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Bush's Behaviour on 9/11

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 8:29 pm    Post subject: Bush's Behaviour on 9/11 Reply with quote

This is taken from what I believe is the most reliable and most informative of the 9/11 web sites, find it on: serendipity.li — (The Demolition of the World Trade Center and the so-called War on Terrorism)

The following message was part of a private email discussion among about 17 people concerning what George W. Bush knew about the attacks on the Twin Towers on the morning of September 11th 2001 and when he knew it. The background to this message is given in Bush Flubs it Again and in particular at The Theory of Bush as Uninformed Puppet. Appended to this message is a reply (sent to this discussion group) by Gerard Holmgren and a comment (a private email, reproduced with permission) by Leonard Spencer.

From: Peter Meyer
To: [discussion group]
Subject: Bush's Behavior
Date: Wednesday, 21 July 2004

Dear 9/11 researchers,

Gerard Holmgren has drawn attention to the difficulty, or rather
the impossibility, or reconciling all the reports which have
appeared in print and on the web concerning George W. Bush's
movements and actions between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. on the morning
of 9/11. As with any forensic investigation where the perps introduce
misinformation to mislead investigators, the true explanation will
have to reject some of the prima facie valid evidence. One simply
has to consider various explanations and see which best fits
the facts, or rather, the "facts".

I incline toward the explanation (which seems to me to fit the "facts"
best) that Bush was informed prior to 9/11 of the planned operation,
though he was kept in the dark about specifics, knowing only that
a terrorist attack would be staged which would likely kill thousands
of people and which would be blamed on "Arab terrorists", and that
this would then be used to "legitimate" various items on the Zionist
neo-con agenda, including (i) the passage of "anti-terrorist"
legislation designed to stifle dissent and (ii) the waging of war
against Middle Eastern countries considered of strategic importance
in the newly-announced policy of American "full-spectrum" domination
of the world.

So Bush was told what part he was expected to play. (I guess
that on at least one occasion this was captured on a concealed camera
planted by Mossad, which would explain why Bush gives Sharon everything he wants.) But he wasn't told exactly when he'd have to play his part. He first knew of this when Andrew Card entered the classroom at 9:07 a.m. (four minutes after Bush himself had done so) and whispered into his ear, something like: "Mr. President, the operation has begun. Your press conference denouncing those who have attacked America will take place in ten minutes. Please prepare yourself."
Bush showed no surprise at this, and asked no questions,
because he already knew that this was what was expected of him.
He paled, however, because he then realized that the time had arrived
for him to assume the role of "wartime president" in front of the nation,
concealing thereby the greatest act of treason ever committed against
the U.S. But, being a compulsive liar, and addressing a nation
consisting mostly of people ignorant, gullible, mind-controlled and
not very bright to begin with, and suddenly in a state of shock and
suggestibility, he had no great difficulty in pulling it off.

And since hardly any of those ignorant, gullible, mind-controlled
and not very bright people have awoken to the enormity of the crime
that was committed on 9/11 by those occupying (and still occupying)
high places in the U.S. government (thus "high crimes" and so impeachable), despite the tireless efforts of many others to enlighten them, the perpetrators seem to have gotten away with their crime, and as a result the U.S. is now well advanced on the path to its own destruction, since no country can survive long with a government which wages war upon its own people.

Peter Meyer

From: Gerard Holmgren
To: [discussion group]
Subject: Bush's Behavior
Date: Thursday, 22 July 2004

I think the general idea presented by Peter is probably accurate. I disagree with him on the exact detail about whether Bush knew before entering the school that the WTC had been hit, because I believe that the documentation points to him being aware of this — although I agree that there are so many inconsistencies with the various reports, that we can't be definitive about exactly what he knew and exactly when.

But I find it quite plausible that this may have been the first he knew of
the operational details. In fact, I've been saying for awhile that I think
that it's quite possible that the idiot actually thinks Al Qaeda did it, and
that he simply allowed it to happen by blocking investigations and ignoring warnings, and that someone else took care of the Air Force.

My tentative theory is that pre-9/11, the CIA set him up by feeding him
bogus warnings about fictional terrorists planning an attack, knowing that
he would not be able to resist the temptation to let it happen, and that his
confidential discussions with the CIA may have centered around the best way to let it happen, not realizing that the CIA and others were actually
organizing the whole thing and setting him up to take the heat when the
original official story wouldn't stand up any longer.

So although we've had some robust disagreements over the exact details of Bush's behavior on the morning, I find myself in broad agreement with Peter's assesment of the puppet's role.

The exact details, I guess, are the kinds of things which will only come
out if we are successful in busting the larger scam to the point where most of the US govt and intelligence agencies finish up in the dock, ratting on each other to try to save their own skins.

From: Leonard Spencer
To: Peter Meyer
Subject: Bush's Behavior
Date: Thursday, 22 July 2004

I've been following your recent articles and updates regarding Bush's
movements and actions on the morning of 9-11 and the extent of his
foreknowledge. It seems to me that there's a shortage of genuinely reliable facts concerning this matter. I'm not for instance wholly convinced that Bush saw anything on TV that morning; the only evidence that he did comes from his own off the cuff remarks a couple of months later. None of the other witnesses around say they saw Bush looking at a TV. What does seem to be certain is that Bush took a phonecall at around 9:00, just after he arrived at the school. The schoolteacher recalls this, as do others. We are led to believe the call came from Condoleezza Rice. It's difficult not to believe that this call concerned unfolding events in NY and by this time of course it was realized, even by the media, that the WTC1 impact was no accident.

I suspect that Andy Card's entrance into the schoolroom to whisper into
Bush's ear was a piece of pure, premeditated theater, for the benefit of the cameras. It was a pointedly 'dramatic' moment, giving Bush the opportunity to look grave 'n solemn. I don't see any blanching, just rather wooden acting. It's certainly curious that Card did not wait for a response from Bush, let alone any orders or instructions. That Bush then burbled cheerfully on to the children for another 20 minutes or so further
reinforces the idea that what was happening in NY was no shock to him and that no operational decisions were required of him.

The whole scenario of Bush reading to primary school children that morning is pretty implausible, or at least out of character, in the first place. Isn't this the man who usually has power breakfasts with oil tycoons and other business people? This was probably the one and only occasion in his presidency that he's had such a soft, folksey and endearing engagement, guaranteed to tug the heart strings and — surprise! surprise! — it was on the morning of 9-11.

I suspect Bush was pretty well briefed in the weeks before about what was to happen; he needed to learn his lines, rehearse his reactions and not make any gaffs. I don't think his controllers would countenance a semi-informed Bush blundering around. In August he'd taken that unprecedentedly long 'vacation' at Camp David, well out of the public spotlight. This is probably when the briefing and rehearsing took place.

He may well have seen the first plane impact on a TV screen in his limo on the way to the school. It's interesting that at the time of the first plane, Bush was safely cocooned in the car with all that equipment. At the very least it was probably important that he knew the operation was underway and had not been aborted or delayed; if it had then his scheduled press conference after the school visit would have to go ahead without a 'terror attack' agenda, so he'd have to prepare himself for Plan B.

Leonard Spencer
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 2:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bush knew all about the situation I am quite sure. The look on his face at that scholl said it all.
take the red pill

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James C
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 5:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Webster Tarpley's take on this is that Bush probably knew very little and that the event surprised him on the day. Tarpley asserts that Cheney was in full command and that several assasination warnings to Bush while in Sarasota, Florida on the morning of 9/11 and a few false security alerts while in Air Force One where designed to unnerve Bush and make the case for a military coup. Certainly Bush's initial bumblings and rambling speeches showed no sign of authority and every sign of genuine concern. Only later did his resolve strengthen as if he had submitted himself to the ensuing propaganda machine waiting to direct his every move.

An interesting argument.
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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 10:50 pm    Post subject: Prior Knowledge Reply with quote

The 9/11 - 7/7 Connection


Recorded on July 22nd, 2005

10:25 into the presentation, I state my assertion that at the time Andy Card whispers into the President's ear, Bush was under the impression that he was being advised of an 'incident', as part of the war games that he knew were taking place on 9/11. Cheney was absolutely in command!

There are many aspects that led me to this theory but two of the most significant aspects are:

1). Cheney's instruction to Rumsfeld, in June 2001, to remove the 'Shoot Down' responsibility from the Chiefs of Staff; passing the responsibility to the President; there is no evidence to indicate that G.W. Bush was aware of this instruction.

2). Cheney and Bush refused to appear independently before the 9/11 Commission and both refused to be placed under oath.

Dick Cheney is a very experienced machiavellian who has been on the US political scene since 1969. Eventually appointed Deputy Assistant to Richard Nixon.

Under President Gerald Ford, Cheney became Assistant to the President and then the youngest White House Chief of Staff in history. Many have pointed to this time as the point where both he and Donald Rumsfeld began consolidating political power. An article in Rolling Stone said, "Having turned Ford into their instrument, Rumsfeld and Cheney staged a palace coup. They pushed Ford to fire Defense Secretary James Schlesinger, tell Vice President Nelson Rockefeller to look for another job and remove Henry Kissinger from his post as national security adviser. Rumsfeld was named secretary of defense, and Cheney became chief of staff to the president."

Cheney served as the Secretary of Defense from March 1989 to January 1993 under President George H. W. Bush. He directed Operation Just Cause in Panama and Operation Desert Storm in the Middle East. In 1991 he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for "preserving America's defenses at a time of great change around the world."

See www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Cheney

In 1995 he was appointed CEO of Halliburton; the perfect vehicle for Cheney to get first hand experience of the oil patch. Cheney held this position until he was selected to be G.W.'s running mate in the 2000 Presidential elections.

Cheney (and/or his paymasters) had spent 25 years preparing for the time when he would be able to take the lead Neo-Con role in the White House. He would never have achieved sufficient popular support in the US to become President, so he needed to be on the ticket with someone who would be sufficiently malleable so as not to interfere with the pre-determined agenda. G.W. Bush fitted that bill perfectly! Playing Bush being even easier than playing Gerald Ford more than thirty years ago!

Ian R. Crane
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Abandoned Ego
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 11:37 pm    Post subject: I can remember Reply with quote

George Bush...

"I can remember seeing this....err... plane hitting the first building, and thinking.......it must be pilot error"

Sure George, we believe ya.....

9.15 am on a clear day in New York, and a passenger jet pilot with virtually 100% periferal vision accidentally hits one of the Twin towers Laughing

How long will it take until people WTFU ? Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:01 pm    Post subject: Project calm or run for your life! Reply with quote

It is not just Bush who was at fault in that school. If the official story is true then at that moment Bush and his secret service had no way of knowing that terrorists were not flying towards them. Numerous planes were supposed to be hi-jacked at that point and first priority was to get the President out to a safe and secure location which the school was not as it was well known where Bush was that day and if a Plane crashed into it many innocent men, women and children would be killed. Bush later revealed that he wanted to project calm too the media and the children in the school. Apparently this is more important to him than being killed any second by a hi-jacked airplane. His secret service did nothing to move him despite the fact they were all in danger. I think the truth is they did not leave the school because they knew they were in no danger.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great video Ian, especially considering how soon after 7/7 you did it.
"We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” Martin Luther King
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 11:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nobody really believes that Bush is in charge, do they!?

Bush couldn't even stand up without somebody telling him what to do!

It is all part of the grand deception. Bush is the hate figure - and as much as he should be on trial - it is doubtful that he has the nous to pull himself off, let alone 9/11. Put a jerk in the Whitehouse and whatever scams are pulled off can be explained away as incompetance.

What's in it for George? Well he gets to play with the toy steering wheel which is stuck to the glove box on a sucker. He thinks he's driving just like anybody else with the mental age of a two year old would.

It's all a bullfight.

In this instance:

We (the ones who can't see) are the bull

They are the matador

Bush is the cape

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:47 pm    Post subject: Re: Prior Knowledge Reply with quote

ianrcrane wrote:

The 9/11 - 7/7 Connection

1). Cheney's instruction to Rumsfeld, in June 2001, to remove the 'Shoot Down' responsibility from the Chiefs of Staff; passing the responsibility to the President; there is no evidence to indicate that G.W. Bush was aware of this instruction.

Ian R. Crane

Isn't this contentious? I have read in a number of places, including Davisd Ray Griffin's the new pearl harbour that the change to the rules actually excepted emergency situations as specified in the previous rules (ie suspected hijackings etc). Therefore the military officers under Cheney did have the authority to shoot the planes down.
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