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Were explosives in the twin towers for years?
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 10:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

IronSnot wrote:
I'm quite happy to make it three.

I think of myself as a Christian pacifist....but part of being a Christian, or just a decent human being come to that, is rejecting and resisting evil.

Nazis exist in the public mind as semi-human mass slaughterers who particularly targeted Jews.

Loathing Zionism, as I do, does not make me a Nazi. I don't really care if I'm called that or not. This site is certainly the place it is going to happen. However, this is exactly the tactic that has cowed America into being a hollow tool of the Zionist money powers. The country has no heart of its own. The UK sometimes appears little different.

If you are a Zionist you will call me a Nazi. Ultimately, that's sad for you.

If you are not a Zionist yet you call me a Nazi...well, that makes you a fool.
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 11:13 am    Post subject: Some thoughts Reply with quote

Hello everyone

These are fascinating times indeed.

Having read these recent exchanges the strongest, among many impressions I have is this:

There is obviously a concerted effort being made here to debunk, dismiss and belittle some of the ideas that many people express about the events of 9/11.

That, I would suggest is a clear fact, and one that should be welcomed if one is truly interested in a rationale and constructive debate.

Now, if I chose to make such an effort I would need to be motivated to do so.

So what would motivate somebody to contradict and disparage those who were using thier time and effort in trying to understand the many anomalies in the "official story" of the events of 9/11 ?

Among the many possibilities could be they reason that those who were discussing the subject would benefit from whatever knowledge they could impart, so that it would inform their thinking and contribute to their understanding of the subject.

I could imagine doing this if, for example, I witnessed an event first hand and felt sufficiently confident of what I witnessed to post some information that would correct something that I knew to be false, thereby shedding some light on the discussion and helping the forum to move forward.

I could also imagine some people applying time and effort to achieve any other goal that they may have, regardless of whether this would contribute in a positive way or in a negative way.

In doing so, I may be motivated to reveal what my goals are.

Alternatively, I may not wish my goals to be revealed at all.

Either way, I would suggest that the posts should be welcomed and answered calmly and logically, for I suspect they are not being made for our benefit at all, rather for consumption by the wider, less polarised audience.

This, if correct, is a reason to rejoice is it not, for it demonstrates that those who may have less obvious goals are at least motivated to join our debate, albeit with motivations that are unknown and even unprovable.

Regardless, see it for what it is, stay calm and respectful and remember that the wider audience is our goal, as it probably is for others . . .
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 11:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If the world was a fairer place you would have a point but the world is not fair. The mainstream media is so heavily biased that even five years after the mass murder of thousands in New York most people seem unaware of the multitude of inaccuracies and anomalies concerning the official account of 9/11. Something stinks!!! The mainstream press does not countenance opposing views and ridicules and attacks those who dare to question 9/11, even demanding people lose their livelihood if they do step out of line. Faced with that kind of odium this site and those like it cannot possibly afford to let obvious time wasters prevent the message getting out that 9/11 was NOT perpetrated by 19 Arabs but was in fact something much more insidious. How much time before the next false flag? How many more will be killed in an Iran war if it is believed Iranians were behind the next "terror" attack? The message needs to be spread so that when it happens the majority do not blindly, with misguided patriotism, send us to an even greater catastrophe than the Iraq war. It is ridiculous to say that the people who have just arrived this last week are interested in debate. They know the truth and seek to suppress it.
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 11:59 am    Post subject: Understandable frustration Reply with quote

Blackcat I agree with your sentiments entirely and I think the frustration that people feel with those who appear to detract from the process is entirely understandable.

However, my aim was to focus on our goals as well as illuminating the possible goals and motivations that others may have, in the hope that the reader will see for themselves the nature of the arguments.

This is a public forum and as one of our goals is to encourage the widest audience possible, I would suggest that we have to answer each criticism as plainly and as honestly as we possibly can.

As we all know, we are self evidently at a distinct disadvantage.

In the eyes of the media and general public we remain "conspiracy theorists" when, as we know, the biggest "conspiracy theory" is the official account of 9/11 as provided by the 9/11 Commission Report.

We must remain passionate about our subject and yet dispassionate when responding to those who may have their own agenda.

To do otherwise, in my view, leads us neatly into their trap because we then start to operate on their level, and that behaviour further diminishes our efforts in the eyes of the undecided public at large, which as I tried to imply may be one of their goals, if not their entire aim.

What we should be aiming for is to scatter our seeds as far and wide as possible, whilst retaining and being seen to retain, integrity, honesty and fairness.

As for wanting to avoid the next 9/11 type event, I have to say that I think that is an unrealistic, unachievable goal. We have already had our own 9/11 on 7/7. Spain had Madrid. Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon are the outcomes, and we can only speculate about what will happens next.

What we should focus on is a presentation of as many facts and as much evidence as possible so that the current collective "understanding" of world events can be challenged. This in itself will contribute to a change in the way some people may percieve the world around them.

Our "enemies" are numerous, well organised and well funded. They have most unthinking folk in their thrall and they know this. So why should they pay us any attention ? Think about that and then try to see that fact in the context of your acheivements in bringing the subject to life.

I for one appreciate greatly the work of the contributors to this forum and the UK 9/11 site as I am sure many others do.

We know their tactics well. Our purpose is to expose those tactics and the motivation behind them, with solid reasoned arguments, not I would argue to use similar tactics as they would wish us to.

Finally, I did not say that "they are intersted in debate" and neither did I say they were not interested in debate. That is my tactic. If I choose to sling mud then I cannot complain when mud is thrown at me. Let the reader see for themselves, it is a much more permanent way of learning.
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Jay Ref
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 4:20 pm    Post subject: Re: Some thoughts Reply with quote

Mark Gobell wrote:
Hello everyone

Hi Mark.

These are fascinating times indeed.

As an infamous Chinese curse states: "May you live in interesting times."

However, it is instructive to remember thta it's a curse after all.


Having read these recent exchanges the strongest, among many impressions I have is this:

There is obviously a concerted effort being made here to debunk, dismiss and belittle some of the ideas that many people express about the events of 9/11.

That, I would suggest is a clear fact, and one that should be welcomed if one is truly interested in a rationale and constructive debate.

This is true. But the more paranoid amongst you have bestowed upon us dissenters a raft of motives that have about as much to do with reality as the various CT's themselves...that is...NOTHING.

Now, if I chose to make such an effort I would need to be motivated to do so.

Ok, perhaps it would be good to find out what motivates one's critics? However, what would it matter to the body of evidence for/against the CT? It should not matter whether I am an agent of the US gov't, a Jew, a jihadist, a UFO pilot, or just some guy with too much time on his hands. The evidence either stands scrutiny or it does not. This is basically why the CT hasn't surfaced very often in the MSM...not because there is an effort to suppress...but because the CT fails to stand all but the most cursory scrunity.

So what would motivate somebody to contradict and disparage those who were using thier time and effort in trying to understand the many anomalies in the "official story" of the events of 9/11 ?

Among the many possibilities could be they reason that those who were discussing the subject would benefit from whatever knowledge they could impart, so that it would inform their thinking and contribute to their understanding of the subject.

I could imagine doing this if, for example, I witnessed an event first hand and felt sufficiently confident of what I witnessed to post some information that would correct something that I knew to be false, thereby shedding some light on the discussion and helping the forum to move forward.

I could also imagine some people applying time and effort to achieve any other goal that they may have, regardless of whether this would contribute in a positive way or in a negative way.

In doing so, I may be motivated to reveal what my goals are.

Alternatively, I may not wish my goals to be revealed at all.

Yes, there is a goal. Gravy, Chipmunk, I and possibly others that I'm not aware of are part of the "Skeptic" movement. It's a movement which is inclusive of all and is growing so quickly that our 4th JREF sponsored annual meeting attracted more than 800 people. (the first one was a suggestion of forum members and was only attended by 150) The JREF represents only one facet of a dynamic and multifaceted movement.

For more info on this go here.

We are interested in promoting critiacal thinking skills. (skills which anyone of any faith, creed, or colour can learn and utilize.) JREF operates as a tax exempt charitable foundation which promotes the teaching of critical thinking skills and the importance of the scientific method in public schools. Although many JREFers are humanists, atheists, and agnostics...there are also many people of multiple faiths who find our efforts worth adopting and supporting.

HYere's the JREF mission:
The Foundation's goals include:

  • Creating a new generation of critical thinkers through lively classroom demonstrations and by reaching out to the next generation in the form of scholarships and awards.

  • Demonstrating to the public and the media, through educational seminars, the consequences of accepting paranormal and supernatural claims without questioning.

  • Supporting and conducting research into paranormal claims through well-designed experiments utilizing "the scientific method" and by publishing the findings in the JREF official newsletter, Swift, and other periodicals. Also providing reliable information on paranormal and pseudoscientific claims by maintaining a comprehensive library of books, videos, journals, and archival resources open to the public.

  • Assisting those who are being attacked as a result of their investigations and criticism of people who make paranormal claims, by maintaining a legal defense fund available to assist these individuals.

Critical thinking as defined in Wikipedia:
Critical thinking consists of a mental process of analyzing or evaluating information, particularly statements or propositions that people have offered as true. It forms a process of reflecting upon the meaning of statements, examining the offered evidence and reasoning, and forming judgments about the facts.

Critical thinkers can gather such information from observation, experience, reasoning, and/or communication. Critical thinking has its basis in intellectual values that go beyond subject-matter divisions and which include: clarity, accuracy, precision, evidence, thoroughness and fairness.

As you can see, these skills when learned, can be useful not only in determination the veracity of paranormal of pseudoscientific claims...any claims can be examined in this way. Ultimately we skeptics are interested in helping to foster a less superstitious, illogical, paranoid, and corrupt world.

Therefore, our presence here should now make some sense to you. We are not overtly political, but we do lean more left than the general public. Our members have in turn attacked George W. Bush mercilessly for his errors, failures, and lies...and have supported him when the facts have been on his side.

Chipmunk for one...(and forgive/correct me if I get this wrong)...really does not care for Bush at all and would love to join you lot in bashing his administration if only you would drop the silly CT claims and attack him with real facts and real evidence of some kind.

I hope this helps.


Either way, I would suggest that the posts should be welcomed and answered calmly and logically, for I suspect they are not being made for our benefit at all, rather for consumption by the wider, less polarised audience.


This, if correct, is a reason to rejoice is it not, for it demonstrates that those who may have less obvious goals are at least motivated to join our debate, albeit with motivations that are unknown and even unprovable.

Exactly. Debate is what we do best. You lot can only improve your skills by debating us. If you use logic and provide evidence that we cannot refute you will know that your CT is healthy. If you cannot you'll know it's not ready for prime time. In the meantime you'll learn how to debate from logic and us JREFers will get to show the lurkers who come here the value of skepticism.

Regardless, see it for what it is, stay calm and respectful and remember that the wider audience is our goal, as it probably is for others . . .

Indeed...give that man a cigar. He's gotten it right! Now Ian and others, ask yourselves how shoving your critics off into a troll hole will look to those same lurkers.

(BTW: I'm known as "rikzilla" on the JREF forums) Smile

"Knowledge is good"
-Emil Faber

"God in heaven. Here's the hard-headed, evidence-only freak who will not, like we CTers, indulge himself in self-inflating, utterly misconceived fantasies." -kbo234 (who is NOT a nazi) briefly makes sense
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 5:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jay Ref

Thanks for your reply.

I have opened up a new topic in Critics Corner to debate your ideas about 9/11.

Look forward to your thoughts.

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Newspeak International
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 9:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

)...really does not care for Bush at all and would love to join you lot in bashing his administration if only you would drop the silly CT claims and attack him with real facts and real evidence of some kind.

Well said Jay Ref on the Bush bashing point.

Unfortunately your argument falls down as soon as you said "silly CT claims".

We see therefore we are Laughing

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9/11 Truth Organiser
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 2:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Are you going on this Jay Ref:

Our [JREF] next Amaz!ng Event will be on board Royal Caribbean Cruise Line's Enchantment of the Seas as we traverse the Bermuda Triangle and visit exotic ports in the Western Caribbean. Scheduled for Aug. 27-Sep. 2 2006, this voyage is our first "field trip," and will give our guests more time to spend with guest speakers than ever before. Join us!

Good luck......if a time vortex sees fit to gather you all up and we don't hear from you all for some time, we will have a whip round for your next of kin! Laughing

Connect to Infinite Consciousness - enjoy the ride!
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Pete J
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 3:36 pm    Post subject: gravy reply Reply with quote


Gravy wrote:
It's 2006. I'm not aware of a single structural engineer in the world who has supported your position that "the observable data support very little else."

I don't know if we are talking about the same thing here. Observable data I'm talking about is (for example) collapse time, symmetry, of collapse, consistency across different building designs and sizes etc. These correspond to those of a controlled demolition. (Even on a 'quake like a duck, look like a duck' basis they do). They 'may' also correspond to collapse caused by structural failure but as far as I'm aware, it's unprecedented which is why NIST and others have had to go to work trying to determine a theoretical collapse mechanism which fits this hypothisis because an empirical one doesn't exist before 9/11.

Gravy wrote:
NIST didn't ignore it. They said they found no evidence to support it.

I'm sorry, but they did ignore it. Scientific and technical investigations work on admitting all hypothises which could conceivably account for the observed phenomena, then working through each on in turn determining what data fits that hypothises. The statement "they found no evidence to support it" is meaningless because they never proposed and investigated this hypothises in the first place. They never found any detcords as Fresh Kills landfill ? I'm also convinced they didn't Smile

Gravy wrote:
Does it concern you that none of the thousands of experts in relevant fields support you? Do you have proof that you know better than they?

Of course it concerns me. What do you think ? That's why I've written to newspapers, talked to friends and family, had discussions on forums like this.

Contrary to what you seem to be trying to imply, the official account wasn't brought about by expert views, forensic investigations or any other type of impartial observations. They just came right out with it a couple of days after the attacks and said 'this is what happened', these are the folks that did it and there is now going to be a 'long war' on terrorism. This line was 'fed' to the media, the public and generally swallowed whole and unquestioningly.

Gravy wrote:
I'm not aware of a single structural engineer in the world who has supported your position that "the observable data support very little else." Or a single fire safety engineer, or a single controlled demolitions expert. On what do you base that assertion? Does it concern you that none of the thousands of experts in relevant fields support you? Do you have proof that you know better than they?

If you really believe that, I have to wonder what your doing spending so much energy in discussions on the subject when there's nothing to counter.

You're already a 'moderate poster' and you've only been around a couple of weeks. I've been on here months and am still only a 'minor poster', so based on that observation alone you seem to be taking this issue even more seriously than I am ! Smile
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