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Nov'06 Litvinenko Polonium assassin CIAs Alexander Goldfarb?
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moeen yaseen
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 10:21 pm    Post subject: Poisoned Russian spy revealed Putin's false flag operations Reply with quote

Litvinenko Converted to Islam

A friend of mine from Canada sent me this surprising news from Chechnya (see highlighted section):

Chechen rebels "grieved" by Litvinenko death

Excerpt from report by Chechenpress news agency website

25 November: In the name of God, the Merciful and the Compassionate!

We were grieved and indignant to hear about the death of the known writer, rights activist and persistent advocate of truth and justice, Aleksandr Litvinenko. In their regular manner of cowards and professional killers, Kremlin criminals stabbed him in the back and treacherously poisoned him. This by no means is the first crime of such kind committed by the Russian president's helpers against political opponents of the Kremlin-Lubyanka [FSB headquarters] pakhanate [pun on "khanate" and "pakhan," Russian for thug leader].

MPs Sergey Yushenkov and Yuriy Shchekochikhin, former CRI [Chechen Republic of Ichkeria] president Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev and journalist Anna Politkovskaya - all of them fell victim to Kremlin killers. Aleksandr Litvinenko - an honest and courageous man who uncompromisingly unmasked all crimes and provocations committed by the Kremlin fascist regime - has now added to the list.

We regard as particularly important the convincing proof and evidence of the direct involvement of the Russian special services in the explosions in residential buildings in Russian towns in the autumn of 1999 collected by Aleksandr Litvinenko in his book "The FSB blows up Russia". Thanks to this book and other publications by Aleksandr Litvinenko, Putin and his accomplices will never wash out of their dirty hand the blood of hundreds of civilians in Russia that was shed in order to find a cause to unleash new war and new genocide in Chechnya. In the book, Aleksandr Litvinenko presented a precise report on the crime committed by Putin's killers who cold-bloodedly annihilated hundreds of citizens of Russia to find a cause to exterminate hundreds of thousands of citizens of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.

Putin's killers killed Aleksandr Litvinenko but they are powerless to kill his cause, his name and the cherished memory of him in the hearts of all honest people. Aleksandr Litvinenko is one of those that his nation can be proud of, and we will remember him and will be proud that he was a faithful and selfless friend of the Chechen people in the hardest and most tragic period of our history. We would like to make it known that the president and government of the CRI are currently dealing with events commemorating Aleksandr Litvinenko and awarding him the most honourable state award of the CRI for his services to the Chechen people. His name will be immortalized in the pantheon of the most glorious heroes of our motherland.

We have learnt that shortly before the attempt on his life, Aleksandr Litvinenko voluntarily and sincerely converted to Islam. Thus, he not only became our comrade-in-arms but also brother-in-faith. We pray to God Almighty to regard Aleksandr Litvinenko's struggle for triumph of justice as a holy Jihad on his righteous path. We pray to our Creator to assign our brother and comrade-in-arms with the degree of Shahid [martyr] (God willing) and make him a guest of Paradise. We also extend our sincere condolences and commiseration over their grief to the family, all relatives and friends of Aleksandr Litvinenko.

[Passage omitted: sentence in Chechen]

God is great!

[signed] The administration of the CRI president.

Source: Chechenpress website, in Russian 26 Nov 06
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 11:31 pm    Post subject: A muslim... Reply with quote


The story only gets better by the day.

What next? Iran gave Russia the polonium to kill the Russian?

We need to call the weapons inspectors to London to trace the source of these nuclear weapons....
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 6:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So it seems that Mario Scaramellas mere protestations of innocence should be taken at face value by police and media alike. Now this self styled target of the FSB/SVR is claiming that he has tested positive for polonium 210 barely two days after claiming precisely the opposite. And all, no doubt, from the safety of the secure location outside London (MI6 IONEC Centre near Portsmouth?).

Of course, Litvinenko proved positive for thallium before he proved positive for polonium 210. The antidote Radiogardase and chelator DMSA it seems were virtually unknown by British toxicologists. The high grade polonium which could only come from a state facility turns out to be available on the internet for $69 a pop from a commercial plant in the US.

Meetings with three mysterious Russians to discuss unspecified things before lunch at Itsu's with you-know-who turn out to be happy hour slugs of gin to discuss business at Litvinenko's request with former colleagues AFTER the sushi encounter with Scaramella.

And then we have Scaramella's past...and his present... and none of it can be vouched for including his third floor office at the University of Naples funded by a European research project that doesn't exist. Yet the media ploughs on determined to exhonerate him. And if in the unlikely event he is a suspect he must surely be working for the FSB or the Russian mafia or even Boris Berezovski...

Puts me in mind of the rookie cop who bangs on a motel room door. When it's opened by a wild eyed loon with an axe in one hand and a severed head in the other he asks: 'Excuse me sir one of the other guests reported a disturbance. You haven't heard or seen anything suspicious have you?'
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:43 pm    Post subject: Morning star's take on Litvenenko story Reply with quote

Morning star's take on Litvenenko story
All in all this seems a damned good analysis

"Should The Left Really Be On This Bandwagon"
Morning Star - Dec 4th 2006
http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk [costs to read]
by Neil Clark

From a socialist perspective there are plenty of grounds for criticising Russian President Vladimir Putin.

He's introduced a flat-rate income tax which greatly benefits the wealthy, and plans the partial marketisation of Russia's education and health systems, and while some of Russia's notorious oligarchs who made their fortune from robbing the Russian public in the 1990's under Yeltsin have been brought to justice, others remain free to flaunt their ill-gotten gains in a country where the gap between rich and poor is chasmic.

Even so, those on the left who have been joining in the wave of Putin bashing ought to consider whose cause they are serving. Its beyond a doubt that the driving force behind the campaign to portray Putin as a sinister despot have been the Washington neo-cons.

Even before the recent unexplained deaths of journalist Anna Politskaya and former secret service man Alexander Litvenenko, hawks in the US were doing all that they could to discredit the Russian government.

In 2003, Project for a new American century director Bruce P Jackson, a key figure in several other neo-con pressure groups, talked of the way in which Putin's renationalisation of energy companies threatened the West's "democratic objectives" and claimed that Putin had established a de facto "cold war administration".

Jacksons prognosis was simple - a new "soft war" against the Kremlin, a call echoed by many other leading neocons.

The neocons are gunning for Putin not because of concern over anti-democratic practises, but because the current Russian regime stands in the way of their plans for global hegemony.

Their imperialist strategy was recorded in the infamous "Wolfowitz memorandum," a secret Pentagon document leaked to the New York times in 1992, which targeted Russia as the biggest future threat to US geostrategic ambitions.

The memo, authored by the then undersecretary for defence, Paul Wolfowitz, considered by many to be the architect of the Iraq war, projected a US/Russian confrontation over NATO expansion.

For neocons, Putins great crime is that he has proved to be a far more assertive leader than his alcoholic predecessor. Putin not only held his ground on Iraq, openly making fun of US and UK claims that Iraq possessed WDM, but also opposes Washington's aspirations for enforced regime change in Syria and Iran. He has also supported Venezuelas bid for a place on the UN security council.

As part of their anti-Putin strategy, the neocons have shown that they are prepared to make some interesting alliances. The pro-separatist American Committee for Peace in Chechnya (ACPC) claims to be the "only private non-gov. org in America exclusively dedicated to promoting the peaceful resolution of the Russo-Chechen war."

But its list of members makes interesting reading. Hardcore neocons Richard Perle, William Kristol, Eliot Cohen, Michael Ledeen, Bruce Jackson, who are not usually associated with promoting the peaceful resolution of international conflicts, are all members.

Although ACPC notes its concern about human rights violations by Russia, "the committee appears to be more concerned with advancing US geopolitics in this region with respect to Russia and , secondarily with China" concludes the progressive and well respected international Relations Centre.

The neocons have also been willing to champion the cause of some of Russia's most notorious oligarchs in furtherance of their anti-Putin campaign.

After the arrest of the billionaire Mikhail Khodorovsky for tax evasion in 2003, Perle called for Russia's expulsion from the G8, its exclusion from any post-war Iraq oil contracts and accused it of collusion with Iran's nuclear power programme.

The arrest of Kodorovsky has brought condemnation from no less a person than the US president himself. One can only imagine the hiatus if Putin had commented on the arrest of a domestic tax dodger by US authorities.

In the unrelenting pro-Korodovsky anti-Putin propaganda back in 2003, much was made of the oligarchs role in building Russian democracy as opposed to crude attempts of Putin to shunt his country back to the days of Peter the Great.

But the "democracy" that oligarchs like Korodovsky and his British based counterpart Boris Berezhovsky, a business partner of George W. Bush's brother, stands for is the "democracy" of an elite of billionaire businessmen to buy themselves not just political power but immunity from the laws of the land.

Its this plutocratic model of "democracy" not the democracy in which decision making power rests with ordinary people, that Washington's neocons favour.

The recent deaths of Politskaya and Litvenenko have only provided further impetus to their long standing well financed campaign to smear the Kremlin.

In the absence of any evidence to suggest Putin's involvement, progressives should be wary of jumping on a bandwagon orchestrated by the very people who brought death and destruction to the streets of Baghdad and whose aim is to unleash similar unlawful aggression against Syria and Iran.

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting info here which quotes your site Tony http://thetruthserumblog.blogspot.com/2006/12/russia-and-bilderberg.ht ml


Below is a list of Russian Bilderbergers from 1991 - 2006. In all I count six individuals, one of whom, Lilia Shevtsova, has attended FOUR times. She is associated with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Moscow.

(lists consulted are at Tony Gosling's Bilderberg website)

2005 Nemirovskaya, Elena; Founder and Director, Moscow School of Political Studies

2004 Shevtsova, Lilia; Senior Associate. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

2004 Yavlinsky, Grigory A.; Member of Parliament

2003 Shevtsova, Lilia; Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

2003 Margelov, Mikhail V.; Chairman, Committee for Foreign Affairs

2002 Shevtsova, Lilia; Senior Associate, Carnegie Moscow Center

2001 Shevtsova, Lilia; Carnegie Endowment for International Misery, Visiting Professor, University of California at Berkeley & Cornell University


1999 Shevtsova, Lilia; Carnegie Moscow Center
1999 Trenin, Dmitri V.; Carnegie Moscow Center

1998 Chubais, Anatoli B.; Former First Vice Prime Minister; Chairman RAO EES






1992 no attendee list available


You will see that Bilderberg was not that interested in Russia in the 1990's, probably because Yeltsin was their pisshead-in-chief and was quite happy selling off Russian state assets at bargain prices for a shot of Vodka, and it would seem that Putin was also being groomed by Berezovsky.

But then Putin came to power in 2000, changed the plan, and is now taking back what was stolen.

The two organisations represented at Bilderberg are the Carnegies and the Moscow School of Political Studies.

The reason for Carnegie is self-evident in the name.

On the board of MSPS in 2005 was Mikhail Khodorkovsky before he was sent down. Sponsors of MSPS include Open Russia Foundation, which opened in 2001 in London, of all places. I wonder why London?

But who is on the board of ORF?

Mikhail Khodorkovsky
Dr Henry Kissinger
Lord Jacob Rothschild

According to the Yukos website, "The motivation for the establishment of the Open Russia Foundation was to foster openness, understanding, and integration between the people of Russia and the rest of the world."

Yeah, right!

Other sponsors of MSPS are George Soros' Open Society *, and Morgan Stanley.

Another board member is Lord Robert Skidelsky at Warwick Uni, who was at Bilderberg 2005.

Today we read that Shell is being forced to sell its stake in Sakhalin-2, and there are fears at BP that it could be forced out of its Russian projects too.

And we know who controls both Shell and BP from behind the scenes, don't we?

Was Litvinenko done in to pressure Putin to stop this, and now that he isn't then the pullout is now being made to look like Russia is a thug in taking back its own natural resources?

As is reported by 2005 Bilderberg attendees to Daniel Estulin,
"A European banker pointed out that Russia could effectively devalue the dollar by re-denominating its energy trade with Europe from dollars into euros, forcing Europe's central banks to rebalance their foreign exchange reserves in favour of the euro. Jean-Claude Trichet, governor of the European Central Bank was present during the debate."

"The discussion began with a European expert on international relations pointing out that over the next several years Russia is poised to assert itself and to increasingly challenge the Bush administration's foreign policy goals. Someone openly asked the committee if the world is safer today than in 2001 and will it be safer in four years time? A Dutchman responded by saying there is little doubt that the hand of international terrorism has been substantially strengthened by the US and its heavy-handed policy in the Middle East. "


One thing that does concern me though is that I think a strong Russia is required for Pike's WW3. According to Pike's plan Communism was supposed to be held in check until "the final cataclysm". I currently see Putin rebelling against the Rothschilds, the British Monarchy and their cronies. But I also see that it could also be part of the plan in strengthening Russia.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 5:20 pm    Post subject: The Book has just been republished over Christmas Reply with quote

The Book has just been republished over Christmas

You can get it here or for nearly double the price at Waterstones
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Blowing-Up-Russia-Alexander-Litvinenko/dp/1903 933951/sr=8-1/qid=1167326082/ref=pd_ka_1/026-6223523-9817238

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:48 am    Post subject: Panorama: Litvinenko: Russian Apartment Bombing Reply with quote

I hadn't heard about this until it was mentioned on Panorama tonight.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:18 am    Post subject: On the subject of Russia... Reply with quote



Leonid Roshal, the Moscow pediatrician sought out by the Beslan* hostage-takers as a negotiator and who was awarded by the Russian government for his assistance during the October 2002 Dubrovka theater hostage crisis, said on March 27 that he disagrees with the official explanation for the mass illness of children in Chechnya during the last several months—a nervous disorder—and believes instead that it was caused by poisoning.

*Anna Politkovskaya poisoned en-route to Beslan
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

On the same night as Panaroma, BBC2 Storyville broadcast a very interesting documentary on Litvinenko and his history/allegations against the FSB.

If you get a chance to watch it I would recommend it. Unfortunately I didn't record it.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 6:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Name : Litvinenko - False Flag - Storyville
Source : -
Year : 2007
Genre : Docu
Codec : mp4
Resolution : 352x240
Size : 267mb
RunTime : 1hr

For the past three years, Russian film maker Andrei Nekrasov had been making a documentary with the former KGB agent
Alexander Litvinenko. The film focused on the growing authoritarianism of the Russian state and intimidation of the public.
When Litvinenko was murdered with radioactive Polonium 210, the film had new focus. It was to his friend Andrei that
Litvinenko said in hospital, "They got me, but they won't get us all". Nekrasov filmed at his friend's hospital bedside
and talked to family and friends to build this personal portrait of a man he describes as a hero...

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:44 pm    Post subject: My friend sasha (litvinenko): a very russian murder Reply with quote

did anyone record this programme?

I caught 15 mins of it late last week and found it astonishing in it's clarity and similarity to the whole 9/11 thing. It features many interviews with litvinenko and the russian journalist who was killed a few weeks back. it looks at what they were saying rather than the whole whoddunit or howdunnit aspect the panorama (presumably)

sadly the BBC say they have no plans to repeat it (though they repeat most storyvilles ad infinitum. had the same problem with the brilliant "why we fight" - coincidence? Let's hope so!!)

anyone know how to get hold of this info-bullet?

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, I missed it too - the communal aerial was blown down in the storms.

As much as I would really like to see this I am not holding my breath as the highly acclaimed Storyville documentary; Waco: The Rules of Engagement was only broadcast once:


I was lucky enough to see that but had to buy an NTSC, Macrovision copy protected VHS copy.

My best hope is that it will be shared via BitTorrent.
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I saw it and it is highly recommended


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 2:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Ian and Utopiated.

Good swarm - should be able to watch it tonight.
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Litvinenko gave an interview to the Radio 4 Today programme on 15.9.4 where he first spoke publicly in the UK about the FSB, Putin, Chechnya and Beslan.

777 days later he is poisoned in London.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/today/listenagain/ram/today3_russia_200409 15.ram

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Related google video clips

From the Frontline club
http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-7225032942379831216&q=Anna+ Politkovskaya
http://www.frontlineclub.com/words-and-pictures/articles/from-the-fron tline/inside-out-january-2007.html

Islam channel

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting isn't it.

A few bombs go off in and around Moscow, during which the FSB perps are caught red handed so they pass it off as a training exercise.

Shortly after the bombs, the Duma confirms Putin as Prime Minister.

He then blames the Chechens, declares the Chechnyan Parliament "invalid" and so starts the 2nd Chechen War.

91 days later, Boris Vodka resigns and fulfills his promise to Putin by making him acting President.

Et voila. 9/11 Russian style. 2 Years prior to the one most are obsessed with.

The next Ruski false flag 9/11 is Beslan on 1.9.4 which occurs so that Putin can again blame the nasty tewwowists, declare himself Dictator in Chief by proclaiming he will choose his regional governors instead of them being elected.

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Uncannily, Anna Politkovskaya, the outspoken critic of Putin's Chechnyan excursion is murdered on 7.1.6 - exactly 7 years and 7 days into that conflict = 77.

On Putin's 54th birthday.

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The root cause of the 1st Chechen War was the declaration of independence declared by Chechen rebels when they stormed their parliament on 6.12.91.

This was exactly 666 days since the Berlin Wall was officially re-opened on 9.11.1989 (911) and 33 months & 30 days (333) after Bush 41 was elected.

The 1st Chechen War officially began on 9.12.94 (911) which was 1190 (911) days or 3 years, 3 months & 3 days (333) after the rebels seized power.

The war ended 9 days after a ceasefire was agreed and 90 weeks and 1 day after it had begun (91) when a peace agreement was signed on 31.8.1996

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You're on a roll, Mark. Or should that be a GNOLL? Laughing
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Perish the thought that I'm some sort of contrarian but Sasha Litvinenko almost certainly wasn't killed on Putin's orders. For all Cluedo loving posters on this forum here's the solution:

Scaramella with the polonium in the sushi bar (er which means it was a SISDE/CIA/MI5/6 operation)
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Perish the thought that any cluedo loving posters on here disbelieve you Pincher, the fount of all knowledge, but, whatever gave you that idea ?
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I refer you to my last post but one on this thread Mark me ol' fruit. Some additional things to mull over:

1) Curiously 'our' chaps didn't think it worth their while to get their geigers out to test for polonium 210 contamination on the Easy Jet Naples-London shuttle (the service that our Mario used for his fateful tryst with Sasha).

2) The only person that Litvinenko accused of administering the polonium was Scaramella. He did so twice on his death bed. Scara is a dirty rotten filthy SISDE scoundrel, Mitrokhin hood and Berlusconi fixer.

3) Some toxicologists were taken aback by the speed of Litvinenko's decline (polonium is only an Alpha emitter of radiation - the lowest level). Prof Tony Henry stated he would hang on for at least a month (early December: Sasha died on the 24/11) and then it would be 50/50 (Tony was retired from the case after this announcement).

4) Within a week of having tested positive for THALLIUM poisoning at Guys (for which there is a very effective remedy called Radiogardese) our ex Russian spook dies very publicly of Polonium 210 (which he tests positive for only hours before his death).

Moral - if you suspect you have been poisoned head straight for Porton Down or Aldermaston before you go to Barnet General or UCH.

5) Might be just a coincidence this but do you remember the spot of bother involving Royal Dutch Shell's (or was it BP's?) majority stake in a Sakhalin oil drilling concession being compulsorily (re)purchased by the Russian government for..what was it now... $25 billion? You don't think there's a connection here or am I just being paranoid ?

Get the picture or do I have to go into all that Eurasian landmass geo-strategy kick all over again? If you're still sceptical come May I'm sure Robin Ramsey @ Lobster will have the stills from a mobile video showing Mario surreptitiously spraying condiments all over Sasha's Miso soup...
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Appreciate the information Mr Pincher.

Maybe my question was too "cluedoish" as it appears to have snuck under your intellectual radar me ol' fruit.

When I asked you "whatever gave you that idea" I was referring to your assumption that the the Colonel Mustards and Professor Plums on this forum are claiming that Putin murdered Litvinenko, not the other way around.

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah! Is zis zee famous Breetish sense of humour no? Zee pullink of zee plonkeur, zee vinding up merchant?

Is gut yah!
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, yeah , some of it was rather jocular, in response to your very arrogant anti-cluedoist style Mr Pincher.

The question is here, much clearer for you this time:

What ever gave you the idea that the Colonel Mustards and Professor Peacocks who are posting on this thread, think that Putin did it ?

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Does anybody else have the faintest idea (or CLUEdo) what mark and pincher are talking about, or am I being really thick?
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mark Gobell wrote:
Well, yeah , some of it was rather jocular, in response to your very arrogant anti-cluedoist style Mr Pincher.

The question is here, much clearer for you this time:

What ever gave you the idea that the Colonel Mustards and Professor Peacocks who are posting on this thread, think that Putin did it ?

Tis you who has the problem with the semantics Mr Gobell. Look at the last sentence of your last post but one - your inference is that Litvinenko murdered Putin! And your reference to other posters as Colonel Mustards and Professor Plums is a false analogy (that would be Lugovoy and co).

Any third party reviewer of this thread would assume that most posters here connect Litvinenko's death with events in Chechnya and Moscow and ergo that his termination was not Western artifice or contrivance (after all I'm the only one who mentions Western agencies) but good old fashioned Kremlin silencing.

Gobell, your jibes are overly subtle as a result of your limited powers of expression.
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mark Gobell wrote:
Appreciate the information Mr Pincher.

Maybe my question was too "cluedoish" as it appears to have snuck under your intellectual radar me ol' fruit.

When I asked you "whatever gave you that idea" I was referring to your assumption that the the Colonel Mustards and Professor Plums on this forum are claiming that Putin murdered Litvinenko, not the other way around.

LOL OK you got me, that last bit does infer that Litvinenko murdered Putin. How funny is that.

The "other way round" bit, although incredibly badly placed, was intended to refer to your position, which is, Putin didn't murder Litvinenko.

If you thought I meant that Litvinenko murdered Putin, then I understand your confusion. I'm sure you didn't though.


I humbly apologise for my ignorance and bad grammar Mr Pincher.

Anyway, I was curious about what made you think that your "Cluedo posters", who have posted on this thread think that Putin murdered Litvinenko.

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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