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Terrorists' Friends Pose as Truth Seekers

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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 12:43 am    Post subject: Terrorists' Friends Pose as Truth Seekers Reply with quote

There are three kinds of 9/11 truth seekers: (i) Those who can connect the dots. (ii) Agents employed by the perpetrators to muddy the waters. (iii) Those who have been misled and misdirected by the latter group.

It is now evident that Deborah Simon - a woman who married into a wealthy family of Zionist billionaires - is a common link between many of the phony truth seekers and Zionist real estate billionaires who are in regular contact with Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli State. Deborah Simon is linked to Phil Jayhan (www.letsroll911.org), Tom Flocco, Karl Schwarz (aka Jon Carlson), John Kaminski, and is also believed to have partly financed the Loose Change video by Dylan Avery et al.

For months, Daryl Bradford Smith and Eric Hufschmid have maintained that the 9/11 truth movement is dominated by disinfo agents working to protect the 9/11 perpetrators. Initially, this seemed an exaggeration, and Hufschmid's treatment of the three lads who made Loose Change appeared less than fair.

Deborah S Simon, nee Cox, is not to be confused with Deborah J Simon, the daughter of Melvin Simon and Senior Vice President of Simon Properties. The daughter of Gerald Cox, a former Captain of Naval Intelligence, married Jeffrey, one of the sons of the Simon family. Jeffrey died, apparently of a drug overdose, in the Eighties. Deborah S Simon is still in close contact with Diane Meyer Simon, who married Herbert Simon in 1981. Herbert, 71, is ranked 346= with $1.0 billion in the Forbes 400 (Richest Americans); Melvin, 78, is ranked 93= with $2.5 billion.

Melvin Simon is a business partner of Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowy, who acquired the WTC - and made sure the insurance did not exclude terrorism - a mere six weeks before the 9/11 attacks. Larry Silverstein had close ties to Ariel Sharon, Ehud Barak, and Benjamin Netanyahu. The latter used to call Silverstein every Sunday afternoon, New York time, without fail{Haaretz has pulled its piece so click the link before Google clears its cache}. Note that Netanyahu is linked to both 9/11 and the London 7/7 bombings.

Christopher Bollyn of American Free Press was interviewed by Daryl Bradford Smith on May 18 and by Michael Collins Piper on May 23, 2006. On Wednesday May 24, WING TV gave an overview of the previous day's Piper-Bollyn broadcast. These are all worth downloading before they disappear.

So Jayhan promotes nonsense such as the "pod" theories, Flocco pushes absurd stories about Barbara Olson being arrested at a non-existent border, Schwarz/Carlson also directs people to the Bush administration rather than Israel (when Rumsfeld and Cheney agreed to crash a plane into the Pentagon they were not told about the planned WTC demolition and that Israel's agents would try to pin the blame on them), Kaminski is trying to turn those who recognise the true WTC demolishers into racists who hate all Jews, and the Loose Change producers are basically innocent but were persuaded not to broach the subject of Israeli culpability in 9/11. Deborah S Simon admitted privately to Christopher Bollyn that the evidence is overwhelming that the Israeli government was involved in and had foreknowledge of 9/11. The products of the people she works with are inconsistent with that position.

[I have removed the WING TV link as they only carry archives for a week. If anyone still wants to hear their May 24 broadcast, send me a PM and I'll put the file on my site and tell you the URL. It's 15 MB for 37 minutes of audio.]

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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 7:45 am    Post subject: Re: Terrorists' Friends Pose as Truth Seekers Reply with quote

Poseidon wrote:
There are three kinds of 9/11 truth seekers: (i) Those who can connect the dots. (ii) Agents employed by the perpetrators to muddy the waters. (iii) Those who have been misled and misdirected by the latter group.

It is now evident that Deborah Simon - a woman who married into a wealthy family of Zionist billionaires - .

Eric Hufschmid wrote:

Hufschmid / Murdoch Coincidence

My half-sister, Kathryn Hufschmid (we have the same father, but different mothers), is probably the same Kathryn Hufschmid who married Rupert Murdoch's son, James.

This brings me to a question that people often ask me; specifically, how did I get involved in the 9-11 movement?

A review of how I got involved in 9-11
I was a typical, clueless American when the 9-11 attack occurred. At the time the only documents I had posted on the Internet were about Linux. My documents were mainly complaints about the exaggerated claims made by Linux supporters, and that people were being deceived into believing that they could switch from Windows to Linux. I also had a couple documents in which I complained that Bill Gates of Microsoft appears to be mentally ill, that competition doesn't work with operating systems, and that our government is doing a lousy job of supervising the economy.

I did not have a television, and I did not subscribe to any publications because I became disgusted with the idiotic news reports when I was a teenager. During the first few days my only source of information about the attack was the Internet messages boards and news reports.

I was surprised to find most people were complaining the attack was unprovoked. On Friday, September 14, 2001, I posted documents on the Internet in which I complained that the Arabs were merely retaliating against us for the decades of abuse. I pointed out that the Arabs were behaving like Lorena Bobbitt.

Not many people agreed with my Bobbitt analogy. Instead, I noticed message boards where people would complain that something was suspicious about the attack. I also received a few email messages that told me that it was the "illuminati" or the CFR or the Bilderbergs who behind the 9-11 attack. I had never heard of such words, so I ignored them. I assumed those people were "conspiracy nuts".

I also occasionally saw messages about a "global hawk", which I assumed was some type of bird that migrates long distances. I ignored those messages, also.

By Jan 2002 these conspiracy nuts had gotten me curious enough to look closely at the collapse of the towers. I quickly came to the conclusion that the towers were demolished with explosives. I then posted documents on the Internet about this.

Very soon after my documents were posted, somebody told me Building 7 also collapsed. Somebody else told me there was video of the collapse of Building 7 on the internet. I asked where the video was, but the person would not tell me. Instead, he (or she?) told me how to find the video. So I found video of Building 7 collapsing. I soon revised my documents to include Building 7.

Somebody else emailed me a photo of Building 7 before it collapsed. The photo showed a few fires burning. I asked where the photo came from, but he said he forgot. However, once I knew the photo existed, I began to search for it, and eventually I found it.

I then began sending email to professors, scientists, architects, and other people to look into this issue of explosives in the towers and Building 7, but everybody ignored me. I became especially frustrated when I tried to explain this concept to my relatives. I decided that it would be easier to explain this with a book that had color photos and diagrams. So I decided to write a book. I stopped updating my web pages, other than to correct mistakes, and began the book.

In my book I referred to the people who did 9-11 as the "Axis of Good" because I still had no idea of the meaning of such names as Illuminati, CFR, Rothchilds, and Bilderbergers. However, I eventually learned what a Global Hawk was, and I came to the conclusion that a Global Hawk probably crashed into the Pentagon.

As I was writing the book, it occurred to me that Building 7 was the command center for the 9-11 attack. I never bothered updating my Internet documents to mention that possibility, so nobody knew about that until my book was finished.

In June or July 2002 (I forget which month) I put a notice on my web page that my book would be available in a few weeks, and people in the media could have free copies. Not many people knew about my website, so I assumed I should start letting people know about it before I actually have an a final date from the printer.

I remember only one person asking for a free copy, and he worked for the magazine The Weekly Standard. (I have since changed hard disks and computers, and I no longer have my original e-mail messages, so I can't figure out if there was more than one request.)

I had never heard of The Weekly Standard before, and the name "Rupert Murdoch" meant nothing to me at the time, but when I looked at their website it occurred to me that these people were only interested in my book so that they could pass it on to the Axis of Good. This is one reason I remember their request.

The main reason I remember them is because they asked for a copy in early July (or late June -- I lost the email records), which was almost as soon as I put the message on my web site that the book would be available. Unfortunately, it was taking me longer than I expected to finish the book. I offered the book too soon, and now I was worried that I would look incompetent for announcing the book so early. I was embarrassed to have the Axis of Good catch me making such a dumb mistake. Rather than make them wait I sent them an email message to acknowledge their request and assure them that the book would be coming "soon". A message came back that the person was out of his office for a few days, so I hoped they were all taking summer vacations and would not notice how late my book was.

As the days passed, the expected date for my book was pushed farther into the future. By the end of July or sometime August (I forget which) I decided I better send The Weekly Standard a laser-print of my book, rather than make them wait any longer. The laser copy was missing the last chapter, and it had a few minor differences from the final version, but I was worried they would send me a message, or at least think to themselves,

"Well, where is the book? You said you were going to send us a book! You incompetent idiot!"

My books were finally delivered to me on 11 September 2002 (I am sure that date was a coincidence).

As soon as I had copies I sent e-mail to the people I had been discussing the 9-11 attack with, or who had provided me with help in finding information. I told them that I just printed a book about the attack, and it had lots of nice color photos. I offered to send them a copy for free. All they had to do was send me their name and address.

To my surprise, some of them did not respond to me, so I sent a second e-mail message, but they still did not reply.

One person who did respond was defensive and paranoid. He wrote something like, "Who are you? Why are you bothering me? Leave me alone!" I tried to refresh his memory by pointing out that I was the person who was discussing the 9-11 attack with him a couple months earlier. But he had a paranoid and angry attitude, so I decided to avoid him.

I was disappointed that none of those people wanted a copy of my book. I assumed that were afraid to let me know their name and address because they had become paranoid that the government was watching them and might intercept the email with the address.

A few weeks after my book was available, an owner of a bookstore told me that most people don't read, so I should make a video. Soon I heard this from other people, also. So I started making a video.

Was it all a coincidence?
Is it purely a coincidence that I ended up writing a book about the 9-11 attack? Often people ask me what caused me to write the book since I was just another clueless American when the attack occurred. Even I have looked at the amount of effort I put into my book and video and wondered what caused me to do such a thing. Now that I discover that my half-sister might be James Murdoch's wife, I wonder if I was a pawn in somebody's psy-op game.
How many of the coincidences really were coincidences? For example, why was The Weekly Standard so quick to ask for a review copy? Not many people knew or cared about my website, so how did they know about it? Were they watching all 9-11 sites? Or did somebody point out to Murdoch that a person named "Hufschmid" was posting documents about explosives in the towers, and did Murdoch tell some of his people to pay particular attention to me?

And who were the mysterious people making remarks about Illuminati, Global Hawks, and Building 7? Were they just concerned citizens who were innocently trying to spread information about the attack? Or were some of them deliberately slipping me some clues about the 9-11 attack? Were they gently pushing me away from my Bobbitt analogy and towards the understanding that the entire attack was a scam? If so, why would anybody try to influence me? I am not famous, and only a few people knew or cared that I had posted documents about Linux and Microsoft. So why would anybody try to influence me in regards to the September 11th attack?

I eventually discovered that a few people had mentioned immediately after the attack that explosives were used to bring down the towers down. This was months before I posted my documents about explosives. Therefore, I was not the first person to discuss the issue of explosives. So why would anybody want me to post documents about a subject that other people had already posted documents about?

Perhaps because somebody wanted to terrorize Rupert and/or James Murdoch. It would not have been news to Murdoch that somebody had posted documents that the towers were brought down by explosives, but the name "Hufschmid" would have sent a shock through the Murdochs. They would likely wonder what the connection is between me and them. They would likely wonder if somebody is sending a message to them.

Who would want to terrorize Murdoch?
I don't know much about Rupert Murdoch, but all the major news executives seem analogous to a medical doctor who operates thousands of clinics in which phony doctors provide patients with whatever drugs they ask for. None of the major news organizations seem to have serious reporters working for them. Instead, they seem to hire entertainers who masquerade as news reporters, and who provide the sheeple with sexual titillation, Hollywood gossip, and weird crimes.

Some people are disgusted with the major news organizations for taking advantage of the horde of sheeple, so perhaps one or more of those people decided to terrorize Murdoch.

Some people are also upset with Murdoch for the nepotism in his company, so perhaps one or more of those people decided to terrorize Murdoch. For example, a few years ago Rupert Murdoch's son, James, was living in Hong Kong because in the year 2000 Rupert gave him the control over a section of the Asian News Corporation.

Today James Murdoch lives in London because in 2003 his father made him CEO of British Sky Broadcasting Group. Jacob Rothschild was named deputy chairman. Jacob Rothschild is supposedly part of the same Rothschild family that dominates the banking industry, and he supposedly has close ties to the billionaire Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who was recently arrested in Russia.

One of many articles on Khodorkovsky

Perhaps some people are fed up with the attempts to bring back the monarchies of the Middle Ages in which a few rich families own everything, and pass all the land and people from father to son. Perhaps some people are trying to destroy the Bush monarchy, the Rothschild monarchy, the Rockefeller monarchy, the Murdoch monarchy, and the others. Since I had already posted documents that Bill Gates appears to be mentally ill, perhaps somebody was hoping I would write about these other rich families in the same manner.

My involvement in 9-11 could be purely coincidental, but it could also be that somebody slipped information to me in order to torment the Murdochs. Perhaps they wanted me to post documents on the Internet. Since I was unknown to most people, they may have assumed that not many people would notice my Internet documents, other than the people they told about them, such as Murdoch.

When they learned that I published a book and DVD, they may have worried that they just started a fire that might get out of control. This would explain why, when I offered free books to some of the mystery people who provided me with information, they ignored me.

Phenomenal wealth, beautiful women, and colossal scams

This issue would make an interesting movie. Consider how complex the plot would be:

Was a disgruntled employee in Murdoch's company angry with the nepotism?

Or was one of Murdoch's competitors trying to bring down the Murdoch empire by exposing the 9-11 scam?

Or did this come from somebody within the Axis of Good? For example, was one of the Rothchilds trying to show Rupert Murdoch who is the boss of the Axis of Evil? Was Murdoch getting out of control? Were the Rothchilds angry that Murdoch and/or some of his friends were taking advantage of the scam by demolishing the World Trade Center? Was the demolition of part of the "official" plan?

Or was somebody trying to destroy the Axis of Good by creating the impression that information about 9-11 is leaking out of Murdoch's family? Was somebody trying to start suspicions and fights among the Murdoch family and the other members of the Axis of Good?

Or is somebody trying to help James Murdoch (and/or Kathryn) understand what is going on? Are they driving a wedge between Rupert and James? Or between James and Kathryn?

Or is Rupert Murdoch one of the more normal members of the Axis of Good, and were the more neurotic members trying to hurt him?

Or were some people in the CIA or MI6 sending a message to the Murdochs to quit messing with Britain? If so, was this an official policy of the agency, or was it coming from some individual employees who were tired of watching their nation be abused?

Or was it payback from somebody in China, Australia, or Hong Kong who was annoyed with the Murdochs?

Or were some people in the CIA or MI6 tired of bowing to their masters, in which case the message was not just for Rupert, but for the entire Axis of Good?

During the past year or two a lot of information came out about the Blair administration having sex with retarded children. And there has been information about the Princess Diana murder. Is any of this related to Murdoch and/or 9-11? Is there a fight going on between the British government and their masters? Did Murdoch or Rothchild release that information? And if so, was it to put Tony Blair, the CIA, and MI6 back into their subservient positions?

On the back cover of the first edition of my book I printed the web site of a friend. At the time I was writing my book, my friend was looking for a job, so I put his web site on the book cover and told him he could sell my book from his web site. His web site was selling shirts and other gifts that were related to Robert Pelton's book "The World's Most Dangerous Places", so it would be easy for him to add another book to his web page.

One of the co-authors of that book was Wink Dulles, the cousin of the former CIA director, and who the Dulles airport was named after. Wink Dulles was not interested in joining the CIA (or so we are told). He was living in Thailand when my book was announced. Not long after, I heard that Wink Dulles died in a motorcycle accident. Supposedly he died at the hospital, not at the scene of the accident.

Motorcycle accidents are so common that it may have been a real accident, but it is also possible that somebody in the Axis of Good assumed that Wink Dulles was leaking info about 9-11. Maybe he was! How would I know? I never even met the guy

Last edited by Ally on Tue May 30, 2006 11:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 10:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm sick of hearing about the mountain of evidence that the Israelis carried out the attacks. It appears to amount to the arrest of the five israelies on the day and the arrest of an espionage ring selling paintings to government departments a few months or so later. How the latter is relevant I don't know. You can always just imply things though, that's a great way to make a case for something you have no evidence for.
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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 11:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mossad: The Israeli Connection to 9/11

By Christopher Bollyn – American Free Press April 10, 2005

--One of the Israeli agents later told Israeli radio that they had been sent to "document the event": the event which took the lives of some 3,000 Americans.

Despite the fact that the Israelis arrested in New Jersey evidently had prior knowledge or were involved in the planning of 9/11, the U.S. mainstream media has never even broached the question of Israeli complicity in the attacks. ---

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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 1:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

brian wrote:

--One of the Israeli agents later told Israeli radio that they had been sent to "document the event": the event which took the lives of some 3,000 Americans.

"Document the event" = blow up the towers?

From the article:
"Evidence that Israelis had been forewarned several hours before the attacks surfaced at an Israeli instant messaging service, known as Odigo. This story, clear evidence of Israeli prior knowledge"

No. This is evidence that someone knew of a danger and warned this one company. What is meant by 'Israeli' prior knowledge?

The rest is exactly what I am talking about: innuendo that only convinces someone who already wants to blame the Israelis. This is not evidence. An Israeli company might have written a code that might have been used by the plotters. Great. Where did the planes come from? The Israeli army? Who ordered the NORAD standown? Is Guiliani a 'crypto-Jew'? Did Israel run Able Danger? Which Israeli agents blocked FBI investigations?

You might want to consider the background to the American Free Press:#


You have to scroll down for the AFP section.
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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 1:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Be careful with oilempire too, they deny WTC demolition and plane at the Pentagon. They have spent more energy attacking and slandering other 9/11 truth seekers than creating anything meaningful, except for fear about peak oil.

Who do you trust?

Your own instincts.
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dry kleaner
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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 3:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Am I not right in believing that many countries had prior knowledge of 9/11 such as France and Israel. Both those countries had articles in their own main stream news papers about such a potential atrocity in the weeks building up to 9/11. I also believe it was John Ashcroft and many other FBI agents who also tried to warn the US authorities about 9/11 taking place.

Certainly the Israeli Art Student episode is very dodgy and the above mentioned quote about documenting 9/11, but do we have any hard core evidence to say Mossad or the state of Israel is directly involved or responsible for the events of that day?

Interesting stuff though. Thanks for the posts.

Peace and love

Dry Kleaner
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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 4:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


There is ample evidence of Israeli/Mossad involvement. This does not mean - "Israel did it" as such, merely they played a part.

Involvement of outside intelligence agencies is normal procedure in these sort of false flag operations according to those familiar with such, it allows for "plausible deniability" by the home intel agencies and governments.

There is evidence of Mossad being close to the supposed highjackers pre Sept 11, close enough to raise many red flags.

Obviously it required the involvement of some senior officials in the US command, that is a given but does not exclude other agencies involvement.

Also the answer to Qui Bono, who benefits? Israel comes high if not first on the list and their motives need not necessarily completely coincide with those of the neocons etc involved.

Those ultimately behind September 11 canot be identified by nationality in general, they obviously have control of many state agencies and the power to influence Nation States, Mossad and Israel included. The deafening silence of the worlds intelligence agencies and governments speaks volumes.

Interesting that on the day before Sept 11 the Washington Times carried a report by elite US army officers giving the following description for the Mossad: - "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act."Ê[Washington Times, 9/10/01]

From Janes Intelligence Digest -

"It is rather strange that the US media seems to be ignoring what may well be the most explosive story since the 11 September attacks - the alleged breakup of a major Israeli espionage operation in the USA." [Jane's Intelligence Digest, 3/13/02]

Mossad involvement in such an operation would no doubt be de rigeur, they being the experts in such matters. It would also means less involvement of those with conflict of interest - ie patriotism.

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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 11:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

orestes posted:

I'm sick of hearing about the mountain of evidence that the Israelis carried out the attacks.

People had better get used to hearing about Israel doing 9/11. Within a few years it will be all over the mainstream media. Eventually, it will feature prominently in history books. The WTC demolition was not perpetrated by a man in a cave who has since died of kidney failure, nor by a buffoon incapable of even riding a tricycle. Israel and the billionaire Zionists weren't just "involved", they actually did it. Period. Unfortunately, truth is truth, independent of anyone's wishes.

It appears to amount to the arrest of the five israelies on the day and the arrest of an espionage ring selling paintings to government departments a few months or so later. How the latter is relevant I don't know.

That's rather like saying that the evidence for Einstein's General Theory of Relativity amounts to Eddington's 1919 observations of deflected starlight during a total eclipse, and Captain Kirk's travel through a wormhole. And it is not very often you hear of Iranian or Indian spies getting caught in the US with traces of explosives on their van.

Some of the evidence is detailed here. Other matters, for example Dov Zakheim's 1997 to 2001 position as CEO of System Planning Corporation which makes transceivers enabling the simultaneous remote control of up to eight planes, is not mentioned until you click the second Zakheim (Zackheim) link.

Benjamin Netanyahu, Rabbi Dr Dov Zakheim, Larry Silverstein, Jack Abramoff, the Simon family - these were the principal players of 9/11. Mossad operatives used their ingenuity to plant the thermite and RDX in the Towers. The main motivation was political: to get other countries to fight and neutralize Israel's enemies. But the criminals reckoned that up to $2.3 trillion of Pentagon funds for the taking, along with some $3.6 billion from insurance companies and $9 billion from Iraq's Oil-for-Food fund, was not to be sneezed at.

The evidence of whodunnit and how they did it was already incontrovertible. These latest findings corroborate the wealth of other evidence. The criminals have now been caught red-handed returning to the scene of the crime in a belated attempt to cover-up the evidence. Deborah Simon is not just a sleeping partner in the crime business; she is all over the internet posting as tapirlover and tapirsaver, promoting disinformation theories. Presumably, when she describes herself as an "animal worker", she perceives Karl Schwarz, Phil Jayhan, Tom Flocco, and the gullible public as the "animals".

Imagine if Greece were to blow up the Canary Wharf Tower in a false-flag operation to be blamed on Turkey. A dual-nationality Greek-British citizen stole a fortune from the MoD, was connected to a company supplying remote-control technology for the UAVs that crashed into the building and caused the fires that were supposed to have caused the collapse; he had also co-authored a paper calling for a "new Falklands". Another Greek took out the lease on the Tower just six weeks before the attack, and was the beneficiary of the insurance policies which cover terrorist acts. Greece had a chequered history of staging false-flag attacks and had been caught trying to sink a British ship in the Sixties, claiming that the incident was "an accident" when the ship survived in spite of all its efforts. Greek spies were caught with astonishing regularity, stealing passports from paraplegics in New Zealand, for example. Another Greek ran gambling boats on which the Turkish patsies were lured so they could be dumped in the North Sea.

When the "fire caused collapse" theory falls apart, members of billionaire Greek families are found promoting the theory that the British government collapsed the Towers killing thousands of its own people for rather obscure purposes. Another strange phenomenon is that some 70% of those in the "Canary Wharf Truth movement" are Greeks.

There is quite a good case for saying that Jews should now step back from the 9/11 investigation, because of a conflict of interest.

You can always just imply things though, that's a great way to make a case for something you have no evidence for.

That applies to the official suicidal Arabs theories that are based on planted passports and FBI assertions.
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