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Whoop45 gets pwned

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 5:51 pm    Post subject: Whoop45 gets pwned Reply with quote

..... They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.
~ President George W. Bush (2004)

"Terrorist", "terror", and "terrorism", they are the defining buzz words for this present day, the Shibboleths of an obscene drive for empire by the United States of America. Any clear-sightedness as to the meaning of any or all of these three words has eroded away in America during this post "9--11" era.

If we study history what we've seen repeated over and again is the pattern shown by the Algerians, the Palestinians, and the Irish Catholics. When a group of people is faced with an imperialist occupier with a vastly superior and overpowering military, fighting back or blowback (the CIA term) by the oppressed group usually has to come in the form of asymmetric guerrilla tactics such as car bombings, suicide bombings, and remotely triggered explosive devices - admittedly almost always against civilians. During our entire lives there haven't been over 700 to maybe 1500 people killed by genuine terrorism such as a planted bomb at a cafe going off during a lunch hour rush or a school bus being bombed.

Bottom line, an individual isn't a terrorist until that individual has committed an act of terrorism. "Terror" and "terrorism" are meaningless racist xenophobic ethnocidal buzz words when they flow from the Zionist controlled, corporate controlled media which is an un-elected de facto 4th branch of government here in this country."Islamo-Fascists", "Islamic Fundamentalist"," Radical Islamist" or "Jehadists" have become silly right wing talking point xenophobic/racist code word designations implying non-Caucasian inferiority or even sub-human criminality. Small wonder so many craven sheeple brainwashed lemming-like Americans equate 26.4% of this earth's population with "terrorist".

A commando raid on a military facility is not!!!!! Terrorism .Valley Forge was not terrorism. Fort Sumter was not terrorism. The attack on the USS Cole was not terrorism. True, there has been stagey blood-and-thunder simulated/synthetic terror incidents such as Oklahoma City: 5-19-95, NY/DC: 9-11-01, Madrid: 3-11-04,London: 7-7-05,and Amman Jordan: 11-9-05 , all pulled off by western intelligence agencies and their tentacles ,and- with the exception of Oklahoma City - blamed on Muslim patsies.

Way on the other hand, every 5 seconds somewhere someone starves to death amidst the immense wealth and resources that surround them and where there is plenty food, but are unable to afford food because of the almost immeasurable horrors of free market capitalism .By rights, we need a war on free market capitalism, not this nonsense xenophobic, racist so called "War on Terror".

The events of Sept.11, 2001 were catalysts that spurred up this parallel universe in which most Americans now live. "9--11" triggered the hysteria needed for Americans to get themselves flimflammed into accepting endless war against Muslims and Arabs, a "war" combating threats that don't exist!! "9--11" was but a phony as a $3.00 bill on the cheap dramatization.

It was micro weaponry entomopter cluster/formations in NY that created the cartoon outline images of airliners in the ¼ inch aluminum façade that formed the skin of each WTC tower. The perps b****** the WABC feed, the only feed we saw early on mind you -with crude bush league CGI blue screen uploads of airplanes using state of the art Webscam cameras in combination with a georeferenced computer orthographic projection imagery technique known as greyboxing which involves the use of computer geographically-referenced information VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) but is far more sophisticated than anything you or I could get our hands on. This software has been developed by TIGER data and systems from the NRO and NGA, the spy satellite agencies that evacuated their employees for a scheduled drill of "airplanes crashing into buildings" on September 11, 2001. All this combined with fake news footage and scripted eyewitnesses allowed the 9--11" perpetrators to broadcast a hoax that "shocked and awed" the world. It was a cruise missile- or no telling what - in DC. There were no Arabs. Nothing was hijacked, and nobody flew anything into any buildings."9--11" was America's Operation Canned Goods (Hitler)....Goggle that...Soon; everyone will have abandoned the absurd 19 Arab hijacker fable.


The earliest calls to emergency dispatchers (and they've been released due to the freedom of information act) and the like resonate with the fact that the first witnesses were saying that it was a helicopter accident at the North Tower WTC. Early transcripts prove that only CNN Vice President Sean Murtagh mentioned anything about a plane that he -against all laws of optics and geometry -claims to have seen from his office three miles from the WTC. Early on, TV announcers said that it was an explosion from inside the South Tower, but were quickly overridden by TV fakery CGIs. You should be very suspicious as to how the WABC camera crew came to be using the new 03/30 military Webscam system cameras that morning. Multiple rendering errors were brought about because National Reconnaissance Office drill made use of greyboxing techniques which also explains the missing buildings and unfeasible camera angles as well as the anachronisms that are so bountiful in the fake video footage the perps presented us with on 9-11-2001. Apply Occam's razor to the fact that no hole larger than about 8x3 meters (far too small for a Boeing 767 for crying out loud) was created in the side of the South Tower that BushMob/FedGov are telling us was struck. A low contrast high brightness photo reveals that there were only three small holes.


The so-called still photos were obviously screen shots .Look at the magazines and newspapers that hit the streets following the "9-11" hoax. It's uncanny. Whenever there's a plane in the shot we are told that someone took the shot "for" the publication. While on the other hand where there is no plane in the photo, we are told said photo was shot "by" the publication.

And it goes on and on and on and on and on. I could go on for four hours expounding on how utterly wacky the official myth is. Every aspect of the official story of "9--11" is pure balderdash physics defying malarkey not worthy of any sane person's consideration.

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon which refers to the discomfort felt stemming from a conflict between what a person values or seeks to protect, and new information or interpretation that may pose some threat to those cherished biases. Most of us started our lives in a parent/child master/subject paradigm. Later this master/subject hierarchy is replaced by perhaps employer/employee and country/citizen which all too often results in a desperate need to believe that no matter how corrupt and mendacious our politicians are, there is a limit to how low they could stoop, especially when it comes to their own people because of golden calf status afforded America. So now we see the amazing anomaly displayed by the sheeple who defend the absurd 9/11 19 Arab hijacker myth. This state of mind is descried by behavioral psychologists as the assimilation accommodation model of information processing. What this means is that Anglo exceptionalism, racism, jingoism, intellectual laziness and xenophobia as well as the aforementioned Golden Calf paradigm set off this mindless discomfort zone shown by far too many Americans.

Anything, no matter how barefaced that threatens this collective jingoistic blindness, is rejected. They simply can't assimilate the idea that the Golden Calf has always killed its own people when to have done so abetted the ambition of the rich and powerful. That tiny 8x3 hole in the South Tower through which a Boeing 767 could not have possibly have passed, the still alive suicide martyred Arabs, the undisturbed light poles and cable spools at the Pentagon, not to mention the circumvention of the 1st law of motion, 2nd law of thermodynamics, thermal conductivity, tinsel strength gradient axioms ,the principle on conservation of energy , etc. are accepted as having "taken the day off" on 9-11-2001. Flaws in the greyboxing technique resulted in clumsy amateurish mistake filled 3-D backgrounds simply brimming over with such things as missing buildings, impossible camera angles, missing lamp poles, ridiculously tall trees, anachronisms and what-have-you provided the mise en scene for the CGI cartoons of airplanes that created the fake South Tower strike illusions are side stepped or not accommodated. Crystal-clear evidence is cast aside by the "9--11" myth idolizing sheeple of the world because of this cognitive dissonance non-accommodation paradigm.

The term "Al-Qaeda" had never been part of normal western vernacular except between 1972 and 1982 as a nickname of sorts for Zbigniew Brzezinski"s computer data base of available patsy Golden Crescent drug trade financed guerrilla trainees that assisted the Pakistani ISI and the utterly criminal CIA in covert destabilizations in Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Caucasus Chechnya. "Al-Qaeda" is a word resurrected from the past by (as some have suggested) Richard Clark, George Tenet, and Dick Cheney to be used as part of the "9--11" myth/fable/lie. There is no evidence that any organization named "Al-Qaeda" exists independent of Western intelligence agencies.

http://www.timetowakeup.net/video/11/The-Power-of-Nightmares-1-of-.htm l
http://www.timetowakeup.net/video/12/The-Power-of-Nightmares-2-of-3.ht ml
http://www.timetowakeup.net/video/13/The-Power-of-Nightmares-3-of-3.ht ml

For crying out loud, there hasn't been a front line modern American jet hijacked since the 1970s, and for a reason. Anti hijack mechanisms have been in place since then .Although it's remotely possible in theory to hijack an Airbus A340, a DC9 or a Folker 100, maybe even a Boeing 737 or a Boeing 777. The Boeing 757, 767, 747, and 768 cannot!!!! be hijacked. Upon an attempted hijacking the big jet would be taken over electronically from the ground and directed to a military facility. The Pentagon has its own air defense system .No aircraft can approach that infamous five sided building of death in Northern Virginia without an approved electronic footprint. Lacking a legitimate footprint, the airborne object will be zeroed in on and shot down with heat seeking missiles absent of human involvement.

We all need to understand the mechanism. The MI-6, Mossad, CIA double and triple agents create the patsy rings or cells. The patsies are kept in the dark as to the nature of the project/objective at hand. The CIA, MI-6, MI-5, et al agents will wiretap themselves in order to create false warnings and implicate the patsies. These western intelligence agencies make good and sure that the patsies fly around, get wiretapped, get video taped, e-mail one another, use credit cards, these kinds of things, by which the scapegoats by proxy create phony paper trails, money trails etc. All this in time, seals the Patsies'" doom. Bogus torture induced confessions are matter-of-course. At what point in time do Americans in mass get it through their thick skulls that western intelligence agencies hardly ever actually gather any real intelligence? Their role is to create false warnings to serve empire.

More often than not, the false flag operation is pulled off under the cover of training exercises. Examples are: 9-11- 01 (National Reconnaissance Office Drill, Amalgam Virgo, Vigilant Guardian, Northern Guardian, Vigilant Warrior, Amalgam Warrior,Global Guardian, Crown Vigilance, Apollo Guardian, Tripod II - 15 in all); London:7-7-05 ( Topoff-3).The MI-6,Mossad, MI-5, FBI, CIA et al agents will blow up something and kill innocent people. Patsies get the blame. That's what the patsies are for. Most Americans believe the lies, or are gatekeepers or even pseudo-left gatekeepers against the truths about the false flag ruses that are being played on us becoming omphali of public perusal.

Certainly one of the more astonishing quotes by a major US political figure in recent years is this one:

“If the people were to ever find out the whole story about Iran Contra, we would be chased down the streets and lynched.”

~ George Herbert Walker Bush (In 1992, while talking to White House reporter Sarah McClendon).

What goes 500 fold when compared to Iran Contra is the absurd "9--11” myth. If the American people knew the whole story about "9--11” there would be 30,000,000 Americans gathered around the Mall in Washington, DC at this very moment they, demanding trials in the mold of Nuremberg 1945 of the guilty among BushMob/FedGov and the U.S. mainstream media. There will be no Republican party in 2008. Mark my word. The whole story about "9--11” will be known by then. Our duty is to lay the ground work for exposing the phoniness of that preposterous 19 Arab hijacker physics and thermodynamics defying nonsense myth and avoid in any way acting as gatekeepers protecting what is an obvious set of lies.

The "9--11” truth movement is just that- a movement. Critical mass will be reached in this movement's development as soon as an ample number of Americans reject notions such as a 757 passing through cable spools without even as much as knocking them over, or that an 8:42 AM weekday trans- continental flight would only have 44 passengers, or that buildings crumble and fall in perfect controlled like implosions five hours after the fact because of a fire in a couple of areas (building#7),or flight attendant Betty Org calling a Raleigh ,N.C. American airlines reservations agency to report a hijacking instead of pressing the 4 digit “we're being hijacked “ code alerting air traffic control and NORAD .It should be a forgone conclusion that the Org call was part of the National Reconnaissance Office Drill. It's curtains for the absurd "9--11” myth. Soon, only a few flat earth wackos will still support the official version.

If Iraq had had nuclear weapons we wouldn't have attacked them .Six hundred fifty five thousand Iraqis now dead would still be alive. Myriads would not be displaced. Many of our young men that are now dead or wounded wouldn't be. We wouldn't be spending $2,000,000,000 a week killing innocent women and children and poisoning the soil, surface water, and water tables of Mesopotamia with depleted uranium ceramics and oxides. I wish to God Iran already had a nuclear arsenal. The U.S. only respects nations that do. And what's more, the U.S. imperialist, militarist, hegemonic beast and its ally Japan with an endless military buildup, military exercises, weapons tests in the Far East, accompanied by constant threats and inhumane economic sanctions have forced North Korea to get more serious about its own fledgling nuclear weapons capabilities. I don't see how anyone can criticize the North Korean leadership for fostering their nation's nuclear capabilities. Nations are literally held hostage on this earth with this out of control U.S. militarist imperialist jingoistically crazed belligerent dystopian rogue superpower beast hypnotized by its own Manichean world vision and delusions of superiority and persisting in all this bereft of the slightest bent toward complying with any existing standards of behavior as far as being part of any global community .Political scientists apply here the term "American Exceptionalism”. Loose translation-the US thinks it has a license to kill and steal with impunity.

We are in Iraq for the same reason that we were in Hawaii, Cuba, the Philippines, Iran (1953), Chile, Guatemala, Panama (which we stole from Columbia), Nicaragua, Ecuador, et al.We are there to pirate and pillage the resources of Iraq on behalf of global capitalists, criminal banking oligarchs, and Trilateralism following a campaign of demonizing lies against Iraq's head of State- nothing new. We've also there to tap into the kind of money laundering opportunities that only a war can present. A good $28 billion plus is missing so far. The US has done these kinds of things unchallenged since 1893.

Abu Musab al Zarqawi is fiction.”Zarqawi” is a Pentagon psyop code name and nothing more. He never lived. He never died.

The country is governed for the richest, for the corporations, the bankers, and the land speculators, and for the exploiters of labor.

~ Helen Keller, 1911

She couldn't see. She couldn't hear. But she knew what kind of country she was living in.

Oh, and by the way, Viva Chavez!!
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow, world class post whoop45! (Uh , you misspelled "describe")
It's Wescam rather than Webscam , I think.

I would imagine that you and many readers and posters here already know about the "sheep dip" technique used by the Mossad, MI-6, MI-5, CIA, et al.

A CIA etc. agent (let's call him agent-A) will befriend an unsuspecting person by - say- joining an upholstery class or an art or photography group ,something like that , and then go about building a pattern of e-mail and telephone contact with the innocent unsuspecting victim .Then a second MI-6 or what not agent (let's call him agent - B) starts a self wiretapped malicious series of e-mails and phone calls with agent-A with both agents pretending to plot bombings ,kidnappings, and assassinations .The innocent unsuspecting involuntary patsy who is linked to agent-A is in due time accused of being a "terrorist" (there's that word again), arrested and tortured into bogus confessions based on the phony evidence created by agents A and B .The falsely accused and then incarcerated gull is invariably labeled as being linked to the mythical al Qaeda .

The Guy Fawkes bombing plot of 1605 is history's most notable variation off of this sheep dip technique. The sheeple masses never learn.

The 9/11 patsies were duped using the more conventional approaches you described. And believe me; the perpetrators in the run-up to 9/11 had netted a stable of operative patsies numbering well beyond any meager 19; as well as their having created pseudo money trails, paper trails, credit card trails, and e-mail trails sufficient to service perhaps ten make believe hijackings with full bloom fake warnings pre-locked and loaded .
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John White
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 8:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whoops45/peanut1, would you kindly stop replying to your own posts and pick which of these ID's you want to post with?

Believe it or not this kind of B/S is completely transparent, and if you do it again I shall post your IP address

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Surely 9/11 has taught you the power of coincidence?

Peanut might just happen to have the same IP address as Whoops - proxy servers and all that. He may have just been online when Whoops posted - he may have been able to read the whole lengthy article and write his reply within 3 minutes.
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John White
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

KP50 wrote:

Surely 9/11 has taught you the power of coincidence?

Peanut might just happen to have the same IP address as Whoops - proxy servers and all that. He may have just been online when Whoops posted - he may have been able to read the whole lengthy article and write his reply within 3 minutes.

Nope it hasnt. I know a blagger when I come across one, and the appearance of "peanut1" as a cheerleader for "whoop45's" posts is what is called a dead giveaway: especially as this is not the first time!

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 11:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

peanut1 wrote:
Wow, world class post whoop45! (Uh , you misspelled "describe")
It's Wescam rather than Webscam , I think.

Nope, grade school class post would be more fitting Whoop45, as would befit any similar unimaginative, derivative and unsourced drivel.

And somehow, I think your initial use of the term 'web scam' is both more fitting and a freudian slip/insight into the problem of running binary personalities.

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marky 54
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

KP50 wrote:

Surely 9/11 has taught you the power of coincidence?

Peanut might just happen to have the same IP address as Whoops - proxy servers and all that. He may have just been online when Whoops posted - he may have been able to read the whole lengthy article and write his reply within 3 minutes.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:51 pm Post subject: Whoop45 gets pwned

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:54 pm Post subject:

just pointintg out the dates, im not sure if your aware it is more than 3 minutes going by your last reply.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 5:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You moderators (with Alex Johnson the significant exception) either don't know your heads from a hole in the ground or are so boorish and uncouth as to stoop to acting as if that you think I am whoop45 going by another handle. Your dishonest pretence is a ploy to get rid of the superb poster that is whoop45 possibly just because I am the first person to agree with whoop45 .I'm not whoop45. And whoop45 is not me. I made the post in question at the Whetstone Library in Columbus, OH .And, that's that.

You moderators (except for AJ) are obviously a bunch of gatekeepers for planehugger, 19 Arab hijacker myth preserving,"we were warned” 9/11 lie lunacy racist xenophobic insanity. You were hoping to find some excuse no matter how weak to rid this forum of whoop45 who is by leaps and bounds the best poster ever on nineeleven.co.uk. You moderators (AJ the exception) and your stable of sockpuppets know you can't handle whoop45, so you chose to ambush whoop45 with this false accusation rubbish. I’m sure I’m not alone amongst those who post and read here in suspecting that you moderators are falsely accusing me of the very thing you have been doing from the outset.
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John White
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 7:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not whoop45. And whoop45 is not me. I made the post in question at the Whetstone Library in Columbus, OH .And, that's that.

What an amazing co-incidence that whoop45 uses the same library!

Keep digging!

I'm not asking for a long apology etc (can't be bothered)

Just pack it in!

But on the other hand, if you want to re-inforce the impression of NPT supporters as a bunch of self deceptive desperate disemblers, carry on!


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 11:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

marky 54 wrote:
KP50 wrote:

Surely 9/11 has taught you the power of coincidence?

Peanut might just happen to have the same IP address as Whoops - proxy servers and all that. He may have just been online when Whoops posted - he may have been able to read the whole lengthy article and write his reply within 3 minutes.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:51 pm Post subject: Whoop45 gets pwned

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:54 pm Post subject:

just pointintg out the dates, im not sure if your aware it is more than 3 minutes going by your last reply.


Ooops - damn, I thought I was being clever - now I feel like an idiot. Shame on you for using facts in the Controversies Section!
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 1:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just come across this.

John, given easyrider's attacks on the forum moderation and your role in it, it is probably wisest not to accuse easyrider/peanut of being the same person unless other mods agree that this is so. It creates unnecessary tension at a crucial time both for 9/11 truth and for the forum.

What was the original thread title? It should be reinstated.
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John White
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 2:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ian neal wrote:
Just come across this.

John, given easyrider's attacks on the forum moderation and your role in it, it is probably wisest not to accuse easyrider/peanut of being the same person unless other mods agree that this is so. It creates unnecessary tension at a crucial time both for 9/11 truth and for the forum.

What was the original thread title? It should be reinstated.

Fair enough Ian: as you know communciation hasnt been too easy recently

I dont remember the thread title but Whoop45 can edit it back anytime he wants: he always could!

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