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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

brian wrote:
Waffle is waffle is waffle.

"..Schaact, the Nazi's stooge who presided over the state theft of Jewish property.."

His aquittal at Nuremberg will have been good fortune then eh.

"In 1930, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) was created using the “Young Plan,” after Morgan banker, Owen D. Young. Its supposed purpose was to funnel German money to the Allies in reparation for WWI. In reality, the BIS funneled money into Germany to rebuilt its might. Inspired by Hitler’s Economics Minister and Reichsbank president, Hjalmar Schacht, who had lived in Brooklyn, the BIS was owned by the world’s largest central banks, including Morgan’s First National Bank of New York, the Federal Reserve of New York, the Reichsbank and the central Banks of England, Italy and France."


Or Larouche -

"..N.Y.-born Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, a life-long asset of the J.P. Morgan interests, with direct control over Schacht exerted by the Bank of England's Montagu Norman. This was the same Norman who was the controller of the financial house of Averell Harriman, during all of the relevant years leading up to and beyond the Hitler coup d'état."


".. in December 1938 Hitler approved the Schacht plan...The proposition discussed by Schacht with Lord Bearsted, Lord Winterton, and Mr. Rublee in London ...a basic plan forseeing the emigration of about 400,000 Jews in the space of 3 years."

..Reitlinger attributes the failure of the Schacht plan to the reaction aroused in Hitler by Schacht's refusal to increase the circulation of paper money, following which, on 20 January 1939, Schacht was dismissed from the presidency of the Reichsbank. However, in an interview given Rolf Vogel in January 1970, Schacht declared that the plan was checkmated by the opposition of Chaim Weizmann."

As for Hitler and Zionism -

Embracing the S.S.

Consequently, the Zionists brought Baron Von Mildenstein of the S.S. Security Service to Palestine for a six-month visit in support of Zionism. This visit led to a twelve-part report by Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, in Der Angriff (The Assault) in 1934 praising Zionism. Goebbels ordered a medallion struck with the Swastika on one side, and on the other, the Zionist Star of David. --


Pincher, plying the ridiculous is your forte.

1) Schacht was acquitted at Nuremburg (on a split decision) on WAR CRIMES charges due to a lack of evidence about his role in the preparation for and prosecution of WWII. He was immediately rearrested by a denazification court and sentenced to eight years hard labour.

2) The price of the Jewish exit visa was their house, their bank accounts, their businessees, their jewellery, their works of art - basically everything they owned. A primary school pupil knows this - how is it that you don't?

One of the reasons why Schacht escaped the noose at Nuremburg was because he disapproved of the extermination of the Jews. He felt that they should 'only' be stripped of their citizenship (meaning stripped of their property). A lot of Nazi's felt the same way on grounds of practicality. Flooding the allies with refugees would help to bugg*r up their war effort.

3) The mere fact that you present this on here and expect us to take at face value a propaganda stunt by one of the architects of the final solution means you are not stupid, Brian. You are just plain evil.

I hereby formally request the moderators to ban you from this forum.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pincher wrote:
brian wrote:
Waffle is waffle is waffle.

"..Schaact, the Nazi's stooge who presided over the state theft of Jewish property.."

His aquittal at Nuremberg will have been good fortune then eh.

"In 1930, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) was created using the “Young Plan,” after Morgan banker, Owen D. Young. Its supposed purpose was to funnel German money to the Allies in reparation for WWI. In reality, the BIS funneled money into Germany to rebuilt its might. Inspired by Hitler’s Economics Minister and Reichsbank president, Hjalmar Schacht, who had lived in Brooklyn, the BIS was owned by the world’s largest central banks, including Morgan’s First National Bank of New York, the Federal Reserve of New York, the Reichsbank and the central Banks of England, Italy and France."


Or Larouche -

"..N.Y.-born Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, a life-long asset of the J.P. Morgan interests, with direct control over Schacht exerted by the Bank of England's Montagu Norman. This was the same Norman who was the controller of the financial house of Averell Harriman, during all of the relevant years leading up to and beyond the Hitler coup d'état."


".. in December 1938 Hitler approved the Schacht plan...The proposition discussed by Schacht with Lord Bearsted, Lord Winterton, and Mr. Rublee in London ...a basic plan forseeing the emigration of about 400,000 Jews in the space of 3 years."

..Reitlinger attributes the failure of the Schacht plan to the reaction aroused in Hitler by Schacht's refusal to increase the circulation of paper money, following which, on 20 January 1939, Schacht was dismissed from the presidency of the Reichsbank. However, in an interview given Rolf Vogel in January 1970, Schacht declared that the plan was checkmated by the opposition of Chaim Weizmann."

As for Hitler and Zionism -

Embracing the S.S.

Consequently, the Zionists brought Baron Von Mildenstein of the S.S. Security Service to Palestine for a six-month visit in support of Zionism. This visit led to a twelve-part report by Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, in Der Angriff (The Assault) in 1934 praising Zionism. Goebbels ordered a medallion struck with the Swastika on one side, and on the other, the Zionist Star of David. --


Pincher, plying the ridiculous is your forte.

1) Schacht was acquitted at Nuremburg (on a split decision) on WAR CRIMES charges due to a lack of evidence about his role in the preparation for and prosecution of WWII. He was immediately rearrested by a denazification court and sentenced to eight years hard labour.

2) The price of the Jewish exit visa was their house, their bank accounts, their businessees, their jewellery, their works of art - basically everything they owned. A primary school pupil knows this - how is it that you don't?

One of the reasons why Schacht escaped the noose at Nuremburg was because he disapproved of the extermination of the Jews. He felt that they should 'only' be stripped of their citizenship (meaning stripped of their property). A lot of Nazi's felt the same way on grounds of practicality. Flooding the allies with refugees would help to bugg*r up their war effort.

3) The mere fact that you present this on here and expect us to take at face value a propaganda stunt by one of the architects of the final solution means you are not stupid, Brian. You are just plain evil.

I hereby formally request the moderators to ban you from this forum.

Waffle is waffle is waffle, no matter how desperate it becomes.

Interesting, or is it ridiculous, you avoid the very issue you raised, Schacht's role as frontman.

1) Yes, sentenced to 8 years, served less than 2 then went on to form the Dusseldorf Bank and became an economic and financial advisor for developing countries. Once a frontman eh.

The rest of your contradictory waffle perhaps merits the "most ridiculous" description you were keen to award.

One moment Schacht "disapproved of the extermination of the Jews" the next he is "one of the architects of the final solution"

Dont come much more ridiculous eh.

I hereby formally request everyone treats you as a ridiculous man deserves to be treated. Or even as a blatant propagandist.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 4:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you had read my post attentively Brian you would have realised I was referring to Goebbels and not Schacht as one of the architects of the final solution.

I am calling on the moderators to ban you on the grounds that you are a vicious anti semite (and probably worse) masquerading as an anti Zionist. This is evidenced by the fact that you try to depict Schacht as a 'Zionist front man' because he 'helped' 400,000 Jews 'escape' Nazi Germany. Of course, these were de facto expusions and state robbery on a colossal scale. Its quite obvious where you are going with all of this proto Schindler and Nazi-Zionist collobaration nonsense.

Go on you ars*hole - admit you're a holocaust denier
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 5:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pincher wrote:
If you had read my post attentively Brian you would have realised I was referring to Goebbels and not Schacht as one of the architects of the final solution.

I am calling on the moderators to ban you on the grounds that you are a vicious anti semite (and probably worse) masquerading as an anti Zionist. This is evidenced by the fact that you try to depict Schacht as a 'Zionist front man' because he 'helped' 400,000 Jews 'escape' Nazi Germany. Of course, these were de facto expusions and state robbery on a colossal scale. Its quite obvious where you are going with all of this proto Schindler and Nazi-Zionist collobaration nonsense.

Go on you ars*hole - admit you're a holocaust denier

Reading your posts attentively leads to the inescapable conclusion you are a waffler. A ridiculous waffler either through design or the needs of an egocentric oaf.

Your attack was a failure, you changed tack to the tacky but predictable anti semitic drivel that your ilk stoop to any time they feel threatened or exposed. That too I class as waffling these days, like yourself it is wearing rather thin.

As for you final desperate shot

Would there have been the holocaust if the Zionists had not collaborated so readily and so well?

Collaborating with the Nazis

This strategy of enlisting Europe’s virulent Jew-haters, and of aligning with the most vicious movements and regimes as financial and military patrons of a Zionist colony in Palestine, did not exclude the Nazis.

The Zionist Federation of Germany sent a memorandum of support to the Nazi Party on June 21, 1933. In it the Federation noted:

... a rebirth of national life such as is occurring in German life ... must also take place in the Jewish national group.

On the foundation of the new [Nazi] state which has established the principle of race, we wish so to fit our community into the total structure so that for us, too, in the sphere assigned to us, fruitful activity for the Fatherland is possible ... [81]

Far from repudiating this policy, the World Zionist Organization Congress in 1933 defeated a resolution calling for action against Hitler by a vote of 240 to 43.


I call on everyone to laugh at you and the likes of you.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I like to recommend the following:

James Petras' New Book; The Power of Israel in the US.
The recent work by Mearsheimer + Walt.
nkusa.org and other sites in which jews are against zionism.

Since 1967. I think it is obvious who is more powerful and who are weaker. A few hundred nukes does help.

Compared to years ago Egypt is a well behaved puppy and it would only take a few minutes for Israel to fully control the Sinai again. The red light port of Eilat does help.

Thank god for the heroic resistance in south Lebanon against the evil invaders. Mind you, Israel still controls the air and sea.

I thought the plan for Iraq was to split it up all along. Don't forget the pipeline, and which part of Iraq has Israel been active in its support for.?

For Gaza.....open prison 4 you....with the evil occupiers out of there, its a lot easier to bomb the * out of it. A few hundred dead in the last few months.

Since 1967, I wonder if the number of colonalists/occupiers in the
west bank has grown and more chunks of Jerusalem are palestinian free.
Don't forget the long and winding prison walls for the black moustaches.

I wonder who has been trying to undermine the elected government of Palestine. Divide + rule, a few shekels + dollars for fateh.

9/11 ....good day for Israel......

Nancy Pelosi or the Israel lobby ..........who has more power.....?

.....thousands didn't turn up for work.

Why are so many people who are keen to remember the holocaust, not bothered or are even active supporters of the holocaust against the black moustaches.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Afraid of being outed (prematurely) as an Holacaust Denier, the evil Brian, by suggesting that the Zionists were largely responsible for the Nazi's extermination of their own kind completely blows apart his own thesis that the project for a Jewish homeland was a Nazi-Zionist joint venture.

Like all hate filled idealogues, evil Brian's favourite preoccupation is dealing in half truths. Zionist organisations were not alone in sending their messages of good will to the Nazi's before and soon after their ascent to power. They did this in the misguided belief that by appeasing them the Jews might receive better treatment (who else was gulity of this I wonder?) than Nazi/Brownshirt rhetoric suggested (some argue that Jewish appeasement bought them about two years as the raft of Nazi anti Jewish laws were not introduced until the mid '30's).

The creation of a Jewish state would have been a military formality for the Nazi's after they gained control of the Eastern Mediterranean sea lanes in 1941. Instead, they created in their own image and likeness a blood lust Arab movement that was hysterically anti semitic. It still exists today and evil Brian is one of its witting spokesmen.

It's called Baathism
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I would like to recommend - therapy.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

blackbear wrote:

I like to recommend the following:

James Petras' New Book; The Power of Israel in the US.
The recent work by Mearsheimer + Walt.
nkusa.org and other sites in which jews are against zionism.

Since 1967. I think it is obvious who is more powerful and who are weaker. A few hundred nukes does help.

Compared to years ago Egypt is a well behaved puppy and it would only take a few minutes for Israel to fully control the Sinai again. The red light port of Eilat does help.

Thank god for the heroic resistance in south Lebanon against the evil invaders. Mind you, Israel still controls the air and sea.

I thought the plan for Iraq was to split it up all along. Don't forget the pipeline, and which part of Iraq has Israel been active in its support for.?

For Gaza.....open prison 4 you....with the evil occupiers out of there, its a lot easier to bomb the * out of it. A few hundred dead in the last few months.

Since 1967, I wonder if the number of colonalists/occupiers in the
west bank has grown and more chunks of Jerusalem are palestinian free.
Don't forget the long and winding prison walls for the black moustaches.

I wonder who has been trying to undermine the elected government of Palestine. Divide + rule, a few shekels + dollars for fateh.

9/11 ....good day for Israel......

Nancy Pelosi or the Israel lobby ..........who has more power.....?

.....thousands didn't turn up for work.

Why are so many people who are keen to remember the holocaust, not bothered or are even active supporters of the holocaust against the black moustaches.

Blackbear you are not listening to me! I'll try again - so pay attention!

If Zionism was the all powerful and all consuming movement and ideology that many suggest that it is, the modern State of Israel would be much bigger than it is now.

At the very least the State would have secured for itself much of South Lebanon, South Western provinces of Syria (including the capital, Damascus) and Jordan's coast line on the Gulf of Aqaba. Sinai would have been incorporated into this State which would still occupy, settle and administer directly Gaza and The West Bank. This powerful, aggressive, nuclear state would also have driven out the vast majority of the indigenous Arab population.

And these are the minimum demands of Zionism. But this has not happened. Instead Israel has consolidated - a clear violation of the precepts of Zionism. The only places you're likely to find this pure expansionist ideology are in the more exposed settlements in the PA.

It is quite clear to any detached observer that the reason why Zionism has been kept in check (if it has ever had any real political clout at all) is because of the control of a much greater power, one that carefully choregraphs every move that Israel makes.

Maybe we do have an holocaust industry and it is certainly propaganda for a purpose. And there are certainly other holocausts that perhaps don't get quite as much attention as they should.

But the mere fact that you refer to the depredation of the Palestinians as the holocaust of the black moustaches suggests a certain irony.

Whatever misery the Palestinians have endured (much of it at the hands of their own leadership(s)) it is insignificant when compared to the gas chambers.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Don't forget the 650,000 black moustaches in Iraq.

Cheney and Neo-Cons Plotting More Wars

by Jeffrey Steinberg – Executive Intelligence Review November 17, 2006


One difference between the James Baker-type corporate elites and the Zionists, is that the Baker Boys are not as ideological. They want to make lots and lots of money, and are very flexible about who they deal with, as long as the profits keep pouring in. They prefer to make as few waves as possible, cultivating close friendly relations with strategic allies and doing what they can to make those allies look good.

So, when Baker was the Secretary of State under Reagan, America could pretend to be an 'honest broker' in the Middle East and actually be believed. US allies were approvingly labelled 'moderates' and generally supported by their people for prudently cultivating a 'special relationship' with the more powerful of the two superpowers.

These carefully-cultivated relationships have come tumbling down in the Bush years. The neocon-type Zionists are not content with access to the region's resources through friendly 'agreements' -- they want to smash and grab.

They're not content with cultivating 'leaders' who will act as proxies for their interests, they prefer to use brute force directly to terrorize nations into submitting to their will, and stupidly humiliate and discredit their puppets, thereby empowering and hardening resistance movements across the region.

Also, the Baker-types were not necessarily married to Israel. Israel was an important strategic asset in the region, but it was not an end in itself, unlike for the Zionist fanatics, for whom the primary goal is nothing less than total military, economic and political domination of the region by Israel, at any cost, even to American interests.

As for the 'anti-semitism' accusation, it is so tiresome and predictable.

If a disproportionate number of Jews in the US were living below the poverty line, were subject to job discrimination and abuse in the media, if they suffered a lower-than-average life expectancy and diseases linked to malnutrition and lack of adequate health care, say, like Blacks or Hispanics, if they were under-represented in the government or media, then it would make sense to say that they are the victims of anti-semitism.

Such statistics would then be used to back up the argument that anti-semitism is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. I'll bet they would gladly be used by apologists such as Dream's End, as evidence to support his argument.

But that's not the case, is it? The Zionists want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to be able to silence critics with cries of anti-semitism, while denying anyone the right to point out that Jews in America hardly fit the profile of an oppressed people, victims of discrimination who are denied a voice.

That on the contrary, Zionists use the very financial, political and media power they claim not to have, in order to promote Israel as some kind of a holy object of blind worship.

The whole thing is so totally bogus, and doesn't bear any kind of scrutiny. Those same Zionists who scream anti-semitism, will turn around and staunchly defend a true racist apartheid state that denies basic human rights to millions of people it rules, on the basis of their ethnicity. Those same Zionists who cry piteously over the 'unprecedented growth of anti-semitism' unleash their full wrath on anyone who dares to point out the overwhelming evidence that demolishes the basis for their accusation.

The Zionists are not crying 'anti-semitism' in order to demand greater access by Jews in America to better education, jobs, health care and legal rights. They are crying 'anti-semitism' to demand that the Jewish-supremacist state be permitted and even supported, in its ongoing genocide and other war crimes, with complete immunity from international law and even criticism.

"Maybe one reason that Zionists see Nazis everywhere, is that they're looking in the mirror.".........Alice the Curious

William Rodriguez.........thousands didn't turn up for work.........

Israel is in violation of more UN resolutions than any other country in the world.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 5:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I have some relatively good news for you! By the end of this century, the State of Israel (as we know it today) will probably be no more. There are two important reasons for thinking this:

1) Oil and gas reserves in the Middle East will be virtually exhausted by then and the region will no longer be considered a geopolitical priority by the major powers - particualrly the US.

2) The US, the chief sponsor (ie armourer) of the State of Israel, will almost certainly have been eclipsed by China (and possibly overtaken by India too) as the world hegemon by the year 2100. And if you look what happened to Britain after the break-up of its empire prospects for the US do not look good (possible fragmentation of the US itself).

So, with no defender, the barren state in a barren wilderness will be hung out to dry. Of course these things are not set in stone. There's always the X factor, that unpredictable event, that could take history on a different course.

Blackbear you might see things a little more clearly if you stepped back a little and took a panoramic view of history, of great empires rising and falling...

...rather than looking through a long dark tunnel imagining hook-nosed little men sitting on gold bullion plotting the fate of the world.


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 9:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pincher......are you not remotely bothered about the present holocaust against the black moustaches. ?

Do you ever recall the following;......first they came for ......+ I did nothing........+ then they came for me.

I think the truth + realities of today are just too much for you to come to terms with. You may have some emotional baggage to work out.

I recommend hate sites like Harrys'place + LGF ...where you can stay in your comfortable state of denial.

People like you would have been a waste of space in preventing the atrocities against so many 60 odd years ago.

Having been to Israel a few times, still to meet a "hook nose"........


Define the borders of Israel..........

Another sad case...........http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/story.html?id=36b95e 29-d72c-4557-bde7-5c39a6d6cd49&k=16667

Worth a read, don't forget the pipeline..........http://www.antiwar.com/justin/?articleid=2859

Deputy prime minister......take back Gaza.....http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2006/11/18/inter national/i045624S01.DTL

People I admire.......http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/slideshow/2006Nov9nyc.c fm

Yankees fight for us..........http://youtube.com/watch?v=cm4zuKukUco

Pipeline connection...........http://www.antiwar.com/justin/?articleid=2859
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 2:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

blackbear wrote:
Pincher......are you not remotely bothered about the present holocaust against the black moustaches. ?

Unlike you Blackbear I am concerned about all holocausts. The situations in Darfur and arguably Zimbabwe are worse than they are in the ME. And don't forget as far as Iraq is concerned the vast majority of the killings are Arab upon Arab, Muslim upon Muslim, clan upon clan.

The Yanks and hook noses are of course the agent provocateurs in all this - but the Syrians and Iranians are only too happy to take advantage of their muslim 'brothers.'

So much for Islamic solidarity

Do you ever recall the following;......first they came for ......+ I did nothing........+ then they came for me.

Pastor Niemoller's dictum is both historically inaccurate and dangerously misleading. Over 400 resistance cells were still actve in Germany in the closing years of the war (most of them Christain and pacifist) - an inconvenient truth for the allies and one that has been actively suppressed by the mainstream WWII 'industry.'

Another inconvenient truth is that speaking up about Iraq and the Palestinians is both fashionable and easy (ie entirely without unpleasant consequences) in a comfortable liberal democracy 2,500 miles away. In fact, it's even being encouraged in ol' blighty by the spooks so that they can give Blair & Brown the ol' heave ho.

If you can convince me you've done a ten year stretch in a stinking Burmese prison for 'speaking up' I'll admire your courage but not your common sense

I think the truth + realities of today are just too much for you to come to terms with. You may have some emotional baggage to work out.

I've come to terms with truth and reality sonny. And they are that the Yanks and the hook noses are not the only villains in town and that the real 'victims' are the ones that ' UK Protest PLC' are too embarrassed to talk about.

My emotional baggage is my knowledge and experience

I recommend hate sites like Harrys'place + LGF ...where you can stay in your comfortable state of denial.

Enlighten me - who is it you reckon I hate? And apart from the hook nosed plotters of Threadneedle street exactly what is it that I am in denial about?

People like you would have been a waste of space in preventing the atrocities against so many 60 odd years ago.

The clear inference being that you are not a waste of space in 'preventing' the atrocities of today? What a narcissistic * you are!

Another inference of course is that 1930/40's UK Protest PLC did their bit in 'preventing' wartime atrocities. Well if opposing mobilisation for WWII and referring to it even now as a 'bourgeios conflict' is your idea of active prevention I'd hate to think what collaboration entails

Having been to Israel a few times, still to meet a "hook nose"........

Being a LITERAL sanctimonious anti Zionist doesn't get you off being a closet anti semite.

Define the borders of Israel..........

You are also an EVASIVE literal sanctimonious anti Zionist who can't come up with the answer as to why the hook nosed hegemons occupy a smaller strip of wilderness than they did in 1967 and need Turkish bottled water to stay there.

Now that's what I call power
...Another sad case...........http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/story.html?id=36b95e 29-d72c-4557-bde7-5c39a6d6cd49&k=16667

Worth a read, don't forget the pipeline..........http://www.antiwar.com/justin/?articleid=2859

Deputy prime minister......take back Gaza.....http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2006/11/18/inter national/i045624S01.DTL

People I admire.......http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/slideshow/2006Nov9nyc.c fm

Yankees fight for us..........http://youtube.com/watch?v=cm4zuKukUco

Pipeline connection...........http://www.antiwar.com/justin/?articleid=2859

Ever read a thing called a BOOK Black Bear? Turn off the PC for a bit and try reading one or two on GLOBAL geopolitics and geostrategy.

Then read some more...
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Swedish human rights worker viciously attacked by Jewish extremists in Hebron


Imagine if these were Muslims, attacking a Swedish woman... The loop would be played over, and over, and over....

" trying to divert attention from ongoing genocide and war crimes, by constant references to The Holocaust, Nazis, including Mein Kampf and "the Jews", implying that those who oppose Zionism because it is a racist, inherently fascist and violent movement, are really hidden Nazis who oppose Zionism because (psst... ) they secretly hate Jewish people."
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That Swedish woman must have deserved it. She was there to cause trouble. Any other view is anti-Semitic and not allowed. It is anti-Semitic to even post this story. Israel is beyond criticism as are Zionists and if you do criticise them then you are a closet anti-Semite (even if you have never met a Jew!!). In fact this story must be made up. You have fabricated this entire yarn because you are an anti-Semite. Gotcha!!
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well sleuthed blackcat. Someone get this man a sticker, and that man needs a swastika tattoo.
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