ah... interesting question," he says, looking sheepish. "I got drunk and it turns out it doesn't work if you're drunk. You can't focus."

After that, he claims the 'creator' informed him that influencing football results - however dear to his heart - was not an appropriate use of the light. So he changed tack.

"On 28 June, I was told I had to remove darkness from London. I wasn't sure what it was all about, but I stayed up all night meditating and, the next morning, I heard a bomb had been found but no one had been hurt. That was my miracle."

I look up sharply, but he is deadly serious. He claims to be under enormous pressure from his 'higher self' to spread the word. "Suddenly I knew that my mission was to inform humanity about the changes in the universe and spread the spiritual rules of unconditional love, unconditional sharing, never judging and having faith in the universe. If I can convince just one person, it'll be worth it.

"It's hard sometimes, when people say things like, "gosh, he sounds quite articulate, but he's totally mad", but the message is too powerful to ignore."

He has certainly been under a lot of other pressure in his life.

On his and Annie's return to the UK in 2000, he was arrested and held in Belmarsh prison for three weeks before being charged with three counts of breaching the Official Secrets Act. In November 2002 after representing himself in court, he received a six-month sentence.

He was released after just seven weeks, but his life was in tatters.

"It was a nightmare. It'd taken enormous courage to go on the record and I'd risked everything for the truth - my family, my girlfriend, my life - and ended up with no job, no future, no money. I was blacklisted by the secret service and no one would employ me."

None of his 1997 allegations have since been proved wrong.

Rather tellingly, he claimed that Britain's spies were unable to deal with the growing threat of global terrorism, that MI5's obsession with bureaucracy and secrecy prevented crucial information being used to stop bombings and that insufficient agents and inept decision-making meant that terrorist groups were not properly monitored.

"At the end of 2004 I tried meditation - I was so desperate, I'd have tried anything - and my life began to change for the better."

Sadly, his 14-year relationship with Annie could not weather the strain. They split last year and, last week she wrote in a newspaper article that he was a changed man, obsessed with Kabbalah, deeply paranoid, had shaved off his hair and eyebrows, spouted wacky theories and shunned family and friends.

David, however, is having none of it.

"She basically told them I'd gone mad, which was very hurtful. Obviously, my mission is to forgive people and channel unconditional love, but it can be bloody hard sometimes, I'm telling you.

"A lot of what she said wasn't true, including - and I'm not just saying this to score points - how our relationship ended. It was me that finished it, not her. All I can say is she's got a lot of soul searching to do."

While he is likeable, well-spoken, beautifully mannered and very clever, it's all very disturbing.

Particularly when he rattles through his past lives - along with Astronges (the crucified Jewish revolutionary) there's also George Washington, Pythagoras, Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Mark Antony and Lawrence of Arabia.

And the all-white wardrobe - is that a Kabbalah thing?

"Actually, it's a Christ thing. You'll notice that T. E. Lawrence - Lawrence of Arabia - started wearing long white robes when he realised he was the Christ. It seems part of the process."

The terrifying thing is how unshakeable his belief is.

"Everyone's initial reaction is that I must be mad. But I'm not. This is the test of the messianic complex - to know in your heart that something is true, even when everyone else in the world is saying you're wrong."

Many would see the phrase 'messianic complex' - in which the sufferer believes they have transcendent powers and are destined to save the world - as an admission of a psychological disorder. Not David.
(the claridad syndrome)

But has he never had a wobble? "Yes. On June 30 I got up and looked through all my research and

thought, "Bloody hell, Dave, you're not the messiah, you've just gone completely mad - you're hearing voices, what are you playing at?"

"But the next night, there was that attempted terrorist attack on Glasgow airport and I realised it had been a test of faith. I couldn't believe I'd doubted myself."

He has an answer for everything, even when I ask if he ever takes drugs.

"Of course I do. I smoke cannabis but it's been used in religious experiences for years. Oh and magic mushrooms..."

In large quantities? "Erm, not really. I smoke cannabis every day - it makes you more spiritual and less violent and takes you closer to the light."

And makes you hallucinate?

"Yes, if you're not used to it, but I am," he insists firmly.

Even his dramatic weight loss - he used to be a good three stone heavier and all jowls - gets a spiritual spin.

"I've completely changed shape, but I've not been on a diet - it's purely down to spiritual activation."

He's not even concerned about being likened to David Icke, the former Coventry City goalkeeper and sports broadcaster who, in 1991, announced on the Terry Wogan chat show that he was 'the son of God' and believed the world was ruled by secret 12ft shape-shifting reptiles called 'Illuminati'.

David Shayler is somewhat sceptical of the other David.

"He has a lot of interesting things to say, but I don't think he always gets it 100 per cent right. For me it's very simple - no turquoise tracksuits, no cults, it doesn't work like that."

Not surprisingly, his family are very concerned.

"Although I've made it quite clear to my parents I'm not mad, they've been quite critical. But my brothers have been quite good and have listened. "

And while he is the first to acknowledge the enormous strain he's been under, he takes it as evidence that he's right.

"I've been through stress levels that the average human being could not even envisage and I consider it one of my life's great achievements to have come through without cracking up.

"It was the messiah complex that got me through, because truth gives you strength."

My final question is a tricky one. Given it has - albeit only fleetingly - crossed his mind that he might be unbalanced, would he undergo medical tests?

"I'm very happy to take any medical tests that are required, but I know in my heart that I'm not mad. I'm quite obviously sane to anyone who talks to me.

"People might say I'm deranged, but do I look like a deranged man? I've never felt better."

And that's the extraordinary thing, he really does look terribly well. If he could just keep his mouth shut.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, and others today.
I have linked to it above.

John White wrote:
Is this thread refering to the Jane Fryer peice?
The MI5 Messiah: Why David Shayler believes he's the son of God

Check out this anonymous article. It is may well be significant when a writer won't put their name to a piece WHERE did this come from?

God (aka David Shayler): Thank Me, for I have stopped the floods and pestilence
Published: 12 August 2007 - Independent website

Today's the day. After years of uncertainty, I finally know who I am. No more David Shayler, lowly former MI5 officer. No more David Shayler, cruelly imprisoned whistleblower. No more David Shayler, popular speechmaker amongst conspiracy theorists.
Because I've realised I'm God. The Messiah. Numero Uno. Me Almighty. I can still hardly believe it. I only went to see the psychic because I'd been having weird dreams about creating the universe in six days, then afflicting John Scarlett with boils.
But the psychic immediately went into a trance and began channelling a spirit. "I am Mary Magdalene," said the spirit, funnily enough, in a Welsh accent, "and I'm here to tell You You're the Messiah, look You."
"Really?" I said.
"Oh yes, Bach! See this picture of Aaron's brother Moses? That Hebrew inscription on his staff is an anagram of 'David Shayler, righteous chav', because... er chav means... er... king in ancient Hebrew, so it does!"
"So it's been Me sending that mighty flood to Gloucestershire and Me afflicting the cattle of Guildford with the pestilence of foot-and-mouth and Me who makes the great light shine by day and the lesser by night?" I said. "Oh yes, Boyo," she said, nodding furiously. "It's Your fault we've had such a rubbish summer, look You. That'll be £1,500."
Dazed, I wrote a cheque and left. But the more I thought about it... Often I'll be waiting at a bus stop and a bus will come. Or I'll be sat by the phone and it will ring. So I'm going to reveal My godhead on More4 News tonight. If the response is good, I'll think about how to sort out this poor old world of ours. I mean, Mine.

Woken by furious hammering on My door. I peek out of the spyhole. It's David Icke. "Call yourself a God?" he shouts. "Come out and we'll sort this out, deity to deity!"................(continues)

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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