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Nov'06 Litvinenko Polonium assassin CIAs Alexander Goldfarb?
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pincher wrote:
3) Some toxicologists were taken aback by the speed of Litvinenko's decline (polonium is only an Alpha emitter of radiation - the lowest level). Prof Tony Henry stated he would hang on for at least a month (early December: Sasha died on the 24/11) and then it would be 50/50 (Tony was retired from the case after this announcement).

Thanks Pincher

One of the questions I had about this whole affair was why would anyone (assuming they wanted to hide their tracks) adopt such an unusual and potentially highly incriminating way of bumping anyone off. What's wrong with a far more traditional hit.

The panorama programme seemed to answer this when they claimed that his murderer/s would have expected him to die quickly, in a matter of a few days and that this would have made the cause of his death practically undetectable. (I can't remember the exact words but this was central to their argument). According to Panorama, this fool proof plan was scuppered when Sasha failed to die in days but instead held on for weeks.
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I've just read the entire thread and cannot see anywhere, anyone suggesting that Putin murdered Litvinenko.

The date facts I post are just that, facts.

Make of them what you will.

So, I see no reason at all, other than your will to do so Mr Pincher, to denigrate folk making posts.

Which is why I asked.

That's it.

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

[quote="ian neal"]
Pincher wrote:
3) Some toxicologists were taken aback by the speed of Litvinenko's decline (polonium is only an Alpha emitter of radiation - the lowest level). Prof Tony Henry stated he would hang on for at least a month (early December: Sasha died on the 24/11) and then it would be 50/50 (Tony was retired from the case after this announcement).

Thanks Pincher

One of the questions I had about this whole affair was why would anyone (assuming they wanted to hide their tracks) adopt such an unusual and potentially highly incriminating way of bumping anyone off. What's wrong with a far more traditional hit.

The panorama programme seemed to answer this when they claimed that his murderer/s would have expected him to die quickly, in a matter of a few days and that this would have made the cause of his death practically undetectable. (I can't remember the exact words but this was central to their argument). According to Panorama, this fool proof plan was scuppered when Sasha failed to die in days but instead held on for weeks.[/quote]

1) The whole point was that Litvinenko was meant to die a very public death in the full glare of the Western media. The purpose of the plot was to stir up anti Putin/Russian sentiment.

This sordid business was stage managed first to last. How else do you account for the fact that the BBC Russian Language service broadcast this story on November 11th but it was the Dail Mail that 'scooped' the story a full week later?

2) Typical Panorama naivete/cover up (you decide). Both the poisons that it was claimed Litvinenko was administered (Thallium and Polonium) and was supposedly tested positive for now have effective antidotes (Radiogardese & DMSA). If he really did ingest either substance and was treated correctly he should have held out for several months at the very least.

Litvinenko was almost certainly killed whilst in hospital. My guess is that he was administered poison instead of antidote by a serving SAS doctor attached to MI5/6 (a member of 'The Increment' - read Richard Tomlinson's 'The Big Breach')
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Did Litvinenko accuse Putin from his death bed as reported?
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ian neal
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Review of Litvinenko's book by Kenyon Gison

Alexander Litvinenko and Yuri Felshtinsky
317 pages. ISBN # 1903933951
Published in London by Gibson Square, 2007

Earlier this week a package arrived at my door in London, with a most interesting item, which I extracted from its wrapping and read while walking, occasionally bumping into other pedestrians, cyclists, and a few 4x4s. Collateral damage they will have to be called, for what I held in my hands was the newly released tome Blowing Up Russia. It is an eerie tell-all book, and to add to the eerieness, I happened to be walking that day on the same path I took one day in November, when I was on the way to hand in a get well card to the book’s senior author, Alexander Litvinenko. Having heard of his plight, and the need for a bone marrow transfer, I proceeded to the University College of London Hospital with the card and the offer.
On arrival, I discreetly went to the desk and showed his name to the receptionist, careful not to mention it aloud. She, equally discreet, typed in the name and told me that there was no match. “Did you try intensive care?”, I asked again. This time her colleague had a look at the name, and told me that she recognised it, but that such a person was not in their care, and in fact, a gentleman a few moments earlier had also asked for him and been turned away. She handed the card back, and I left the building. As soon as I did, two men came out of a side entrance and started sweeping the street. Odd, I noted then, that they did not have on the least bit of winter clothing. But my thoughts were cut short by the sound of footsteps running from behind and a demand that I produce picture ID. A woman and a man, both with badges, positioned themselves behind me whilst the street sweepers now stood in front. I was hemmed in and left as to no doubt that the clueless girls at reception had pushed a silent alarm as soon as they saw the name of the patient they pretended not to have.
After some scrutiny the atmosphere outside relaxed and warmed a bit as they took stock of my mission. When asked why I was making such an offer, I replied that I wanted to help if possible, and that, in some sort of irony, I used to watch Russian ships in and around Guantánamo Bay for the US Navy. Litvinenko, I explained, was my opposite, though quite a few ranks above me, lowly enlisted man that I was, and that I respected his work against the Russian government’s crimes and false flag terror. At the end of this impromptu grilling they apologised for all the cloak-and-dagger tactics and took the card to give to him.
To this day I have no idea if he ever saw it; he died two days after that incident. By that time I had been collecting press clippings of the story, watching it unfold like an onion being peeled. It was strange to note some of the coverage, most notably the Independent’s Mary Dejevsky, who almost boasted that she had ignored him at the Front Line Club, a press hangout in Paddington, when he announced that he knew who killed Anna Politavskaya. Apparently, the great Ms. Dejevsky did not even bother to find out who he was. She then put him down as some kind of traitor, and dismissed the whole profession of intelligence gatherers. Ouch, that includes me, lowly seaman that I was making rain reports on Russian vessels loaded with sugar, bananas and other weapons of mass delicacy.
The Guardian came up with a story, shortly after he died, about his alleged attempt to blackmail politicians. The woman who supplied this information tried to blacken his name, making herself out to be very cool indeed and him a nerd; there has since been no conclusive evidence of any attempt to use blackmail on his part. Now the woman, who was featured so prominently on that page with her legs dangling into the text, which were absurdly juxtaposed to the images of him on his deathbed, has gone back to the woodwork, or, perhaps, to her handlers in some intelligence agency who had an interest in planting such stories.
Litvinenko’s legacy is one of honesty and clean living. He refused orders from the FSB, formerly known as the KGB, to kill Boris Berezovsky, a businessman who was then head of Executive Secretary of the Commonwealth of Intenational States. Litvinenko was jailed on false charges, and then escaped with his family to the UK, where they were granted citizenship shortly before his poisoning.
His escape was a matter of necessity not just for refusing to carry out a hit, but also because he wrote a book about the apartment bombings in Russia. Made to look like the work of Moslem terrorists, Russia’s equivalent to 9/11 and the anthrax letters in the US, these occurred in September of 1999. Moscow, Buinaksk, Volgodosnk and Ryazan were targeted, and hundreds of people died. Outcry ensued, and Putin was able to send the troops into Chechnya.
However, there were many questions about the official story, and this book is the seminal work on this phenomena, up there with Annie Machon’s Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers and David Ray Griffin’s The New Pearl Harbor. It manages to present the evidence against the state very coherently; unlike some of the internet conspiracy chatrooms, this is not built on speculation but on facts, including technical analysis, a signed confession, military and police records, and eyewitness accounts. There are also touches of humour, especially in the chapters 5 and 6: “Fiasco in Ryazan” and “Mass Terror”. In these, some of the public question and answer sessions are right out of George Orwell’s Animal Farm, where the pigs give all sorts of twisted and contradictory explanations to their comrades. The irony, together with am insight into Russian character, give colour to what is a very grim and grey subject. As the phony terror exercise in Ryazan is stopped by a citizen who sees something suspicious, the government agencies commit one stupid blunder after another, whilst the people and the press are up in arms and publicly calling them idiots and murderers. Cleverly, they plead guilty to the lesser of the two charges, and use national security as a cover for their deeds. A number of papers, including Moscow Komsomolets, Cheliabinsky Rabochy, Volzhskaya Kommuna and Ekho Movsky, ran articles challenging the official story. Versiya brazenly lampooned the idea that sacks of hexogen were merely sacks of sugar being used in a training exercsie, asking: “What sort of an idiot would try to explode three sacks of ordinary sugar at an artillery range?”
For satire alone, this is worth reading. But beneath any levity is a great tragedy, not only in that the USSR blew up its own citizens to justify a ‘war on terror’ in Chechnya, and that it then killed one of its defectors here in London, but that the press in the ‘free world’ is so lacking in courage when it comes to looking at facts. After 9/11, we were told all kinds of silly things, which few if any in the fourth estate even queried. They allowed the most ridiculous of statements to be published as fact, not stopping once to notice that the official story of 9/11 contradicts the laws of physics and is completely rubbished by eyewitnesses such as William Rodriguez, the hero who saved hundreds of lives that day. Polly Toynbee of the Guardian went so far as to tell me he would not know what an explosion sounded like; but does she bother to hear him and then form an opinion? No. Nor does Johann Hari of the Independent, who tells me I am deranged for urging him to come and listen to this internationally respected witness speak. Both of them can put themselves above heroes and witnesses to persist in their unsound views. That is their right, and they are exercising it. The Russian journalists have, on the other hand, exercised their right to look at the facts and print the truth, putting to shame their western counterparts, and their comrade Litvinenko has made a name for himself and the country of his birth with this book. No wonder it was banned, and no wonder that as he was looking for an English edition to be published, he was tracked down and killed. The co-author, Felshtinsky, was advised by the FBI in the US not to come to London this month and promote the book. One wonders, perhaps, if the FBI is really thinks London is dangerous or if it is interested in not having this kind of information promoted?
This book gives a lot of background information, not necessarily directly related to false flag terror; the authors have included many blow-by-blow accounts of Russian organised crime activity, much of which is tied in to the government, with the line between the two not always clearly drawn. We get to meet such characters as Max Lazovksy, Dmitri Naumov, Sergei Larionov and Vadim Goldberg, arch criminals who lived and died by the sword, ruthless versions of Bonnie & Clyde. To understand Russian and Central Asian politics today, one must get their hands on this book, which is written not merely with ink, but in blood.
I recommend this book to anyone, it is well documented and well-written. If your local bookshop does not stock it, copies may be obtained from the publisher: sales@gibsonsquare.com

Kenyon Gibson,
Author of Common Sense: A Study of the Bushes, the CIA and the Suspicions Regarding 9/11 and Hemp for Victory: History and Qualities of the World’s Most Useful Plant.
Note: The reviewer is not affiliated with Gibson Square in any way.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

rodin wrote:
Did Litvinenko accuse Putin from his death bed as reported?

Litvinenko gave two lengthy interviews to The Times when in UCL and both of them were anti Putin tracts. Given the seriousness of his condtion and the high security clearance required to gain access to him at that time these exclusives should be treated with caution.

Litvinenko may well have come to the conclusion that Scaramella had betrayed him and that he was a double agent who was really working for the Kremlin. This is a possibility but one that I do not accept.

Litvinenko realised very quickly that Scaramella was his executioner because of his odd behaviour. Doubtless, he would have cottoned on very quickly in Barnet General that there were a lot of very odd things going on there too (including their clinicans faux scepticism of his wife's claim that he had been poisoned). Brave man and ideologue that he was Litvinenko would probably have come to the inevitable conclusion that he was being sacrificed for the cause.

And in his very darkest moments when he became aware he was nothing more than a patsy in a sinister panto the future well being of his soon to be widow and orphan son must have pursuaded him not to stray from the script.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OK Pincher. Nothing is certain.

I am in 2 minds - is Putin agin the Zionistas as evidenced by his jailing of Khordokovsky (sp) or is he playing a part too?

Reason I ask is he seems unwilling to bring down the house of cards which anyone in serious authority could do by exposing the 911 issue which of course leads right to Rothschild, who got the shares from Yukos from K sent to Israel as I recall.

This for me is a most serious question. Is Putin working for Russia or Rothschild?

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

rodin wrote:
OK Pincher. Nothing is certain.

I am in 2 minds - is Putin agin the Zionistas as evidenced by his jailing of Khordokovsky (sp) or is he playing a part too?

Reason I ask is he seems unwilling to bring down the house of cards which anyone in serious authority could do by exposing the 911 issue which of course leads right to Rothschild, who got the shares from Yukos from K sent to Israel as I recall.

This for me is a most serious question. Is Putin working for Russia or Rothschild?

If you are sincere about seeking an answer to your 'serious question', Rodin, you must first cast off all your secular superstitions (eg Zionism, NWO, Rothschilds, Federal Reserve Banking Conspiracy, Illuminati and all other revived and inspired CIA anti semitic hokum) and start to look at world developments in stark geo political terms.

Once you have indicated you are prepared to do this I will then give you my tuppeny take on all things global.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 6:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pincher wrote:
rodin wrote:
OK Pincher. Nothing is certain.

I am in 2 minds - is Putin agin the Zionistas as evidenced by his jailing of Khordokovsky (sp) or is he playing a part too?

Reason I ask is he seems unwilling to bring down the house of cards which anyone in serious authority could do by exposing the 911 issue which of course leads right to Rothschild, who got the shares from Yukos from K sent to Israel as I recall.

This for me is a most serious question. Is Putin working for Russia or Rothschild?

If you are sincere about seeking an answer to your 'serious question', Rodin, you must first cast off all your secular superstitions (eg Zionism, NWO, Rothschilds, Federal Reserve Banking Conspiracy, Illuminati and all other revived and inspired CIA anti semitic hokum) and start to look at world developments in stark geo political terms.

Once you have indicated you are prepared to do this I will then give you my tuppeny take on all things global.

I can assure you I am not superstitious. I may, however, be insufficiently deeply informed. Please proceed.

Belief is the Enemy of Truth www.dissential.com
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It is a mistake to regard Putin as an 'elected autocrat' who can rule Russia in any way he chooses. Rather, he is the executive instrument of a powerful, conservative faction within the FSB and other Russian intelligence agencies.

Putin was/is tasked with very specific mandates: to rein in the newly created super rich oligarchs, re-establish state control over domestic oil and gas reserves (through re-nationalisation and the repurchasing of oil drilling concessions made to foreign companies) and to extend Russian influence and control over such reserves and production in the Central Asian Republics and elsewhere in the Middle East.

The objectives are to limit Western control over the Russian economy and, more specifically and importantly, deny Western (US & UK) oil majors access to Eurasian oil and gas reserves. By gaining access to much of the international supply of oil and gas Russia would not only control the price of these commodities it would enjoy significant influence over Western economic activity and, consequentially, substantially increase its leverage in all trade negotiations.

The West's response to Putin's election was 9/11. Acting on the pretext of eradicating Islamic extremism, Western forces have moved onto the Eurasian land mass and are now engaged in largely 'phoney wars' in that the various 'enemies' (Talib, Al Qaeda, Sunni insurgency, Shia resistance) are either creations of the CIA and allied agencies such as Mossad, the Pakistani ISI and the Saudi services or are heavily infiltrated and controlled by them.

The purpose of these conflicts is to break up the ME (and possibly CAR's) into its regional and ethnic components thus reversing the French and British post colonial model in favour of the Ottoman 'Millet' system of self governing 'dhimmi.' Only this time the dominant regional power will be Israel whose status will be enhanced through becoming the hub for the importation and re-exportation of CAR oil to the 'Far East' (code for China).

The Millet system was re-espoused as far back as 1979 by an Israeli journalist, Oded Yinon, in his paper 'A strategy for the 1980's' as a solution to the existential threat to the state of Israel posed by 'pan Arabism' (the unification of all Arab states under a single leader - a philosophy supported and encouraged by the former Soviet Union).

The current crisis in the ME is effectively largely a proxy war over oil and gas between the Anglo Saxon alliance with the US at its head on the one hand and the Soviet Union and China on the other. This has come to be known as either 'The New Great Game' (a recreation of 'The Great Game', the Briitsh Empire's dilpomatic and military struggle in Central Asia with Tsarist Russia) or 'The Grand Chess Board' ( see Zbigniew Brzezinski's 'Waters Flowing Eastwards').

There, no need to believe in the hook nosed bullion hoaders of Threadneedle Street. And no need either to brown nose Muslim patsies whose gullibility and bigotry and willingness to play ball provide the West's cover for this unnecessary conflict (and that means YOU, Gobell).
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

AHA! I will re-read this in the morning once I have sobered up, but even in my inebriated state I can recognise a substantial post Pincher. Now I must go and park my camper van...
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

Mr Pincher. I enjoy reading your missives I really do. Seriously. Whilst not wanting to "brown nose" you, it is obvious to me that you have a well developed understanding of international affairs and so I welcome your perspective and contribution here.

If I have offended your sensibilities by posting my thoughts then I really don't know what I can do about that.

I have also said before that I hold no particular torch for Muslims or any other group of people.

I am aware of the willing patsies, the gullible and the seriously intent. I am also aware that this is being done for the reasons you say.

My aim is not to "brown nose" Muslims as you so fervently assert, neither is it to ignore the cold blooded murder of innocent British citizens in their name.

Perhaps your enemy of choice is not mine Mr Pincher. So who is your real enemy in this game then Mr Pincher.

Your analysis must have an end point. I suspect a means to that end might be your position and the game a worthwhile price to pay ?

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pincher wrote:
It is a mistake to regard Putin as an 'elected autocrat' who can rule Russia in any way he chooses. Rather, he is the executive instrument of a powerful, conservative faction within the FSB and other Russian intelligence agencies.

Putin was/is tasked with very specific mandates: to rein in the newly created super rich oligarchs, re-establish state control over domestic oil and gas reserves (through re-nationalisation and the repurchasing of oil drilling concessions made to foreign companies) and to extend Russian influence and control over such reserves and production in the Central Asian Republics and elsewhere in the Middle East.

Putin as far as I can recall came to power due to the collapse/implosion of the Yeltsin regime, the ruble crisis and the resurgence of miners strikes which threatened a storming of the Kremlin if wages weren't paid.

Needing a popular mandate after this faceless bureaucrat was put into power, Putin to my knowledge organised the blowing up of apartment blocks in Moscow blamed it on the Chechens and started a 2nd Chechen war, which was successfully completed as it was wiped off the map. Sensing that Russia would not dissolve, the Yanks sought to reposition themselves as correctly pointed out in control of the Middle East so they could dictate the price of oil to the Europeans and the Japanese as well as the Chinese.

Now the allegations against the Putin regime are thick and fast in coming (Berezovsky on Newsnight stating Putin did it ie murdered Litvineko-if he is truly dead!) in order to forestall Russias alleged veto on Kosovo and Iran at the end of this month at the UN.

What will happen next is indeed worth waiting for....
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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Makes you wonder where the "the powerful, conservative faction within the FSB and other Russian intelligence agencies" who now want their assets back, were hiding when Boris Vodka was having his garage sale doesn't it ?
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pincher wrote:
It is a mistake to regard Putin as an 'elected autocrat' who can rule Russia in any way he chooses. Rather, he is the executive instrument of a powerful, conservative faction within the FSB and other Russian intelligence agencies.

Of course

Putin was/is tasked with very specific mandates: to rein in the newly created super rich oligarchs, re-establish state control over domestic oil and gas reserves (through re-nationalisation and the repurchasing of oil drilling concessions made to foreign companies) and to extend Russian influence and control over such reserves and production in the Central Asian Republics and elsewhere in the Middle East.

By whom?

The objectives are to limit Western control over the Russian economy and, more specifically and importantly, deny Western (US & UK) oil majors access to Eurasian oil and gas reserves. By gaining access to much of the international supply of oil and gas Russia would not only control the price of these commodities it would enjoy significant influence over Western economic activity and, consequentially, substantially increase its leverage in all trade negotiations.

Very sensible from the perspective of whoever owns Russia

The West's response to Putin's election was 9/11.

To PUTIN? 911 was devised years before - as mentioned in PNAC.

Acting on the pretext of eradicating Islamic extremism, Western forces have moved onto the Eurasian land mass and are now engaged in largely 'phoney wars' in that the various 'enemies' (Talib, Al Qaeda, Sunni insurgency, Shia resistance) are either creations of the CIA and allied agencies such as Mossad, the Pakistani ISI and the Saudi services or are heavily infiltrated and controlled by them.

The purpose of these conflicts is to break up the ME (and possibly CAR's) into its regional and ethnic components thus reversing the French and British post colonial model in favour of the Ottoman 'Millet' system of self governing 'dhimmi.' Only this time the dominant regional power will be Israel whose status will be enhanced through becoming the hub for the importation and re-exportation of CAR oil to the 'Far East' (code for China).

The Millet system was re-espoused as far back as 1979 by an Israeli journalist, Oded Yinon, in his paper 'A strategy for the 1980's' as a solution to the existential threat to the state of Israel posed by 'pan Arabism' (the unification of all Arab states under a single leader - a philosophy supported and encouraged by the former Soviet Union).

The current crisis in the ME is effectively largely a proxy war over oil and gas between the Anglo Saxon alliance with the US at its head on the one hand and the Soviet Union and China on the other. This has come to be known as either 'The New Great Game' (a recreation of 'The Great Game', the Briitsh Empire's dilpomatic and military struggle in Central Asia with Tsarist Russia) or 'The Grand Chess Board' ( see Zbigniew Brzezinski's 'Waters Flowing Eastwards').

There, no need to believe in the hook nosed bullion hoaders of Threadneedle Street. And no need either to brown nose Muslim patsies whose gullibility and bigotry and willingness to play ball provide the West's cover for this unnecessary conflict (and that means YOU, Gobell).

The war is partly to control the oil right enough. It is being portrayed as a tactical resource war between West and East. But whether the US is at the helm - you have to wonder - given the dual nationals in position on the top deck of the USSA. Given the US uswerving support for Israel. Given the unquestionable Jewish/Zionist ownership of the means of mass communication. Is it not more likely that the US - the material superpower - is now de facto a puppet of Israel, as claimed here...


Would you have deported these men caught after filming and cheering the destruction of WTC? The US did.


Israelis were running security at Logan on 911 and the Tube on 7/7. Would you think it worth questioning them over the non-functioning security cameras? The average Londoner when out of his home or workplace gets videoed every 2 minutes on average, yet we have no shots of our Muslim bombers from 7/7 in London on the Tube?


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mark Gobell wrote:
Makes you wonder where the "the powerful, conservative faction within the FSB and other Russian intelligence agencies" who now want their assets back, were hiding when Boris Vodka was having his garage sale doesn't it ?

You might just remember the conservative coup against Gorbachev in August 1991. The only reason why it failed was because the army (after much dithering on the part of the top brass) decided that it didn't want another Tienanmen. You could argue that Yeltsin's subsequent seizure of power is the best recent example of the law of unintended consequences.

Then we had the constitutional crisis of 1993 (when conservative factions rebelled against Yeltsin's decree banning the Supreme Soviet and the Council of Deputies). This time Yeltsin used the army to blast the rebels out of the parliament building.

During the 90's much of the old guard was torn between re establishing Soviet power and getting their snouts in the trough. The 'dark forces' that eventually propelled Putin to power was, by and large, an embittered rump stuck at the back of the queue.

The same old story...
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 10:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Scaramella & 911

http://anonymouse.org/cgi-bin/anon-www.cgi/http://rense.com/general74/ russ.htm

Please ignore the annoyyingmouse bad taste ads...

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Amazingly another 77 motif between two murders, as in the Litvinenko case.

This time it's Paul Klebnikov, assassinated on 9.7.4 and Roman Igorevich Tsepov, irradiated on 24.9.4.

Both critics of Boris Berezovsky and both dying 77 days apart.

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jeezzzz - - - flying today - more conspiracy theory turned conspiracy fact revealed here.......
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/04/15/wruss1 15.xml
According to the 'Daily Telegraph', a number of members of the British
royal family are in the 'clique' around Boris Berezovsky.

Specific mention is made of 'Prince' Michael of Kent the Grand Master of World Freemasonry aka. United Grand Lodge


http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/04/15/wruss1 15.xml


Is this the first time that important British figures have been publicly
associated with him? Even Thatcher hasn't supported him in public.

Given who owns the 'Telegraph' and their business relationship with
'Prince' Charles, were Craig and Lusher actually trying to help
Berezovsky with this article?

His main office base in London is on Down Street, round the back of St
James's Palace...perhaps indicating who helps with security. I wonder
whether it's connected to the tunnel system.

Gotta wonder where those property investments in London are, other than
the two or three personal residences.

quote - - banana

Berezovsky's call to arms deemed legal
By Olga Craig and Adam Lusher, Sunday Telegraph
Last Updated: 11:54pm BST 14/04/2007
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/04/15/wruss1 15.xml

Billionaire Boris Berezovsky is likely to escape extradition, despite his alleged inflammatory calls for a new, bloody revolution in Russia.

Boris Berezovsky surrounded by his bodyguards

Scotland Yard's counter-terrorism unit and the Foreign Office have launched investigations into whether he has committed any crime by claiming to be funding a "revolution" in his homeland.

The foe of the Kremlin is reported as having said: "We need to use force to change this regime. It isn't possible to change this regime through democratic means. There can be no change without force, pressure."

Legal experts, however, believe he may not have contravened any British law. "Mr Berezovsky was not attempting to incite hatred of or violence towards any British national," said Peter Wallace, a Manchester-based immigration lawyer. "He appears to be within the limits of the law."

Lawyers also state that even if grounds for extradition were found, the sworn enemy of Vladimir Putin, Russia's President, would drag out endless appeals through the courts.

advertisement"In theory, the Government can withdraw his refugee status, but the reality is that is unlikely to happen," one former leading immigration lawyer said yesterday. "He knows he could lodge endless appeals through the courts if there was an attempt to push him out of Britain. These would be costly, time-consuming and could run for years and years."

Since his inflammatory interview was published two days ago, Mr Berezovsky has attempted to distance himself from his apparent call for a coup, now saying that he "did not advocate or support violence" and that he backed only non-violent efforts to drive Mr Putin from power.

As crowds in Moscow were clashing with riot police yesterday during protests against Mr Putin's attempts to dismantle Russian democracy, the Kremlin issued a strongly worded statement.

Dmitry Peskov, its spokesman, insisted that Britain do something to silence Mr Berezovsky, who is said to be worth £4 billion and who won political asylum in 2003, after going into self-imposed exile three years beforehand. "The British Government will have to decide whether a man living on British soil can threaten a friendly state," he said. "This is not helping further development of the relationship between Britain and Russia. It is definitely a very disturbing moment in our relationship."

Kremlin officials have twice before sought Mr Berezovsky's extradition but were turned down on both occasions. This time, they say he has committed crimes that carry a jail sentence of up to 20 years under Russia law.

Though the Government might be glad to be rid of Mr Berezovsky, there is little likelihood of any court here ruling that he would receive a fair trial within Russia.

In the meantime, as police were studying the text of Mr Berezovsky's call for a revolution, the exiled oligarch continues to live a luxurious and, at times, mysterious lifestyle in and around London.

The 61-year-old boasts a formidable network of friends, with numerous multi-millionaires and members of royalty among his clique, including Prince Michael of Kent, a Russian speaker.

He enjoys dining at some of Mayfair's finest restaurants, namely Cipriani and Nobu, and has a private box at Arsenal Football Club's Emirates Stadium, which could be costing him as much as £100,000 per year.

The trappings of wealth are also visibly demonstrated on his journeys to work, when he is driven in a £250,000 Maybach, with tinted, bullet-proof windows, and accompanied by a motorcycle outrider and a Range Rover full of security guards.

Meanwhile, a visit to Mr Berezovsky's Surrey mansion only confirms further the impression of him as a figure at the centre of the kind of international intrigue normally reserved for spy thrillers.

First-time callers are told, via a series of intermediaries, to park in a layby near the A30 and await a phone call. From there, they are eventually directed to a country lane near Ascot where, awaiting them behind 12ft steel gates, are two thick-set security men in dark suits and sunglasses.

Provided there is nothing suspicious in the car boot, the visitor is then allowed up the winding gravel driveway which hides the mansion from hostile eyes.

The security men - usually former French or Israeli soldiers - follow in a four-wheel drive with the obligatory blacked-out windows.

"It's a typical English country house," remembered one visitor, "but riddled with security."

Once the occupant of a drab communist-era Moscow apartment, Mr Berezovsky now lives here with his third wife, Elena, who is thought to be in her early thirties and is described by friends as "a dark-haired Russian beauty".

The full extent of Mr Berezovsky's property investment portfolio is extensive, if difficult to pinpoint.

In 2004, he reportedly paid Chris Evans, the television and radio star, £10 million for Hascombe Court, a Grade II-listed, Lutyens-inspired, Edwardian house in landscaped grounds near Godalming, Surrey.

He is also thought to possess a vast apartment in London's Belgrave Square, and is said to own Stanley House, a £10 million, eight-bedroom Chelsea property, which boasts the only privately held original casts of the Elgin Marbles in Britain. A Land Registry search, however, reveals only that the property is officially held by a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands.

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Mark Gobell
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very interesting.

Berezovsky wrote:
"We need to use force to change this regime. It isn't possible to change this regime through democratic means. There can be no change without force, pressure."

And that's not inciting terrorism either at home or abroad ?

The Terrorism Act 2000 states:



Terrorism: interpretation. 1. - (1) In this Act "terrorism" means the use or threat of action where-

(a) the action falls within subsection (2),

Subsection (2) to (4) states:

(2) Action falls within this subsection if it-

(a) involves serious violence against a person,
(b) involves serious damage to property,
(c) endangers a person's life, other than that of the person committing the action,
(d) creates a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public, or
(e) is designed seriously to interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system.

(3) The use or threat of action falling within subsection (2) which involves the use of firearms or explosives is terrorism whether or not subsection (1)(b) is satisfied.

(4) In this section-

(a) "action" includes action outside the United Kingdom,
(b) a reference to any person or to property is a reference to any person, or to property, wherever situated,
(c) a reference to the public includes a reference to the public of a country other than the United Kingdom, and
(d) "the government" means the government of the United Kingdom, of a Part of the United Kingdom or of a country other than the United Kingdom.

By their own definition Berezovsky should be interned at Belmarsh shouldn't he ?

Dmitry Peskov wrote:
It is definitely a very disturbing moment in our relationship.

And our relationship with our own government too.

One rule for some and one rule for the rest of us.

The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Litvinenko poisoning
was a false flag operation organised by Boris Berezovsky himself
to avoid extradition against him and to tarnish the image of Russia

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 3:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

stelios69 wrote:
The Litvinenko poisoning
was a false flag operation organised by Boris Berezovsky himself
to avoid extradition against him and to tarnish the image of Russia

Not for the first time, Stelios, your post does not make much sense. Berezovsky almost certainly cooperated in the poisoning of Litvinenko but he did not organise the plot. Berezovsky is a stateless, Russian expatriate. A billionaire he may be but he is not a country or a regime in his own right and does not have a formal position in an intelligence agency.

MI5/6 probably murdered Litvinenko with the assistance of SISDE (Italian Intelligence) on the advice of the CIA. The principal motive for the killing has yet to be established. 'Tarnishing the image of Russia' alone is a an improbably weak motive. It is also uneconomic (a certain loss of reputation by the accused party is ALWAYS a consequence of a false flag operation). No, there had to be more to it than that.

The first possibility is that Litvinenko was a double agent whose principal allegiance was to the FSB. Remember that Lugovoi and Kovtun (whom he met at the Millennium Hotel) were both former FSB colleagues of his. And, unlike his earlier meeting with Mario Scaramella at Itsu's Sushi Bar, he asked to see them.

The second possibility (which does not necessarily exclude the first) is that this whole business was cooked up to scare off the Kremlin from buying out Royal Dutch Shell's* majority stake in the Sakhalin Island oil exploration concession (where Gazprom was the junior partner). If this or possibly just the wish to secure a proper return for RDS shareholders was the plotters main intention it didn't work. RDS were paid off with $25 billion - less than half the market value of the holding taken by the Russian government according to industry estimates.

*The Royal Family are one of the principal shareholders in RDS - this possibly explains their friendliness towards Mr Berezovsky.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pincher wrote:
[Berezovsky almost certainly cooperated in the poisoning of Litvinenko but he did not organise the plot. Berezovsky is a stateless, Russian expatriate. A billionaire he may be but he is not a country or a regime in his own right and does not have a formal position in an intelligence agency..

Since when does a man need a regime or a country to murder another man?

Berezovsky himself was the main beneficiary. Before the murder russia had applied for his extradition. After the murder his extradition is on the back burner. His solicitor Claire Gill of Carter-Ruck which has its offices within the Press Centre has made sure that the media is 100% behind Berezovsky. She has succesfully taken libel actions against any newspaper printing anti berezovsky stories like russian mafia etc.

Mate your comment is uncomprehendable.
Your saying because he is a billionaire, crook, fugitive, surrounded by ex israeli forces bodyguards and has mafia links,
That this does not qualify him to murder someone?
For that he needs to be a country or a regime.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I propose a very simple explanation for the Litvinenko affair. If L did indeed have information that would expose False Flags. He was stopped in a way that was pure theatre. A spectacle.

Who did it? Putin or Berezovsky?

Could the answer be both? Certainly L thought it was Putin. We assume Putin is against the Oligarchs. Maybe this is more theatre.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pincher wrote:
The Royal Family are one of the principal shareholders in RDS - this possibly explains their friendliness towards Mr Berezovsky.

This makes sense.

What do you think? Is Putin really fighting the oligarchs, and by association our own elite? Or is he controlled too? I doubt the monopolists would allow a loose cannon to take charge in Russia.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

MOSCOW, April 13 (RIA Novosti) - Russian prosecutors have brought new charges of embezzlement against exiled tycoon Boris Berezovsky, one of his lawyers said Friday.

Andrei Borovkov said after a visit to the Russian Prosecutor's Office that Berezovsky had been charged with embezzling 214 million rubles ($8.28 million) from national flagship air carrier Aeroflot.

In the late 1990s, Berezovsky was accused of setting up two front companies in Switzerland to divert millions of dollars from Aeroflot's coffers, but he fled prosecution and settled in the U.K., where he was granted political asylum in 2003.

The Russian Prosecutor's Office said it would take up the case after Berezovsky told The Guardian that he has bankrolled Kremlin insiders conspiring to overthrow President Vladimir Putin. It said it would complete the probe Monday to transfer the case to court.

Also Monday, Russian prosecutors would send another extradition request for Berezovsky to the British government.


Prosecutors turned up the heat on exiled magnate Boris Berezovsky on Wednesday, indicting the former Kremlin insider and two of his business associates for "large-scale fraud" at flagship automaker AvtoVAZ.

Deputy Prosecutor General Vladimir Kolesnikov said Berezovsky, together with Badri Patarkatsishvili and Yuly Dubov, used Berezovsky's LogoVAZ dealership in a complicated scheme to defraud AvtoVAZ out of more than 2,000 cars worth $13 million in 1994-95.

Russian prosecutors have previously charged him with fraud. He was granted political asylum in the UK in 2003.

MOSCOW, April 23 (RIA Novosti) - Britain has no legal grounds to refuse Russia's extradition request for fugitive oligarch Boris Berezovsky, a senior Russian parliament member said Monday.

The Prosecutor General's Office announced April 16 it was seeking Berezovsky's extradition following an interview he gave The Guardian newspaper calling for regime change in Russia.

"There are no legal grounds for not extraditing Berezovsky," said Pavel Krasheninnikov, head of the State Duma's Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Procedural Law Committee, and a former justice minister.

Berezovsky, who was granted political asylum in the U.K. in 2003 after fleeing prosecution in his home country on fraud and money laundering charges, is facing new accusations in Russia after telling The Guardian that he has bankrolled Kremlin insiders conspiring to overthrow President Vladimir Putin.

Berezovsky told The Guardian: "We need to use force to change this regime, because ... this regime is unconstitutional." "It means that I call to use force to recreate [a] constitutional regime," The Guardian's Web site quoted Berezovsky as saying.

Berezovsky is already facing sedition charges, brought against him in February 2006 after he made similar comments in an interview with a major French news agency.

"Any violent actions on the part of the opposition in Russia will be justified today. Including a coup. This is precisely what I am working on now," he told Agence France-Presse.

In the late 1990s, Berezovsky was accused of setting up two front companies in Switzerland to divert millions of dollars from Russian flagship air carrier Aeroflot's coffers, but he fled prosecution and settled in the U.K.

Embezzlement charges were also leveled against Berezovsky in 2002 in connection with the alleged theft of cars in a deal between major Russian automakers Logovaz and Avtovaz.

In late March of this year, Berezovsky was questioned in London by Russian prosecutors investigating the murder of former Russian secret agent Alexander Litvinenko, who was Berezovsky's personal advisor.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 3:46 pm    Post subject: All roads lead to the Arch-Druid Dragons Reply with quote

In all this squabbling the key Telegraph quote illustrating Berezovsky's satanic/high masonic charmed circle of friends (which might explain him living the life of an arch villain in a spy yarn or a Dennis Wheatley novel) appears to have been lost....
Daily Telegraph 14th April 2007 wrote:

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/04/15/wruss1 15.xml
The 61-year-old boasts a formidable network of friends, with numerous multi-millionaires and members of royalty among his clique, including Prince Michael of Kent, a Russian speaker.

Prince Michael is Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons


Royals and Nobles Believe in Dragon Genes?
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_dragoncou rt06.htm
It also gives them special powers (to communicate with god-knows-what) through the practice of royal witchcraft. In short, they're destined to rule, because common ordinary peasants don't have the ability to develop any of these special powers. But as usual there's a lot of infighting about who's got the most pure genes. And on top of that, de Vere accuses the Catholic church of having replaced the kings of Europe with ordinary humans and to have done everything in its power to destroy his Elven-Fairy-Vampiric-Archdruid-Dragon race.


How exactly is Prince Michael related to Tzar Nicholas II?
Prince Michael's English grandfather, King George V was Tsar Nicholas II's first cousin as their mothers, both Danish princesses, were sisters. Their brother was appointed King Georgios I of Greece. Therefore, Prince Michael's Greek grandfather, Prince Nicholas, was also a first cousin of the Tsar.
The above makes Prince Michael of Kent a first cousin "twice removed" of Tsar Nicholas II on both sides of his family. The strong family likeness comes through the Danish connection and not the Romanov.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 10:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just read this thread (that's my Saturday night sorted LOL)

Some very good posts and info on here. Thanks all.

Among the many unanswered questions surrounding the strange death of Litvinenko one sticks out in my mind:

As the official investigation found the source of the Polonium 210 was a "teapot" in the Millennim Hotel, what were the three dense, round objects found in his intestines?

Here are the relevant excerpts from a BBC piece on 23/11/06:



Former spy tests reveal 'objects'
X-rays on ex-Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko, who is ill in hospital in London, have shown up unusual objects that he apparently swallowed.

A source at University College Hospital told the BBC there were three objects of dense matter in his intestines.


It is not clear whether the objects are the cause of his illness, and the hospital has refused to comment on this aspect.

The X-ray ordered on Tuesday afternoon revealed a round object - possibly a package - about the size of a two pence piece in his left abdomen, and similar sized objects in his colon and small bowel.

One of the objects may have ruptured.

Their position implies that they were ingested but it is not clear what the objects are, how or when they entered his body, or whether they are connected to his illness.

In a statement the hospital said its investigations were continuing and it was not willing to make further comment until it had more information.

The Metropolitan Police said it had no knowledge of the items and the results of toxicology tests were still pending.

They appeared early on in the story. But were they ever explained?

Were the objects real?

If the objects were real, what were they?

Were they inoccuous?

Did anyone ask Litvinenko what they were? That would seem an obvious line of enquiry.

Could they have been the real cause of his death?

If they were real and were really the cause of Litvinenko's poisoning, how did they get there? Is it feasible that he was forced to ingest them? Or does this raise the possibility that he was couriering this material? Could the assassination story have been cover for an unfortunate accident - the rupturing of a packet of nuclear material being couriered for use in a (false flag) nuclear "terrorist" attack, perhaps?

If the objects were not real, why the disinfo...?

One final question, what was the deathbed conversion to Islam all about? More BS?

"Nothing can trouble you but your own imagination." ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Putin is a Russian nationalist
When Yeltsin was in power he destroyed the soviet union and during this period the zionists filled their boots.
Since Putin has been in power he has clawed back much of russia's wealth which was looted by the zionists.

Litvinenko who was living in Osier Crescent in Musell hill in a £600,000 townhouse owned by Berezovsky was sacrificed to keep Berezovsky out of jail.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 2:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

To Gosling, Stelios, & Craig - you're all barking up the wrong trees.

Gosling, your morbid fascination with the occult and your desire to create mystery out of everything prevents you from seeing anything that's right in front of your nose.

Stelios, you're jejune anti semitism and you're inability to see that Berezovski is the puppet and not the puppeteer puts your intellectual knickers in a state of permanent twistedness.

Craig, sorry mate, but youve fallen for the conjurer's sleight of hand.

Although it is still not clear exactly WHY Litvinenko was killed there can be little doubt about WHO killed him. Now, why do I say this? Because the information is out there in the public domain. It's simply a matter of following the time lines and putting 2 and 2 together.

So, listen up if you REALLY do want to know (rather than prove an improbable theory).

1. On the 1st of November last Litvinenko meets Mario Scaramella in the early afternoon (at the latter's request) in the ITSU Sushi Bar. Litvinenko reports Scaramella as being agitated and showing him an FSB 'death list' which could have been emailed.

2. Later on that afternoon Litvinenko meets (at HIS request) old FSB colleagues Kovtun and Lugovoi and one of their colleauges, Sokolenko in the bar of the Millenium Hotel.

Now, pay attention. Although the media tried to dupe us LATER into thinking that 1 followed 2 it did not happen that way. Itsu came before the Millenium. OK? I'll carry on...

3. When the Daily Mail 'broke' the story (in the UK) on the 18th November it claimed that Litvinenko had been poisoned with THALIUM 210. Not Polonium 210. The Sunday Times went further and quoted a Professor Tony Henry as saying that toxcicoology tests carried out at Guy's confirmed THALIUM poisoning.

Now pay attention AGAIN. THALIUM was the confirmed agent that killed Litvinenko NOT polonium. However things changed during the course of the following week so that within hours of Litvinenko's death it was POLONIUM 210 that was now 'confirmed' as the killing agent. How and why had this happened?

Because the authorities LIED. Thalium has an antidote called Radiogardese (licensed by the FDA since 2003) and even Polonium 210 (a low Alpha emitter of radiation) can be chelated by a substance called DMSA. If Litvinenko was ministered either of these substances he could have been kept alive at the very least for several months. Anyway, I digress. Now concentrate VERY HARD.

4) After Litvinenko's death Itsu's Shushi Bar tested POSITIVE for Polonium 210 and was boarded up. The Millennium Hotel also tested positive for Polonium and they put up a tasteful Marquee outside.

DO YOU GET IT NOW???!!! Or have you fallen for the conjurer's slight of hand AGAIN Craig? If we accept that Litvinenko was poisoned with Polonium (but he almost certainly wasn't) it would have to have been given to him at ITSU's and NOT the Millennium Hotel. His Russian pals did not visit Itsu and the time line doesn't lie - Litvinenko didn't visit Itsu after the Millennium meeting.

5) Flights taking the Russians to and from London and stop over destinations in Germany all suposedly tested positive for Polonium. But Mario Scaramella's EASY JET flights from/to Naples didn't test positive. Why?


What is even more remarkable is that Scaramella on returning to the UK after Litvinenko's death was initially reported as fearing very high levels of contamination before mysterously being given the all clear.

There are a whole host of other oddities and inconsistencies about this case which I could go into. But the main point is this: the fact that Polonium was found at ITSU'S leaves 'Putin's men' Kovtun, Lugovoi and Sokolenko in the clear.

And the fact that Special Branch declined to test Scaramella's Easy Jet flights clearly shows that the UK authorities are trying to frame Putin.
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