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Greek austerity riots/occupations as IMF tears Greece apart
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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2010 10:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Some illuminating comments on Newsnights economics blog by posters as to what is occurring... Worth a read.

10. At 9:24pm on 02 May 2010, Costas68 wrote:

If these measures dont stop the speculative attacks on the Euro, then the amount of the bailout will have to increase over the course of the week. What is strange is that the British bond markets are to open 1 am on Friday to give an automatic live verdict on the outcome of the election. Factor into this that the leader of the Christian SocialUnion of Germany said 'Greece should seriously consider leaving the Eurozone' and the information that the Eurocurrency has country based codes in the information on them that the public can read, then if these measures fail, the break-up of the Euro will occur. Sterling will be hit next...

13. At 10:01pm on 02 May 2010, Jericoa wrote:


It is going to be quite a day on Friday!

As far as I know the eurozone governments will have to unanomously vote for the bail out package by Friday also or it can not go ahead.

Is that right Paul?

How likely is it to get through that even?

Any analysis on that?

Any governments likely not to vote for it?

Maybe the subtext to all this is that in the background discussions in the corridors of power they have already decided, it is better to be seen to have tried and failed to keep Greece in the eurozone, than not to have tried at all.

Thats democracy folks!!

14. At 10:11pm on 02 May 2010, DebtJuggler wrote:

'If Greece is not bailed out then banks will lose money - principally French and German banks and hence it will be necessary to bail out banks once again. This may be more palatable to the domestic population but the economic effect is the same.

It makes little difference anyway because next up are Portuguese, Spanish, Irish and Italians. Too big to fail will become too big to bail.
Again we are all in the same tunnel, and the only escape from that tunnel is debt repudiation. Look at South America it shows the way out - the only way out.

"Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because most people do not want to admit they do not have the courage to do anything about it. Most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker, but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all." - Michael Rivero'

http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/newsnight/paulmason/2010/05/after_night_of_ rage_greece_awa.html#comments
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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2010 11:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jokes from the financial crisis

Since McDonalds arrived in Greece, it was inevitable junk status would arrive Very Happy

What’s the definition of optimism?
An Investment Banker ironing five shirts on a Sunday evening.

What’s the difference between the BBC’s business editor Robert Peston and God?
God doesn’t think he’s Robert Peston.

I talked to my bank manager the other day and he said he was going to concentrate on the big issues from now on. He sold me one outside Boots yesterday.

Record unemployment levels have been announced today as the credit crunch tightens its grip. Icelandic bank robbery is reported to be among the worst hit sectors.

What do you call five hedge fund managers at the bottom of the ocean?
A good start.

A man went to his bank manager and said: ‘I’d like to start a small business. How do I go about it?’
‘Simple,’ said the bank manager. ‘Buy a big one and wait.’

The credit crunch is getting bad, isn’t it? I mean, I let my brother borrow a tenner a couple of weeks back, it turns out I’m now Britain’s fourth biggest lender.

Resolving to surprise her husband, an investment banker’s wife pops by his office. She finds him in an unorthodox position, with his secretary sitting in his lap. Without hesitation, he starts dictating, “…and in conclusion, gentlemen, credit crunch or no credit crunch, I cannot continue to operate this office with just one chair!”

There are two worldwide standing jokes today: Greek statistics and European solidarity.

Greek Debt Explained in 4 Minutes...
http://videosift.com/video/The-Greek-Debt-Crisis-Explained-in-Four-Min utes

Max Kaiser on Greek Debt Crisis
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PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2010 10:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Now Europe is tasting what the IMF have been doing to third world countries for decades.
I haven't heard any historical background on Structural Adjustment or IMF riots from the BBC.

Greek strikes test government austerity plans
Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Thousands of Greek public sector workers converged on parliament today to protest tough new austerity measures in the first big test of government resolve to implement deep budget cuts to win billions of euros in aid.
Government ministries, tax offices, schools, hospitals and public services were shut down for a rally of civil servants organised by the country's main public sector union ADEDY.
Private sector workers will join in tomorrow, shutting down transport in major cities and grounding flights at airports in the third joint walkout since the start of the year, when worries about Greece's swollen debt and deficit levels turned the country into a target of financial markets.
"These government measures are destroying my life," said Panagiota Katsagani, a 25-year-old part-time school teacher who said she would lose her job. "I was planning my future, now I have to go back and live with my parents."
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/greek-strikes-test-gove rnment-austerity-plans-1961812.html

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2010 10:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TonyGosling wrote:
Credit-rating downgrade for Spain by Standard & Poor's wipes out markets' recovery

Pass notes No 2,772: Standard & Poor'sThe credit rating agency has just downgraded Greece's debt
Age: 150.

Hey, happy birthday. Great to be doing an upbeat subject on a bank holiday. As usual, you've got the wrong end of the stick. This is not a celebration, and it's a dangerous time for banks to be taking a holiday. Standard & Poor's is the grim reaper of the financial world. It's a credit rating agency, and if it passes you the black spot you're in big trouble. Last week it downgraded Greek debt to junk status, with Portugal and Spain close behind.

Funny name, though I guess the Poor bit is appropriate. Completely coincidental. The company was started in 1860 by Henry Varnum Poor, who published the History of the Railroads and Canals for the United States.

For trainspotters?
For investors. It was the first detailed account of the companies driving the booming railroad industry.

When did Mr Standard come on board?
There was no Mr Standard. Poor's merged with Standard Statistics in 1941 to create S&P, which was in turn bought by McGraw-Hill in 1966.

How does its rating system work?
It runs from AAA to D for default. Anything below BBB is deemed a "non-investment grade", or junk bond.

Is Standard & Poor's infallible?
Its critics say emphatically not. Witness its failure to foresee the financial crash of 2008 or to downgrade the AAA-rated Icelandic banks........

http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/may/02/pass-note-standard-poor s

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 8:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How the IMF Dismantled Yugoslavia

by Michel Chossudovsky worth a read....


This record is currently being replayed. This time the epicentre is Greece. By freezing and cutting wages whilst inflation is being allowed to rip, depression economics will hit the Greek economy. The presence of 2-3 million foreign born nationals in a declining economic environment may lead to the type of ethnic strife that hit Yugoslavia. Merkel announced tonight that sanctions should be placed by the EU to all countries that have broken the EU's economic indices.


The leader of the German Social Democrats stated the following:

"What we are experiencing here ... is not a Greece crisis, it is a bit more than that, it is the biggest test for European integration since the Treaties of Rome."

The EURO will disintigrate if the speculative attacks continue unabated...the break up of Greece may then arrive on the agenda as a price worth paying to keep the contagion limited or its expulsion from the EU.

The head of the Greek GSEE/TUC was shouted down by a section of the workers. The militant trade-union blocks of the KKE who allege they have won over 85 unions in the last period was unable via its stewards to disperse its people and a section of this march tried to break into parliament. The police used extensive use of tear gas and at some point during the day they alleged a bank with people in it was burnt down and are now running this story as the main event of the day.

The government has now made announcements that they may resign/have govt reshuffles once the measures are passed in order to not take all the flak. The one party government will not be able to cope with continued and sustained mass resistance as up till now the opposition has played the game loyally as always, but their base will not be so easily contained. MP's continue to get their 16 monthly salaries and a pension after 8 years service and there have been hardly any cuts there.

Those on the minimum monthly wage will see it cut from the paltry 700 to around 560euros and most middle class state professionals are seeing around 10-20% of their income dissappear far greater than may happen here in one go for if you add inflation on top we could be looking at 30% wage cuts. Within six months there will be extensive social disturbances which will make todays events seem paltry.

The Argentinian explosion of 2001 like the social explosion in Cochacamba in Bolivia occurred despite and against all the official leaders of all opposition parties. People started to protest on their own in a sustained and consistent manner for weeks at a time, people of every age and of almost every social class, from small shopkeepers to professionals, to unemployed to workers. We saw the beginning of this today.
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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 10:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

In view of what's currently happening in Greece it's only a matter of time before it reaches us and having said this, time really is of the essence. We all need to get off our lazy asses, bin the * jobs consuming our valuable protesting time and start organising towards rebuttal and demonstration.
I am sick of giving myself excuses that I can't do this because of work or I can't do that because of something else. I was going to organise a We are Change East Yorkshire, but binned it because I had second thoughts. The nightmare of what has been predicted is now more than real and I feel a sense of serious urgency now. I just wish others would wake up in the everyday world and see past this pathetic false image given by our system, media and politicans that our vote really makes a difference.
It makes no f****** difference and the only change now is active demonstration and an increasingly effective media outlet of real news which will help wake others up.
For me, the recent Greek crisis is the catalyst for action! Mad

"The likelihood of one individual being right increases in direct proportion to the intensity to which others are trying to prove him[her] wrong."
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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 1:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

what cobblers - the street demos are important but not the only way

I actually met a Greek Finance minister back in 2000 in the Drachma days. Very nice guy.
The Greek Treasury should be printing money - Quantitative Easing - like our Darling has been doing.
Maybe the Nazi Euro crats won't let them.

Anyway the NWO have carefully checked all the possible avenues for national governments to keep their economies from the vultures and bloodsuckers and shut them off.
Bribed them into the Euro then used it to cut off their blood supply.
Sort of afia drug dealers tactics.
IMF and European Central Bank are the new Nazis.

Globalisation is the new totalitarianism - Vandana Shiva.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 4:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TonyGosling wrote:

The Greek Treasury should be printing money - Quantitative Easing - like our Darling has been doing.

The Greek Treasury doesn't control the Greek money supply, the ECB does.

The BoE on the other hand (not Darling) has the benefit of controlling the UK's currency, which has been depreciated quite substantially over the last years.

The game of the financiers is quite simple:

The higher the government's indebtedness, the more owned and controlled the government is, the more it depends on the whims of credit-rating agencies, and so on and so forth.

More debt to cure too much debt sounds like more heroine to the addicted: such a treatment can only postpone the inevitable, namely absolute control of the political process (which, I submit, the current monetary system was always meant to accomplish).


Carroll Quigley (November 9, 1910 – January 3, 1977) was a noted historian, polymath, and theorist of the evolution of civilizations.

Quigley attended Harvard University, where he studied history and earned B.A, M.A., and Ph.D. degrees.
He taught at Princeton University, and then at Harvard, and then at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University from 1941 to 1976.[1]

From 1941 until 1969, he taught a two-semester course at Georgetown on the development of civilizations.

According to the obituary in the Washington Star, many alumni of Georgetown's School of Foreign Service asserted that this was "the most influential course in their undergraduate careers".[2]

In addition to his academic work, Quigley served as a consultant to the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy, the Smithsonian Institution, and the House Select Committee on Astronautics and Space Exploration in the 1950s.[3]

Quigley said of himself that he was a conservative defending the liberal tradition of the West.

He was an early and fierce critic of the Vietnam War,[citation needed] and he was against the activities of the military-industrial complex which he saw as the future downfall of the country.

From Quigley's book 'Tragedy and Hope' (1966) - page 324:

The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.

The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations.

Each central bank sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.

In each country, the power of the central bank rested largely on its control of credit and money supply.

In the world as a whole the power of the central bankers rested very largely on their control of loans and the gold flows. They made agreements on all the major financial problems of the world, as well as on many of the economic and political problems, especially in reference to loans, payments, and the economic future of the chief areas of the globe.

The Bank of International Settlements, B.I.S. is generally regarded as the apex of the structure of financial capitalism whose remote origins go back to the creation of the Bank of England in 1694.

An abridged version of this book, among other things, can be found here:

Another highly recommended source on the topic of financiers' control over the political process:

Murray Rothbard, American economist:

Summary of 9/11 scepticism: http://tinyurl.com/27ngaw6 and www.911summary.com
Off the TV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4szU19bQVE
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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 6:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Then they don't run their country, the ECB do.
And there is arguably no point in voting in Greece.
The Greeks have been bullied by the global fascists ever since they tried to decide their own future at the end of the Second World War.
acrobat74 wrote:
The Greek Treasury doesn't control the Greek money supply, the ECB does.

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Apparently the DOW is falling fast as we speak but dunno where to go to check it :0

Google Chrome is having difficulties lol, those Chinese upto summint?

Anyway, got back to Facebook via IE this time and those plucky Troofers Wink

TODAY'S MARKETSMAY 6, 2010, 3:27 P.M. ET.
Dow Falls in High-Speed Drop

Stocks plummeted in a flashback to the panicked trading of 2008. Investors fled everything from stocks and risky bonds and poured money into safe assets such as U.S. Treasurys.

Stocks began the day in negative territory but took a sharp dive south in the afternoon as selling built up and some indexes fell through key technical levels, sparking new waves of selling, investors said.

As losses piled up, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged more than 900 points. Key short-term credit markets—such as the rate for three-month Libor—began to show signs of stress and corporate bonds tumbled. The Dow was recently down about 460 points to 10400.

The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq Composite, which also saw steep intraday drops, were down more than 4% each in recent activity.

Credit markets, too, are beginning to show signs of stress. Three-month Libor, the benchmark rate for billions of dollars in debt, shot to 0.42 percentage point from 0.37 percentage point, traders said. Corporate bond indexes also tumbled.

"It's getting pretty ugly out there very fast," Guy Lebas, chief fixed income strategist at Janney Montgomery Scott. "There are definitely some major concerns that are escalating this afternoon."

Investors remained deeply worried Thursday about the unfolding drama of Europe's efforts to prop up Greece's finances. Despite boisterous street protests, Greece's parliament passed a bill with austerity measures that will give the country access to an assistance package jointly offered by the European Union and International Monetary Fund. Other EU members will take votes in their respective parliaments soon to approve spending on the package, with a first test expected in Germany on Friday.

"A lot of traders are getting carried out of there seats. There are lots of liquidations including hedge funds out of riskier assets," Michael Franzese, head of Treasury trading at Wunderlich Securities in New York. "No one was expecting this sell off in stocks and the euro and a flight to quality trade is in full effect and it not yields levels it just capital preservation."

While the bailout is expected to pass in Germany and elsewhere, it remains unpopular among voters who don't want to see their respective countries' resources used to solve Greece's problems. Traders said that any hints of populist backlash could slow the package's implementation or lead to omission of elements needed to prevent global economic contagion.

"Some of the panic-mode has come in now," said Jay Suskind, senior vice president at Duncan-Williams. "What you're seeing in Greece—even the pictures on the television with the protests starts to spark some real fear."

—Donna Kardos Yesalavich and Kristina Peterson contributed to this article.
Write to Peter A. McKay at peter.mckay@wsj.com

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704370704575227754131412 596.html?mod=wsj_share_facebook

'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'

“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.”

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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

NEW YORK—The dollar and euro plummeted against the yen Thursday as increased worries over euro-zone debt drove investors out of riskier assets, breaking a key trend line in U.S. stocks and pressuring currencies closely tied to global growth.

The euro sank to fresh 14-month lows as investors, concerned about a possible spreading of Greece's sovereign-debt crisis over the rest of the euro-zone periphery, caused the common currency to fall nearly 1.5% against the dollar. The euro plunged more than 5.3% against the yen.

U.S. stocks had sold off more than 4% by late afternoon, while the dollar dropped nearly 4% ...
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704370704575227710564726 930.html?mod=WSJ_article_MoreIn

Crude-oil futures continued to weaken below $80 a barrel, hitting the lowest level in nine weeks following a sharp selloff over the last two days triggered by financial problems and social unrest in Greece.

Light, sweet crude for June delivery fell $1.09 cents, or 1.4%, to $78.88 a barrel in recent trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Brent crude on London's ...
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704370704575227953456021 556.html?mod=WSJEUROPE_newsreel_markets

'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'

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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 8:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Greg Pallast talks to AJ re IMF and Iceland/Greece


'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'

“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.”

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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 8:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

with this amount of pressure, something is sure to give! I see trouble ahead...

Protecting the "Bankster Gangsters"
NORAD conducts exercises in preparation of G8 and G20 summits
Jennifer Yang | Fighter jets and helicopters will be flying at low altitudes over Toronto and Huntsville as the North American Aerospace Defense Command trains for the upcoming summits.

Audit The Fed Push Strengthened By Second Front In Senate

Stock Market Falls Nearly 1000 Points
CNBC | The Dow plunged Thursday amid buzz in the market that European banks have halted lending.

Groups announce major boycott of Arizona in protest of racial profiling law « Reform Immigration For
This morning the National Council of La Raza was joined by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the Center for Community Change (CCC), the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), the Leadership ...


Length: 9:27


Alex Jones: The republic is falling!
As protests turned into riots in Greece amidst the financial crisis, the big question remains, what will happen to the global financial market after this bailout? This crisis has been spreading globally and many people are saying that the economy is getting worse. ...

'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'

“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.”

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PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2010 8:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TonyGosling wrote:
And there is arguably no point in voting ...

The political process is the only way out though.

It has been ruthlessly supplanted and undermined by the financiers, but it still is the only legitimate recourse we have.

Summary of 9/11 scepticism: http://tinyurl.com/27ngaw6 and www.911summary.com
Off the TV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4szU19bQVE
Those who do not think that employment is systemic slavery are either blind or employed. (Nassim Taleb)
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PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 6:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

acrobat74 wrote:
TonyGosling wrote:
And there is arguably no point in voting ...

The political process is the only way out though.

It has been ruthlessly supplanted and undermined by the financiers, but it still is the only legitimate recourse we have.


'Come and see the violence inherent in the system.
Help, help, I'm being repressed!'

“The more you tighten your grip, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.”

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PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2010 6:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just as was stated before on the night of the voting for the IMF last Thursday every political party urged the over 30,000 people camped outside the Greek Parliament to leave, the people refused.

The day before a section of the 300,000 strong demo tried to storm Parliament.

Once all the organised political parties unfurled their banners and left the police teargassed the people outside parliament and dispersed them.

None of this was shown by the mass media. 172 quisling MP's voted for the IMF-EU measures. Greece is officially under foreign economic occupation.

Being a small country the word on the street is that Politicians will have a big problem travelling from house to work, to restaurants, to where their children go to school, to meetings etc.

Argentinian style reaction will inevitably occur as these measures start to be imposed.

Imposing depression economics will be the only show in town throughout Europe. America is putting us on rations...
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paul wright

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PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2010 10:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Greek people seem to have the answer to this fraud and set an example to us all
A middle finger salute to debt repayments and IMF bailouts, with street presence and general strikes
Lets hope they stick with it in spite of the provocateur firebombings

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PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/may/09/greece-speculators -eurozone

Control the jackals circling the beleaguered people of Greece

When the speculators have finished exploiting financial meltdown in the eurozone, they will turn their rapacious eyes on Britain

o Ruth Sunderland
o The Observer, Sunday 9 May 2010

On 16 September 1992, I was incarcerated by the Bank of England. I was a novice financial journalist and had gone to Threadneedle Street for a training day, but as the sessions progressed, the officials acting as our tutors began to twitch and to look distracted. One informed us that we would have to be detained for a while because of "a little situation".

Elsewhere in the building, momentous events were unfolding. It was Black Wednesday, when the UK was forced out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. The bank, knowing that the exercise was hopeless, was desperately trying to defend the pound against a $10bn assault by hedge fund manager George Soros. When we were finally released on to the City streets, it seemed Soros had driven the UK into dangerously uncharted waters.

That day had lasting effects on a number of people. One was Norman Lamont, whose career was ruined, along with the Tories' reputation for sound economic management. Another was the young Gordon Brown, who was imbued with a deep scepticism about the UK joining the euro.

In the years that followed Black Wednesday, the anger at being held to ransom by Soros was superseded by the view that in the long run it worked to our benefit. Membership of the ERM meant our interest rates were tailored to the needs of the German economy, not our own, so it prolonged the early 1990s recession. Our ignominious exit, courtesy of Soros, opened the door to recovery.

The fury in Britain then is mild in comparison with the rage against speculators boiling over on the streets of Athens. Innocent Greeks are facing years of austerity. People will have their pay slashed, lose their jobs and be forced to wait for years longer to draw the pensions they were promised. Dreams and aspirations will be ground into the dust.

In London and New York, the plight of Greek families fails to stir the faintest compassion in the cold-eyed speculators who have been feasting on their distress before moving on to their next prey in Spain, Portugal or Italy. And despite the revision of views on Black Wednesday, there is no guarantee that this bout of speculation will turn out to be for Greece's benefit in the end.

In the UK, we have good reason to be afraid of the jackals stalking global markets. Our situation is a long way from being as dire as that of Greece, but the election result has left the markets nervous about more political turmoil and whether there will be credible plans to reduce our deficit. If and when the speculators turn their attentions our way, we can be sure they will act mercilessly, with no regard for the human misery of lost jobs, home repossessions or emptied-out pension plans.

The finance lobby would argue – correctly – that to blame speculators for all of Greece's troubles is ridiculous. Even if all the speculators were retrained as social workers, that country would still be heavily indebted, suffering from endemic corruption and buckling under an unsustainable public pension system. Why vilify a bunch of traders for delivering messages that are unpalatable, but none the less true? By this reasoning, it is not speculators who have wreaked social catastrophe, it is the Greek leaders who mismanaged the economy and the European politicians who locked their citizens into to a single currency riven by internal tensions and contradictions.

But there is one vast difference between Black Wednesday and now: the volume of speculative activity in credit default swaps. Before the financial crisis, most people never gave a passing thought to credit default swaps, but they were probably the most dangerous thing you'd never heard of. The market in these instruments, invented in the mid-1990s, grew virtually unnoticed by politicians and the public into a multi-trillion dollar monster.

They were among the sinister derivatives implicated in the collapse of Lehman Brothers which triggered the first round of the credit crisis; now they are menacing Greece and the rest of Europe. Astonishingly for such a large and potentially destabilising market, there is very little transparency; they are not traded on an exchange and there is no requirement to report deals to the authorities.

In simple terms, credit default swaps are meant to be insurance against the possibility that someone will renege on a debt. But the majority of the multi-trillion-dollar market, which dwarfs the value of the underlying bonds, is purely speculative. Predatory bets are placed that a company, or a country, will run into trouble; this can turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy because the activity in the swaps is reflected in assessments of that nation's real-world credit-worthiness. Soros stood to lose if his bet against the Bank of England went wrong, but with credit default swaps the risks and rewards are skewed in favour of the speculators. They might not have caused the problems in the first place, but they do have an incentive to exploit them and magnify them.

The perils now are far greater than on that autumn day in the Bank of England. We cannot change the nature of the jackal, but we should not allow it to hunt so freely. One priority for the UK's new leadership should be a new financial architecture that tames the speculators. President Nicolas Sarkozy, after a summit of eurozone leaders, spoke of their determination to clamp down on financial market speculation.

European banks this weekend made a desperate plea to the European Central Bank to intervene to help crisis-hit members of the single currency bloc. The City, however, which has held politicians of all stripes in its thrall for too long, is still arguing against curbs, claiming they will hurt London as a financial centre. But the future of nations is at stake here, not just the narrow self-interest of one faction.

Politicians have powerful weapons at their disposal: tax and regulation. There is a strong case for introducing a "Robin Hood" tax on financial transactions, in order to repossess some of the gamblers' gains for the public purse. A tax of that kind would also throw some much-needed sand in the wheels of the speculative machine.

We need structural reform for the banks, so taxpayers are not compelled to underwrite their casino operations, an idea embraced by the Lib Dems and supported by the Tories if it happens internationally.

The UK should also give wholehearted support to European leaders who want to put an end to the amoral and antisocial game of betting on national bankruptcy. This is an activity so utterly toxic it should be banned. And it's not just me who thinks that. George Soros does too.
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PostPosted: Tue May 11, 2010 10:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Top 10 photos: eurozone debt crisis
Protests in Athens. Market madness. It wasn't a good week for the EU.

http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/europe/100507/photos-greece-debt-cr isis

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PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 6:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

kathaksung wrote:
629. Attack the Euro (3/13/2010)

Since Iran abandons dollar for Euro in its oil trading, a weak Euro would significantly hit Iran's economy. I saw in each attempt to have a war on Iran, it used to be followed with a plot to hit the Euro. The typical samples were: In January 2007, Russia had a dispute with Belarus and shut off the oil pipe for several days. In August 2008, Russia invaded Georgia where there was gas pipe line to Europe. In both events, if the crisis broadened, The oil and gas to Europe would have been cut. The European's economy would have been hurt and Euro would have depreciated. So would be Iran.

See "462. The collapse of Euro and worldwide economic crisis (1/20/07)", and "565. Georgia war and Russia, their role in Iran war (8/19/0Cool"

The resource to sabotage the Euro by the failures of energy supply exhausted. The plan to have war on Iran doesn't go through yet. What's next? We see the international financial speculators again.

You may have noticed that started from later January, the financial crisis of Greece became a hot topic in media. In article "The Bond Vigilantes who left Greece in Ruins" (Business Week 2/22/2010), the writer says, "On Feb.10, striking labor unions shut down schools.....

As of Feb. 10, European officials seemed to be angling for a compromise plan to aid Greece but on such harsh terms that no one else would want such a deal. .....

In the month through Feb.10, the yield on the Greek government's three-month bills soared from less than 1% to 4%....."

The timing reminded me of the Feb. 13 Chinese New Year's dinner plot. The Greek's financial problem was created for that plot. If the 2/13 plot went through, then there would be "terror attacks" which would have justify the war on Iran. At the same time Iran would have suffered a blow in its finance too - a devalued Euro. All these didn't go true because the 2/13 plot went soured.

Who created that crisis? In a meeting with President Obama on Mar.9, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou called for a clampdown on financial speculators he blamed for worsening his country's situation. Who are those international speculators? Goldman Sach was picked up particularly: "Goldman stars in this Greek tragedy - The firm's currency and bond deals for Greece have drawn fire" (Business Week 3/1/2010)

Russia had disputed over its neighbor countries(Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia) with attempt to shut down the oil and gas supply to Europe. Now it's the PIG'S four countries. (Greece, Ireland, Portuguese and Spain). They will appear in turn to pull down the Euro once there comes a renewed Iran war plot.

633. Volcano eruption (4/23/2010)

In February, Counterterrorism expert Juval Aviv talked in a FOX broadcast:

"I predict, based primarily on information that is floating in Europe and the Middle East, that an event is imminent and around the corner here in the United States. It could happen as soon as tomorrow, or it could happen in the next few months. Ninety days at the most."

( http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,161962,00.html)

Now more than two months has passed. There were many attempts to frame a drug case in these two months, and the plot to activate false flag terror attack as well. According to the character of the Feds that they used to make money on such big "terror attack", what did they do to take advantage on this "90 days plot"?

A volcano in Iceland which had been dormant for 200 years erupted on 4/14. The ash cloud from the volcano halted most air traffic in Europe for almost a week.

"Volcano costs airlines $2 billion

By Arthur Max

Associated Press 4/22/2010

.... An aviation group called the financial fallout worse than the three-day worldwide shutdown after the 2001 terrorist attacks in United States."

Do you still remember the unusual trading in stock market during 911 attack? Someone bought huge numbers of PUTS on airline stock and future option trades in the weeks before the attacks of September 11. They made big money on these speculations.

Same case repeated in September 2007 when a B-52 carried nuclear missiles flied over US Continent on 8/31/2007. I alleged that was an attempt of "nuclear terror attack". There were also unusual "Bin Laden" trading in US and Europe stock market with that event.

So would the same speculators miss this "90 days utmost" chance? As we have seen, they had a busy "60 days" in February and March, plot came one after another. When it failed to go through, what for their huge investment in future contract market? To avoid a huge loss in their speculation, a volcano eruption created to replace the "terror attack".

The 4/14 volcano eruption in Iceland is not a coincidence. It is in the last "30 days" of the "90 days utmost" - the harvest days for the Feds. The longer the air traffic halted, the larger loss the airlines suffered, the more profit the Feds will make.
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PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2010 3:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TonyGosling wrote:
Top 10 photos: eurozone debt crisis
Protests in Athens. Market madness. It wasn't a good week for the EU.

http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/europe/100507/photos-greece-debt-cr isis

17th May General Strike
Another 24hour general strike occurred today and the KKE-Communist Pary excelled itself in its sectarian divisive action propping up Papandreous government. Instead of marching from Sintagma (Parliament Sq to Omonia) they marched from Omonia to the Ministry of Labour and then asked its people to disperse walking to Thiseo, the area around the Akropolis which is in the EXACT opposite direction of Parliament... Stalinists see Parliament now like the Dracula sees the cross, they avoid it at all costs as the most impoverished gather there who want the struggle to continue in a militant fashion.

GSEE-TUC with the Eurostalinists Siriza and the leftists of Antarsya marched to Parliament but ensured they continued past it in a rush refusing to congregate there. Thousands remained outside shouting militant slogans:

'Thieves Thieves'

'Scumbags, Traitors, Politicians'

'Send PM George to Goudi (Prison)'

'Take your mother and leave the People dont Want You'

'Unions which overthrow not Submit',

'Here and Now Cancel all Foreign Debts',

'Bread, Education, Freedom, the Junta never died in 1973'

'Send Jeffrey (PM Georges nickname) to the USA'

To the police a section of the demonstrators chanted 'It will become like Argentina', 'Guard those that rob you' , 'Shameless drop down your shields'

When the demo passed outside the Marfin Bank 'Chrisohoidi,(Minister of the Interior) Provocateur, Murderer'

These 24hour token strikes are reaching their historical limits. There is no point in marching 6-8 times to Parliament or from Parliament to fight another day. The leaders of the offical left despite the numbers of people involved are working in tandem trying to weaken the resistance and peoples resolve. The economic crisis is becoming clearly a crisis of leadership as the measures aint going away but will get worse as cuts have now been extended to the private sector, not just the public sector workers according to the latest info from the IMF.

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PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


IMF director and Bilderberg to become new Polish central bank governor › Stream.AdamDodson.org
Marek Belka, director of the IMF's European department, former Polish Prime Minister and Bilderberg member, has been appointed Poland's new central bank governor by Acting President Bronislaw Komorowski, but faces a battle getting approval from the parliament next week.


IMF director and Bilderberg to become new Polish central bank governor
Marek Belka, director of the IMF's European department, former Polish Prime Minister and Bilderberg member, has been appointed Poland's new central bank governor by Acting President Bronislaw Komorowski, but faces a battle getting approval from the parliament next week.

The appointment of Belka follows the death of Slawomir Skrzypek, the central bank head, on April 10 together with President Lech Kaczynski and top military leaders in an air crash in Smolensk in mysterious circumstances.

Poland’s current prosperity – it is the only major economy in the EU currently not in recession or facing a souvereign debt crisis – is widely attributed to Skrzypek’s monetary policy, focussing on a weak exchange rate to boost exports, employment as well as tax receipts and so reduce government debt.

Skrzypek also announced a delay in Poland joining the euro shortly before his death.

The replacement of Skrzypek Piotr Wiesiolek, who worked for Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan and the England's central bank, immediately began to reverse Skyrzpek’s policy’s strengthening the Zloty exchange rate, so making exports less attractive, reducing tax receipts, increasing government debt while securing afresh an IMF credit line.

In addition, it was signalled that Poland would soon join the euro, the main instrument of the Globalists for driving countries into debt and plundering economies.

Also, a raft of privatisations were announced, which would see the jewels of Polish state owned companies sold for a rock bottom price to Globalist banks.

According to Polskaweb, a Polish journalist has said that Belka was offered the post two weeks ago in Germany, in Aachen, where Prime Minister Donald Tusk was awarded the Charlemagne Prize in the presence of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Bilderberg members Merkel, Wolfgang Schäuble and Josef Ackermann, the boss of Deutsche Bank, were at the Aachen meeting.


Komorowski’s move to push through a pro IMF, pro euro candidate has met with criticism from within his own coalition.

„Poland runs the “risk” of stifling its economic recovery by appointing a “monetarist” like Marek Belka to lead the country’s central bank, Economy Minister Waldemar Pawlak said today in an interview on Polsat News, reports Bloomberg.

“At a moment when the United States and European countries are abandoning such policies, we may be putting someone in place who would tighten the screws on the economy,” said Pawlak, who leads the Polish Peasants Party, the junior partner in Poland’s ruling coalition.“

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of the conservative opposition Law and Justice party, saying Komorowski should have waited until the June 20 presidential vote, which Komorowski is widely expected to loose by a significant margin in contrast to the figures put out by the faked mainstream media polls.

The recent flooding in Poland has hit the popularity of Komorowski and Tusk even more as they were seen as doing little to help.

But Ex-communist Democratic Left Alliance, Mr Belka's former party, said it will support Belka so Belka will likely get the majority to be appointed to be the central banker for a six-year term.

Other Polish agents for the Bilderbergs are Aleksander Kwasniewski, Andrzej Olechowski, Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz, Premier Donald Tusk and Radoslaw Sikorsk, according to Polskaweb.

Original Source - http://www.theflucase.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id =3597%3Aimf-director-and-bilderberg-to-become-new-polish-central-bank- governor&catid=41%3Ahighlighted-news&Itemid=105&lang=en
Shared 9 Hours, 42 Minutes ago - May 29, 2010 10:02 pm

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:13 pm    Post subject: Greek Gladio kill investigative journalist Socratis Giolas Reply with quote

Greek Gladio kill investigative journalist Socratis Giolas

Gunmen murder Greek investigative journalist Socratis Giolas
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jul/19/gunmen-murder-greek-invest igative-journalist

Sect of Revolutionaries terror group blamed for killing of radio chief, who was shot 16 times on doorstep as pregnant wife looked on

Helena Smith in Athens guardian.co.uk, Monday 19 July 2010 22.29 BST

The murder of a prominent investigative reporter on the doorstep of his home in Athens sent shockwaves through Greece tonight as it emerged that a terrorist group was behind the assassination.

Socratis Giolas died almost instantly as masked gunmen shot him 16 times in front of his wife, who is expecting their second child.

She said her husband had been lured to the front door by an anonymous telephone call. After spraying him with bullets the assailants sped off in a stolen car that was later found burned.

The 37-year-old radio chief is the first journalist to be killed in the country since newspaper publisher Nikos Monferatos was gunned down by the infamous 17 November terror group in 1985.

Giolas, who was also a frequent blogger, posting reports on popular online newsblog Troktiko, sought to illuminate Greece's seamier underside. The shooting came days before he was due to release an investigative series on corruption, colleagues said.

"His cowardly murder is the work of people who wanted to silence a very good investigative reporter," said Panos Sobolos, head of the Athens journalists' union.

Forensic tests on bullet casings found at the scene matched them to two 9mm pistols used in previous assaults on policemen and a television channel by a domestic terror gang called the Sect of Revolutionaries.

The group, one of three operating guerilla networks whose members have never been caught, surfaced in December 2008 when Greece descended into violence following the police shooting of a teenage boy.

Since then, the country's political climate has become increasingly febrile, as far-left groups protesting against global capitalism and local corruption have staged attacks against police, public buildings and banks.

Last year, after targeting the Athens premises of the Alter TV station, the Sect of Revolutionaries vowed to step up attacks on well-known journalists and media outlets, accusing both of helping corrupt business interests mislead public opinion.Security experts have described the group as "among the most nihilistic and dangerous" to emerge in Greece since counter-terrorism authorities thought they had eradicated the problem with the capture of the infamous 17 November in 2001.

The assassination comes less than a month after unknown terrorists attempted to kill Michalis Chrysohoidis, the minister in charge of police, by sending a parcel bomb to his office in the centre of Athens. Wrapped up as a gift, the explosive device detonated in the hands of the politician's security chief, killing him. An unnamed group later claimed the bomb was aimed at Chrysohoidis, who successfully rooted out 17 November nearly three decades after the organisation hit headlines with the murder of the CIA bureau chief in Athens Richard Welch.

Giolas was no newcomer to death threats, his lawyer said. "He had been getting them from different people for the last 15 years," said Yiannis Marangakis. "It is very likely that he had a good amount of information that will at least lead [authorities] in the right direction [of those behind the attack]." Many Greeks wrote to the Troktiko blog to express their shock, with one describing the attack as a "political murder" the likes of which had not been seen in Greece for years.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jul/19/gunmen-murder-greek-invest igative-journalist

• This article was amended on 20 July 2010. The name of the lawyer for Socratis Giolas is Yiannis Marangakis, not Giorgos Marangakis. This has been corrected.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 1:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

“16 countries sharing one currency is nonsense”
Published 26 September, 2010, 01:00
A currency expert protesting against Greece’s bailout says the bailout mechanism violates the provisions of the Treaty on European Union, and it may be a better option to stop the euro experiment instead.
The European ministers recently agreed on a 110-billion euro rescue package for Greece, hoping this would prevent a default and stop the currency’s crisis from spreading through the rest of the bloc, and Germany has been opposed to the idea from the very beginning.
Dr. Wilhelm Hankel is one of the currency experts who filed a lawsuit in the German constitutional court against Greece’s bailout.
“The whole idea is illegal, because we have the treaty for the European community, and bailout is completely forbidden for a very simple reason: a country which can count on being bailed out will not follow the financial and monetary discipline, so no bailout is a precondition for a stable euro,” Hankel said.
Greece is only going to be the first case, Hankel explained, followed by Spain, Portugal, Ireland, maybe Italy and France; if these countries are bailed out, the euro will become a very weak and inflated currency.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 3:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mass media keeps silent on these battles...

Greece: truck drivers blockade centre of Athens to halt liberalisation measures

After their union leaders tried to bury the resistance of the truckers in July a new wave of strikes erupted in defiance of the threat of emergency decress being issued to truckers. Some 19 points around Athens have been blockaded by trucks. Waves of militant rank and file truckers have demobilised scab trucks by blowing their tyres or cutting their electrical connections, so demobilising the engines. The government has tried everything via the mass media to condemn the militant truckers; they even tried to impede the road blocks but it became pretty impossible to stop truckers with 20-plus tonne trucks with engines revving and threatening to squash puny police cars. In the end the police escorted the truckers into various points around Athens – that is, opened the roads for them.

Ta NEA (daily organ of the Lambrakis press - the biggest establishment paper) condemned the actions of the police and demanded to know why the government not confronting the truckers? "Are they allowing them to get away with everything until they get tired and go home?" In the meantime 6,000 containers are stranded in the ports and and their perishable contens rot. More stuff arrives daily and has nowhere to be parked.

3,000marched in the afternoon to parliament and the police for the first time in the last 10 years refused to teargas them - which has been standard policy. The reason is clear. They are frightened to attack tsince they fear provoking more generalised conflict. All train workers of the national railways OSE have also walked out early for a week's strike against ta court decision which tried to deny them the right to strike. So having camped outside parliament on Tuesday night the truckers are waiting for their numbers to swell prior to Wednesday's vote which aims to ratify the IMF's agenda of the full liberalisation of middle class professions, hauliers, taxi drivers, solicitors etc.

If the truckers manage to bring trucks to the centre of Athens and confront the parliamentarian IMF quislings then they may bring about the defeat of the government. The big disaster is the role of the Left once more. Not a single big organisation – the KKE or the Euros Stalinists – have sent as many supporters as they can to support the truckers. 50 members of PAME marched along the pavements in 'solidarity' with the truckers and then dispersed. They have called for rallies against IMF imposed price rises (VAT rates, electricity, water etc) AFTER the vote in parliament takes place. Divide and rule is the only strategy of the union misleaders. Unifying struggles and supporting the middle class hauliers now they are under total attack isn't for them.

If the truckers are defeated, then the door will be open for many other professions to suffer the same fate. Either which way the government is relying on the politics of the union misleaders to remain in power and appear strong. In reality they are weak and in hiding. The ball for the moment is not in their court.

Wed 22, September 2010 @ 13:55

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


'Euro is nonsense, Greek bailout illegal'

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 6:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why the Anti-Greek Hysteria from the Germans?

The Germans have started a global defamation campaign against the Greek people. They are attempting to make them appear as the most famous and most revolting parasites of all nations. The most lazy in the planet. From the finger of Aphrodite which showed the crooks of our ancestors all the way till the adverts of Greeks just drinking beers, the meaning was one and clear. The ‘bent’ Greeks stole the money from the ‘honest’ Europeans – in particular the Germans – and they ‘owe’ them. This is the ‘message’ which is being circulated by the international mass media and reaches the most amazing corners of the Earth. The ‘crooked’ Greeks, will be ‘saved’ by the ‘honest’ Germans, only when they are buying a round from the stolen money. If they refuse to do this then they will be shown the finger by the ‘honest’ crowds.

This selected target, which led to a without parallel ‘murder’ of Greece by the economic ‘executioners’ of the IMF, is something which is easily proven. Why? As that which occurred in Greece, isn’t simply terrifying but unique. Greece found itself in they eye of the storm of a massive amount of negative propaganda. Some people tried to make it appear hated to the whole of the Planet. This was unique. Other countries went bankrupt, but they were never treated in such a manner by the Mass Media.

When Greece went bankrupt its people had the empathy and understanding of world opinion. Its corrupted leadership was which was condemned and not its people. Rubbish like Menem were criticised by the peoples and not the simple Argentinians. The people of Argentina appeared just as logic should have had them appear as victims. No one showed the finger of disgrace at them. No one wanted to use and show in an advert to the whole world that they ‘owe’ and that they don’t pay their bills in the tavernas and that they are drunks.

In the case of Greece the exact opposite treatment occurred with what happened in Argentina. Its leadership was defended from criticism and its people are they who were condemned. The leadership was defended as a good and honest leadership which was just leading ‘animals’ who understood nothing. Everyone was swearing at the Greek people not the Menem’s of corruption. ‘Honest’ Simitides, Kostakides and Georgakides, who voted in common the laws for corruption and the non-prosecution of politicians. We are talking about being sworn at, with which no other nation has had to suffer in recent history.

A whole nation appeared as an organised group of layabouts, parasites, thieves and crooks. A small nation which is famous for its positive services which it served humanity with. This nation all of a sudden became the source of all evil. An unimportant economy appeared suddenly as the most severe threat for world hunger. The strong economies have debts numbering trillions and all are involved in the chump change of Greece.

All these events aren’t strange and they constitute evidence that there was a pre-meditated murder. The crime scene was being prepared. Some people in order to ‘shoot’ us must first have dragged us through the mud, so there would not be reactions. To not have reactions from the peoples, who didn’t wont another cold blooded murder or a peoples. Another nation amongst many which were murdered by the New Order. The Serbian, the Iraqui, or the Afghani. That’s why they are being defamed globally. So as to be unable for the Greeks to react and resist and not to find a ‘following’ so as to hear their cries and agony/

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

possibly because they don't want to be burdened with bailing them out.
and maybe they'll try and take the Euro with them as they seem to be on the up. Definitely strikes me as the NWO nonsense is falling apart :0

That said though all our UK welfare stuff now has a Euro stamp on it :0

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Early Xmas present for a Greek MP at the end of this riot during the 7th General Strike this year.... against the IMF bloodhounds

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, ECB founder, Bilderberger & unpaid economic and financial adviser to the Greek government has just died.
Do remember of course that he may have been killed because he had private disagreements with Kissinger and the BB overlords.
BBC blindly applaud the 'help' he has given the Greek economy Laughing

Article critical of him
roundtable wrote:
The BBC published the article that follows this morning. It fails to mention Padoa-Schioppa's connection to the Bilderberg group the think tank Notre Europe or the Group of 30. Is this an example of good journalism? Chatham House has controlled the British Government, Press, Intelligence organizations, Military, and Universities since they were established in 1921. People of Britain your government is not a republic it is being run by one small group of greedy power hungry individuals. Their goal is a New World Order run by them and their fraternity brothers in other countries. Their counterpart in the USA is the Council on Foreign Relations. These groups are out to destroy the sovereignty of their nations to achieve their goal of global power. Hitler's platform was National Socialism the Chatham House/Council on Foreign Relations goal is InterNational Socialism.
These people are NAZIs.

http://groups.google.com/group/pepis/browse_thread/thread/4840fb6207e2 e33e

Picture of him at Bilderberg 2010

http://www.infiniteunknown.net/2010/06/11/bilderberg-2010-the-power-ga llery/

pisspoor BBC wrote:
Mr Padoa-Schioppa's friend Eugene A. Ludwig, chairman of the global consulting firm Promontory Financial Group, said: "His accomplishments were immense. "His recent work as an unpaid adviser to the government of Greece is a splendid example of how completely committed he was to sharing his exceptional gifts in finance and economics for the betterment of society.


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