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EU referendum... not. Evidence of a fascist state in GB
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No, all that's in your own fevered imagination, Justin. With excellent leaders like Alex Salmond at the helm Scotland can look forward to being an equal part of a confederated states of Europe where it will play a far more democratic part than anything ever allowed it by the Auld Enemy in London.

It's predictable that whenever someone picks the weak spot in the Free UK Argument you lot try to reduce it into a caricature about the Scots. Why not add some cheap jibe like the English always do in referring to another nation?

BTW, 'Bonnie Prince Charlie' was a treacherous numpty who betrayed his own Highland people. Please don't equate us with that neer-do-well.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Has any one got the dates of the SNP conference to make Rory happy?

Oh! BTW, I wrote to Alex Salmond about 9/11 enclosing a copy of In Plane Site in September 2004......and you know what!!!!....he returned the DVD unwatched because he couldn't use a DVD player because he didn't have one. How sad is that? Rory, my friend, Alex Salmond is like the rest of them. Our politicians governing us today are either sheep or traitors. It's as simple as that. Please wake up my friend!!!!

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You're (deliberately?) missing the point, Justin. This Forum should remain strictly non party-political and simply deal with matters surrounding the events of 911, 7/7 and the like.

What has happened is that it has become a meeting ground for Europhobes and UKIP-supporters who are now abusing this Forum with propagandizing their part conferences. It should not be allowed. Otherwise the 911 Forum will become increasingly associated with UKIP.

No party political affiliations here, please!

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

he returned the DVD unwatched because he couldn't use a DVD player because he didn't have one. How sad is that? Rory, my friend

Either he really doesn't have a DVD player or he was making it up. Look, I have no illusions about Alex who happens to be my MP. He is a crafty politician and needs no lessons in pragmatism. He probably thinks that 911 hasna got any votes for him whereas fishing policy does.

All that aside, he's a damn good politician when it comes to Scottish independence. That's all that concerns me the noo.

We live in a very un-ideal world and have to deal with capitalist politicians. We have to make do with what we've got whilst keeping alive the goal for what we could have and be.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 8:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rory my friend, this Forum IS non-party political. The Lib-Dems, Greens, Tories, New Labour....they've all been under the spotlight and have been found wanting. This Forum is also about getting to the TRUTH about all things to do with 9/11 including the NWO's ambitions to form countries into Unions (EU, NAU, APU, AU etc).
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If it is non party-political how come that UKIPpers are allowed to advertise party political conferences on its Calendar? C'mon, how impartial is that?!
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ref the Daily Mail article you quote above (do you expect me to take that fascist rag seriously?) this is a plan to dismember nation-states. As nation-states are a feudal-capitalist invention I say Hooray, the sooner the better!
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rory, you're not listening......we've advertised LibDem and Green Party Conferences in the past on the Forum and 9/11 truth campaigners, including myself, have been to Labour and Conservative conferences.

As regards your second comment, you just don't get it, do you? You really don't mind jumping from the frying pan into the fire! Can I suggest you get this book http://www.davidickebooks.co.uk/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=50 as he connects all the dots beautifully. His Chapter on the EU will answer all your questions.

(Something tells me I'm going to regret suggesting this as you will no doubt have your forthright views on David Icke as well.)

BTW, a book that inspired me in the past was Leopold Kohr's 'The Breakdown of Nations' written in the late 70s. So I'm no 'Little Englander' as you appear to have me down as.

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, all these conferences were advertised in order that folk could go to lobby the 911 message. That's fine, great idea. But Pikey is a Ukipper whose purpose to advertise this UKIP Conference is in order to proselytise the Europhobes' message. Very different thing as I'm sure you can see but won't admit.

As for dear David Icke, I know you're one of his disciples. I can't help liking the fellow but consider some of his views -particular his confusion between reptile-brain and reptilians- totally off the trolley. I have heard similar reports about his paranoia about the EU in the book you quote. Great stuff, no doubt, for late-night conspiracy theorists after a strong joint.

Thanks but no thanks. I'll give it a miss.

That's not to say that the masses are not controlled. It's bloody obvious that they are and that governments spend a tremendous amount in Research and Development of new techniques. It's a booming industry that goes way, way beyond the mesmerism practised in Atlantis.

Am just preparing a collation of Vaclav Klaus' anti-socialist comments given as a link to the Brussels Journal article about the CIA-stooge, Vlad Bukovsky, and also supported by our right-wing friends on the Brussels Journal.

Oh dear, what company you keep, Justin. First the reactionary Brussels Journal and then the Hitler-supporting Daily Mail ... what next I dread to ask ...

Frying pan into the fire? I don't think so. The map for tourist promotion seems a grand way to dismember the abomination that masquerades as a United Kingdom. As an ex-colonial, I've waited a long time to see the day. Only hope I'm alive to see it's final end.

An interesting aside: during my days as a Green councillor in the Highlands I occasionally preached hellfire & brimstone to the other councillors warning them about what the Earth Changes (as I prefer to call them) would bring. As most of them were Highlanders & still fairly close to the land I think it scared some of them sh!tless. Others laughed it off & said I was going the way of our David.

That's why though I disagree with him in part I really like the guy! He's a national institution, nothing less Smile

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Last edited by Rory Winter on Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:19 am; edited 1 time in total
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So this is what your favourite right-wing rag, The Brussels Journal, has to say about another famous CIA-stooge much loved by George Bush, Vaclav Klaus of the Czech Republic. He and Vlad Bukovsky make a fine pair!

Anti-EU Hard-liner Vaclav Klaus

Czech President Warns Against “Europeanism”

"The most impressive speech during the recent Regional Meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society* was undoubtedly Czech President Václav Klaus’s 'View from a Post-Communist Country in a Predominantly Post-Democratic Europe.'", says the Brussels Journal in this report:

President Klaus spoke last Monday, warning for the new “substitute ideologies of socialism” such as “Europeanism” and “NGOism.” These “isms” are currently threatening Europe. “In the first decade of the 21st century we should not concentrate exclusively on socialism,” he said.

Ah, so now that Vlad and Vaclav think they've dispensed with socialism, they turn to other 'quasi-socialist' ideas like 'Europeanism' and 'NGOism'.

Václav Klaus is an indomitable defender of liberty, Europe’s only leader in the mould of the formidable Lady Thatcher.

Well that should give us a hint where the old reactionary is coming from.

“Fifteen years after the collapse of communism. I am afraid more than at the beginning of its softer (or weaker) version, of social-democratism, which has become – under different names, e.g. the welfare state or the soziale Marktwirtschaft – the dominant model of the economic and social system of current Western civilization. It is based on big and patronizing government, on extensive regulating of human behavior, and on large-scale income redistribution.”

So Vaclav is a strong opponent of social-democracy as well. Indeed, one of the key conspirators within the EU seeking to undermine EU social democracy and replace it with hard-line neoconservatism.

As substitutes of socialism, Václav Klaus cited “environmentalism (with its Earth First, not Freedom First principle), radical humanrightism (based – as de Jasay precisely argues – on not distinguishing rights and rightism), the ideology of ‘civic society’ (or communitarism), which is nothing less than one version of post-Marxist collectivism which wants privileges for organized groups, and in consequence, a refeudalization of society […], multiculturalism, feminism, apolitical technocratism (based on the resentment against politics and politicians), internationalism (and especially its European variant called Europeanism) and a rapidly growing phenomenon I call NGOism.”

Mmm, he opposes the Greens, Earth Firsters, feminists, internationalists (and gays no doubt). He sounds like a good Catholic to me with a lot in common with 'Ratty' Ratzinger.

He also opposed “excessive government regulation” and “huge subsidies to privileged or protected industries and firms.” He warned that Europe’s social system “must not be wrecked by all imaginable kinds of disincentives, by more than generous welfare payments, by large scale redistribution, by many forms of government paternalism.”

Yes, that's right keep the poor half-starved. It's the only way you can control 'em from breeding.

Well, so much for your friends in The Brussels Journal, Justin. And these are what you call the 'Champions of Democracy', eh?


*The Mont Pelerin Society: Another hard-line, right wing group of conspirators, http://www.montpelerin.org/home.cfm

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Justin: this CIA-stooge, Vlad Bukovsky, interviewed in The Brussels Journal in the link you give above is clearly just as hard-line right-wing as he ever was.

Having read this article I note that he refers to the EU as "a socialist conspiracy" and goes on to describe a secret pact between the EU and the old Soviet Union, brokered by the Trilateral Commission no less, to create a huge socialist federation in Europe!

If only it were true, people like me would be cheering from the rooftops! No doubt the right-wing Europhobes on this Forum and Rodin will be muttering into their collars, "I told you so!". And so will all the undeclared Thatcherites here present.

Interesting reading here: we discover that Vlad, so beloved of the CIA, "spoke at the invitation of the United Kingdom Independence Party, of which he is a patron."

So he is a UKIP patron. Now that's interesting. Why would an old Cold Warrior like Vlad want to be a patron of UKIP? And more's to the point: why would UKIP want an old Cold Warrior as their Patron? Does this suggest a more tenable link between the Cold Warrior mentality and UKIP? This really does merit much deeper investigation by all those interested in the CIA, the CCF and those who inherited the Cold Warrior mindset, post 1990 ...

You see, readers, what I mean about UKIP being an extreme right-wing party with even National Front sympathisers and racists in it?

Returning to Vlad the Impaler, he tells us that he has documents to prove a “conspiracy” to "turn the European Union into a socialist organization." Well that would be no bad thing would it ... if it were true. But it's not. EU social-democracy is a long way from socialism and I can only imagine that that's what he's referring to: ie. social democracy.

Now social democracy is what the old Labour Party was mostly about. Something so many sorely miss now that it has been replaced by Blair's babes' Nu Labor 'neo-liberalism/neo-conservatism'. So we can safely assume that Vlad, like his fellow-traveller, Vaclav Klaus of the Thatcherite Mont Pelerin Society, detests old Labour and applauds Nu Labor.

I make the point just so that we can get one's bearings.

But why does this UKIP "hero of the 20th Century" live in Britain and not return to the beloved Russia which he worked so hard to liberate from the Commissars? Afraid of something, perhaps? After all, the CIA is no friend of Mr Putin's Russia is it and no doubt our Vlad is still on their payroll.

Back to the documents that Vlad has revealed. Mmm, interesting, I wonder just where these documents originated? I'd put my money on Langley, Virginia. For those babes-in-arms among us I should point out that Langley, Virginia is home to your friendly men in black from the CIA. The very same CIA that used to fund the Congress for Cultural Freedom in which our Vlad was a star attraction in the 'eighties.

Vlad's take on reality is quite remarkable. He even suggests in his interview that Denmark and Ireland never voted to join the EEC as it then was. He's an octagenarian now and one might think he suffers from Alzheimers. But no, my own memory of his past activities remind me that he was always an inveterate liar ... and now a UKIP patron. Nice.

On democracy, he makes the astounding statement that, "The European Parliament is elected on the basis of proportional representation, which is not true representation." Oh really, just when so many are calling for it in Britain? Not true representation? Then what is? Another right-wing putsch, no doubt, the kind carried out in the USA by Bushco in 2000, again in 2004 and (lay your bets now) to be repeated in 2008.

So, you can see what kind of fella our Vlad is. You've heard from Vaclav already, both so beloved of our Champions of Democracy in UKIP. I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions why UKIP should choose such interesting bedfellows ... Justin, take note.

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Last edited by Rory Winter on Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Justin wrote:
Rory my friend - you've pitched your proverbial tent in the wrong place here. The formation of the EU is a key part of the NWO's plan for world domination - you only have to look at the ghastly people behind the whole European Project starting with the Nazis during WW2.

If what you mean by this, Justin, is that Rory should not be posting his pro-EU opinions on this forum, I have to take issue with you. This website has no policy on the EU and therefore Rory and Pikey both have a right to post their contrasing views on the issue.

You'll be glad to hear that I have taken your recommendation and read David Icke's chapter on the EU. I find it totally unconvincing. He basically has only one argument, that the powerful people he names who were involved in the setting up of European institutions are all of the reptilian bloodline and therefore essentially fascistic in attitude.

I have not found any evidence to convince me of the reptilian bloodline theory. When some geneticists have taken DNA samples from such alleged reptilian bloodline people, compared it with the DNA of ordinary people and discovered a clearly alien element in it, we may begin to take this theory seriously. Until such time as that is done, it remains a theory based on myths in ancient scriptures of various traditions and on the sayings of shamans (shamen?) such as Credo Mutwa.

I believe it is a very dangerous theory because it identifies certain people as enemies of humanity based on their ancestry. If this becomes widely believed we may move into another era when people, or perhaps governments, take it upon themselves to exterminate or treat inhumanely other people based upon an unproven belief that they are inescapably non-human or sub-human. It appears we are getting back to the "untermench" theory beloved by the Nazis, by which they justified extermination and other mistreatment of people they regarded as inferior or dangerous.

To base a political campaign on this theory is dangerous, though fortunately at the moment regarded as laughable. That could however change as the current process of dumbing-down procedes. I fear that what happened to the Russian aristocracy, or the French, after their respective revolutions, and what happened to the various categories of people whom the Nazis regarded as inferior, could be a tea party compared to the way the mob would treat people they believed to be of alien (non-human) extraction.


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 7:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was bitten by a poisonous snake when an infant and though given the antidote had to sit up all night so that the venom didn't reach the heart. It was a very weird trip!

Some people on this forum will now understand why, in their eyes, I remain such a poisonous snake Wink

BTW, what's wrtong with reptiles? They're harmless creatures that try to keep out of trouble, unlike that most dangerous species, homo sapiens.

I don't know of many reptiles that are blood-suckers either. All this stuff about reptilians is based on a falsehood about reptiles, ie things they are not. Romantic nonsense.

If Icke had referred to the reptilian brain which we, as humans, all have that would be credible as the reptilian brain is considered to be where the human gets it survivalist, flight or fight, messages when in danger.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 7:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll vouchsafe that Justin doesn't mean that at all. He is saying that he believes Rory's got it wrong not that he shouldn't be allowed to express his view.

And it seems you are also aligning yourself with the EU. Please don't do that. Several points:-

1. The Commission - roughly equivalent to our cabinet - is worse than unelected. It is made up of failed politicians that Europeans have voted out of office.

2. The Parliament - is a sham, it has no real power at all, all it can do is delay legislation if it gets its act together and it can't bring forward legislation.

3. The ERT draws up all new European policy and laws in secret. It is made up of the biggest transnational corporations in the NATO countries - representation from ordinary people is specifically excluded.

4. It is a formalised fascist system of government for Europe, what I have called "Hitler's wet dream" and if European nations are idiotic enough to go along with it there will be civil war type conflict right acoss the continent. That's why there will be no referendum because ordinary people don't want to live under a fascist system.

In short the EU is a ticking time bomb and if you're interested in reading about its origins and superstructure please read these two papers from my Bilderberg website.

1. The Bilderberg Group & the project of European unification

2. "Imagine yourselves to be dictators of Europe"
The Dekker Paper, the Political Agenda and a Constituency for Delors - extract

xmasdale wrote:

If what you mean by this, Justin, is that Rory should not be posting his pro-EU opinions on this forum, I have to take issue with you. This website has no policy on the EU and therefore Rory and Pikey both have a right to post their contrasing views on the issue.

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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And it seems you are also aligning yourself with the EU. Please don't do that

Where does Xmasdale align himself with the EU? And even if he did he's perfectly entitled to as an EU citizen. Your request is autocratic. Please reword it.

Your fevered conclusions about the EU completely avoid my observations that the EU is the only way we are going to shake off the current US domination, I have gone to a lot of trouble elsewhere to highlight this by quoting articles from the extreme-right Heritage Foundation which you, no doubt, will know about.

The EU Reform Treaty: Why Washington Should Be Concerned


I have also shown how those politically naive enough to align themselves with groups like UKIP are playing a very dangerous game because that organisation is only one small step away from the National Front and the BNP with a rag-tag of sympathisers who are not just xenophobes but Islamophobes and racists as well.

You see, there are several elephants in the Europhobes' living room ... all which they find convenient to ignore while fuelling their own bigotries.

The Parliament - is a sham, it has no real power at all

If you recall, I have gone into detail about this in other columns on this forum. MEPs have long complained that the European Parliament is toothless. And who keeps it that way? The Council of Ministers who are all appointed by national governments, including Westminster.

These Ministers reflect the views of their national government appointees who wish to control the EU in their interests and not the interest of the European Patliament.

And where the interests of the UK-appointed Ministers are concerned that is primarily to protect the hegemony of the so-called Special Relationship with Washington DC about which the Heritage Foundation now voices its concerns because of the Lisbon Treaty.

You Europhobes can't have it both ways. Either you are against the Lisbon Treaty and hence on the side of the USUK Special Relationship and the Imperialism that entails, or you're against it. You choose.

Incidentally, I find it curious that you focus entirely on the Bilderberg Group whilst ignoring its global off-shoot, the Trilateral Committee, which is a far larger organisation on a global scale. Why is that?

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rory, we're not going to get anywhere if you simply ignore documents showing the fascist nature of the EU like the ones I presented there...

TonyGosling wrote:
........if you're interested in reading about its origins and superstructure please read these two papers from my Bilderberg website.

1. The Bilderberg Group & the project of European unification

2. "Imagine yourselves to be dictators of Europe"
The Dekker Paper, the Political Agenda and a Constituency for Delors - extract

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rory Winter wrote:
the Trilateral Committee

And its The Trilateral Commission BTW.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rory, we're not going to get anywhere if you simply ignore documents showing the fascist nature of the EU like the ones I presented there...

Tony, I promise to read your links with great interest as I always like to have at least two sides to every viewpoint. But the point remains: it is up to all those who constantly attack the European Project on a Forum like this to answer vital questions such as the one I put.

I have made it to Leiff several times but he seems to be suffering from sour grapes just now. And it's a question I have been developing in these columns for a long time now. The Europhobes are either consciously or unconsciously supporting the London-Washington Axis whose interest all along has been to undermine and divide the Europeans amongst themselves.

The development of a United Europe is rightly seen as a great threat to US plans and ambitions for global domination. The US and its hard-liners are avowed enemies of European social-democracy which they are doing everything they can to destroy from within with the help of their newly-recruited East European neo-conservative friends of which the President of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Klaus, is one as are some of the Polish leaders and old CIA-stooges like the so-called dissident, Vladimir Bukovsky (now a Patron of UKIP!)

The anti-EU campaign in Britain, as it is elsewhere, is fuelled by right-wing Cold Warriors who do not want a multipolar world. They want to see the unipolar world of undisputed US power preserved. The Anglo-Saxon Alliance is part of that conspiracy.

So where are the Europhobes in all this, for or against? They must choose. Not to do so shows what nonsense their political agenda is. If they truly acknowledge the dangerous forces which set up 911, 77 and the like then they should be fighting not supporting them as they are presently doing by aligning themselves with the enemies of European union, ie the very forces behind 911 and 77, the people who wanted to implement the New American Century.

Why do you think that 911 Truthers get hosted by the European Parliament? Can you imagine that happening in Westminster or in the US Congress? Doesn't that show you where democracy lies?

Realpolitik is about politics as we find them. This is realpolitik and the Europhobes better get their act together & wake up to it.

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Last edited by Rory Winter on Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rory Winter wrote:
So where are the Europhobes in all this, for or against. They must choose.

I choose neither.

Don't forget to read those articles.

"Democracy is sustained not by public trust but by public scepticism"
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I choose neither.

Clearly, you cannot see the naivety of your position. You allow yourself the luxury by saying you choose neither.

Forgive me but that's like Norway proclaiming its neutrality which Hitler simply ignored by invading it!

This is the paradox: you campaign on 911, 77 and the forces behind who used it to perform a political coup d'etat in the US by stealing two elections and putting themselves into power. These are the promoters of a New American Century in whose interests 911 and 77 were set up.

They are the very people behind the London-Washington Axis who wish to keep the Anglo-Saxon Alliance alive at the expense of European unification and a European Defence Force. They are the people who voice their concerns about the effects of the Lisbon Treaty in memos such as the one I have produced by the Heritage Foundation.

So, as I have to spell it out in explicit terms: the people who oppose a united Europe are the very people who you are fighting against in the 911 Truth Movement!
I have shown it with documentary evidence and you simply refuse to see it!

The anti-Europe movement has got a lot of nice but politically naive folk in it who are being led down the garden path by the very enemies of 911 Truth. 911 Truth is finding its friends in the European Parliament, not in Westminster or Congress.

So wake up out of your Europhobic trance!

Don't forget to read those articles.

If you mean Tony's, I have answered him directly on that so please don't lecture me on that.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rory Winter wrote:
European Defence Force

You mean the Rapid Reaction Force also known as the Expeditionary Force?

There is a vast quantity of resources quietly going into this. Any ideas on what 'expeditions' the EU has planned?

An alliance with America wouldn't be so bad if they managed to get rid of all the traitors and traitorous organizations they currently have.

"Democracy is sustained not by public trust but by public scepticism"
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No, I mean a European Defence Force (EDF) which has not yet come into being but is planned for the future. An independent force controlled by Brussels directly.

The Rapid Reaction Force is nothing to do with it and was set up under the aegis of Washington, Blair & Co.

An alliance with America wouldn't be so bad if they managed to get rid of all the traitors and traitorous organizations they currently have.

Well, that's all pie-in-the-sky & never going to happen. The story is always the same: as a new capitalist power bloc develops it creates its own military set up to protect the interests of that bloc.

So as the new capitalist power bloc of the European Union develops so it will create its own army. The US see that (read the Heritage Foundation memo I've quoted) and are very afraid because they see it as competition which clearly they don't want.

The development of an EDF is the only thing that will get rid of the present Anglo-Saxon Alliance behind 911, 77 and the fake War on Terror.

In an un-ideal world we have to choose between the two or retire to a mountain-top and meditate about another ideal parallel reality. But, as far as this one and 911 Truth is concerned, choosing or even naively supporting the existing set-up (because we didn't know) certainly contradicts our claim to oppose the forces behind 911, 77 and the "War on Terror".

Outside of that we need a global revolution which I would support wholeheartedly. But there's absolutely no sign of anything along those lines in North America or Europe so I'll opt for European social-democracy for now, the European Union and an EDF.

And, as we have seen with the recent 911 action in Brussels, we have friends and like-thinkers there in the European Parliament which hosted the conference. That is very significant and points to where the friends of 911 Truth are to be found ... certainly not in UKIP or at their Morecambe Conference!

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Last edited by Rory Winter on Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:25 pm; edited 6 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

the Rapid Reaction Force also known as the Expeditionary Force

There is a vast quantity of resources quietly going into this. Any ideas on what 'expeditions' the EU has planned?


Rory Winter wrote:
You've got your answer so why repeat yourself?

HeHe! You get caught editing your posts then nag me about it?

EU = CFR creation

I realise it must be hard for you after all the time you've wasted on the EU!

"Democracy is sustained not by public trust but by public scepticism"
George Monbiot

Last edited by Leiff on Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You've got your answer so why repeat yourself? The RRF is not the same as an EDF and is the product of Bushco, Blair, Sarkozy & Co. It is an extension to NATO and an attempt to ensure that a future EDF is controlled by Washington DC.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't think we're ever going to agree on this Rory and I'm not holding my breath waiting for your response to the documents below because it seems you've already aligned yourself with the EU fascists.

Yes, the EU has brought benefits to many of the regions such as Wales, Ireland and Scotland. These are somewhere between a sop and a bribe. And I'd have hoped you could see that.

Any centralisation of power must be thoroughly examined for signs of totalitarianism - something that, if you read the documents you'll see, was designed in from the start. Please read those 2 hard-dug-out (by me) documents if you want a reply from me.

Not only that, fascism is there as I have pointed out, for all who have eyes to see at every level in the current manifestation of the EU.

Anyone who tries to pretend that those who campaign against the EU are the 'enemies' of 9/11 Truth is just making it up out of no basis in fact. You'll find that there are a higher proportion of 9/11 Sceptics in the anti-EU lobby that in the overall population.

You'll also find that most 9/11 Truth campaigners are anti-EU. But not all which is why your voice is an important, if erroneous, one.

TonyGosling wrote:
........if you're interested in reading about its origins and superstructure please read these two papers from my Bilderberg website.

1. The Bilderberg Group & the project of European unification

2. "Imagine yourselves to be dictators of Europe"
The Dekker Paper, the Political Agenda and a Constituency for Delors - extract

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Blimey I flag up the fact that our democratic state of government malfunctions and replicates the type of action one would associate with a fascist state and ask the question is this a wake up call?

Noel states

If what you mean by this, Justin, is that Rory should not be posting his pro-EU opinions on this forum, I have to take issue with you. This website has no policy on the EU and therefore Rory and Pikey both have a right to post their contrasing views on the issue

Fact is Noel I have never put my own personal views of the EU on this site so I dont understand were you are coming from. I've clarified my position on the UKIP party and my notification of their forthcoming NW conference.

http://www.nineeleven.co.uk/board/viewtopic.php?p=112872#112872&sid=6f 594612d54f3cbcb7532b517bb0172e

For the record though my view on the EU aligns with Justins and his post is imho spot on, as is also Tony Goslings
Salute :-

The formation of the EU is a key part of the NWO's plan for world domination - you only have to look at the ghastly people behind the whole European Project starting with the Nazis during WW2. All the information is out there if your pride and ego will allow you to do your own research with an open mind. I was a firm believer in the EEC for business reasons and voted for it back in the 70s, and I was still largely supporting the EU up until five years ago when information I didn't know about was sent to me. After considering the facts carefully, I did a 'U' turn, swallowed my silly pride, and started campaigning to wake people up about the 'Big Picture' which, unfortunately, you still cannot see.

Your overwhelming desire to see an 'independent' Scotland is obviously affecting your judgement and ability to see things clearly. I can assure you that your beloved Scotland will be divided up by the EU Superstate as part of their eventual desire to break up the EU member nations into EU Governing Regions which will mix up forever the old nations boundaries and frontiers,including ,as I say, Scotland and so remove patriotism and that natural sense of belonging to somewhere. Anonymous Orwellian Regions are the future if people like you Rory don't wake up.

Your dislike of UKIP (attack against Pikey on another thread) is also extremely misguided. We must work with anyone (except the totally unacceptable Far Right parties like the BNP who are probably orchestrated and funded by the NWO to steer people in a particular direction) to expose the treasonous network (Common Purpose and the like) which has been set up to ensure that the UK doesn't work properly and which prepares a resource pool of mindless future leaders/robots to take over for when the EU Regions are eventually set up.


http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_artic le_id=403522&in_page_id=1766&ito=1490

Swallow your pride and open up your mind to the possibility that you might just be wrong. Trust me, I've done this on quite a few occasions and will continue to do so as the truth continues to come out.

Best wishes


Peace & truth


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PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tony, what you call fascists were mainly social-democrats until the introduction of the east European nations with so many hard-line closet fascists of the kind that Vaclav Klaus represents. And those closet fascists are enthusiastic Bushco supporters for a new American Century.

the questions I have put to the Europhobes about the paradox in their position regarding 911 and their de facto support of the London-Washington relationship through consistently attacking European Union and an independent European Defence Force remains unanswered. It's one or the other with no other alternative in sight this side of global revolution.

Silence from the Europhobes who have no alternative.

Going onto your articles which I have scanned briefly before examining them in greater detail: nothing there surprises me. And I have already answered Leiff in acknowledging that there would have been a lot of Bilderbergers involved in setting up the embryo of the EU which is a capitalist organisation.

But, as one of the writers in your articles acknowledges, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since the 'fifties. As the EU becomes more powerful so it becomes more of a challenge to the old trans-Atlantic power-structure of the USUK.

The UK, through losing its Empire and markets is now steadily in economic decline. Hence its need to be part of a larger economic trading bloc. It chose to align itself with the rest of Europe. Most people in 1973, I recall, voted to join the Common Market because they were afraid of what would happen if Britain stayed out of it.

If Britain were to leave the EU now it would soon be swallowed-up by another power bloc which, given the existing realities, would be the North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA) which Rupert Murdoch would like to see happen.

Given these two options I prefer to remain in the EU lending solidarity to the European Left and the social-democrats. For all I know you may prefer NAFTA and the Americans as Leiff seems to. If there is a third option then I would be very interested to hear about it.

Anyone who tries to pretend that those who campaign against the EU are the 'enemies' of 9/11 Truth is just making it up out of no basis in fact

What nonsense. I have tried to show quite clearly the paradox but you people will not accept it. Of course you can't. It puts you all in a ridiculous light. You can and will remain in denial for ever and a day. Others will read what's written and weigh things up for themselves.

And 'enemies' is the emotive word you choose, no one else. Enemies? Of course not. Deluded, confused, inconsistent, nice but naive? More likely.

It's good, anyway, that we can debate 'Europe' on this forum in a small way. I would like to see it happening nationally with serious, not emotional, analysis. But fat chance of that happening.

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Last edited by Rory Winter on Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:36 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

For the record though my view on the EU aligns with Justins and his post is imho spot on, as is also Tony Goslings

Hence your enthusiasm about the UKIP Conference & use of the Forum Noticeboard to proselytize your cause.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 4:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm a socialist and many of us have seen our political party - the Labour Party - infiltrated by the Oligarchs and city of London.

If you think New Labour is is any way socialist you're kidding yourself.

Rory Winter wrote:
Tony, what you call fascists were mainly social-democrats until the introduction of the east European nations with so many hard-line closet fascists of the kind that Vaclav Klaus represents. And those closet fascists are enthusiastic Bushco supporters for a new American Century.

What the article explain is that the German/US far right Corporate nexus desiged the EU to keep Europe glued in to US foreign policy before the end of World War II. As part of the Council on Foreign Relations' War and Peace Studies Group.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Rory Winter
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 4:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm a socialist and many of us have seen our political party - the Labour Party - infiltrated by the Oligarchs and city of London.

If you think New Labour is is any way socialist you're kidding yourself.

No, again you jump to conclusions. I, like you, detest Nu Labor as I have written elsewhere on these threads (which presumably you haven't read or missed). When I refer to social democrats I am thinking of 'Old' Labour in the UK and a host of other parties on the Continent, including the Communist and Left parties which are now essentially social democrat in the classic sense.

What the article explain is that the German/US far right Corporate nexus desiged the EU to keep Europe glued in to US foreign policy before the end of World War II. As part of the Council on Foreign Relations' War and Peace Studies Group.

That's a very simplistic stroke of the brush which, in any event, does not describe the spectrum of political groups who support the European project in 2008. It may suit you and the other Europhobes to present the issue in black-and-white caricatures but I think our readers deserve something far better than that.

And getting back to my previous invitation, your third option is?

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